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Dedicated to the discussion and linking of any and all Vtubers with love for Retro Games and their Retro Streams.

>Useful Links
Retro Chuubas: https://rentry.org/vrt-Chuubalist
/vrt/ Divegrass Team: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//vrt/
Lumi ARG: https://rentry.org/borbv


Other Threads of interest:
Tsunderia Extended >>>/vt//tsunx/
Kiki Main Thread >>>/vt//pyon/
V&U + Korean Vtubers Thread >>>/vt//vnug/
Mozumi Main Thread >>>/vt//vdere/
Large Indies Global >>>/vt//lig/
/vrt/ LOVE!
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ongoing streams

Riona and Yuno are koraboing on Majora’s Mask!

Ami's buckojam part 2!

Yumanea_ is playing armored core 3

Child with Tits playing Final Fantasy 9

Fuwamay is playing Final Fantasy 6

Angelina Kumalo is playing Majora's Mask Randomiser

Hes playing more Okami

Frieda Nox playing Super Mario 64

Khubie is playing DOOM

Swirldrop, Gammachris, BerylBeru and Haru are playing Mario Kart and Mario Party
i would hold the toilet paper in yumas nose for her if it was bleeding
ecchi yuma
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All of 4chan feels slow today did someone die?
Me on the right
People reading AX news, most of which is on Twitter
There was the filial drama yesterday?
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Yuno gone... where's Yuno... uuuuu... I miss Yuno-nee-tan...
My slutty imouto orca is showing her feet
I miss yuno…
Is she playing dance dance revolution or something like it again?
Sorry I meant filian.
never heard of em
Yuma watch along tomorrow… will she be drinking?
It feels like Lumi is increasingly playing more and more modern games.
i like how yuma said she wanted to read the dunk and egg books just because the name sounded funny despite having no interest in game of thrones stuff
She is a light hearted girl. Like how she got into western rpg games because of the idea of lightsaber customization.
fairy saved me btw
Next weekend will be rough with no Yumaneas
But who will save her?
ffx with beer mom
But he will yell at her and ask how she lives like this.
i thought that was mamanea
be kind, yumaniacs. she reads your posts, you know.
i am kind because i love the fairy
Karin im 5’3
No mamanea did they about how she lives regrading her interesting she having no offline friends. Papanea bugged her about her home being dirty and her not cooking ever because no cooking oil was used.
You think she’s here?
with her taste in games, i can't imagine she's not a 4channeler.
everyone is here.
I’m not
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Kyubalt's starting RE4 (2005)
First time right?
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Yeah. She's currently struggling in the village since she's easily scared
I haven't seen any evidence to indicate that mozzu, clauvio, amiya, lumi, karin, mumkey, yuno, yuma, rena, or meche are
In fact the ONLY chuubas confirmed are kiki, zenya, riona and tomomi
Easily scared chuubas are precious.
Chuuba hands typed this post
you are retarded
Lumi was so happy making progress in Demons souls again after struggling against flamelurker wall. I expect next stream to be a farming one where she levels up for a bit, upgade her weapons and stock up on grass.
So many streams in one day
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no u~
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Some more FF9 with Patra
It’s a compliment
So glad she is feeling better
It feels odd even the fat lizards are so tiny.

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