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/#/ is declining
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

She just annoys me with her antics. I still don't understand it. I rarely watch her streams but when I occasionally watch HoloEN clip compliations but when she comes on I just get annoyed. I guess maybe Fauna just reminds me a bit of the annoying white girls in my DND circle and the ones at the card shop who act all cute and quirky for attention from guys in the group/shop. It's always fucking white girls too. The plain jane asian chicks in the group are always chill. I don't feel this way about Gura and Mumei though. For the record my favorite HoloENs are Ina, Gura, Biboo, and now CC.
I love Fauna
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>GG keeps inclining
>ERB bleeding most of the redirect
OH NO NO NO homosisters
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/vt/ in general is declining. We now have jannies that have dropped all pretenses and are actively contributing to people shitting up the board.
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I'm sorry for your loss.
Post memberships
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Recent clip numbers
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Fauna isn't my favorite either so I kinda understand this, but it sounds like you have unresolved problems.
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Game they are playing looks like a fun game to play with a friend, but not that exciting to watch.
>ax staff begging people to go to the hololive booth
Is it really the unarchived karaoke streams and rebroadcast that caused the delay for their monetization? Because if it was, not only the managers but also the genmates that are probably stalling it for solidarity would tell her to knock it off, no? But she still did it this week..
Might there be something else?
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>67,240: Mio (Hololive)
>44,888: Miko (Hololive)
>37,180: Chiroru (Indie)
>34,531: Subaru (Hololive)
>22,407: Lauren (Nijisanji)
>16,589: Pekora (Hololive)
>14,665: Noel (Hololive)
>14,579: Nei (Nijisanji)
>13,205: Mito (Nijisanji)
>13,133: Lamy (Hololive)
>12,002: Raora (Hololive)
>11,428: Lunlun (Nijisanji)
>10,963: Watame (Hololive)
>10,648: Fubuki (Hololive)
>10,632: Bijou (Hololive)
>10,367: Polka (Hololive)
>10,343: Furen (Nijisanji)
>10,047: Koyori (Hololive)
>10,016: Elizabeth (Hololive)
>Gigi inclining
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Fauna doesn't need to act cute, she's completely adorable
GG laughs like my 50 year old chain smoking aunt.
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/#/ is inclining
I remember back when we got some Luxiemfag janny that tried that and they got canned pretty quickly. I guess the current jannies send better nudes.
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I hope we get a ringfit stream soon. I want some sweaty Kirin noises.
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>act all cute and quirky
She doesn't have to act it.
People will shit on you because this thread is full of saplings but I get it lol, Fauna definitely has that 2010s quirky nerdy white girl energy which really puts me off
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so you're projecting the girls in your DND circle onto Fauna? unhealthy behavior
We don't know. It could be on the production side of stream they're planning.
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>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover) *new*
>奏 / Kanade (cover)
>My Dearest (cover)
>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)

>symmetry *new*
>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.
>カバー曲 / Cover Songs
>歌まとめ / All Songs
It's funny, around the time Fauna debuted someone posted an old ass youtube video of some cringe nerdy white women doing some skit at a store. It made me laugh because it was so accurate but I never remembered the name.
I've always believe management simply fucked up with the paperwork.
Probably a woman herself at that too.
>Gets a funnel from Ceci ending
>Graph levels out
Where's the incline??
just kill yourself
Elliot Rodgerchama...
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Play Garou. It's a good game.
Is it possible to get a year's worth of gifted memberships?
I catch all my favorites streams, but I don't fucking have time to watch every fucking HoloENs streams. Sorry I am not a NEET like you.
Justice monetization openings when?
Normally I roll my eyes when I see Ame karaoke, but I will allow it today because it's 4th of July.
oh boy can't wait to listen to the same setlist one more time after the dozens of previous times
We already btfo your idiocy with pics, there's no need to keep pushing this "Hololive unpopular at AX" shit.
If that was the case Cover would have stopped her from doing it again.
>say something negative about Fauna
>must be a woman
every fucking time. why are you fags so sensitive?
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and you spend your precious saved time shitposting on /vt/, don't lie nigger
Hololive has made me realize white, dorky American girls are the best.
t.white leaf
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nta but that's a woman insult, not exactly beating the allegations
Just because you avoided using the word pickme, despite describing her in the same way you would use that word, doesn't make it less obvious that you're a woman
>full Advent collab
>Justice collab
>most of NA celebrating with family
Ame licking her lips putting this frame up
Oh boy if only you knew the truth about dorky American white girls and all the mental illness and male dependency they have...
Tomorrow is game day.
We are going to fuck up whoever the Dodgers are playing.
Otani is going to homer a ball into a gura card board.
(or lose, that would also be funny)
>youtube finds it suspicious views keep appearing and disappearing consistently
>cover clarifies it's nothing to be concerned about
>the problem is the back and forth to clarify this takes multiple days
>it ends up delayed to be safe
you're the one acting like a woman here
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>Ame spams karaoke and actually inclines.
>/#/ thinks ERB spamming karaoke will recline her
Thank you for reminding me why all of you are a bunch of clowns that don't know anything about content creation and success
If you're upset getting called a woman then you really are a woman.
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I thought you said it was going to be empty...
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This just seems like jealousy femanon. At least some other deep seated unresolved issue you are projecting onto her anyway.
>act all cute and quirky for attention from guys
Is such a bad read anyway. She leans away from all that stuff all the time. She could easily push that way, and be successful with it, but doesn't
Mumei unarchived later
Tempiss status?
and here comes the Sapkeks to defend their whores honor. Classic assblasted faggots.
>believing /#/ shitposts
ngmi retard
Any EN girl would have 2x more people. FWMC 3x times more.
>vshojo losing to homos
>not just homos but JP homos
>not just JP homos but fucking UPROAR
grim grim grim
Saplings are homobeggars....
>barely any girls
The jokes write themselves
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You're mixing up attention whores who PRETEND to be like that. Actual dorky white girls are hideous abominations most of the time with diabetes.
i don't remember anyone saying this
Shut up, woman.
it's just people hogging spots for the next slot (FWMC)
>shitposting homos in the schedule
No one ever said empty
>She leans away from all that stuff all the time.
>he says while Fauna is doing her 5th fucking Wii Sports 3D Bikini model stream and did the whole cowkini shit
Are Saplings mentally retarded or something?
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getting their semen drained by bae
Why they turning their back on the boys? Are they that repulsed?
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Keep your "Golden Gen" posts to a low because they have it rough today.
Yes, im on 10 months on Mumei's and like 6 months on Shiori.
UPROAR you say? The ones who paved the path for Justice?
That might be more people there than watch their streams
That's Mumei
FWMC are candian though
there are actually milf hats in the middle... no...
>all milf hats left except for 1
>a bunch of trannies
>no merch except for 1 hakkito
Holy grim
so we don't have a live stream of it like last time?
Where are the girls
I got a good screencap for next 2 weeks
Everyone was laughing at the giant bold letters on the schedule.
Canada is rightful American clay
its for the best, we seriously need to reduce the number of shitposters here.
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Ah, all the familiar green woman seethe. Home.
Where did the MILF hats go
Suck my shit nigger
jannies don't seem to agree.
So jokes really do write themselves
What about that is "act all cute and quirky for attention from guys"??? Are you a muslim or something?
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>>If that was the case Cover would have stopped her from doing it again.
Do we even know how the monetization process works outside of the qualification criteria? What if they applied, got rejected, but then they aren't told why?
Why the fuck is ReGloss + Chama doing a watchalong of Justice debuts from two weeks ago later?
Home to watch Fauna
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>arguing with SapGODS ever
Is this woman retarded or something?
If Fauna really wanted to whore herself out she'd stop using the fucking t-shirt, but she doesn't.
are they just there for the photo? why don't they also watch streams...
Fauna is simply having fun in 3D you sperg
Two MILF hats and a Pippakistani kek
Damn I'm pretty active in Advent chats but haven't received a single gift before.
Also I'm kind of doubting anyone has a complicated idea that needs approval but you never know. Seems simple what their monetization streams would be
>erb: karaoke
>raora: art
>cc: live violin
>gigi: art, probably drawing an emote
The shirt is sexier actually
The shirt comes off only for the Owl
Why has Fauna been so slutty lately?
Fauna is /here/ so she knows the shirt is sexier
Literal caricatures.
You want to hurry up and annex already, please?
Wow the crowd definitely changed. A lot less friends with u plushies.
I have always suspected that the 'homodefenders' here are not sisters but actually unity saplings that like Fauna and the boys. It actually makes a lot more sense.
They don't even share the same Thanksgivings Day. That's how "not American"they wanna be about shit.
they should burn down the white house again
She's undulating
I do appreciate that these two are actually trying to beat this game rather than mess around the whole time. Sometimes these puzzle duo games end up getting a bit frustrating to watch.
i count 3
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Are you guys really that surprised? Out of like 10,000 regular Fauna viewers, at least a handful had to be homofags.
I don't remember the exact numbers, but Youtube have made it public knowledge what the requirements are and by holomem standard they are incredibly low. Justice had fulfilled it the moment they first hit 'live'
maybe you have the option off? I even got a Kiara one when watching the Soccer game, Have a like 4 months on Fauna/Ame too and Bae's like 2-3. I only pay for Goobs and IRyS with sometimes throwing Anniversary or special occasion memberships for a month on other girls.
>watching these runts
KEK. Wrong tab bro, think you meant to post in Global.
The tits sway more in the shirt than in the bikini top
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Sex with friend
Go back threadshitter
I'm already for becoming the 51st state.
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Euros, explain yourselves
Well at least GG respects ERB as leader... Raora and CC both don't.
Serious question, when was the last time Ame interacted with or talked about the homos? I can't remember right now.
You gotta let it go Sapling
CC ended
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Debuts where she told people to go watch if they want and half her chat told her no
It's 4th of July, retardbro. Euro bros are probably BBQing with their families.
The Shinri birthday Watson Weekly News thing probably
RRat intensifies
I've come to the conclusion after all the complaining that Euros only really have a 30 minute window to watch a stream.
>outside of the qualification criteria
Sasuga debuffson.
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i bet shes touching her uvula right now
This thread makes me angry everytime, I genuinely dont know why I still come here
The Watson Weekly news, before that it was the worms collab from like 2022.
You guys told me ERB was gonna raid the homo? She only mentioned Fauna when asking who she can redirect. Looks like she knows not to bring them up in collabs
Then leave, bitch, because we're not changing.
Oh, I'm drowsy AF. Gomen.
yuro here, is true.
Just drove my truck 200 miles to have some good bbq and some light beer! Maybe set off some fireworks before it gets dark!
Fauna is not and cannot be your friend
Wrong, she filled in for Kronii once in Monopoly with Mori, Vesper, and Magni
>Faunaschizos were traumatized by their high school crush
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Am I a bad fan for wanting Gigi's numbers to stay runty? I've always wanted a HoloEN I could afford to groom myself, and I'm in love with her already. If I she'll out $1k/month for the first few months I think I could actually ERP with her.
I have another way of coping, don't worry...
No there certainly are some faglings. Just check out the Shinkansen 0 vod
>anglos have anglosohere bias
What else is new?
4-5k is still a bit of competition for the whole grooming thing.
No you fucking retard, this is the most pathetic attempt to push a rrat when they hit the requirements in the first minute of their debut
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Consensual baby making with Friend
EUsharts get pathetic CCv KEK KEK KEK
Nah, I know what that anon is talking about and those type of girls were annoying. My crush in HS was a cute asian fujo... she already had a 25 yr old boyfriend though...
I said after the 2nd collab she was a nothingburger. At worst she'll affect her fans and collab partner if she spends too much time chatting with a homo instead of setting up her stream.
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gonna need a name here, homeslice

Maybe ID but you're out of your league. Some oil baron is going to sweep her off of her feet with daily aka supas.
I'm watching Nenechi
Think of it as practice, to not let insane stupid people get to you
Sorry ERB, but I am not watching Wii fucking Sports.
>b-but you're supposed to watch Fauna and jerk off her to 3d model
I have Twitter for all my porn needs
She's going to be making so much money she's not going to know what to do with all of it. Sorry anon, she's not groomable.
Cry more homovermin, more Fauna for me
You tried invading Canada like twice and lost both times
Why are Raora and GG streaming in EN primetime?
>traumatized by their high school crush
Man, that is some weak mental bullshit. I could understand if you got traumatized by shit like 9/11 or school shootings (like a few of my IRL colleagues), but a fucking crush? Holy shit.
is it gay month?
That just means you're a groomer.
She's way out of your league bro. Daily akasupa in USD before you even get her attention.
Korean vlogger avoided the homos
Because why not? It's not like they have to completely lock themselves with EU shit hours.
Unironically, this thread has made me very detached to a lot of things. I used to get angry about a lot of things and it would affect my decision making. But this thread taught me that people who don't care about anything always win because they can never get hurt. Oshi had a boyfriend the whole time and graduated? Can't happen to me, I don't have an oshi. Girl has shit numbers? Out of sight out of mind. Anon is shitposting about a Holo? tough, but it doesn't concern me.
Based, he knows what people care a out
>$1k a month
She’s not an ID, $1k a stream for an EN runt.
they have normal salaries anon
I knew it Koreans are based
kek based
Sounds like a you problem
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The fucking spirit bomb
who hurt you man...
Thank you, I don't want homobeggers on fauna's chat.
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UGHHHH BASED???? Maybe this guy aint as bad as the other leechers
ERB and Gigi collabs have to be the grimest possible combination ever conceived for EN.

At least once Gigi gets out of the collab ban she will get in the Biboo clique quickly and possibly incline. Maybe Goomba will grace her... maybe.
Looking forward to the 3D kino and graph
>Maybe Goomba will grace her... maybe.
kill yourself, collabbeggar.
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Yea, it is still gay month. Blame valve.
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raid baby
> I've always wanted a HoloEN I could afford to groom myself
maybe set you sights lower, like mori
Based. Unironically Cover should make him a PR-event-reporter. He literally goes to all events knowing what people want to see and what they dont, which is good publicity
>Doki and Vshojo booths have more people than Hololive's
Holobros? You ok?
Too... big?
Based KFP
it's midnight in EU bro, people are sleeping
Why does this thread hate Homos so much?
Interacted with? Don't remember. Last on stream interaction was for Mori's collab. Last time for mentioning Holostars was for a debut in November, and then she overlapped the 2nd half of the debuts. Before that one was the 3rd Watson Weekly.

It's been pretty bone dry for the most part after July. Even with her likes having zero Stars fanart for a year now.
Too late now anon. Should have started when they have graduated from their PL.
I hope he also avoids them in his upcoming video.
>collabing with anyone besides Myth+Fumei

I don't even think Gura collabed with any of the Advent girls yet. That I can remember anyways.
I hate unicorns but I don't like homos. Someone explain this to me. Does anyone else feel this way?
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People are leaving but people are coming in so it keeps going back and forth
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Cute girls are cute girls.
I just ate seven tacos.
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Pic not related
>a HoloEN I could afford to groom myself
Anon is living on literal IMPOSSIBLE difficulty.
you say this on the day CC raided ERB?
Were they good
You know what, chammers being there makes things interesting
RIP your toilet
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>Barely 20-30 people watching the Uproar members doing karaoke
Good job Cover, good fucking job
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Are you trying to replicate a Mori brap for your own pleasure?
We're over this shitpost, it worked before people started posting actual pictures. Keep it fresh
classic Cover bootlicker
you should be going after someone easier like kiara
Does Raden understand English
I do. I find both of them insufferable for different reasons.
Show proof
Why do you care what some anons think? Why are you here? Just go and watch the homos.
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Green good
Unicorns are annoying because they're so full of hatred and seethe. But the Homos are talentless fucks.
I think you can go too far the other way.
It is good care and be attached to some things. It's better to learn to manage your anger, and learn to not let things get to you. Rather then trying to detach it completely.
But you know, you do you
Nothing wrong with that don't let anons tell you otherwise
You're right, but you know what? I'm well fed and ready for Fauna Kino 3D.
very little
lost it instantly the day her classes ended
very american
Fauna perfect
What do you even call this group? Chammers just perving on her youngest kohais...
They are 2 fucking weeks late.
Gura's barely streamed and Advent basically missed her window of activity+were too shy to make the 1st move. If anyone expects Gura to get out of her box first they'll never collab, but fucking Risu got her to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to play DBD with her on her birthday by just ASKING. Just ask. But noo muh scary subs.
Anon, emotional detachment is an unironic mental illness and you need help.
>I don't have an oshi
seek help
i wonder how they'll react to erb's debut lmao
>1st army has to save reflops
Who do we send to save justice?
>Uh...reflops and haachama, the forgotten holo
Well i guess Chama and Ririka are going to have to translate for her
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Those are baby numbers
>Actual pictures
Why lie?
Why do you hate something that doesn't exist?
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What uh... what are you talking about
I would think FWMC would have asked by now. I could be wrong but they seem to land tons of collabs with everyone.
Sapkeks are the thirstiest girlfriendless coomers in this thread, it makes me sad.
>Biboo clique
That’s not a thing
Gura isn't Japanese
Move along idiot
Do you mean actual Unicorns, or buzzword unicorns?
Because if it's the former it's reasonable, too much doxxing and drama. Realistically most of those people stopped watching hololive years ago, and mostly focus on indies/small corpos
you are 3 hours late...
Their 1 on 1 collabs can be counted on your hands and like 3 are just Mori
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good thing he's keeping her up to date with the status of his dad
>Do you mean actual Unicorns, or buzzword unicorns?
What the fuck is the difference? Unicorns like pure girls and they hate males and impure women. That's pretty standard for a lot of this thread. I don't like male vtubers personally, but I don't shit on girls for collabing with or liking them.
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Is just biboo and kaela
how about the senpai reach out instead?
she can ALSO ask for them to play games with her.
why should the burden be on advent?
maybe they don't want to ask her
maybe they prefer she asks instead because they assume she's always busy because she barely streams and is probably doing work and doesn't want to interrupt her.
fact is, we don't know why they haven't asked or why gura didn't reach out instead.
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Good lord she is so cute already.
Homos have at least half of this right?
This is the first of these that I’ve actually watched, this feels like 2008 again
Her stomach is too erotic
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good thing they don't have mods, it's impossible to see them
Actual Unicorns care about doxx shit. Is the big difference
Does anyone spam the 3D bikini model more than Fauna? This is some shameless shit. Biboo and Fuwamoco get their natty 10ks playing vidya and being cute and funny. Fauna gets it pandering to coomers. I mean just look at these fucking posts.
You saw it and came running to the thread to post it kek
I counted 90 heads in this pic. There are more IPs in this thread at any given moment
>Fauna doesn't remember what IRyS looks like
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Hi Fauna, my Dad is dead cause of cancer. Also catch these 100 bucks!
you probably couldn't even groom a star for 1k/mo
There are only 58 IPs here right now tho
Retard, I am talking about the booth
funny bit from a Kronii clip with Raora
>usually it's managers that setup mods but seems that they forgot this time, maybe they have work
and proceed to mod her manually on stream, wtf EN management is doing it's a mystery.
>Ohh I'm sorry to hear that, I hope your dad feels better.
I didn't see it at first, but the grey monkeys were spamming the ERB and I figured it out
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i hope fauna keeps ignoring her
Yeah I feel like every Justice girl has had to be modded mid stream in every chat they show up in. There seems to be a whole lot of management negligence this time around.
Yeah Fauna hates ERB just like me.
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I wouldn't even notice if I didn't know beforehand.
Wait, only two of them got holo merch. Who are the rest of these people?
Don't you have some rape asmr to listen to sister?
you thought this was a Wii Sports Resorts stream? psych, it was another character creator stream
Ok Fauna we gotta hurry that shit up, it's not worth it
>I hate ERB
>Fauna hates ERB
In Fauna's chat you should be able to deduce that
Character creation is always kino.
I pay no attention to chat, but you are right.
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wtf, /#/, you told me pippa was bad
I only need Fauna to be happy
No it isn't. It's stupid. I want to see Fauna bounce her tits around not make some stupid character.
It seems the homos deleted all of it...
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I always wonder how many people go to cons like this but don't watch normal streams.
What the overlap there is
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>he doesnt promote the homos
where is your god now??
Your seethe is irrelevant. Gura doesn't NEED to feed them numbers, they need the numbers.
I'm EU and I'll rather watch Fauna at 12am than ERB or GG at 9pm.
There would be so many cute girls here if it was Japan...
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We love Towa in this thread tho
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kek, this is not Dark Souls music, but whole scene is still great
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He wouldnt even dare to hold Taa without protection
>Hi saplings
bitch stop attempting to communicate with the streamer's fans, learn ANYTHING about holo etiquette
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>gura vindicated me hating on biboo when she fucked offf from the VC when she come
>Fauna vindicating my hate for ERB by ignoring her spam
Im always right
God I hate ERB she's such a stupid bitch.
That thing carries purple diseases, of course he wouldn't
>wearing gloves
he is aware males chuubas are poison
Stupid fucking whore cunt needs to stay out of Fauners stream.
Someone already send a sc about his dead dog and ERB
giving 2009 lets play energy rn
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Why is she like this? Is she just the biggest attention whore ever?
>doesn't remember Kronii's face
they hate each other
Thank God Fauna ignored this dumb bitch.
>Fauna doesn't know how Kronii looks like
She fucking hates her
I rested a bit after CC so I could watch fauna, later I will try to watch raora.
Yes, also scouting for her beggar army and attempting to leech viewers early on since she will not have enough when sbe becomes the runt
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is just Nero's face
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>number thread
>hates number poison
jap man got promoted and whoever took his place is lacking
>The 3 obligatory posts for the girls
Fuck off bitch, just don't post anything and go to the homos stream to flirt with them.
She doesn't even have a model on stream
now she just needs to mute herself and we can go full retro
It’s really funny the 180 she did on male vtubers
Oh god I fucking hate her now
What do you expect from the biggest grifter in vtubing
there were no models in 2009
>i'm second guessing myslef, is that how you spell kronii
where videos
Kiara is in Japan
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Ever since Justice debut anons here started to act like sisters.
Putting alot of care into Mumei's mii
that was like 4min ago
You faumei fags are mentally ill
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i can tell
Welcome to two days ago
normally I would not watch... but its the 4th... I guess I will since I cant enjoy any 4th of july food with my wisdom teeth pulled and still healing and my tongue swollen as fuck...
12k but this stream doesn't count no model
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Kronii has been a snake all along, thats why she has fangs, crow was a smoke screen
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>My beloved owl eyes
She's the only one who's going to stay a 4view (barely), isn't she
Fauna's Mumei mii looks retarded.
she started out with one
At least you have a family to enjoy 4th of july with. I haven't been to a 4th of July BBQ since I was 17 when my parents passed away in a car accident. It's been 9 fucking years since I've been to a cookout.
are you perhaps forgetting how the whole board sucked vesper's dick for a period of time after he debuted?
Fauna is just mogging everyone in Justice at this point (WITHOUT DEBUT BUFF)
>I dont want to hate on anycolor but isnt this the ugliest color?
Doe she claim to hate them now or something?
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Where did all the schizos go?
Hanzel bros being destroyed right now
why do i like this better without a model on screen. reminds me of making mii's with my little sister
Saplings are the schizos
Twitter is dying
8k spirit bomb into the waiting room doesn't count as a buff?
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there are two groups of discord raiders and we're currently in the dead hours between their activity
All mii's look retarded
watching fauna
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fuck off you've been spamming this in multiple threads
>bae last
Brat bros....
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They're just cute together
I got it all out of my system and now I am playing Elden Ring
oh shit my b
this is a cope
it's more like saplings are the antis and threadshitters
Fauna without her model on streams sounds like an 8 year old boy
i'm still here
w-where am i
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I want to berochu this homo
3D fauna my beloved
>Shipfags are mentally ill
No way
busy fapping to canadian green woman.
Guess I am a pedophile then
Man I love Fauna so much
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>puts an acrylic stand on the stream
Man Sapkeks are really satisfied with any thing huh
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Who needs a concert when we have this
Waiting for the Advent collab so they can shitpost the Average CCV compared to the Justice collab an hour later.
Hello, Ennacuck
literally me
Where's the vandalization?
Fauna's really drawn to Mumei huh
prob, yeah, they need to play together to pump their numbers
Twitter is dead
All greyfags
The way fauna leans forward every time she laughs makes my dick so hard
Goddamn shame we ain't getting 3D, with this spirit bomb no less to keep the momentum.
internet tough guys arent tough irl
Have you ever been happy?
Me btw
no way, VSPOEN is getting memberships before HoloEN4 rumaoooooooooo
The fuck I just woke up from my nap.
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Faumei didnt come out of the void
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I guess Valorant isn't quite the buff of Apex.
VSPO seems kind of gameplay-dependent
male on stream
>Holding hands with random men on stream
Of course. I just hate popular things and Fauna is popular here so I hate her. I like runts like Shiori, Gigi, ERB, and Nerissa.
Yeah me
this is the first time I have seen the wii sports resort intro, I didn't know it even had one
They all get like double their regular numbers when playing their 'signature' game, though she's probably still going to get 1k which means she's getting twice the CCV of the other two.
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I can't believe Fauna was 36 minutes late today, but thankfully she finally started the stream!

popular demand
>so many people they had to kick some out
>natty 13k
Holy fuck why is Fauna so popular? Even FWMC and Biboo can't do this
I legitimately don't understand why English vtuber agencies keep hiring ESL shitters. Just fucking hire native English speakers for fuck's sake, why is that so hard for them?
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mmmmmmm milk
kek what the fuck
>Kicked out for being a Fire Hazard.
Fauna milkies
Fair. Although Shiori, Gigi, and to lesser extent Nerissa are also popular here
Speaking of, the collab ban is meant to end this weekend and then the JP ban ends the next yes? Does anyone know if management learned to include the homos in the ban or is this weekend the one we see ERB sink herself completely?
My ads appreciate this, no need to delete this mods
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raided waiting room
this kind of looks unsafe
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How many white girls are out there that are actually both decent at competitive FPS whilst being able to entertain an audience? Can't be many.
>Fauna went kayaking
God she's so white
Fauna is taking two hands to me.
>gets raided
>keeps inclining even further
Only kirins have this power
I wish Fauna would kayak on me
fake, she got inverted nipples
They got like 1000 applicants right? Or more?
They can't find one native english speaker for their Gen 1? That's supposed to be their bedrock gen for future growth, instead it's just got 1 good member and 2 shitters
Man watching Fauna play through all the wii games brings back so much nostalgia
Oh not to mention, the names they picked are all japanese and shit. Why not use English names? What the fuck are you doing?
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Should have given them the theater Niji isn't using.
Did you find any of them? They also need to want to be chuubas.
So when is EN4 and Witcher going to kill Fauna's channel as our resident prophet has been saying?
She's really the best
I was expecting 3/3 Asian LoL players/support sluts so just getting Arya is already exceeding expectations for me.

Feels like a capitulation of sorts. They know they have zero market share so they gave them JP names to try and make it easier for JP tourists? Not that any of them stream at a watchable time for JPs.
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I just heard the news
Why the FUCK would she do it!?
This is too sexual ...
>durr there's no one at the niji booth
yeah, cause of the fucking security risk. they caneeled an entire concert and lost thousands over this, remember?
Somehow this is a huge problem for HoloEN, VSPO EN, and NijiEN.
But not a problem at all for Phase Connect and VShojo
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kill yourself
So Sapkeks are just a bunch of coomers. Got it.
Frozen Fauna...
>Raided until relevancy
if ame doesn't sing "america, fuck yeah" and say
I'll be very disappointed.
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>3D died
en4 is buffing fauna it looks like and fauna keeps spamming 3d
justice should stream much earlier desu or at the very least gigi should stream much later
Anycolor fears the black knights
Vshojobros...we were talking all that good shit a few hours ago...
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fauna seems horny today
After the Japan trip does, then after Advent does, then after the Outer Wilds playthrough does
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It’s the combination of her sweet motherly voice combined with her pure SEXO design that keeps us alive
Please for the love of fucking god go outside and meet real women.
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twas a false alarm
when EN5 debuts
Instead Fauna became a raid baby
Oh nyo~
3D isn't even a huge buff, she gets just good enough numbers with it, and streams are pretty short so she doesn't incline forever. She would get more with Minecraft, Dark Souls, or some new game that isn't Withering Rooms dogshit.
>they gave them JP names to try and make it easier for JP tourists?
It's their bedrock gen though. Like imagine when Gen 5 looks up to their senpais. At least NijiEN's gen1 and gen2 actually have good names. Like "Rosemi Lovelock" or "Pomu Rainpuff", good english names. But who the fuck is "Remia Aotsuki"?
We are talking about the pool of native english female sweaty good FPS chuubas.
Most applicants won't be very good. The best probably aren't applying to VSPO either.
kys niggers vtubing is a japanese hobby and every single relevant vtuber is part of a japanese agency
fun fact, she's usually tick after the Witcher
>Kakarot! Fight me here!
Hello, botnigger
>an unironic nijinigger
so NijiEN did literally nothing for their booth? kek.
>Two interested.
>Two that would rather be at the Holo booth.
>every single relevant vtuber is part of a japanese agency
Ok but "Ceres Fauna" is actually an english name. And what do you know, English speakers watch her.
If her name was "akasuki tatsuki" or some shit, nobody would remember that
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OHNONONONONONO SISTERS?!!?!? Also, the one piece guy is certainly lost, run retard before they think you are into homos!
Goku bros our time is now
Look at all those Dookiekek's harassing poor Niji fans
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all this hype worth it, cuz i like it
What are you doing here? And don't lie and say you are on your lunch break at your 6 figure job.
Could be following the sister before him
God I hate Fauna so much
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God i love fauna so much
Fauna Sweep!
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we love fauna here
It's 4th of July...
That place is so empty that it's perfect to ambush some women
Imagine this thread if Fauna was relevant enough to have the same effect
Who is the most preferred homo to self-insert as?
Right, because English speakers don't watch Nanashi Mumei you retarded mongoloid
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Have you tried not. It's very easy
I like Fauna but Sapkeks are annoying
>Sexiest HoloEN
>strawpoll, one vote per IP, so its less easier to bot
>ranked mode
>you have to drag your preferred optionstothetop
Fauna's boobies make me happy
What the fuck are those straps going up Fauna's hips?
Honestly this looks almost as full as FWMC
second most gay post after this one >>79911392
So how were the booths in terms of popularity? I showed up late today. I saw the homos managed to assemble a small smattering of fans and that Niji did horribly. Obviously Holo did the best. How did any others do? Were vshojo or phase involved at all?
What does it look like?
She's such a whore
This stream is just Fauna noises
>Dokiterrorist taking pictures of his victims
for shame
Keep telling yourself that sapkek
Impossible, so many years of onepiss already adapted their taste into impossible 2D women like nami.
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The woman in this thread is so pissy today, is she on her period?
Scroll up. They had to turn people away for FWMC
Do con goers just not regularly watch streams
>Fauna needs to bowl on automatic
looks like the dodgers game will be on Abema.

its been how many years now and retards still dont know okbh is supposed to be an ironic shitposting sub
Is Fauna smart for using 2k monitors?
No real women can compare to mommy fauna...
are low 6 figure jobs even impressive anymore after inflation?
Holt shit she's so cute...
Vshojo mogged everyone by far
I remember they like to self insert into characters with no personality. All of them?
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>that one sister who obviously knows she's getting photographed by the guy in the corner
>half the people in the photo are lost and are literally passing through
to be fair at least a couple of the Saplings here are women in stealth
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You are seriously retarded if you think every man likes Fauna for some reason
what KFP is to global
is what Saplings are to /#/
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Ironic, you say?
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only a woman or a man thinking they are one would complain this much
Yes, retard. Thats a shitpost. You know what irony and sarcasm are?
>Hail Unicorn Hydra
>How Bout Da Bois
>Cancelled the Show
The four horsemen of Homocalypse.
>the homos managed to assemble a small smattering of fans
Only two of them got holo merch, the others are phasecucks and sisters (format de hombre) there is even one with pomu cosplay in the background
Only a woman would dislike Fauna.
And men with brown feet
Is this real...
I don't like some Holos but I don't shitpost about them. Maybe the woman should control her hormones.
lmao kiara was gonna have an irl guest greenscreened in for her live, but she ghosted wawa for 2 months and after resending emails/dm'ing directly/even offering to pay for her appearance, she ended up saying she couldn't make it.
Go watch The Boys (tm). They could use the view.
Nah some men are just really good at spotting grifters who dont care about Hololive.
I have never known anyone that doesn't use sarcasm as an excuse to shit on someone or something
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So lui is for blowjob only? I thought her hips were her highlight.
>ERB beaten by two green women
>anti cgdct posting
Her joy and happiness is what I love
what is this cope? spent two seconds looking and there was a milf hat a kfp hat a ctw shirt a noelle bag
now if you want to talk about how tempiss could never...
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sure sister
Holy shit that's at least one tenth of the people watching FWMC, will holoshite ever recover
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Unwashed Fauna...
98 pins!
wtf almost 14k? I always forget about numbers when I'm watching fauna.
80% of this term's usage is by women, sis. It's only slightly less of a tell than "pick-me"
why the fuck are GG's numbers so low??
anon, its literally called ok buddy hololive, which is a play on ok buddy retard
their whole joke is pretend to be retarded
its funny how everyone is too stupid to understand irony
How do you lose to the person who raided you
she was raided it doesn't count
Go back, retard.
>80% of this term's usage is by women
Nice try phasenigger
Fauna kneeling
>Merely pretending
>grifter is a woman term
Eh, cancelled the show is about nijiniggers. Replace that with Cries of War or Do you know?
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Wow anon, you're very self-aware!
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
I noped out as soon as CC sent me to the whore's stream
ERB's numbers aren't much better. That number was after CC's raid. She was only around 4.5k before the raid and GG was around 3.5k before the funnel
Did CC raid her? When I was here earlier she couldn't break 5K.
>cc raids into erb
>raid and gg raids into fauna
that's how
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the fauna of justice
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I don't watch Vshitjo, who are the people there supposed to be dressed up as?
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it stop getting ironic when they post the exact same anti-holo shit like the homo subs.
I like how GG getting raid counted but not for Fauna, the double standard is real also...
It depends on where you live but the average worker makes around 55k.
bro are you lost? your discord buddies left ages ago
>she was raided it doesn't count
ERB wwas raided too, Pre-raid ESRB had 5k. She wasn't beating Fauna unless it was a superhcat reading lol
>I'm only pretending to be an anti
>Proceeds to behave the exact same way outside of there
Uh huh
unironically yes
They dipped when CC said goodbye
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next cope please
Guessing it was her IRL Idol oshi? I don't remember her name I know wanted to perform, cover a song, or something along those lines after she got to meet her in person.
That's a tiny booth.
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I just realized there are more people in that picture than the two homos CCV combined...
>falling for reddit shitposts
KEK this is so sad guys
Except Fauna isn't losing the raid but inclining >>79916694
Oh no erbkeks...
GG didn't get raided, retard.
>you don't have to show it again...
God she sounds so sexy when she's defeated...
fuck off retard
I love when she ducks
It stops being pretend when they constantly containment break with it, and spread it everywhere.
>Me being an anti is just an act! It's just a prank bro.
>I'm only pretending to be an anti
Ironic antiposting is still antiposting.
Wrong. Her waiting room was raised by Raora
>the arya chick can sing
She could have joined Hololive.
>I'm a retard!
>Kek, you fell for me being an actual retard!
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Sexy posu
>anti-ing Holos doesn't count when you're doing it Ironically™
Literal brown vt memes arguments
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yeah lol
She would kill her channel with valorant shit.
sexy kirin
Is she singing now? I'll check it out after Fauna.
Better than the ones here that do it unironically
I was refering to the countless of times that GG got raided retard, not today
>crying about Holoantis when you faggots shit on the homocollabing girls 24/7
Come the fuck on get off your fucking high horses you hypocrites.
Seething jealously after realizing how much of a benefit EN4 is to Fauna. Not just Fauna, but Ina and Biboo as well. Fauna generates more seethe from schizo's
Funny thing is I would have watched GG if the red whore wasn't there so she actually has a negative impact on CCV.
And jannies are meant to moderate the board instead of letting people break rules in order to attack corpos they don't like but we all know how the things are
She genuinely should stream later, her slot already belongs to ina and fauna.
So these are the faggots who shit up global
14k Doryaaa!!
She wouldn't do that with someone she's close to (Biboo offcollab where she headpats her would be cute though). What makes them think she would ever do that with a faggot she "talked to", and I'm being generous with that statement, and whose name she literally doesn't even remember anymore.
>she's still going
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Ask pinoy
Rope yourself immediately.
Shut up rider
'Kill him" she says calmly
Unicorns have no self awareness
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kys bvtm brown
>/#/ calling anyone antis
Fauna has mannish shoulders.
After you, unironic anti
See your kind >>79917032 already calling holos whores
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>Protect your smile pledge
>Sing SSS
I love these dogs
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>reddit cuckposter raid
Go back, discord trannies
She looks like her dad
homobeggars (and thus, homocollabing girls) ARE holoantis. They are literally trying to ruin what makes Hololive good. They are unironically just antis.
Gura cute
Vshojofags are ironic weebs and don't cosplay it's too cringe for them
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Mahou shoujo
bro pinged his discord buddies after realizing he was alone in the thread
I don't even think it's a raid, I think it's like one guy having a meltdown.
155k and Highly Compensated Employee designation by the IRS is the new 6 figures.
>OKBH redditors would rather shitpost this board than watch "The Boys Season 4, now in Amazon"
You can't make this up.
Just report them for trolling. Jesus...
At least one of you isn't retarded
I mean she literally said that
Her 3D truly is God tier
This is what you do to girls on your "side"
>Anon is an annoying faggot
>Wonders why more people won't watch his precious boys.
>14k - 8k raid = 6k real viewers
Fauna is reclining...
>that little jig she did
I'm going to fucking lose it
>he thinks reporting works
>8k raid
It look like people don't care
Oh fuck, I forgot the new episode is out.
it has to be one of those schizos that comes here to get mad and then goes and cries on twitter or some shit
How is this even a shitpost?
She literally admitted to this on stream, the stream and her saying it is literally still up.
Girl has a preference, nothing wrong with that, many girls have it.
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Moom scary
Nah, 300k is the new 100k with inflation in the US. You can spot poorfags who think they "made it" when they say they make six figures.
ERB + GG no?
Fuck off selenfag
Go back
I hope that GG at least wins Cope gold.
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why are homostars full of groomers
>Fauna starts panicking as soon as Luca shows up
>doesn't even say his name
>she didn't read out hte name
>lukek getting mogged by a frail vegan
Nigger what the fuck are you talking about?
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is this how zoomers flirt?
Fauna will bonk me for a meet and greet I need to get in one one...
What are they saying?
What happened im not watching
I can’t read this but thank you
I learned from Twitter the last time she played Wii Sports that nips fucking love this shit for some reason
Then fuck off
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We literally love EN here
Take your Ritalin retard
>it's tako again
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Ew these niggas nasty
Only these 15 in particular for me
Maybe, but people like to either reach some official designation or a nice round number like 100k. 300k feels too arbitrary. That's why I think HCE is going to be the new social benchmark.
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Especially ERB
We love ERB here
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>for some reason
Btw she also said my dick is the biggest she has ever saw
She literally admitted to this on stream, the stream and her saying it is literally still up.
Girl has a preference, nothing wrong with that, many girls have it.
its a joke
It's a thing about your account, check it in google. You may need to make a change but you will lose your history and probably your subscriptions.
You don't like watching a cute girl moving around?
fauna a woman with full body sex
I'm talking about specifically wii sports
yeah, mogged everyone as predicted
another broken retard of the invisible war
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i never done that tho, but we all know homobeggars DO hates and shit on cgdct holos unironically
>reddit meme
Go back
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>for some reason
is this real chat?
JPbros knows wassup
I'm not going to tell you how to get gift subs cause I'm on 6 months in a row of fauna gifted subs and I don't want your bitch ass stealing it from me.
the game doesn't matter, is the girl what matters
>Defending ERB
Homobeggars need to kill themselves
In worried about Fauna. She's got too much spin . You'd need be a master to handle that much spin
She’s so perfect man it hurts
ERB is a Holo, faggot
>xhe still going
take your meds...
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>King Fauna who understands demand
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>Admitting you're a cuck
Guys, I just bought some digital messages for the Breaking Dimensions concert, and I'm a little confused. I filled out the Google form for it, and I think I'm good. However, is this gonna dox my google account?
Nyfco squatters. Plz andastando.
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are you retarded?
guys... Fauna just called us pathetic I want this looped
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Fuwawa killed Pippa
Even JPlings are horny...
who made this
they need to kys
we love reddit itt
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yes. the holomems are going to fully dox you with your google account and then break into your house at night and rape you.
Go back OKBH fag.
>smaller than the uproar dudes one
Damn they fell off
Oh nyo!
Not again!
that's a lot of pomudachis
had to dig for it
Always has been, but how tf is that relevant here lmao
>Solid Snake
Holofan really love FWMC
Perfect. I've been waiting for this moment my whole life!
>fauna is 6.4
Imagine bad this room smells
This guy
She’s built for it so I’m glad she’s getting the dick she needs
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Not as bad as you saar
Wait the AX mini Rock N Roar was today? For some reason I thought it was on Saturday. Not that it matters since I'm not at AX.
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>Fauna's recent desire for sex is out of control. What's going on?
>that crown
>it's mine
Fauna knows
At least post the louder version FAGGOT
so whats with the plappa tranny in that one photo?
>Vshojo booth
>holopro enjoyer
yeah that's a instablock
Any image or webm for Nijibooth?
What? That she's EN2 and will always kneel to the Numbers Queen?
>inserting yourself in an environment you don't like being in
I honestly don't understand why people would do that.
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i love whiny Faufau
So they heal just in time for RnR?
Vwhorejo is too poor to afford AX space so they had to suck Brave's CEO dick for some yakuza money.
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What crown?
saturday is the good smile panel
its prerecorded retardbro
No pictures allowed
Goooood I wish I could hear Fauna say BBC out loud
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Fauna's journey to a score of 100 will be difficult...
My amazon wife
go back to global faggot
Kys subhuman
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why does that picture have a "super value" question mark?
huh i thought those Q&A things were the only things not pre-recorded
based fellow deadbeat
Good Smile panel. Will that be on Youtube as well, or just in person?
There's a clip of the too but I'm too lazy spoonfeed you
Why are (You) lying?
And your parents wish you didn't end up being such a disappointment, we can't always get what we want.
sapkeks your oshi will never be ballin
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nigga has MKG shot form kek
CGDCT bros we are so close
Imagine Fauna handling your balls like that.
Unnatural threads
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Kakarot, I found the place
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Fauna is not balling, but neither are most anons...
>Goku and Vegeta jokes
You guys arent very original
I don't remember basketball being in this game
holy shit fauna spherin'
She is talking about the game character
lurk moar
Shut up, Frieza.
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tourist level jokes. catalognigs will never be funny.
>i-it's not funny
Haven't watched the clip, but my retirement plan is to make enough money to watch/support my favorite HoloEN members for the rest of my life. if only I was a millionaire.
>outing yourself
Go back.
That's her reading a chat message dumbo
Still can't believe someone like Fauna actually exists. She's everything great
hi mori

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