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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Family Photo Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Mouse is LIVE! And is playing Lethal Company with Ruben and Heavenly and Zen and probably more. But if you'd rather see the moose go loose then Haruka is LIVE! And is playing Honkai. It's a sponsored stream! Finally if you just want yapping then Michi is not live, but Jowol is LIVE! and is yapping. It's a yapping collab. Finally finally if you want some VShojocraft then as I was typing this Mei went LIVE! So that's nice. Supposedly Michi will be going live after this Jowol collab, but she may also want to rest her voice so who knows. Either way keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ for more + and former member discussion

Previous Thread: >>80004012
I love Michi so much.
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i want to fuck matas fat fucking tits
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I love Matara
objectively Michi and Henya are the best vshojos
Michi getting as popular as she has here makes me want the older talents to get jealous and say mean things behind her back.
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she smells like caca
Mouse speaking Spanish makes me want to beat her into submission
Mouse would send spreadsheets, but Michi is outpacing her.
I have no opinion on that, I just love Michi.
Stop projecting your fetishes on Mouse.
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Look at Pen go!
Mouse is in an extremely awkward moment
your troon goes in /lig/
he should stream on cb
When Zen times her TTS with her actions, I feel satisfied
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Michi getting as popular as she has here makes me want the older talents to get jealous and start fucking her in the ass
katie is one of the plusest pluses
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https://x.com/hyunicat she's posting updates from the venue. It's something at least
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She's a + because I like her. Also she's practically living with Froot right now
She's basically /in/ froot now.
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lol +.
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I love Michi and she joined
Michi spam time!
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Michi joined the collab!
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I love Michi, the main character of /vsj+/
That's right anon.
I would tap that
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>my mom said latinx's don't eat frosted animal crackers
Need to make her White.
Everybody is waiting for the main character, Michi
Pen made all those animations therefore I am not attracted to them
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No Michi stream today
bitch never did 3d streams again
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Not at all?
Michi isn't streaming today, I'm chugging the rest of the bleach tonight why live
I imagine you willingly jerk it to Zen though
good, my dick wouldn't handle it
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>gets 3D
>completely abandons it after a few weeks
Why are vtubers like this?
Main character, Michi, is here!
The only Vshojo that matters
well, vei said her gloves only last her for about 6 hours and she usually streams for more.
Caca Apex
real and true
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They can't all be like Zen.
>mouse making a big deal about her outfit reveal stream to guilt Zen to stay
>has 20 trillion models
Zen goes out of her way to do long 3d streams and that takes a shit ton of annoying setup and Kuro probably just dropped it out of inconvenience
What do you call this fetish?
Getting bullied by women fetish? Mean girls' clique fetish?
You know she's only teasing her right?
She's not really annoyed
Caca Apex keeping Zen away is always srs bsns
Will any VShojos get swimsuit outfits? Preferably Matara
Will any VShojos not get swimsuit outfits? Preferably Matara
Rrat: Zen is spamming APEX for the Doki vtubing tournament. It's okay not to win the pre-ams. It's not okay to lose the Vtuber only event.
Let's call it Niji Fetish LMAO
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Nobody ever talks to or about Geega...
I'm too busy masturbating to her.
you are behind the bait. Geega made kino yesterday so now it's time to bait with Michi
Oh, sorry. I need to say "Michi main character" right?
3D is a pain in the ass compared to 2D
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oh boy Geega sure is a vtuber in Vshojo. Right guys?
I'm pretty sure Zen is still just rank grinding but I wouldn't be surprised if she and/or Froot were to be in Doki's tourney.
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>in VShojo
Who's gonna tell him
I don't want to watch a game. I want to watch a fullscreen Mouse cleavage stream.
Heavenly is /out/
>tactically reload Vshojo members
Hey, it's just like my baiting strategy!
>I'm just mouse's property
but will she get a womb tattoo of mouses insignia?
I want to lick Michi's coochie hair
Doki said no EU
No Froot
I think Mouse's voice is cute
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I think Mouse's voice is like shoving sewing needles into your ears
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There is definitely a certain personality type that is required to enjoy doing mocap despite heaving to wear all the tracking equipment. Especially when you factor in the hack-job solutions that vtubers tend to use since most of them can't justify buying a $40k+ suit.
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It IS cute yes yes
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She'll make an exception.
This but Geega/Michi/Mata/whoever will give me the most (You)s
We talk about wanting to fuck geega all the time
Haruka is the sexiest vshojo
This but Mouse
I mean Zen probably felt the need to do it since the TTS is such a heavy debuff. You make up for that weakness with more expressive physical movements lol. Other people can fuck with their voices to better express emotions.
How are they all not sick of Lethal Company yet
It's kinda fucked up that Mouse owns Haruka's wife. This is some prima nocta shit.
Michi, the main character, is playing.
funner to play than to watch
Mouse's new model looks underage
Will Geega arrest me if I have sex with Mouse?
they are except for mouse
Her autism is showing
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Updates and Mods. Also always gets a few good clips out of it. I just like the interaction so I'd rate it a 6.5/10 stream game but it's also one of the only games with this size of lobby for this
I can't believe Zen is fucking dead
Is anything Vshojo happening tomorrow at AX besides the panels that we can't see?
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Thinking about that makes appreciate that Mel wants to do all of that and masturbate while doing so.
video going up teasing an envelope on x
There's gonna be a booth where you can put your head into a hole and motorboat a random Vshojo member. Yes, that includes Kuro.
legit incredible comeback
i wonder what went wrong with that model. after debut she started acting like she fucked up and the quality of it was her fault.
does that include panini
Kson meet and greet
Hopefuly a second IRL stream with more people, mostly to check out the artist alley since Zen's stream today did the other parts of AX and didn't go there.
fan mating with sonch
Yes, and Gunrun.
titty russian bullet
I was about to reply to that post with how much better that model looks than her old one
7/5 anon it's time to explain yourself
Just two more weeks.
He meant 7/5/2025. Simple misunderstanding.
he didn't specify the year
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She kind of explained it. She was indecisive and didn't communicate very well with her model maker so it ended up being a rush job. I imagine she didn't get much favorable feedback for it either so she was also probably sad about that too. It's good that she stuck with it because the extra time put into it has been paying off.
Two and a half hours left in pacific time. You just have to believe.
>fan mating

So is this like a bukkake thing or is it one at a time?
>fan mating with sonch
Great, now I have FOMO.
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Here's how she can still join, believe in the plan, two more weeks, cap this.
I have had sexual intercourse with Mouse.
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This is the true lap experience
The day Zen will graduate
Will monke ever be on her lap in this form
oh no shipsisters our response?
it looks good at a glance, but once you get closer, which, happens a lot on lewd streams, the anatomy had no detail at all, no muscle definition and the pussy was basically just a sticker. It's by no means an awful model, but it is a downgrade from digi's.
yeah, its looking really good, i'm really excited for her comeback.
Well... it's true that SOMETHING happened today

Just not to one of ours (thankfully)
we know connor
Fuck i love this gal style, pure sex
Mouse's laugh is so weird
Happening in the next hour
She’s missing two songs now
wow moose is streaming
Why does Haruka sound so fat?
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my post-workout masturbation session is imminent. this one's for you, zenner
Mouse made this outfit to appeal to me specifically
Do you think kuro should try to use 3d model again
female hands typed this post
Can you slit your throat, in 3d?
Why be a sad individual who wants harm to come to me when I just asked a question
You're an attentionwhoring tripfag who wants lonely male attention, despite being a fat bitch. Take off the trip to talk about your precious Kuro.
Fuck yes
>Moose orgasmed on stream for Miku
clip or time stamp?
I can hear it...
Probably if he ever gets into a new apartment and gets a tracking suit, hopefully sooner than ever he escapes from the nightmare that is Indonesia.
Nothing ironic since I never said anything about someone killing themselves.
Now if only you would. Hang yourself, you fat bitch. Oh wait, the rope would break.
Out of curiosity, why do you use a trip?
I'm starting to realize that the sperg guy is projecting his own insecurities on Me to make himself feel better
I love fishnets on booba
Everyone has realized you're retarded a long time ago.
Well if you see the guy who is calling me a fat b**** and stuff that's why I use it because of him
Says the whale who uses a trip to talk only about herself under the guise of talking about Kuro and constantly derailing everything to talk about her own insecurities, you fat bitch
I don't call you a fat b****. I call you a fat bitch.
anon google "escort services" you really need one right now.
Hmm well he is doing his streaming in a studio not apartment.maybe he can find a bigger one? Before he talked about using 3d more than 2d
if i want to fuck mei am i straight or gay
or in between
Ok, I get that, though I had hoped you had a better underlying reason.
mel is a woman, you don't need to ask us.
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vagina no peepee sadge
extremely gay
At least Kuro could fit in a studio apartment. You should suffocate
If I remember correctly there is one anon who had a particular hard on for them and started to pretend they were them and repost old posts of theirs. Eventually someone just told them to use a trip.
depends on how much cock you're willing to suck
Mouse's bust, thighs, and even her face are making me hard.
Ah, that makes more sense, thanks.
idk how u guys get horny to 2d drawings
Do you forget what board your on?
>get horny to 2d drawings
I get horny to voices
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Mouse is peeing in my mouth
>lore: PLAYS GTA
>content: plays gta
i honestly think this model is not one her best...
Them's fightin' words
Mouse is literally sex incarnate. She could be a blob and I would be rock hard questioning my life choices.
gay (derogatory)
>michi getting ignored by mouse
It's over...
hair is too busy, teeth is meh. Boobs are okay but yeah, not one of her best model. Trickster was better.
>Boobs are okay
Why are you gay? They're great. And her thighs are some of her best.
Who cares, just live your life
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do you feel nothing when you see something like this?
Why is Haruka so vulgar?
i had seen better...
Is Mei joining? I just saw chat spamming her name
I mean this is talking a different story.
she is a virgin
Anon this is completely normal. Printed porn has been a thing for eons. If anything it's less weird to think vtubers are hot because they're animated and have voices. Dudes in the 50's were looking at stippled drawings of a modestly sized titty and getting so horny they'd fuck a hole in the ground.
They are literally great. Your standards are too high
Mousey-wousey is so pampered...
She got corrupted after joining vhoejos
aight just checking
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It's got the freshman in college after moving out from overcontrolling parents vibe. She looks like she's ready to go wild and fuck every guy in her dorm.
Mei, the new favorite of shippers, has joined the collab.
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For the Americans
To be fair, it's kinda more of the same. It's only fancy for you because she's wearing only a bra. It's ok, you act like like a teen who just stole a Victoria Secret magazine
Mouse is always either the pampered MC or the side character who just watches everybody. I want to give her a hug...
Yeah I ship her
with me
Join the collab Sushi
Who said it was fancy? I just said it looks great. Holy hell, you're taking good looks way too seriously.
Don't mind if I do
ESL moment. We all have been there.
>Mei joins
>Ari leaves
Giri needs to dress like this irl
This but barefoot and the camera needs to be focused below the knee
So Ari gets to leave to get on FF but Geega can't even quietly to moonshine in another window without it being a huge issue? How is that fair?
Thank you for your service, Professor Goon.
Because Ari actually joins collabs
Mouse in this position is doing something to me...
her small boobs will not help. She had a nice body but not for this dress.
mei why are you like this?
soon to be one with the rope, trust
Haruka is so unlikablely cringe.
Mei's go to joke seems to be "I was having sex with that before you got here" and I love it. She was telling Sushi how she was fucking a frog a couple days ago.
>can't even quietly to
>fucking a frog
Saurei bros...
happened offline
announcement coming soon
/lig/schizo why can't you at least try to be funny / original with your weird anti shit
The frogs really are turning gay...
Yeah. She also likes making shit up. Lost it when she was telling Henya that the horrible Minecraft cover of Drop it like it's hot was by Snoop Dogg. Then when Ari called her out to tell her to stop lying to Henya she apologized, before not even a minute later saying that the song was written and performed by Snoop.
Because ari actually shows up to collabs and interact? GTARP is the entire geega identity this last 8 months?
She's got a great Boston accent too. Love her.
Yeah, she's great, I'm glad everyone has really taken a shine to her
I like it when Mouse acts like a kid and copies what other people say, but in a cute voice
latex suit Giri
Zenbros, it's fucking over
It's great
lmfao good luck with that
... dude it's 2 am i was about to sleep, FUCK!
Zen's Bowsette is pretty legally distinct so she's fine.
She's my new favorite +. Sorry Heavenly you've moved down the rankings.
Yeah I love her too she's cool
>Heavenly tells Mei to shut up and spits on her
>Mei says fuck you bitch and spits way louder onto Heavenly
Who was in the right here?
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mad little fag. you are going to throw a tantrum? cry for a bottle?
Mei should spit on my cock
>fewer people on the screen means mouse's lap is more visible
She's such a tease. I'm so hard.
Nintendo has finally overreached
Mei's going to be our own hawk tuah girl
they probably mean all the weird futa porn
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you HAVE to go back to tik tok
They'd better not
You can just say you don't get the reference anon. Not that it'd work anyway. Mei's got a Boston accent she can't do that Southern shit
are you jealous anon? Want was to take turn destroying your tight bussy?
Back into your bubble. Memes move forward.
uh oh melty!!
I found out about it on Twitter. I don't get it but I think "hawk tuah" is a funny way to write spitting on a cock
i want to fuck mei in HER butt
Mei's got that woman's intuition. She's definitely going to get lost.
i'm here because i refuse to give in to the degenerate slop THEY want to feed us with to mollify the horrifying existence of our modern day "society". I WILL NOT INSTALL TIK TOK I WILL NOT SIGN UP FOR INSTAGRAM I WILL NOT PURCHASE JORDANS I _WILL_ DIE ON THIS HILL
>refuse to give in to the degenerate slop
Brother, you are on 4chan.
This reminds me of the Mei stream I caught the other day. She was watching some really really fucking old meme shit. Like 2006-era WoW machinima. It was the worst shit I've seen.
my dude is so mindbroke that he had to go around fishing 3 years old clip. Jesus christ, you really need to have sex and take a day off from this forum man.
I am so tempted to jerk off to Mouse.
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we truly are forsaken by the jannies
You did it anon. Thank you.
Has the goodsmile tweet been deleted
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Apologize the usual way
What are you talking about? They come here regulary to shit the thread. KEK
love to see classic clips of our girl. it's always nice seeing how streamers change and evolve!
yes LMAO
GoodSmile has several tweets, you're going to have to be more specific.
Yes, but it's not related to VShojo so talk about it one of the like 20 threads on the catalog about this.
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>>80032924 (me)
Thank you jannies, here have a new webm
yes... Doesn't sound good to them and filian.
I was unironically on the wrong tab
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lmao wtf happened
How did we get stuck with the indie F squad?
the mei schizo got plapped
Posts got deleted. I'm not sure what more of an explanation you're expecting.
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some retard doxxed mei trying to be ultraedgylord maximum
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It's still there for me.
I'd like to plap Mei
Because Indie Fuck Squad fucks.
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Mei schizo is a samefagging pass-user and finally crossed the line
They're talking about Filian's. If Zen or Doki's was deleted then we'd have nuclear rage directed at Filian the likes of which /vt/ has never before seen lol.
i meant moreso why did the guy have a melt down
because even the vshojo girls are sick of lethal snore
mouse next time stick to the original idea of chained together with the vshojo girls
I want to buy it. Release it now.
casualty of the mental culture war
I miss 2021 when vshojo had liggers under their palms and now we get this. lmao. liggers that are so fucking boring and loud.
Yeah that's what confuses me. a company that deals with thousands of licenced IPs did not verify
why does any schizo have a melty? who the fuck knows. they keep coming back off their vacations to spam the same shit
I’m imagining the lipids from Haruka’s meal funneling down and being transported then deposited in her ass and hip’s fat cells right now
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>How did we get stuck with the indie F squad?
Matara is busy having lesbian sex with all the popular liggers.
I’d trade pretty much all of them away for snuffy OR aethel back. just one them would be a dramatic improvement
keep going i'm close
you can be sure someone got fired this weekend.
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I've never gone schizo on /vt/ but if Filian's fuckup affected Zen's Nendo then I would definitely start.
I enjoy them.
>Filian's fuckup

which one
lol no... Sorry things changed. Try to deal with it
I'm blaming GoodSmile more than anything. How would you enter that deal without any due diligence on the merchandising rights the other party has? Just going to assume good faith on that? Seems foolish.
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We lost both Snuffy and Aethel in the divorce.
>vtuber fucks over goodsmile
>goodsmile decides its better to not deal with vtubers anymore
Could happen
Which is fine. Heavenly's the new Aethel and Mei's the new Snuffy. Also Ari's the new Haruka and Sushi's the new ??? I don't think we had many ESL +'s before
the most recent one.
Yea things changed for the worse.
thats nice. this crew is awful compared to what used to be. mouse should have just went to elden ring or even clothing sim rather than let this lobby continue
Delusional. All garbage.
not really a big loss... Aethel was nice and he is still mouse friend but he has no balls to say "fuck it" and collab with mouse without nyan.
loud and annoying is the new aethel and warm body is the new snuffy
what a downgrade
maybe you should go watch something else then and stop whining like a litthe bitch.
I am. I insta mute whenever any of the +s join anything.
ban evading trannyschizo?
maybe mouse could try making her debut interesting like she was originally going to? we lost geega/zen/mouse chained together for this
It only took them 13 minutes to reset their router this time. The schizos are learning
yeah they used to eat the 3 days ban.
Disgusting isn't it?
>breaks rule 1
>" why i can't shipost?"
Man you are not really bright
There is still time. Mouse might move on to something else after this we are only 7 hours into the stream
so learn your lesson and fuck off already
pretty sure the faggot that doxxed the IRL name triggered the janny to nuke both.
He won't and neither will I. Feel free to cope, seethe, and dilate.
i wish but she’s probably going to bed after this ends. she’s been on est time for a little while now
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>No more shitposting for me tonight
Another day, another L.
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Remember when we used to like genuinely entertaining people? These people are all yes-men and followers.
My american weeb friends we need to talk. I am currently looking at footage and pictures of the con. Can you people please start buying t-shirts that fit a bit nicer. You all would look 25% nicer
this is not tv, you can go do something else. Jesus, are you a toddler?
i'll be a contrarian fag and suggest maybe they're wearing looser fitting clothes given the con is in california during a heat wave
Worst case is that Filian ruined it for indies.
Company vtubers will be fine
we had snuffy, aethel, haruka, and geega. we lost two who brought their own content and energy to streams and absorbed the other two
Yeah, I stopped watching. Sorry Mouse.
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>est time
She's on WCT time which is currently PST
If you doxed someone then you get banned. That's what happens. If you pretended to dox someone then you're retarded because a janny isn't going to know the difference between fake and real dox, so you're retarded.

Quit being a retard
I did not dox. I just did >she >her posts.
thank god, now shut up and watch stream
is michi not streaming today
no >>80020577
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Nope. Has to rest her voice.
Then you're retarded
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and they were garbage. fuck off
Its been fun and its only been 4 and a half of LC its not like back in the day when she was doing 8 hours of it multiple days in a row
>Froot antis
>Random plus hate
What triggered this raid?
I live in your walls. I'll always be here.
so true, sister
Zen got a Nendo.
That one guy spamming mei this, mei that, mei over there, mei is doing this every fucking thread.
it’s been lethal company. a game only mouse still likes with a crew that got progressively worse the longer it’s gone on
That'll do it.
Nobody understands how sexy this Mouse is right now
Yes we do. I'm very happy
I do I just wait til after the raids pass they don't deserve to know how horny I am
watch porn anon. You can let mouse tab open while you fap
I'll just fap to Mouse instead
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My sex doll...
Sexiest Mouse.
I'd enjoy Lethal Company more if there was more playing and less dead air. It often gets to the point where nothing much is happening, I like it when the team is actually trying to accomplish a goal.
>Nobody understands how sexy this Mouse is right now
thats all lethal company is now though. any uniqueness with the game is dead and its just become mind gaming the AI. the updates and mods add nothing to the game
new thread
The best part of this pic? No bf to ruin it.
Thank the lord
The hair looks horrible like this
You are so foolish.
sad fucks
>Implying relationship exists

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