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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>What is this?
A racing league on Assetto Corsa(OG) where threads race each other on the track. No need to personally play it yourself because all entrant cars will be AI. You choose a car, and then make a livery that represents your thread. There will be multiple races where each thread will be competing for the top spot at each track, as the cars go vroom vroom. You earn pts at each race depending on placement, and the thread with the most points at the end of the racing series wins! It's motor/sp/orts but with chuuba itashas!

>Car Information
All of the prepared cars on the spreadsheet below will be balanced to between 500-700hp in order to provide competitive balance for all those racing.

>Car Selection Rules
Pick any car you want when signing up that's on the spreadsheet below and not highlighted in purple. A car is highlighted in purple when two threads pick the same car! This is done to avoid "meta" selections so that there is a variety of cars on the track!

>Mid-Season Car Rules
Switching cars during the middle of the season while tolerated, is discouraged and will incur a penalty for the offending team with different levels of punishments depending on the circumstances.
>Penalties for Mid-Season Car Changes (These penalties are assessed and meted out on the race where the offense took place)
Docked 12pts for short notice/little notice and no livery prepared for the new car
Docked 10pts for ample notice and no livery prepared for the new car
Docked 8pts for short/little notice, and a prepared livery for the new car
Docked 7pts for ample notice, and a prepared livery for the new car

>Livery Design Rules
Have some common sense, don't make anything that'll get the streamer banned from Youtube. Make sure that you make your livery with your thread! Whether that's seeking input or approval, don't leave your thread in the dark! Make sure it's clear which thread your car belongs to with your livery! And finally no politics, rrats, or drama in your livery! This is meant to be a fun event, so keep things light hearted for everyone.

>Mid-Season Livery Rules
During the season, you have 3 tokens that will allow you to change or update your livery for free. Going over this limit will incur a 5 pt penalty after the race where a livery was changed beyond the limit.

>Livery Templates
Some cars may not have provided Livery templates when you download them, if you are willing to download and install AC and install content manager, then you can extract the livery by following the video here: https://youtu.be/ccXgzW7k-vw [Embed] [Open] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
If you do not wish to download AC, reach out on this thread, the VTRP thread, or to the organizer, and they'll get the template for you.

>Race Information
If there are more than 30 threads signed up, there will be a qualifying section, and the top 30 threads with the best times will proceed to the race. Each race will be determined by set number of laps, with the intent to have the race completed within a 25-30 minute time frame. Pts will be distributed based on the final positioning of all threads at the end of the race.

Trailer out now!
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Template Anchor. Reply with status updates or your livery submission. Using your thread name in the Name tab of your post is appreciated.
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So, when is it happening?
the 28th. Round 1's gonna be on Straya, in Surfer's Paradise.
Can you post the official number boxes again? At least the retro one so I can check if I've made enough space for it on the /HAHA/ car.
no need for that, my bro can adjust that himself
Alright, because the Ford GT's doors are a little weird. Some of the existing liveries have the door number box skewed and you might have to replicate that.
if youre still interested
It's asking me for access. Don't worry, I'll just post the livery when it's done.
hang on, I'll grant it
also, If you're done, post the dds or the psd
have a bump
>Activates turbo thrusters
Nothing personnel, kid. You just weren't ready for the real races.
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>Liveries complete:
mayo, warkop, vtai, numbers, wawa, tsunX, v4m, become, lia, fbk, mint
>Liveries in progress:
HAHA, choc, pink, rrat, mion
>No updates yet:
doog, vrt, who, hfz, stars, jidf, fig, holoX, AWAT, pcgia, swarm, pcgen3k, nijiEN, corpo, pyon, HiRyS
/pink/ is finishing up on our livery right now. should be submitted either later today or tomorrow
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Biggest Racist
How does become look in game?
/HAHA/ livery is 90% done, need to copy the sponsors to the other side as well. May make a few more adjustments afterwards as well.

We need an endurance category so Doki and Mint can be teammates.
lookin SICK goon
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/HiRyS/ livery is in progress
So what kind of powerups do we get during the races? Bananas? Shells?
instant eurobeat power up
Top view. Think all that's left is to do some color correction, adjust some additional files and then test it in-game.
How do you make liveries not shine like crazy in-game? White and light yellow look basically the same right now. I tried making the txMaps texture fully black but to no avail.
Thinking on it, it might also just be that my AC settings are fucked. Haven't played the game in over 5 years but this looks way overexposed.
Gonna attach the png and dds files for the current version of the livery just in case. Organizers, if you're around and you know how to fix this issue, let me know so I can account for it once I submit the whole folder. And show me what the car looks like with the number boxes too if you can.
Do you have the Sol mod installed in Content Manager? Maybe it might help with the lighting issues
I'll check when I wake up. Never used the content manager prior to the VGTC.
This is a KNOWN problem in AC. You need to lower the exposure and increase saturation on your livery
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Apparently the alpha channel of the texture determines the glossiness value for the shaders. So if it's 1.0/255/fully opaque it'll be effectively mirror smooth. Let me go test this real quick with one of the liveries I made and I'll confirm.
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cool vibrations!
Nevermind, changing the alpha didn't do shit
Run -75 exposure on your livery. Along with a 15-35 increase in saturation and a -10 to -5 decrease in lightness.
All of these combined with counteract the overexposure in AC.
/pink/ has been submitted.
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It's in, thank you!
This seems so batshit to me. What the hell did KUNOS do with their damn shaders? I already submitted and it seemed fine enough in game for mine. I'd try it if Substance Painter didn't force me to apply filters to every single layer individually...and if it had an exposure filter in the first place.
Use a photo editor to apply the correction to the texture directly. Also, the way the texture shows up in the CM showroom, is not the same as it shows up in the game.
Also, there's apparently a custom shader patch, I haven't tested the liveries with that on, so....
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Still waiting for the Aqua/Botan x Red Bull F1 livery...
the top
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Yeah, this looks like something that has to do with settings or mods, not actual liveries, so I might leave it as it is unless the organizers say otherwise.

The mod tab is grayed out for me because of the lite version of CM, so I don't think that's it. I heard some mentions of something called CSP so I might look into that.
Yeah, CSP is definitely affecting it. Disabling it completely makes the car much more easily visible, and I'm sure there are settings that can make it even better, so I think this is something that should be set on the organizers' end.
How's it going
Still not having much luck getting it to look good compared to the other liveries for this car. No idea what's different at this point because those liveries aren't doing anything special with the exposure or anything like that.
Ended up going down the exposure/saturation/lightness route and made the livery matte. I'll take it, honestly, especially since there's one more livery I have to make. Will submit the relevant stuff on the day of the deadline.
Alright, I think I might need the number boxes after all so I can test both the /HAHA/ livery and the /pcgia/ one I'm working on. Could you post them or grant access to them? And do you have plans to make the uploaded liveries accessible anywhere after the deadline? I'd like to mess around with them a bit, especially /mint/'s.
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What about the retro one for the Ford GT? And what font do you use for the number? If I'm gonna put it on, I want to be consistent with what you guys will be using.
Again, we're the ones putting it as the seal of aprrob
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and this
I know, once I submit the livery it won't have the boxes. I just want to test them out on my end beforehand.

The font for the number is just Impact, italics enabled
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recharge time keep the racetrack safe!
w a o
keep up the good fight soldiers!
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MMmm today I will finish my livery...
I wonder, how should I approach things if I ever make a fanfic of the Formula Holo series?
hag sex with the manager
yeah me!
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i'm gonna step on the gas
Stepping on the gas harder
By the by, here's the waiting room for the Formula Holo season finale on Sunday morning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Z3tXzEJfiQ
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Tranime sucks, go outside
Careful buddy, don't want to cut yourself on that edge.
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look again!
Probably for the spinoff oneshots

Maybe Botan because she won and at Vegas.

Also, in F1, their manesans are the race engineers
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Fuck, I did it before but I forgot how I did.
How do you change the car plate?
and progress img I guess
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How many hours until the deadline?
Approx 40.
Thank you. Should be plenty enough then.
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She had it all, but went bust on the last lap in Vegas
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wanna know why Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is on this car? They have ties to the military. Connect thre rest of the dots.
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If a thread doesn't submit what happens?
5 point penalty for the first round of the championship
vroom vroom
Can you explain what a "5 point penalty" is?
Does everyone start with 0 points, or is there some other use for the points system?
Yes, everyone will start with 0 points each, and the penalty for no livery submission will drop a driver to -5 before the start of the opening race
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on this car is the best international high school in Japan. Because she is indeed a JK.
more accurately, 5 points will be deducted from your rd1 results.
what are the points per race?
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with additional details and the circuits, in order
btw, there'd be no one eliminated from the qualifications for this season, as per VTRP channel owner.
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another car!
I accidentally replicated the famous 787B livery with Ollie colors
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/pcgen3k/ livery is mostly done, might tweak it some more before submitting. I couldn't fix the spoiler UV map without going through too much ball crushing in kseditor... gonna use a higher quality car model next season, this Diablo is kinda sloppy lol.
Thanks to the anon who made the sponsor stickers!
wao looks great!
Looking good!
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Quite a hot and bothering pose there Clara
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Not only chuubas like speed
Legendary craft right there

FH skins update: halfway through Kobo, Zeta and Kaela paint done. It'll be a mad sprint to the finish line...
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How much time left until the livery deadline?
it due tomorrow but not sure how long because the last deadline was cut off mid day of the due date
Deadline's Noon ET tomorrow, so about 18 hours from now.
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Ties is a very interesting way of saying they’re Japans most notable combat aircraft manufacturer

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