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>filian yab is now spreading through japan
Is she finished?
inb4 EOP retards dismiss it as a nothingburger
Yes, this will have long lasting consequences on the twitch "VTUBER" community. Just as planned.
Yes and no
Finally, the final yab that I've been waiting for is here!
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>last samurai thinks anyone in the Western indie community gives a fuck about what Japs think
How will she survive with no mo Japanese partnerships.
It doesn't matter to her personally but she's making western vtubers in general look like scum. A bunch of the people are commenting that this must be a matter of cultural standards.
It's a pretty similar situation compared to back when they found out about vshojo members showing anime episodes illegally on stream as a result of the vshojoJP announcement.
JFC what a bunch of servile insects.
People do know she will just get a new version of the model made so that it no longer the same model and not breaking any rules
Wow surprisingly fast this time. News usually hits JP so fucking late.
>EOP nignog thinks anyone in the Japanese vtuber community gives a fuck about the you think
You seem quite melanated.
yea man the japs just dont understand the greatness of a twitch WHORE with rigged model slapped on.
Probably only in Japan.
Why are you watching streamers with avatars based on art style of the bug people and "artists" if you hate them so much?
the style of Vroid studio?
Anime and manga, brownoid.
So..Vroid Studio, tranny
You sound like you would defend Nintendo's predatory protectionism.
>sisters now creating false flag twitter alts on which to post deepl translated screed for attention
I can appreciate Catholic art, doesn't mean it isn't an idolatrous abomination before God.
ofc its nintendo and JAPAN (cool fancy better)
What are you even trying to argue? Vroid Studio is also japanese, which you hate.
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I find it hilarious how butthurt japs get toward piracy.
Oh how terrible, she must do apoligize or she will lose subscribe!
I am sure there will be of consequence! This can not go of unpinishing, artist does a sue!
IM telling YOU, its free, basically. Its the key to everything!
Why does it being free matter? You hate "bug people" and their art. I'm asking why are you watching streamers using avatars that use an art style you hate.
>pixiv Inc. has updated the Privacy Policy as of May 28, 2024. Revision History

I cant leave any more breadcrumbs. YOU will see it soon
Never should have let the VR Chat nogs into the community.
What are you smoking?
She's being sarcastic here, she did pay for it. Japs don't understand sarcasm though, so good luck with that.
Yeah, us Western CHADS steal everything. Those Japs just don't understand.
>She's being sarcastic here
there is none, however going "delete fucking everything" mode suggests the piracy rrat to be real.
so how much do you think fillian is gonna pay for settlement?
less when she marries me
>Dramaniggers get baited into using a BIT joke as fact for their drama
Honestly if we told them Filian was ACTUALLY filipino and that she was transitioning to Frank and that her deadname was Rachel, would they beg for forgiveness and believe it without a second thought?
Of course the prot would arrive to glorify theft.
>marrying a j-ew
RIP anon.
>MCMICHAEL claimed this post was a joke
A lot of dramafags in the dozen or so threads that have gone up about her in the past few hours seem to genuinely believe she is an actual flip, so possibly.
>blowing a deal with one of the biggest merch manufacturer in the industry
>sabotaging all future collaboration with Japanese companies
stop acting like sisters you should be worried
Fuck japan and japanese companies.
This doesn't sound like sarcasm though?
With her ripe womanlet body.
Not fillian’s fault the Yen is literally worthless
Filian mostly gets sponsorships from western companies not Japanese.
Given how bad the yen is, it's a great time for a financial settlement with a Japanese artist actually.
And all that amounts to is her seething at chat that they thought she even makes a fraction of what Gura does. Sure keep accepting those measly Western sponsorships that are gonna dwindle btw
fil probably has more since she gets 100% not 5%
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I wonder if that small man from Korea realized the effect domino he caused.
I wonder much will her getting blacklisted by Japanese companies affect her as a vtuber.
Not to mention getting a bunch of brand new Japanese antis.
Been gone for the last few days, QRD on this yab?
yeah, i don't think this does much to her, considering how unknown she was in JP anyways until now. her fanbase won't care and the twitter antis hated her already. this will quickly become last month's yab and the ultimate result might just be she gets a new model and the opportunities that reveal brings. yawn.
piracy is a service problem
It turns out Filian never owned her model (it's some generic pre-made out of the box shit, not a commission) and never received permission from the IP owner to sell merch of it, and now people are digging up old stuff where she admits to straight up pirating the model. Her nendo has been cancelled because of it, and now she's going to owe that guy a lot of money.
>brand new Japanese antis.
It's ogre
Filian's model is just some public VRchat model that stipulates you need to contact the creator about making physical merch. She did not contact the creator despite making a bunch of merch. He noticed and made a tweet about it. Likely there will be some sort of settlement and Filian will lose a bunch of money for being a fucking idiot. Meanwhile /vt/ is heralding this event as the fall of western vtubing.
>oh no they're sending gibberish moon runes at me angrily, what ever will i do
If she survives this ordeal she can just keep living in her corner on twitch. She's a nobody in Japan and was never going to be somebody there. Even with all the "presence" in Japan, groups like vshojo are pretty much completely unkown there.
honestly, fuck artists. the day of AI supremacy can't come soon enough.
>Debut Date Twitch: 2021/04/18 (First stream)
im baffled that it took people so long to realize
People care what japs think?
people always knew this though, all this is exposing is that most of you don't watch her. it was common knowledge and its only a problem now because the nendo finally made the JP sphere aware of her.
The creator is japanese. Just like how you can't name a jp twitch indie vtuber, they also didn't know about filian until her nendo news since it is a prominent japanese company.
It's not a public model just because vrchat has servers that illegally redistribute models.
>Paying some jap artist anything
AI is STILL shit
Can't even use it to jack off, your standards are too low.
>Stealing is le good!
Nigger mentality
>will now need to pay the guy millions because she was too cheap to pay the purchase fee
No they found out through people telling them there are literal screenshots of assblasted Twitter troons crying about how "Now I can get payback for that racist George floyd joke" literally proof that antis watch vtubers more often and closely than fans do
It's a publicly sold model, as opposed to most vtuber models being completely private.
no thats the only thing they saw in their bubble
>will now need to pay the guy millions
Lmao deluisonal twitterfags are hilarious
Oh fair enough. Yeah it's totally public in that sense.
Sounds like schizo cope to me, because she's already sold merch in the past so they would've notified the creator ages ago if it was because of that. It's clearly the creator himself who found out and publicized the yab. Weird cope btw.

It won't be millions. She's not hololive. She hasn't made millions from merch.
Literally the tweet from the artist said
>I'm traveling right now and didn't know till someone told me
>western vtuber
>japs care
>japs dont watch her though
>japs are 0% of her market
>western fans besides twitter troons dont care
yeah, nothing is going to happen
And you have her merch numbers to back up that claim? She'll likely even have to pay damages from telling the public that she authorizes everyone to make merch of her kek.
>ignoring this is the first big merch since George Floyd joke
Why yes anon I guess ignoring that its truly some weird cope huh?
If anything this will attract savior fags. No normal person wants to see a cute stupid girl ruined.
they only care about getting there way nothing else
>t-t-they clearly waited until whenever her next merch would come out instead of immediately trying to cancel her on the spot
I seriously don't understand why you're coping over this.
she won't *have* to pay a cent. any money the "artist" receives will be entirely an act of grace, if he is judged worthy of pity. know your place, artfags
>saviorfagging a prominent and successful eceleb who committed a crime
lol? you need to be a poor literal who or have a backstory about literally dying for saviorcuck bux
And I can't figure out how your so retarded. I guess we're both at a loss
Even holos in EN don't make millions off of merch and they are infinitely more popular.
Tell that to disney and nintendo whenever they chase up copyright infringements.
>your so retarded
What a fitting way for you to bow out of the argument. I accept your concession.
yeah but they are multibillion dollar compaines acting cross country is no issue for them, other then ur artist or filain
>Some no name art faggot has the same financial resources as multi-billion dollar entertainment corporations
>small-time JP "artist" is now a big corpo like Disney or Nintendo
le meow
Why does this image keep getting posted onto /vt/
I see it literally everyday
It has specific use cases, it's not synonymous with simply saying "don't care lol"
I'm glad you've come to terms with your disability anon
you're an idiot, sister.
Jingo doesn't own the Filian character. cope
>holos in EN don't make millions
Filian should sit on my face
Not really. Most will view this as a dumb mistake and the pile on from seething troons on twitter as cruel.
>oh no the heckin poor millionaire is getting criticized for trying to make even more money via illegal means, us normal people will definitely leap to that poor dishonest millionaire's defense!
lmfao stfu cuck
Yeah getting blacklisted by Japanese companies as a vtuber is a nothingburger
Filian using a stolen Japanese model to sell merch doesn't improve the image of western vtubers. She will be fine since a deal will eventually be worked out with the artist but openly boasting that she paid 0 dollars for her model will burn bridges with Japanese companies that create most of the figure merch.
No idea. On the one hand I doubt any of the artists will even be able to get her into a court as prosecuting an intellectual property lawsuit internationally is prohibitively expensive for anyone who isn't at least a multi-million dollar corporation. On the other if she doesn't do something to make this right she'll likely not find any decent artists, designers, riggers, etc., willing to work with her again, to say nothing of the potential blacklisting by indies and corpos who don't want to risk pissing off said community.
She'll just get her merch made in China then, next cope.
>A twitch indie
How poor is your third world country that your value of currency is that fucking broken?
man I was really expecting the biggest yab around AX to be niji's
Oh no anyway time to hire out a chinese factory to do it for pennies on the dollar
Are you retarded? You seriously think someone of Filian's size isn't raking in money?
They don't out of just merch. Certainly not in EN. And none of filians merch will have been remotely on the same global scale. Whatever settlement happens will be in the 5 or 6 figures. Not 7 or 8 figures.
>You have to be making millions with views that large
Holy fuck you really are a third world retard
She probably made $100k off the vtuber awards alone, it was crammed with dozens of sponsors.
>self hating brown doesn't even know what "millionaire" means
Yeah it's a bit late for that since she already sold all that merch based on this one
She's not making millions anon. People overstate that kind of thing.
My yearly salary is about $3000
It cost a ton of money and time to put on.
Worst case scenario they'll settle on a set amount of back pay for units sold either in or out of court and then the merch will either stop being sold or the artist will be given a small cut for the use of their art or maybe a contracted fee that will allow the selling of merch with the art for a set lump sum
I seriously hope you just samefagged at me and not that there are two equally retarded browns in here.
We're not normal. Fuck off, normie.
You actually are a third worlder then.....that explains a lot fast food workers net $24,000 yearly
The offended parties aren't big enough to get her blacklisted. Also twitter troons are madder about this than the artists are. For them this is business. It's not emotional. In that respect It's lucky she ripped off a not menhera Japanese artist. A western artist would be trying to get clout from this and make it as messy as possible
These are some pretty definitive statements, but where’s the proof?
Nah, she'd win.
Post numbers proving it then faggot. Come on show us the adrev, subrev, merch rev, and remember to take out taxes, twitches cut, and production cost of merch.
Pretty sure pissing off Good Smile isn't negligible. If they end up having to fully cancel the nendo then she's getting blacklisted in Japan. Ideally she should pay off the guy and get his permission to continue selling the merch.
see >>80066963
Current state of things the only people making a stink are dramafags chasing clout, pissed troons, Nijisisters, and shit posters /here/. No one of consquence or value cares
You claimed the artists aren’t further perturbed, but how might you know this?
Wow thanks for proving your a brain dead faggot gg
>People overstate that kind of thing.
It's opposite. People heavily understate how much you can make if you go full sellout mode as a large steamer. People being the streamers themselves because they don't want fans realizing just how much money they're pulling in.
Supremely ironic post kek.
ruh roh
No ranting on twitter artist are clout chasers even the ones that are well balanced can't help but make some comment on the situation aside from the first one saying "I'm aware and I've Dm'd everyone"
>they end up having to fully cancel the nendo
They are already did that, they' literally removed every trace of an announcement in both real world and internet.
Yeah, I’m sure that sews it all up. No possible alternative outcome there.
Lmao faggot
How much of that "alternative" outcome stems from a place or armchair pondering on how "I imagine" things should go, or wanting more drama?
You're clueless. Go look up the twitch leaks from a couple of years ago and you'll see loads of people who averaged 1-2k views pulling in $500k+ just on sub revenue alone (which ususally isn't even the biggest part of a streamer's income). Fillian gets 7-9k views average + sponsors and merch.
Is that pre-twitch cut? What about tax?
She said it herself. You do watch her, right?
They obviously removed it due to the potential issues and don't want to have it up unless it's confirmed to proceed. There's a difference between taking down a twitter post and needing to dump all the stock you've already produced.
A woman telling lies? Preposterous!
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>She said it herself.
man I'm starting to get why all the thots and whores go to twitch, that place is just full of moronic cucks to wring money out of
They haven't produced anything because it was only just announced. Even the grey prototypes are not in production.
People don't get it but they may have reached an agreement with the artist on a licencing fee already but do to the way buisness practices work in nip land nothing will become defenitive until a contract gets signed, They may also have cancelled the thing flat out with no intentions to go through even if an agreement could be made. Sisters and the women that populate this board love drama tho
Do you know that for a fact or is it wishful thinking?
I miss the days where not having a game on-screen that you are playing yourself netted you a ban. Now it’s just a wasteland.
Hasn't she already said this? Is she now being more boastful about it?
For a fact. Some figures never end up getting released despite going as far as displaying the grey prototype. They only go into production when the pre-orders open up. Why else would it take nearly a year for them to start shipping them after getting the orders?
There's no reason to assume they already produced stock when the release is probably 2 years away.
Streamers pretend that they're poor all the time cause it's make them "relateable", i see only one streamer who straight up admitted they're rich is Forsen.
You do not understand the worth of millions if you are comparing 500k to millions.
Twitch has been a money hole ever since Amazon bought it and as a result has had to do all kinds of bullshit to attempt to turn a profit. There's a lot of scummy stuff happening that might one day end up with people in jail if it ever goes to court. The thing with Dr. Disrespect recently over Twitch DMs had a chance at snowballing into something bigger.
If there were even a grey prototype they'd show it. Perhaps the 3D modeling got started though.
Asmongold also tells people he's rich and discourages donations to him. But people who haven't heard him say it will think he's a fellow poorfag because he's frugal.
Poorfags appreciate people who don't lose their way after becoming rich.
It may yet still be a huge issue if there were more cover ups. I continue to lament, though, as it’ll never be the same again after all this is concluded.
This. It was funny considering indiefags like to say their top shitters make way more than the evil corpos because talent freedom when Filian pulls shit like this, Veibae is monetarily carried by her rich bf and ShyLily may as well be a corpo on her own.
>ShyLily may as well be a corpo on her own
What do you mean by this? I'm genuinely curious because I don't know shit about western indies.
So I assume all those figures Filian made without permission do flips and scream "MODS" in order to establish they are in fact Filian and not Rindo ir Mint?
As her own brand, she has a TCG incoming, she partially owns Gamersupps, has a nendo and other merch, under her own LLC because yuro.
Why do /vt/ards feel the need to gatekeep every little fucking thing on no authentic basis?
Did she collab with Goodsmile too sarcastically? her not paying 7000 yen for the model pales in comparison now to how much of a shit person she is whether she paid for it, despite what comes of out of her mouth or not. Its a minor error at best if ture and would not put a dent in her immoral standing.
I see. So she's literally independent but technically and realistically has to follow corporate rules since she's a corporate entity.
Yep. Kinda why she's a bit isolated from the regular twitch vtuber community outside her immediate circle or groups she's already a part of.
Even having been on one of those FIlian dte shows didn't change that situation.
she could do the usual way for USA people to end scandals: say sorry, ask for forgiveness, and donate a huge amount of money to charity.
How the fuck did she pirate a god dam vtuber model?
She didn't, she pirated a VR chat model. The Japanese and Korean artists seem to be so isolated from the EN speaking Internet that they just never realised she was selling merch using their designs - until the GoodSmile figure.
According to herself, she ripped it out of VRChat
as a side note, I want to tunnel into Pippa's anus
Why did she never just have her own oc model commissioned with her own money?
unwrangled western women in vtubing were a mistake
Supposedly she has, she's been putting off debuting it though because she was worried her fans wouldn't like the change. Irrelevant now though.
She saw VRchat model she liked, pirated it instead of paying 50 bucks that is stated on booth page and then pirated software to facerig the model and been going like that ever since.
That's so fucking stupid, no one would have given a single fuck. 99% of her brand is her personality, she doesn't even give a shit about what she looks like, she probably doesn't give fuck all about anime aesthetics in the first place.
People latching onto this drama are losers.
Feeling heat, Filian?
She is done. Japanese nationalists are calling for a total ban on all major chan sites. It's officially jowarida for this grifting bitch. Let this be a lesson for all greedy western whores. You are replaceable. You are only as useful as you are entertaining. Gura will always be the EN goat.
>schizo rambling unconnected with Filian being a fucking retard
Is this a bot?
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Where the fuck do women hang out on this board?
Never cared for that Fillian chick but dramafaggots make her sound pretty punk-rock and anonpilled, hope all goes well for her in the end
>Filian comited copyright theft and lied to 2 of the artists she stole from,lied to good smile company how she owned the model because of trannies
/flip/ you ok? Are you snorting some sort of drugs?
This board has the second or third highest number of women (actual biological ones) outside of /soc/ and /cgl/. Most of /NijiEN/ are women, a lot of /nenmen/ are women, there a quite a few women in /MANS/ - there are a few Femgoons and Femwhisps in their respective generals. Quite a few of the anons in /asp/ are women.

And that's just the native ones, not including the refugees from Nyfco.
>he thinks the debut model was ever real
i don't speak english is this a big deal?
>showing anime episodes illegally on stream
That would be correct.
Western culture does not give a shit about copyright. We care about fucking over the little guy.
A cancelled figure from a big name Japanese company for one
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Jingo is gonna sue the pants off of Filian
I always figured that women were all over /cgl/ and /soc/, probably the drawing boards as well, but it's weird that they hang around here too.

The more you know.
>We care about fucking over the little guy.
No one cares about that. West is entirely about everyone advocating for themselves and the rich people win every time because they can just buy out the people in control.
/vt/ is literally a gossip and drama board
Of course women love it here
Yeah because she is admitting she stole the model meaning she has no right to any sort of monetization while she was using the model
tl;dr she has to pay everything she earned
She make millions and don't pay takes like that fat whore CCP bootlicker and China lover dokiebird.>>80068609
So just read she also defrauded a company by selling plushies too. She didn't inform them she didn't have the rights. Jingo can sue for those monetary damages. They can sue her for fraud. That's a felony. This bitch is not only stupid, she's also a fucking criminal.
Yes, she's basically done. I don't think there's any vTuber out there who has stolen art assets and survived. She'll have to close down Filian and get a new paid model, preferably something Live2D that she can't use with VR so people don't just come back and harass her for her past life.
Her nendo is fucking canceled and she'll likely have to pay a settlement to the artist if not GSC for the damages since she technically made them break copyright law. It's one thing if it's two independent creators having a disagreement, but there's corporate money involved here
>CCP bootlicker and China lover dokiebird
Complete bullshit nijinig
Honestly? I'm glad the Internet has finally matured enough that people can be held responsible for their piracy. I remember just 10 years ago people would openly brag about pirating games, share pirate streaming links, and have threads just sharing pirated manga raws. Now that the culture has evolved to recognizing the innate value in the labour of the artist who work on such things I hope we can shame people into actually paying for things they enjoy and getting artists the value they deserve.
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Any post including
>always win baybeee
>crosslinking to /trash/
Are shitposts, and never particularly funny ones.
You're assuming Filian is vtuber savvy enough to do any of that. The fact that none of her inner circle knew enough to warn her says a lot too. Filian is not a vtubers vtuber, she's someone who latched onto it by sheer accident.
peak delusion from our sisters. lmao
It really does feel like a lot of seething troons and sisters over this. Too much glee for just the usual yab drama. Feels like a bunch of Twitter faggots mad at her for making a St. Floyd joke jumping at their chanch to go after her.
Is all the moral grandstanding because people hate the flip bitch or what
Doesn't change what's going to happen to her. The audience will abandon her same way they abandoned Mikeneko, Elira, etc.
It's why you see the same pattern of nonsense and deliberately trying to frame it as super serious or beyond fucked or whatever.
She streams in Bilibili Holozhangs lovers of China. Like some of Indonesia brown vtubers in Hololive.
She doesn‘t ESL retard
Please link to a single stream Doki has ever done on Bilibili, or any evidence of her expressing any desire to stream there. You can't because you're a retarded ESL threadshitter who became confused seeing other large indies taking part in that major EN Bilibili event - which Doki didnt.
Woman fuck off /vt/ is for males
its the weekly 'artists outrage bandwagon.' i swear these mentally ill fuckers are always working themselves into a frenzy over some shit on twitter. they're like wasps, once they see one start stinging they all start getting in their shots in to show everyone they're a real artist who totally cares about issues and stuff.
very generous of you to call them "people"
The funny thing is she's not even a flip, providing that none of these people have the slightest interest in vtubers.
Was talking about her shitty acrobatics but honestly kinda assumed she‘s some kind of asian mutt cause all western vtubers are
Your oshi got caught red-handed committing copyright infringement
Kill yourself slurping consoomer.
Lots of modern products don't deserve any money because they are out on a mission to destroy the mediums.
Why do you think this is international? All she needs to do is get booth (which is pixiv) to apply pressure to youtube and twitch japan. GSC has already pulled out.
Why would that matter? Is her audience Japanese? Probably two view video too.
Holo will never collab with her again
Good? I don't care about her? It's just hate is so overblown and you are trying to make it a big thing, when in reality it isn't really that big of a deal.
They never did you piece of shit faggot monkey negro laplus dick
I wonder if there ever is any hard numbers on the male to female ratio on all the boards here
She said she's going to collab with Nerissa though? Do you not even watch her streams or something?
That collab is not happening.
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>Cancelled stream yet again
But you guys said itwas nothingburger!!!
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you got them, sister!
Her PC is broken you stupid shitlord
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Rangeban SEA.
>Didn't even in her chat
It was a fucking HDMI this time lmao
Sadly it's a well-known fact that HDMI cables are impossible to source and require a very long and expensive shipment from a specialized factory
It's her vr hdmi cable, which ironically is proprietary crap and very fragile due to how dense the cable is.
That being said, she has multiple cables from buying multiple headsets, so she's lying about not being able to stream.
Filian claimed it was Bao's cable that broke on the way to AX.
oh then that's even more retarded. AX staff can easily lend one if she's this frugal about not going to a walmart
Exactly, makes zero sense. If she couldn't face doing a stream today she should have just cancelled it, this just looks worse.
Because as far as I know both offended parties are foreigners, meaning that they'd have to file suit in a foreign (to them) court in order to have any chance of seeing redress. Of course they could always file in their home countries, though compelling Filian to not only appear but also comply with the court's ruling would be problematic.

It's not about whether the artists are big enough to get her blacklisted but whether artists who are big enough decide this is a big enough issue to take part in. Artists in general are very conservative regarding possible precedents that might effect their future income, and letting a well known vtuber fuck one of their own over with no consequences is the kind of thing that needs to be firmly addressed. I can't of course say what kind of backlash she'll actually face, but this is part of the worst case scenario she'll need to consider when settling with the wronged parties.
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>Her nendo is fucking canceled and she'll likely have to pay a settlement to the artist if not GSC for the damages since she technically made them break copyright law.

>Make nendo
>Doesn't investigate the material
>Does it anyways
>Yab happens
>"How it happened to us!?"
Based. I’m glad Filian “”“stole””” this artfags work. Of course he only notices when shes big and wants a piece, instead of being happy that someone else is a success. Typical artfag though. AI art will help eliminate this problem.
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>Jingo is gonna sue the pants off of Filian
>Penniless artist
>international lawsuit
pick one, retard
It’s literally an open and shut case retard
It wont affect her at all. All her fans and all her merch sales are western, All the tubers she collabs with are western. She will continue to stream on twitch and her fans wont give a shit about any of this.
Litigation expert on the scene.
/lig/fags are cancer
idk about the other artist but jingo has money. dude is one of the top 3 sellers for vrchat models on booth for a long time. if they wanted to make this a problem they can and will.

like they wouldn't even need to bring them to court. they can C&D any company selling her current merch and they could interrupt any future merch she tries to get

if i was jingo id be petty as hell and also get them banned off vrchat for not paying my model
Even if you assume she bought the model the license literally says you are forbidden to sell merch of it without authorization of the artist, so yeah it's open-and-shut
NijiJP actually feel proud for kicking out the EN scourge from NijiGTA lol
It's funny how the morons fans of this bitch are coping in this thread
>It was a joke
>It doesn't matter what the Japanese think
>The artist is too poor to be able to sue Fiilian
He won't be penniless for long lmaoo
Regardless of the JP opinion, the Western community does care about artists getting their work stolen
They are still a nolifer insects, though.
And the less they are interacted in the western internet, the better. Let them fester in their own internet until they die off due to sheer vitriol.
You do know lawyers will take up these cases for free based on getting a percentage cut of the damages right?
This is how a lot of lawyers operate.
Ok, Twitterfag.
>im baffled that it took people so long to realize
Never watched Filian, and I still knew it because it's been mentioned here so many times.
I guess almost everyone knew, but no-one cared because she wasn't selling merch off it.
>Because as far as I know both offended parties are foreigners
GSC is a Japanese company. Jingo might be Korean but said lawsuit isn't as hard as you think it might be.
Iirc those twitch leaks were earnings over multiple years, not a single year.
someone as dumb as filian is definitely getting ripped off in bugland
Just wait and see.

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