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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou

Next stream: Probably a long ER stream on SUN. No guarantees!
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNSkgCys-0M
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.

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Schejewel TBC, busy week confirmed.
MON - Elden Ring at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
TUE - Busy day - no streams
WED - Elden Ring at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
THU - -Advent- Collab - Oldschool Runescape at 8 PM EST | 5 PM PST | 9 AM JST
FRI - Lapidary at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
SAT - Busy day - no streams.
SUN - Probably able to stream. If yes, it will be a long stream. No guarantees!
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Biboo cute !
Pebblebro? You okay?
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SEEEEEEX ROCK SEX that's me on the bottom for the record
chances that when Biboo meets the rat she'll yell
at the top of her tiny lungs?
I'm not ready for Elden Wing to end...
I am
Artist name?
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>tfw Biboo will never give you a dino gacha
Living sucks.
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Going to Japan to lure Biboo back to my place with a Hansel and Gretel breadcrumb trail of dino nuggies and Vergil coasters. You pebbles want anything while I'm out?
>wizard Biboo

I kind of really want this. But I also want to see her have a magic duel with wizard Gura, ala Gandalf vs Saruman
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How does Biboo have enough time to stream and practice and meet up with multiple holomems
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she's friendpilled visitmaxxer
She's our hardworking petraprincess who deserves praise and headpats.
hory jesas ToT
Guys. Whats the best song Biboo has done so far? I want to compare her singing progress
not talking about "the best one" but she sang world is mine, meltdown, animal I have become, numb, fire inside, and others multiple times so it would be easier to do a 1:1 comparison
But the dork is always on a 50/50 between singing it seriously and singing, well, like a dork so it's not fair to compare
Not blaming her though, karaokes are supposed to be fun
California Girls :D
I like her version of Too Sweet. Instead of blasting the vocals on the chorus, her voice becomes very soft and cloyingly sweet, really matches the theme of the song. Been listening to that song a lot now and it always reminds me of Biboo.
>not listening to her version
....holy shit this is actually good. She really needs to do more stuff like this.
It's pretty standard alt rock imo, but it's a song that will definitely age better with time. Kind of like Red Hot Chili Peppers, which I would also like Biboo to sing
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i miss biboo...
For some reason this pic always makes me feel kind of sad
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there are these little programs that train twitch reflexes and aiming in general
I love that mood, very melancholic. Rock girl is all alone, her soliloquy reverberating softly through the rocky skin of her ever-silent companions...
why would i need reflexes for twitch? biboo's only on youtube
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I love Biboo!
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Its the singing I'm more focused on. And yeah, it would be even better if Biboo covered RHCP.

...... Biboo should try Under the Bridge. Lets see if anyone can guess why.
I wouldn't call it melancholic, more like saudade, like she's waving goodbye to us for the last time. There's a genuine, cheerful smile on her face, as if she knows she's not going to see us again, but she's still happy to have ever met us. The open palm hand gesture is reminiscent of ave atque vale, a greeting and a goodbye. The sunset symbolizes the end of the day, the butterflies her metamorphosis that will allow her to fly away to distant lands far from home. The stoic, stolid moai looks on but cannot respond, because wherever she is going, they cannot follow, forever attached to the rocky earth, incapable of going where she goes. They can only stare emptily into the distance, reminiscing a time that will soon be over and longing for it to return.
now i really miss biboo...
You're throwing a lot of big words at me, and I can't understand them, so I'm gonna take them as Biboo Love.
Yes, biboo love
most intlegent pebble
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Is it because Biboo smokes rocks?
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As long as it's me she's smoking I don't care.
wifi perms denied
dang it...
Chug jug is unironically strangely erotic for me.
You can't just Biboo Love when you don't understand something.
Biboo Love
Biboo love
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Biboo Love
Liboo Bove?
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I keep falling asleep around this time even when Biboo's not on because I've conditioned my body to get a two hour nap before CBT.
This is exactly me. Going to nap then figure out what to do with my life on this bibooless day.
Me three, it's funny how the ojinap became a part of my life and probably of many more /gem/lins too.
The nap is a must, you never know when she's going to go on a bender and stream for 7+ hours. Gotta be prepped and refreshed just in case.
This is why I started doing it, now I can't stop
Curse you gem child
Don't you dare curse the petraprincess, you slime. Thank the Biboo for helping you adapt to her lovely streams. Then superchat her for additional spoiling.
At AX so missing the streams till I get back. What was Biboo so excited about that she needed to YAP?
You really should hear her gush about it but in case you absolutely must know DMC cafe, she was able to get a reservation on the first day it opened and got a ton of merch
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time to see if biboo gets a nendo
As much as I'd love one and she will eventually, Promise comes first.
I can only imagine this tiny child bouncing up and down because "birgil :D"
since fwmc is hosting the panel, we may see at least them getting a nendo, there's also a chance for biboo, but hwo knows
I am surprised they cut the line, but I guess living in Japan helps. Bae next?
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I didn't want to buy a piece of plastic anyways...
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There there. It'll come in due time.
Shiori please break my pelvis
well then better start learning how to carve so you can have your own handmade marble statue of Biboo
>Summer of Advent btw
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I'm going to buy a nendo of Fuwamoco, then when the rest of Advent gets theirs, I'm going to buy it again along with two of Nerissa, Biboo, and Shiori. Then I'm going to buy a third Biboo nendo.
Don't have my dojo wide slide to kneel gif on this machine, just pretend I posted it.
This but me.
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>the rest of Advent
in 2 years like Promise
Maybe I have, I'm so drunk I can't hit a post aboive me
That's basically the norm for GSC, some model kits they announced like 2 years ago are just now coming out.
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>A two year wait causes this pebble to bweh
My elven Oshi...
What was that in reference to again?
comparing biboo to fwewen
When Biboo first announced that she was going to be taking a "break" (going to Japan) and said it was going to be an indefinite amount of time, anywhere from one week to a month. Pebbles were sad in the Fwiewen watch-a-long and saying they would have to wait for fifty years.
I appreciate that pebbles will always be there to bully Biboo.
It's almost BST, what the beep do I do?
New Biboo emotes when DANGIT
Breaking news: Pebbles thinking about Biboo basically 100% of the time
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I miss her
>Giving her a bonnet and pacifier but also fishnet gloves
What were they thinking...
Whenever biboo finishes stream sleep until the next biboo stream.
I naturally wake up at this time now to make sure shes not going to stream and will now be going back to sleep.
Goodnight I love biboo.
Actual Pebble behavior, I like it
"They" meaning Mo-mama? Probably something along the lines of "I'm gonna make my daughter the cutesexiest ever."
Why did she have to make my dick so hard...
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no anon, you mustn't post bibunny
I will breed this bunny
Alright then. I just finished brewing a cup of coffee and I was about to post my entire bibunny collection of 350 hand-picked bibunnies, but since you're against it, I'll do it another day.
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Ahhh Biboo... or some say Bijou. Do you hear our prayers?
Need a pebble inside the cage
I have no idea what this thing is
Miko's Lash.
As you once did for the vacuous Gura, grant us perms, grant us perms.
With any luck or satanic sacrifice, you'll learn what it is one day through the gem
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Posting an image for twiterless people.
not familiar with dancing, but can it really cause that much leg bruising? i haven't really heard of that happening before (asking bc i'm kinda convinced that the bruises are from her messing around with her katana for 3d)
Lots of falling can give you small bruises too, anon. She's been going HARD at her lessons, and she's a small, frail femgoblin. I also subscribe to the rrat that she'll have her 3D katana
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I want Biboo Ice Cream/Octopus merch.
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Can't wait to see the fruits of her hard work. Gonna be a great time.

Do you agree with this, saplings?
begone green (derogatory)
kek kaela has one of the best soundpostsout there
hmmmmm possible biboo appearance (prerecorded) in kiara's duo karaoke bday stream in 9 hours, I'll give it an 80-90% chance of happening
Very likely, to be fair.
A (You) for your efforts, thank you pebble
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Ah Kani, or some say cunny... do you hear our uoh's?
I'm sure there's a better joke but I'm tired.
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If she doesn't run out and immediately trip and fall on her face at her first concert my immersion will be completely broken.
Biboo cute
>tfw her bruises come from repeatedly falling until the perfect take
I hope this isn’t the case, but when she wants to do something seriously…
It was pretty good, I had a light jej
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>Ah, Bijou, or some say Biboo… Do you read our posts? As you once did for your beloved senpai, grant us cute, grant us funny! Plant brainworms in our brains, to cleanse our talc weakness.
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Dizzy? Never!..
YOU RETARD (affectionate)
we biboo here
I'm biboo here
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I'm here Biboo
I'm Biboo Biboo
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I have a mighty need
Take solace in the Biboo
Enjoy the presence of the BIboo
Do not attempt to become the Biboo
Biboo Biboo BASK
luv biboo
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Biboo doko? Biboo doko? No fun. No fun today. Biboo doko?
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Bibeanie merch when?
Designing some patches and slapping them on a beanie would be pretty simple. That or enamel pins.
kill yourself
I had a dream that an asian girl came to stay at my place and she became my gf, it was Luna not Biboo
How do we solve the sony problem at this point? Like no reason to still be stingy on perms.
i was gonna joke about doing an unarchived twitch stream series and have some type of "unofficial" archive channel but https://www.twitch.tv/kosekibijou is banned now (apparently all of advent got twitch channels made at debut time in order for no one else to impersonate them)
I dont really care if her twitch is banned but why would they even do that
Biboo needs to play this
Biboo's Omocat pickaxe t-shirt...
all sold out...
Yeah, by me. I only will wear one once and burn it
What should I expect out of the biboo skibidi toilet watchalong
that, God willing, it never happens
Brain damage equivalent to huffing 4 liters of petrol.
Actual literal brain melting. But she's going to be laughing and that's still cute
When did she mention this? I’m usually gaming while listening to her streams so I miss stuff sometimes and I’ve seen this mentioned here before.
Raora mentioned it a couple times when she was talking about her interactions with Bibs
biboo also did mention this as well i think yesterday, either that or during the previous ER stream
Oh I see, thanks! The confusion in chat is going to be hilarious
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good morning my fellow pedophi- pebble piles.
Literally me
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I’m not gonna sugarcoat it: I am inflamed with sexual desire toward this rock
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My wife!
Artist name?
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Unlike those sugarcoated feet amirite?
Don't make me think of those delicious candy feet
Don't think about them, they're already in my mouth
.....she's becoming more like her senpai. She's the rising kid who is aiming to match the very best. I will keep cheering this rock
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long Biboo stream today?
Biboo just jumpscared Kiara!
You missed seductive Biboo singing happy birthday. She was rock hard
>now I have to wait for Kiara to end
I'm gonna bweh...
turns on DVR for all streams so you can just rewind.
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Grindstone off collab on the 12th July
I can't find /gsh/ so I'm sorry if I post here. Wtf? Kaela is in japan and she met and went shopping with Biboo already?
how is that surprising?
Well I was listening to Kaela shilling this moba while doing work and suddenly she said that she's in japan and has been with Biboo in the last four days.
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>and has been with Biboo in the last four days
Nice, I'm happy for them!
Suika game off-collab IKZ!
you need to watch your oshi more
I knew she was already in Japan just from this thread
Knocking up the Biboo. Making her a mommy.
Yeah, mine.
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>speedrunning in the wrong direction
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God fucking dammit I missed Biboo because I tried to stay up all night...
Biboo went to collect her tax IRL just like the IRS...
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Why is all of Bijou's porn trash quality?
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>Wanted to post how much I love Biboo
>Just realize I already posted the same pic earlier in the thread
Biboo SOON!
Love me some rock

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