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Summer Edition
Previous Thread>>79936133

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)
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Were they cute today? I'm on vacation and can't watch till the end of the weekend.
Mococo was singing darude sandstorm.
You realize that FWMC are not actual trained/professional singers, right?
You realize that FWMC strain their voice for hours almost every day when they stream, right?
You realize that FWMC are doing singing practice off stream, right?
You realize that they have to be on top condition for the recordings, right?
KYS, retard. Maybe you should use your brain the next time you shit on FWMC while glorifying Bae.
No matter how much i support them they wont acknowledge me is it that hard to just give one fucking like At this point i might as well just anti them it makes no fucking difference they don't even care
>Stop using Bae to attack them.
>Starts complaining about twitter likes.
You are not being subtle here.
All of that shit applies to most holos besides FWMC and none of them go as long as they do without karaoke streams
We already know you are the anti that's been shitting the thread for weeks, brat. You don't need to larp as a ruffian anymore.
to summarize my takeaway:
gameplay itself? dumpster fire shit
advent interactions? lots of fun
FWMC? always cute
if you're a gameplay schizo, it will be a frustrating stream. if you don't care about gameplay and would enjoy a disjointed advent zatsu, you'll like the stream.
They take more homework than 90% holos, they have a 3D AND a concert that they have to prepare for, oh and I'm sure it has nothing to do with how they almost destroyed Mococo's voice not that long ago.
You don't even watch streams. As I said, KYS brat.
>none of them go as long as they do without karaoke streams
Newfag chamma, Marine didn't do karaoke for half a year.
First of all, I'm the only brat here like I said last thread, not the shitter you are responding to who doesn't watch either hers or FWMC's streams
Secondly, you really are fucking obsessed with Bae, even after getting mass-deleted and ban evading the entirety of last thread, you still end up bringing her up into the new one. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Okay, but I'd rather they do less homework and more karaoke. They could also not scream so much in streams, that is probably more damaging than singing.

For medical reasons. Obviously I was okay with them not singing when Mococo's throat was damaged.
>less homework
I'd rather they focus their work on whatever homework they are working before returning to karaoke
>I'd rather they do less homework and more karaoke
Okay, then post it on #helpFWMC. Crying here for weeks won't fix anything.
They LOVE me.
I miss Bryan
Okay, it's 6pm JST. Can we talk about how we hope they start scheduling more JP streams, now? I would love for them to do weekly collabs with a new JP senpai each time, especially if they were just Fuwawa or Mococo solo
Watching the vod right now and I already see someone calling fww and mcc sexy in chat, based
Yeah they should transition
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Hell no, I wouldn't like that. I can deal with collabs as FUWAMOCO with senpai if there is a LiveTL. I really wouldn't like FWMC solo JP streams though. I greatly prefer collab EN FUWAMOCO streams over JP collabs, and I greatly greatly prefer EN FUWAMOCO solo streams over all else. I'll just dump some of the common arguments here:
>But why not JP
Because it's content that doesn't appeal to an EOP like me. It's for JP viewers and EOPs are on the sidelines of "enjoy it if you can." The opposite applies to EN content for JP viewers.
>That's so selfish, JP bros are ruffians too, etc.
Yeah, so? I'm a viewer, not a philanthropist. I'm not watching a stream for a moral cause. I enjoy FWMC content, but I don't enjoy JP content the same way because I am disconnected from it.
>Menhera FOMO!
It's not a matter of FOMO. I don't fear I miss out on it. I simply don't like JP content. I like EN content. Take away a time slot of something I like and replace it with something I like either a lot less or something I don't like, of course I won't be happy with that.
>Hololive is built on JP! Respect the roots arguments, etc.
This is Hololive EN. Maybe foundations are JP, but the branch is HoloEN, and the content's target audience is clearly for EN. Same way with HoloJP's focus being JP. I look at Ririka doing EN streams, and I wouldn't blame the JP bros if they disliked those too.
>Inclusivity arguments, bridging the JP and EN side
...A pipedream. Someone always get shafted from EN or JP, either in successive turns for one stream like IRyS does or even if one gets LiveTL. The only way to bridge JP and EN perfectly is to be able to in complete real time give out EN and JP simultaneously while also showing your target audience for chat participation (reading comments) is an even split. It's not possible. An amazing LiveTL is delayed too. Even if PeroTL types 1000WPM and also won't be perfectly giving you full context.
Didn't read
I'll welcome more JP collabs especially with great ones like Koyo, Marine, Koro, Chammers etc.
how many times is this nigga gonna talk about JP streams. I'll give it to you, you are relentless, if you care that much use #FUWAMOCO
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>ruffians I have come to bargain
KEK, is he a shitposter trying to start a new jp loop?
HoloJP collabs on the whole are usually more interesting than EN collabs. They have variety segments, activities, etc. EN is virtually always just some streamer-bait game
Fuwawa is not a "semen demon", she is a small fry pussy.
Mococo is the real semen demon.
zako manko
Does this runescape collab get good cause I'm 70 mins in and I just hate Nerissa for thinking this wouldn't be a mess right now
>and I wouldn't blame the JP bros if they disliked those too.
They don't. So shut the fuck up.
kek, of course is always a samefagging retard.
what's your point?
JP anti response isn't me
>small fry pussy.
I know the context, but I still don't know what it means.
It basically means instant loss
Fuwawa was made for domination loss.
KEK that's pathetic...
Keep trying shiposterchama, I'm sure you'll eventually get (You)'s
Nah Fuwawa is made for footjob domination and being a queen succubus semen extrator
>supposed "sex goddess" is pathetically weak in bed
it's like one of my Japanese doujins
No, she is a small fry pussy. She likes to act like a temptress but she'll climax instantly the moment you put your dick inside of her. She is a sexual glass cannon.
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Mococo is the real sex goddess. Her neediness and her autism would make her become obsessed with sex and she would be willing to do anything to satisfy the ruffian(me).
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Minecraft frames are up but nothing for the collab. chances they are not streaming their pov?
Didn't even notice that. Who is streaming? Is Biboo there?
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How is /baubau/'s morale?
depressed I didn't get to see the RnR
Biboo doesn't have a schedule and the only other holo I follow is Ceci and she said she wasn't sure if she wanted to stream her pov because of the time
>A collab with no streams
Kojima did it again
They said they’re not part of the Crab Game collab earlier this week, but I don’t remember when. Maybe FWMCM #104?
We're never going to like this whore no matter how much you spam her here
Mostly excited for the euro quarter finals today and tomorrow
But also EN crab game and FWMC Minecraft, hope those will be solid
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Raora and Gigi are streaming it at least
don't call her that
I love FUWAMOCO so much
Howas AX? Did we get anything from it from people who went?
This account has some videos but still waiting for the full footage to pop up since they allowed recording https://x.com/ken99099/status/1808995525351591966
they should do a YouTube rebroadcast of the AX RnR. they can even do it as a short. please
They should have been rebroadcasting all their unarchived karaoke, especially when they had something planned but couldn't make it. It's still better than nothing and they could even stream it to other time slots then.

Sometimes they're not helping themselves...
Currently watching Akirose playing in a mahjong tournament where she'll win a couple bottles of premium orange juice, premium steak set, and premium fish cakes if she wins.
The only justification I could think of is that they strongly believe "live" content should stay "live"? Like idol autism or something? idk
That's as dumb as "we don't want people to have missed a stream cause we only decided to do it 2 hours in advance"
They love the people in the front row the most cause they will never ever forget their faces...

nevermind Raora canceled her stream (but will play)
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Holy gay
lmao, poll null and void
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Sure are a lot of fags in the HoloEN fanbase
Mococo is gonna ask to get called sexy again
Where did this poll come from
Idk probably just conducted in another discord
8k people watching her play mahjong
If FuwaMoco were actual numberfags, they'd have started playing mahjong the moment they moved to Japan
/#/ and /hlgg/
jong is shit
Why do they have to be demonic dogs? Does Cover want me to worship satan?
do you ever sleep
its from /here/. the guy is a containment breaker and the tweet blew up
Yea, they'd be close to 1 million now if they had started their mahjong arc like I suggested before.
Advent Mahjong would get all of them to 1 mil overnight
kys jongbeggars
If they had just done a monthly ear nomming and kissing and bedside whispering ASMR they would already be at 2m
Well, not exactly overnight, but yea, it'd have given them a significant boost. Plus they can participate in these tournaments where they can win prizes and stuff and then stream themselves doing Advent off-collabs cooking the food and eating it if they win.
yes but others who hate also jong continue even when i do sleep
that sounds like a curse
why do people keep misspelling mojang? They're already playing minecraft...
mojang is shit
any form of jong is shit
>jonglets can't learn mahjong so all they can do is hate it
>being a jongbeggar for fuwamoco
>not wanting FuwaMoco to pursue one of the remaining ways they can still reach 1 million subs in 1 year
always knew you anti-jong fags were FuwaMoco antis too
jongbeggars are worse than homobeggars
not just antis but schizos too
FWMC skipped over jong so fast when they were playing Clubhouse Games with Watame, it was funny every time.
Jongbros...not like this
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>mfw they skipped over jong so fast when playing clubhouse games with watame
>mfw jongbeggars continue to get cucked out of fwmc playing jong
>mfw jongbeggars are willing to become numbermonkeys just to see fwmc play their shit game
>mfw i see a jongbeggar in /baubau/
because learning jong is a prime JP collab stream opportunity with Koyori
Jong is Freedom, Jong is Justice
Realistically, do you stop me from SCing them with "Have you heard about Mahjong? Do you want to try it? Koyori, Fubuki and Haachama like it, maybe they could even teach you!"
>anti-jong schizo seething so much he actually has to use a Kiryu emote
i’d laugh harder if they didn’t play it even after that begging attempt and would make jongbeggars never want to show their brown faces here again
This is prime grudge post material for when they do even just 1 mahjong stream in the future.
the state of jongbeggars
What if they get into poker and then half their streams are real money poker matches on some gambling site
add this to this folder you will never dump:
they will never play jong and you are brown
They should play with my dick and balls instead.
And I thought the anti-jong schizo couldn't get any madder. I guess I was wrong.
the kekaroo guy gets mad about everything
Go back to your trannycord.
I'm having fun seeing how much more nuclear his replies are getting. It's like he's about to pop a blood vessel because people keep mentioning mahjong. Posting that Kiryu pic to try and convince people he was laughing and not seething was premium clown shit.
jongsisters what the fuck we are being laughed at again why won’t fuwamoco play our game fuck fuck it’s not fair i’m gonna vomit
I actually do remember that. It was hilarious and I don’t even hate Jong.
Beggars are fucking annoying though no matter who they are so it’s nice seeing them not get what they want.
that kiryu post really got under your skin kek
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antijong schizo's now spamming ERB
you are in their anime expo photo right? it's Fuwawa's new desktop background
Me on the left
I was in the front during the karaoke
nice projection
keep replying each time I mention mahjong in the future because I know mahjong gets under yours
i was in the fucking front row i can’t even see myself in that photo
Yes I'm the handsome one near the front
>it’s afraid to reply directly
cant wait for them to play jong this week kek
I think it's funny that this final official photo is taken from the back of the crowd. Although front row people were in their vision for longer so it's only fair back row kings get to be in the spotlight too
they should do a minecraft ASMR stream
I made it to her phone during AnimeNYC so I’m good
Oh now you're crying about not geting a (You) when you've never replied directly when you're badmouthing jong
nope :(
>badmouthing jong
holy fucking sad
alright i’ll leave you alone kek
I accept your concession
ruffians are mentally ill
you my friend just gave me the idea to make a webm out of that moment. i’ll post it whenever our resident jongbeggar gets uppity
I haven’t gotten a like in 3 months
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What of it?
I will have a one on one photo with Fuwawa at the end of the month. She will probably print and frame it.
>made him so mad he's even going to make a webm just for me
as if I couldn't win any harder
You should both swallow a cyanide pill.
oh someone pulled fuwawa for that meet and greet? all i’ve been seeing are mococo pulls
if you're weak to fomo skip today's ep. The non regular corners are going to be all about anime expo and the water park collab
I have only seen two others so I'm feeling extra pressure to be a good ruffian for her. But I already was a puddle of nerves so I just hope I don't make a fool of myself and waste the entire time
go there and introduce yourself as raul
What was the announcement?
age of advent game for steam
Just 1 month for me but with the news they have a app usage tracker and blocker for Twitter it's not surprising. They don't egosa as much now, just check the art tag and their favorite ruffians on the for you in the little time they have. No chance for the small ruffians anymore
shiochan's new cover
It was for the 'collab' with the homobegging anti schizo fag's game. Really bad
Today is extra not worth it here
He's a homobeggar?
he unironically has homo cameos in the game
/baubau/'s constant state of pandemonium reminds me of pic related
NO sex with twins, please. Thank you.
Was at ANYC's so we good.
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It's July Ruffians! How are you doing on the Neq Year's resolutions you shared with FUWAMOCO to start the year?
Me getting eaten by rrats on the middle right
FUWAMOCO mention by pizza cat
NY resolutions are for women
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Neq Year? What's that?
I'm interested in that. She probably has been getting vocal training with the rest of Advent right? Will there be some improvement and we can go crazy and gas her up? After all if she has improved then I can be even more excited for vocal improvement from FUWAMOCO too.
good. resolution was to be less miserable, and I've achieved a modicum of success. it's all in the mind man (o)
>She probably has been getting vocal training with the rest of Advent right?
people memed on her during her karaoke but she's been learning japanese songs not english
Yes, he's like Kanauru where he hides in homo and other holo easter eggs without even asking about it. Even Age of Advent original release has stars references. He is basically an Ame anti too so I am shocked that cover is actually working officially with him in any capacity. Seems like a baaaad idea to tie their official voices to anything near him. He's also a menhera on twitter that says deranged off the rain shit and blocks everyone
That's fucked. Got examples?
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this is one of Bettel's mascots
How is he an Ame anti?
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>our first collab, post-collab ban!
did they mean with Justice?
yeah, they added senpai to the title
>Biboo skipped out because they bullied her in Runescape
mococo too big once again
Fomosisters... you might wanna skip this episode...
biboo already said prior she couldn't join
kronii was supposed to join though but I guess not
>only 2 myth
>only 1 promise
>no biboo
>kronii was supposed to join though but I guess not
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They should play 1/8192
they should do an R&R with a binaural mic
We need a MCC equivalent
They should jump up and down on my cock until I come
>the Justice collabs begin
Ugh, I'll be back when this arc is over
we'll have justice+advent collabs weekly with rotating members
It's gonna be all summer minimum. The pink cat is probably going to be a weekly collab partner, for better or worse worse
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ERB my beloved
doggies give raora raid permit
I wish I enjoyed FWMC MORNING still but it's just shilling and FOMO nonstop recently. My mental health has been way better missing it as bad as it sounds saying that... At least I made it for episode 100
shilling is good in a show targeted at casual fans
oh great we have to deal with the pink whore's retards now every morning too
Nigga fuck your mental health
I want a Mococo Nendoroid!!
I laughed
cute but Mococo hates natto
please don't gift memberships to these fucking tourist cringelords
Okayu played Mountain of Faith.
Do you think it might happen?
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over half of chattini are more ruffian than you will ever be
i think the artist might prefer fuwawa but im not sure
Did she clear?
good I prefer Fuwawa too
the justice girls are already falling off from their debut
the collab ban is always lifted right as it happens
That's pretty baused
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But Cecilia and Raora seem to be doing alright and cecilia attracted a lot of ruffians
>falling off
But enough about fuwamoco kekarop
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dont lie about fuwamocos kouhai like that
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>cecilia attracted a lot of ruffians
Seems like normal numbers to me?
Look at her chat there are many ruffians there, watch when monetization happens and see how many piggies latch onto her
ruffians are not loyal
im not an expert but i dont think that cecilia and fuwamoco overlap very often
Can't even spell it right this time. Begone. Crawl back to /#/.
Retard. These numbers are chat statistics. There are equal number of jailbirds and ruffians in her chat.
nothing against them but I hope Justice isn't shoehorned into every Advent event now
Lmao you are objectively wrong retard, do you need me to count how many ruffians appear in her chat?
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And you got caught shitposting in /hlgg/. Fuck off tranny.
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>i know every ruffian by name
Its literally regulars LOL not hard to spot em
What were you doing on /hlg/? Keky.
-> >>79967029. Fucking moron.
>thinking the 20 or so ruffians he can name from the clique matter
buddy hololive talents have thousands of fans
why cant you be membered to multiple girls?
See >>79967211
and also >>79967305

yes the clique matters lol the clique makes up most regulars
It's not ruffian tourists she's taking, she's stealing basically all of the active Ruffians that you'd know the names of. I mean she took their fucking sneeze timestamper's heart to the point he changed his sleep schedule for her over FWMC
Ruffians are the worst Advent fanbase.
The tranny admits he was shitposting on /hlgg/. Go kys.
Men men men. Why don’t you just marry men since you’re so in love with them?
>the clique makes up most regulars
again, schizochama...
good morning. I love the vtuber channel known as FUWAMOCO Ch. hololive-EN
Retard the ones fuwamoco see most often in their chats are the ones who are whoring up to ceci
>clique matters
look at this cliquetard coping about his irrelevance
So if the entire clique stopped following FWMC you think they wouldn't notice? They might be 0.5% of their viewers/Ruffians but they are 90% of the engagement online. Use your brain
only because youre looking at it through the lens of this god awful thread. theres literally only turbo menheras here.
>dodging the question
>lol the clique makes up most regulars
There are 3-4k people who watched their SC readings. How many people are in the clique?
>he doesn't think the clique matters
What rock are you living under? Biboo?
I want to live under Biboo's sizable butt
the majority of people that respond to every tweet are not even in the clique retard
>they are 90% of the engagement online
clique bros can we get any more retarded than this?
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See >>79967441
>implying clique even the one they see the most
i like seeing people from the other advent fanbase replying to FWMC's tweets I always give them likes
Wait until you find out most of /baubau/ belongs to the clique, then you'll REALLY be blown away. In fact the clique came to be BECAUSE of /baubau/.
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time to leave /baubau/ and enjoy FUWAMOCO MORNING
So why were they so active in yesterday's stream despite supposedly being bedridden due to food poisoning for days? Seems like that was just a lie.
the clique discord is under 200 people only ~40 people even talk in it
that guy just sees his boyfriends in it every day and think they're 99% of fuwamoco's fanbase kek
>do you need me to count how many ruffians appear in her chat?
that's literally what >>79967029 did
aww poor cliquetard thinks FWMC would even notice if he left
no one cares about you you are one in nearly a million others. nothing you do matters or is noticed
>90% of FUWAMOCOs online engagement comes from people in /baubau/
if this was true they wouldve graduated a year ago
>40 people even talk in it
Those 40 people are the ones FWMC see often. And they're hurt when you whore it up to Cecilia. Do better.
shut up queens are speaking
>Those 40 people are the ones FWMC see often
fucking lmao
>90% of the engagement online
Sounds like you made up a number.
Whores in shambles kekaroo.
There are only 3k people watching FWMC now, tons left due to FWMC neglecting streams
my fucking sides
I accept your concession.
this is bait, right?
Look at this delusional faggots, kekaroo
FUWAMOCO couldn't even name off those 40, you fags jerk each other off so much to the point you think you matter to them when you don't. At least not any more than the gray name who watches them once a year
>no argument
Seems he destroyed you with FACTS. KEKUS.
15 out of their top 20 isn't even in the clique
>FUWAMOCO couldn't even name off those 40
They're their favorites.
So why were you shitposting on /hlgg/ again?
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its pretty weird to talk about yourself in the third person :D
>kekaroo fag playing both sides
why am i not surprised kek
Shitposting whores lost again. Real Ruffians will enjoy the wives now. KEKADOODLEDOOOOOOO
Shut up and watch FWMC Morning, friends
>no argument
why is the script exactly the same every time with INSERT SHILLING SEGMENT HERE
why do I still watch this shit
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w-where was this
Some people have to make a living Mococo
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thats really scary....
The solution is to kill yourself, try it right now it works!
that's hella cute mococo
fuwamoco hate blue collar workers...
There was never any diarrhea, they made that shit up as an excuse
>did you notice?
>it's the first time we've been seriously ill
>except for the times I was seriously ill
ok Mococo
>only from the mouth
the left is the butthole
it's restaurant sushi...?
the one with suisei?
no its a different one
That was yakiniku (korean bbq)
She is sabotaging them
>suisei put anthrax in fuwamocos sushi
It be like that
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Then explain this
fuwawa is eating mococos yummy peach...
managementschizos BTFO yet again
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You were there right.. It meant so much to them to share that moment
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It's at 6.4k and climbing lmao
>want fwmc rock n' roar?
>go to taiwan
>go to LA
>go to australia
FOMO? I've seen them sing those sings on stream already. A change of location makes no difference, I'm watching them on a screen either way
ruffian groups sex happened
They still think they can have a sololive LMAO
They will NEVER EVER EVER have a sololive
maybe in like, 5 years
>fuwamoco when u come to moscow
First FWMC solo stream in days and it's only 6.5k that's pathetic
what the fuck are they vagueposting about now?
Jesus they're killing the FOMOfags
wow fwmc being vague. how new and refreshing
they were spying on Andy in the front row their favorite Ruffian, they are gonna marry that guy 100%
I just ... to merlion
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I'm never hugging any of you
stop taking estrogen
>they saw me molesting that one femruffian at AX
>he wouldn't fly out for fuwamoco
pretty normal for fwmcmorning

now stop /#/ fagging
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Is the goodsmile thing going to be streamed?
you did? show me your AX photo ruffian! i want to see
It just be like that raffians
>please be there since morning
they never clear out the rooms
AX is a complete shitshow
doggy of the day will be a golden retriever
You're comparing solo streams to their morning show, the latter which always had lower viewers lol
I'm sure you're just trolling, but jeez find something else to do
I really need an oshi that doesn't fomo bait so much, this is pure misery
but you lied last time...
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Can we move on?
doggie of the day will be me in a suit
I feel like I'm watching Suisei's stream.
wait so is the panel going to be streamed live or recorded?
Today's Today I went for a walk is... deden a picture of the sky! Wow
They are worse than Suisei with this selling out and shilling fucking christ
just stop watching fwmc morning if you dont wantto hear about cons and special events
groundkeks the skychads are laughing at us
yeah, fair enough
I did sniff all over my waifu's figs and all right after opening it
resellers called out
I did it for the RnR. They’re worth it
Even Shiori is doing more music than FUWAMOCO. And they claim they are going to be idols
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I won't listen to it
fuwamoco new cover soon, surely
>week off
And the cycle of lazy EN is complete.
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abandon thread now
I will listen to it
I really hope it's a new orisong instead.
fucking finally fwmc grew a brain
here's hoping they learned their lesson and will stop making promises they can't keep
I thought you guys said they wanted to have schedules always? Your responses?
We aren't getting schedules ever again
Thank god. I was hoping they'd take THIS week off and be back next, they seemed too fucked up to deliver this week but tried anyway, and then felt awful when they failed. Other way around is still something I guess. Fuck I'll miss them though.
The absolute state of FWMC and Ruffians

1 million huh?
thank god they finally took a week off. the food poisoning was probably a wake up call
I truly have no clue bros.
Who the fuck cares if they have a week off. I'm glad they're finally being realistic with themselves because I'd rather they take the week off than be one step close to true burnout.
No streams next week for homework and recording. Love it. Great. And the Scarlet Rot is heere.
oh fuck off erb
fucking scarlet rot is here now, it's over
fucking bitch spams chats and steals attention worse than Nerissa
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my reaction too
they finally learned to get their priorities straight and not force streams for a week
Yeah, save your doomposting for next week, if next week goes the same, then it's owari
duke again?
wasn't Duke already a doggy of the day?
i fucking told you they should do no schedule and they are doing exactly that.
it's better for them and better for everyone. staff, ruffians and themselves.
now their health will be safe and they can sleep well
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>wrong! this dog is deceased!
At least it's not another uggo
I think it was a different dog also named Duke.
This dog was already doggy of the day what the fuck
>now their health will be safe and they can sleep well
I think it was a different Duke? No way they picked the same dog right?
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>You can do anything, I already won
What the fuck Duke rocks
Happy they are FINALLY treating themselves better. FUCK all the fake ruffians/raiders falseflagging as entitled shit heads. We LOVE Fuwamoco, we WANT them to take care of themselves.
>Mococo will remember that
my sides
>now their health will be safe and they can sleep well
So it was sushi lol
You cant compete with duke, rover. YWNBDOTD
I didn't know FWMC was paypig-only now
More like it means they can overwork themselves even more lol
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>another clique W
multi haven't got figs yet?
>amazing raw food folded a thousand times
Holy fucking bautism
Based Dogstalker
>take care of themselves
>They are going to be doing 20 hours of homework a day next week to make up for not doing any this week
You're even more stupidly optimistic than they are. no wonder they feel comfortable killing themselves with work
No. The HAVE to entertain me. It's their job.
But the clique doesn’t matter? KEKAROO!
Ah you're right, Duke was a name from Dogs Organized Neatly
Keep in mind there IS a stream next week.
My question is why do you keep playing favorites and emphasize the importance of attending expensive events IRL in order to be a true fan
one repeat dog from FWMC Morning did get onto Mori's dog charity stream though
fuck off
the week after dumbass
Jesus that lineup is CANCER
wait one of those is a cat
Of course, what did you think homework meant? It's not hololive, lmao
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ERB do be spamming but she got ignored hard
>jpg dogs
To fuck with you sister
>one second
KEKUS MAXIMUS why are they going to stop streaming next week? Are they going on dates with their JP boyfriends?
We will be there
Yeah, me.
The bowl shopping date with Rui is next week
KEKAROO ruffians what happened? Do they love their other fans more?
Well, yeah. They shouldn't read every single message, and I doubt she expects them to. Man I wish she'd just use her personal account to cheer her senpai on though.
bautism HUGE W for the 3rd time
Aka management, who they constantly whore themselves out to
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>Today I'm going on a trip to Mexico and before I lose Internet I just wanted to say good luck. Fuwawa is the best, but Mococo is better
>Hi Ruffians Hope you're all doing amazing (>w<)
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they're gone...
that's just sad
Pudding Rat
>posion rrat
Fuwawa specifically searched for his name. And you guys told me giving them money didn't make you a favorite
When did they say that
pugging rat
It feels a like a bit of the magic has faded.
wait what
>pudding rat called
>check chat, pudding rat didn't send a message but a guy named thrash rat did
did they mistake him?
it's in TWO weeks retard
You got your dates wrong, shitposter-kun.
They have Pudding Rat on his mind
Lmao they’re so retarded they can’t even read a calendar
KEKY oh no no no... I wonder what they are going to do with their male manager...
You are right, my bad.
>All these fags thanking Liz
if that's true then I'd KMS if I were him
on screen chat paused on his name
For some reason I remember seeing that pudding rat can't watch fwmc morning usually.
i dont think he gives them money anymore
At least she streams, already better than FWMC tbqhdesu
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they love us...
leave the thread
>*** chat in-between their post stream messages to the ruffians
okay, i didn't care before but now it's personal
Pudding rat wasn't even in chat what the fuck
What's the appeal of fwmc?
KEK this, KEK that, KEKERE KEK
He was in chat, maybe he blocked you(or you blocked him)
Lately? Nothing
He doesn't have me blocked and I didn't see him either
He was? I saw him. Did he block you? Are you Raul?
they're sexy
They're cute anime girls, unlike the rest of HoloEN who are fleshtubbers using anime avatars.
He was on the stream shitposter
calm down poisonrrat youtube eats comments so it's not necessarily on everyone's screen
And yet they manage to be better than FWMC at everything, crazy.
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ok i laughed
>calm down poisonrrat
Not me, I don't use 4chan.
i was on phone so maybe phone just sucked at loading chat, ive never interacted with him so i wouldn't be blocked
>No stream next week because they are too busy with their JP boyfriends
>Stream with the "other" account the week AFTER that will take a normal stream slot
did you get lost?
I'm just gonna use this post that some anon wrote the other night because it's good and you're probably baiting anyways.

The EN Vtubing sphere is filled with countless Twitch ethots and grifters who are uninteresting and have no original thoughts or content, who are only doing Vtubing because they see it as an easy way out of having to get a McJob, or for those of them who aren't hideous, resort to OnlyFans. Your very response "Successful people don't pivot to being Vtubers" speaks to the overall defeatist mindrot that has been spread across the EN sphere because of the majority of lazy whores who call themselves Vtubers. In the same way VA is a joke of a profession in the West and actual celebrities in Japan, so too has Vtubing gotten the stigma of "not the first choice." Most female Vtubers are little more than fleshstreamers with an anime girl avatar. They put no effort into content or kayfabe, and if you point this out, they and their beta male orbiters will call you an incel for expecting them to try beyond the bare minimum. You have impossible or at the very least unrealistic standards if you want them to do more than just silently play a game or do bottom of the barrel react content. There's even a few of these in Hololive.
Then in come FUWAMOCO who are
>Dedicated to the idol dream of singing and dancing on stage.
>Genuinely love and appreciate their fans, never take them for granted, respect their time, are always on time, never lecture them on a soapbox, welcome backseating, see streams as an interactive collab between the chat and the streamer.
>Completely avoid politics or anything controversial that people might be watching them to escape.
>Have a strong work ethic, make schedules, and communicate changes whenever they happen.
>Appreciate the same hobbies and CGDCT air that most of Hololive's audience was originally for.
If you did a list of everything the average woman Vtuber hates and doesn't do, than FUWAMOCO would tick every box. They're pretty much the ideal Vtubing experience for anyone who likes Hololive. It's not surprising they get a lot of hate from groups that want Vtubing to just be Twitch with an anime girl avatar, including the aforementioned whores that slipped into Hololive.
Their very existence increases standards globally. The unspoken agreement among lazy whores is to keep standards low on purpose so as many people as possible can be no effort Vtubers. If everyone sucks, then the audience can never expect or ask for anything better and the lower standard of quality becomes the standard. That's why lazy whores in Hololive are so dangerous, because just by being in Hololive, you're automatically at least a 4view. FUWAMOCO cause seethe among these types and their fans because they aren't just doing this for the money, they were grinding out this way for years when it would have been so much easier to just be a barista at Starbucks. And now they're more successful than all the people cynically trying to make money off the growing epidemic of lonely single men. They expose the lazy whores for what they are just by being themselves. And that makes their fans realize they could have had better all this time so they get mad at lash out at FUWAMOCO and their fans. The girls themselves criticize them, say they are "doing too much" or "going too hard" or "rushing too fast" because to a lazy whore, a schedule full of streams that start on time and not hating your audience IS doing too much or going too hard, at least for them.
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I think I'm becoming an anti for FWMC I felt nothing but bitter resentment towards them this stream
So you admit you got your dates wrong earlier. Kys you fucking fag.
>fleshtubers using anime avatars
That's such a funny thing to say in regards to FWMC with active roommate or whatever.
kek trying so hard to make Fuwamoco seem like the new Gura
No? It's the truth kek
>tfw even Sana is better than them at resting and staying dead
Kekaroo. Why the fuck are FUWAMOCO so lazy?
Stop pretending. You already are an anti.
Kikerikii you're so easy to bait, /baubau/
No streams at all next week is unacceptable
skibiddi sigma fr 100% ngl hard nope good fortnite
THIS. 1 week of no streams and then they'll stream in the other account... I don't like it...
[Obvious bait]
That'll be five (You)'s please
There has never been a good post featuring "k*karoo" and other variations.
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The absolute state of Ruffians. KEKAROOOOOOOOOOOO
Is literally just you samefagging the whole time.
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Ringing the Kekaroofag by his fucking neck and suspending him off the ground as he gasps for air
jong is shit
Skibidi Mococo
They hate us cause they ain't us. FWMC are the peak Vtubing experience, and the fans of lazy whores have nothing better to do than to raid this thread.
I knew I can count on you jongbros
I hope he gets extorsioned by the police and then kidnapped by the cartel
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Opening up the belly of kekaroofags taking out his intestines and using it to play jump rope with his neck
Well you baited me cause you fucked it up, RETARD. It's "Kikkeriki"
thoughts on jong jong?
Pudding must have moved in with him, they mentioned him 5 times in the pero segment and then searched out his message in the ESR one. Grim for anyone else on the top 10 list that thinks they have a chance, outside of Andy who they also specifically mentioned during the AX segment.
what's a Kekaroo? Is it like a Kookaburra?
jong is fine but texas holdup and hanafudakeks are on suicide watch
Licking the brain of kekaroofags while he's still alive
anti asshole
damn I see that niji AX booth being empty compared to Hololive's and even vshojo's yesterday did a number on sisters
Seems based to me
Opening up the skull of kekaroofags and then poking his brain with nails
KEKY you are obsessed...
hearing a certain bird laughing out loud in the bg of the niji booth is just the icing on top honestly
does this still works?
Janny probably went to bed lol.
can't wait for this to get removed before the obvious doxx poster's one does
Yeah the Cover booth was going nuts too, you could hear them from across the room
Phasenigger. Go kys.
You know, I wish they at least took note of Bae work ethics
MATING PRE- actually no sorry I'm happily married now. NO mating press.
their drive to work is fine, it's the fact they don't get enough sleep most of the time that's fucking them over
they NEED to remedy it
Do it or no balls.
Bae isn't even streaming this week lol.
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You think this thread is bad? Wait until the collab tonight
>Fuwamoco gave special treatment to their groomers in their PL
They still today and can't stop talking about how they want to hug their fans that come out to see them
They must have loved this so much
Kek it always makes me laugh seeing this. They always project so hard
Didn’t she dogeza stream twice for oversleeping this year? I don’t mind Bae but comparing them is just asking for trouble
Oh? that's new to me, do prostitutes have good work ethics?
I mind Bae because she and IRyS definitely do not care for FWMC
ERB WILL mention the homos in front of FWMC and you WILL be happy.
You can literally get stabbed if you aren't being professional about it
...how do you know this, anon
KEKY you don't have the balls to do it, sissy.
There is zero chance the collab tonight will be good.
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Well since this thread is ending I just wanna say I really love Liz and can't wait for FWMC to collab with her
The ones they mentioned who hugged today weren't PLfags or oldfags kek
Look at this cowards kekarooo
Got no balls??
KEKAROO what a faggot!
oh, shiorin cover still not premmiered yet
Just post the ass jiggling webm already so I can cum
/baubau/ belongs to me KEKAROOOOOOO. I’m such an influencer.
>still can't post it
I miss amogus
thats in like a day, i think
Phasetrannies ran out of material real fast, Sad!
what the fuck is this lmao
Is after crab game.
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a masterpiece
>this is official
>actually in her channel
what the fuck
that would be so funny, imagine her autistically not picking up on FWMC not wanting to talk about homos, kino.
Kys doxxniger.
The moco ass
Why are phasekeks so disgustingly afflicted by small dog syndrome?
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>Oniichan fucked them good
KEKY still no proof, i see...
>return to monke
there are thousands of ruffians to impregnate them, but I guess they'd rather pursue idol stuff.
Does ERB seem like the person to talk about the homos in front of other Holo girls?
they look so happy with that comment
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Looking through my folder I realized we no one posted this last time
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thanks again robert
She didn't do it in a few collabs she had afaik, so I doubt she will desu, but that would be too funny.
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bless this
great thread already
should probably just leave today since the collab will be more of the same
I still cant believe they did this. I wish I could have listened to the logistics of Mococo explaining to the artist that she wanted her butt to look big
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might as well
Next week will be worse.
>M: Mococo is sexy right? Her butt is big right? Uh Uh.
What happened and why are you doing a falseflag against Phase and FUWAMOCO?
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Why do you have so many ugly girls saved anyway?
Stop posting those random cute/sexy girls KEKAROO schizo
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Missed one
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Yeah we know they're cute you can stop
Finally, janny is here.
There is no hope
My monthly check-in of /baubau/ has gone well. Glad to know not a thing has changed.
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Why is mogotyan so cute on twitter spaces? PLEASE FWMC, LET THERE BE ONE TWITTER SPACE NEXT WEEK.
the hope is next door on /hirys/
What happened kekaroo schizo? did you just get banned? KEKY
Do you know how many times he's been banned?
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Either a delusional woman or a falseflagger trying to make anons like them more? Baffling either way.
Raul isn't that cool.
image source?
No homo talk but she's terribly boring in non-group collab if she can't yuribait, at least she can do some funny voice acting shits i guess.
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what a fun day that was
Why janny? This thread is already on page 10
Someone else bake later I guess then
>like my tweet or I'm gonna let go
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I love hearing her in Twitter spaces. So gooood. And this past twitter space was great just having her pilot on her own. Girl was nervous but couldn't help but think cute! I hope we get some more from them both. It's really a different experience than streams.
was that their first karaoke?
Do you count how many bread you've eaten?
I fucking wish, but you know they won't do it...
what's the highest post/min this board's had?
you'll get 7 "we're doing our best" tweets and you will like it
Hoehdeniers... not again...
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I will
>expecting anything from the 15 minute trauma dumper
post the mococo ass bounce webm i want to go again for her today before bed
i can fix you, femanon...
I hate you all
why don't you support them as much as sobbi? they love her and hate you
>skipped the breast envy art
gigantic clique RT
She's a femruffian and an artist. These two things put her in a league of her own tbdesu
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fuwawa my beloved
>before bed
but it's 12:30PM in the afternoon.
Which one?

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