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Previous: >>80082830
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

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There was already that in JAV and with the added bonus the girl is a professional.
Pettan too, the whole shebang.
Hell if I remember, none of my favorite PPPD, GAS and similar mega huge tits ones so I didn't really save
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When are we getting Atlantis outfit ver. Gura nendo? Why the fuck don't they want money?
What are you going to do?
Cry about it? Piss your pants? Maybe shit and cum?
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Zeta here to guarantee gigi becomes the runt
I will be very angry, holokek
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She's not french. Japan Expo is in France. She'll be cosplaying there too.
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>and figure while the rest of Advent didn't get
Promise isn’t getting the pop up parade either
so holofags are trying too get Filian cancelled because she rivals gura in popularity? that's some niji sis behavior
why is irys white
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>nijiniggers and /lig/gers btfo once again
Feels good to be a HoloCHAD
>mikeneko posting that
Please tell me that's not herself cosplaying and she just reposted some other random Rushia cosplayer
Gigi is literally asking for it
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the KFP are not happy
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>will also accept biboo themed pet rock
Cry less
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>holofags are trying too get Filian cancelled
She is facing the legal consequences of her actions, holofags are not involved in any way
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I finally have a good source of income after 3 years. It is destiny for me to buy Mumei's nendo and birthday merch this year.
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You know when she hits 1M in her mike account she'll wish to be back and Cover will have to oblige, right?
It's like collecting the seven dragon balls, she'll be back and you all will SEETHE!
you forgot the adventrix getting btfo too sans the ruffians
Haven't seen this level of meltdown in a while
case in point >>80090804
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Theyre still trying it even now kek
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>sisters are now trying with "popup parade" after their main shitpost failed miserably
lol it's literally all holo pfps trying too cancel her on twitter
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I'm going to go searching for it now. Also holy shit that is a good cosplay. This thread has the best cosluts.
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Based blueeyes.png grudgeposter
>it's ok when michael jackson does it
Promise runs this thread
I checked the 3 promise splits up for their reactions (rrat and uuu are hibernating)
Only /HiRyS/ had a few minor complaints in between the FWMC and Promise announcements...which was weird because IRyS almost accidentally leaked her Nendo in her membership stream last night so if anything they should have been the least worried
How does that relate to what I asked?
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flipping through the SUMMER JAM VoD, I just realized that NijiEN girl gens can't perform any of their first orisongs in full, original squad
that's kind of sad, all things considered
Why do you this shit?
Why link one perfectly normal post next to the shitposting?
Or are you saying just posting the fwmc figure here is shitposting
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That’s why it’s full of retards that can’t analyze numbers
>buy Mumei's nendo this year
yeah about that
none of these nendos are going to be ready for purchase in 2024
might not even be ready in 2025
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>This thread has the best cosluts.
Amusingly, this thread is pretty much the blackhold of this board.
Any worthy thread that needs a refuge
>like /become/, "cosplay thread", "/horni/", "/uoh/" and, of course, "/uuu/"
finds a home here.
They were likely /hiRyS/ resident falseflaggers.
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>calls the Promise OP a faggot
>not shitposting
I legit think that's probable. Like I said before, Fuwamoco are running on what amounts to an extended Flavor of the Month. They don't have the necessary personality or skills to keep up that momentum when Cover stops shilling them.
whats even more sad is that without luxiems tapping into the fujo market boosting their numbers nijien would have been givent he nijiid and nijikr treatment due to being failures
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JWU, did Hololive win?
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NTA but the second guy didn't do any of that
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Has won, is winning, will continue to win
you sound like a jealous woman
There was not even any win to be had there, but sisters jumped the gun and gave Hololive a free win
What the fuck are you talking about? >>80090756 didn't call the Promise OP a fag you mindbroken moron
Filename gives the second one away
Think Michael Cat misses paradise and wants back?
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Gura you motherfucker. Stop posting on /baubau/ and post on /#/ instead. Also, why the fuck didn't they show your illust on stream? And do a twitterspace onegai I miss you...
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I mean how many years that fucking nendo is stuck in limbo? It's basically at the same stage 1+yr later
That's just a generic iphone filename
They’re getting busier and busier… I hope you Kys before the rest of their projects are revealed
Fuwamoco is the most hated chuuba on vt.
What the fuck are you talking about? He's a shitposter because he has an iphone?
first time dealing with a GSC release cycle?
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Keep seething sister.
Sure thing, nijinigger.
>your oshi gets 1 merch piece instead of 2 now please seethe
NTA but unironically yes
and they still don't even get 10% of the hate they deserve
fucking over their genmates like this is not ok
Reminder: Ruffians are groomers.
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Asmon reacts to Gura Dodgers
Also,it seems like Asmon Reddit Mods are deleting any post about Fillian Drama
>He's a shitposter because he has an iphone?
There is a strong correlation, yes.
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don't use my moom for your shitposting, faggot
flavor of the month doesn't get extended this long and through a multiple month break, stop coping
reality of the situation for anyone who's seen how GSC works, is that there's usually one person working on each individual figure and they report to the CEO for their progress and any changes
and they have more than just one they're working on
Nijinigs are all riled up. I see
When did Gura got her nendo and pop up?
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Gigi is doing pretty well surprisingly
She knows how to yap
It doesn’t matter what /#s think, the only thing that matters is the sales numbers for FWMC Cover share with their partners
So you're just a shitposter like the other guy you were "calling out"
I saw you pull that shit last thread too. Grouping regular posts with shitposters
>Fuwamoco are running on what amounts to an extended Flavor of the Month
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Nice collection of organic posts you got there anon
I can see why someone might be annoyed
>dont call out antis
Kill yourself parasite
I guess I'll watch it
isn't he part of mythic?
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Gigi confirming that membership openings will not be a relay
>Gigi doesn't know when they can open up members
>Justice is not planning on opening memberships together
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Fake it until you make it, sis.
And by it, I mean Watamage's hex
Explain how >>80090756 is an anti
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fwmc figures
promisse figures
infinite line for merch
sisters malding
good times
Not all phoneposters are automatically antis. Some of them, I assume, are good people.
That's a lot less grim than I was expecting. Still both her and pasta cat made so retarded decisions today.
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>one post and one reply to it
thank you for your report.
He's the owner of Mythic isn't he kek
What about moc- I mean advent?
No one stated their oshi so watamage cannot intact her retribution.
So is the NijiEN nendo announcement going to be tomorrow?
I actually think it's because she's not attempting to read the dialogue out loud. It's kinda keeping it from dragging
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Good, they are catering 3 different timezones between RR, CC/erb and GG the monetization relay is retarded enough memberships is for stream watchers
>replying to the promise OP
>replying specifically to Promise posts
If you cant see that its a shitposter baiting for holo vs holo you might need to consume cyanide
He's Mythic's Yagoo. Even hired False as his answer to homos.
he is the owner/leader or some shit of Mythic also OTK
Fungus covid status?
nijien is announcing anyone can come pick up the elira statue if they can haul it
look at the linked images and use your brain to infer the attempted shitpost after
happened last thread, retard
One ounce of originality please..
Yeah, she's giving chat attention while the dialogue plays on
I'm assuming you are autistic and not a threadshitter: the Fuwamoco post is trying to one up the Promise nendo posts by "rubbing it in" that the dogs have a PUP figure.
>fucking over their genmates like this is not ok
What are they supposed to do? Tell GoodSmile they are not accepting the offer?
That's why I said minor yes. In the end basically nothing compared to the shitposting elsewhere on this board.
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Then why are they getting groomed by Fuwawa?
Being skinwalked by his manager to show up in Vox's 3D since he's too crippled to be able to fly to Japan
>he's an anti because he replied to the OP with another image of the announcement
fucking delusional
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>replied to the OP
NTA but check his other replies
Shut up. Only promise mattered, Adventkeks sit the fuck down.
It's probably the shitposter himself
Why are ritual posters even a thing? I could understand if they existed to keep the bump order down or extend a thread out a little longer once it reaches page 10, but all they REALLY end up being is fodder you have to scroll past at the start of every thread. But unlike anchor posts like in here and certain niche generals they don't have any value on their own. Sometimes it's neat to see which ritual posters keep it up over weeks and eventually months but for the most part they all serve the same purpose of removing an image slot and making it harder to do archive reps.
it's good that her chat moves like a fucking snail, means i can groom her
This is why Adventrix should stay in global.
Update: Gigi is hard simping for Sandy
so true sister
Sisters can't catch a break
After a full day of being mocked over le retard de vox akuma's shit numbers and the 3D live flop, they thought they had something here
GG is basically masturbating on stream
This girl has huge fat tits in other images she posted. Is she using those prosthetics that can be worn like a vest?
So if someone makes a Fuwamoco thread op and I reply with another girl to it I'm an anti?
you're ALL retarded
>promise vs advent
shoo shoo
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Is it true that HololiveEN is beating NijisanjiEN? I don't believe it and would like to see a lot of graphs proving it, not that anyone could prove something so CRAZY and DELUSIONAL of course!
no shit?
As much as I'm utterly tired of Sandalphon (just fucking add him already on Versus so his fan can shut the fuck up) Gigi simping for him is really cute.
check neck/shoulders, if they are always covered that's a yes the seams are hard to hide
It's mostly attention whoring. You want to be "the guy" in the thread.
Can I live post about the next fuwamoco stream here too or is that "anti" behavior?
Pakifag your english..
Are you high lmao? The Vox 3D was a hit and so was the live event. NijiEN fans are eating good this weekend, meanwhile half of HoloEN can't be bothered to stream and... Let's see here... Oh right, you got scammed into watching baseball for a prerecorded song.
Op purposely left out fwmc's nendo, what do you think?
Nothing is fucking stopping you but no one actually cares about FWMC here which is why all this shit is just clear shitposters
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Yes, and?
Do we even have ritual posters here? I only know Kanade poster
Man I was wondering why Holo Nendos and figures would cause this much seethe, then I forgot miload's 3D was a thing that happened today
>sub 40k
Yeah, now it's coming together.
extended to a year?
>no one actually cares about FWMC here
yeah... this is not just you having a melty right?
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No, I'm saying you should have checked these two promise images that weren't the OP and that he replied to for no reason
In the end I don't personally care between FWMC getting pop up parades is also nice and there's clearly a few people being butthurt on both sides instead of being happy for everyone
Anyone can livepost anything here, just don't complain if no one responds to it.
>holofags gettingmad that there is favoritism in hololive
>redirect to nijisanji
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GG unironically cumming on stream
>he replied to for no reason
This is the most fucking autistic reason possible to call someone a shitposter
In the end all you did was fuel retards like >>80092048 who don't represent this thread at all
does someone have an updated list of most SC holos? Just EN is fine, but preferably a list for all the branches.
Anyone else notice a steep decline in Hololive cosplayers? They used to be everywhere.
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A shame nendos can't capture Promise' in their full glory
akutan hangers....
Keep trying, nijinigger.
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The Korone of Niji EN
holy booba
Sister please, you lost, give it up
Millie already replaced...
>just don't complain if no one responds to it
I mean some guy is having a meltdown because someone replied to the wrong post with an image
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How do we get fanartists to make this a thing?
You fags never fucking livepost them unless it's FWMC morning and even that's becoming more rare. Stop bullshiting.
idol diaper...
Anon consider why he would be replying to those Promise images other than to continue the shitposting from the previous thread
That said I'm not the guy who was sperging out about it in the first place, I told you that I don't care and I think it's nice that it was posted for people who missed it
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All you need to know is that Mori is #1
sister you stick out like the Vox cosplayer in the niji booth photo
>you guys never livepost them unless it's the stream they do three times a week
GG is gonna fap to gremurins doing yumebait dances at her meet and greets...
This is not even Kobo level
Oh oh, the nijinigger is having a melty.
uh oh melty
Please do, I don't want to have to go to /baubau.
why is the small bae the most fuckable out of all 10
>The Vox 3D was a hit
>Mogged by all Promise
>Was some cringe shit because he sees himself as a movie director
>So was the live event
>Not even 12K
>They can't sing nor dance for shit

holy sweet mother of seething lol
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uh oh
Sister is melting down
/baubau/ is melting down
So... Why does this board want me to hate Nijisanji again?
The mask comes off, though honestly it was never on in the first place
>no ????????????????????????????
isn't 40k pretty good for niji? All of their other "events" struggle to beat a fucking tree stream
>Anon consider why he would be replying to those Promise images other than to continue the shitposting from the previous thread
Probably for the reason >>80092024 stated would be my guess. Which means you could consider the OP an anti too using the logic of if someone posts an image of x while ignoring y they are an anti
>actual meltdown
roru if you hurt yourself please post pictures you gay ass retard
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>t. sister
So that's it? holoEN loses just like that?
I ALWAYS livepost fwmc streams here because I refuse to stay in /baubau/ or global
kek looks like I was spot on
don't OD on estrogen now, ok?
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Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
I've seen more and more cosplayers start to use AI to make them look like naturals now
the OP is a screenshot from the stream. was he supposed to stitch it with a FWMC screenshot?
My Oshi can probably buy your inbred village lol lmao
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Real talk at what point will people like you admit you just don't want to watch this stuff? It's fine to say that, no one will argue against your decision to just not tune into a 3D performance. But to straight up mischaracterize all of it and lie so brazenly while acting as though you're the authority is an extremely bad look, it shows you prioritize your bigotry over just allowing others to enjoy things. NijiEN fucked up, yes, this is indisputable, but they had a good day today and this is reflected in the general sentiment. So why diminish it so adamantly when you know you're full of shit? It makes zero sense at all.
nogs be nogging today
oh nyo sister what's up? are you dilating by chance?
>my Gura gets ANOTHER scale figure
The goddess of victory blesses all on this wonderful Holoday
Reminder that "funposting" has never ever been fun.
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yeah it's only really easy to spot if they are uploading shorts/tik toks
Huh they did something today?
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I propose cunnyposting to scare the sisters away
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how did hololive win AX weekend without even really participating in it?
>the general sentiment.
You, your discord and the bots you buy are not the "general sentiment"
Nijimonkeys are shit eater and they will suck off whatever shit you put in their plates
>left out
The OP is just a screenshot from the stream, you know as well as I do that it's just whoever makes it first, unless there was a shot where they were all together
Anyway it's just butthurt people getting butthurt at other people at this point, all of you just shut the fuck up
Are you for real?
>Anons all go silent the moment someone makes an unbiased take
>"Erm let's p-post the usual, th-that will make them stop..."

Actually pathetic. You can't even attempt to rationalize this as anything but kneejerk hate.
and the reply was an image of the announcement
what is your point? because mine was that it's insane to try to grasp a straws to find anti behavior where there isn't anything solid
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Someone post this from the first half of this year, if that's what you mean.
If you mean all time haven't seen any data like that for a while. A lot of trackers get pretty inaccurate when you go back that far
>niji sub-human are happy about under-performing 3D slop and some shitcanned concert
be happy all you want retard i'll just keep laughing at you
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>Real talk at what point will people like you admit you just don't want to watch this stuff?
bro even sisters aren't watching their organs
>But to straight up mischaracterize all of it and lie so brazenly while acting as though you're the authority is an extremely bad look, it shows you prioritize your bigotry over just allowing others to enjoy things.
What are you rambling about?
MUH BIGOTS? Shut the fuck up retard.
Post your holo merch or shut the fuck up already
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GG acts and feels just like one of my fujo friends. I've seen what she has saved on her phone as she scrolled through her images to show me a meme or a photo of her hamsters and it makes me think about the shit GG probably has saved.
who are you even talking about?
Bigger mindchair = win, so yes, Holo won with their biggest event not even taking place on AX
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For me it's the usual combo of Fauna/Mumei/IRyS
And extra Fauna to keep in box for a rainy day
Bad news. She was natural in the Rushia photo...then recently had breast augmentation...her mediums were perfect.
Calm down, please.
Stop acting stupid, please.
NTA but that would apply if the guy replied to only the OP instead of the other Promise images. It would be like if someone posted the Gura and Mori figures in response to someone posting Kiara images.
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I'm not the one calling everybody an anti. Post yours
She's pretty gross and unfit for Hololive, yeah
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Chu chuuuuuu
You are being a bigot right now. People were happy to see both 3Ds today and you are attacking them for simply expressing that. You need to take a look at yourself and self-reflect if you think you can keep it up forever. At some point NijiEN will need to be assessed without constant unending hate from you guys.
>It would be like if someone posted the Gura and Mori figures in response to someone posting Kiara images.
Just to be clear you're saying that would be anti behavior? Because that's insane.
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None of you retards have explained exactly why the concert is bad besides "they didn't sell enough tickets" and "muh numbers" you just hurl random insults, post images of Tazumi looking sad, call people "sister", and say "WELL THE 3D IS JUST SHIT OK NIJISEETHE" The more you flip your shit and claim everything Niji does is "THE WORST EVER!!!" the less actual humans are going to take you seriously
go back to xitter, zhister
based and same
>the nendos actually mindbroke the sisters
between their dead concert, their meatloaf and Hololive bodying them at AX and the Baseball event
those little figures were the straw breaking the camel's back lol
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oh no no the nijicuck is actually having a melty
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Being a bigot is based actually
It would be obvious bait especially after the shitfest last thread
kys faggot holo thread holo board deal with it
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Speaking of his 3D, is there a reason why the hololyzer archive page is broken for it? Found this in the archives >>80058079, but the link to the source is broken
>Page: https://hololyzer.net/2j3j/archive/superchat/ycqL0XfFpPE.html
>StreamingList page: https://hololyzer.net/2j3j/channel/UCckdfYDGrjojJM28n5SHYrA.html
Link from the streaminglist page doesn't work either.
>None of you retards have explained exactly why the concert is bad besides "they didn't sell enough tickets"
>Retard explaining it in his own post
Your Oshi won't even get a cent from a concert she worked on LMFAO
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If someone deliberately seeks out Kiara posters in the thread and replies to them with the Gura/Mori figures then it's clear they're Kiara antis lmao. Come on now don't act dumb.
they don't give a fuck they already have four 300 dollar figures set for release and everyone up to Noctyx has nendo knockoffs
>rosemi pic
>most retarded shit ever
your oshi deserve her fate I guess, you don't get to play the innocence card after all the shit you shoveled on the board for years
someone give me a link to the concert i do actually want to watch it
Then I'm sorry but I don't want to share a board with you. I don't want you in this space. You think I'm being ironic but for being on the VTUBER BOARD you seem awful committed to shutting out any and all discussion about VTUBERS you personally dislike, since it's the cool & hip thing to do.

You're honestly the kind of person who should be banned since you basically break the board's rules, but since you're a protected class you can be as much of a bigoted creep as you want. It's just not fair anymore, not everything needs to be a dick-measuring contest or fuel for hateful shitposts. Act like an adult, for once in your life.
Go back to your doxxhole sister
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Where the fuck do you think you are retard
but that's not the same context of this thread
Filian cancelled the stream again. The excuse this time is even more retarded.
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GG is not doing XIV story content on stream thank fuck. She understands that if she's engaged with the story she won't be able to zatsu.
You faggots are the lolcow company of the vtubing world, why do you think you are entitled to genuine discussions? after years of antiying and shitting on Hololive, even before EN was a thing, rope yourself
>has nendo knockoffs
sister unironically go back to your safe spaces or grow a thicker skin, your oshi and her/his company are the cloaca of the vtubing sphere
NijiEN will be dead long before anyone will ever "assess" it.
What rule do I break with my bigotry?
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>gg xiv
remember when biboo played it once and never touched it again
I want to fuck her.
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She just talked about talking to Biboo about it so we might see another bibs XIV stream in collab form
I mean, you saw how they reacted before the Promise nendos were announced. They were literally camping here waiting to threadshit, at least a dozen of them.
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>didn't even start yet
ruffians are severely mentally and nobody can convince me they are not
nice censor bar...
The normies are revolting
I'm upset that Fauna didn't stream
>hdmi cable hort
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get lost nijinigger
Thank God for the censor. This is advertiser friendly now!
>it's ok when fwmc does it!
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The nendo announcement after so long helps, and I'm watching past Fauna to help with the pain
from yen to usd thats about 40 bucks i think
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Well yeah? FWMC are trying to be the next Rushia
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Why do you come here to get mindbroken xitter it's seriously sad to see.
>trying to be the next Rushia
good hopefully they graduate soon
Amazing bait. Bravo.
Why do you care if they're dead or not, anon? Could it be you can't just enjoy your own oshi without shitting on others? That's the definition of bigotry, I'm not gonna repeat myself but you can't just pretend you aren't guilty of that.
Look at all the anons posting loli on cooldown as if that's a counter-argument. You guys are acting like the little children in this scenario, throwing a literal tantrum.
Why do you think FWMC get all these opportunities? They groomed their pay puppies into spending on them
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>You faggots are the lolcow company of the vtubing world, why do you think you are entitled to genuine discussions? after years of antiying and shitting on Hololive, even before EN was a thing, rope yourself

>Antiing and shitting on Hololive
Hololive fans do this more than anyone lmao, it's your fault you're too autistic to detect falseflags even when 75% of your own posts are troll posts
Gotta support your oshi
The context of this thread was Promise vs FWMC shitposting and none of it was about spreading info since the Gura/Mori scale figures never got posted.
>You are being a bigot right now. People were happy to see both 3Ds today and you are attacking them for simply expressing that.
I was pointing out the ridiculous amount of seethe and brought up a niji 3D's numbers on the number thread as the potential cause.
Then I was proven correct.
>At some point NijiEN will need to be assessed without constant unending hate from you guys.
I don't have any expectations from NijiEN whatsoever. The majority of their fans and their streamers alike have shown themselves to be consistently horrible for 3 years now(longer if we consider JP nijinogs).
There's no need to continue extending an olive branch to people who have made it clear from nijiEN's beginning that they despise my oshis. You have nobody to blame but yourselves.
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Don't be fooled and respond with racism. Sisters love baiting off-topic and racist replies so they can mass report anons.
I will never get why their success generate so much seethe. It doesn't even affect you lol.
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I love them the most
Shitting on Niji is just a time honored tradition. I don't make the rules. Go ask the mods to make a board for Nijisanji discussion if you're that upset about it. Because Hololive is the singular reason /vt/ even exists.
Who gives a shit about some toys? nijiEN is on track to get 3 EN golds in a row. holoEN can't compete with them any more.
How come whenever NijiEN has any amount of success it affects you so much?
>none of it was about spreading info since the Gura/Mori scale figures never got posted
So you have to post everybody or else you're shitposter? See now we're back to the "op is an shitposter"
Wow stop crying anon you're a grown ass man
dios mio
Calm down newfag sis
They aren't THAT retarded to get themselves fired
>he says when nijiniggers eat each other all the time and even attack their own organs over shit like starbucks and "yo mama" jokes
as i said, fucking lolcows lmfao
She did a late stream yestereday and she barely ever streams on saturdays
Are you a fucking newfag?
Mindbroken rosebud dont worry i will impregnate you
GG is hilarious. Your friend is just horny, which is based. You will understand when your balls drop.
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>xhe is melty kek
Not your hugbox retard
No wonder your own livers hate your kind sister. All the Vox rage and all the Vanta hate from your kind.
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Womp womp.
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so how many of you are incapable of enjoying shit if it doesn't get huge numbers? Just curious
I think that 15 seconds of silence really mindbroke a lot of retards, and the weeb dogs continued success makes their blood boil
Ruffians...save your money for the figmas...it's not like FWMC are selling Gura tier amounts of merch
Kinda want to fuck anon's fujo friend...
This is why FWMC gets Nendos in their first year and Promise didn't. Promisefags are all talk.
keep dancing it's hilarious
That's cool I don't care she should stream more
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idk why but this Moom screencap reminded me of this dog from FF XIII
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>Rosemid Midlock
We are enjoying GG right now.
None of them. Even Hololive diehards, despite being objectively "on top" need constant validation through numberfagging. They infight and do holo vs holo all the time, meanwhile you almost never see this with other corpos because it has no bearing on the quality of the content.
What did Raora do
aww someones lost, poor thing
>Promise gets nendos after 8 months
>Advent nothing after 11
>nyfco tards acting like they have any kind of moral high-grounds
It's funny how Ruffians have already forgiven FWMC for taking basically two weeks off and cancelling their 20th stream. In fact the baubaus have been given a naked dogeza by their entire fanbase, bending over backwards to appease the dogs as if they didn't fuck up at all.
This thread talks about Fauna all the time. What's your point?
FFXIV with her non-holo friends already. Granted it's not as bad as GG going on twitch, but it's still something she should have avoided so early on.
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The fps fags in the EN side also dont watch variety? The highest VSPOen girl that is borderline 4 view is only getting half of her ccv in this gen collab of theirs. Grim
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Cute girls = GOOD
Whores = BAD
fauna has one of the highest CCVs in HoloEN, what's your point?
Nobody cares go back to /baubau/
eww disgusting
Was ALL OUT WAR the starting gun for open hostility towards NijiEN on this board, or was it simply a byproduct of it?
>samefagging now
it was funny earlier, but now it's just pathetic
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>unironically mindbroken sister
The 3D what ever nijiniggers got didn't do well huh?
Fuck off
based jellyposter
Success breeds jealousy sister
It's been a thing since before /vt/
Nobody likes Nijiniggers
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Delicious seethe sister
seethe forever sister
I hope she show more skin
You seem genuinely upset that NjiEN fans are happy at all. Do you need to take a break from the Internet?
Actual melty lmao
I'm starting to suspect the threadshitters are caught in a feedback loop because this is the most Fuwamoco has been discussed in months.
Fucking pebblekeks are crying like always.
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Noel never disappoints
Sub 40K
Why are you in # instead of /nijien/, sis?
>the figmas
>thursday didn't happen
seethe sister
I would love my Oshi even if she was a 3view
Nijicunts deserve nothing no matter the numbers they get
forgiven for what?, protecting our smiles, if that is the case they are forgiven because i never stop smiling, i look like the joker thanks to that and im happy.
figma balls
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kill yourself
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Hololive dodgers cards now priced at least $600.
Those scalpers know Nips autismo on collecting shits
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Kek. If you are happy you wouldn't have to justify it here. On /#/ of all place. What a retard.
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>these numbers got figures
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>meanwhile you almost never see this with other corpos because it has no bearing on the quality of the content.
>anon memoryholing the nijijp crab game drama
I didn't see you step in to get your friends in line when they were Fulgurposting before the Promise announcement. nijjers will never be tolerated here.
Mumei should play 400 hours of ffxiv
>4 minutes
Notice how the anti-Niji spam has stopped...
>4 years
>Still no nendoroids
they should ask the homos for it
>Sisters cope that Niji is improving for weeks
>Niji crumbles even more
>Holo wins day after day
>Sisters seethe because their doxxsite is dead
Kek no wonder there's so much holo vs holo nowadays
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>Doing a 3D reveal at a con meet and greet
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Uhh filiantomos? Your oshi is trying to hdmi cable hort as an excuse to avoid streaming
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Ain as well never disappoints
>shit on Promise
>get BTFO
>starts crying
the fucking jews of vtubing everybody
>noooooo my semi retired oshi has a higher median of peak ccv than them how could this happen
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Why do faggots lie and spread misinformation?
Ligma nendo
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I can post this as long as I never reply to any promise girls right?
I've never shat on anyone in my entire time using this board, if anything I've spent more time trying to understand your bigotry than even criticizing other vtubers.
How much money does Brave have? lmao
Even they have their girls with good 3D before Niji
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But then you will get no (you)...
Also where's the nendo?
>ruffians bought bots for the bragging stream
this is pathetic
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No wonder sisters have to resort to holo vs holo.
>rosemi 11k
>dogs 5k
She's got some boobies if you know what I mean
>gura card costs 1/3 of the pekora one
lmao EN shitters getting a dose of reality
You support shitstains that are well contented to stay and work in a company full of unironic bullies that pushed people to try and kill themselves
Don't talk to me about biggotry you fucking sub-human ape
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>But then you will get no (you)
I never get (You)s actually
2 days 2 stream canceled, nice. Yagoo was on a panel with the boss of GSC today, does Cover know that Nerissa has a scheduled collab with Filian soon?
Show Meloco.
>Holo vs Holo
Who is doing that? Pointing out flaws in one specific holomem is different and you know it, stop putting words in people's mouths.
The jelly nigger gets it.
Oh, I'm talking to an ESL after all. And you call me a monkey?
just post it in /lig/
they'll have a good laugh
get new material sister, everyone knows you've been doing this for a long time and no one believes it
was it fun wasting tens of thousands of mommy and daddy's money for trolling attempts that went nowhere on a mongolian basket weaving forum?
KEK literally this
>Fuwawa spent all her sister money on figures when they were kids
ESL making more money than your Oshi lol
didn't she have a scheduled collab with Selen around the end of december?
2% Mococo cut is the lifelong tradition.
Hdmi hort, kek.
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One more dream achived
gura was the reason pekora got a dodgers card in the first place lol
So true I totally don't watch streams. Go ahead and call me an anti again for posting about FWMC in the thread
don't cry so hard sister you're ruining your makeup
Gura was just a guest. Suisei was the star of the show. They played her songs during the drone show.
>HDMI cable hort
kek, right
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forgot my pic
>shifting to EN vs JP
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They don't need bots when they have fans like this. I don't think they care much about CCV.
Why is Mococo such a baby?
who is we?
>claims that sisters defend gura
baffling post
This shit is disgusting.
Nice try Ennacuck
Congrats to them. And also they’re trying to reach their listed goals and not just cruise by and leave them as just a list.
she's just emotional ok
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no one said that sister, but watching streams or membering doesn't mean anything
if anything you lab specimens have the most watch time since you look for anything to shitpost and derail with, your desperation is well documented
I'm definitely gonna buy the FUWAMOCO figures. What's the best site to buy them from? I've previously used Hobby Search. Is that still a good one?
Anon, objectively, Gura was the star. She got to sing the dodgers anthem at the fucking dodgers stadium, she was in the center of the promo art etc. Suisei definitely shone as well in the drone part. I'm sad to say but I have no idea what the fuck Pekora's part was.
2 Rushias make the heart go wild
Like clockwork. It's so funny to see sisters seething everytime holo wins.
but why
This is bad actually because >muh parasocial
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These are the paypig clique in /baubau/ kek.
>touch noel's floofies
fwmctomos? why is sexually harrasing in that list??
idk i think they like their jobs or some cringe shit
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FWMC talking about how mamapuppy enabled their degeneracy
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>no one said that
except you
>supporting your oshi is disgusting
We know nijinigs would really spend money on anything BUT their oshi, as evidenced by this thread-- where they use their welfare money on bots to try and fuel shitposting(and fail).
Just go to the good smile store
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Sex symbol.
what happened to otm, wasn't he an omega oldfag
What's the Dodger's anthem? Take me out to the ball game? I saw that uploaded to Youtube along with the cool drone show. Did Gura sing anything else?
I still don't get the parasocial argument, when sisters are parasocial about the their faggots already.
thank you for not including my superchat
>not soundpost
Many anons initially gave NijiEN fans the benefit of the doubt that they weren't like their JP counterparts but All Out War was a real mask off moment that proved that wrong.
Mask had already slipping by that point anyway though, to be fair
life long dream achieved?
If cygames does a hololive promo again, they should ask for gigi
No shit, they bring in more donations than Pekora or Gura. CCV is meaningless if you can monetize your fanbase this well
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Ruffians are the most powerful EN fanbase and it isn't even close
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Why are you lying?
>having the soundposts
They are good at firing up groomers but that's it.
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Mama puppy was spamming their phone during the live stream earlier
She is so proud of them
she might be the reason their internet was shit lmao
>Good smile store
Oh, didn't realize they have their own store, although that makes a lot of sense. Do they ship to the US?
So if Gura, Mori and FWMC are the ENs Cover feels are the most popular/safest bets, what exactly is the metric/KPI they're using? Have they quantified mindchair somehow?
Hang yourself, don't reply to me again tranny
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nene cute
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What the fuck are you talking about? This is the only (you) I'm handing you.
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Nijinigs have been going after Hololive long before EN was a thing
Nobody forgot how obnoxious they were during luxiem's peak
Nobody forgot the discord raids and the gift cards
Nobody forgot nyfco
They were a blight on anything vtubing since forever and watching them get gang raped by karma on a daily basis makes me very very hard
Sapling representation
luv nenechi
>but that's it
You say this as if it's a bad thing. This is their job and they're real fucking good at it.
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I just got in the thread and I didn't say anything about that though, sister
a thirdie AND a schizo, there's no future for you bud
again, watching or being subscribed or being a member, whatever, none of it amounts to squat when all your posts are negative, like literally every single one
get new material, gaslighting and botting hasn't worked out for FWMC or any of the other holomems you've done this on to try to pit holo against holo
Yes and spending money on Greggyboi99 the 21 year old who speaks like they have Tourette Syndrome on Twitch who pretends to be your friend isn’t disgusting, by the way.
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Probably superchats/merch sales. AKA, the biggest revenue drivers.
The Hololive line situation really is getting out of hand.
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The Friend Pop Up Parade is fucking hot...
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>only posts in the recent times
This could've been a grudge built up for months, years even
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Advent vs Justice figures?
It hasn't even been a month lmao
There you go, in case you're too retarded to read between the lines, FWMC just clarified that Advent are getting figures
He went menhera because FWMC didn't play his Ruffian VN game and now only interacts with their RM.
I like how Filian thing is reminding people of how supportive and friendly members of Twitch scene are to each other
>a thirdie AND a schizo
sad projecting
Here I am liveposting my oshi and happy, meanwhile you're bitter calling everybody a shitposter and not even watching streams.
Baseball cards are the OG expensive collector’s items.
Well that Aki dude was offering.
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>Advent figures
Nice! I'll be sure to complete the full set.
>all just regular ass dudes
TTRPGs remain the bastion of the human male fighter, even if Larian slammed their heads against the wall for like five years trying to figure out how to avoid that happening to yet another game in the D&D community
Everyone with half a working brain cell knows this. It's pretty much what happened with Gura being announced way before the rest of Myth.
Adventfags, please. I get it, you got some figurines. Doesn't suddenly put you on top or make up for the amount of shit Cover has shoved Bae and Ina in.
It's subs btw, with Gura/Mori being the top subbed and FWMC being the rising stars that got a fuckton of subs in less than a year unlike anyone else in the branch since Myth. We've always known this.
no shit, dumbass
>/baubau/ fanfics about paypigs leaking to /#/
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I remember there was some faggot who said they always got good numbers last night
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Holo for this feel?
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I don't even watch hololive but i have eternal hatred against nijifags when my low 3view oshi got raided and spammed by a group of nijifags for a week. Nijifags are vtuber version of emon, katoujun viewers.
>FWMC just clarified that Advent are getting figures
You mean Nendoroids. The only people with figurines are Myth and FWMC so far and fucking Shiori ain't getting one before even Bae
still seething
nijijp had a big crab game collab for the middle and lower tier nijis few months back but a lot of the middle tier nijis pulled out few hours before the stream because their fans didnt want them to interact with the shitters
The big lesson to learn here is that you should join a corpo for a reason. Women are too stupid to function alone.
Image board.
zhisters are going nuts in global
>not getting popup
>their star player is japanese
but will smith is apparently white?
Yes, with Reimu and Zentreya, the day after she released the cover that got her canned.
And i remember (you) said Fwmc don't sell merch whitout proof
On the East Coast they guard the areas around the Hololive panels with hammers until like an hour before the panel to explicitly prevent a lineup situation like this
Mind you it just becomes a meta fight of anons and fans "loitering around the area" right outside the men and women with hammers, but still
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dont know where that picture of loli fuwamoco is at, so take this
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>I don't even watch hololive
Why the fuck are you here?
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>its thank to your warm support well somethings hot WELL SOMETIMES REALLY FUCKING HOT support we are here
what did fuwawa meant by that?
and yet he doesn't hire people to clean his house
what a sad state
Man, I'm a Ruffian, but I almost never go to the split. Everytime I do, it's full of falseflagging shitposters. I don't know how the Ruffians survive in that. Guess they're stronger than me, lol.
>my oshi will never get a non chibi figure but at least she has a higher average peak ccv stat than fuwamoco
Did GoodSmile ever release ID merch?
do you even have on-topic images to post, tourist?
when you have hardcore fans that will buy and do anything you say, does CCV matter?
They aren't even the newest flavor now that EN4 is out. Might be time to accept that they're just successful.
>muh seethe
So what, any post that contests your newfound insanity of thinking FWMC are EN's nr 3(well 2 but deadbeats slap that outta your head every time since they beat FWMC in every metric but the one they're both weak in, CCV) is now an anti post?
>shilling Mori and Gura but not Promise
I mean hey it's impressive to be able to get a groomer audience when you're too big to be groomed
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indogs have worthless currency, literally
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not that fucking cursed commercial
I've been meaning to ask, are these AI? I want to label them correctly in my folder. They seem really well done, I tried looking for the source to see if they're non-AI but I couldn't find any and the square aspect ratio makes me think AI
Here is the most guarded secret
That one is the decoy to absorb the schizos
They're talking about Figures, stop being so fucking insecure.
Well if you ever want to spend the entire stream finding every possible thing to seethe and shit one fuwamoco, analyzing SCs and trying to dox other fans you should go there
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>thinks posting whatever holomem he was JUST shitting on means he is being """""on-topic"""""
sad, also weird projection
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Conceptualize the aroma
Must be nice to be part of hololive, even if you're unpopular and not well liked you'll get a huge crowd at your panel by virtue of belonging to the blue triangle.
I'm so mad man
I love IRyS so much but I need fucking money
Why is this succubus stealing my energy from my wallet as well as my dick????
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kys Mythfag
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That the Ruffians are the ultimate chads. Along with the other major EN fanbases.
It’s done by people in denial about being parasocial for their favorite streamers and by streamers who try to portray it solely as “simping for some e-girl” to deflect from the fact that they’re doing it themselves, with added anti-Japanese xenophobia when it comes to outsiders talking about vtubers.
Yes sister please find a rope
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How much did miload get?
I will skullfuck you, Gokischizo.
>Have they quantified mindchair somehow?
they make quantifiable amounts of MONEY one way or another
Fix your soundposts dumbass
Are you blind? That's obviously AI nigger look at her hair
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Remnants of vyt.
Can they afford it?
glad you managed to find an vtuber image
shame you're ban evading but I'm sure one of these days you will get ranged
bye bye shitposter-san
The end of the hair is wobbly and doesn't cut off the way a human would do it, AI
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Okay, who is #3?
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>All Out War
Try Council debut.
Stinky sweat...
800k for the 3D showcase
1.2M for the karaoke
Fear not anon, you'll have a lot of time to put aside some money for it.
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Yes, just use the US store and not the global one
Gigi is haunted
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Gura has great taste.
Nah fuck off ruffian, if you don't want numbers discussions contradicting you, don't brag about your numbers vs other holos
Fauna is #2 in EN, Mumei is #3.
bruh, his arm is thinner than my cock
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Just asking for confirmation anon, chill.
There's a lot that looks off but I wanted to ask on the off-chance it wasn't.
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>fourth time of our first time
>more projection and thirdie babble
reminder you still haven't said a single positive thing about FWMC or Holo ITT yet KEK, Mr. """""Big Fan"""""
Maybe I'm being generous, but this would have been 8 million yen two years ago.
They mentioned Justice too, the rest of Advent isn’t getting shit for a long time
>4th part of their first time
what a bunch of whores
Ina, easily. She's always done near Gura level of merch sales.
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They're from this page
All AI slop obviously, but it's pretty high quality
>39K max CCV
Oh how the mighty have fallen
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This isn't even the first time a sapling has ran at GDQ. What the heck
>gura got to molest that in the locker room
it's not fair anons...
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Did ERB replied?
Is projection. Every word they utter is a message for themselves.
Fauna did Getting Over It speedruns and thus converted a chunk of those people to her side in the coming days of war
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I'm pretty sure that's the same dude that ran oblivion last time
>erb is literally in his dms
>Fauna is #2 in EN, Mumei is #3.
Kek, no matter how many times you post this lie, it doesn’t change reality
>still seething about fuwamoco
>Cece is the only good Justice now
She can't even speak English, there's no reason for there to be so more people watching her in an American convention than other more hardworking EN livers outside of her being hololive. Holofans will show up for anything with the blue triangle.
It's clearly the continued arc of their first time playing. You know it's true when both Raora and Cici were better Minecraft players in their 1st collab compared to FUWAMOCO.
Are the GBF "translations" always this bad? The lines are completely off.
top dog...
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