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So it wasn't actually a joke. Filian paid nothing for her model cause she rip it off of VRChat.
How fucked is she?
nobody in america cares about this shit guys. stop spamming.
t. Filian
I believe Filian might care, actually.
no i'm white
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uh oh
she literally said "illegally"
how many flips does she need to do for this to go away kek
Oy vey it’s joever
dang that twitter creature is unhinged. what is wrong with sisters mentally? how did they end up like this?
she does but nobody else will. this isn't japan. nobody gives a shit if a creator has a disagreement with some artist. you're acting like this is the end of the world when worse shit happened to project melody and nobody even remembers that.
Community notes are one of the few good things the man of musks has done to X, formerly Twitter.
Not gonna lie, boss, this is gonna take a lot of flips
It feels like fpbp. OP posts a dumb shit and the note btfo them
She'll need to flip on the cock of the best lawyer, at least 3 times
Nobody exept your laws fucking retard. God i hate american pretending all sort of thing when their laws are as bad if not worse than other country, can we talk about burgerland music copyright autism for exemple? Or do that hurt your retarded ass to much? well sad for you i already drop the subject so dilate as much as you have to.
Would she have even needed to pay the original artist anything if she had gotten their permission?
People will remember her as stingy Pagpag
So what? Are you implying that installing mods into a video game and playing it is disrespectful to its creators? Western content creators do their utmost to turn Japanese garbage into top-notch entertainment.
In fact, nobody knew anything about this model until she used it, right?
So this is copyright infringement right, and she'll be imprisoned if proven guilty?
She not only pirated it, she also illegally distributed it to her fans.
>community noting month old tweets
Holy obsessed
The ride never ends
Is there no fair use law in SEA?
That would depend on the result of the negotiation. The owner only said he must be contacted first.
Is his own account still protected from them?
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A Japanese tweet TL the whole thing is also trending so many japs are hearing about Filian for the first time.
>the time when the riaa tried to sue limewire for more money than even exists on earth
funniest shit I ever saw
Cancel Filian!! CANCEL HER!!!!
Thank fuck this annoying ass bitch might finally shut up for a while
And to think this started because of a nendroid... I'm fucking confused as to why they didn't mention this before it happened. She clearly stole it and illegally made it hers but apparently no one gave a shit until the nendroid product came out. Why are twittards so fucking retarded
every single person i know has been stealing music for their entire lives. my buddy literally used to steal music then upload it to youtube. nobody cares.
what a shameless whore
i hope the 2 artists sues her brown ass
Isn't it funny how whenever some guy becomes a tranny, he's still attracted to women? really activates my almonds
Because everyone thought the original creator gave her permission. How can you predict this level of stupidity?
Because she literally admitted it lots of times and no one batted an eye or lent an ear. Someone clipped an unlisted video of her mentioning it and now everyone is shit flinging. That is mental retardation in itself.
very true, the people jumping on filian are plainly hypocrites. we all know what this is really about
GG's She's cooked.
Then why did he keep quiet until this product was released, even though he had many opportunities to warn her?
Let me put it in a better way

Before this:
>I stole the model chat
>kek classic fil
After this:
>I stole the model chat
>maybe she's that retarded
They have usurped womens spaces and dating apps, but weirdly enough all the porn they fap to strnagely has biological women.
Also there was a fun chart once showing dating preferences, troons don't even want to date one another.
Her fans are parasocial fucks like this guy >>80052185
He didn't even know Filian existed until people DM'd him asking if he'd given permission. This is a model used by thousands of people.
Filian is a literal who, nobody knows who she is in Japan. Japanese literally discovered her today and are calling her a criminal.
she also said she's filipino and doesn't pay taxes and smokes crack.
it's the number people trying to get revenge for her popularity. the number islands are greatly concerned over copyright and permissions.
but.,. I thought fillian is the biggest indie vtuber ever? why are people recently just discovering her including the artist himself? This must be lie!
>troons don't even want to date one another.
this is one of the few things i cant blame them for
>Filian is a literal who, nobody knows who she is in Japan
There are people on this board who have been browsing for years and never watched a Filian stream. Maybe a short or two would have passed by, but you'd be surprised at how small streamers are.
People frequenting /vt/ don't even know let alone watch this literal who. /lig/ is a containment for corpo rejects you know.
I've seen some psychologist guy share his theory that it's the fault of porn.
Now mind he said there always existed transsexuals, even "gay" ones, but the recent surge of mtf comes from them watching porn since they are 10 and the women often exaggerating their pleasure, leading to them feeling like they got left out and fucks up their brain chemistry. He compared it to people being more open to trying drugs when they see people around them having fun with them.
Her antis are not going to let this opportunity slip, they're probably looking for older tweets to note as we speak.
Ahaha guys like nobody cares about this, right? Right? Maybe only browns care? They must be falseflagging Nijisisters!
Filian has more subscribers than Gura, and since he works so close to the Vtuber industry, the assumption that he didn't know about her is, to say the least, nonsense.
everyone knows it's you holobro
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>he works so close to the Vtuber industry
He doesn't, stop opening your mouth if you don't know shit.
At this point everyone is just two-faced as hell why even bother being nice at this point if it's easier throwing someone under the bus and joining the bandwagon. Fuck this society.
>since he works so close to the Vtuber industry,
He makes and sells models for VRchat. He is not related to Vtubers beyond them using his model.
Who ever earned money with stolen music your retard.
If you go and listen to your pirated copy of "The world we knew" nobody cares, but if you open a danceclub and play pirated "nothing but the beat" copies you deserve to be put out of business.
>Who ever earned money with stolen music your retard.
almost every streamer. nice english btw.
i'm american.
>almost every streamer.
And they all deserve to get fucked for it.
I just checked her twitch and she's an artist and model rigger, way more respectable than Filian who literally brags about pirating models.
im not watching your stream faggot
Wasn't there a huge ruckus over Twitch streamers playing copyrighted music on stream a year ago?
A troon is less respectable than a pig.
I don't actually watch vtubers, I'm a tourist that got linked to this social media site yesterday from Reddit and is now shitting on it straight from catalog.
yet here you are, on a board for streamers, made specifically for the biggest vtuber group who literally ignored copyright for their first 3 years of operation.
music copyright exists outside of youtube takedowns brownie
your cool
your still a faggot but a cool faggot
There is no need for the West to take into consideration the outdated Japanese practice of "creators are better than content creators".
You will never be a woman
And now she has nothing kek
pronoun tranny = shit tier by default
so no
Say that again but to the American music industry.
>who literally brags about pirating models.
how is that a bad thing?
>huge ruckus
huge in the dramafag community. had no impact in the real world besides making streamers remove music from their archives.
When you have no problem destroying your own gear for "comedic" purposes and spending thousands of dollars to replace it but can't be assed to pay a few hundreds to an artist to make an unique model for you then it's a clear statement.
>Twitch streamers playing copyrighted music
Since there is no VOD on Twitch, streamers can play whatever music they want during the stream and Twitch has recently implemented a system of paying royalties to musicians.
>almost every streamer
Yeah and either they have to take down the stream afterwards or parts of the stream gets muted or edited out. So nobody has to deal with the headache of copyright. Why do you think so many chuubas use copyright, royalty-free BGMs? Cause music companies would sooner fuck you in the ass enforcing their copyright rather than lose it.
In what way is the American Music Industry the copyright hell that you perceive
It's an actual woman this time ironically enough.
>noo you have to buy my shitty model because... YOU JUST HAVE TO OKAY?!
Filian is the most gigachad vtuber ever. artniggers get FUCKED
Asian American?

South East Asian American?
foreigners read those ancient stories of the few people who got sued for like a million bucks for using limewire and think that's still the norm.
FPBP and I'm not even Fillian
Filian is a retarded who can't read.
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I feel compelled to support Filian against trannies.
I don't know, ask Filian kek.
heck yeah stealing is so based fellow white man!
Don’t use Mumei to hide
You will have your IP stolen
You will have someone else make money from your IP
You WILL enjoy it
i'm from amish country my dude. need a 2 hour drive to see anything but white.
On one hand, I hate trannies on the other a person who is too retarded to read a TOS with fucking pictures deserves to lose all their money.
so you've never pirated software before? Or are you a hypocritical fag
You will lose your money because your literacy is lower than a 6 years old
You will lose all of your major sponsorship
You will lose any possibility of expanding your brand overseas
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How dare someone use a slightly modified design and pass it off as their own!
Stealing is based. Stealing and making money out of it is nigger behavior. Show hand.
It's one thing to pirate it for private use.
But earning money from it and bragging about it?
Literally retarded behavior
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She actually didn't modify it at all. All the assets came with the package.

Welp, they've covered pretty much everything.

>youtooz figure
>gamersupps cups
>makeship plush
>that one racing game collab

I hope she started lawyering up.
Autogynephilia does that to you. If someone loves the concept of women so much to the point of wishing to have a body that resembles their idea of one, then clearly that person will only be attracted to them and not to men.
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Pic related is "Filian", its the files you get when you buy Rindo
They're completely unaltered and not modified in any way
I was going to defend her but >>80053097 >>80053111
lmao bitch can't even bother, deserves to lose all of her fucking money.
Ray Blanchard
>snackers are inbred retards
I see…
>Stealing and making money out of it is nigger behavior.
This is the type of shit those dumb emo bitches in high school used to say when they stole things from the local walgreens.
How did white people go from oil paintings and sculptures to this?
i don't watch filian i'm just here to make fun of foreign newfags who don't remember the holocaust.
Hand now.
basted turkey
You think that anon is white?
yeah brother stealing is a very white person thing to do I also eat hotdogs and steal things every day
They won't even need to go to court because all the evidence are pretty damning.
Jingo and the other artist can retire early while Filian has to work for their gibs for the rest of her life.
And now they're know for taking copyright seriously while you call them "cucked" for doing so.
Can't sue for anything besides real damages if you never registered in America. There are zero real damages because Rindo did not suffer financially from Fillian being a vtuber.
Also, fuck artfags.
>Verification not required.
You think Filian's audience isn't?
>dont consider me for art or vtuber rigging

>check his twitter
>his work is literal shit
lmao this tranny
Piracy is based, what is not based is getting caught because you are too retarded to read the ToS of the model you have been using for years. Stupidity deserves to be punished.
That's one thing I can't stand about Internet Japs. Even when they're right or even justified, they go schizo in a way that makes western schizos blush.
>Creators make the game.
>Content creators stream it.
>Audience gets interested in the game.
>Creators respect content creators as influencers.
This is correct, right? So let's replace "the game" with "Filian's model"?
Please don't use your brain ever again if that's the best you can come up with Jamal.
>Creators make the game
>This is MY game do anything you want with it
Just watched the clip, this is legit not a good look, Filian better start paying out and making rounds to apologize to salvage this. Do not be a spazz like Nijisanji and make yourself a pariah.
lol, they can't get a dime out of her, they don't even know english
How bout no?
Darker than night, if you're not making money off a crime you're a genuine fool and deserve to get mugged by a real hustler/shot by some pajeet at 7/11
The permfags don't seem to know that westerners don't have fax machines anymore lmaoooo
they still have to buy the game otherwise it becomes piracy. to monetize it, they still need to contact the publisher behind the game otherwise it becomes infringement.
You left out that streamers aren't making merch out of those games' IP.
If you get caught you deserve to rot in jail latinx retard.
Even if Filian gives the artists 100% of what she has earned from merch, she would still have enough money to retire tomorrow and never work another day in her life.
Why didn't they cancel her when she made the george floyd joke then?
Why do they always react negatively to jokes made at the expense of white people and positively to jokes made at the expense of minorities?
>otherwise it becomes infringement.
rare that publishers ever try to enforce that in the usa, because it would lose them business from getting accused of jewery
the same applies to someone not making money idiot
classical oil paintings and sculptures aren't comparable to some low poly count unity asset
>I'm a tribalist incapable of having any personal standards
I see various streamers doing it. They'll have Elden Ring T-shirt merch or something. That said, I don't know the licensing specifics there.
there's legit no avenue for the artfag to get anything out of Fillian.
and as we all know hololive completely died so it's over for filian.
Yeah let's make completely retarded analogies to save Mizkif's cocksleeve.
It's harder to get caught if you don't go the extra mile of saying you stole in plain sight while saying the thing you stole is yours now.
they tried, nobody cared fililan never talked about it

it fits the narrawtive, because everytign wrong must be the fault of x and if u dissagree ur "insert word here"
Does filian have all the money she earned from "Filian"? You do know that if she pirated the model we arent talking about just merch sales right?
You best be praying from the bottom of your soul to every god out there that she still has the receipt to that sale because if she doesn't well, I'm sure you are smart enough to figure it out
Filian's model is partially modified from the original one.
This is the equivalent of a mod in a game, and she only sold the mod.
Think of it as selling copies of the game copy that you bought for $40. Streaming it is totally fine, selling it involves licensing.
Mods can be taken down depending on the ToS of the game.
Of belonging to the 7 billion member tribe that won't mutilate children's genitals??
Yeah, I'll join that tribe.
And yet it's still too much for Filian and her audience, though I can't blame her audience since they're mostly talentless 12-16 y/o kids.
It wasn't modified at all whatsoever. She changed no colors or anything on it
I wasn't aware hololive based their entire brand on copyrighted characters and only changed them later.
You sure do learn something new every day on this board.
She sold the mod with the game. Modding usually gets around this by only selling the mod, but she can't exactly do that.
It would be legit funny if Good Smile repackages the nendo as Mint and Fillian gets no money from it.
Americans mutilate their children's genitals as do all the muslims and jews
Doesn't matter, foreign copyright holders can't sue for statutory damages, only actual damages. They can't even get court fees without a domestic copyright.
they based their entire brand around streaming video games and singing songs without the legal rights to stream those games and sing those songs. now they're fucking dead. oh wait they aren't and nobody even knows about it now. zzzz
Kek, your typing style completely degraded, are you ok?

>they tried
Those weren't Filian's fans, those were the same antis who are now having a field day with her fuck up.
More like
>Buy a figurine
>The figurine comes with 4 different expressions
>Put on expression number 3
>"This is my own creation :) I'm gonna resell it for 10x the price"
Does not work like that. You cant take someones mod, changes something and sell it. You still need perms from the original maker.
Too many Fillian Fags that defending a cleary wrong move by her.
You love to see it, lmao
>they based their entire brand around streaming video games and singing songs without the legal rights to stream those games and sing those songs.
But they didn't do that. There's no "I play game X without the rights to do so" vtuber in hololive.
I don't see much argument Jingo could have that he is entitled to Filian's donations, sponsorship money or ad revenue.
Then again, there is precedent with Elvis impersonators being shaken down by his estate, so maybe you're right. by virtual of clown world.
I'm intact. Everyone I know is intact. And jews are part of the tranny tribe, they are behind the activism even.
The copyright shit was probably even worse than the chink incident. And easily one of the worst yabs Holo has gone through. They really risked losing everything over that shit and we are talking about Hololive, Filian is one person not a corpo.
Ever since the nijibubble burst, all the twitter troons are out for blood to show all vtuber is le bad.
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It would be Rindo in this case. Mint is the base for the "Lil' Fil" model.
>I'm new
do your reps you fucking idiot
If everyone is intact in America why do Americans always fervently defend getting mutilated?
You lose all rights to any kind of monetization if you pirated or stole the product. She owes him everything she earned as filian if thats the case and as I said. You better pray she has the receipts
you're acting like she has no rights to the model at all. she does. she can stream with it fine. the only issue is that she sold merch with it. she will pay the artist a settlement, get a new model, then it's done. quit being a retarded baby.
She didn’t even go that far. It’s literally just the base model she stole for free.
There's no nendo.
At best they had concept art of it.
Tell me which hololive member is entirely based around playing or singing a specific game or song they didn't have rights to.

She doesn't have rights to the model as she didn't even buy it.
i have the tism
It's gaslighting to trick europeans into doing it
I dont even know what this drama is, but the side with the tranny is wrong.
She has no rights to the model because she pirated it. Only people who buy the model on Booth have rights to use it.
Have you ever watched Jurassic Park? If you have, remember why in the movie, the staff had to insert reptilian genes into the dinosaur genes?
The answer is for copyright protection. The original dinosaur genes are not copyrighted, but the park's dinosaur genes can be copyrighted by the company.

So, since Filian improved the original model, the copyright of her model is definitely hers.
I wish these weasels would stop pretnding that they're doing something noble, or principaled and just admit that they're addicted to internet blood sports.
>she didn't even buy it.
she did. she even bought extra outfits for it. you got baited by a joke.
Both sides have a tranny statistically speaking.
>>>based their entire brand around streaming video games and singing songs without the legal rights to stream those games and sing those songs.
>Mio nearly lost her channel because of copyright strikes
>Have to make sure going into the future EVERYONE has perms for the games they want to stream
>Make unarchived karaoke streams that aren't monetized when the girls want to sing songs they cannot sing.
Someone must have injected those same genes into your brain jesus fuck.
Her stealing the model in the first place would be the argument for receiving more than just compensation for the merch. She is profiting off of stolen IP, making deals with companies using stolen IP. That’s a pretty big fucking deal.
Where's the proof that she paid?
same place where you find the proof that she stole it.
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You got receipts for that?
She has no rights to stream with it. She had to pay 40 bucks but she couldn’t even do that.
I think the rules were that you can use the model however you want but merch. So she can still use it for streaming but if she wants merch and stuff then she'll need to hire an artist to make an original one.
Don't use your brain ever again, please. Spare the entire world from your retardation.
So you're claiming there's a clip of her saying she bought outfits? Let's see it.
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No she didn’t.
Thought Rindo was the modeller's name.
I stand corredcted.
If she wants merch she can just ask Jingo permission. The fact she has never contacted him before is baffling.
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i made this post
she says retarded shit all the time. >>80052316
Proof next thread?
>She owes him everything she earned
nope, he isn't registered in a domestic copyright office, he can't get any of it. She also used the mint model more than 3 years ago, that's beyond the statute of limitations for copyright claims.
Does she have the receipt that she bought the model, yes or no
Simple fucking question
So her very specific origin story was just a "joke" as well? It obviously wasn't.
so who kills who first mythic nijisanji'ing fillian or fillian killing mythic before they can even unperson her

>does a flip
bankrupts asmongold and nyanners

Can I make a nendo of it?
>she says retarded shit all the time.
Not just say kek.
>bankrupts asmongold and nyanners
I would become her biggest fan if she managed to do this.
If she did she wouldnt hide because this shit >>80054360
How convenient that she cancels her scheduled stream because her pc broke
if she did you would never see it, what a weird question
do you think luna is actually a princess
I've no issue with piracy against multimillion dollar companies, not a fan when it's against independent artists.
she really loves this joke
Someone in /flip/ said she received Rindo as a gift. Of course, I don't know if that's the truth, but it's worth considering.
I can't believe my favorite vtuber turned out too be an asshole. Color me shocked!
Hi, this is Filian's manager. If you want to make merch of her for conventions, go for it. (My manager is me)
Why do you keep moving the goalpost? Are you feeling nervous? I bet you're going to call someone a "sister" real soon with the way things are going for you.
You're mixing up Nyanners and Shylily, those fuck ups are entirely Filian's fault, she can't drag Mythic with her.
You do know thats even worse right? Go read the tos and what it says about 3rd parties.
I'm going to assume you are a nijifag skinwalking as /flip/ to make them look completely fucking retarded
By playing through the games and adding commentary it arguably falls under transformative work. The streamers still can't then go ahead and sell their own merch of the games. Also worth remembering that until about 14-15 years ago even Western game companies were copyright striking early letsplays on YouTube.
>I bet you're going to call someone a "sister" real soon
Filian’s manager is dumb
>mint model
The one she doesn't use anymore?
>rip model off a software (thousands do it)
>somehow expected to know it is bound to some esoteric contract
>claimant of said model comes with fists swinging years after trying to cash in after you've made it
How would you even fucking know the model is behind booth ToS if you ripped it from a completely unrelated software
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Why do commie uphold intellectual property but when I come for my rent as a landlord they cry about me owning the land aka property .Curious.. Rent will be going up because of this
You're even lower than trannies, at least they have receipts.
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For a model she doesn't use she sure loves making money off it (never received permission to sell this plushie)
Several of you faggots have been going around this board claiming this is all "fake drama" drummed up by "sisters".
So your best defense for her is that she is retarded?
funny you used they because there are multiple artists mad at filian over a single model, that's how you know this is bullshit lol
By having more than 1 digit IQ.
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Do those thousands also make those models they ripped into their personal brand that they sell merch of?

>I'm so glad that you like this model that I paid 0 dollars for and i'm using for free
What did she mean by this?
i blame maidos for this. children shouldn't be /here/ in the first place. it's beyond me why they have their own general and are encouraged to post their nonsense. just ban any mention of her site wide and be done with it.
i am one man, not multiple, but yes it is fake drama, and if you care you are a woman. sorry.
>esoteric contract
It's not the necronomicon. I found it in under a minute and read it in less time.
Anon it's a joke she obviously paid for it and has all the rights.
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The overwhelming majority of Europeans don't do it though.
Can we see proof of that?
Was the "Mint" VRChat model made by the same artist who made the "Rindo" model? How many people did she scam?
She mentioned learning how to rip models found in VRChat from a tutorial made by Girl_dm. That doesn't sound like some sort of fictional anecdote.
You are starting to sound like the nijisisters.
Concession accepted.
No thats another model that she uses and probably stole. 2 that we know and we are waiting for the confirmation of the 3rd one
Holy cope, seriously stop this is fucking embarrassing.
lmfao this is amazing. I really hope you posted this completely seriously and it's not a shitpost.
Then why do they not shut the fuck up about videogames? Surely if you want to be a woman you would be happy you can play a cute woman i a game, instead we have ugly women and then calls for how the need to be transexual instead of simply women.
>Googled "rindou jingo"
>Click the first link and read
Wow it's that easy
It comes in a nice cartoon diagram anon.
You sell goods, you contact the artist.
Surely it is easy enough for you to understand?
No, that's a different artist who additionally prohibits using the model in games without permission.
Ironically she would have been fine doing it with the Rindo model.
>i followed some girl_dm thing
>the retard who changed her iconic models for some "looks more like myself" abomination
learn english.
the catgirl is literally so generic two artists think they made it.
You better have receipt, dumb whore
Yea but just from the VRChat model you wouldnt find the contract. Especially before she got popular. And the artist clearly wasn't bothered when she sold the plushies so why go in now?
You're the one that needs to learn English. You effectively just said "it's fake drama and you're a sister" just as I said you would do.
It's time for you to stop posting.
Confirmed she pirated it then?
>the catgirl is literally so generic two artists think they made it.
False. Filian used two people different models. Jingo is gonna sue her for the use of Rindo, Komado for the use of Mint.
The artist didn't know.
Goodsmile is too big to go unnoticed
nigger are you legit retarded
The artist clearly didn't know she was doing any of that shit, dumbass.
>the catgirl is literally so generic two artists think they made it.
How can you argue about things you don't even understand? I thought Filian fans being ADHD zoomers was a bit.
she doesn't understand english and don't know who the fuck filian is until she saw the good smile promotion
If I steal shit from your house without you noticing, I have the right to steal everything else inside afterwards.
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TOS literally in booth link, maybe she should have research on a model that she will using for her career first?
i can feel the filipino sun radiating from your post
how can you be a dumb cuck lmao idiot
VRChat models dont belong to anyone it's just data
You literally loose IP rights if you dont enforce them so the artist is fucked
Holy shit there's her own store too, if that artist play his cards rights he could actually fucking ruin her.
If anything girl_dm might have scared her into staying with the models she had.
oh you're just trolling carry on
loose like ur brain lmao
Mint and Rindo are two different models. You are literally arguing without knowing shit about the issue.
They were added prior to him taking over
Seeing how low effort Filian is, it wouldn't surprise me she is just preparing to come up with black text on white background ChatGPT apology picture post on Twitter.
I'm just going to say this, fillian fucked up but in reality nobody in USA gives a fuck, a lot of people complaining you bet pirate games or watch manga/anime for free xD
Oh shit
Truly, you can remove a nijisister from niji, but you can't remove the niji from nijisister.
Both of your statements are false.
Data belongs to the entity who made it.
IPs last until after death of the author. You're talking about trademarks.
What a dumb bitch, cancel all your plans and get a fucking lawyer already.
She stole from both. Neither of them allowed her to sell merch
i like to call it xwitter haha you know lets xwit this picture! i think its pretty good
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Don't worry anon, I laughed at your joke.
>create design
>it gets stolen
>someone is about to make a fuckload of money with it
>do you a. contact them and work something out so you get a cut
>or b. sperg and cancel their plans so you get nothing
choose one, but remember that you're an artist so you're retarded
Why you assume everyone must have known her? Some spic vtuber have more ccv than her but you don't see anyone talking about them.
Wonder if she'll do like that Seth Weinstein jew and start deleting the site and everything associated with it.
It's two different models you absolute idiot.
Option C I discover she did the same shit before and cash out my cut from all those times.
>You literally loose IP rights if you dont enforce them so the artist is fucked
We went over this yesterday. That's trademarks, for example "Velcro" and "Thermos" lost their trademarks due to them becoming widely used to refer to the general product and not the specific version of it. At one point, Google was at risk of losing their trademark. However, IPs are not held to that standard and there is precedent that states the copyright holders actually have the right to sit and see how things develop before bringing legal challenges.
why doesn't she delete this tweet?
Jingo is doing A
Komado is doing B
>losing so hard he can only call others SEA now
>this thread has almost 400k views in 10 hours
>jingo's tweet has 6.8M views already
stuck a nerve i see. sorry that you proved that you are foreign just as i said you would do.
If I had to guess, for them, female characters have to be "relatable", because if they aren't then they're just sexist stereotypes made to appeal to the male gaze. Since males are what they find gross, they dislike the characters by association.
>there is precedent that states the copyright holders actually have the right to sit and see how things develop before bringing legal challenges
Really? Well, not like she'd be retarded enough to let it get to court, because she'd be fucked there.
Except he didn't add them. They were already a thing long before Elon.
You lost. It's time to go offline for the day.
i lost as hard as hololive did. filian will never recover from this brother. it's ogre.
Your honor, my client is dumber that your average VRchat user.
You think the dumb cunt who brags about pirating models is going to give you a cut?
She owes him way more than a simple cut with all the shit she already sold.
He is getting everything Filian earned if she cant provide receipts to that purchase
>c. Collect what I’m rightfully owed and ruin this bitch
Why do you indiefaggots always equate your whores to hololive?
indies are allowed to pirate and steal ip
I was certain the pirate rrat would stay contained here, but if that huge ass thread has it, then the nips are aware as well.
Filian might be stupid, but she's done a lot of good for the vtubing scene, hope this ends up with some kind of an ok ending for both parties.
B. She already made a boatload of money of my design with 0 intention to share any with me and she would just get a new model if I accept the cut for her nendroid, instead I would just contact Goodsmile and offer them the IP directly.
I drew this avater in 2004 where is my money
goodsmile would give the artist a cut. not sure why you think filian matters at all here.
settle down until you learn this language you're getting too excited. they aren't even in the same country. that bitch isn't getting shit lmao.
if you weren't foreign you would know why hololive is relevant.
Because the most popular indie is still less than the least popular Hololive. (Stars doesn't count)
shes not gonna apologize if the japs dont force her 2
Trannies are mostly virgins who've watched a lot porn and began sympathizing with their fantasy woman to the point where they started getting off by pretending to be her.
Imagine defending OTK's cumrag for free.
This is not fair use at all, retard. This is just straight-up plagiarism.
>"ugh nijisisters are so cringe defending anycolor over bad management!"
>meanwhile, filiancucks defending filian literally breaking the law
>done a lot of good for the vtubing scene
Like what? I don't follow her so i'm geniunly curious what you mean by that
Hololive is relevant, filian isn't.
Lmao. Literally every faggot seething about Filian is a twitter faggot (99% chance they're a tranny, as well) or a nijisister that's relieved the latest drama isn't about niji.

Let's see where this will be in two weeks
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Hello, this is my new model can I start selling nendos out of it? It's generic enough after all.
Reminder that if Filian plays aggressively, she can get away with all of this without paying a cent.
MSM welcomes Filian to the family!
it's two non corporate entities so it's civil conflict unlike with corporate management
She often runs events that give smaller people a chance to shine and does the VTuber awards.
Any girl in Hololive is more known than Filian overseas.
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He won.
They will settle and Filian will get commercial rights but it's going to cost her a huge sum, orders of magnitude more than if she had just commissioned her own model. It's pretty ironic considering she has always implicitly poked fun at vtubers for spending money on vtuber models.
Filian matters because she already sold a ton of shit using the property of at least 2 artists, see >>80053104 and >>80055291
And what makes everything worse is that she constantly brags about not having bought the models.
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Anime girls are draw with cat proportions. I as a cat would like a cut
Jawr Jura.
The japs don't care about him
Petrella v. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc. (2014): The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the doctrine of laches (unreasonable delay in pursuing a claim) cannot be used to bar a copyright claim within the three-year statute of limitations. The case involved the film "Raging Bull" and clarified that delay alone, without exceeding the statute of limitations, does not eliminate the right to sue for infringement.
Nice drawing, anon.
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You will rice boi
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Hi, this is Aby's manager. If you want to make merch of her for conventions, go for it. (My manager is me)
The curse of Floyd has finally started taking effect.
ffs why does this picture make me laugh so hard
New thread >>80052851
There's a summary of the case by GPT. If you want to read the full ruling, just search it, but I wouldn't recommend trying unless you speak legalese
>scalia opinion
into the trash it goes
>Creators make the game
>Content creators say they made the game and the audience is allowed to make merchandise off "their game"
I fixed your retarded analogy for you
Ok cotton boi
Now that I think of it, this reminds me of Chris claiming that Sonichu and Rosechu were completely creations of his own, instead of just Sonic and Amy with Pikachu costumes.
Funny thing is Filian's retarded fans won't be humbled when she doesn't get away with the blatant IP theft and will just continue to be retarded fans and shit up this board and the internet in general
>stealing a car is okay actually
OK faggot
They'll just latch onto Phase or Kirsche and act like nothing happened.
The only people defending Filian at this point are third-worlders and children.
Much to Kiara's disappointment.
that's the complete opposite of reality actually.
Yeah, but again, that's if you BOUGHT the model in the first place. In this clip and the clip she uploaded on hr own channel, she very clearly stated that she got it, and I quote, illegally. She has little to no plausible deniability to fall back on.
>She has little to no plausible deniability to fall back on.
except for the whole thing where she blatantly lies every stream. even clipwatchers know how she is. imagine being beneath them.
>rip model off a software (thousands do it)
That makes it okay to admit doing becauae...?
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based white man
Because she didn't fucking know, retard. Are you are autistic? Do you think that if you know something, then everyone on the planet must automatically know it as well?
We aren't talking about your favourite vtuber though.
And will forever be remembered as Stingy Pagpag Vtuber
I do not give a fuck.
I could not give less of a shit. Copyright needs to be abolished.
Stop trying to avoid the fact that NO ONE showed up to the niji booth.
The niji defense force is pathetic. They're like the unironic fake news media pushing false flags to the top of the news to hide actual foul play.
So you have millions of subs and drowning in cash yet you can't be arsed to commission a proper model? That's just unprofessional
Wow, you sound VERY angry.
shes on commisend but its worse then the booth ones, so why use it
Ignorance of the law or the reality of using someone else's IP is not a defence. It MIGHT save her from more serious financial penalties but not by much.
Why are there so many retarded threadreaders who think she's actually a Flip? It's a meme from Neuro repeatedly calling her Filipino Boy. She accidentally walked in front of the camera in another streamers stream a few years ago and she's clearly white.
>Filian is a retarded who can't read.
>Is a retarded
>Can't read

>SEA ESLs HATE filian
>They LOVE nijisanji
>They love troons!
Well I know which side I pick.
You better be a genuine dramafag and not a falseflagger.
Despite what your retarded ass has come to believe, every first-world country cares a lot about intellectual properties.

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