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Previous: >>79918906
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We are watching the Copa America btw
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It's fucking terrible so I don't blame them. Like who the fuck thought "them sitting in one spot taking stuff from fans" is a good idea? And if they were actually talking to each other while doing it then it'd be one thing, but they're not. They're talking to the people they're fucking trading with at points.
biboo is so bratty lately...
>collab is so bad even /gem/ is melting down
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The last nijinig...
Raora > Advent Soon
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Funny how whenever the thread is overwhelmingly shit, you splitnigs appear...
Nerissa is not a very good tard wrangler
I feel bad for whoever has to man that booth, that must be a soul crushing experience.
/OPE/ is the best
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Will we ever get another Holo cover on the level of Nerissa's Love Me?
Kevin lemar 2 Milly in 1hr
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So is this collab just going to be two hours of Nerissa giving vague troubleshooting instructions?
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

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Where's the sister..
>Shiori making Nerissa pull out her hair
>biboo and fwmc just bumbling around having fun
Shiori's target audience is the type to have grown up on RS2. The pebble and ruffian zoomers and boomers don't get it.
Can you still whack random people with rubber chickens in runescape?
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I need another Planet Zoo stream from Fauna...
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>ruffian zoomers
yeah, expect it from nerissa
who traded fuwamoco the rope
Raora is live. sorry Advent, i'll catch your next non-Nerissa organized collab
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Wait.../gem/ melts down? I thought it was only /baubau/ that melted down (due to shitposters). I didn't think pebbles were that weak.
The Queen of Autotune
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which one of u niggas is spamming politics to biboo?
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Shark lost.
>Shiori has bled half the Fauna raid, is now below Biboo and is on her way to go below 5K.
The power of Runt-dom is impressive.
Biden pays for ads on runescape now
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Mococo remember's this place!
runescape is SHIT game, they should have played METIN2
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Yeah, Fauna is not playing this shit
whatever helps you sleep at night nijibro
>Loli has more meat her in her legs than the so called adult
Cunny wins again
Did niji have security to protect fans from Lelouch?
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Imagine spending money on a full scale figure of the NijiEN with the worst reputation. Not sure what they were thinking.
everything in this image looks cheap
PSTfags hurry up and stop eating…
uhh how is fwmc below shiori of all people what is going on
Can adventkeks go a day without being at eachothers throats?
multichannel collab without [+ IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT] I doubt we get dates tonight
ok model
Honestly idk why they picked the 4th of all days to go full overlap hell
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Also Dookie sub8k LMAO
Uh...what's debuffson streaming?
Also, why does she hate numbers?
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The buffs are over?
you can see where they painted over the selen
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Well no shit
Oh I guess that's why we haven't heard about her lmao
Where was 30k anon, he needs to put his balls in the guillotine
Hold a piece of black paper over it
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Noooo....Biboo's lost!
Anon it was obviously ordered before the Selene stuff
>Fireworks or gunshots
kek ame
I checked and it’s just the resident /pol/pebble shitting up the thread
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Recent clip numbers
Shiori got the Fauna redirect.
Ame's being racist...
flop gen, flop fans. advent is forved unity, myth and promise are natural unity
They need to reward her somehow for being their spokesman to throw Selen under true bus, this is her 30 pieces of silver
Gigi really is the Modoka of EN.
There's an age limit to breastfeeding?
Wow the gen most used for falseflagging has a bunch of bait posts during a full collab, what a shocker
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nice, thanks for clipping that bit of the debut stream
The great American tradition
technically no
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oh god what if they kobo mococo...
>Advent single-handedly breaking the economy of Venezuela
If they had any brains at all they would have hidden it and pretended it was never created
The fact they actually made an effort to ship and display it shows leadership is still utterly untrustworthy over there
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>we pulled up some porn
weird family, ame
I don't think Elira has even brought in enough revenue to afford that statue...
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>67,240: Mio (Hololive)
>44,888: Miko (Hololive)
>37,180: Chiroru (Indie)
>34,531: Subaru (Hololive)
>22,407: Lauren (Nijisanji)
>16,589: Pekora (Hololive)
>14,665: Noel (Hololive)
>14,579: Nei (Nijisanji)
>13,205: Mito (Nijisanji)
>13,133: Lamy (Hololive)
>12,002: Raora (Hololive)
>11,428: Lunlun (Nijisanji)
>10,963: Watame (Hololive)
>10,648: Fubuki (Hololive)
>10,632: Bijou (Hololive)
>10,367: Polka (Hololive)
>10,343: Furen (Nijisanji)
>10,047: Koyori (Hololive)
>10,016: Elizabeth (Hololive)
that's a staff member
Until the mother no longer produces milk
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Ame... this song is anti american...
As an American I’m choosing Ame
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Fuwawa and Mococo are just laughing at the absurdity of this collab. This is truly scuff kino.
>maggot america
there's no way they are paying that person dressed as shu
>green day
Fauna won. CC won.
>raora is the one keeping gigi in a cage and making her piss herself
>Advent box just 18k
>raora sub 10k
It's so over
The numbers for this super bunny man stream does not bode well for the Crab Game tomorrow
If it says "America" then it's pro-eagle.
anon that's the statue
Grimbros, we eating good tonight.
Is the collab that bad?
>you're not a good tutorial person
Kek Shiori
That's a statue
Prepare your knees, Promisekeks.
I'm watching mamma
...you mean the life sized figure?
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27k box
IMO is like when chuubas who graduate get model updates and new outfits before graduation. You simply fulfill the agreed stuff before the end
What do these numbers mean for FWMC?
I want to know what kind of blackmail Nerissa has over Advent for them to accept this shit idea, she probably said she would doxx Shiori
So how's that 3D coming along?
That's the joke
Will be pretty grim for some. But Friday evening after the fourth should have health US numbers for the box at least.
skeepa skeepa
>mamma sub 5k
That's one ERB karaoke
it means watch streams so you wouldn't need to ask these questions
her turn to pick the game?
The whole point of runescape is grinding. It defeats the purpose when fans just give them everything to steamroll the content.
Dinner time on an American holiday and we still have a 27k box. Fuck the timezone shitposting, I never want to go back to pre-cull fix
That title sounds cringe as fuck
Where the fuck are the sisters anyway. There were at least 200 tickets sold for the concert. Why didn't they visit the booth when they already have a con pass anyway.
I mean for justice specifically. If the overlap his hitting them this bad...
>lag bunnyman
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We're watching gigi raora. take the advent talk to global
Are my fellow American anons dealing with the fireworks noise pollution? I'm trying to enjoy streams, but my neighbors are making it difficult.
Got triggered huh.
>I want the carrot GG
>we need to do that for pekarda senpai
who the fuck is pekarda?
Dookie was never Star material
Her popularity, all of them, came from leeching Niji
Know your place, ungrateful biatch
Live in a city, suburb/ruralkek.
go talk in /mans/ justicekek
You can't just add viewers like that.
Is Ame slurping Advent's milkshake?
>he can't mentally filter it
skill issue, it's not that bad
don't you have earphones
>Debuffson mogging all of Advent
Ooof. Explain how the fuck does Biboo get so many 10ks but when collabing with her gen she's always weak as fuck?
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>sub 5k without japs and SEA
My gemwife is being kidnapped...
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Sorry, anon. Advent is here to stay in /#/'s. Also, FUWAMOCO are good dogs that are sticking with Nerissa!
I use active noise cancelling headphones
i dont mind too much but my dog gets really scared :(
Construction in Italy at this hour?
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Anon? It's adding peaks that's frowned upon not adding the current numbers. How else would box size be calculated?
She in JP anon...
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jailbirds are a loyal bunch
CC in chat :)
erb in chat :(
mamma 5k
Why the fuck does Raora live in japan anyway?
>ERB and CC in Raora's chat
I think people growning old cus I haven’t had much noise this year. Neighbor used to shoot his gun all night and he hasn’t this year hmmmm
noise cancelling headphones are a thing anon
>Natural 10ks Lol
She didn’t get raided this time
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Cece hit 250k by the way
shes tainted in OSRS blood, she's immune to overlap rn
Yeah I feel you. We got a puppy going through his first 4th and it took him a few hours to calm down.
No way we are shitposting about fucking old school runescape numbers
Why is her face expression always so awkward
all me
Why are they awake? I was told people living in Europe cannot stay up this late for streams?
There’s a difference between normal males and the kind of males who become an “anituber” or a vtuber. I don’t want to watch or associate myself with that second group and I would prefer the content creators I enjoy, both men and women don’t either.
I'm launching Fireworks and shooting my guns at a dirt hill while listening to AME. WTF is your problem?
Promise and Myth Dunking on Advent and Promise. Love to see it, these new fan bases love to act like they are the golden gens when they aren’t, not even close
You mean you don't go out and shoot your guns?
Surprised they could find a chain long enough to wrap around that fatass.
Not quite sure, probably to work on an art studio there.
Stop replying to yourself
if you were a numberfag Mr. Tourist, you would know and not ask a retarded question.
go look through the archives to find your answer
>replying to my hours old shitpost
kill yourself schizo
they are fixing tower of pisa
Nerissa know's how to keep a tight leash on her Jailbirds. Honestly, I don't think there's anything debuff enough to turn them away at this point.
Myth too strong
If they really were that unadaptable they wouldn't have cancelled the concert
This was a conscious decision
She moved there to live with her boyfriend
aww bless his heart, hope he's doin good now
I like them, looks like she cringing. ERB is the one with a dumb face and I’m not saying that’s cus she likes homos, there something wrong with her face
yeah the concrete mixer 3AM shift
C'mon /#/. I know you guys are better than this (not much better, but that's besides the point).
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I swear anons have the most retarded question.
Chumbuds have always hated collabs
She was 15k behind Raora at one point, so it seems she closed the gap a bit.
I wish I could, but I live in a state that frowns on that. Pretty sure i'd get arrested if I tried.
>Biboo doesn't like shrimp
So that's why Gura hates her
Is there a video of niji empty booth?
Man GG isnt so bad when shes not screaming
>unarchived karaoke
>onlty 5k
Well that was disappointing.
>karaoke under 2 collabs
classic debuffson
Close your Goddamn curtains
so this is it? just constant holo vs holo for all eternity? even imschizo gave up
My brain is unfortunately incapable of getting past the Selen laugh.
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Shiori was just talking about getting shitfaced. FUWAMOCO are super confused.
gg shitting on raoras reading kek
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I think Mumei should do a 2AM EST karaoke tonight.
PDT is trash lol
Every other corpo and brand decided to die.
It was the natural conclusion once all other contenders to HoloEN died. Shitposters need to move onto fanbase wars to stoke the fires. And it works.
all shellfish is disgusting.
GG screaming is the best thougheverbeit
getting mogged by off-schedule justice wow...
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She has a very cute voice.
IRyS IRyS irys irYs IRYS IRYS Irys
he switched to using kobo and erb
What? They are closed. Does that actually do anything?
Is Nerissa really trying to run from the spergs? She really didn't think over this before suggesting the game KEK
To this day i still dont know how Selen sounds like
the occasional niji jp vs holo jp happens
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hope all my burger anons had a great 4th hope everyone else had great day to :)
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I didn't watch Nerissa stream but now i can say it
This game suck
I'm angry now so i give you fanart of DA BOI
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Who the fuck thinks getting the "Please buy my insurance" booth that literally no one wants to visit.
During dinner time for west coast on July 4th no less
There is literally nothing that can go up against holo so shitposters are forced to use holo vs holo.
>you’ll never be able to spread your condiments on hot dog Ame
Why live?
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Well vshojokeks tried earlier today saying their booth was nicer and Holos was simple only to get mogged. Holos has to be empty cus they need the space lmao
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based, /#/ is the justice global
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Guys, this is really upsetting me
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how dare you
She just needs to leave the stupid clan. They are the majority of the spergs
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there's overlap everywhere
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thats very gay anon
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Wait it's Pero
Shiori incline?
Damn I guess I like Homos now
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gigi is never bad and her screams are hot
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sapchad buff
most ruffians just left AX
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This is why they call him nasty
She can't, they spoonfeed her offstream
Man it feel awkward just to be there as a fan alone.
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Imagine raping Gigi while she unleashes blood-curdling orgasm screams and gremlin suffocation noises.
>no headsets
>curtain is open to begin with
Holy tech
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no lol
people really don't like mmoslop
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Literally me
She should stream like this
Advent getting mogged by every gen....
>I'm following a unicorn man!
>2AM EST karoke.
Why does Mumei hate EST anons. I'm almost never able to catch her streams. Mainly because she puts us a surprise frame after I'm asleep...
runescape is shit
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>It's okay, I'm following a unicorn man
Imagine barely beating a split pov collab
Did Ame Z or did a whole bunch tab in for country roads?
It doesn't really work beyond the surface cargo cult level. Console fanbase wars existed because an Xbox owner couldn't justify also buying a Playstation. Sports fanbase wars exist because one team can't win without another team losing. But not only can I switch to any stream, I can watch them at the same time. The only remotely believable thing would be twitch vs youtube because of platform unfamiliarity.
Doesn't help that Nerissa wasn't prepared at all
Why are beggars like this?
gigi debuff
please understand
I didn't have a burger to commemorate America's B-day, but I also hope my fellow burgers, and other anons had a great 4th!
Gigi saved Mama Mia!
Based rock child
>I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming
That's a soundpost
Ame is slapping my bootyyyyy
post numbers
It sounds like ukraine outside my window
Every single existing mmo would do better than Runescape, the game was already considered shit when it came out
Obvious troll
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Jailbird your response?
that's 100% counter falseflag to the signaporean discord trannies pretending to be "advent fan club"
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that's you
he wasted his money to not get red.
very smart.
Any footage of this get dropped?
stop screencaping your own SCs faggot
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It sounds like all-out war right now
That guy already got outed as a Shitposter when he sent Jurard a Super on why they couldn’t be as entertain as the girls
didnt he SC during the justice collab watchalong something along the lines of "why cant you be this good". hes an obvious troll
The ruffians dont have the Watabird though
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Him again...
That's you.
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Anon that's the employee
what about the hyte booth, they are next to each other right?
they should try Albion Online instead
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Nerissa traded FUWAMOCO a teleport necklace. She's trying to ensure that Advent can escape the anons crowding them.
Fuck you Juan, stop posting your SCs in here.
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watson what da hecka
ngl i find it hilarious ERB managed to put off the archivebot in under a week
So is Myth the only gen thats ever going to have mindshare in HoloEN?
Weird Z I think, it still hasn't settled
Yep same guy
This is one of our begger larpers
Ame sings better than Erb.
Is Bonebros the only group that is going to have mindshare in HoloEN?
There is at least 3.4k runescape players activelly chasing them, good luck
Does any other gen matter in the mainstream sense?
Country Roads effect.
everyone sings better than erb
I fucked swear ERB had so much potential with her trained vocals, but she just butchers all the song by belting and adding random ass, out of pitch "trills" to the song.
Go look it up it was during Justice watchalong
Ame still got the best Set list for Unarchived sadly she is also one of the worst singers.
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Sometimes it's being an EST Hooman. Thank God for /who/'s archive autism and the archiver in global.
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not suspicious at all
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what is the point of this game? just a walking simulator
he's probably from this thread
That's not normal
zzz newfag
She sounds like one of those contestants from American Idol that gets past the first sound but you immediately realize they have one gimmick once they’re in they’re in the competition.
ERB already sang too much. She is the type that’s a Karaoke queen that everyone always amazing at but only because she sings ever 5 mths
This raora/gg collab proves yet again that GG is not very good at bouncing off other people in collabs. She was hard carried by CC
Feels like a wasted group collab week. Hopefully they never touch it as a group again. Nerissa can keep it to her solo autism sessions
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More duet kino when?
Oh she is that kind of singer, thank god I don't watch, I can't stand that shit
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Thanks for the money, retard. Bau Bau!
long Z
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Anons, is this collab igniting your beating hearts? Will it burn hot enought to survive the waterfall they are going to for a quest?
Discordnig bots btw
Justice newfag……
I'm watching Raora and GG
>Ame mention by Doki
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yea it really just doesnt work. Methinks they should play Desitny 2 together
She needs a management intervention like BG3 half he streams last month were Runescape and anime watchalongs. She also wants to start LoL. This isn't fucking Nijisanji.
>hololive ESL
>no ES
>Justice brought in retards
For sure, but like her gimmick is that she is an actual good singer. But this woman just waste all of that vocal just to butcher songs.
It's one thing if she has bad vocals, it's another where she waste her talents away
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Same. There's a US Army artillery training school like 2 miles down the street from me, but shit is louder tonight.
Which stream was this? I don't see it in either justice watchalong
they have one every time they ride on the bike
Holobots kek
the pagpag gave it away
Is this the new mog Mori at rapping.
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Biboo is getting the quest item and then going home!
Please bros show me the holo stuff in AX I just came back home
Yeah GG isn't really as entertaining as anons were gasing up
check their split
FWMC is out there.
>bots triggering an N
Holofags are so shameless
>latinx woman
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No argument from me.
the ERB and GG one, so the first one. It was on the hololive english channel
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AX booth comparisons
Father Owl…
She needs to be banned from choosing games for collabs after this
thats so dope
ahh okay I was checking the wrong ones
Mindshare bros
it's time to get some new material phasebro
>Elira and Shu figures arrived
Guess these two are Anycolor favorite
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They're not Holiday, their Hadley!
Uh, it think this was a joke about the quest giver. Not sure.
actually it was on day 2, but he SC on the day 1 too
Just go to twitter or read the last thread. Really ain’t much other than Zeta and FuwaMoco karaokes and pics of crowds
LoL would be more buff than fucking runescape. Bae had a 12k with LoL iirc.
It's funny that she still has a higher ccv than Shiori
I've been trying to find the live show footage but looks like no one recorded it.
She is just a woman with terrible tastes in steamable game content. No amount of intervention will fix that.
>go to /hahaha/
Yeah nah
Yeah then fast forward to the second, third, fourth, and fifth streams where she's getting 1k CCV because after the first stream they realized she's dogshit and the game isn't good.
The black screen stream definitely has gotta rank in the "TOP 10 WORST THINGS THAT A VTUBER HAS EVER DONE" to tank their own company.
its a blazing saddles reference yeah
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bless their little hearts
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>Both speak nip and are the easiest to be merged.
Well that would be a skill issue. (But also very likely to be the case).
runescape is a horrible game to do a collab
it should be treated like minecraft and saved exclusively for zatsus while you train fishing or woodcutting
W-what I thought Nijisisters say their booth going to have the most people?! What happened?!
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>/#/ spent like 3 threads shitposting about the Holobooth
>This pic
Yeah /#/ don't know shit
>next time
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Then next part of the quest is called the Pebble. Pebble bros, unite!
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>bad at streaming in general (prep, style, thumbnails etc)
>bad at choosing content
>won't sing
Her manager should be fired if they aren't explicitly telling her what to do. If someone is sitting there whispering in her ear "You're doing great!", they shouldn't be employed by Cover.
It's that the furries con pool?
>Due to circumstances regarding music rights, etc., there is a possibility that certain parts may be edited or removed at a later date
Is it that good of a comparison when her month was half Hollow Knight half Monster Hunter on her own with fans?
I don't get it
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This is kind of cringe
Those aren't exactly debuff games
Is this image as iconic as that rooftop pool?
Bad collab game, or does the Raora/GG pairing just not work?
Funny thing about that joke, Hedi Lamar actually did sue over that.
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I mean is there anything to do there other than taking pictures?
funny af you can fit the infamous ball pit in the pic without any obstacles
When Nerissa did mostly Runescape and public anime watchalongs yes
>Not ignoring obvious shitposting from the usual shitmongers
i don't remember but some empty con had a random ballpit for some reason.
Any holotakeover stuff I though you guys have some exclusive stuff here I already saw the Twitter pics
>eating nijinigger psyops
Yeah there's your problem right there
Shiori plays tons of Slop too. She only like stream #15 of fucking that game that giga debuffed Ina like 2 yrs ago too
You can buy goods at the booth
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Mococo's begging for a Red Panda. Kind anons, please give one to her.
holy shit its all of nijien fans in one single picture
But who peed in it?
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Yeah, watch Goku and Vegeta fight
She doesn't like streaming period
It was dashcon maybe?
>enter numberfag threads
>see discord vermin tourists pissing all over
/#/ is a dying thread
I like Gigi and Raora but thie collab is pretty boring
All the posts about Liz are the exactly same as old Mori posts despite five years nothing hardly changed lol
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>DashCon was a fan-run convention for Tumblr users
>nijinigger projection
One of anime watchalongs went for so long she literally got raided twice.
Kek.my little sis almost went to this con, but Mom looked at the sites content and said no
Yeah, right, homo IS Niji psyops
Post cunny
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im so happy niji cleared the booth just for us to watch the legendary goku vs vegeta fight
>tfw when there were more people at dashcon than there were at the nijibooth
>buy goods
Are there any actual exclusive goods worth going to cons for?
Shiori still received more raids than Nerissa last month, whats your point? There is nothing more debuff than public watchalongs.
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It seems like any GG pair doesn't work outside of CC, but I think that's just because CC's a cutie
Agreed, ERB is dogshit.
jwu qrd on the yab?
bitch has no sense of humor, i hope shes dead
Are they posting it on bilibili wtf.
Everyone seen the games GG using to collab like 5 times over. A Way out is the only buff game of those and everything else been giga debuff shit
BAUsed Ruffian supporting his oshis
Are they not selling any reruns of the myth/promise stuff?
imagine gura and izurus good voice harmonizing ahhh...
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wait the decks are for sale?
fucking ax
I think I'm going to sell all my GG coin, the future isn't looking bright
advent fans are fatfucks >>79929541
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took them long enough lol
>last month
Why lie
Can I court your little sister?
>Due to circumstances regarding music rights, etc., there is a possibility that certain parts may be edited or removed at a later date.

Raora is shook by the construction work.
Is Izuru even still alive
Haven't seen that nigga in ages
I warned you retards about the discordnig astroturfers
Depends. LotR was a good choice by Shiori and Higurashi was not by Nerissa
Any updates from AX?
Speaking of watchalongs. Gura should do a LOGH watchalong. It would be kino.
That amount of raids doesn't matter as much as how much people get raided on each of them and how long a stream goes on for. Shiori did a stream at 2AM and she still lasted less than Rissa, who she raided.
Surely there's more recent material to shitpost, right?
Who do we blame for Raoras sub 6k
why is everyone getting like 3k less viewers than their stable averages in the past 3 weeks?
It's still debuff unless it's a collab watchalong
A way out was the one she hosted, though yeah she probably had input at least for the others.
log horizon?
Gigi debuff and timeslot debuff for SEA JP pandering mama raora
probably rights, all niji concerts have certain songs muted with the sisters melting on twitter
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Biboo small sold out though
fempebbles confirmed
FWMC and Gigi
Shiori said fuck this shit I'm out KEK
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Age of Advent new Holo Indie game!
Finally enough dogshit Runescape
Fuwawa sounds so funny
Happy pebbles actually buying merch now. Maybe the stick was lower but if they keep selling out stuff it’s a good sign, she fucking should she a easy 8k chuuba
Ame is sucking up all the tourists
Lmao did he remove the bettel references
Legend of the Galactic Heroes newfag
isn't this the one with the homos?
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How is the RRxGG collab? I would watch but I cant stop watching this train wreck
Would they play it?
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If Gura doesn't try to fit either end of a baseball bat inside her cunny then the Dodgers collab is a failure.
Didn't Biboo get 10k yesterday under overlap?
>promoting lolcowshitware
grim desu
Anime Expo + 4th of July
cant wait for them to react to bettel senpai reference
So any fighting between Nijiniggers and "Nijiniggers" at AX?
Kevincow won
Today, I will remind them.
>Bettel removed
I hope this is the end of RuneScape. I think I would rather watch Advent bunny man game
Ew isnt this made by homeless homobeggar?
Anycolor is too fucking cheap to pay for the rights to keep certain songs in the vod
>removed homos from idolshowdown
biboo's one is really good
I doubt it.
That’s a man
>[fubumikosan x hp collab in celebration for hp 25th anniversary,](https://jp.ext.hp.com/campaign/personal/others/25th_anniversary/sale_products/hololive/)
the two will be announcing big discount products firsthand over at miko's stream on 7th this month 1800JST

i had a hp printer, it works. well i still have it
funny, the construction sounds are limitng raora sadly
He's still there dumbass
pretty funny, theyre fighting the game because it doesnt take too kindly the connection from japan to the US
>he removed the homos to be able to join holoindie
Is that Savi?
fempedos my beloved
>Age of advent coming out in 1 hour
Didn't that fucking game come out like last year?
Wonder if my coworker's fiance picked some stuff up, she is a fempebble too and goes to the LA convention scene.
what qrd?
The homeless thing seems like bait since he's fine
is it really made by that menhera retard?
did he kneel? is that why they're shilling his game now?
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bettel was on age of advent?
removed from what?
Fauna got 14k
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>he wants the quick Reandown
Haha, guess it's time to not hold back
>orphaned and adopted into a Noble family
>final student of a legendary swordsman
>secret son of the mysterious big bad who's actually good
>such a chad that he not only adds every woman to his ever-expanding harem but also the men
>his sister and her friend (who is the royal princess)'s vaginas becomes waterfalls at the sheer mention of his name
>chosen to pilot an ancient super mecha
>masters and can fully control his *psh nothin personell kid" demonic powers
>wields a tachi and can teleport behind you
>beats one of the most powerful swordsmen in history that's hyped up in Trails in the Sky
>grows up to become a teacher, can romance his underage students
>just saying "haha" makes everybody drop their pants for him
>uses the power of friendship to defeat the true antagonist interdimensional hatred curse that appears at the last second
>is technically royalty, his biological father is the reincarnation of an ancient Emperor
>breaks up budding romances between other characters that were developing in the third game because everybody sucks his dick in the fourth game
>even the protagonists of previous games hype him up
>kills himself in a noble self sacrifice with his fujobait boyfriend to break a curse but not really because the even bigger bigger villains rewrite the timeline to get the true ending
>becomes one of the strongest characters on the continent
>has the option to cuck Estelle away from Joshua, Tita away from Agate, Tio away from Lloyd, etc.
>now a version of himself from an alternate timeline is trying to kill him because he's too chad
>awakens a new inner power to combat this alternate self, giving him heterochromia in the process
>tops Japanese official popularity polls, brought his franchise to the spotlight,
>made it so that the majority of the franchise's games are about him
>is the writer's favorite character, writer goes on to call the previous protagonists embarrassing
I wish they did what Kronii and Kaela did for they bunny collab. Legit is the only good one ever made
Poor Raora is really getting the construction noises get to her
Yep, the game wasnt new its just ported to holoindie
You wish, you gay faggot
those construction sounds? her vibrator.
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>homos revomed from the holopro page
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Shiori has a new cover coming out!
>Depending on management
It's never coming out
>concert designed for a live venue where you don't have to worry about VOD rights and copyright strikes
>now just slapping it onto Youtube

Yeah, they're just going to carve up the VOD after the fact instead.
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>Depending on management
Will the cover come out today?
>Coworker's fiance is a fempebble.
Damn, anon. Your coworker won the lottery.
Yes, but it's apparently now under HoloIndie.
It was, and much shitposting was made over it.
why does Shiori shit on her manager so much?
scuff kino
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what an interesting game choice to announce something on
It’s Unironcially based and it’s holo HoloJP superstars treat their idiot managers
Hololive has more games than the PS5
wtf bros they really aren't there anymore
There are circumstances where retiree goes back right?.....
They deserve it and she knows
hajime is next...
Biboo doesn't want to say that she hated this shit game
Well, you can't let your manager walk all over you. Shiori honestly has the right idea.
Died in 2000 at the age of 85, and the movie came out around the beginning of the “reclusive nutcase” stage of her life. They settled out of court for “almost using her name” for an undisclosed amount.
Idgi what page?
Why does Kiara always look like a retard?
did they really just announce some shitty ass game and that's it? A shitty ass game that was already released?
>They were never graduated
Wait what????
Arent they there before? on their own category?
She didn't totally hate it. She loved getting the party hat and other stuff, as well as the cat explosion. That's something at least!
Worthy for this shitty Runescape collab at least
>looks like
>kronii playing papers please
I'll watch you, clock bitch.
Their whole category is gone
Yeah, and they also shilled HoloIndies. Management probably suggested this gets added
See >>79930441
he probably means the steam page, but I'm too lazy to check if he is right or just shitposting
Honestly Biboo should coordinate a group Elden Ring collab. It would be a kino stream. Anons would stream invade them, FUWAMOCO would die constantly. Kino at it's finest!
weird, homostar channel video count is going down too?
They should have played the superior mmorpg, Ultima Online
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Advent raids are incoming!
They were never under this one, dumbass.
They're under this.
>all homos will be terminated this weekend
say her name schizo
they were, i remember fag and fagger being in the alumni
nerissa made this collab on purpose to undermine age of advent(game)
they announced they did official voicework for it and it's coming to holoindie
Did they all raid Mamma?
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Wait, Ame opened up her raid perms to Advent? FUWAMOCO raided her.
Nerissa would not put any effort and Fuwamoco would die to trash mobs and just be spectating the whole time
ERB status?
FWMC won
Its been a year and EN3 didnt become the golden gen people wanted it to be like JP3
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Am I being trolled?
because its based, fuck management, talent is all that matters, they sign their paychecks(figuratively)
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Now delete the branch
Was DEV_IS always separated on the site? I thought they were rolled into the JP page.
fucking schizos homos arent going anywhere gods hates me that cant happen
Oh nononono Amerikeks?
Henma has a sense of humor and has already fucked up on cover releases twice.
Isn't this how it's always been?
I think she would open it up if they ask, but no one does
they fucking scrapped everything I'm going back on news tab to 2023 the only homos you see it's the holomeet ambassadors
Holy retards
Da boiz are still here
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It's not like he doesn't give her reasons to.
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>i remember fag and fagger being in the alumni
Seriously? That's fucking retarded.
They got moved to their own page
It is, le ebin discord raid is just farming some (You)s
FWMC raided Ame
AX mindshare status?
stop getting my hoes up
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Told you Nijisisters shouldn't get too cocky, we always ends up winning
What happen?
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I want to make a Hololive game that makes my oshi cry ugly tears on stream from being so incredibly moved by it.

What is my best chance of achieving this? No CouncilRyS RPG shit.
Now do the same with the EN twitter, please
Are they terminating them or just separating them now? They are still on the holopro japanese page.
It's separated by branches. Dev a new branch under Hololive
she's been raided by advent plenty of times now
She opened it up a while ago
Fauna was cute
>they were, i remember fag and fagger being in the alumni
i remember that too are we getting a berenstein moment?
calm down, phasekek.
oh yeah, was the announcement the game?
>he removed the homos so they can voice his game
he folded like a bitch.
And now Ame is singing her song.
It seem they have their own website.
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/#/'s and their invisible horned cavalry did it again
Is this a new thing? I never paid attention to the official site
The fag didn't bot FWMC or Biboo tonight? Will Fauna win Gold?
Why is Ao with the girls
Raided waiting room.
same, but i want a "big" one where they can play with their fans...
24k is not bad for rerun of acrylics right?
people got tired of new toys and realised that Fauna is the best
She's had them open to Advent for a while
cute kirin being cute? looks around right to me
No they genuinely used to be fused under one top talent tab. They now separated them. I guess they finally realized with all the gacha pins in the trash can
IRyS... These are fucking Justice numbers...
Yes, anons being retarded. Like gosh I fucking wish the homos got nuked but they literally always been separate
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NGL, this is kinda nice. She can't really sing that well, but the scuff gives it some charm.
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>rerun of acrylics
>Fauna gets gold
/#/ is healing...
I actually haven't seen him in a couple of days. Sometimes he just disappears for a while before returning
So Holostars and Hololive are different now?
>Honestly Biboo should coordinate a group Elden Ring collab
A race event in Elden ring, or any souls would be good.
Similar to the Fauna Gura race but a bit longer and give people points for each boss killed or something
what the fuck are you talking about? they were never on the hololive website
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That's that I was wondering too. Maybe he's gonna do fwmc morning instead?
Fauna 3D swimsuit
>chooses a song with no lyrics for, like, two minutes
why did you quote me? i never said hololive
Since when was Ao the face of Regloss? Isn't it Raiden?
Once again these are fake.
God let this be true
Who did the Adventrix raid? I know the dogs raided ame karaoke, and biboo raided Raora. What other raids happened?
That's the charm of SOUL chuubas like Ame.
or maybe he actually thought fauna was finished and fucked off
Post the real one with proof then
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Did they always have live hololive streams on the hololive site?
Always been Ao
these are the stupidest numbers ive seen since the geekjack adjusting its stock meant fauna sold 1k in a second
We love Lynyrd Skynyrd and Free Bird in this threadd
>Giving the time of the day to a known Ame anti
Damn, go go Advent I guess
Probably colecting trash to save money for Advent 3D, some homo will get a boost
Ame might not be a good singer but she has the most SOVL, and that's all that matters.
It's America themed, pagpag monkey
It’s literally IRyS 1.0 which she has constantly shit on
Why though? Aren't they Hololive too?
There's no way to get that data anymore. They patched it.
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what was the bettel reference did the faggot really removed it?
I think Rissa raised panty. That was the first name she mentioned
>raora is collabing with construction workers
we love i. ron butterfly itt
Why lie
hes part of holoindie now, give cover enough reason, maybe theyll remove him
>not even 10k
>no alum section
They were terminated
The new FFST to FST raid and funnel machine is operational
Newfag? The invisible war has going on for some time now
the fag that made age of advent had the fucking homo in his game.
now that advent actually added voice lines to his game, he removed the homo and joined holoindie.
like i said, he folded like a bitch.
>1 hour collab
They really fucking hate each other
you aren't supposed to subtract the numbers when there is a maintenance with numbers refreshed but keep counting down from the new total retard
>free game

Guess I'll shill it

>"""going on"""
If you count blue hairs punching themselves in the face as a "war," then sure.
Her beeg smol looks ugly in merch form
Anon are you blind?
Oh no go cancel them on twitter like with the Harry Potter game, faggot
Haha, what a faggot.
Oh we know about it
There's history with this
Gigi cheering Roara up by making construction noise.
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I saw a lot of Mumei in chat for Brown Eyed Girl. Is she actually the only brown eyed HoloEN? Never thought about it before.
You don't need to shill it
The guy who made small Ame took the bettel reference out of his game? is there actual proof of that?
>Jan 01 2024:
>May 22 2024:
>Jun 05 2024
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it's cover being fucking retards like always are you surprised? holoan that made a game with homo references? YBDBD
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>07/04 TALLY:
12,002: Raora (Hololive) | Elden Ring
10,632: Bijou (Hololive) | Elden Ring
10,016: Elizabeth (Hololive) | Undertale
9,505: Cecilia (Hololive) | 7 Days to Die w/ Gigi
8,871: Gigi (Hololive) | 7 Days to Die w/ Cecilia
7,116: Mori (Hololive) | Elden Ring
5,823: Mori (Hololive) | Unarchived Karaoke

1) Mumei (Hololive) - 15,906 - Unarchived Karaoke
2) Raora (Hololive) - 15,533 - Don't Scream
3) Elizabeth (Hololive) - 19,688 - Unarchived Karaoke
4) Raora (Hololive) - 12,002 - Elden Ring

4x: Hololive

2x: Raora
1x: Elizabeth, Mumei

>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)
13p: Raora
7p: Cecilia, Elizabeth
5p: Mumei
3p: Bijou
1p: Mori
Happy 4th of July/Late Canada Day/Early Algerian Independence Day, depending on where you are
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do you think they would play a game or support a game with a homo in it?
>advertising or begging
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holy shit
its booming
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Ame giving burger anons a huge treat!
kys homobegging faggot
just checked waybackmachine and it has always been like this

>implying they even know who that faggot is or what the game is about
Iirc he put bettel references in fwmc's stage
Going to guess he dogeza'd pretty hard for this
those construction workers? me
If I make a game with no homostars but you get to kill Omega, would you guys play it?
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>breaking containment on main
Buy one and wave it at your monitor. It's at 3 Pm so great time for mega numbers.
Why would you need a penlight there's no venue
I mean, brown isn't really an aesthetically pleasing color. It's not flashy like red, cool like blue, or soft like green.
will raora raid ame and steal fauna's gold?
Are they purposely fucking with Elira?
>know before I even open page there's some sort of problem
>read thread, get confirmation
RIP faggots
It's a fucking hat, I doubt anyone even made the connection. If you're going to say he removed the reference please have actual proof it got removed?
I wonder if he regrets rushing to make this game not knowing that Advent would ignore teh bois
the tako that wants to play the xylophone on ina's ribs will be happy
>Biboo #1
>The runt
What did they mean by this?
No....Diamond Dogs in shambles
>We can't believe Biboo was the runt of the group this time
what did FWMC mean by this?
Pebbletomos, our response??
Damn that was short
Yeah I avoided commenting on it before but it's funny how one troll got so many anon excited over some fake "win"
Thanks, I'll not recommend it
Gigi has such a sweet and cute voice talking to Raoru.
they're still there retards
they were never on the hololive website
A classic, for how much people make fun of vtubers fans is funny how we never had a shit show event like this or that one furry convention where they destroyed a hotel

The raitio of sales on the Geekjack to Holostore for Justice seems much higher then we'd usually see no?
Makes sense
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With so many janks like this you'd like to think they're sabotaged or something. Lelouch you sly bastard
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Sex with the purple Tako boi
Better than 62 minutes
I fucking knew that was one of them avatarfagging with a fww pic while they were sick
Is holoindie so barren of projects that Cover has to take in Age of Advent?
Korone. Depending on how you charts colors, golden could fit in that list(Raora, mio)
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Uhhh, does Ame have an actual whip she using while singing this song?
Ame, please... my fucking ears are bleeding. Stop.
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all in a days work
Shame its just a collab with a corpo and not actual outfits
this cannot be real
Anon there ain't good stream content from RuneScape
>doki nendo
>filian nendo
>more vshit nendo
>more vhsit figures
aggressive rape
tender rape
Raided peak it unironically does not count
Sounds like a slap bracelet
>Homostars branch axed
Homobeggars status?
Jeta cute
This is gonna be used for so much shitposting
Bro did you not hear her on the brink of having a melty over the drilling? Those nip fucks ruined everything with their construction
I'm not sure if the patch is in yet but the bettel hats are still there
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No, not really.
Only oldfriends will understand this reference
Unironically there hasn't been a single instance yet of Vtuber fans doing anything fucked up at a con
Wild streak but I guess that's actually true of most fan communities
you may not like it, but this is what the perfect form looks like.
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do not get cocky, doggos
>all this time in ending screen
she isn't whitelisted by ame 100%
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Gigi's stream is over and so is my life.
What do the organs think when they see this pic?
Can't believe we build an extra wall within the walled garden
that's how it's always been?
proof probably next thread?
bule bros, we won.
Oh my God it's been like almost five years
oh shit they didnt raid ame
>potential suitors (aka other businesses interested in collabs) check out official page
reminder that when big money is involved (esp. a third party), the homos get disappeared.
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its a bad look to just let the idiot be menhera on main, now it just goes away
i do think the hats were removed, i think they were the bouncy springs in fwmc level
She didn't asked ame to open it
Botted players
>zombie hairdo on Ina
wisker Biboo truly is the final boss of Advent
What about gangbanging that indie girl?
Want me to post what KFP and chumbuds look like?
Easy Ame 10k
Thank you for your input, hacker 4chan himself
I'm not buying the game to find evidence of the removal.
>yet another natty ame 10k
is she back in first army? she gets 10ks more often than not the past months
Teamates never seen poppers before?
You're welcome, Channel 4 news.
Thats fucked up, but not in the way we are talking about.
next game probably is nuiquest
Having sex at a con is not usually considered a bad thing
But also one really autistic anon came here and made a big post about how it was actually another Indie that got fucked (Nyanners I think?) And she shifted blame on the Indie, so like, Eh I'll believe him
Just like staff makes everyone follow everyone else on twitter predebut they should go through and manually whitelist all the Holo channels, rather than making the talents do it piecemeal over the course of months.
it's infamous enough that has been repeated by several schizos down the line
What a boring looking wall. AOleech is so shit even as a wall.
It doesn't count kekbro
>Fauna is a raid baby
isn't it free
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Smoking is bad anons! This has been a PSA from Ame.
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Watch Mumei playing the Mumei game. She legit teared up and had to resort to using text instead of speaking. It was an amazing moment as a Hooman.
maybe if she really was the runt and not the most popular advent member
They're called "dog bullies" here where I live.
it's free sire.
but you don't have to download that free trash either.
0s affect your average or i would have passed school
always has been
With Raora ending it marks every Justice member having a sub 10k stream.
Aren’t Italians supposed to control the construction industry?
They didn't set up moderator status for Justice this time either. Someone forgot their job
NijiEN is melting down
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It's more of a New Years thing, never seen anyone using poppers on the 4th lol.
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Yeah I remember that, shit was weird
I want to make a shitty tailcoat-riding game, too. :(
>Ame only does karaokes :)
>ERB only does karaokes :(
both of them are homolovers, why the bias?
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I posted that pic a few times already and never even thought about the homo cocksleeve zombie. That’s a you problem
How hard do you think they are chewing Nerissa's ass right now for this shit idea
What happened now?
one day she will join hololive.
We are watching Niji concert, right?
What went wrong?
Do you really want the "staff" to whitelist Holostar raids?
Ame has like 2 years of cgdct service
Ame ended her probation so we love her now
>everyone follow everyone else on twitter predebut
that's done only as pretense to force homo follows this time around they didn't even do the bare minimum of modding the new gen
fucking EN management should be executed on the public square and quartered like the animals they are
anon...why are you acting like skipping test/homework is the same as taking a day off streaming. Dumbest take in this thread.
I looked at the steam page to see if the homo references were there. But I don't know what homo references look like so I can't tell.
>Nerissa does weird thing again.
Probably not at all. They just shrugged and went, "Ha ha ha. That's our Nerissa!" Then the laugh track played and Bijou tripped over the coffee table.
MMMMM? why another corpo is in the ad car of vwhorejo?
Ame cute
They'll just silently never ever ever touch Runescape again
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it's at 3 Pm I got fuck all else to do unless CeCe has an interesting stream. I'll watch the girls part maybe if I remember.
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watson divided our green ladies....
Raora streaming a debuff game with most of her audience being in a totally different timezone
The rest are just runts
We watching the regloss chammers watchalong at 8?
SOUL vs soulless
Pandering to unicorns
We have more people visit this thread that Niji had visit their booth all day
Someone said that the Vshojo booth only existed because Brave Group gave them space in theirs. Idk how true it is
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They are getting mocked over the niji booth situation
Fauna gold? This cannot stand.
Who the fuck is that in the middle
>8k is runt status now
chumsisters have a soft spot for AMEEEEEEE
you should know what thread you're posting in
I got twenty bucks riding on niji getting sub 10k so no
Promise and Myth still kings of HoloEN
And do rebroadcasts of the same karaokes 10 times. It seems she is the reason justice still don't get monetization due to her constant uploading and deleting of streams.
bri'ish vs br'sh
yeah, can't wait for Haachama to react to THE BOIS on ERBs debut slides!
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That Snake Minto is cool.
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here's how justice can still 5view today
Yeah. If you make him the antagonist you'd even have plausible deniability
someone from senpai squad im guessing? kind of funny seeing a little who on the same thing as kson
>Chammers ReGloss watchalong
What are they watching?
Imagine the face they make when Nerissa goes excited asking to play offstream KEK
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Happy 4th of July burgerbros
Did Ennacuck run out of money for real?
Come on anon, don't throw your money away like that. Even the AR live got around 25k
Did you know that Mori, IRyS and Kiara had their raids open to everyone. I only recall 2 homo raids an one ended the niggas life
More like, "bri'ish" versus bish.
Even disregarding him shitting on Ame and the homo reference, it's just not a good game. The minigames all just suck and you might play them for 5 minutes at most before you get bored of them
Pretty sure Ame is actually a California girl
probably forgot and will hit up one of the morning girls
Justice debuts
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my oshis and a who in the middle
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nice cropping it's getting late
Why? They got those big statues to show off to...mmm that one piece guy that lost his way to home.
>Uhh sorry Nerissa some urgent homework came up
kek that reminds me of that stream where Haachama finds out HomoEN exists like 6 months after the fact
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Ame is Gura's bitch. She may be a homocollaber, but she'll also do CGDCT if Same forces her.
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slight edit
>It seems she is the reason justice still don't get monetization
Why would this affect channels other than hers?
The ar live had hype from being a delayed concert tho
And also had alot more people involved
I'm feeling bullish about my chances
project melody, tracer, and json?
Ennacuck killed himself after Enna talked to kyo on her company account
Hey that's my idea
Hey fags guess who's going to BOTH DAYS OF THE CONCERT
Was it only elira's statue? I thought from the wording on the tweet that 2/4 are there
She didn't know that tempus was and when chat said Holostars, she assumed it was a new JP wave
because we hate her and she's bad
do you understand sister?!
you probably hate hololive and love nijisanji
what kind of skyrim is this?
think they got banned in a lot of places, so a lot fo zoomers might not have seen them
>Justice debuts
Wait, really? That's cool. I wonder if Chammers will collab with them shortly after the collab ban?
It wouldn't, its also based of pure speculation, they all definitely meet the criteria to monetize. Its possible a manager made a mistake when submitting so now one of the channels has to wait, so they are all waiting to celebrate it at the same time.
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Mumei's not exactly brown, but golden-brown. A very breathtaking color for eyes IRL.
Except Ame is a company woman and just tried to do what she thought was best for Cover. While ERB is a fucking Homo sister that doesn't give a single fuck about Hololive. All she does is spam "senpai~" to the faggots while ignoring or refering without honorific to the people who literally built Hololive like Sora, Myth, etc. Unironically, ERB is the worst hire Hololive ever had, and no one comes close. The IDs might sold their branch to China and Homocollab all the times, but even they understand and appreciate Hololive.
Because it a group celebration retard
Ennacuck is dead
And this is how they get the Gura collab
Doesn't management want to open them at similar times? Have we had one member not open monetization with their gen?
They all open it up together, can't do that when one of them can't
Yeah, most likely. She is kinda proud of the HoloEN 0 title
she is EN0
sure why not
Shu statue is there. Were there supposed to be others?
Maybe he just doesn't give a fuck anymore. I don't care for a long time about his activities. Hololive wins anyway.
Not me unfortunately. I did still buy the concert merch, so I'll just wear the shirt and wave the penlight in front of my TV while watching the stream.
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ofc what a question, +points if the finale is like this
what the hell, is middle ai-generated?
i found what song Ame should sing
Vox and I don't know, Finana?
>HOLOSTARS built the studio
There were supposed to be 4 total but 2 didn't arrive inn time
Why does every message about ERB get like 50 replies how she's the worst person on earth and should graduate immediately? You know that it looks obvious, right?
one of the criteria is also youtube needs to not hate you
2 were lost in transit and could not make it in time. They announced 4 to one up hololive's 3 but god is holofag and struck them down
It wasn't good, it was the pebbles
I only recognize kson.
Top tier eye colors:
>Grey/Really Light Blue
>any two-toned color (blue-green, brown-green, anything with a yellow tinge in the center)
>Dark Blue
>FauMei has the same posture and arms
Alright, lets end this once and for all:
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I heard this too, how did Pebbles get involved in the situation?
yt hates yuros moron
>comments open
Is it just me or can you see Mono's Monet?
Like amyl nitrate?
It's just funposting, retardman. Only like 10% of this general unironically hates ERB. I just think she's annoying.
It's Erb's fault.
And YouTube can hate you for doing shady things like uploading and removing Copyright stuff for 80% of your videos retard.
It’s not about stats or requirements, they all pass it cus even Homos ENs can get it. Someone did something to get denied by YT or less likely that one of them just didn’t submit it when why should have

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