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Previous >>79994408
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

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Please shit on this face
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Recent clip numbers
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Korosan with Hyun Jin Ryu
CC take a nap before your fucking collab
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Dwarf anon, DON'T LOOK!
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>29,162: Koyori (Hololive)
>28,318: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>26,657: Miko (Hololive)
>24,905: Pekora (Hololive)
>21,368: Toya (Nijisanji)
>20,454: Aqua (Hololive)
>19,504: Akagi Wen (Nijisanji)
>18,900: Nerissa (Hololive)
>17,383: Kanata (Hololive)
>15,004: Lunlun (Nijisanji)
>14,754: Subaru (Hololive)
>14,292: Fauna (Hololive)
>12,803: Kanae (Nijisanji)
>12,730: Chiroru (Indie)
>12,530: Lui (Hololive)
>12,252: Kronii (Hololive)
>12,040: Okayu (Hololive)
>11,923: Yashiro (Nijisanji)
>11,103: Lize (Nijisanji)
>11,003: Ame (Hololive)
Pebbles are literally being bullied by a little girl. And they are enjoying it.
Well now im just offended.
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>1) 47,204: AZKi (Hololive) 3D LIVE Bday [21]
>2) 71,218: Subaru (Hololive) Birthday stream [25]
>3) 54,721: Miko (Hololive) Chained Together [17]
>4) 67,240: Mio (Hololive) SMOK [19]
>5) 29,162: Koyori (Hololive) Holo no umigame [20]

5x: Hololive

1x: AZKi, Subaru, Miko, Mio, Koyori
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I would the gem Princess.
>Massive EN collab including multiple members from each EN gen including the new Justice members overshadowing her birthday
>Dodgers game sponsor on the same day overshadowing her birthday
>Song cover and Mori stream overlapping her birthday
>FWMC goodsmile announcement on her birthday will be Promise and Advent nendos despite the fact that she is still the only Myth without one
>Justice monetization announced for right after her birthday, which will hard gimp SCs and merch sales due to people wanting to save for Justice monetization instead
>No 3D live to show for it since it was delayed
Poor Kiara, she hasn't had a single birthday that wasn't overshadowed by some major holo news being announced on the same day that overshadows it.
I would actually watch the homos if they were like this
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Mindchair status?
I'm gonna feed this baby with sardine.
These in my mouth
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>1) 34,536: Miko (Hololive) FC Mario NO SAVE Day2
>2) 38,502: Miko (Hololive) FC Mario NO SAVE Day3
>3) 33,316: Chiroru (Indie) Baseball
>4) 44,888: Miko (Hololive) GTAV chased by viewers while singing
>5) 28,318: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) 7DaysToDie

3x: Hololive
1x: Indie
1x: Nijisanji

3x: Miko
1x: Chiroru, Kuzuha
nta but this is cope, nobody cares when the JPs stream all night and viewers fall asleep with the streams open
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>60$ for a shit shirt
Lmao who gonna buy this ?
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Niji bros not like this….
No lol. They're mixed in with normalfags lol
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>skibidi toilet gacha
>biboo has similaw humow to waowa
> Gates opening
> workers repeatedly announcing to not rush for merch and assuring us we'll all get some
Guys how likely am I to be trampled like what happened in Korea a couple years ago?
Green women supremacy.
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It will happen
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>1) 27,169: Mio (Hololive) AsaMio
>2) 34,696: Kuzuha (Nijisanji) 7DaysToDie
>3) 31,036: Aqua (Hololive) holomem relationship chart
>4) 37,180: Chiroru (Indie) Baseball
>5) 26,657: Miko (Hololive) FC Mario NO SAVE Day4

3x: Hololive
1x: Nijisanji
1x: Indie

1x: Mio, Kuzuha, Aqua, Chiroru, Miko
doubt it
>invited erb
sorry, anon. I don't hate mori, but I'm not watching that
Depend on how tall you are.
I'd watch them if they were like Mike and Jay, but then they wouldn't be homos or male vtubers.
I would get the Suisei one for sure
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JULY 2024 holoID
*>1) 13,799: Iofi (Otsu holoID) [2]
>2) 6,571: Kaela (Minecraft w/ Kanade)
>3) 4,567: Anya (Chained Together w/ Kanade, Haachama)
>4) 3,885: Kobo (Honor of Kings)
>5) 3,332: Moona (Chained Together)

1x: Iofi, Kaela, Anya, Kobo, Moona

*[brackets] indicate number of streams over 5k for the day. Omitted brackets means only 1
**numbers taken from vrabi w/ filter off

*13,766 on vrabi; higher ccv on dwarf's tally
Biboo and RR is going to be legit some comfy shit. I've never seen two girls theoretically fit together more than those two. The daughter/mom energy is off the charts.
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Is that Gura and Fuwawa
Our Bright Parade should be elevated to the same level as SSS / Kirameki Rider, not just a specific year holofes theme that will be outdated.
Mori invited JUSTICE
Can any holomem (talking about hololive here, I don't care about the homos) do a hour-long karaoke with unclean vocals and not completely destroy their vocal chords?
Dodger fans, hold on those has hololive names. Scratch that hololive fans.
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>1) 47,204: AZKi (Hololive) 3D LIVE Bday
>2) 71,218: Subaru (Hololive) Birthday stream
>3) 54,721: Miko (Hololive) Chained Together
>4) 67,240: Mio (Hololive) SMOK
>5) 29,162: Koyori (Hololive) Holo no umigame

5x: Hololive
I still wonder about that one white dude who was climbing above the crowd during the crush. /pol/ has both told me lived and died.
7-12 win for nijisanji, hololive is dead
Don't google how much a Dodgers Jersey costs
Jesus christ. How is it possible for Hololive to win so fucking much and Nijisanji to lost so fucking much? Like there has to be some cosmic force behind this shit.
I'm pretty sure thats Fernando Valenzuela, he used the number 34
jesas that is a lot of people
I guarantee these are going to sell out
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Fembu..... uh..
I mean, it doesn't help that Kiara is a retard, and she has her actual birthday stream the one where she has the merch and other announcements at an even worse time than the totsu stream already is, to the point where 99% of her audience is likely to be asleep by the time it happens while she's also being overlapped by pretty much the entire JP branch.
Mocokeks status?
Huge fucking line confirmed
what happened to the baseball collab nobody's even talking about it anymore
Don't fucking pretend it's an "incline" is all I'm saying. She would not have these viewers if she didn't get raided in the fucking waiting room
it starts in like what? less than 2 hours?
they only let you in through that gate if you have hololive tickets
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oh so it's mito and someone for the other two life size figure
That still doesn't look like Chinman
who's Mother/Grandmother/Daughter/Wife/Sister is this?
i think she's in the wrong line honestly kek
That's chinman you heathen. And his ccv is higher than your oshis.
That Mito looks kinda weird.
I'm making fun of the "why arent people talking about the baseball hololive collab" schizo
uh, is that supposed to be chinman?
oh kek my bad. he doesn't look like chinman tbf
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I love Fauna bros, hope she has some cute moments with CC today
The disrespect. That's salami. Dogeza now
Chinman can't even regularly clear Gura anymore, he's washed
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>Almost lost to Kronii
>Still lost to Nerissa
Fauna is washed up
That's fucking chinman? Jesus, he looks soulless there.
I'm sorry anon, but larping as if you watch this guy is gay. He looks like the 3 star I never use in any gacha
>biboo wanna eat literal rock
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Dino Gura spotted
The scale isn't even reflected well in that image.
There are 4 hololive lines of that length next to each other
I fucking love my fembud
one leg looks thicker than the other at the shoes
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Could you actually get a parody shirt for a band as a new outfit without cover going full permission autism?
The same people who buy $8 drinks and $25 hotdogs at baseball games.
Dumb EOP. Japanese male vtubers are actually good unlike the menhera manchildren running around in NijiEN and Holostars EN.
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What happened to the sex collab between my penis and Mumei's vagina? Nobody's even talking about it anymore.
Its chiwawa
kys ennacuck
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Biboo is sexy actually
Just checked the site, an unnamed official jersey is like $200x24d
I'm not sure why you're bringing up Fauna here when I literally brought her up as an example as her getting bloated numbers through a waiting room raid? What the fuck is your angle?
Cover staff using Bibs like a good luck charm, kek
You tell us Fauna, what happened?
I'm sorry that your thread got taken over by /vsinger/
It's actually extremely simple. A man gaybaiting and a woman acting like a whore is a really hard sell in the US. Twitter and social media makes up a very small portion of the popular opinion in America. Hololive, tries to remain socially and politically neutral. That's something that sells well. Plus it's just cute anime girls doing cute things. People like that shit.
name 5
Gura, I kneel...
Yeah, Hololive is in a different league now. Imaging boasting about something about an anime con LMAO
or you know the girls can make up an entire fake band from scratch and do some shit baby metal style.
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Lots of Mexicans in LA eh
We didn't try to murder one of our talents.
The fact that there's actually hololive fans in this makes me happy, after that one league of legends event I was expecting Holo to always get cringe reactions after leaving their bubble
Then hurry up and release your collab song Fauna
Any new AX holo pics or anything I just came home
nope its just some generic chink gacha character
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Ennacuck status?
Wtf real women are cute...
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You wish, fag
Extremely kidnappable rock.
Why are they letting homostar gaybait and be political as shit then?
Random JP mom watching Biboo eat randomly called her cute. This gem of emotion is too strong.
>shortened the homos collab ban
>shortened Advent's collab ban
>shortened Justice's collab ban
Why does Mori has this power?
What about holostars?
Cease the larp, we are in the middle of NA hours and you're a supposed NijiJP fag, that's just not happening. You have never watched a minute of "chinman". You don't even know what Kuzuha sounds like.
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You rike?
isn't this going to be the biggest vtuber event?
or the biggest sponsor for vtubers?
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Holy shit that is cute. I want to do disgusting and romantic things to both of them.
Fauna doesn't have a cock you retard
NTA but I do know how Kuzuha sounds like I watched that clip of him laughing at the gay flag
Did you forget that Nijisanji showed up at the NBA Finals half time show?
We need a Mexican gen
This line proves that ES will prevail
There's a ton of metal bands that would give them the okay if they just asked
Biboo your autism is showing
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Dodgers is worth $5.45B. So I guess yeah
I just want to see who took this don't mind me bros
Why would you hide a vshojo post under that? I didn't watch a second of it
Girls are just so cute bros, why do guys even turn out gay
Not now fatfuck
>cc debut has an empty stage
>collabs with GG
>nijis concert canceled and they use an old post of a fucking Lelouche kid on twitter
I watched the clip of him wrecking Matsuri in one of the Vasikyou tournaments with Matsuri's Unravel. Shit made me laugh so hard. I miss Unravel edits.
The Hololive section at the Dodgers game is already bigger than IM x Connor panel. What happened?
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I went to a Nationals game pre-pandemic, and a fucking lemonade was almost $15...
That's not Hololive. Also that's not selling is it?
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Chumbuds don't let your oshi down.
Depends. Wasn't it more impressive when Yagoo actually threw the ball for the Giants?
What time is Kiara's actual birthday stream starting at?
They're trying to see who gets to suck my dick first, later virgins.
Say hi to her, loser.
because stars are corrupted males that destroys the society
now erb is in too so cover has some rotten apples inside pulling the strings
I think $60 is pretty reasonable for a fan shirt
>He doesn't know
$200 fuck.
Some Hololive fans, Some Dodger fans who buy everything for every event. Some resellers to resell. It'll sell out one way or another.
7 pm JST on Sunday
Kek imagine the 50 year old Boomer Dodgers fans rolling up the the stadium seeing a bunch of fucking people with Japanese cartoon shirts and dolls
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kek so many holo fans dragging their parents out to the ballgame tonight
Femtako fembud infront
>it's all hololive lines
Say something to her you fatfuck
Are you a man ?
>$60 is reasonable for china made merch
Chumkeks actually believe this
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Is this the mythical irl cgdct?
what a shit time
That tako hat goes so hard
Cover actually makes some solid merch every once in a while.
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I can see ERB slapping the shit out of Gura or FWMC for pushing CGDCT onto those who don't wantbto do it like Mori and Kronii
That one indie did it first
You've clearly never been to a sports game have you
Poorfag please
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Again, don't look up how much a Dodgers Jersey costs
Where's holostar representation?
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The dodgers collab was my one chance of ridding the internet of hololive. Now I can truly say I can't escape hololive.
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$60 is actually cheap for a in arena merch lol
ERB won't do anything, homonigger.
There's no fucking way there's that many holofags in LA that care to see a stupid baseball game
Hey guy
Where can i watch this game ?
I see quite a few Omocat Gura shirts.
I don't give money to braindead and unsophisticated shit like sports
Sis, your concert...
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I can feel the sexual tension between them
You underestimate the power of the Holodrone cult.
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The cute boy on the right
In LA.
>that old man with his son holding a sana plush
i wonder what's going on in his head honestly
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>Giving money to sports jews
Enjoy your sweaty men playing with balls I guess
I would probably try to steal one of those during the game while the parking lot is empty
Sorry no SEA allowed
Yet here you are. Screaming to us about how much you don't give a fuck. Bravo. Expecting applause?
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1000000x better than any Niji merch
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My oshi is Gura and she averages 30k
The fuck do those numbers mean
>t. never has bought sports merch at a sports event
Rent free
Is that even on her birthday anymore? What a shit time. She's going to be getting overlapped by like half of the JP branch + Raora, not to mention Justice's monetization streams are happening a few hours after that. Genuinely why does Kiara do this to herself?
cuz they r faggots but yes, holy shit those girls are cute.
It's their 3 sizes
Man I would've like to buy but it's Dodgers man. Fuck the Dodgers
Anon. Those are their birthdays. Are you a sister?
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say that again motherfucker
Literally all people with Hololive tickets
Biboo starting a D&D idea with Mori/fauna/gigi so far.
Birthdays you dummy
The reason most people on Twitter say California is a shithole.
Nothing beats a baseball game. Over priced beer and dogs just to cheer your favorite team on. Hell, I went to a Hiroshima carp game and I don't even speak JP. It was good vibes and the girls were cute. You should learn to enjoy life
I don't even remember my own family member's birthdays
What was the last Kronii stream you watched?
What kind of vendetta do you have against the doyers
You know I make fun of Cover underselling the girls but I thought AX for ID/Reflops/Homos and this Dodgers collab would be disasters and not....massive successes.
cute boy
Your concert got cancelled because it barely sold 500 tickets, we are in a literal sports stadium now. Please don't talk to me
Less than Mousey con panel attendance and Vshojo booth visitors
i hope cc joins
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>he somehow missed all the posts of people flying to LA for this event
with holos on it? me
0620 gura for $60? I’ll take your whole stock
Same with suisei shirt. Sell it double the price it will sell like hotcakes
Okay like 90% of those people don't look like anime fans, let alone vtuber fans. Something fishy is going on. Did Cover use human bots to pad their numbers?
Giants/Diamondbacks bro...
Google VIPBox Stream. Make sure you have a beefy adblocker.
Comparing that to this >>80002992 Fujos are truly souless, hollow creatures.
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Nothing really. I'm just a fan of other team. I just don't really want to represent other teams.
How the fuck is 60$ a lot for an american anyway? Don't you guys make 60 thousand a year on average?
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Tier list ranking of how many people were spotted carrying a particular holo's merch or cosplay at the Dodgers game so far
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I'm still not used to CC
Gokischizo bear my children
When will the Yankees have a Hololive collab? It's not fair. We're the number 1 in the league
>Holokeks botting stadium attendance now
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I thought they were 1 guy and 1 girl. I got so disappointed when I played the video.
Nice try gokisc-
>some of gen 5 not in the bottom tier
Suisei, Pekora, and Gura are in it. Of course HoloGODS would respond to the call
Proof gen 5 are popular in America?
The guy actually pulled it off. Nice.
When the Yankees let their players have facial hair (never)
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Buy all Suisei shirts and resell them to JOPs for 10 times their price
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Stop self insert
>Lamy in C tier
Getting sneakier I see
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You rike?
Really? Homobegging the fans? Sister...
>Not even first in their division
Draft a Japanese rookie first, then we'll talk
I hate ENfags so much, they don't know what they're talking about.
Some locals brought family, also I am sure some people just saw the event and thought I am going to the game, no idea what this is but why the hell not. Then probably a ton of legit holo fans on top of that.
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if it's fauna's version of a ttrpg then it sounds fun. if its 5e, then it sounds like shit.
Sorry, Puerto Rican > Japanese in term of skill
>erb is nerissa
>raora is fwmc
>gigi is biboo
>ceci is shiori
biboo is a fucking genius
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Baseball dads would burst a blood vessel when they see that tail
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I used to buy Arsenal jersey for $55 and that was in 2010.
Don't talk shit if you don't know anything
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One even brought a Sana merch.
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Lamy's one of the most popular NA vtubers
Baseball fans
Biboo specifically said she knows nothing about table top games at all but wanted to start a group chat with them to figure out what they'd like, so if fauna is actually there then you'd probably be right.
holy shit saniggers let it go
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chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu chu~~~~
>hey dad look at my Sana merch
>fuck off
Literally, all Anycolor has ever done is half-done counter-programming shits instead of a proper event with a proper plan, clear objectives, and target audience. No surprise at all if they don't work.
I'm do glad I'm on the opposite side of the country from Cali. So many foreigners in that pic.
I'm sure their kids have done cringier shit. Quit coping
Lmao he looks so disappointed
I’m sure some are used to it if their kids were into it. Especially if they gad kids around in the late 90s early 00s when Pokemon, DBZ, and Yugioh merch was huge. My grandpa born and raised during the depression went to go see Pokemon 2000 at the theater with me when I was 10.
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My wives.
That dad realizing his bloodline ends with his son
Your Lamy looks a bit weird...
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Geez louise, are Snafags just completely incapable of moving on?
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When compared with previous baseball clothing merch is a pretty reasonable price.
Cover should support this Hwikky guy officially, a lot of holofags live through his videos vicariously
There's no way that black momma on the left is a Nousagi
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Sana love
Jesus scalpers are gonna clean that shit out
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That's the face of a disappointed dad
>My son still masturbates to fucking cartoons
Now take half of that with taxes.
>pretend to be a normie but tolerant of anime stuff and ask who that cute anime girl on her back is
That simple, my guy.
>Look dad it's Sana
>Shut up son
>one tiny stand vs a giant, snaking line that keeps getting bigger
It's over... I'm not getting a jersey
What happened to the Nijisanji NBA collab? Nobody talks about it anymore
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same though, woman are just not worth the hassle
This motherfucker was so happy when his son finally wanted to go to a baseball game with him, then he found the reason
I will choose to believe this mans "sources"
Solid stats for a solid rock.
Nah the day he takes money from cover he'll be forced to shill homo shit
The granny looks like a fuzzian
>flat, flat & flat
your wives are boys
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Merch stock status?
Yeah another Trust me bros
There is a meme here I know it
It was revealed to me in a dream
How nervous is she?
>"Son, Sana graduated 2 years ago stop it"
fuck biboo's moans are making my dick twitch
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>watch hours
Biboo's masturbating on stream.
Seeing doki's success, it's a wonder how the fuck did Anycolor lose her instead of trusting the talents to do their own thing?
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Looks like regular blue Lamy to me
Good luck to do those in attendance
People really be using "Source" for anything these days lol
>look dad it's my favorite council member
>They're called Promise and she quit 2 years ago. She had like 20 streams, let it go.
Extremely nervous if the promo stream was anything to go by
Stadiums are made with the bones of dead jews or something because everytime I go to a sports game I always end up buying merch. I think I spent like 300 dollars last time I went to an Astros game, just on merch and food.
You told me Hololive isnt that popular
All those old people in line look miserable
I didn't expect Doki karaoke to be that massive
They live in California
That's normal for old people
She has to sing in front of 60,000 real people and millions on national TV
She's probably pissing herself
Here's a video of said merch line. It's a little long
I'm not self inserting I just want to be happy for them to meet other people.
If there’s no purchase limit, I’d do that.
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Yeah, being old in US is never a good time.
Source: my uncle and aunt.
It's a lot bigger compared to the amount of Hololive fans at the Dodgers game too
that's not very progressive of you chud
educate yourself
ah i take it back, they are smart for arriving early
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>Hololive fans at the Dodgers game too
Yeah they sure are "hololive" fans and not just people there waiting to watch the game
Yeah theres no way they have enough instock for all those people
Ennacuck for god's sake, get a life
They're being polite, shut up.
The dodgers are gonna go bankrupt...
Don't you mean the cute boy on the left?
I hope this makes Yagoo realize that next EN concert they should just get a whole stadium and have an open-air concert, instead of a smaller concert venue
>Dad looks like he’s wearing a military cap too, asking what the hell happened to make his son like that.
That’s why you send them straight to boot camp the moment they start showing interests in anime, my guy.
Why are you calling me ennacuck for?
Did you see the pics of Doki karaoke? Did you think an indie would get that many people?
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Fat fuck
Tempiss status?
There's someone that looks to be staff for the stadium only stopping and taking pictures of people wearing hololive merchandise.

Prepare for them to use this in their internal presentations to investors
Almost live! You can use any of those 3 generals to livepost.
Please let it happen so they might open online sales for these shirts.
I'm at the game with my Dad and he just asked me why there isn't one with big boobs
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Anons, you do know that there's a possibility that Gura is in those same lines right now buying her own merch, right?
Good luck, there won't be guards there at the time of the game.
I normally don’t shit on people for supporting their teams unless it’s Boston but I’m honestly surprised the Asterisks still has fans. Has management changed at all? What what were the repercussions?

> Nats fan
it's all pre-recorded, retard
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>not very good material
>still trying her best
There are a lot of posts saying that there is a Hololive specific line.
Too risky, they'll just rent out a movie theater next time
>muh indie that drained her corpo dry with a suicide drama haha what an indie she started from nothing bro!
Enough, fagoon. Post pics at least.
Is baseball dude, an excuse to leave the house
well, why isn't there?
Sexy shape and Biboo colored
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wouldnt be funny of pero had an uncensorable butthole like his friend
Nigga we were in the ALCS last year and only 2 games back from the AL west division and still the current MLB dynasty
>Nats fan
Fuck you
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>he thinks Cover is gonna let their cash cow get kidnapped
never change chumbud
Cover probably sends her 5 copies of everything to make her not go
Kino ending to just a regular gem grinding game
Sasuga rock
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America would benefit a lot from establishing a mandatory 1 year military service for civilians
Cover always leaves money on the table its insane
>not even a thread reader
not sure if you're an upset holokek or a nijisister but no matter how much you seethe doki will still be massively successful
That grandpa looks disappointed lmao
>Jesus scalpers are gonna clean that shit out
Scalpers won't even get a chance.
The line for merch is ridiculous
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Honestly this is why /#/ is superior to /hlgg/ as a holofag thread. We actually discuss holo events, attendance, popularity. Things that are memorable. And they're liveposting biboo stream 9999
Biboo getting a bit too PARASOCIAL FUCK
You forget the fact that her whole family are baseball fags
Jesus, all the normies are making of the collab on Twitter
Greedy fuck save some for the rest of us
Which shirt would you buy?
Nene + Fauna = ?
Making what? What they're making of the collab?
We like information
>at least he's finally interested in sports
Kek there he is, mask off
Old people are miserable by default. Baseball games are their only chance of feeling happy and you again.
sister dry your tears before posting
>myth general
>is live posting advent stream
Yeah sure...
Every time I go there all I see is advent seethe. One of the few places FWMC gets shitalked more than their own split
fuuuuck i want one
youre gonna get raped while wearing that , gayshiomi
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I actually hope someone went to this event with their dad, sounds like a good way to finally form some type of bond
holododger doko?
My wives
Their kids/nephews finally wanted to go to a game and then they arrived and saw that kek
>posting dramafags here
fuck off
Normies as in normal people that don't watch anime and VTubers
not clicking
buy an ad
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What the fuck why biboo
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Why do you hate biboo liveposts?
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why aren't you peeps watching da boiz?
red women shilled them
I honestly don't thing the Dodgers were prepared for the size of the Hololive audience. This is the 3k seat/ 19k waiting room all over again. Just in summer heat.
Next concert will be in a trailer park
It was revealed to me in a nightmare I had yesterday when I went to bed without my Gigi solo stream
fuck, meant for >>80005521
City Pop Shark won.
My dad only likes to drink alcohol and beat my mother
isn't Gura more popular than she actually looks like she is?
When the non normies fill out lines and sell out merch, who gives a ffffuck. Dodgers got what they wanted out of this collab, which was dragging some anime spergs to a baseball game, and hopefully getting them to come again
That stadium has to be the worst place on earth right now if you're an actual dodgers fan
Her dad is but I don’t think she would risk it, she is too paranoid. She wouldn’t get in line
>$60 for an in-person exclusive collab merch with a major brand
that's an easy $500 in resell rumao
Wtf is that line... Cover missed bigtime with this collab
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oh, wait ...
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Because she's kind
Mori hosted it
No thank Biboo, I will watch Fauna's and Cecilia's PoV
Mori organized the collab
Those are so fucking nice.
Fuck off man, us fans need something to after the embarrassment that is the “Washington football team” and a Wizards team motherfucking Jordan Poole as the headliner.
Fillian is 21?
Not giving you a view dramanigger
so what happens if the dodgers job?
buy an ad
KEK true, I’d be cringing so hard seeing so many Holofags anime shit
is your oshi ame?
That was a really cute stream. Just a nice zatsu with a good theme.
people were biboo posting here, too, blindchama
Yeah it's so fucking over
Fuck off. We're too busy kneeling over the Dodgers collab right now
If you can find the person and pose for him I would give you a hug and $100
I blame Riku for giving Ohtani diarrhea
I honestly think Gura alone could sell out a 10k venue during an AX weekend. They seriously understimate what it means to put her next to other ENs/other popular holos.
>Commanders fan probably too
you're a retard what else is new
That's a pretty long line
But I also feel sorry for all the boomers there
I knew we should have added Noel to the roster.
They are in LA. They've seen way wilder shit.
If I asked my dad to take me to this when I was younger, he would have disowned me
so, he decided to go after all
more like
and add $30 if you want personalized name and number on top
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So is Kronii actually part of the collab or not? She's not on Fuwamoco's thumbnail but ERB has her.
Reporting live from the merch line and uh bros I think the Dodgers underestimated Hololive juuuuuuust a little bit

Just a smidge
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Uh...why are they playing random city pop and not holo stuff?
They should have put in Lamy instead of Suisei.
Oh well onto the next one, their division is garbage
If that's the only supply they got, the ones in that tiny tent, then it's over for this anon.
FWMC just hateful bitches
If you look at his cap dude was a Marine.

>I killed those nip bastards on Guadalcanal and not only did they take my leg, they take America's past time and now my son...
That's the Holo merch line. Any boomer in it wants the Holo merch.
Biboo Supreme
Because nobody wants to listen to Reflect or PEKORANDUMBRAIN
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Peko chan in the telly
They shouldve put kanata instead of pekora
>Fuwa-chan i need you to lock in for me ogey? Don't let them mikwakee mfs hit a single ball and fill a single base
>OGEY gura-senpai!
Two trannies
so what's the projected attendance in total vs the last Dodgers home game?
I think the Dodgers collab will have the same effect as the Nissin collab in Japan
only blue holos allowed
Why the seethe? Are we going to pretend Gura isn't the most popular EN holo or something?
That's so fucking cute.
Hololive on sports tv
Retardchama the army is full of weebs.
>huh dad... remember 10 years ago when you invited me to watch a game...
>and that I said no because I was watching anime...
>well, about that...
>That grandpa looks disappointed lmao
>Son...Sana graduated 2 years ago
>You have to let go
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What did he see?
Lmao and people called this Collab idea stupid, Yagoo is a genius
tempus1 is running on fumes
they have nothing to look forward to and only one of them streams now
might as well graduate
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Dodgers have the biggest attendance in the league so, it won't make much a difference
She's literally an anime right now anon. Then couple that with Suisei and Pekora... This is a fucking massive W for Holo
if no one shows a GURA LET ME SMELL YOUR FEET sign I'm going to be so disappointed
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It's over anon, False and Filian are your wives now
What happened to the hololivedodgers collab? Nobody is talking about it anymore
FWMC is such a fucking disappointment
TWO SLOTS wasted on one fucking useless runt
>they’re afraid to touch gooba out of fear of getting arrested
Understandable, ojisans.
the mindshare.. only grows stronger >:3
If he was a genius he would cut Holostars and HoloEN a bigger venue. He's just a lucky dumbass.
>Because nobody wants to listen to Reflect
Really nigga? What about Shinkiro or really any holo song, doesn't have to be from the ones there. But if it does...hmm..it's almost like their top fucking singer is part of the collab.
Ennacuck please
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Gura in that guy's tshirt
I stuck in traffic
where is the entrance guys
Then Dodgers lose LMAO
Go back to /pcg/ Phasecuck
why is he creepshooting?
>holo vs holo
well that only took you 1 post after the initial bait
>unless you live in florida or the american southwest
These are going to sell for a fuck ton of cash
They are playing BIBBIDA at the gates kek
where's the link for the ballgame thing? spoonfeed onegai
Oh that's the Myth Cafe Collab shirt
they will play biddibiwa
The dodgers game seems to be top team vs top team so hoping for a good game with Ohtani home runs
I saw that asshole, yes I am. My oshis also been IRyS and our dedication is going to pay off once we get an offensive line 2.0. >80005845
Gura's thing is small you catch some glimpses but is covered by people
They still have everyones money at the end of the game either way
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Cover: holy shit how are the girls so popular
JOPs: holy shit how are the girls so popular
/#/: holy shit how are the girls so popular
/vt/ catalog: pfft hololive? easily beaten by an indie cause uh...they have equal ccv to their runts
>no counter argument
Ruffkeks... I'm not even going to make fun of you since you don't even have streams to watch next week.
You're not even trying to be stealthy now.
Calm down sister
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Hololive wins anyways because it doesn't even matter.
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Academy gate D is the closest entrance
>She's probably pissing herself
Just another day
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holy GYATT
you think they didn't at least boost their previous home game ticket sales by 5%?
because what im asking is what was their last home game turn out in fan attendance vs this game with the hololive collab
dolphin porn
sporttuna. online/ ts_5
are you going to try this again without holo vs holo now?
good luck
The Dodgers execs are probably confused as fuck by how many Hololive fans there are
god! girl in baseball gear are so hot
cute ojisan
>Gura is the most popular EN is holo vs holo
Seriously nigger? Did you tab out of global by mistake or something? No one even contests this.
roru, retard
Lol xd feet
You faggot redditor sure are insufferable
The line goes around the stadium, probably a lot of people but also handled in a stupid way
Exactly my expression when Saniggers keep parading her corpse.
Good luck to you late-anon
all those old men being exposed to underage-looking cartoon girls...
>it's almost like their top fucking singer is part of the collab
Elizabeth isn't there though??
>still trying to shit on the other girls
no actual chumbud would do this
quit trying
Even the weebs there just to cosplay look down upon him
Cover is currently filing for bankruptcy as we speak.
Dude people are with their dads, chill
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You better watch out SEAster, the watamates are watching
The merch line is so fucking long, it's halfway into the stadium from the entrance
To be honest, I never expected this kind of turnout, mostly because it's a baseball game. I wonder if management is constantly surprised at how well everything they do overseas is received.
who's grandma is that?
Where are you guys getting the dodgers stream?
There is no fun watching a couple flirting in public.
It’s California in La so like other anon said take away half. Other states don’t have as much taxes but they don’t pay as much. Old people usually go and retire in 30-50k towns to save money since cities are usually like 2-3 times more expensive
I'm watching different dolphin porn
Is the dodgers game being streamed anywhere?
aieeeee holizontal bros
ESPN Illegal
So is it just one booth for the holo merch? Did they let cover decide that?
buy an ad
The game, yes.
Some anons already posted a couple of links, Don't know if they are going to show any hololive stuff
Anons...your nationwide average is 60k after taxes...
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Mori kneels to Biboo
dolphin porn
How many are the nihonjin in there?
Mythic friendly fire
Fuwawa cosplayer and Gura cosplayer flashed him
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La la lion have long long legs
Someone will record all the performances and have them posted before tomorrow morning anyways.
The Korean guy might stream the thing.
Enjoy the normies infiltrationing your hobbies Holokeks.
Gooba picked out the music, probably.
>no hololive songs, all city pop
Sasuga, city pop shork.
Jesus that's a big glove. How tiny is she
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Not done sucking the life force out of her yet before moving on to justice
I can hear her teachers voice in my head and i HATE IT
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i have never watched a single baseball game in my life
what should i expect?
2020 bro?
>brought to you by toyota
Is the Dodgers basically owned by Japan at this point?
>what is myth
>doomposting about an event like this while we have actual issues like ERB
Its pretty boring i wouldnt get too excited, just chillax and see if anyone steals a base or home runs
If this follows the same pattern as the concerts, I’m going to hear my sister asking questions about it next year. Otherwise not until they sign another Japanese player.
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Ads, lots of them
Better than SEAnigs that don't buy merch, at least.
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We love Mori now! She's the queen of EN (sorry Kiara).
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Why are you anons still surprised about this collab? We just had a fucking 20k que for the BD concert. If just 10% of those shows up, that's still a lot of anons.
>B--b-but only 2000
Google "visualizing crowd sizes"
Boring as shit
Football > American Handegg > Basketball > Hockey >>> Cricket > Tennis > Golf >>> Baseball
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To be bored. Baseball sucks. Being america's sport is the only crutch it has.
Merch line for hololive dodgers
>normalfags buy merch
you're just trading one useless audience for another that will push the same kind of crap
Absorb the sports commentators' energy.
When you hear victory cheers you cheer as loud as you can.
Should’ve done like that anon said before and bought a bunch of Suisei shirts to sell to nips.
Biboo brings out the best in Mori, God bless that rock
Mori - 3,507
Fauna - 1,074
Cecilia - 857
Fuwamoco - 701
ERB - 670
Gigi - 413
Shiori - 371
Nerissa - 348

The other 3, still, has not put up a waiting room
Biboo is too powerful for Mori
how hard is Gura's dad's cock right now?
did they ask Gura to pick a setlist for the stadium or what? they are playing Stay with me rn
Scrow up slowchama
>Google "visualizing crowd sizes"
Do zoomers really need google to visualize things?
Because no one here knows anything about baseball in the US even though this site is mostly Americans.
He's probably really proud. I wonder if any of the other girls dad's are watching the game and think "wait a fucking minute doesn't my daughter work for that brand"
Fake Dinogura
>Fuwamoco - 701
Useless runts
We're on an image board, anon. At the very least it helps illustrate the point.
Guys I brought no other clothes. If I can't get this merch I'll be naked by tomorrow
God bless Biboo because Mori had 1/10 of that before the raid and she fucking organized it.
Zoomers need google for everything
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the fuck does that have to do with being unable to paint a mental picture of what 10k vs 3k people look like?
They did trust their talents, she just wasn’t one of the ones they trusted.
Mori was last by a pretty wide margin when I checked earlier. 20% lower count than the next lowest
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My uncle works for the Dodgers
Lots of 2views on twitter going to the baseball game. I guess a lot of them live in LA
Does raiding a waiting room still fuck shit up?
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Kronii giving a shit about Advent and Justice? She's just doing a favour for Mori. Friday is her fuck day with Sally.
Anons here are brainrotted by CCV. 5k CCV is a runt, but put those 5k people in a single area and the mob police will show up
>doki's success
Post the fucking pictures instead of vagueposting about doki already.
The fact that you didn't so far tells me it's because it's probably as embarrassing as the one from yesterday
>Another drama, but from the same agency?
It must be real, he has "Real" on his user name.
only korone can walk that fast
>Filian actually admitting she took the model illegally from VRchat
god she's so fucking cooked
Gura's family might be in attendance so look for an old man that looks like a shark
Begone drama nig it's Hololive Night
I can promise you that Mumei 's parents will never say tha
Some of the old bugs have been popping up occasionally after the site crashed in April
I saw a sapling.
You know what else anons are braintrotted by? Thinking 5k hololive ccv is the same as 5k twitch indie shitter ccv in worth. And I don't just mean muh twitch to youtube number differences, but that holofags are just way more diehard and unashamed, whereas most twitchfags are *ironically* watching their "faves"
This is the greed they are talking about in the bible.
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Yagoo sama
Despair is setting in.
>twitch numbers
Mr koro needs to sleep
Damn it's almost like opening a youtube link is easier than traveling and going to an actual paid event.
You fucking retard. And yes 5k is a massive runt
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The boy and the tomboy are sisters kek
he must be really proud of his little girl who used to locked herself up in her room getting drunk all day. probably bragging to all his the people in his little town
Imagine how Yagoo must feel right now
If you're an autistic spic or jew you might like it?
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>good smile deleted filian's nendroid tweet
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Size of dodger stadium, with city block to scale
Yagoo, fire the people who planned the merch for this shit. They are beyond salvation
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will he meet gura's dad and share a beer?
Hory sheet
>top nth% is a massive runt
It's funner in person. It's all I'll say
why yagoo why
why didn't you make more merch available
Kakarot, the Dodgers game is too crowded, I want to go home.
I missed the nijisanji Anime Expo funposting
Does Yagoo even go anywhere in japan these days? It feels like he's always hitting up EN events
Oh shit the secret service has entered the area.
Did ChatGPT wrote this post for you or are you that much of a tourist?
Twitch numbers are meaningless because the same IP will be counter as viewers on as many streams as he has tabs opened, regardless if they are focus or muted.
Truly sisters
Man when Gura graduates I might just kill myself so Yagoo better forced her to stream at least once a year forever even if she soft graduates
Its the human condition, the brain is not built to see large amounts of a thing
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what the fuck are you guys doing? it's a baseball match, why are you guys queuing for merch
NA sponsors going to line up after this one
all the entertainment and sports business people know each other
80 dollar profit margin per shirt
I wonder how many of the raided will stick with Mori's POV
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Yes 5k ccv is a runt. Nothing will change that outside of youtube implementing even more culling on their site like only counting people with Youtube Premium or something
>Kson was in LA
WTF I could have gotten a kiss from her
Someone will have a heat stroke any second now. Then antis will blame Hololive.... ITS OVER
>working with jp talents
>tummy hort
>hangout with burger cocks
ERB doing surprisingly ok...
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>>80007566 (me)
Forgot the pic
"How about we set up multiple booths in different spots?"
"You're fucking fired"
They are up against Milwaukee. Last time i checked, they are the top seed in their division. Idk if it can skew the numbers upwards.
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There is a match?
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show this to Ironmousefags claiming that her pity prizes are proof she's more popular than Gura
What's baseball?
Gura, Mori, Mumei, Fauna, and Nerissa's families are all there.
Japan has already been conquered, his presence is needed in foreign battlefields.
Enjoy your merger because nobody watches your shit
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Another source from my Aunt
>baseball match
This is who everyone is turning up for.
>the homos had more people coming to see their shit than kson
damn she declined hard
crowd is literally crushing that poor small booth
That's just the opener for the singing gura and her avatars are going to do
you think any of the players understand what's happening outside?
Is that fucking JINRO? holy fuck
They pulled it. They're a Japanese business and there's not a lot they can do if the Japanese rights holder tells them to stop.
Nigger, I know about why 5k yt ccv is not 5k twitch ccv. I'm saying there's an extra layer of loyalty to holofag watchers. Even if you had parity between a holorunt and some twitch indie, even when accounting for ccv differences, the holorunt would still be more popular.
For a tiny ass fucking booth.
Those NASCAR and NFL collabs might not be so far fetched now…
Anime girls are more popular than OH-who-TANI?
Where can i watch the baseball livestream?
I think they interviewed some for the collab, they must know
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They don't give a shit or know man
They're just thinking about hitting some balls and banging their super model GFs/wives in their penthouse jacuzzi
That moment you find out something you hate is super popular.
>everyone is in the merch line the whole game so the stands will be nearly empty on TV
>Does raiding a waiting room still fuck shit up?
Nah that seemed to get fixed with November verification fix.
Maybe the odd issue
going just to resell the merch is already worth it
My wife's boyfriend is in the security team
imagine a nascar vehicle covered in hololive girls kek
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It's filover
>Legal Mindset is at Philippines right now.
pagpag mindset...
>yagoo afraid to breathe the same unfiltered air as americans
What is he racist or somethin’?
It’s a match between the #2 and #4 teams in baseball statistically, and on a Friday
Should be a full house
The baseball match is like a glorified premiere loading screen for Gura singing and the holodrone show
This is Hololive's bushiroad moment in the states lmao. Wonder if the sushi collab is doing good too?
No worries. They will get filtrated.
they’re the most popular for a reason, no other members could have this effect and its all calculated by yagoo
Finna make a hundy a shirt senpai, you nigs don't know how to hustle.
>all blue
>Lands a international lawsuit
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Keeps underestimating.
Guranium and Sushiro collab both sold out by day two. Both were month-long events.
Marine is more probably than Suisei
Ohtani. He knows Korone is a massive fan of his. He sent in a message for Mikorone 24
Next stop, Africa and India.
how new?
>loses nendo
Gura, Fuwamoco, and Mori would've garnered more attention
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this is your reality
Go on /sp/ and look around for a pirate broadcast.
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>The big three are blue and flat
Subaru has a housekeeper!?
maybe in the NBA bc of all the negros
And it's glorious.
Lmao are they talking about how packed the stage is today?
Imagine being Riku right now, how do you compete with this?
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Yagoo's girl?
>vanishes into thin air
id feel bad if this wasn't utterly predictable
>holokeks are celebrating this
you retarded faggots don't even understand how much you've sabotaged yourselves, yet again
Look at this fucking line. Look at this shit. And then remember the fact that this city, like most, almost CERTAINLY has what civilized people call "Loitering Fees."
Do you understand what you're doing? Causing the statium, if not the people in lines THEMSELVES, to be massively charged for loitering fees (which undoubtably will also be charged to Cover themselves for causing the clear traffic violations)? Thousands, hundreds of thousands of dollars are wiped out of the books instantly.
Maybe you should've thought about that, and considered how much more money Nijisanji is making by saving itself from incurring these kind of fees at their american appearances.
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Hololive >>>>> yakult, statefarm
just FWMC but they aren't blue
she has a person who cooks and another who cleans
jorji seething
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I'm guessing the nerissa collab is off then
>holo vs holo
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I always knew Subaru was one of those filthy avocado toast-eating millennials.
she got that monkey side profile
Sources told me that Yagoo gave away free tickets for the Dodgers game while he was in AX
What's the biggest country Hololive could actually take over in a real all-out war?
No big tits allowed. Think of the burger children.
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Having an iPhone is cool

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