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Runescape Edition
Previous Thread >>79909802

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https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)
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Nerissa just posted in members, they're on world 431
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Holy Shit! Latex FUWAMOCO my fucking dick
Bau Bau
Nice try but I can see what world she is on.
Is that real?
KEK Fuwawa
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>there's a party accumulating
fuwawa just farted
Keep posting this
>Bijou outright said it's ugly
don't post this
I sniffed my screen and it just smelled like dried cum
it's true, there's no reason to play this shit in the year 2024
Why did Nerissa convince them to play this trash?
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Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 331: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. For anki I've learned 5 new cards. For immersion I've watched one episode of an anime.
I sincerely apologize for posting during the stream, I haven't noticed it's an hour earlier than the usual time.
>They played before
Papa puppy forcing them to play western MMOs...
Always post this
it was funny when FuwaMoco immediately said it's cute and something else right after Biboo to not hurt Nerissa's feelings
Most people have admitted to only playing because of nostalgia and grinding. Other wise they’ve admitted that they wouldn’t play it because it’s kinda butt.
Based Biboo shitting on this game
>thread filled with zoomers
the fuck I thought this was the ojisan thread
>biboo is the osrs schizo
why is all of advent in this thread
Most people here are zoomers who larp as ojisans
I read up a bit on it on a /v/ thread and "old school" Runescape is basically just the new Runescape except with shitty graphics
It was probably Sakura Miko because WEEBS
Sakuramiko my beloved...
Wow that's weird, wonder who it was
Bread made
They should play OOT instead of this shit.
full name? meaning both names? SakuraMiko or something?
Zoomer brain can't comprehend the scuffed charm
Based Boomer doggos grew up with this shit
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>fuwamoco called me faggot on oldschool RuneScape
wouldn't it be Roboco since they like robot girls?
it seems really unlikely to get both names exactly
Biboo isn’t a zoomer tho
No thanks I prefer not to have to watch them play garbage games.
I don't think they would've thought to specify full name if that was the case.
I'll hate Nerissa forever for making them play this shit
It was probably someone with an extremely normal name or one composed of normal words.
that is her full name though
Rocks shouldn't be this sexy
So she’s the opposite of this? >>79920748
>I as a child might I have walked past FUWAMOCO, also children, fishing while I desperately tried to grind materials for a cape so I could look cool (also I didn't know how to get a cape)
we were meant to be together
It is.
Mococo is going to 99 mining and ruin their idol dreams
>comment said HE wasted time on ORS
>fuwawa: "wasted time?"
>mococo: "NO I DIDN'T"
he wasn't talking about...
Shut up Kevin they're MY wives
they're enjoying it kys zoomer
I agree with Biboo
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They killed the rrats
KYS groomer.
Biboo is a normie wannabe gamer anyway she only plays fotm fromslop and it still took her 10 hours to beat Radahn.
Oh wait Shiori is there, genuinely haven't seen a single mention of her before or current in relation to the stream
you can tell everybodys irl age just from their reaction to runescape
lmao even the chat hates Bae
i am a groomer but still kys
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You missed the real attraction of AX
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FUWAMOCO just killed Bae
I hate runescape because I had an account as a kid like 25 years ago, but at some point they deleted it.
Fuck them.
What the fuck do you think "Advent collab" means?
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Now make some bread
I hope they do like Nerissa and they do membership OSRS streams with the doggie pack.
what do you even do in runescape
there arent even any lolis or booba
isn't nerissa the youngest one
>poll booth
I'm literally older than most of you here and I think it's fucking ugly
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She is
Turn on a bot and do literally anything else
Mining and increasing prayer.
i'm twinning with biboo this stream honestly
Bijou is really bitching about the game
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God I was already looking forward to this collab but even them futzing around in Tutorial Island has been fun.
You do things over and over until it drives you insane and you quit.
t. 222x total level and 13 pets owner
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There's no dodge rolls in RuneScape she's out of her depth.
I have a confession: I'm an ojisan but I never played RuneScape. My parents didn't let me have a laptop till HS so I missed the original RuneScape craze
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>what's the iron man gonna do to us...?
THEY ARE IN WORLD 418!!!!!!!!
OSRS was good for it's time but it has not aged well at all.
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Runescape was always the poor man's Ultima Online
What does this mean
Your parents saved you from becoming more mentally ill than you currently are
based biboo
holy fucking based
I’ve been looking forward to this all day. So happy to see OSRS spreading through more of Hololive. Just hope it sticks, rather than being a one-off event.
If Bejoe shit talks OSRS too much and making a negative atmosphere, she’s going to have to be reduced to dust
i think its fucking ugly but i played the fuck out of it
My boomer Mogochan...
My wives are so based
They actually know the words to Sandstorm!
Darude Mogojan???
We're absolutely soundposting the fuck out of that Sandstorm rendition, right?
OSRS is not a vtuber game. It's too much of a grind.
not if my alts have anything to say about it
once they're off tutorial it's over for future streams
wait for them to sing it in an RnR Party
A shitpost that should be removed but the jannies only care about gorilla posts
Literally who though
OSRS is shit
No balls nigga.
Fucking shit where is the rnr mini recording
A fucking wizard, I didn't know I was literally in this game
So what's the difference between melee, bow and magic combat in OSRS? Melee not consuming resources?
i honestly have no clue whats going on but they're having fun so im smiling and having fun
Check the holotakeover discord that’s where the dude said he’d put it
I just realized that FuwaMoco try not to song new songs during convention/event karaokes so ruffians who can't watch or be there won't be missing much.
That's me most of the time they stream
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This is boring.
Something about the graduated idol ghost girl whose bf got exposed and mocked and cucked her fans.
Here it comes
Yeah you need mats for ranged and magic. Bows you need arrows and Magic you need runes. Melee doesn't consume anything.
kek how many of you fags are on this server
i blame nerissa for this shit stream
>no name on top of the character
I don't know what I expect but I'm still disappointed
blame the ruffians
Hey man. It's been almost a year congrats. Just wondering did you know any Japanese last year? Can you watch an Anime and understand it now? Anyways keep it up anon. Cheering for ya.
>the quintessential Brazilian / poorfag MMO
>least interesting of the old MMOs
>pure grinding game with 3% interesting content
They could be playing FF11 instead and camping crabs for 20 hours per level.
well this is going great
>Fuwawa is sexy, Mococo is sexy
You need runes for magic.
>this is an organ!
you can't say that to the nijiliver mococo
It's runescape as it was in 2007 from an old archived version the devs found and have been running it as a classic version of runescape since like 2012 and updating it frequently to the point where it's gone in a slightly different direction than the original.
If only they were playing A Tale in the Desert, we'd be watching desert crafting kino
>In the church
I'm marrying FuwaMoco in runescape later fags
This is pretty bad desu
why does fuwawa shake her tits when there is silence
Holy shit that was chaotic
>They're so autistic they can't just turn off the game screen for a few minutes instead of going into break screen
post the world code
wait is this why I'm not most of the regulars in chat? they're playing in-game?
For max viewer engagement
Someone will find it.
I saw fuwamoco in runescape
I can die happy now
jfk why didnt they just do this intro shit off stream first lmao
Never thought I'd hear that name again, I knew someone who played it autistically.
They need to play this ASAP.
nah, I'm just watching the stream and not chatting much
Because Nerissa wanted to let the fans get a moment to say hi
We need our jingle key entertainment pls andast
3d ddr stream would be peak kino
There's not much to say
you're in 2 threads saying the same shit.
are you not tired?
>waiting screen
Other streams still on
you people planning to make names and gorilla post disappointed me
Yes, the clique wants them to play the game to groom them.
Yes I know, that's why I'm complaining about them going into the break screen instead of just turning off the game capture for a few minutes like every normal streamer
You can believe whatever you want
And miss the kino? If Biboo is going to be a confused zoomer, she might as well stream it.
I saw someone calling them sexy. That's good enough.
Mama love
wait, are the mics still on in the other streams?
Seriously why tf did they do this
yes, watching Biboo's rn
Yeah sorry guys, Rissa is not very smart or forward thinking.
they should make a sound-only screen
Yes I just tuned into nerissa for the audio
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what happened to biboo's body
Is fine. They just wana hang out.
Bird brain will do that to you
What a fun collab
she ascended
She hated it so much she just turned it off
Does OSRS have upgraded server limits compared to RS back in the day or is it just because people are flocking in the same location? Are there any limits in having many players in same area?
everyone is streaming while FuwaMoco has ruffians on a brb screen kek
This game sucks, why did they play it when they were young. You'd think they'd go for stuff like MapleStory or something.
Advent UO Outlands stream next, where the goal is to kill a single monster outside of shelter island.
Time to world hop till I find em I guess kek
The only MMOs I've ever played were Ragnarok online and Ether Saga (both sucked)
they hate us
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lmao you can't escape me
You know that DS2 mechanic where you eventually lose half your health if you keep dying over and over?
Well she kept dying to the final boss of the Elden Ring DLC so she only has half her body at the moment.
Papapuppy made them play western games instead of shitty eastern ones
I don't know what Nerissa was expecting.
nerissa is a fucking idiot kek
Aww Newissa is a party pooper
i don't like this feeling at all, it's like nerissa forcing them into her friend group
Nerissa is uuuuuhhhhhhhhh dumb
>Ragnarok online (sucked)
Please post your identity so I can fight you at FWMC's concert.
we'll get em next time nijisis
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this is so scuffed lmao
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They just don't want to stream do they?
Maplestory sucks dick though, great sprites I gotta hand it to them.
>she didn't predict this
Why?! This happens every time, in every game
The intro island thing was so kino, just keep playing...
>nerissa are we gonna actually play the fucking game?
they're getting fed up kek
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They really should have turned public chat to friends only as well. In before Taiwan yab.
The dogs better not accept spoonfeeding. Shit ruins the game.
I don't get it, what's going wrong and why did they leav shortly? I'm watching but still confused
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Chill faggot, some of us wanna have fun
I hate Nerissa so much
their own fans SCed taiwan before though
Sleepy Joewawa
>she didn't predict they would get crowded
did she not get crowded when she played solo?
what did she fucking expect?
THIS. I don't know if we are supposed to watch the stream or become a part of Nerissa's OSRS clique to have fun during this stream
you think they will actually play this dogshit past making Nerissa happy they accepted to play it with her?
She did.
Fuwawa would be better president
I just brought it up as an example. I was a Ragnarok Online person.
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I would *like* them to. OSRS is fucking KINO.
The hell is going on
>Nerissa: GO AWAY
She's not smart.
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it's been almost 1 hour and they really ain't doing nothing since tutorial
did Nerissa really think they could tardwrangle her fucking groomer clique?
This is a disaster, kek, holy fuck Newissa...
Nerissa is fucking retarded for not realizing that this would end up happening.
>you're gonna make them not want to play again
You say that like it's a bad thing
>why do they have hearts?
>it's uhhh a uhhhh thing you can turn on
>make them not want to play the game again
god please
Too for that late Nerissa lmao
Who do i blame for suggesting this game? I loved it as a kid but i would rather have watched something else
They're never gonna fucking play it again anyway, nerissa
mmo's are fucking boring
Rissa has just been grinding prayer for hours
its over
newissa wavencwoft
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Is Nerissa fucking dumb for not expecting this?
I hate how awkward it is lmao
Whatever, girls are being cute
Fuwawa 2024
did Fuwawa yawn?
I love the shifty eyes that they do sometimes
>trump and biden spam
well this is going spectacularly
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I guess that's something
but where's MococoSexy126?
>Defeat Donald Trump and Fascism 2024
Apparently they're just randoms, but I wouldn't know for sure because I left long ago
Ok now I get why people are shitting on nerissa
There is a player mod in the Clan so he's probably filing a lot mute requests lmfao

>we don't have runelite
So fucking install it retard. You want to be """"alone"""" so get plugins. Nerissa is so fucking stupid.
Nice we have a /ringo/ chad in there
>Who do i blame for suggesting this game?
everyone in here is a larping little bitch
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I don't know what's happening
No perms
>not a peep from niggers preemtively whining about the usernames
I see you, Sleepy Joe fanclub
You would think Nerissa would have prepared more for this stream if she really wanted everyone to stick with this game
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This is honestly hilarious. Reminds me of when we raided the minecraft holoserver back when it was open for anyone to join
I am expecting a naked Nerissa dogeza with an additional service (both for me and for the rest of Advent) after this
Runelite is developed by 3rd party
It's basically a mod
Don't have perms
You don't need perms for runelite. It's not a fucking mod.
Nerissa has been playing it lately, and I'm guessing FWMC said "Oh wow we used to play that we should collab it!" (Apparently deciding what to play for collabs is a constant issue for hololive)
They do have Runelite perms, it came with the OSRS perms
You don't understand what perms are
sisters are mad
That's not how anything works.
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osrs schizo didn't even need to do anything KEK
Just play chain together jek
I don't dislike Nerissa, and I thought this might happen and hoped not, but is she just actually fucking retarded? kek
>please don't follow us :)
so that was Newissa's great plan, I kneel
pero is so fluffy
What the fuck is going on
Shoulda played Outlands instead, then we could really party.
>Stop the Supreme Court
I kek so hard that i almost faint
>Could have had chain together collab
>Forces friends to play this shit with no preperation
>Who do i blame for suggesting this game?
Nerissa. I don't know if she has a sponsorship with the game or something, but she is trying to make everyone play this shitty game.
>mmo collab
>still learning unintuitive ui
>crowding overworld
>pol spammer
>imposter names
2/10 with those 2 points coming from Mococo singing darude sandstorm. worse than phogs
can private rooms not be created in this game?
RRAT:The only people complaining are schizos that never watch streams. The trainwreck kino is the point
>they were also thinking about playing tf2
can you fucking imagine if they joined a random pub server and got micspammed with slurs
this is kino in a unique way
weird seethe going on in the thread but its adding to how fun this is
Fluffy Joe…
>bau bau!
>goblin deez nuts
cool and funny
should unironically be shot in the head 3 times
Pero died in his sleep peacefully after a sudden heart attack.
Mococo and Fuwawa are salivating, they finally can eat him .
Biboo tuned out already
Show me where Nerissa has said she already asked for perms for runelite. It's just a client. By your logic they would need perms for every single 3rd party plugin.
This is just the truth. I hear FUWAMOCO and I know in my bones that it is KINO.
And aimbot-bots. Would have been an even greater catastrophe kino stream
Who will be raped first?
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>The only people complaining are schizos that never watch streams.
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This is equally terrible and great

GiGi would have joined.
no way, fuwamoco-runescape collab tiara
Why is nobody spam chatting in game? Im quite surpised by it. Are you guys all that self concious around advent?
>worse than phogs
Never forget the anon that said "I fucking hate phogs" to complain about the game for crashing, but they took it seriously and got sad
I'm not complaining about the stream, I'm just calling Newissa's retarded for her planning skills
Except for the /pol/nigger, I hope his whole family is raped
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I fully believe it
Yeesh, this is a terrible game to stream as a collab
why is Fuwawa constantly dunking on Biboo today?
I'm just scared they're gonna be reluctant to play again
Average OSRS player in 2024.
Ai chat summary be like
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Of fucking course
No one successful in all aspects of life would be playing Runescape in 2024, so that's a given.
are the heart fags the runeschizo clique?
Stop posting your tweets here
Yea, at least RO has anime graphics
I'm surprised no one has said anything vulgar but not filtered yet
How fucking pathetic, lmao
kys agri
it's nerissa's clique the "holoscapers"
I love FWMC, but without knowing anything about the game the stream is just boring and confusing.
>That's a fair trade, right?
Someone fucking shoot onimai and fox spirit irl
>thinking about playing tf2
just imagine the conscientious objectors
>Mococo tard wrangling Newissa
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RO's sprite art is also god tier.

It still looks good to this day. I went on an autistic private server grindfest like 4 months ago.
And I was going to praise them for not accepting free shit. I can only hope they don't actually use it properly
well this goes to show that fag that was all up in arms about us ruining the collab is a dumb sister
The clique is NOT liking this
ok idc now fuwamoco making fun of nerissa will always be kino
Nerissa is such a fucking loser for not just making them all play GIM accounts. Would have stopped all of this.
>fuck off HOLOSCAPERS stop following us
>but give me free stuff plsssssssss
A scenario where Moco-chan is more socially aware than Nerissa... I love her even more
yea, that too
It aged the best of all old MMOs thanks to its godly sprites. Good spritework is eternal.
>ask for clothes
>nolifers just flaunting their items
the entire point of this collab is to just dick around, banter, and have fun, knew it was gonna be kino
The people in the church are NOT from the clan.
This is why sprite will always be superior to 3D graphics
don't forget its music blows Runescape's out of the water.
>chair and a rope
>Chair and rope
>mococo accepted the suicide items but not the cute hats
>chair and rope
Can these cringe ass political retards fuck off
konkon is in the clan
That's the least of the problems
How much money did Biden spent on Runescape ads? Sad!
I never played this game but is there seriously no option to turn off other players other than your friends without a 3rd party plug in? is this not a core mechanic for any mmo
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Those are jailbirds
they should keep going so management blacklists this troon game kek
And the mods are telling him to fuck off
you can turn public to friends or off to turn off the chat spam but there's nothing stopping people from just following you about
>is this not a core mechanic for any mmo
No, it is not
>Play a MMO to be alone
Yes I'm sure every developer has that in mind and implementing a setting for that is a priority
so is this just extremely distracted zatsu or what
they've been doing absolutely nothing for 1 hour
So how long until the can try a raid boss?
rrat Nerissa is taking them to the wilderness to PK and loot them.
They should fuck on
This game blows
Do any old MMOs have this?
Maybe FF11 did, I can't remember, but that was because of PS2.
You can turn off their interactions in the base client, which is standard for MMOs. Runelite takes it one step further by letting you turn off their models entirely, which is not standard for MMOs.
you're free to stop watching if you're not having fun
that too
I kinda still remember the Prontera theme
This is funny and kino and you're all fucking gay
sadly, many modern mmorpg's moved in that direction. It's the worst cancer, even though I hate interacting with people I don't know, that is exactly the magic of an online RPG
Sorry Fuwamoco I can't take it anymore. Ame and Raora,Gigi is streaming. I run escape to them.
Forgot you can't have any negative thoughts about a stream on this anonymous image board.
KYS Nerissa. You chose a dogshit game to play in the collab.
Prob when EOC then rs3 happened, it happened to mine as well, got lost in migration somewhere or was timegated for moving characters
>you cant step over a fucking rock in a river if you don't have 31 agility
are you fucking kidding me
I did that shit IRL as a kid
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This game fucking sucks. Did boomers REALLY? They have more fun with MC
>t. OSRS groomer
They're shitting up /ope/ too. Personally I'm having fun watching this.
least obvious b8, try again after your estrogen high wears off
Kids are more agile than grownups silly puppian
>stacking on the same exact tile as fwmc to show off their items
So what is Nerissa's plan kek
>he's still trying to trade
honestly, I don't know what I expect
I'm kinda just want to at least know what the fuck you're supposed to do in OSRS and what's fun about it, but I guess I won't get that

I'll just move it to my second monitor now and boot up Rabi-Ribi
nowhere did i say you can't have negative thoughts kek, just reminding you of a solution if you aren't having fun. idk if you aren't or not but its good to remember
last mmo i remember playing was Realm of the Mad God, EVE and here's an old one
Drift City.
This game came out years before Minecraft. Do you really not understand how absolutely mind-blowing Minecraft was?
Jesus Christ
>someone from the klan
it's watchable if you tab out and only listen.
>someone from the Klan?
Uhhhh, Jailbirds?
thanks Nerissa I'm sure they love playing with your clique...
I've watched every FWMC stream live since debut and even I think this game sucks.
>didn't get the items before hand
What the fuck Nerissa? Did you not plan at all?
Nerissa this ain't it
I only played the Gaia Online MMO
Runescape was only good when it was one of your first online games as a child.
Just Brazilians and poorfags really (FWMC were poorfags).
Real cool dudes played Anarchy Online and Lineage 2.
its fine to put it on 2nd monitor, wouldn't say its requires your utmost attention, but im paying attention. it's silly fun
haven and hearth is the only mmo i played.
might be even more comfy than this but last time I played was in 2018
what's the main gameplay loop of runescape
clearly the plan was internet people would do what she said and she's having a mental breakdown on stream
I'd give Nerissa some bones
Minecraft was around in 2009, not THAT long after OSRS
Nerissa is spazzing out
they should've played gunbound or pangya instead
did any ruffian ever play that running MMO?
where you ran in races and had to dodge shit?
i remember the logo was a shoe
>Kill monsters
>Kill monsters
>actually admitting that
You're lucky this is neo-4chan
pangya shut down years ago bro...
Click things, get xp, lvl up, click better things for better xp, repeat
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>nerissa losing patience because people don't understand her shitty game
I think FUWAMOCO did this collab to teach Advent a lesson
it's been 3600 second and exactly 0 monster has been killed
I don't blame the game, the tutorial area was REALLY fun, it just went to shit in the main area because Newissa froze. She should have expected this and just moved on. Too much time in the church asking people to not be niggers.
>do thing to make number go up
>do thing to make number go up
>do thing to make number go up
Regular mmo stuff. Do quests, kill stuff, level up, get better gear, etc.
the lesson was Mococo is sexy un un
What lesson?
here's a 2004 time machine so you can gb2gaia
I don't usually watch streams but this is kino. The risk of people spamming nigger in the chat makes it better. I only half-remember f2p runescape from like 15 years ago
NTAs I'm enjoying the stream, but it would be much better if people weren't being faggots and crowding
I thought we learned this lesson a few times already
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They're so cute bros...
go back
that's 3600 seconds you didn't actually watch then
Fuck you and your shitty groomer game. They should have played PSO2 or RF Online instead.
you retards really don't watch streams
they killed some rats
Proof next thread?
They are technically streaming with males since Runescape is full of dudes
never let N*rissa choose a game
Happy the wives are feeling better, at least
>Nerissa is OSRS schizo
My findom wives...
This is a very strange game to pick for an announcement stream
yeah they sound pretty good
business as usual next week
Call me when they play this random browser MMO I played in like 1995 that I don't remember the name of
Getting items for a collab before the collab, is a normal and common thing to do
This entire stream very unplanned and extremely scuffed
Yes, that's the real great part of this stream is that they seem healthy and in good cheer
>Stop being a faggot, Newissa
damn, Fuwawa
And get even worse swarming, uh huh
I feel like Nerissa is the one freaking more than the other girls kek
mococo is a gold digging bitch

Newissa sounds a bit fed up lol
Biboo is going to get taken to the wilderness and PK'd...
grind to reach skill requirements for quests.
grind while prayerflicking.
wish you were playing as a cute catgirl or sexy bunnygirl in FFXIV instead.
even more grinding for capes.
>bouncing their heads to Sea Shanty II
Yeah, the game is whatever. Just nice to hear them happy and getting better.
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>I'm kinda just want to at least know what the fuck you're supposed to do in OSRS and what's fun about it, but I guess I won't get that
You're supposed to follow the tutorials an explore the starting area talking to the npcs that explain further what you should be doing
But they can't do that because they're streamers and not alone to take their time
nearly wrote "I'll fuck you Newissa" in chat
no you didn't
Nerissa is clearly so over this lmao
She's truly like us, she thinks if they don't advance quickly and smoothly they're gonna hate the game and never collab with her again which may be true for BibooRin
i would fuck everyone in this collab
do anything
interact with the damn game
actually do stuff

stop fucking following nerissa and just pet that damn cat
and fucking nerissa, decide what you gonna do already instead of running like headless chicken
so... are they just gonna zatsu at nerissas house?
And yet fwmc swore to protect your smile... curious.
good they should never play OSRS again
How would you know? You looking over my shoulder?
gameplay schizos are losing their minds kek
Find a goal
Figure out req's for goal
Complete goal

Find goal
Check req's for goal
Find something cool on req's
gun for cool thing
This is the announcement stream btw
Y'all are malding but FUWAMOCO seem to be in great spirits.
FWMC keep giving Rissa bones…
Bros they are changing clothes right in front of us
They are taking it too seriously. There's no way Advent can get any gameplay done in 2 hrs for runescape.
P99 Red collab when
wtf shiori looks perfect,t he black&white
go back
I don't even mind that they're bad at games
Play the damn game
I'll give her my bone
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I love Fuwawa's giggles
The stream is an absolute disaster but it's still funny. Like watching a train wreck, but the train is having fun
It's obviously just the schizo and all 5 of his phones
>Play the damn game
They've already ruined the game for themselves for taking hundreds of mil in GP
Nerissa is too, that's the main issue. She should have expected this scuff, she's the only one bothered by it, no one else in Advent gives a shit...
>Waterfall quest
Don't you need to be mid/high lvl to do that one?
L comment
FWMC are used to old game flow and VNs, I'm more worried about Shiori and specially Biboo
Advent could have gone hunting a wild bear in Japan instead of this
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falling for shitpost
thank god it was shiori that sent the 'cute' message and not FWMC. if FWMC did that, anons would track down that person, find out what ruffian username it's tied to, and we'd get at least 2 threads ruined
At least on Red they wouldn't have to worry about a ton of other players bothering them
they should have gone mushroom hunting like they said they wanted to
shiori is having loads of fun what do you mean?
biboo is in a different world but i think shes having fun when advent starts talking
No, the reward gets you to 33 attack or something like that right at the start of the game.
why is nerissa and shiori swearing so much this collab they weren't like this in other collabs
They are used to playing fucking VNs, they don't care about "game quality".
one second
Shiori definitely played this game before even if she claimed she didn't.
Biboo is experiencing the gamer version of culture shock
watch streams, they called random fat fucks cute in the crowd of pretty much every concert they watched on stream
No stream where they are in the same game as viewers is ever good content.
They're retarded but they are true idols so that would never happen.
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Newissa really dropped the ball on this one lol
Only thing ruining this is shiori opening her mouth
Nerissa has always sworn, and she's under a lot of stress right now.
Shiori has been swearing more and more since debut, as she became more comfortable with everyone.
they should go hunting for tsuchinokos
I like how everyone is having fun except Nerissa
go back we love shiochan
So how do they keep finding them
sorry I'll jam my cock in there, that ought to shut her up for a few mins
Time to offer free armor trimming for old time's sake
>Rissa didn't know she could get tracked through the clan
is that a fucking luknight
There really isn't that many worlds
kek people are getting kicked from the clan now
>chuuba gets involved in clique with fans
>everything goes to shit
many such cases
Fucking KEK
She doesn't know anything she's never played the game. She just has Jailbirds feed her mats and level stuff.
>at least 20 armed people around
>some mugger tries to mug you
There's literally only a handful of worlds and using quick world hopping, finding them takes literally minutes
Not to mention Nerissa is always visible in her CC
pagpag pizza kek
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>Which boat?
>shiori opening her mouth
No, she and biboo are making the stream funny
another containment breaker
yes i am an official /baubau/ representative of all 7 proper ruffians currently in the thread and we love shiochan
>It's a meme
>I-is it...?
kek I've never heard of this either
>fuwamoco is giving blowjobs
It's over...
Mococo is good at crying
that happens a lot
This stream is not meant for us, it's for Nerissa's OSRS clique
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fuck you nerissa it should have been me
>HoloStarsEN Lover
Fishing lvls?
>Duriel cosplay near Rimmington
this is not going to end well
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Need a webm of them jamming
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The only thing I'd change is that Nerissa probably should've done shorter individual collabs with each girl since they're all confused about everything and she's getting stressed trying to lead them all.
Like not enough to leave the tutorial since that risks the other girls not wanting to play again, but enough so that they can take time to grasp the basics and not get overwhelmed.
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I never played this, and I'm trying REALLY hard to try to have fun watching this.
Can someone explain to me how this is "fun"? Is the "fun" part of the stream the ability to interact with them in game? Am I supposed to be part of Nerissa's OSRS clique to have fun interacting with FWMC?
>B-but FWMC cute...!
Yes, they are always cute, but they could play literally any other game and the stream would be 100% better.
they look like fuwamoco
he's brazilian
>Biboo is following unicorn
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>Full Advent collab can't even beat Raora
What a mistake of a collab
you dont like advent and only like fuwamoco
Better than mbembe
This is unironically the best stream they've done in weeks.
numberfag go back to your shithole.
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I only like FUWAMOCO and I'm still having fun
jesas what a fall from grace, what happened to fuwamoco?
Oh right. You can get cats as pets in this game too.
Fuck off numberfag
Some spaghetti whore
then you're better than that weird poster
Stop posting your own comments
man sisters were really that upset about the niji booth being abandoned at AnimeExpo huh
stop posting your ruffian oshis in here you faggot
it's not that bad, but an Apex collab would have been more fun
Just 30 more minutes... please...
Trainwreck kino. Zoomers wouldn't understand
>the best stream they've done in weeks.
>better than Minecraft
>better than DK2
No, that's not true at all
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>Everyone but Nerissa is having fun
kino stream
I don't care. Her nipples are some homo's face
>so round!
Fuwawa contain your fat lust
What the fuck is that sc
>Ruffians biting obvious bait this entire thread
Jesus christ you fags are retarded
Is this AI mcc
>hide one fag and the replies
>half the thread disappears
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Don't shitpost with my daughterwife
free money.
fucker sent that shit to gura as well.
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You bit the bait yourself too
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Why does Fuwawa look like that
I'm not gonna sugarcoat it: this is quite possibly the worst collab I've had the misfortune of watching. What the actual fuck were they thinking doing this, it's not fun for anyone.
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Anon...I was the one who cast the line
People who grew up playing Runescape became the most boring faggots on the face of this planet
inb4 waterfall quest because the announcement is water related
FUCK I just got hit with strong nostalgia, never played this but made me remember the first time I try Ragnarok online and one of my friends lead a couple of us.
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well fuck
>worst collab
You missed the haunted house tour then.
mbembe was better than this
Are FWMC going to skip the name in the SC?
I'm sleepy...
was about to say that kek
No one is making you watch this, go watch Gigi and Raora if you're not enjoying it
don't you ever realize that you're throwing bait into an ocean where other shitposters are throwing bait, and those shitposters will reply to other bait to falseflag
maybe 1 or 2 of the people who replied are actual ruffians but i think most stream watchers right now are not in the thread
That was cringe kino
This is just cringe
they'll skip it entirely
>You'll never get Mococo's bones
Finally.... they finally took their first quest
She suffers from the mmo princess syndrome
She knows fuckall about the game, she just gets carried
>do you guys have a rope?
>10 minutes later
>btw did you guys bring a chair? You need a chair for this part.
He was just trying to help out all along...
better yet watch both
They are having a blast.
I look forward to them playing this on their own.
sure bud, sure.
i can also make your post mine and say i made the post.
they won't read it. won't be the first time they ignore reds or below that had an obvious shit comment
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wtf nerissa
I gave them my life savings. I'm satisfied
They were the most popular in Advent by far.
What happened?
I'm genuinely surprised how engaged these two are even despite all the retards crowding them and trying to ruin it
I wonder if a second stream is actually possible
Honestly? Yeah. At least there weren't any groomers always following them
Them actually reading the quest dialogue and figuring stuff out on their own would be fun. Also right clicking everything to examine it.
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he was just doing his part...
Reminds me of that Terraria collab during the first Advent month, a lot of Nerissa handholding but this one has less going on.
They what? I thought they just cancelled the concert lmao.
it's ok Moco-chan this collab is awesome as fuck
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Fuck it I'm just gonna doxx my cat
Nerissa is a dumb white gamer girl and I hate her for this stream
cute dog
We know, we know, you wanna end the stream already Mococo.
nice dog
I disagree, mbenbem was way worse
cute pussy
cute cat
Nice pussy anon!
It's still fun because the start was kino, and I'm really happy hearing them sounding happy and healthy, but this is easily the worst advent collab
How does he bau bau
newissa is stressing because she wants them all to have a good time
trying to enjoy the stream but it sounds like a fucking warzone outside
You can't even point at 3 iconic moments in this stream
same, happy indepence day
>what do we do now klan?
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Reminder that it's just sisters and schizos complaining. They don't even watch streams.
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Its like a localized and restricted war.
>3 iconic moments
biboo getting lost
biboo getting lost
biboo getting lost
I'm not a SC schizo, have they ever skipped SCs that had "holostars" in the name? and if they did, did they completely skip the SC or just the "holostars" part of the name?
I think this stream isn't very good but it's better than boo
Pretty much where I'm at. Don't get me wrong - it's fun as a stream and I'm still enjoying it, but compared to all the streams so far, it's near the bottom. I enjoyed Mbembe more since FWMC made it fun even if it was a shittier game.
Unfortunately this is exactly why they're not, as FWMC keep trying to clue her in. "Stop telling them to not follow you", "yeah we're really upset about the millions of coins" and so on. Stop worrying and jam.
Looks tasty, I bet FWMC would enjoy this snack

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