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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou

Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nnm0nGMuNzQ
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQ9fHFJRWH8
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.

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Schejewel TBC, busy week confirmed.
MON - Elden Ring at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
TUE - Busy day - no streams
WED - Elden Ring at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
THU - -Advent- Collab - Oldschool Runescape at 8 PM EST | 5 PM PST | 9 AM JST
FRI - Busy day - possibly no streams, or short streams in the morning JST
SAT - Busy day - possibly no streams, or short streams in the morning JST
SUN - ???
>Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.
A reminder.
I love the petraprincess!
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>love biboo
>enjoy seeing her in awkward situation
I can always count on rissa. Thank you.
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Goddamn zoomers, no appreciation for the classic masterpiece that is RUNESCAPE!
You should feel bad she's literally dying of boredom right now
He hates Biboo, anon
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uhhh what
>can I kill him?
>wants to kill the pride faggot
Based rock.
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are you liking the stream pebbles?
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Very based
No need to repeat this, it’s already in the OP
Confirmed: Biboo is the sexiest.
i'm just waiting for the announcement since fwmc stream title says announcement
>wants to be a creepy prick
>all I really want is this monkey to die
>barely any Biboo
Not at all
>Shiori unable to not flirt with some internet rando
Yeah it's been pretty entertaining.
Oh no...
>"Ok, someone take Biboo to Rimmington."
Yeah, no problem
Biboo is gonna get rocknapped, isn't she?
I'm taking Biboo to Isengard.
She got distracted by cabbages...
She's so bored. Poor thing.
Most Chilis in my area have shut down..
based biboo making a cabbage trail
Biboo vibin so cutely
not hearing biboo much but I'll take it over 10 hours of radahn
What's Rissa's name again?
Kill yourself anti
I never had a single doubt
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Biboo rejecting your shrimp...
This picky brat, eats crab all day but shrimp are a no go.
shiori hopes Biboo gets WHATface?!
Jesus Christ Nerissa...
My rock wife can hold her liquor...
Shiori is a degenerate
>You guys have brb screens?
>Man must suck for your fans, their oshi doesn't stream for 8 hours nonstop
Dang Biboo no need to be so savage
I don't think Nerissa understands how easy it is to track people in Runescape. You literally can't hide unless the devs like you enough to give you a streamer world. The best thing plebs can do is filter randoms from being displayed.
What, I looked away for a half second
Biboo................. kek
>world 421
haha funny numby
Head filled with rocks.
I don't think Nerissa understands much of anything at all
She's so cute vibin
Shiori being savage this stream
I LOVE sea shanties!
Biboo vibing
All her nutrition goes to her tits, please understand.
She's saving that nutrition for her future children (with Biboo), you see
>biboo being smug over finding an emote
why don't you take a step back and literally FUCK YOUR OWN FACE
>What are you doing with that cat?!
A soundpost is fine too.
I could do this when I was younger. I lost that flexibility though.
>Unicorn appears
>moai person, take me
>Shiori got blocked by a wall
Guys she found Biboo!
Old age*
>B U C K E T
>novelites aren't throwing gold at shiori
Your deeds were rewarded. We are proud of you.
Umineko character?!
bernkastel-lookin ass beep
To put it simply, I have no idea what's going on
Red Pandas are essentially meatspace pokemon and I'd kill to have one of my own.
I'm not complaining, but it took them 90 minutes to start a quest kek
>Nerissa wants them all to do waterfall quest
Maybe you should start with cook's assistant...
Doesn't matter they will never stream this again
Audience reflects oshi.
>players taking biboo where she asks them to
it's super cute, what the beep
Nerissa is trying to show them the epic world of runescape, in typical Nerissa fashion.
Like a Nerd trying to show you his stamps ignoring you weren't impressed by the first 20 5$ snippets either.
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>government name
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>just because I'm small doesn't mean I'm dumb
Wow this is so fun.....
The one thing I can understand that she's trying her best to tard wrangle 4 autistic children.
She gonna die and drop her millions
>tard trying to tardwrangle
Well I never said it's working.
She's trying her best. She just also happens to not be very good.
That's the subtitle of every HoloEN collab.
every holoEN collab ever
Do you really think anybody will play this again Nerissa...
I'll piss myself in laughter if FWMC actually play this again though, they seemed to have a good time atleast.
>next time
>next time
hahaha! lmao! rofl, even!!
It's happening.
They're probably the most likely to play it again because it's simple and it's impossible to be bad at and they like old graphics. Bijou is likely bored as fuck and she hates the aesthetic. Shiori probably doesn't really give a fuck but she loves it when Nerissa panics.
FWMC are probably the most likely to play it again because they've played it before.
It's not
Cope and seethe
Good Job Shiori
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So bored she leaked the announcement early
oh god this game?
>age of advent
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Oh no not Age of Advent...
Wait, wasn't this out ages ago? And wasn't the dev a schizo?
I forgot about this game
I have no idea what this is but I will play it until Biboo gets added to Holocure
wait isn't this the one that also had a subtle homo reference too and the dev tried to shill it in supas to biboo like 5 times?
based and same
the fuck I thought this guy got blacklisted
I will not play it
that same one, yes.
I will play everything and listen to every single biboo voice
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This is the game that gets into Holoindie, with a schizo dev who used Fuwamoco to shit on Ame after already having a meltdown about her in the past, who also put homo references into Fuwamoco's gamemode and Biboo's gamemode is just a shitty knockoff bejeweled
I did not miss bau bau audio spam
but WAIT
Quite the stark opposite, apparently.
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>wait are you not gonna play again?
kek caught in 4k
When I played this in elementary school I made one good friend. We were around the same level when we met so I chatted and played with the guy a lot. Years later I logged back in and he was still on my friends' list and playing. Checked the hiscores and he was in the top 1000 for overall stats, that blew my mind.
Biboo when runescape hell is finally over
Some people turn their escapism into their whole life.
a collab of all time...
Sounds like most of /vt/
She's finally free
I'm not doing that with Biboo, shut up!
so I assume 3d debuts are
shiori 20th
biboo 21st
rissa 27th
fwmc 28th
If it were gonna be 1 a week leading up to anniversary, they would've revealed it today
I'm just gonna watch Biboo's Paper Mario RPG
I mean, look at this place, sure most just find a girl they like most and watch her before all others, but others...
need a grindstone collab to cleanse the soul
gonna need to expound on that shit
So why do they have a two hour hard limit on collabs again? Can't even use the Nerissa excuse because she fucking loves this game and will stream it for 10 hours if allowed.
so, how was the stream
Debut order is probably the sensible way of doing it.
I wish I could memory hole it
Homework stuff, it's 11 AM in Japan.
Nobody else would play this for longer than two hours
Loud and chaotic but fun. Thank god for pebbles ready to babysit Biboo.
It was too chaotic but I enjoyed my time. Another game could've been a better experience.
They should have played something cute instead like Maplestory or other girly online games.
They have the whole day ahead of them, they gotta practice. inb4 Biboo comes back in 5 hours to Guerilla Elden Ring.
Trash thanks to faggots like >>79930969
Life is about having fun

Isnt that the homeless homobeggar?
He's being retarded. Ignore the shitposter.
Not worth chimping out for but honestly not much happened aside from Biboo ordering pebbles around to get her from one boring place to the next. I actually already forgot most of it but that and Biboo being VERY unimpressed by the whole game.
So which one of you was spamming politics in game?
>makes the smol ame platforming game
>Ame and other members like it
>Ame starts hiring people for projects
>she doesn't hire him
>he has a meltdown and threatens to delete smol ame because of it
>shortly after Advent's debut makes a tweet about how it's so nice that FWMC are consistent with their morning show while throwing shade towards Ame for dropping her shows
>makes Age of Advent
>put homo references into the FWMC game
>send multiple SCs to Advent members asking them to play the game
>none of them do
>also cries about the game releasing on the same day that HoloParade released and blamed it for the game failing
Also he barely watching the girls now and is a massive homobegger. He also lied about being on the brink of homelessness so people would send him money
Biboo just wants to go back to fighting Radahn
You were reading game chat?
I'm starting to think there's a contingent of people on this board who actually think they weren't being total fucking faggots by showing up on the stream and making it a shitty experience.
Anon those weren't even Adventrix. Those are known trolls on Runescape who show up to fuck with streamers. Please don't tell me you're actually this new to MMO culture.
>shortly after Advent's debut makes a tweet about how it's so nice that FWMC are consistent with their morning show while throwing shade towards Ame for dropping her shows

Pretty based honestly.
Outline who was making it a shitty experience and what they were doing.
Not Pebbles. Not Adventrix. Don't move the goalpost to push your narrative.
This is the faggot ruining things for everyone and spamming politics
>Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.
Just let the schizo talk to himself like he used to and report diggers.
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This brat needs to respect the classics! She needs correction!!!!
uh oh, they're going for Biboo's weakpoint.
How are you the runt of something where nothing happens
FWMC and Biboo have this cute rivalry going on that melts my heart.
They will pay for this!
brb dailing up Suisei to poison them AGAIN
She was clueless the whole time and constantly behind others. Usually she's the one leading the charge while FWMC are lost and confused. They're taking a playful jab at her.
she ain't gonna pick up OSRS again, isn't she?
Favorite Bibooisms? Used to be bweh for me, now it's the satisfied yeeeeeeaaaaaah she does.
no she isn't not not gonna to, not really no.
qrd on suisei poisoning them?
Man, lots of them. Her using her vocal fry to say chuuni things is one of the things that keep popping up randomly in my head during the day, and I caught myself copying that IRL as well.
They had food poisoning after Suisei treated them and Biboo to dinner
see >>79931937
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The way she says "and todaaaaay" at the beginning of stream. That or the way she says "anywaaaaaay"
didn't suisei treat them out to dinner like half a week before they got food poisoning?
It was a slow-release poison, like ricin
Bonbijouuuuuu, I'm koseki bijou, sparkling gem of hololive english aaaaaaaadvent, and todaaaaaaaay, we're gonna play
dang it, jottem
Anything Emo!Biboo does
very bold thing to say FWMC specially since Biboo has consistently bet them in numbers for almost a month
it's just a funny rrat together with Biboo being unaffected because
>Got the kids menu
>Only ate a nuggy and 5 fries even from that anyway
>Suisei poisend FWMC to have Biboo for herself
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Thanks for the stream Biboo! You shouldn't stream tomorrow, you're so busy with homework and Japan, plus you already streamed four times this week! You should take a week break, maybe even two!
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>Suisei poisend FWMC to have Biboo for herself
I subscribe to this, since it's most likely canon.
Of course not
The best part of her gem of emotions lore
Driving people THIS crazy
It will never not being crazy how this is real to the letter, just look at this place, her chat, all the holomem interactions
>Suisei poisend FWMC to have Biboo for herself
hey she still needs her revenge from that holoUp and the one race biboo got first in from mario tsuyo cup
Oh no... Suzie will lock Biboo in a BSDM dungeon and she'll never get out...
Oh no... Don't do that, oh heavens how horrible... I sure hope they don't record it for later...
>ADVENTRIX! BIBOOE HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED AGAIN! here is the tape they sent us...
Friendly reminder that "Adventrix" is not only properly pluralized as "Adventrices," but also that it implies the feminine, as in "dominatrix" or "imperatrix."
does anyone besides pebbles even remember that
This pebble studied Latin.
they turned us into femboys...
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W-we're feminine?
Thank you, mysterious agent M.
Biboo stream tomorrow! But probably not ER
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she definitely just finished fucking KAELAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
why'd i reply to that?
My yapping wife needs to yap
Schejewel correction:
FRI - Streaming something, probably not ER due to time constraints: hard limit of four hours, maybe less.
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Any guesses (serious) to what it could actually be?
No, she isn't pregnant with your child because she's already pregnant with mine.
Unless she got Bloodbourne perms, what else besides Kaela could it be?
Kaela in Japan, or JP senpai
But I think she'd act more tsundere towards kaela
She got to watch Noel do a titty ASMR stream.
pebbles... your oshi...
She's still relieved the OSRS collab is over
>JP senpai
Towa … its over
A cute gem girl? Yeah, we know
My wife is streaming for me specifically tomorrow
She will definitely play Runescape again tomorrow!
And pigs can fly!
Mine is how expressive she is with her movement. I genuinely can't wait for the 3D debut to see what she's like completely unleashed.
Literally counting the days until 3D
If she does an actual dodge roll in 3D I will lose billions
She's streaming tomorrow despite being insanely busy. She loves me specifically
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My wife
i'm sorry, but that looks a lot like my wife koseki "biboo" bijou
Thinking about that bibooty
You have no idea how relieved I am that they didn't nerf Radahn in the latest patch
Imagine her disappointment, it'd crush my heart to see her sad because she wasn't able to finish the fight before the nerfhammer
Had my first dream involving Biboo, was really weird too. I guess I'm officially in too deep
I seem to have biboo dreams almost nightly, it's mostly just random mundane things, I don't get why it happens but I guess it's just from listening to her with every free minute I have
Wholesome dream Pebbles
I'm about to go to sleep soon so this helps the mental state before bed
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I really wonder how her 3D is going to be. the live and especially the concert. It's coming up so quick that I don't think my heart is even ready for it.
I just wanna see her dancing after fwmc praised it that one time.
My wife is going to take her limiters off and no one's going to be ready for it.
all I need is some ass shaking and some exposed puts and I'll call it a win
how was the latest biboo voice pack?
It was cute! Extra wholesome actually, you should pick it up yourself, it's basically the cost of buying a sandwich
I just bought it right now, going to listen to it while I head to bed
g'night pebblefriend! sleep well
All these pebbros dreaming of Biboo and I can't even remember what I dream at all... Sad times.
It happens to the best of us. You might not be getting enough REM sleep if you can't remember your dreams. Try to get longer sleep if possible.
Sadly that's my main issue. Just not enough sleep hours
I can only remember my dream if its a nap, like 2-3 hours max. If its proper sleep its impossible for me to remember anything
oh don't know how recent this is, but her first ER stream finally became her most viewed stream that isn't debut, beating truck sim
I hope biboo plays something else tomorrow and then does a long ER stream on sunday, finishing radahn and the rest of the base game for the frenzied flame ending
Maybe even malenia again if she has time for her
Would be a nice way to end the series
Gonna buy it now and use it to fall asleep
That would be good
Biboo ASMR doko.. I use this girl's ASMR to fall asleep because of my tinnitus, she's really good
If Biboo did ASMR I'd melt
Asmr is a meme and most fags just want to jerk off to it
Well it's a necessity for me. i can only fall asleep with it or white noise on, but its much faster with ASMR
Its also good for anxiety for some people. Of course theres a lot of coomer ASMR out there but theres also a lot if legit stuff if you know where to look
Finished the vod...
I mean biboo cute but... that was hard to watch. I have a headache now.
Raora met biboo a few days ago and hung out
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kimi wa warui ko na no
I hate this meme.
Good morning, I love biboo.
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Cute bibs!
Bad evening, I hate Oobib
Yandere Biboo my beloved
Biboo is going to LoveIt me tonight lads
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>that thumbnail
ohh yeah, that's the beep
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>"bweeh you guys voted me as the least sexy holomem!!"
>still acts stupidly unsexy on stream
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I'm gonna do it.
Please, no... I couldn't sleep last night due to all the noise, you can't keep me awake for any longer bro....
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Biboo! Biboo!
She looks way too sexy in that thumbnail
She's going to dominate me and I'll pretend to fight back
Variety games + zatsu Biboo my beloved. Finally back.
Diamond dogs... lost...
>captcha ay0
The make up sex will be great.
That was Okayu but ok
Merely days now
Biboo-Raora unity becoming one of my favourite holo-ships (no homo)
Keep Yourself Safe elbbeP
Biboo-Raora unity becoming one of my favourite holo-ships (super homo)
I played this on and off since Kaela did, this is Powerwash Simulator for gem enjoyers, perfect for yapping
This elevates me
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This artist is great, I love their biboos
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that is oobib, biboo would never
Nonsense, Biboo loves nothing more than to drink my bodily fluids (blood strawberry in her milk)
About time. She needs to be more flirty. SHE WANTS IT
Does she? I feel like she's just having a small woman moment
She doesn't want to play that role, but she also don't want to miss out on that
Post the timestamp of her stream not a clip so we can promote waowa in the algorithm
New bread:

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