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>no memes
>no viral moments
>barely any threads
Is Cover losing their touch?
Adventrix seething
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>>barely any threads
Negro, you fags have been making dozens of anti threads daily since debut.
lotsa threads for the redwoman though? had 7 up at some point.
None of their songs are hits either. Their main singer is just decent, she didn't even have a 30K karaoke which Shiori freaking hit. They're honestly all behind in mindshare, best not to compare them to previous gens.
I skippa the thread
ERB kinda ruined the debut buff with her constant homobegging. It's not even about "male le bad" it's about everyone got their attention sucked about that and most people didn't give much attention to what was happening in the 3 good ones.
It's not too late cover to disband holostars, it still continue to impede harshly your buisness.
This gen is trash
>no concert
>no concert
>no concert
is the Yatch functioning correctly?
erb is horrendous but the other 3 are great, ceci is the crowning jewel
>I don't make love ... I FUCK
skippa skippa
2 days and the thing's been already bastardized, huh? Actual goldfish /here/.
sorry but no, only cecilia is decent
>it still continue to impede harshly your buisness
Nice work, ESL-kun!
They're just not entertaining desu. ERB's behavior is annoying but it's not as big an issue as the fact that the market is saturated and they didn't do enough to distinguish themselves.
A decent number are just red woman bad copeseethe but they still count.
You smell of a underage gluesniffer that shows up to a fbk stream and calls her a cat. If you cant make anything, at least make a beautiful corpse on your way out
I cooka da baito
Skippa skippa
So... you dont watch.
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>>79886682 (me)
Wrong pic sorry
i haven't seen any updates, is ERB still spamming holostar chats or has she been told to stop by management?
They're the unicorn slayers, that is their purpose.
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Every day anon, her manager doesn't seem to care.
I'm keeping this
Just 1.
why would she write this? is she retarded?
3 member gen was a gamble but it paid off
Absolutely yes, hopefully they'll fix this mess with the next gen
Adventurds seething
>Dear Astel, I dm'd you but you still ain't replying
>I left my links, my e-mail, and my discord in the message
>I sent two supas with an alt, you must not've got 'em
>There probably was a problem at Paypal service or something
>Sometimes I sepll wrods too sloppy when I type 'em
>But anyways; fuck it, what's with Kobo? Man, how's your daughter?
>My gen mate's pregnant, too, I'm bout to adopt her
>If I have a daughter, guess what I'mma call her?
>I'mma name her Olivia
>I read about your Uncle Roberu, too, I'm jelly
>I had a friend shit himself over some bad food, vindaloo or something
>I know you probably read this every day, but you should be my man
>I even got the underground shit that you did with Shien
>I got a shrine full of your merch and your signings, man
>I like the shit you did with Oga, too, his ass was phat
>Anyways, I hope you get this, man, dm me back
>Let's just meet, truly yours, love your rizz
>This is Liz
I skippa da baito
The yacht delivering the statues sunk.
>holo vs holo
nijinigger seething
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Skippa skippa
Gigi good bitch
Yeah in your dreams
I thought everyone lost interest when half the gen immediately revealed themselves as walking Homostars cocksleeves?
they’re just boring and undifferentiated tbqh
Worst part is that she is sabotaging their careers too.
Female gachis and unicorns also make for most of the boys superchats.
you can say that if she does actual collabs but 99% of people don't follow who she's replying to on twitter or in chat
At this point I fully believe there are actually some anons that have that img as their wallpaper, for some reason they can't get over their closet cuckold desires, and they keep posting it in an attempt to convince themselves that they are not.
Autofister is peak, also finally EU time is not dead
I haven't watched any of them
a. the one being a fag enabler turned me off of the whole gen
b. gura hasn't collabed with any of them
c. fuck yuros
wow i love this gen now
>a fucking chumcuck
opinion disregarded
Cover needs to fusion this gen with Advent and made a super gen like with promise (without ERB of course)
They've already lost ~10 million from this buyback, it won't be long before they're down the whole 46 million Riku spent on it.
keep seething, faggot beggar
i mean, can you name one memorable event from within 2 weeks of council or advent debut?
the protect our smiles stuff. I remember fuwamoco getting way more traction early on with their fag hate and nerissa with her constantly talking about being naked all the time
Advent was way, way worse
Fuwamoco is hated by literally everyone besides their retarded fans
Bijou is fine I guess
No one knows what the fuck Shiori is even doing
Nerissa is said to be the singer of advent but only released 1 original song in a whole year, and is the nijishojo collaber
>Cover vets and weeds out the terrible ones so we only get the best talents available ever because all of them want to be hololive!
>Meanwhile the "best" talents
only the first one was good and thats mostly just cause of mori and gura, and amelia a bit.
everyone is boring besides the pink cat but she streams at such a horrid time zone.
>ceci is the crowning jewel
you misspelled gigi.
Cecilia is only trully good when paired with Gigi, and viceversa
anon? what are you smoking? the only known "memorable" events at the beginning of Advent were literally the twin sync moments, nobody cared about any of them besides the two-talents-one-channel gimmick.
I didn’t give any of them a chance when I saw how much of a cock gobbler the red one was being on Twitter and with her goals to sing a song with every fag in the company. Already enough vtubers and holos specifically for me to watch. New gen got gimped by red retard. Idc if anyone disagrees with me. This is my truth.
I feel nothing from this gen, other than hate for ERB but the rest just kind of exist.
>Is Cover losing their touch?
Holosummer when?
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farwamoco my beloved
>b. gura hasn't collabed with any of them
what is a collab ban?
weird how that shit was lifted in like 2 days for the faggots
I...don't believe that's true? The earliest interaction between Armis and another Holo member was when Armis griefed Ollie's team in an Apex tournament and Jurard went on her stream to apologize to her. But that was like 3 weeks after debut.
a. I don't know who any of those fags are, but you've proven yourself to be a queer.
b. tempiss collabed with mori like immediately after they debuted like a week after
I'm just looking at their channels and sorting by oldest. I can't see any evidence of this.
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Biboo alone is more interesting than this entire gen combined.
the green doll is easily top5 holoEN, maybe top3
mori even said it got cut short
That stream is from 3 weeks after debut so idk what to tell you.
Their marketing has been very poor yes, but ERB being openly a desperate nijisister and Raora's PL coming to light have damaged big time their debut buff.
mori literally fucking says the collab ban was cut short
>Raora's PL
Is it just homo stuff or something that actualy matters?
I don't even remember how long the colab ban was supposed to be. I thought it was only 2 weeks. But if they cut it from a month to three weeks, you'll forgive me if I don't see the issue.
They already made anti threads pre-debut just twitter screencaps.
>normal ban is a month
>cut the tempiss one down to 2 weeks to force the homos into more vids because yagoo hates hololive EN and wants to ruin it
>having tempiss to begin with
I don't even know their names
Anon people have that vesper underwear screenshot saved to post at every opportunity.
This is going to get reposted long past the time anyone even remembers what the hell it means.
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She was big into Nijis, pic related
>big into Nijis
>never seen anything posted besides this one pic
good bait 9/10 the whole catalog is shat up 24/7 with the dumbest angles I've seen in months
Because she nuked all of her PL, if you want more evidence you'll have to do your own research.
Advent's colab ban was only 2 weeks so wouldn't that imply that all of EN decided to change that rule? A month long colab ban does sound stupid desu
>do your own research
I did and you're full of shit.
It's two weeks now get over it
What were you expecting?, a porn movie of her fucking some niji?, her writing a fanfic about getting herself gangbanged by tempus?
not even 6k ccv on a collab stream with debut buff, they should just kill themselves
>no memes
>no viral moments
>barely any threads
ok enough about NijiEN
Seems like a nothinburger
>Kurosanji bombs at AX
>Suddenly catalogue is filled with shit-stirring
>Holo vs Holo
Ah yes, same old low tier tactics. Buy a PR team Nijikeks.
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god why are filipino male vtubers so insufferable? didn't he do this shit to Gura and wasn't the niji fag who tweeted at mumei filipino and the stars faggot who tweeted at gura was filipnino? I really hope that rin fag gets raped
don't care. they shouldn't have changed it for the fags. total homo death
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>meanwhile, in reality

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