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The 82th Wind

>NEXT STREAM: 【Sayonara Wild Hearts】untz untz untz untz BEATS
[link pending]

>LAST STREAM: 【7 DAYS TO DIE】Stream! with GIGI!!! #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
Important Videos: https://rentry.org/ImmerMarks



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>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>79836401
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>correction: Crab game is at 12pm JST! o7
Too big
Since Ceci is smooth and featureless, does that mean we can post nudes without getting a vacation?
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Many featureless Ceces seem to be safe so far
I surely hope her future karaoke streams have French or German songs
From the way ceci speaks, I think she is at the prime age for a woman.

Inbetween a zoomer and a hag. I love her so much.
Will she sing Erika?
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So lewd. I'm covering up my embarrassed dollwife.
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>doll hands grasp your balls
what if i don’t have balls?
You're in a desert, walking along in the sand when all of a sudden you look and see a Sapling.
It's crawling toward you.
You reach down and flip the Sapling over on its back.
The Sapling lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over.
But it can't.
Not with out your help.
But you're not helping.
Why is that, Otomos?
It's simply my nature.
sapplings don't have legs
holy sex
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What do you mean I'm not helping them?
CC fucked my sleep schedule
CC fucked me
Hi friends, I've been a bit out of the loop with vtubers for the past couple months but I am very curious about Cecilia and her ass.
I feel like one day some schizo will build a cecli 1:1 doll and try to have sex with it.
Then you should go get them back
Pepakura asuka....
I'd be amazed if there were none or if any fail
She's an evil German automaton who'll beat you up (affectionately) then call you a retard (affectionately).
I wish I was an automaton with unbreakable joints, I hiked barely 7 miles today and my knees hurt like shit and I'm still in my 20s
Who designed this trash
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Been on a trip and only caught the debut, but I'm doing my masturbation reps for CC!
It's sooner than you think
>inb4 "schedule not zeitplan"
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Already gathering the parts and outfit.
Spitfire has a free orchestra, I wonder if Ceci knows.
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Not sure about that. She's not truly cutting board flat
I would if I was rich
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Also interesting from zooming in on her character sheet, I know she said her heels were high but waow. Also funny knee joint
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The shape of her thighs seems a little weird, and I just noticed that her "belt" is made of two separate floating pieces.
Just keep hiking and if you're not super fat they'll probably not hurt by the 3rd one, you need to build up the muscles that stabilize them
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Though the shape of her thighs is more normal in the full rendered model
Looks like her nipples are hard
Wouldn't an automaton's nipples always be hard?
The real The Thinker here.
Are the otomos here always thinking whether ceci has private parts or not all the time?
Can't help it if uncle Cece winds us up
we've discussed this a million times by now, she's modular
Under which vod were we supposed to post recommendations for her bird's name?
drawing stream
thanks otombrother
Depresseotomos here, life has been rough but I was glad ceci was able to come in and cheer me up a little. But if you see me, please don't wind me up anymore.
go vent in a discord or something you weirdo
I am interlinked with Cecilia.
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No, this is a cup
Say, that's a pretty nice cup desu
ceci should get a ponytail
i think ceci would look cute with a ponytail
I want to lick those joints
The Autistic Automaton Admirer
So what games are impossible to play and stream with a 1080ti. So I can expect from her upcoming streams.
Hi, is this the Automaholics Anonymous meeting?
The Blasphemous Barbie Boinker.
Most things. It's a very solid GPU still. It plays Elden Ring 1440p60fps, just not maxed out.
They need to get monetized already...
Saturday mystery stream! Have faith!
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Patient waiting for the ASMR
is it canon that cecilia has a bellybutton?
No, she was born from an egg
I need to give her money to buy a new pc.
Does she really have a 1080...I haven't been able to catch every stream so I'm not complete on lore
It was the Raora minecraft collab. 1080ti
>skin gets stuck between the finger joints
>doll hands flick your bean
Finished catching with both VODs from today.
Feels like I watched "Cecilia Emmermovie: Extended Edition", 7 hours isn't little but I'm glad I didn't skip, both were quality streams full of personality and lore. Raora brings out CC's cuter side while GG brings out CC's more unhinged and brainrot side (this last one could also be a result of being sleepy and streaming too much in a single day).
I watched the vods too and I think ceci might be a little autistic.
You become Cecilia's manager, how do you help her? (Asking for a friend)
bean bros we're so fucking back
yeah it's super endearing
More Gigi collabs.
get her dozens of vax shots so she becomes more acustic.
She's fine as is
just do my fucking job so she can do her thing with minimal friction
She love doing skits so make short with it.
fight for all the permissions she wants until my last breath
Secure perms for Gothic
remind her to take a break, rest well and break my back for any permissions she asks for
Immerheim über alles!
secure Factorio perms
let her become what Mumei was meant to be
Autistic woman really brings out the best vtubers. All of my oshis have a bit of autism in them and I love it. Ceci is my new oshi as well
More music related streams
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Stay in the same timeslot as consistently as possible. Play MC. Do ASMR. Play holocure as soon as the update is out. Don't play open world RPGs until you get really good at yapping about stuff that isnt about the game. Do violin/instrument streams regularly. Don't collab outside of hololive. Do regular members content, and shill your merch like Suisei and Mori do. Get close to Fauna, Biboo and Kaela.
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Help otomo
Hurry up and open the monetization so she can upgrade her specs. I can't stand the potato bitrate stream
monkey island 1 stream and i will forever kneel
Pretty smart of her not to upgrade her pc before monitization. Look at all the cogsuckers throwing money at her to upgrade her specs later on.
>his first holo debut
welcome bro
they'll throw money regardless
they've got nothing better to spend it on
If the art style wasn't enough of a giveaway that this guy's a tranny he also draws everybody in serafuku
I don't get how.
I laid the egg
Raora had the advantage of being a mama before Hololive and one of those commissions must've been hefty due to how recent they are
If I were a holo manager, that would mean I was retarded, so it would be for the best if I just did exactly what Ceci says to make her work smoother. If she wants perms, I get them. If a meeting is in the middle of the night for her, I will reschedule it to a more convenient time, etc.
My advise/wishes for Ceci: She should start a few hours earlier, and ideally stream a bit longer. She should try chatting more before she starts the game, like she used to as an indie. I feel like she barely told any stories about herself so far. Don't ruin your sleep schedule for a collab. Marry me, I will be your ideal house husband.
Ceci also has a vtuber child.
CC debuted over a week ago, you're obviously extremely confused and should go back
At this point if you find a confused ligger talking nonsense, just report them.
Seethe more
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True, giving them attention is what they want.
Yeah, me
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does anyone have cute raviolin screencaps/art?
Give her the opportunity to take singing lessons (even though she's already not bad at singing, so it's more for confidence).
Also encourage die kreativität streams and fight for perms.
I remember those pre-debut Mumei threads... The disappointment made me drop vtubers until Advent.
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"Gothic" stream soon!
I want a future Holo to have Raora as mama and Cece as papa
Joints are hot af
Keep in mind that euros have completely different taste in games than burgers and asians. We prefer PCs over consoles. Apex, Valorant, Nintendo, Mario, Smash, Runescape? Get this shit out of here.
For shooters it is mostly Tarkov, Helldivers 2, CS2 and Fortnite. Consoles are mostly used to play FIFA, Tekken or some MMA simulators.
I know that I overgeneralized, but I think it is safe to say that you have to research this market and don't accept all the slop that japs are forcing you to play and don't think that if Mario Party collabs worked in US then they will work here
Ah yes, trying to lecture people on your high-brow taste in....Fortnite. And the incredible depth of.....Tekken, the only fighting game that western women play anyway. So you have the taste of a woman basically.
Get those lazy retards at Cover to start shipping to Europe.
>We prefer PCs over consoles.
>Apex, Valorant
>Get this shit out of here.
Did you get offended over Mario Party?
Deluding yourself if you dont think we (Euros) don't try new FPS when they come out and try to get into the eSports of it. Runescape is a British hood classic, not sure why that is in there.
I think she should stream what she wants, not what some retard at marketing comes up with.
Yeah no.
I never said that was my taste retard
Apex and Valorant are negligible when compared to CS2
Well, I may be wrong about that. I personally played Tibia and never heard of runescape up until recently
massage her feet
bro wth are you saying
Waiting rooms up early
Seems like she's a procrastinator so I don't know if that's likely to happen
More Twitter. I want Otomos to be as parasocial as Ruffians.
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Its too late for me
Why would you need waiting rooms if she has a schedule? Pre-chat is cancer, and the earlier she makes them, the deeper they will be buried in the subbox.
See? This is why people thinking holos can get useful feedback from this hellsite are retarded
Keep prechat until its almost time to start. Ame use to keep her prechat closed until 5 minutes before she started
Extend holo to just most people in general
As long as the Holo isn't retarded, she should be able to find the useful needle in the retarded haystack.
Then /we/ have a link, and also I like having the video open in a tab while I wait for it
You say this when you know very well that feedback from any other online place where fans gather will give just as shit advice.
The holo is retarded for coming here in the first place
I like waiting rooms so I can have the tab open early and it makes sound if I forget the stream is starting. Also a pre chat that's maybe half an hour or so long is nice to get warmed up for the stream.
She should become GFE streamer and make ASMRs with ku100
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Yes, they should goto leddit, twitter and the fancords instead
Thats true but this place has the special schizo sauce others lack
Granted, that post was just dumb and nothing else
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sadly Justice missed the Saturday monetization, it was general payday after all.

Besides, it's gonna be several months until monetization shows up in paycheck because youtube payment system is bweh + the money circulates through Cover
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this but unironically
Which is why the voicepacks are the best option right now
Having a waiting room up ~6-12 hours before stream time is a good target in my stupid opinion
if she's streaming the day before, setting up the next frame after the stream is good practice
but having a full week's worth of frames up at once is dumb and leads to them getting buried in the sub box
Twitter and YT comments should be more than enough, its already hundreds or thousands of comments per week
Leddit is useless right now, fancords is a horrible idea and Holoplus is not being used by the talents right now.
>Tarkov, Helldivers 2, CS2 and Fortnite
way to out yourself as east-blocker
And civilized people actually avoid those games in EU because they are full of russki aimbots
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>Twitter and YT comments
I hope you were being sarcastic too
better than /vt/
You should stick to the youtube comments and twitter instead then
define "help"
if she wants subs abuse the shorts meta

if she wants supas lean into gfe and stalk paypigs on twitter like fwmc

if she wants ccv stick to a consistent timeslot and find a "marketable thing" like biboos souls games or kaela minecraft

if she wants fanart she needs to "wink wink" to lewd artists
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What would be her version of the cowkini art explosion?
Insist that she have lesbian sex with Fauna. Failing that, at least have them collab after the ban ends.
Other than that, let her stream a bit earlier so she can keep a good sleep schedule, and stop asking for 5 AM meetings or collabs.
why would anyone want their oshi to read their shitposts
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maid stuff
All of the above
But she doesn't want to do chores...
Which makes me want reluctant embarrassed maid outfit art.
This. Newfags can't filter, but for people who have been here for a while it's as natural as breathing. The moment I see something stupid I just stop reading and move on to the next post.
Bro, you think volume is what's needed? If anything it just makes it harder to get to the heart of things. Youtube and twitter comments are worse than useless since 99% of them will be "just be urself :^)" or "I LOVE YOU", the remaining 1% being schizos at the same level as your average 4chan mouthbreather.
What does she want?
for my experience on EN thats a fools errand, only fwmc (bc they are 2) and mori(bc she is fucking insane workaholic(to some extend her ccv is fucked bc her channel is shadowbanned, too much swearing early on)) can manage all of that
I don't think bitrate has anything to do with her PC specs anon. Higher bitrate is 100% dependant on internet connections. More bits does not equal more processing r equired.
Being 2 feet tall
>miniature ranni but it's ceci instead
>merch is a Ceci doll of the same size
You need better specs to encode better
i like where this is going
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>>79875465 (me)
None of those four things take up any more time than regular streaming like she's been doing, except maybe Twitter stalking. Though she does spend time setting up die kreativität stuff, so that may affect things.
>Begin 2 feet tall
Gachikoi like myself would be willing to pay quite a lot for a quality ball-jointed cece doll like this
I'll look for some, but here's where to check.
How much would it have to be to be profitable?
No, not really. I mean yes technically, but encoding for streaming is such an easy task that I have 0 doubts it's bottlenecked by her GPU.
I don't even have a problem with the bitrate, but if there IS a problem, it's most likely just an OBS setting.
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>None of those four things take up any more time than regular streaming like she's been doing
thats true until holo homework starts hitting like a truck
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thank you anon
Ceci fancord is pure cancer, she should stay away
Her CPU is likely shit too
How would homework make those four take more time than regular streaming?
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when homeworks ramps up that generally means travelling to japan
I'm pretty new to dolls, but based on prices I've seen
my rough guess is 1-2k USD (assuming it's good quality and 1.5 feet or so). Keep in mind merch from Hololive gets priced up quite a bit.
Right, but I'm comparing regular streaming with regular streaming + shorts, GFE, wink wink, and marketable niche. I think homework would affect her output the same regardless of if she did these four things or not.
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Kinda dick move.
What a fucking whore
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come on the 1080ti is still pretty recent
I don't get it
the reflection image
Awake and reposted this https://x.com/hololive_En/status/1808667042217972016
Also she quote tweeted a basically identical tweet from the main holoEN account a couple days ago, so she must really want to see people at AX
Lol I didn't notice.
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>reposted this
Anyone know any good artists that have been posting a lot of art specifically of Cece?
I said Cece, not CC.
>2 am stream
it's over...
Because it is. Just that we are dealing with a Krautnazi that can't help but push his nazi shit.
Good morning!
>Nazi is when you speak German
Good morning Burgertomo
>Nazi is when you speak German
Nazi is if you approve and support Kraut, correct.
You have to watch someone else then.
You vill assimilate in time meine Amerikanische freund
That's nonsense for how they stream. For livestreaming you always prioritize speed over quality, that much is true and you would need better specs if they would be using cpu to encode which they don't.
The encoding itself is done on a seperate chiplet on the gpu and that one hasn't really changed much or at all between the 9series and the 30series. 40s have two of them that can both also do av1 but the h264 encoding part hasn't really changed.
Intel and AMD can do the same but they slightly lack behind in the output they produce.
Burgertomo... Cecilia is a kraut.
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Happy Fourth fellow patriot! I hope it's a good one!
you hear her use any kraut on the regular? I don't and unless you are watching different streams neither do you
Huh, shows what I know. So it really is her ISP then?
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Next you'll say : I was only pretending to be retarded.
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I'll give you a (you) since its 4th of July after all
Or she is just carefull with her gamesettings. 7d2d is poorly optimised. I had it run on a 1080 Ti myself for the longest time before upgrading earlier this year.
It can ''handle'' 1080p@60fps at near max details but it will be one noisy beast while doing so.
1080ti is still a good card for 1080p gaming.
I'm more concerned about her latency than quality. Probably a miscommunication from earlier in the convo.
Latency might have more to do with location than anything else. I can't say I did notice any latency issues, even when she changed to ultra low.
All smooth, usually staying at around 2sec bufferhealth etc Quite a lot better than watching NA or JP, at least in my experience.
ID and Oz are a completely different matter, they are just fucked by how the sea cables are laid down.
she's watching Raora
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I want her to encourage me like that...
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Update on Crab Game collab this week. IRyStocrats are predicting based on IRyS' statements that she will also be participating. So the current list is:
This brings us up to 10(or 11) which is the same number of participants in the previous EN/ID Crab Game collab, so this could be the full roster. Do note that IRyS is not confirmed, and Fuwamoco have been having scheduling issues due to illness, and Crab Game can support many more players, so this list is not certain. Hope everything goes great for Cece's first cross-gen collab
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Why would I encourage you, stoopid otomo
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bruh too many newfags posting lewds/nudes on the tags...
No nipples, not porn
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Just blow them up so they can't make that mistake again
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>You can do it, I trust in you.
>DODGE! DODGE IT! Why didn't you roll? Are you stupid?
>Ok, maybe I shouldn't trust in you.
>You're summoning mimic tear? Ew.
Just imagine, lasers in her nipples.
Hope she just keep pretending she doesn't know otomos are horny
She's hiding more than just lasers there..
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Yeah, I'd die of cringe if she'd dogwhistle and I'd realize that she saw your pissfagging or my retarded post about euro's games earlier
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Let her see it. Worst case she ignores it.
Best case are more windup breaks.
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CC asmr anytime now
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The face of an evil woman
I love Evil Women.
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>Ceci finally starting at 7pm, her optimal time slot
Good, she should do that more often from now on. Streaming 3 hours from then would end it at 10pm which is comfy
Hey, woman, you got the blues
'Cause you ain't got no one else to use
There's an open road that leads nowhere
So just make some miles between here and there
There's a hole in my head where the rain comes in
You took my body and played to win
Ha, ha, woman, it's a cryin' shame
But you ain't got nobody else to blame
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Is she a numberfag doing a clickbait thumbnail?
Her normal time has her starting right before I get off work, which is perfect for me.
She's playing gay Rez? I guess I'm one of you now
I’m so desperate for more 7dtd…please god don’t blueball me by only playing it once…
The CCGG was kino but the game was shit
they seemed more focused on each other than the game so it’s not looking good for you
How do I cope with not having enough time to watch all the vods? Do I just have to be picky about which ones I watch all the way through or is there some better solution?
The game is awful. They should just play Palworld at this rate since the other ENs already got into that and would have more people to play with.
Watch at 2x speed
I put the more talky streams in the background while I do work or something else, for instance, her Euro truck stream I listened to while I was working.
We're literally ONE step from a hololive Rez stream
If you are absolutely dead set on catching everything you’ll have to multitask. I listen at work while I’m doing stuff. Otherwise don’t sweat it and just watch what interests you. Cece wouldn’t want you to sacrifice your own experiences for her content.
if you're really autistic about wanting to watch everything but you don't have time and don't want to multitask it's better to resign yourself to the fact that you'll have to choose what you want to watch now instead of trying and failing and being miserable
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Sometimes I think about Ceci. Those are good thoughts.
I hope they drop it. It was cute for a one-off stream but there are better games to play out there.

Just accept that you can't watch everything. I skip streams that don't interest me. (Like superchat readings.)
watched a stream and uhhh why is her mouth stuck looking like :D constantly?
It's not to the point that I'm miserable missing stuff, but damn you don't realize how much content there is till you're into it. Can't watch at work in the background, so I'll have to be picky I guess. Being new and liking Ceci so much is rough.
She either unconsciously does it when she games and doesn’t realize or her rig is a bit goofy. I find it adorable so it doesn’t matter.
>Just accept that you can't watch everything
This hobby might not be for you
Palworld is a good idea. I would love to self-insert as their human slave in sweatshop
Watch when you aren't at work, I understand feeling like you're missing out when not watching live, but you catch up when you can
she joined moom and beebs :D
It’ll slow down a bit soon enough. She’ll probably max out at 5 streams a week but will average 4.
2x speed and learn to recognize what parts you can skip through.
>She’ll probably max out at 5 streams a week but will average 4
Cool. If that's the norm then I can handle that. 6+ 2-4 hour long streams a week seems nuts. I was wondering how anyone could handle that long term. I'm sure there's at least as much time that goes into background work and meetings along with streaming too. Have to be a literal automaton to manage that.
Council of :D
What do you think about the earlier timeslot? I like it better, don't need to go to sleep mid stream.
Superchat readings are nice though. Just listening to my oshi yap
It's better for me personally since I don't have to go to sleep at 2AM.
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I like her time an hour later but an earlier stream could potentially mean streaming for longer when she feels like it which I'm all for
It really depends.
One of my favorites girls had some of the best SCs readings back in the day, but nowdays is very hit or miss.
So i now skip those.
Depends on when I have meetings at work that day
I just do other stuff while listening if it's not engrossing
2-4 hour streams are very easily manageable without having to dedicate a ton of time to catching up. At least you aren't a pebble or pemaloe, imagine 6+ streams per week at 8+ hours each
Perfect, I can watch most of the stream now while also having a decent sleep
You yurops had better make EUR ranked highest on her superchat currency charts.
It's still quite a bit if you work a 9-to-5 job with regular overtime, need to do chores, and have other hobbies, but in that case you just have to deal and prioritize what you want to do because less than 2-4 hour streams feel low on content.
I'm gonna akasupa on monetization but it will be in USD because YT doesn't want to accept my blood money and I can't be assed to get a new yuro VPS for the sake of a horse race.
In the middle of the night for SEA. That alone is worth a lot.
Very positive towards it
Lol how come? Are you Russian?
Fucking hot
I'm not a schizo...I swear it's fun. If we had a server for this general I'd be able to convert everyone into 7dtd fanatics.
maybe they would’ve had more fun if they had someone who knew what they were doing
I played it years ago after watching a video of some guys playing it. The only reason I tried it was cause I saw them digging a hole while singing La Bamba. Can you emulate that same energy?
watching her dishonored stream and I will admit killing an innocent man then shouting FOR JUSTICE is pretty funny
No one is innoent in front of the CC288
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Figured. Godspeed
Everyone has to start from somewhere. They haven't even made it to day 7 yet which is when the real fun starts. I'm just hoping they can make it to day 7 at least once.
Sure you can. There's a lot of fun stuff to do and it's ironically as fun as minecraft. One time my friend raided a huge skyscraper and I flew up to the top with our heli and picked him up so he wouldn't have to run all the way back down. If they really get into it the streams would be absolute kino.
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I'm used to 9pm / 10pm at this point desu.
7pm is great in theory but it's probably too early for me to drop everything and completely focus on the stream sadly.
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fuck off kronie, they haven't even collabed yet
7/8pm is the best time for me since I have dinner at that hour and having stuff to watch is nice
but justified
you know for someone that has supposedly played dishonored multiple times she does seem awful at it... no... could it be that she lied and this is her first playthrough?
I've played through multiple times and I'm terrible
she said she save scummed last time she played it so that’s probably why
That hasn't really changed that much. She's still savescumming.
How many hours until strim
Isn't the frame up already? >>79886706
In 40minutes.
She haven't interacted with anyone from justice at all as far as I know, so we are safe. Not sure if she has talked with advent too
40 minutes
Game changed to neon white now
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Stream changed
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Neon White is kinda cringe but the gameplay is cool
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super fast?
Any clue what that game it changed to is about? My google-fu seems to be insufficient.
Much better game.
Neon White is an FPS about angels with incredibly cringy writing.
This looks incredibly gay.
Yeah but i has spike spiegel so its fine
i wonder if it was some permissions autism
Let's hope for the best
At least it's not apex or valorant
>Neon White
Holy based
Its less of an fps and more of a puzzle game
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I bet she was reading this thread and saw us complain about the game she was going to play and changed it last minute to please us, because she loves us
>cringe criengel
Without a doubt it was a last minute perms thing. EN seems to only have one perms guy that's absolutely terrible at his job.
no that's santa claus
t. Contra Contrario
What kind of a massive homo complained about Sayonara Wild Hearts?
>Changes from bad game to bad game
But I'm sure it's just the perms autism
It's probably perms.
That's besides the point of anon's claim.
Now im actually confused
Lets wait for the stream then
there was, as always, one guy who absolutely loathed game
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I just said it isn't a good game. I don't care what she plays or streams as long as she's cute while doing it.
>I don't care what she plays or streams as long as she's cute while doing it.
Its one guy sitting in a room with a fax machine
Ultrakill could happen...
could i get a uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bake
you finish levels as fast as you can, the puzzle part is figuring out what path to take or weapons to use to accomplish that
you'll see
>Page 11
Make a new thread you clankers, I want to complain about how CC doesn't have a twitter link in her stream descriptions

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