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She even scams content creators to work for her for free.
um sweatie if you don't like the terms, don't accept them
You sound like a woman
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>buys a model from booth
>use it without changing anything
>license agreement states that if merch is made, creator needs to be contacted
>creator wasn't contacted

Filian doesn't seem to accept terms of service agreements either.
This one makes sense actually.
Why is it that these cockroaches come crawling out of whatever shithole they are in when the shit hits the fan, never before, sometimes after? Guess it wasn't that big of a deal if its a problem only now, huh?
>leeches are opportunistic
Aww yeah, this time the cancellation will work for sure!
because they seethe over filian's success. despicable mongrels
If you do not like it, do not sign it commie
I get that Filian is retarded, but this concentrated UH SHE HAS AN AI ART TAG??!! effort reeks of a certain cult.
>plus other things like racist joke
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Kill all twitterniggers.
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clout ... plain and simple if fillian was a smaller creator no one would bother
I miss when people had integrity.
Nice date cropping btw, OP
ironic, should tell that to filian herself
>use it without changing anything
bait or genuine retardation?
Most vtubers are shallow and self absorbed, just look at MSMTalent
Most of the other stuff coming out isn't actually new at all. Like the clip payments rate is very old. It's just a good time to bring attention back to a turd being a turd
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its unironically sisters. filian is probably the most hated vtuber on twitter for making a george floyd and hitler joke (also for supporting doki). this yab is basically christmas for them after all the bad news niji has been getting
>they don't get the irony themselves
sisters are dumb lol
pay clipper? most retard thing ever. i would expect some clipper come out and shit on this POS grifter .
F off this is the internet everything is free
>jewess behaves exactly like idol
color me surprised
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Almost everyone has receipts in this industry, some are known, some are an open secret, some are locked behind iron vaults. Thing is they will be ignored if release at the wrong time. So people with a chip on their shoulders wait until a content creator is "down", before crawling from the woodworks.
Now's the perfect moment to start kicking Filian. Will it kill her career? Probably not, probably won't even damage her, but if you want to make her squeal, now's the time.
I think evil might be an overly strong word.
She is literally hitler and the artists her jews
If you can't get 100k views on Filian's channel she should charge you for wasting her time.
what an ungrateful nobody
she is idiot, too dumb to be evil
>upload it to your channel
Wait, they're putting it on their own channels? So they're keeping the ad revenue for themselves? So this is a further bonus on top of that? How the fuck is that supposed to be a bad deal?
you people really have the brains of fucking goldfish. the point of contention with Asset Fliplian is the facts she stole a paid for model then ran with it making thousands of dollars on sponsorships/merch/collabs without giving a cent to the original artist. Remember when niji also shat on it's artists and everyone gave them shit for it? It's the same thing, but I forgot /vt/roons have their brain filled with estrogen and can't comprehend the situation and just go with SISTERS despite the fact that's clearly not the case.
Filian now has a reputation for (probably) lying on her multiple contracts regarding IP ownership, so I can imagine that will hurt her in the short term by scaring off sponsors
>no mating press with filian
I would complain too
i don't give a shit about the queers on twitter. i only want to shit on niji.
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That's a weird way to type "I'm a dumb stupid brown faggot" but hey the self report is nice I guess.
Some complains pointed at niji where legit, some where retarded. Same here, and this thread is one of the retarded one
just the usual retards trying to capitalize off someone else's mistake
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>defending nijisanji to defend the shitty vtuber he simps for because she says funny words
The absolute state of this board.
as a hololive fan, I hate her for representing all of the worst aspects of twitch vtuber culture and influencing others to follow her lead
kek, take a breather anon
Wow the losers really like to come out when they smell blood huh?
damage control has already begun i see https://archive.palanq.win/vt/search/image/t1-p7LS9fAn3q56dvDv07w/
Don't know the tf this is, but apparently she makes a lot of money. Why tf is she using a free model? Dumb bitch.
I don't see the issue with this. She's not employing them, she's not asking for a cut of their revenue. She's offering a bonus incentive.
It's most likely ego and stupidity combined.
There's no way noone in her circles/agency didn't warn her that it can become a problem in the future.
>worst aspects of twitch vtuber culture
which are?
Its usually due to actual seething sisters waiting for some opportunity to strike and attack a popular female vtuber.
Yeah it's pretty baffling. I feel like so many vtubers are straight up retarded.
She's flip she's worse than evil she makes people like genghiskhan stallin and Hitler look tame in comparison
reaction content
>Almost everyone has receipts in this industry
This is very true. So I could never understand why so many people online act like content creators (or even nobodies) are perfect angels.
It should be default to assume everyone does some bad/retarded shit no matter how "clean" they present themselves
Fresh off the presses, just for you.
loud = funny
obnoxious sound alerts
inane spam of generic emotes in chat
no artistic talent
irl content/interactions
I find it hilarious that people unironically think she is Filipina because a chatbot said so.
she's braindead stupid only in the way a white girl bully can be.
Being a retard is a prerequisite to be a good vtuber to be fair.
Dirtypinoys being piece of shits next somebody is going to tell me the sky is blue the moon is not made of cheese and there isn't any gold pot of coin at the end of a rainbow who didn't see this coming? Altruistic people will commit altruism regardless.
>Is Filian evil?
No, just retarded.
Least obvious newfag
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That's pretty shitty, also isn't she really popular? Why didn't she commissioned a model? Using one that's open for everyone is fine for beginners but it's lazy for someone her size.
This feels unethical in itself, to be honest. She should have donated some money to the artist because she wouldn't be where she is without the great model.
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Actually its against YouTube policy for clippers to receive monetization (if this actually is enforced is a different question) so the picture is: the clippers are doing this shit entirely for free and if one clip randomly does numbers they get $20 that they wouldn't have received before
There is literally no downside for clippers to engage with this.
There is no predation, there is no scam, there is no rugpull. There's just $20 that wasn't there before that suddenly is now. And since this is yt shorts, we're talking about $20 for the effort of a video that's at most like 40 seconds long.
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Artist can't never get a rest, do they?
>Get their shit stolen by AI
>Get sabotaged by retarded social media algorithms
>Get things for free
>Don't get a tip, not even fucking credit for it
Why the engine that gets not only the vtuber industry but the whole entertainment industry going gets so much shit? Like you're filthy rich why just don't give a bit of credit and maybe a tip? I bet the artist is not even mad for the money, just the sheer amount of ghosting
so all of justice except for cecilia?
Being privileged enough to have the time and access to do art as a career, even a non particularly lucrative one, is actually a pretty big break they caught already
Aleays hit the iron when it's red
Time to push that pencil harder.
>even a non particularly lucrative one
and who's fault is it that it's not lucrative save for the few who get at least 6 digits worth of twitter followers?
>Making millions from streaming
>never paid a dime for the artist or bought a new model
She just a greedy ass bitch
Because nobody would listen to them until now.
Are you retarded? Making any piece of art takes godly amounts of hours and work and making good art takes even more time.
Don't give things away for free if you wanna make money off of them.
You never see people who work in oils complain about AI, just the folks that use ctrl-z for a living.
i can't wait for AI to completely replace every digital """artist"""
Dramaniggers love inserting random, inocuous lies into a truth-narrative to make it more dramatic.
>maybe I am shit at my job or my profession is already saturated and I lack business sense
>noo muh evil system and the lack of morality
There is nothing unique about having cheap and shitty costumers
I love this because we have a precedent for this already KEK
>Niji is shit for years
>No one really says anything in public
>Zaion happens
>People still aren't shitting on Niji much
>Doki happens
>EVERYONE, from other big vtubers to corpos, suddenly now have a problem with niji and have had it for years
>Guess it wasn't that big of a deal if its a problem only now, huh?
Aw man, does this mean /pol/ has to defend scamming people? I mean it makes sense given their leader is a giant scam artist.
>"people" keep bringing up Saint Floyd in unrelated discussions
what the fuck is wrong with twitter users?
she’s paid out 10k to clippers this month
They’ve gathered more than 40m views this month
That's the thing; the artist wasn't giving it away for free - it's $45. Filian illegally pirated it (from a vr shareware site iirc)
People complaining and protesting about precarious labour being forced in the name of fake automatization it's as old as the industrial revolution itself. You're just a brainlet that has never opened a book in his life.
What are you talking about
>>Niji is shit for years
It being shit for years was never anything out of the ordinary and it was the equivalent of Holo "shit"
Yea no one cared because no one gave a single fuck about Zaion. Fired 3 months in for being a dogshit employee that no one watched. /here/fags have deluded themselves into thinking she was more popular than she actually was. t. I actually watched her all the time while she was in Niji.
Because Niji fucked up in every way possible and deserved all the hate yes. Not to mention this was being built up since the cancelling of AR Live and Mysta Nina and Pomu's graduation. (And she was actually "somebody" in Niji when again, Zaion was a nobody and everything prior to those events didn't matter at all)
Intellectual Property is a jewish invention
>part of mythic
Probably no way she didn't know unless the entire org is retarded
You should try opening some books written in English, then you might be able to use proper grammar when expressing yourself.
I swear to god, people don't even know what words mean anymore. They just learn a few buzzwords and parrot them online like NPC's.
Learn to read anon
>Why is it that these cockroaches come crawling out of whatever shithole they are in when the shit hits the fan, never before, sometimes after? Guess it wasn't that big of a deal if its a problem only now, huh?
Like you said, Niji has been shit for years but when did they (corpos, cons, big vtubers) all decide to shit on niji? Before the Selen thing or after?
me being shit at my job is not an excuse for some amoral or ignorant people to fuck up not just me but others in my same profession, even those who are doing better than i am. and whether or not i was shit at my job, am i supposed to just accept when cheapskates spit at me and steal my work?
Never thought I'd wake up and see a tweet of one of Joel Vargskelethor's friends used to attack a vtuber. VA FAN HELVETE
I don't think it's a bad thing for well-known Twitchers to invite unpopular content creators to work together in order to promote them.
If it's free, it only supports what I said.
>sound alerts
>no artistic talent
>irl content
Don't be so desperate to insert hololive out of nowhere.
what do you expect from a sister, watching streams?
lol. lmao even.
Time stamp. Anyone can write shit in captions.
>their leader is a giant scam artist
Go back to twitter you faggy tourist. Most /pol/fags hate Trump because he loves Israel. You can tell what an obvious 4chan tourist you are it's fucking pathetic.
10 seconds in
>What are gifts
>What are promos
when you need to make someone look bad so you cry that they aren't giving nickles to every
funny how the fil shill shut up the moment you linked the proof, from her official channel even
hmmm sounds like commercial use, after the artist is done bloodsucking on merch I guess the supas and sponsors are next. NEVER BUY from booth, clearly
OH NO NO NO NO NO filian's sisters we need a cope QUICK
>she even pirated the model too
based. the only proper response to the injustice of demanding perpetual commercial rights
She made a joke about George Gloyd in 2022
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>Made millions
>Her "content" is just reacting to things and doing flips
The barrier to be a succesful vtuber seems to be very low.
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Stealing models and making it big without paying the artist and making mad stacks off merch is based as fuck. Fuck western artists. They're all whiny, unprofessional bitches. They deserve what they get.
Maybe but more likely is that she is genuinely autistic and ADHD and didn't actually think about any of the legalities. That kind of mental blind spot thinking is common in ADHD people especially. Doesn't excuse it tho because this is a HUGE fuckup and at her size she should have a staff around her that can advise about these things.

Yet again it is demonstrated that vtubers NEED fucking tard wranglers.
What I am saying is that you suffer nothing every other independent profession does not also suffer from, but only artist pity themselves and complain about the world. I do not give a fuck, be successful in running a business or work a blue collar job.
>you aren't a heckin based 4chonner unless you guzzle le /pol/aganda
Whew Lad.
>goes silent
Enjoy the lawsuits lmao
Typical woman moment
Twitch viewers really have negative IQ
>she is genuinely autistic and ADHD
Self-diagnosed autism isn't legitimate.
>Twitch viewers
I only watch Filian. Everything else is YT.
Anon... I...
>Human spending 5 minutes to make a single stroke in a piece of lineart while hitting CTRL-Z 100 times until they get JUST the right curve
>AI spending a few milliseconds doing the same thing
>Human traditional analog artist inking a lineart stroke in 1-2 seconds and moving on to the next stroke

I forget where I was going with this
>pagpagshitter thinks Japan is western
roru. rumao even.
Based. Pirate the entirety of Japan.
>Gets BTFO in an argument
>B-but what about your g-grammar?
Just say you don't know what you're talking about next time.
anyone who lives outside a mudhut is western to them, they're bug people, utterly soulless. The lack of soul is why they're all AI leeches, they couldn't create anything productive than, and won't be able to do it now.
So you're just retarded, got it.
This women is greedy af. 1 Million clip worth more than 200$
These are the same people who shit on artist for being "lazy" lol.
Someone should teach that woman to respect the law
It's not self-diagnosed. I'm a certified and accredited armchair psychiatrist.
Man, regardless of how this turns out, Filian will probably come out of it with a hurt wallet, shattered self esteem, and the confirmed knowledge that she can't get through life without a tardwrangler taking care of her business and career decisions.
She has a manager from Mythic, doesn't she? Might need to look for a new one if so.
Can you honestly look at Filian and tell me with a straight face she's not autistic?
>Mr VRChat streamer/Sodapoppin best friend Roflgator invites tons of content creators to entertain big twitch streamer Mizkif
>One of em ends up being Filian
>she pops off her stream career after that

>later gets invited to infamous Roflgator degen parties where big streamers attend (Nijisanji, Vshojo, OTK, indie vtubers etc)
>Filian and her 4chan buddy attends
>Her and her 4chan buddy drop n word bombs and homophobic slurs at party
>Get told by other LGBT people to stop and leave
>Roflgator blacklists Filian

>Some time later big event happens
>Filian convinces TwitchRivals to blacklist Roflgator
>Roflgator spills tea on Filians past racist and homophobic behavior
Ikr, algorithm never an easy game
Fren, how do we tell him?
How do people get offended over 'that was a quote from George Floyd?'
>only artist pity themselves and complain about the world
i could write some flowery shit about how "art is expression" so complaining which is an expression follows through, but more realistically artists especially on digital platforms are one of the independent professions who suffer more from having shitty customers because of how easy it is to distribute digital material once it's accessed.
>piracy isn't theft!
there's a whole other discussion i'm not willing to get into right now, but one point i will bring up is that piracy can hurt smaller independent creators much more than they hurt the big companies who have money to throw around to combat piracy with means other than complaining on twitter.
>I do not give a fuck, be successful in running a business or work a blue collar job.
how do you think the artists who don't earn much from their art live day-to-day? but you should've started with that. have a nice day, anon.
>nothing every other independent profession does not also suffer from
All independent business complain that megacorpos, rich leeches and the government steal or try to hurt them. You never had a job in your life lil bro.
I doubt it. It's more than likely people finding out that Gator is from Da Sektur
The piggy is hollerin a curse on this boy
>muh tardwrangler
kys phasecuck
Verification not required.
Someone post all the drama on Asmongold's reddit
Nah we just hate vtubers that pander to low IQ ipad babies
>200$ for a million views
Is this a joke?
retard got complacent and thought nothing would happen.
it's like when youtubers stream games and mods but thinks since nothing has happened to them for streaming it, it's okay to do it anyway because no mod creator or game dev will go out of their way to smite them when they have the right to (eg. PewDiePie and the FireWatch dev)
she probably thought since the japs don't watch her, she can do whatever she wanted with the model and nothing would happen, but she forgot how big GoodSmile is in japan and of course they would take notice after seeing their model get a nendo and they had nothing to do with it.
On top of the 3$ Youtube gives you for 1 million.
>i are alone the exemplary knowledge persons, saar
Your sentence was a tortured word salad that looked like an LLM that hadn't finished its training. You weren't BTFO of anyone but yourself with your presumption that you alone were familiar with the history of the Luddites. If you try to make a salient point but express it like a retarded ESL, you didn't make your point.
Next time don't start world war 2
nobody really cares about streaming. Or at least the people who understand the license don't care about it.

Questionable decision for making bank but not getting your own model? Yes.
Is she in the wright to be "haha funny angry" about her likeness being used in mobile game apps? No.

It's about the merch.
The license is pretty clear on it not allowing to make merch UNLESS you come to an agreement with the creator before.
if the artist were american she would be financially ruined
>Aw man, does this mean /pol/ has to defend scamming people
"Intellectual" property is a spook. If i have taken it from you I already own it. If you dont want me to have it, stop me.
This is the avatar of the person suing Filian btw
Fillian will be fine. She has a gigantic zoomer community that will keep supporting her and see her as a victim.
I don't care about the Floyd shit, I only care that she's a retard who should have commissioned her own model instead of using the Rindo one for merch deals for so long.
I knew she was of questionable moral character when she was with Doki and she was like "I'd definitely give super spicy food to homeless people, they get fed and we get content win win", whereas Doki said "bruh that's fucked up lmao"
who the fuck in GSC approved this?
that model is widely used, there is no way they thought she was the actual owner.
WTF he's Based?
need a citation for this
Wait a bit, we are in different timezones
Timezones aren't time travel, you fucking retard
That is funny on a conceptual level. Might be fine so long as you give them fair warning.
Racism is terrible we should cancel everyone who's ever said something questionable
Fuck off, she might be autistic, but also high functioning enough to know that making merch of a model she doesn't own, without telling the original artist, it's at best a bitch move. I get it if she was naive when making plushies, but using someone else's art for a fucking nendoroid? Come on
>we just hate vtubers that pander to low IQ ipad babies
So you hate fuwamoco too?
>nobody really cares about streaming. Or at least the people who understand the license don't care about it.
i used it as an example.
game distributers and devs can take down anyone that streams their games without permission. especially if it's written in the TOS. that's why i used pewdiepie and his fight with the FireWatch dev as an example.
in filian's case she made multiple merch moves without consulting the original model creators because like i said, she thought nothing would happen to her. she didn't know that the original creator would see it and have an issue with it hence the reason why i said she was complacent.
Negev bro...
I love her
>He doesn't know
Wait, SEAniggers work there asses off for just 200$ ?
yeah okay, fair
it was I who did not understand
Either I or the Swede can not read.
The OP picture says
>1 million views(accumulated)
>lowest pay out is for 100k
I don't see anywhere in that OP picture where it says it has to be 100k for a single clip.
I'm confused how anyone ended up collaborating with her without ever verifying ownership of the rights to the designs they were using. It just seems obvious. If Filian can get away with it anyone off the street could.
But anon that would have cost her money... money that she now can use to pay royalties to the original artist!
>If Filian can get away with it anyone off the street could.
and to be completely fair, there are HUNDREDS of vtubers, using recolor booth models and sell stickers or shirts or vinyl standees. However they are small enough to not get cought.
And just as a disclaimer:
My argument is not "oh they are small so lets not care about them" my argument is "They are too small for them to be visible to anybody outside of their 20 viewrs"
I don't get it, Fillian has made a shit ton of money, why not paid an artist to create her own OG model.
So it Is true that you can get away with model theft if you are popular enough.
Are people just realizing Filian takes advantage of people?
I need details of this. What am I seeing here?
Explain it like I am a literal woman
oh also!!
Is it confirmed that this is made by Filian?
There is no chance that this was made by someone to ride on her coat tail?
It would be a pity if some /flip/ friend tries to contact the Girl Frontline's devs to ask if she's allowed to use their design in her booth's webpage now.
Ai chatbot that you can pay to erp with on her fansly.
Yes it's official https://fansly.com/filianAI/posts

She links to it on her official fansly https://fansly.com/filian/posts
I believe people just need to dump a load of money for GSC when they are big enough to be recognized in the community. GSC will blindly accept and make a Nendoroid for them.
This might be under the license from MySentientAI. However, given everything else, it's also likely an infringement of the ToS.
Can this fansly be connected to her?
Sorry for being so anal about it, but I'm trying to throw together an article that is solid. Can't do anything that I don't have evidence for
Her Fansly is very wholesome.
uh oh
Also found a link to all of this.
>twitter leads to her linktree
>leads to her fansly
>her AI is directly advertised in the post:
>where you can buy tiers to talk with the AI

pretty clear cut and dispels any theory of it not being hers.
>Filian in a yab? Let’s dig back up the document I got BTFO and disproven about, maybe this time someone will believe my lies.
Rope, for the sake of the world.
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twitter trannies and modern "artists" are pathetic people who want to ruin other guys fun to push their fragile egos
You may want to check whether MySentientAI allows this kind of thing before jumping the gun. May be allowed under the ToS.
Oh I'm not arguing it is forbidden.
I'm just arguing that she is very willing to cut corners and tries to get more money with (low effort) side hustles.
A chatbot is one of those (low effort) side hustles).
Why is it so hard for a millionaire to pay someone properly to design and create a vtuber model for them?
>t. phasefag/ligger malding at their talents
hololive only gets stronger >:)
just don't do it then, retard.
when will you fag stop using mental illness as a shield when they do bad things?
because the gotten rich by walking over other people and taking advantage of them
it comes with the territory
Always remember:
>it's easier to ask for forgiveness then to get permission
When you look at how obliviousness is so common in stories from ADHD creators like jaydenanimations it doesn't feel like too much of a stretch that filian would somehow retardedly convince herself that a "free" or "public" model wouldn't have separate terms for merchandising.
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Just another reason why Hololive is the only group that matters.
Literally Nijisanji-tier with snubbing artists.
Hey I'm not saying it's an excuse, I'm trying to explain to myself how someone could do something so financially and legally careless. Every piece of merch she's made with the model is illegal and she should get sued for it.
they're both becoming obsolete, so naturally they would lash out
I still hope this is settled out of court.
I just want the artists to have a fair share of the stuff that was sold so far.
It would set a good precedent of the future if this won't be settled in a court and sets a precedent that could be used by actual big corpos in a wrong way (like DMCA shit on youtube gets misused nowadays)
But Ui Mama has a Latinx bf.
She doesnt hate them. She is just pandering to people like you.
Why does Filian write like Donald Trump?
Post calling her out never got enough traction. You know its bad if big Indies actually start to say something instead of staying silent to not lose connections.
They're trying to get a specific kind of person to buy their pitch. They are not trying to sell everyone, only a the right people. The people who don't think about the details too much, and will jump into something based on how they feel in the moment.
There are a few communication styles that help you select for that group, and this is one of them.

t. works in product marketing at a company whose audience is soccer moms.
yeah that's why punitive damages exist you don't - or shouldn't - get to just say 'oops here's what i owed ya sry' after trying and failing to get away with it for free so i hope filian gets clapped here.
i'm just a drama shitstirrer though
because she's secretly an oldfag /b/tard which explains the story about dropping nbombs at the twitch streamer party
The exposure is worth more than the ad revenue and one million views should give more than 50$
Don't use meme arrows on X then post your own tweet to /vt/ you cringe "lowkey" faggot.
If you had your chance, why not? It just need a person to dare and the world yields
The original issue this post mentions NEEDS to be solved, it was an entirely preventable error that was going to bite her in the ass sooner or later. The only shocking thing about is nobody in her circle had the balls to tell her sooner that it was a timebomb.

Shit like >>79963602 is just the predictable twitter locusts showing up to feed on drama.
Yeah those are all separate issues from the wo models that are not allowed to have been made into merch (without blessing of the creator).
This is factual a thing that is not in her right to do.
I don't give a shit about her trying to scam editors, I don't give a shit about her making a georg floyd joke, this is all a different thing. But they mix it into this pot because they know the license/merch issue is gonna stick, while the other shit will not.
I just want those two artists to get what they rightfully deserve and that filian will learn from this (this one I doubt). I'm not interested in character assassinations.
Because if you criticise someone with a large fanbase while public sentiment is positive you will, at best, simply be entirely ignored, maybe get a "Well, I guess she probably shouldn't do that" (but nothing will actually change). At worst you will get absolutely dogpiled by thousands of people looking to hurt and discredit you in every possible way for daring to attack a creator they enjoy.
Many people find it distasteful to make jokes about a citizen being murdered in the street by an agent of their government.
how much you gonna pay me, because it will be a full document because theres too many of them
>justice out of nowhere
nice try but you suck at this
Anon, have you ever seen them together at the same time?
That's right.
>fell for the grift
Please tell me you don't watch Pippa as well
>Being privileged enough
enough about filian, idrc about artist, but the fact is drawing the vtuber model take more efforts than filian jump like an idiot
>unironic SHUT IT DOWN astroturfing in this thread
No, shes just stupid.
>trying to cancel her over a joke
I see the twitter mob has leaked onto /here/ again.
So what youre saying is Filian is based and gator is cringe and a perverted creep?
they could sub someone else for better growth,and the claim to grow quickly is a lie
Wait so do clippers literally only make clips because they think they might get paid

Do they not actually just... Enjoy watching the girl and want to make it easier for people
How are people mad about this? People do this shit for free because they enjoy it, and she's offering to supplement that with free tools, training, content, AND pays you on top of it?
Its not like she's fucking baiting people into indentured servitude, its literally just buffing your hobby
>The exposure
I firmly believe 100% of clippers who monetize their videos are subhuman trash incapable of making their own content and think adding a couple vinebooms and zoom-ins in a 2 minute clip is "work" and that all of these clipping programs are innately fucking retarded, but at the very same time if they're being told by the person they're clipping for that they'll get paid then that changes things so much to the point where I'd actually side with them. It doesn't matter how shit your job is, if you're being paid directly by a person to do it then things like actually getting paid become relevant.
>I firmly believe 100% of clippers who monetize their videos are subhuman trash
The companies and vtubers say its okay to monetize. I don't get the point of being angry at this. You'd rather Google just have the money instead of the clipper? They put ads on shit regardless of monetization status dumbass
And who the fuck isn't using adblocker in 2024 anyways
Yea, pay upfront, and the clipfaggots will shit out clips that accumulate 1k views in a year.
They even offer tutorials lol, sounds like something I would do for some easy cash. I really don't see what's predatory about this.
What is the problem here? You make a clip. Post it on your channel. Get money from google, tiktok, or whatever. Also get money from filian.

Why is this predatory?
As a Chumbud, Fillian is okay, as well as Doki, and Pippin. The petty hate they get always reminds me of sisters falseflagging. Like their overreaction to Zaion jokes.
Wait what? What do you mean for free. She literally lists that they are getting paid. >>79983120
Also, its not even them not getting paid, its accumulated views. Its like twitch not paying out until you make enough money. So if you don't stream a lot or have no viewership, they don't have to keep sending out 2$ to random accounts. This just seems like people craving drama.
shorts count too
Filian isn't autistic, Numi isn't a virgin, Saruei doensn't cae about men. All are grifters and when they stream the goal is to make money.
Why are Americans so sensitive?
>Falseflag as cumbud
Shark leeches will not be tolerated. She hates them so she never interact with them. So cumbud hate them too
In which country you can joke about local police brutality?
It is drama. It is the same bullshit as that faggot who lost his gig composing for Mori because he chimped out on Twitter over Fuwamoco holding a contest for Ruffians writing them a jingle.
>give them a chance to win and the dopamine goes crazy
I assumed America was one of them, since they pride themselves on freedom of speech. You from Singapore or something?
>i dont like the agreement so you are a predator
you are not entitled to a job faggot loser, also
>this isnt it...
learn english nigger
>Yeah it's pretty baffling. I feel like so many vtubers are straight up retarded.
That is why managers exist. The artist create content, managers keep the artist away from legal trouble. But Fillian is claiming she currently doesn't have a manager... Is she serious?
Filian is massive, and she has a rabid fanbase of retards, children, and retarded children who will attack anyone that says anything bad about her (even if it's true).

Now that she's made a colossal, unavoidable fuck up, it's the perfect time to unearth anything else she's done and add it to the pile.
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unironically I'm convinced that the reason why she never went through the process of obtaining the rights and stuck to the "my model is free for public use" narrative was because she wanted to set up an example that you don't need an expensive skin or model to go big in the vtubing scene. If only she took a step back and thought about what could happen once she started selling merch.
>how much you gonna pay me
2.5 exposure
maybe 3 if it is really good
>Please tell me you don't watch Pippa as well
redpill me on the yabbit
not chumbuds
I will now watch Filian
It took until Doki for it to get public enough for people to notice; Niji overextended and paid for it. I never would have heard of Zaion if I wasn't /here/.
People love hate mobs and tearing others down. I guarantee none of them give a shit about the artist.
>I guarantee none of them give a shit about the artist.
I was using "Mint" for a long as time in vrchat. I care very much about the artist. Because I knew about this the very first day someone said that my model looks like filians.
I wouldn't even care about filian if people wouldn't have brought it up so often.
Good morning, saars.
I do.
yeah me
how'd you know?
>surprised vtuber viewers actually care about things that might affect vtubing
>I guarantee none of them give a shit about the artist
you mean filian, because the only one who clearly dont care about artist is filian 100% facts
No shes stupid, shes funny but you can tell she has very little business sense. Behind the scenes her business logistics are probably ducktaped together.
I don't like filian because she organizes events with homos and doesn't tell other vtubers desperate to leech off her who the participants are until the last minute, trying to trap them into becoming homocollabers too
this is largely irrelevant to all of this but I am still happy to see her eat shit
Filian be like
>I never bought it, that means I don't abide by the rules
these are good things
weird how theres more to an IP than just the visuals of a 3d model.
oh, is this true? lmao
I don't know or care if it's on purpose, but yeah
I don't like filian because she is a normie zoomer and not japanese. I hope she suffers
>she didn't buy the model
>she pirated it
>nobody in her circle had the balls to tell her sooner that it was a timebomb
She probably didn't listen. At least one menhera artist chuuba somewhat alluded to it on a dicksword screenshot once.
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Fillian is fucking based and she hasn't done anything that I wouldn't do in her position. Fuck all of you niggers and your gay retarded 'morals' and 'copyright' and 'IP' and especially fuck slant eyed fucks and their honorabu retardation that makes them whine about shit like this that they should have been aware of when it's too late.
I've never paid a fucking single cent to watch anime, tv or youtube videos or streams in my entire life and if I was the fillipino boy I'd be monetizing AI art images of this Rindo model and selling it as merch too.

None of you faggots and your whining is gonna dent this spazzy foxy bitch in the end anyway.
Fuck off, Luffy, you rubbery bitch bastard.
artists don't deserve anything because they're all miserable menhera cunts with obnoxious retarded politics
Pirates are niggers of the sea.
I honestly can't wait for so many masses of people to be made obsolete by AI in the coming years, fuck all of these fags
uhhhh based?
I'm leaning more towards her being raised on Jake Paul vids.
archive this
If Gura were allowed to, she'd be doing the same content filian does and holoEN would be massive.
true and based
Predatory obviously means, "Any offer which I don't like the terms of."
2 yabs in one day... not looking good /flip/bros..
What does phase have to do with this?
I hate her
living rent free in sister minds as they try to convenient leave out Riku's dumpster fire
>schizo vs schizo
>being murdered
it's already been proven he died from a fentanyl overdose, pound sand tourist
Kill yourselves.
Just because you didn't hear about something doesn't mean it was never brought up.
In fact, things were ignored in the past and that's precisely why they should be brought up now, when people are finally willing to listen to complaints against [big name] instead of dismissing them.
Classic vtweeters, only start to care when they can get attention.
The village idiot used to be ignored but now even the idiot can afford wifi and a phone.
Yeah this confirms that this isn't just about the model fiasco. They've been wanting to cancel her ever since the saint floyd joke but nobody took them seriously at the time.
>western artists
i dont know if you guys are stupid or something but these terms weren't sent out to clippers. these were sent out to editors with set asking prices en masse, not clippers who were genuine filian fans. it's not "here have some money as an incentive to keep clipping me."
>Huge sum of money
>$20 for 100k view
Stingy Pagpag

Thanks for bringing absolutely nothing to to the discussion except your dumb anger and lack of information.
Goodsmile just deleted the tweet.

I'm still surprised no one bothered asking if filian had the okay to do merch of her avatar beforehand.

The copyright laws are in the constitution, which was written by white deists. Goyim.
>form has a checkbox
>"Are you the copyright?"
>Well, I did buy it, so yeah!
That is usually how it is done. There isn't a 30 minutes voice call where they ask "Are you SURE you have it?" every 5 minutes. It's one question on a piece of paper that you can check off.
Saint Buck really broke these people's brain, huh?

so bank robbery is cool if you walk in with a note and walk out with their money.
Wow, give it up for the fucking mind reader here
only if you are black
You are feeling really called out by this my guy

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