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Post tribute
Is she okay? Can she afford to buy her food?
1/5 better luck next time
Looks a bit thin. She could eat.
someone is going to throw tomatoes at her
oh no no elira's salary is gone nijinigger!
Lelouch is gonna steal this one as well isn't he?
I'm looking at the fact that you can't even rotate an image.
Could use a nice sledgehammer to the face.
The statue too.
Why can't Hololive afford this for their idols?
it definitely looks like shit..
What's wrong with those thighs, lmao
Kek. Faggoons are bragging about a nendroid while there's a life size figure of Elira making the rounds. Delusional retards
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>Elira's arrives on time and unspoiled
Of course it does. Where are the others though?
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It would be a shame if someone were to hijack this statue...
>Retards blame Niji instead of UPS
Even enna is outperforming this bitch.. and shes the one with 1/1?
they did nijinigger, gura too, pay attention loser.
>retards blame ups instead of niji
Why is elira the face of nijiEN?
That's been a thing for years tho?
So who were the other delayed statues? ChroNoir?
where the others 4?
She's the most talented singer of EN, so I think she deserves that spot
give the full size asshole
>everyone blame nijiniggers
based, get fucked nijikek.
Why is she sideways
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Doki will earn $500,000 from Nendo sales alone while Ugwiwa makes 0 money from her statue.
Try again Nijisister.
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This is Hololive BTW
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>gloating about something Holo had for years now
>can't post a proper picture
>gloating about a statue at the very con their shit concert got canned
I hope somebody piss on it lol
She looks malnourished
nice delusions KEK gonna post AI images in response? LOL
>Doki will earn $500,000 from Nendo sales alone
Have fun at the concert oh wait
I'm new, Is elira the most popular member of Nijisanji EN? She seems to get all the merch like Gawr Gura
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Also YAGOO being based as usual
They said it'd have Shu, too, though. Were there 5 statues planned?
shes canadian
>Is elira the most popular member of Nijisanji EN?
Only Elira and Vox is there
I think you're highballing it, but I like the enthusiasm.
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vshojo's booth looks incredible
yes she is
Its a coincedence anon, elira just has a very high luck stat, and ends up getting all the merch and sponsorships.
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>Unironically empty
KEK. Looks like poaching ex-nijis didn't do as expected huh
Where's the spade?
There ain't a jar big enough for this whore
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They... can?
>Thursday noon in the US
Yes, anon. Come back in 6 hours if you want to numberfag fairly.
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oh nononono sisters, we got too cocky yet again
Mama mia I want her to crush-a my face with her thighs
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She looks malnourished AF.
For real tho, what an ugly proportion
>Gura, Pekora, Suisei - some of the most famous hololive talents
>Elira - one of the most infamous nijisanji talents
Every yin needs its yang I suppose.
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It tends to be empty before they open, yeah
Why only the blue women?
So the missing figures are Enna and Lucas then?
>Admits to not numberfagging Niji fairly
Well as long as you can admit it
That's a really tiny Sambabus.
NijiJP IIRC. I guess Chronoir.
Since Suisei Blue has always been dominant.
At this point you reserve Blue for your biggest hitters while Red is the crazy wildcard.
she makes enough money to pay all of her staff and even fucking chatmods
she's a millionaire
Hololive blue women are too powerful
sister learn to save full size photos
They probably didn't want people in Riku taking selfies next to the Chronoir statues and "forgot" to ship them, kek
Only Elira and Shu are there, as you can see on >>79895491.
Guess the Chronoir statues were supposed to go here>>79895079
Looking forward to hearing Holokeks excuses!
>don't worry bros, I'm gonna run over the homos
Blue = success
Next statue is gonna be Kobo's
luca and vox are more popular than elira.
AZKi is doing things to me the most for some reason.
No one cares sister
oh you will, when your botted shark city (72k ccv lmao and only 530k+ vod views) gets mogged by vox's 3d.
I'm sure China thinks the sam-
Bro in the pic seems lost
Vshojo always keeps winning.
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$200 for the scales is hilariously overpriced for this sinking ship. Though if anyone wants one to hot glue, I'm sure you'll find it in the bargain bin sooner or later.
You and I both know that won't happen sis.
You make the grudgeposting too easy I won't even care to save your post.
Vox will be lucky if he beats Petra.
Not even good enough for my swimmers.
Rather buy Azur Lane
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beating it to Petra...
So, Nijisanji gives oportunities to their not so popular streamers too? That's good to hear
No, just specifically the same 8ish.
>Holo vs Niji
ogey phaseshart
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he might tho, since his stream will be on JP prime time
Can you buy this at the concert?
why does she have a hazbin hotel character on her shoulder?
How does Kobo do it? Nobody even watches her
pathetic falseflag if i ever seen one
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it's the hip cutouts and leotard lines, they're extremely erotic
>pomu, nina and selen leave
>elira is the only remaining girl that could be NijiEN's face
>obliterate her image permanently with a black screen (forced or voluntarily is irrelevant)
>still try to push her as their flag girl despite that
roru. Anyway, which were the two sacrifices that got """delayed""" then?
I doubt it
They still had Rosemi and Enna thoughbeit.
Kuzuha and Kanae
Should've been the pick since she's a JP-EN bridge, but lolno. She's also getting constantly pushed aside and I hope she manages to escape somewhere else soon
Her fans are brainwashed, but outside of her circle, she's pretty generic and doesn't bring anything (good) to draw new viewer's attention.
>only the clique is there
>whoever else it was "mysteriously" disappears
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I wouldn't be surprised if she made nearly a million usd by now in revenue. She's sold a LOT of merch apparently and gotten several large sponsors.

However it won't matter because she's gonna pour all of that money back into projects and stuff for the dragoons.
Oh, so that's where those two moved after they Niji cancelled their concert.
Glad to see they found a good spot to fight.
vox has mogged gura on a couple of occasions, and his 3d stream will definitely get raids from niji jp old guards and oliver. riku will want and are expecting HUGE numbers from the only golden/superstar tier member from his en branch. vox will definitely at least beats petra, holostars en and millie's 3ds.
>Customs blocks your path
Also, holo has 3 statues. Retard.
View botting doesnt count ruromao
Did you know that there is a new CCV measurement of 1 vox indicating 1000 viewers? He cant even reach his own unit of measurement anymore
Post graphs.
>he will mog Gura!
same line
>he will mog petra and holostars!

Cece winds me up.
>holo: hires an artist to draw all of them to make it a cohesive and seamless group standee
>niji: whatever, just print out their original model and make it a standee
How long till you sisters start saying nigger like the rest of us? Or does that make you tampon pucker?
Sisters can't fucking rotate.
Elira pitching and hitting her career away
the pekora statue is my favorite so far
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I know everyone's already clowning on this dork but I wanted to pitch in.
>Yagoo is driving over the homos.
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YAGOO drives that bus to a playlist comprised solely of Hololive orisongs, but with this mixed in every 10 tracks:

I see you, and I'm still here as well.
Looks like a stripper club for whores.
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VShojo's greatest asset is selling merch on their booth, that just gets everyone coming and going.
>stripper club
Our ESLs are the funniest.
Shouldn't the wings be coming from her lower back?
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Look at what, this?
>Meanwhile Hololive gets soulless white cardboard cutouts
Using Petra's prolapsed cloaca as a Tenga
Anon, you have no idea how often I've fantasized about this. Listening to her painful moans of pleasure as I use her as a toy
That's where wings normally come from on humans, I think?
she will graduate by the end of the year whats the point
No! You can't show him that! It destroys his angle...
It's strip club. The strippers are in the "strip" club.
>phaseshart pissing and shidding itself as usual.
Your twitch whores will get a panel with GSC?
This doesn't exist anymore KEK
Hell, they'd blend if more if they just used fag like the entire site.
This time I don't get it

In which way exactly this is supposed to make us seethe ?
I guess them coming from below the skirt throws it off for me. I normally expect them above the skirt. Also what's the point of a tail or appendage being under the skirt. You'll be permanently flashing people behind you. I guess that's why she wore shorts underneath
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>>don't worry bros, I'm gonna run over the homos
I raughed
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Try again sis
Have you...been to a strip club?
wait how come they're all brown, isn't it in america?
Why are the most feminine looking holostars below him only
That would hurt their ally status though
I was mostly joking, because wings don't actually come out of humans...
To your actual point, I do not know what would be on model for her, technically, but it probably makes more sense for them to come from higher up?
Yeah, I'd have to agree.
The Browns don't really have strip clubs. There whores are just on the streets
you gotta rotate your photos before posting bro
Look at what? A glorified vanity trophy for your clique member?
Btw, wheres her concert?
>Clique member
Fool, she is no mere member she is the queen of the clique.
Nobody's going to buy a life-size figure, dumbass
Everyone will buy a Nendo
Holo is truly a bargain bin company
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>mfw I destroy our corpo's image
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common vshojo anti L
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That's the preshow. Now post the ticket sales.
what did she do to deserve a scale over anyone in her branch?
She knows japanese
wtf is that on the screen?
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>a real life statue
I wonder if Anycolor didn't let Elira graduate because they had tons of stuff with her name that still needed to be sell.
Fuck off why do these two bozos always crash the events I organise reeeee
she literally said she pays everyone on stream
Do sisters even happy about this? Like shouldn't it be vox or whoever popular over there
God, Kiara is such an annoying whore.
surprised there no screen to stop anyone from trying to spit at it.
Whyis Bae center?
Wtf already??
Oh no sisters Lmao
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>vox beat gura
Lol lmao even keep dreaming sisters
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Speaking of ex-Nijis
does their panel actually connect to Niji's one?
All five of the figures feel so overpriced
I am finding this more interesting.
anyone can take a Hyte panel picture with the Doki merch?
nice figure, shame it's from a pice of shit that should've been succsessful in what Doki failed, the attempt
Is there anything at the Niji booth but the statues and standees?
Seems a bit light on content.
hot glue that sob
Please understand, they have to protect the talents from the Zero Squad.
kek, relegated to a couple of pity slots with few attendees
I don't care if she's evil I still need those big dragon titties
Shouldn't sisters be too busy making one another kill themselves to poorly bait like this?
Too bad they're actually nerfed if you look at the promo images of it online
holy fuck raora's signature is so cute
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why even live, what's the point if even fat dragon tits get taken from us
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Only to suffer https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail?gcode=FIGURE-172645
I unironically would have paid 200 dollars if I could have seen Elira's massive dragon titties every time I looked at it, why did they nerf it man
If evil why hot?
kek, looks like the low maintenance stands in retail stores
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Am I one of the few who thinks all this looks good? Or am I one of the few non-tribalist on here?
Kek get rotated nijifag
>mogged by ex-nijis thriving on another corpo
>mogged by ex-nijis thriving as indies
>even mogged by the cunny gacha game
Man, this is just sad, just nuke the branch and merge already, I said before and I'll say it again, the west is lost for them, just go back to JP.
Even Elira's looks fine. This isn't tribalfagging anon. It's just wishing Anycolor folds for all the bullshit they've done to their talents.
fuck elira she's boring and never liked her model at all
but that statue is sex. they did the face juust right... it looks hot
The real issue is how much they cost
no one's saying it looks bad, most people just hate the person and company behind the character
Because that's what management wants. She had a better debut month than Pomu and Finana, so management decided that she would be the de jure daisempai of EN for as long as she and at least one non-Lazulight talent are in the branch.
But please pay no attention to the fact that Pomu was de facto daisempai from Obsydia's debut until her own graduation, or that Finana has been de facto daisempai (by default) since Feb 12. Buy more merch. 2 percent.
Best performer with the best thighs.
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I'm surprised no one has posted this yet.
If it's not yet obvious, from left to right, Niji, Vshojo, Hololive.

The pictures were taken at least 5~ minutes within each other. So no. Niji's booth was fucking empty the whole time.
Probably just for color wheel reasons. Note who's in the group, their hair colors, the backgrounds behind them, and their positions in the lineup.
They absolutely are not arranged in height order.

A solution that's significantly less likely, but also significantly better for the talents and their fans, would be for them to take the Prism approach - dissolve Niji EN, and release all talents as fully independent vtubers with full IP rights to their respective names and likenesses. Not only would most of the fans who left since February return (along with their SC revenue), but they wouldn't need to start over from scratch or reopen an account which has been mothballed for months or years. And they wouldn't need to wait until their Niji contracts expire to restart as indies.

Niji might as well release them. The west is forever lost to Nijisanji, and the entire vtuber community knows it - to the point that Hololive was dunking on them in their investors meeting. There is no benefit to Niji to keeping them in the company, unless they view spending time and money and resources to intentionally keep the talents unsuccessful and miserable with no tangible benefit to the company, to itself be of some sort of "benefit" to the company.
Why does it look so ugly?
A better one would have cost more money to make
Maker surely is wishing they never made it. Considering how long figures take to make from start to finish, this has been in the works for at least 2 years. Let's see how many are sold. Either they cut supply and price goes up due to scarcity or if they maintain predictions it's gonna flop into cheapness.
Oh shoot, it's a life size one? It's look like shit so I thought it was a meh made 1/8. LOL.
these look like fan standees, sheesh
>kurosanji tranny
go back
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She got a whole corner for herself
>That absolute unit in the left side
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because it's not an actual experienced figure company making it but niji themselves
>yagoo is being based as usual
>as usual
Name 3 based decisions he made this year
1. Spent money on a studio instead of stocks
2. Played uno with the new debuts
3. Raora Pizzaria
1.That was last year and they don't even use its full potential
2. Not based
3. Not based
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>Denial stage
I accept your concession.
my concession that you are in the denial stage? Yes I suppose that works
OP did it on purpose. That sick fuck.
He could be staff.
I asked for 3 based things and you werent able to give them so I'm accepting your concession.
Holy Ina sex
Hololive brought theirs at HoloExpo to compliment the concert. Niji does have a concert in AX right? What's the point of just bringing statue to a booth?
Bro, you can't do this to me. You can't cut off CC's signature. Bro please just let me have it.
She dominates the SEA market
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Ever since one of the anon pointed out the skinny legs, the Elira 1:1 figure was kinda ruined for me. pic rel
sex, sex, sex, GIGA sex, sex, SEXO, SEXO
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CYSz5lu3g0
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CYSz5lu3g0
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CYSz5lu3g0
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sister mad kek
Isn't that kinda normal?
My Marcille 1/7 scale was 180 USD
Vshojo seems to be the most popular and its audience is multi-racial.
Why did Hololive flop?
Gura built up the brand for blue, similar to how fauna repaired and built up the brand for green

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