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>another 1 week vacation

Why is this happening to us ruffians?
Fake Ruffian btfo
>Move to Japan
>Instantly lose motivation to stream for EOPs
Based desu
they are shitting a lot, please andastan. poor mocotummy.
Remember when they made a big deal about streaming for 100 days without a break? Good times.
They're not even streaming in jp either
they should be streaming it
You ever get the impression that Cover might, in fact, be kind of a shitty company, and it's mostly successful in spite of itself?
>He doesn't get the exclusive NSFW jo streams
Too busy having sex with me. Sorry guys, my dick is just that good
Yeah, at the same time directly down my throat.
How is that based? They're shitting on the people who actually care about them
Cus ruffians asked for it lol
Everyone was saying they needed a break and they do just that.
Shitposters just shitpost
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...by learning how to dance and filming 3D lives.
Yeah. Really feeling shitted upon. However will i cope.
if i rolled my eyes any harder i'd fall off the couch
I think they already know how to dance bro.
>No more Donkey Kong streams
>No more OoT streams
I sleep. Wake me up when they get back to playing good games.
Reminder that whenever ENs are forced to travel to Japan, they obviously can’t maintain their usual schedule and their fans, at first, understand. Once their fans get used to scattered streams, and the girls get used to not streaming anywhere near as frequently, they NEVER go back to the same streaming frequency and schedules (Myth & Promise). Advent will be no different. FWMC are just a teaser for what the other 3 girls will be like. Hololive distract you away from this behavior by releasing a new gen to fill the hole. The same will happen to Justice. It’s so tiresome.
I'm familiar, but slightly-better-than-Ina-tier dancing isn't going to cut it when you're as hungry as they are.
Probably spending all their spare time in Ayame's Dancing Boot Camp. Then sleeping outside of Bae's shed for three days until she agrees to teach them even more.
Moco on the John
Someone plug up mococo's butt and get her back to streaming
Its part of the idol journey. It is what it is. If you want pure streamers, there's Nijisanji. If that's too black company there's VSPO, which will be purely gaming. If you want second rate idols who still have time for streams and have budget grade 3D, there's v4mirai. If you want sad girls and gura imitators, there's phase and idol corp.
But if you want the best of the best, especially those on the idol path, its Hololive. And they become less about streaming once they go further along the idol journey.
>You ever get the impression that Cover might, in fact, be kind of a shitty company, and it's mostly successful in spite of itself?
Hololive is good at hiding their dirty laundry but it does feel like they are keeping a lot of secrets with the EN branch. They have far too many health and hiatus breaks compared to the JP branch.
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Of course Cover are a bad company. They always were. They've had plenty of moments of incompetent behavior, they've overworked talent to the point of breaking down on-stream and they try to sweep all their failures under the rug because they need to keep their squeaky-clean image intact. It's insane to me how quickly /vt/ was gaslit into thinking DEV_IS wasn't a failure, or forgetting the entire HLZNTL debable. They think that because a Hololive member says the company gives them more freedom, that makes it true. Meanwhile half of the roster is burnt out at the moment and seemingly too exhausted to just go live. This is first-grade observation and you aren't allowed to point it out. Never mind that despite Holostars grinding and grinding to maintain any sort of relevancy in an uphill battle, Hololive fans continue to ignore them, or will even insult them. Why? Because they're "sexpests" lmao. The funniest thing to me though is that Cover never gets flak for anything, at the worst you'll have shitposters blaming talent for their faults instead of even suggesting that their corpo isn't all its cracked up to be. They are a technology company first, after all...
Lmao! Man the level of mental gymnastics simps have to do
>idol journey
There hasn't been a journey since 2021. You're watching lottery winners whose only job is to pump out merch from time to time.
Yeah I'm a simp. But I'm just saying there's alternatives if you're unhappy. Yagoo wants to play idolmaster, let him. Its his dream.
>Holostars grinding and grinding
Goodbye 1 million in a year. A goal that will forever be failed.
EN uprising arc when? I know we had the grim era but im waiting for the shit to really start to fly.
>Hololive fans continue to ignore them
Look at the Starfagfans if you want the homos saved. It's not my duty to support faggots I don't care about.
already did, how else do you think she made it through that solo twitter space?
the answer is mori
I'm glad they took my advice to heart. There was no point in trying to stream and then cancelling every day.
I don't even watch every girl. now I need to watch fags I don't care about for...what exactly? Kys sister. Stop begging.
Move on and watch better vtubers like ERB and Doki
>I'm gonna ignore all your legit criticisms and just bitch about Holostars again because I physically cannot help myself
Cool so if you're not gonna attempt to defend Hololive in any way shape or form when they fuckup don't be surprised if they slowly get outed as a black company
Not my fucking problem you have mental issues and make talent in the SAME COMPANY into a console war lmao
Honestly it comes from the name cover having too much star power. People will watch just cause of that moniker, so the streamers don't even have to try. I mean sure they will become "runts" if they don't stream as much but hell even runts will do better than any 90% of all vtubers so they really have no reason to try and be good/better.
They conned you to pay for their move to japan and now they have what they wanted. Why should they bother with you now?
Least obvious falseflag
Hololive is just a big fat paycheck for them, now that they have the resources they are busy with their actual real goal, check their roommate.
>watch better vtubers
What’s this board’s obsession with hating on FWMC who are literally the most inoffensive, sweetest girls in all of holoEN?
>why do people hate liars
just sisters m8. we love the dogs.
whatever you say, sister.
Apparently jealous woman and idiots who love shitposting.
Rn tho filian is getting heat, expect the spam
If they were that kind and sweet they wouldn't shit on holostars like they did. This is not a "we're not interested" kind of reaction that they gave when they saw them, it's a "fuck these guys I hope they die" kind of reaction. Even if you hate someone, not showing your disgust is something any good person would do in public
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>Intentionally farm malehera gachis from the start
>Betray their expectations
>Act surprised that the non-cuck part of them becomes antis
Funny thing is that FWMC aren't surprised by it at all. It's only the cuckians that act like they've done nothing wrong
Ojisan called for them specifically.
This is the reason why, btw. >>79976858 Sisters are mad 'cause they ignored their boys and are extremely unicorn friendly. That's it. That's all there is to it, it's why /baubau/ gets constantly raided, why there are so many bait threads about them, all of it.
I don't care about holostars, I just gave a hint as to why they might not be that sweet.
>No argument
Nice joke but good people are unicorns while bad people hate unicorns
They ignored the homos

You fell for their act, I don't blame you though they were real damn good at it, but they got way too greedy and their pandering to Japan exposed hard their twisted nature and where their priorities are.
This may be hard for you to understand, but when people do things you don't agree with, they aren't actually doing it to attack you personally.
They aren't indie anymore. No more need to work or stream, people will pay them regardless.
...ok?, dunno what you are trying to say here anon.
I'm saying that if they make a choice that they believe is beneficial to their own goals and interests, that's completely reasonable, and not evidence of a "twisted nature" just because you wanted them to choose differently.
I'm sure glad nothing changed when the moved to Japan.
I dont think their paypig gachis are the ones complaining.
Hi shitposter-kun!
Ugly trannies, fat jealous women and seething thirdies hate them. Notice all the "people" in these bait thread using the words "pick me" and saying that they're fake.
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I rented them for a one week sex cruise, please understand.
I don't think that counts as shit posting
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The EN Vtubing sphere is filled with countless Twitch ethots and grifters who are uninteresting and have no original thoughts or content, who are only doing Vtubing because they see it as an easy way out of having to get a McJob, or for those of them who aren't hideous, resort to OnlyFans. "Successful people don't pivot to being Vtubers" speaks to the overall defeatist mindrot that has been spread across the EN sphere because of the majority of lazy whores who call themselves Vtubers. In the same way VA is a joke of a profession in the West and actual celebrities in Japan, so too has Vtubing gotten the stigma of "not the first choice."

Most female Vtubers are little more than fleshstreamers with an anime girl avatar. They put no effort into content or kayfabe, and if you point this out, they and their beta male orbiters will call you an incel for expecting them to try beyond the bare minimum. You have impossible or at the very least unrealistic standards if you want them to do more than just silently play a game or do bottom of the barrel react content. There's even a few of these in Hololive.

Then in come FUWAMOCO who are
>Dedicated to the idol dream of singing and dancing on stage.
>Genuinely love and appreciate their fans, never take them for granted, respect their time, are always on time, never lecture them on a soapbox, welcome backseating, see streams as an interactive collab between the chat and the streamer.
>Completely avoid politics or anything controversial that people might be watching them to escape.
>Have a strong work ethic, make schedules, and communicate changes whenever they happen.
>Appreciate the same hobbies and CGDCT air that most of Hololive's audience was originally for.

If you did a list of everything the average woman Vtuber hates and doesn't do, than FUWAMOCO would tick every box. They're pretty much the ideal Vtubing experience for anyone who likes Hololive. It's not surprising they get a lot of hate from groups that want Vtubing to just be Twitch with an anime girl avatar, including the aforementioned whores that slipped into Hololive.

Their very existence increases standards globally. The unspoken agreement among lazy whores is to keep standards low on purpose so as many people as possible can be no effort Vtubers. If everyone sucks, then the audience can never expect or ask for anything better and the lower standard of quality becomes the standard. That's why lazy whores in Hololive are so dangerous, because just by being in Hololive, you're automatically at least a 4view.

FUWAMOCO cause seethe among these types and their fans because they aren't just doing this for the money, they were grinding out this way for years when it would have been so much easier to just be a barista at Starbucks. And now they're more successful than all the people cynically trying to make money off the growing epidemic of lonely single men. They expose the lazy whores for what they are just by being themselves. And that makes their fans realize they could have had better all this time so they get mad at lash out at FUWAMOCO and their fans. The girls themselves criticize them, say they are "doing too much" or "going too hard" or "rushing too fast" because to a lazy whore, a schedule full of streams that start on time and not hating your audience IS doing too much or going too hard, at least for them.
>Take a look at /baubau/'s record
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>I don't care about holostars
not many people do KEK, why did you expect FWMC to?
They didn't reach a million when they expected. It's not them who let us down, we Ruffians let them down. We could not even help them reach a million subs, what kind of fans are we to break the smiles of such hardworking girls...
It's summer, don't you have a summer vacation to attend to?
Schizos and shitposters in /baubau/ are not their paypigs.
>everyone who criticizes hololive is a sister
you're part of this exact problem you fucking retard
They could have said "sorry we don't really watch them" or something, not outright mute themselves
Excuse me, why is she with this man named John?
Probably at ax. A homo is taking a week break and is confirmed to be there.
Trying to backtrack now eh?
They lied their way into the EN branch so they could be jp members, so they can fuck off.
You will have nothing and you will like it tranny.
If ririka can do EN streams, they can do JP streams.
Okay Vox akuma
i dont have to tell other people that i dont eat shit, holos shouldnt mix with stars and their anti fanbase. Bettel already preparing his gradution over how shitty the fanbase is.
>sister whataboutism
And Fuwamoco cried because of their retarded fanbase
??? Go watch bettel podcast sis
Clipwatcher take, typical homo sister
bae was right and the entire board shit on her for telling them to chill down
Bae also taking a week off retard
Funny because Bae isn't streaming this week.
How's that a counterpoint? Bae is an expert on overworking. If a crack addict tells you "Hey, don't smoke so much crack," you should probably listen.
???? are you retarded or pretending, that's the whole point, is good to take weeks off, the problem is that fwmc kept pushing forward without taking care of themselves and now is not a week off, is multiple instances of unscheduled rests.
one week vs months of hiatuses and canceled streams
FWMC are okay, but ruffians are scum that will shit on other Holos at any opportunity.
>months of hiatuses
They actually never took months off. Even their weakest month, which is March, had 9 streams.
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>Posting this even though it proves I was a ruffian and not the usual nijisister cope cuckians always use
Yeah I dropped them when they kept fucking up unlike you. Of course you're going to keep posting falseflags as a nijisis trying to act like FWMCs worst enemies aren't themselves and /baubau/. I know your tricks cuckians
Advent in general just has a shit fan base considering a large portion of them were bitter Mythfags.
I mean that they have been having hiatuses over the period of months since they moved, not that their hiatuses were months long
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>I know your tricks
And I know yours, falseflagging phasefaggots.
T-they're just in the process of moving, chud!
ESL-kun can't even shitpost properly.
More like Advent were their first vtubers and now they shit on the older gens that they missed out on out of sour grapes. Newfags acting like the stuff they missed wasn't good anyway
Just because you lack reading comprehension doesn't make anything about it wrong, or me ESL.
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Where have I seen all of this cope and malding before in 2021/22?
>months of hiatuses
not the op but is "months of hiatuses" vs "months of hiatus" you have shit reading comprehension anon
Yes, retard. Insert an adjective, "months of week-long hiatuses", if that makes it easier for your brown brain to grasp but that doesn't change the grammatical structure or meaning of the phrase
Stop trying to samefag retard-chamma. It makes you look pathetic.
it was an honest mistake, reading can be hard this early in the morning, don't worry anon
NTA, but I've been saying from the minute that they pulled that move that it will bite them in the ass down the road. There's a bunch of Holo's that don't collab with the Stars (or men in general), but not one of them has ever outright dismissed them like that, and on a big company event stream no less. Usually they either: pass on a stream that will mention them, make non-committal noises/small talk about them, or even just not draw attention to themselves not talking. FWMC though? That shit was 100% planned. It was the mother of all anti/hardcore unicorn flags and there's no going back from that after drawing those types of ideals into your fanbase.
This. They should have passed on the event stream if they didn't want to acknowledge them. But they want it both ways, to be the corpo shill dogs but ignore part of the company. Now they've signaled to all the incel unicorns that they approve of harassing the girls that do male collabs
You guys are retarded. The stream is precorded. If management really was annoyed, they will just ask a do-over.
Lol no. Kanata outright went afk mode when she realized she got tricked into attending a minecraft event with male fleshies.
all they've ever wanted in their entire lives is to get gangbanged by japanese men. why the the hell would they stream for you anymore ruffians? they're in bukakke heaven.
i was wondering, they've done a lot of mori collabs, but how many times have they collabed with ame, bae, or kronii? and how many times will they collab with liz, if any
They made the Mori collabs because they wanted a deal with a musical label. But they're too lazy to actually work on releasing good songs so they'll never get it.
Did you just conveniently forget their collabs with Fubuki, Lui, Polka and AZKi?
You got a point, however they did nurture and promote a parasocial experience so people feeling betrayed by their actions is to be expected.
They literally told everyone in their first week they will move to Japan if given a chance. Seems like people don't watch streams.
>JP cocksucking week
You are totally right, the issue is that Ririka was honest and clear with it from day one and has been doing English-only weekly pretty much, while FWMC handled it in a very poor fashion with their hiatus and then coming back with a week of JP and "ignoring" EN.

They did stream in English too though but, the damage was done.
>Ririka was honest and clear with it from day one and has been doing English-only weekly pretty much
Lol no. She barely did any english streams until her disastrous VCR collab. Then she went full on doing English streams every week after.
>then coming back with a week of JP and "ignoring" EN.
Are you retarded? They did both EN and JP streams during Golden week. Faggots like you just keep shitposting without looking at their schedule.
>JP cocksucking week
Except those collabs happened way before Golden week.
They heard you talking shit about what dogs they pick for doggy of the day
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Why did they make this pledge if they didn't intend to keep to it?
They already abandoned their former fans multiple times before joining hololive
>ever listening to Bae after the first time they blew her off
Good one.
At some point they will offcollab with Bae and this board will become unusable for weeks
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Total homo death.
I'll never understand why unicorns defend female vtubers that are hostile to male vtubers. To me, they're showing their true colors: they hate men and by extension, their male fans. If you're only nice to men when they pay you, that means you hate men.
You're only nice to corporations that pay you in gift cards.
i don't know what that means so I'll just assume you're being gay
They weren't hostile, you fucking woman. They just turned their mic off and ignored them for crying out loud.
If you don't see how that is ridiculously unprofessional and rude in context, I hope you never have a public facing job
when your reactions are over the top for every single girl and you go completely dead silent the minute a male goes on screen, you're sending a message that you oppose what you're seeing. If they weren't over the top for every single girl (which is hard, because I know FWMC is forced enthusiasm in physical form), then we wouldn't have this conversation. But the fact that they couldn't even muster a single vague compliment is a form of silent protest on itself.
Post some real criticism first sister. But you just can't help yourself trying to shill your failures.
Couldn't of typed it better. The lazy woman fear the enthusiastic hard worker.
It's very strange, and I don't know how nobody in the company apparently anticipated this.
At the same time, I can't exactly blame them. They know their fans have "special needs" and they don't want to trigger anyone.
Spamming low quality streams is not hard work, if you want to see hard work go to Mori's channel
And I say that when I don't even like Mori
Considering how much it makes you fags seethe, I'd say they did the right thing. Now everyone knows where they stand and all you can do is cry.
Your faggots don't deserve a compliment, however vague, just because they're on screen. If that's your bar for hostility, you and your fags have a whole lot more enemies than you realise.
>have strong work ethic
bait or retarded? theyve been cancelling streams left and right. what good is a schedule if you just cancel all the streams on it?
There's the doxposting. I was wondering when you were gonna start, sisters.
Of course you shitposters have to resort to doxx.
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>falseflag doxxposting
you thought i'd fall for that unicucks?
What is the dox supposed to accomplish ? They're decently cute
HoloJP is way more tolerant of male collabs, because they know actual idol culture and not the western incel bastardization of it. Somehow the west went from "idols shouldn't have boyfriends" to "vtubers can't even acknowledge that men exist"
What type of Asians are they even? White-chinese mixed?
>Homotranies get so assblasted they have to resort to posting doxx.
That said, I appreciate it. They're very cute.
>HoloJP is way more tolerant of male collabs
What happened to HZTLN? Alright, it got cancelled because of the backlash.
I'm not interested in them because I'd prefer they used normal voices and not baby talk. It'd be better to watch Korone if I want a dog vtuber
Mint collab when? Also, how fucking short is she?
oh it took only half a thread for the sister antis to start dox posting this time around
wtf they're cute, and rich, and popular...
I prefer my own race, so that's a good thing
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Okay, now you've done it. Go fuck yourself.
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weird how long doxxposts are left up on the catalog but if i post art with the slightest nipslip i'm immediately sent on a 3 day vacation. curious.
>last doxpost
uoh seggs
>doxxx posting

You know, I'd say something but both YouTube and Twitter kept recommendinmg me their roommate so I can't even get mad.
It wasn't canceled due to unicorn ranting, and many of the JP involved already do male collabs all the time.
They were doing so well until that sentence.
What's the point of doxxing them if they look cute ?
They're retarded and have a shit fanbase, but attacking them like this won't do anything
Keep lying to yourself homofags.
Porn is a problem with advertisers. Doxxposting is just off topic.
>dead beat
Not even surprising.
>wasn't canceled due to unicorn ranting
that's coping
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i think these girls are pretty but it is creepy how there's literally nothing behind the eyes
these bangs are so ugly. why not get a normal haircut
shhh, it's free promotion
You living in a cave? Girls love to go for bangs these days.
Mori's music is mostly trash but she's actually working hard, instead of spamming low effort streams
Of course you faggots have to resort to doxxposting. Comical.
>we did it reddit!!
yeah normal bangs and not these exaggerated jap bangs with weird side hair which look like jew curls
They know they can't compete against them or gain such a loyal fan base kek.
Cope and seethe failures. You'll never amount to anything or be loved.
it's literally a butthurt ruffian, one of your lot, trying to get this thread deleted for hurting his feelings
my rrat is there is a janny who is trans and loves to post doxx out of jealousy
But that doesn't even make sense, nice try femcel.
>no, it's not their literal fucking antis, it's the people who love them the most.
geniunely fucking retarded.
nta but why do you think they're posting their promo pics and not the ones of them with male fans?
You didn't post those so you could spin your story like this.
I felt physically ill reading this. Some people are really too far gone.
why is he spamming recent best looking solo pics instead of certain unflattering pics with 'you know who' then? an anti would post pics which makes them look bad and hurts ruffkek feelings and not stuff that they themselves shill to all of their fans, both former and recent holo ones
is he wrong though?
It was never possible. They are a one trick pony. This is as far as they can go (maybe around 1.3-.1.5 tops after a long time) unless they change the formula from scratch
No, this just happens every couple days in /baubau/ and you can tell when it's a ruffian or an anti by which pics get posted
because they hate me
Most of these pictures haven't been posted in a month, some never before. Nice try though.
I mean the source of the pictures, not the literal hashes, you moron
Jannies very rarely delete the entire thread just because some pics
It's been more than a year since the last time anyone posted anything with the username of their twitter account. Again, nice try.
They aren't trying to have the thread actually deleted, just have the janny visit and nuke all the posts they reported. One of them does it with FWMC porn all the time, too. I don't think it ever actually works, but they try.
Are they happas?
what the fuck does the username of their twitter have to do with literally anything?
That's where the images come from, their source.
>I don't think it ever actually works, but they try.
So you just made it all up
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>OMG! Ruffians are so so so sad that they're getting lazy and hate their fanbase and hate Hololive and and and...
Meanwhile, in the real world:
No, they call it gorilla posting to chase away antis or whatever. Yes it's retarded
>moves to japan
>stream schedule turns into shambles cause how much sex they are having with HoloJP now
many such cases
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I think they're cute
Okay, and how does their username not being posted mean that pics aren't coming from there? I mean fuck man just go look at /baubau/ archives if you want to play detective
You are retarded for coming up with such a bullshit lie. Go kys you fucking anti.
why are you so invested in this when you clearly have not spent a minute in /baubau/?
Get wrecked coombrain

Because bangs are good for hiding balding.
But was that this year or last year kek
Literally hours ago.
Thats why threads like this are useless.
They're at their lowest since debut and their fans still love em. Theres nothing this place can do to change that.
If you genuinely don't get how that looks and think that was a win (and that they've done the same thing since), then like I said farther up, you better hope than this doesn't bite them in the ass. All their little stunt showed me is that they're unprofessional and shouldn't be in company-wide streams or promotions if that's how they'll continue to act.
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Higher-ups disagree with you.
I thought higher ups were retarded for wanting more male collabs ?
Who gives a shit what it shows you? All it matters is what they show their fans. Some easily offended homofag antiing them doesn't matter.
>Muh unprofessional
Is this a nijisister? Sounds like a nijisister, or probably some sad third worlder that likes sucking off corpos.
Holofans supporting Hololive? Inconceivable
If you care about the homos, convince others to watch streams and buy merchs. Waging this stupid crusade is not going to help those faggots.
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Homos are not Hololive.
nah they did a good job pointing out the hypocrisy of forcing the charity project into the big event but also they don't have a part in the show because they are shitters
They are the exemplar, rather than any of the misgiven claims you make.
Kek definitely a nijisister
>To me, they're showing their true colors: they hate men and by extension, their male fans.
And to me, collabing with men is the #1 thing that proves that you hate your fans. Because if you know that your fans are unironically in romantic love with you(true for every woman de facto) then you would never inflict something as viscerally painful and fundamentally person-destroying as jealousy on them
Seriously, thats something I wouldnt wish on my worst enemy, it's more painful than losing loved ones and unlike most of this board I speak from experience
>Holofans supporting Hololive
A naturally true statement.
But what you meant was "Holofans supporting Hololive Production", which cannot be true since the terminology is simply incorrect. Holostars are Hololive Production (a name given only to attempt to normalize them), not Hololive.
>If your fans are insane retards, its your moral duty to cater to their delusion and allow them to dictate your decisions
You are literally as crazy as a transsexual. Congratulations.
Your projections aside, yes, chuubas should cater to their fans. It's how they keep them and get more fans. If I'm not catered to, I have no reason to stay.
Chuubas who don't care about their fans don't deserve support. Simple rule for a simple mind like yours. Don't even need the chuuba qualifier here, really.
And if you think that's crazy, you're as inhuman as a tranny. Congratulations.
If they cared about you they wouldn't put you deeper into your delusions to squeeze more money from you
lazy EN whores
they didn't protect our smiles
They've made it already, they have direct access to true 100% native japanese dick. There is no reason to stream anymore
I want to see them fail after having a taste of success.
If they loved me they would do GFE and that's exactly what they do
>squeeze more money
So all the seethe over FWMC was just jealous fat women upset they ignore the homos and love their fanbase of CGDCT enjoyers? Jesus
I have a Holo oshi. Cover is really good at turning hololive fans into braindead nigger cattle that will defend them at all costs.
Sure why not.
scatgods you scare me...
That is suppose to be a defence of FWMC?

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