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Pussy Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

VShojocraft is still the only only option at the moment and Saiiren is still LIVE! Mei's hanging around too, and Mouse should be rejoining after her panel for AX ends. I swear we'd better get a recording of it it sounds super fun. Either way that's it for now so keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ for more + and former member discussion

Previous Thread: >>80096735
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we need a blade runner edit with this
mouse looks like she needs help wiping her butt when her face is like that
Did you see them?
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Another pic
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Remember this is what twitch took away from us.
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anotha one

they are barely starting according to V4Mirai Twitter
me on the back
How are the people in the back watching like that?
I wish... that's my fetish...
good thing pornhub is free
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First miraier looks like michi. Is she also indo?
personally, I would totally fuck the mouseratops titolies
I remember there was a Vshojo camera man in their booth when Zen did that AX walk around stream and I see him there. We may get a video of this yet.
highgai bald ass nigga
is this fucking Hime Hajime??
Probably just hearing
Nova? She's Portuguese
I dunno if they are recording this, possibly so
It would be weird in stream due to Highgai funky ass mic
I love Michi so much.
Portugal, Spain and Italy are the SEA of europe so it's close enough
Absolute unit on the right
she actually need to stop doing this wearing vshojo outfits. I don't give a fuck what you believe in or what's your opinion is.
Do all Indonesian vtubers live on the same island?
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I didn't watch Saiiren debut this model so this is my first time seeing this mecha dragon toggle of hers
Nah that's east europe
Hey fuck you buddy, I'm more R1 than you.
Shut the fuck up, ESL bitch.
nigga did you ever heard of this place called balkans?
she actually need to keep doing this wearing vshojo outfits. I don't give a fuck what you believe in or what's your opinion is.
she tends to show it off anytime someone raids her like when zen did earlier
pretty cringe but what can you do, ignoring other retards is not something retards are able to do
im a christian and find this faggot based
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kson is in JP, mata's probably gonna move to JP, Mel too, michi is a jump away, we're getting new JPs, I say it's a matter of time.

how about you stop trying to tell other people what to do
reminds me of mousefags biting bait
I want Sushi, and Mei to get /in/. They are a package deal.
/in/posting goes directly against meicha's wishes and means you are a dipshit who is no better than an anti
i swear if those idiots stop collabing after minecraft falls off i'm gonna kill myself.
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We just take pity on your 0/10 trolling.
I bet you don't even lewd geega.
Brazil = SEA of Americas
Eastern Europe = SEA of Europe
Sub-Saharan Africa = SEA of Africa
SEA = Southeast Asia of Asia
Australia = SEA of Australia
She bought the Melody swimsuit. That needs to be her next one.
Mei said they are planning a baldurs gate 3 collab with Sushi, and Michi.
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now you know how south side fans feel
Now this is cope, you guys were always the worst bait biters in the thread. Also I'm not whatever boogeyman you're projecting onto me either mousebro.
>Brazil = SEA of Americas
no, that's is argentina.
It was only Coqui and Meat.
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There was a dragon? I missed it.
Does this mean that there is no Souheast Asia of Oceania?
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>Mei said they are planning a baldurs gate 3 collab with Sushi, and Michi.
nah that shit looks like it was awful for you guys, gonna guess tob leaving felt like nyan leaving
i need this like, right now. someone crash vshowdown
there's no way to put into words how badly seth and msm fucked up the ligosphere. it's just not the same after unity died. hope you choke in your sleep, seth. you deserve nothing else
So you, a mousefag, admit to actively and intentionally shitting up the thread.
I mean it was fake unity.

Good. Liggers deserved it.
I'll send this to mouse to react to it.
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at what age were you first molested
meant for
>that recent Mel ASMR
holy shit man
>GF cake
what did she mean by that
Between the ages of 7 and 10, by someone 6 years my senior. It was highly traumatic, but I have moved past it at this point.
At least I'm honest, threadshitter.
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This is awkward
Don't worry, it's not like jannies will step in.
is this clip sped up or did I accidentaly do cocaine


I hope she doesn't get sick after the con again. It always feels like getting kicked while you're down.
Yeah, it's pretty good. Mel is excellent at painting a picture while staying in character.
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Silver will save us
From a clean, unshat thread, you mean.
Vshojojp will fill the dead hours. Start doing your jp reps.
yeah its sped up for some reason
Never. I will watch and support with no understanding.
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This is a perfect time to talk about +. also where's the 7/5 anon I need to have a words with you
shes not even invited at AX what an irrelevant whore
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people speed up shorts sometimes, it gives them more views apparently lol
zoomer brain logic
Mona is having a nice stream
Saiiren is having a nice stream
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Fuck you peepeehead
hey guys
pink cat is streaming
You're trying too hard.
fuck anime expo
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Don't bait with her friends.
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Great stream.
imagine setting up a big elaborate event for an entire streaming company and not being able to share any of it with the majority of the people who watch the company's talent
If you cared you'd be at AX.
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Nyan still loves vshojo members so I’ll do what I want
>Just spend $2000 to go to the convention! It's that simple!
Why did no one post pics of the Kson m&g??
absolutely NO FILMING allowed in the premium anime lifstyle experience
Her streams are almost like watching the poggies emote for hours kek
Yes. It's literally that simple.
Everyone who did got raped to death
Good to know that vtubing is only a hobby for rich people
Vtubing? No. Going to cons, yes, you need to have savings or disposable income to attend.
Vshojo doing an event that only rich people can even view is kind of questionable though
So fucking tired of band concerts being the same shit too. It’s not a luxury cruise.
damn, and not the mouse one? both are pure sex but I figured considering her history she'd go for mouse
Be poor somewhere else.
I know, right? People really pay $500 for nosebleed stadium seats and delude themselves into thinking they had anything but a miserable time
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>waste money, and be happy
>be poor, and complain
she has both, someone bought them on throne
Henya’s dirty panties in the hamper
That dog looks pretty rich, man. Interior wood burning stoves are a luxury in newer homes.
me sniffing them
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since it's going to be literally NO STREAMS ORG all weekend how's about we goon
now I pray
mouse has returned to mc on saiiren's stream
nvm she's going to piss
her team lost though
They lost
from the way mouse was talking about it I'm pretty sure they didn't realize they couldn't be recorded or streamed until they had already signed a contract, which isn't the smartest but at the same time it was never a problem before and thus a fair assumption it was still fine
Vshojo has a lot to learn if they haven't figured out by now that large anime conventions will do everything possible to fuck everything up
you cannot unironically
Vshojo can't even run a website to sell merch.
photography punishable by death, please understand
Now now; we wouldn't want to have any putrid freeloaders stealing the premium anime experience that is Anime Expo by getting access to illicit photographs or videos.
Vshojo's fault.
>Can't post pic due to convention
>Can't post pic due to flesh stream
>Can't post pic due to bla bla bla
we're cooked aren't we?
Only the chosen ones get to experience Vshojo at AX. If you weren't there, heh, well you missed it. Maybe you should have had more money :-)
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TMSK is live
This, but unironically.
would be funny if she applied
throwing a tantrum like this because of your fomo is pretty sad
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>Don't get the model
Not worth it.
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Sort of, they enter under the Recordings for Commercial Purposes.
You do sign something with the AX people which is the SPJA or Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation and any venue in which you desire to make a Recording apart from the Los Angeles Convention Center, which in this case is The Novo. In the past years, they streamed in the Los Angeles Convention Center, which is where AX is actually held on. In fact, VShojo might have gotten the SPJA approval considering their booth is for vtubbing (also by the fact that Mouse/Connor and Zen tried too, it doesn{t seem like it was purely SPJA or AX but in the page says the first line of the image) and HighGai had the permission to record or unless is counted for Personal Reason (in the past years they gave media passes for streamers), idk, anyway, the Venue (again The Novo) held the word in the last one, and hence no panels were streamed or allowed to be recorded officially. Someone taking pics or recording enters the Recordings for Personal/Private Use and Limited Social Media, hence you can see clips or pics.

As for VShowdown, Mouse implied right now that "chat" (the audience) participated, so it was probably a weird thing to stream, or idk, they never intended to stream it.
im more pissed theres tons of merch there you cant buy online ;_;
that's a lot of jewish words i'm not all that interested in
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chat participated by filling out a survey for some questions before ax
Maybe it was that, I don't honestly know and we didn't hear much buzz over it until V4Mirai dropped their pic lmao
So I'm gonna bet VShojo didn't think too much of it, and probably was meant to be always booth only and the panels online too. It's just some dumb decision right there
Hear me out

VShojo buys VOMS
GYARI can still be their manager
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shitposting aside it's darkly funny to me that ironmouse would not in any way be able to watch or engage with the ax vshojo stuff at all if she weren't one of the vshojo talent herself
anon that's not even on the cards
>just pissed out a kidney stone
Fuck me
Mousefags did this to you
Vshojo can't even buy a functional merch website.
Just saw michi and mouse tweet, did mouse and hime had a panel together? i will curse AX until the end of my life for not allow streaming
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Monaca is live wearing a yukata....LET HER IN
read nigga read
yes they did, one day they might do these interesting panel things on stream together instead of playing shitty party games
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why couldn't they have done something like a virtual ticket to watch panel streams?
How old is she?
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Wait no, I was right
Chat did won lmao
Mouse is salty her team lost and is ranting to Saiiren
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Mouse right now
Seriously. I used to buy Blizzcon virtual tickets to watch panels and worked fine for me. I'd pay a virtual ticket just to watch relevant panels. Not streaming them at all is retarded and leaving money on the table from a virtual audience.
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sounch did really well
BTFO Chat lost
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Hey you can gave your turn after me
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is this “japanese filian”? does she use her own model?
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Ok anon, give me a link to that stream, right now.
welp shes /in/ now
you ksonfags said she cant do english this looks like english to me
what's a monaca?
I was seriously about to jack off to Mel porn, I just needed to pee first so it would feel the best. Now I’m scared it nicked something and the ejaculation will be painful.
You should drink orange juice
I forget you guys are like 30+
shes speaking english right now on stream
A Dragon Ball character with huge erect nipples. He will be /in/ VshojoJP.
yea yea… right just 30+ im so oold… im totally not 40
shes definitely a she i’ve met her irl shes an active kson gachi groupie lol
remember when you could sleep in the most stupid positions and be totally fine the next day? Me neither.
hit the gym nerd
Yeah, where we’re supposed to be watching twitch at home on the weekend because we’re settled. What’s your excuse, loser?
but not this weekend
that's the plan but life is too crazy right now.
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why is it that sega got to do an AX stream but vshojo wasn't allowed to?
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Holy kino!
GG? Never.
Gamer Supps? It's on it's way.
different venue, we've been over this
Yeah or when you could jump on a trampoline and not injure your leg for a month

It’s so depressing
How does this fall on the /in/ scale from "Snuff is /in/" to "Haruka is /in/"?

>you ksonfags said she cant do english this looks like english to me
Her English is much better than the average JP. My take is that its enough to do an occasional full stream in English with understanding fans, or do a game-focused collab with an EN streamer, but not quite good enough to do a full conversation-focused English collab.

A JP indie vtuber, Kson-fan-turned-Kson-friend, has collabed with her a few times. Is super high energy, and was somewhat known for streaming full 3D, but with buggy tracking (in the past), which only made her high energy antics even funnier.
A lot of us found out about her when she did a mirror stream of Kson's first concert, and was dancing along in 3D:
Remember sleeping through the night and not having to get up pee
If it has a legendary label that isn’t a recolor, I’m going to be so fucking poor
But they're both at AX?
I'm loving this revelation that Loutlot was drunkenly hoping she applies and that's what the drunk mumbling was about. Now I hope he was drunk enough to consider more than one person per application
You and me both brother.
collabs between a jp and en speaker are better when they barely know each other's language but both are confident enough to have fun with it
We need Japanese Vei for shock and awe tactics.
Wrong. AX is at both of them.
can't wait for this garbage weekend to be over
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AX is so big it needs several buildings now, the novo is on a different block than the main con centre. all three of the buildings I marked are part of ax
mouse doesn't know her chat anymore what a selfish cunt
The first and second TMNT live action movies are some of my favorites, I still do this with no problem, and pass out on the lawn.
What the hell does which building they're in have to do with it. It's the same convention
so the rumors of mouse tossing her parasocial chat aside was true and only uses them now for money
A version of this using the art of Filian's nendo would unironically slap right now
L.A. Live is a complex of multiple buildings, it is common for a convention to use the whole complex, that is part of the purpose. And the other purpose is when there is no large convention there they can perform their own separate functions.
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>What the hell does which building they're in have to do with it. It's the same convention
good night to you too
Hello would you toss Henya’s salad?
Sorry. I didn't realize cameras only work in specific buildings.
She got both but she's already done it as Mouse so Mel would be someone new now that she's also done it as Kuro lol.
The venue sets the policies. The convention can add on to them, but not remove policies.
does someone remember how the CACA thing started?
Can I ask for a qrd on Geega and bald man becoming friends? I'm not a shitposter I finally came back to his content now that he dropped GTA and I'm curious because I hadn't seen her in chat before
Dunno but I'm getting tired of it
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So why didn't they put panels for vtubers (a medium which exists almost entirely through streaming) in a building where streaming was allowed. I don't get it
which bald man
I too saw the tweet. RIP Filian's nendo.
Unironically the biggest evidence towards Monaca is in is that tweet where apparently Loutlot literally said she was in. How verifiably true that is remains to be seen, but it's a hell of a way to start /in/posting so it's sticking around lol.
Mouse things she has like a new catchphrase like every 2-3 Months
the funny one with the deep voice
RIP any credibility filian might have had
Oh. Moon is cheating on his wife for Geega
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When Sushi, and Mei both join VShojo I will ship.
I don't run the expo, man. Send them an email asking why.
>they both did GTARP at the same time
>Geega made waves as the first vtuber to do GTARP
>got noticed by Moonmoon because of this
>Moonmoon created a meme where his character worshiped Geega in character
That's pretty much it. Their characters barely interacted in game but the meme is still a part of Moonmoon's streams and both he and his chat like her so there you go. I have no idea if they have ever talked outside of GTA though.
I could make something like that very quickly, but can't find a high quality image of it.
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I'd assume it doesn't need to be THAT high quality. I googled Filian nendoroid and google autofilled "drama" at the end of it for me, and I saw that there's a thread on LSF when i searched for this pic lmao
Kek that clears things up thanks Love your geegs
i still almost can't believe filian is that fucking retarded. then i remembered her content
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>Was crying she was about to spend 300$ for a figurine
>Cried when someone paid that for her
>Can't stop tweeting about it
>Can't afford a new model since 2021
Is Haruka on welfare?
Because most of the sites where they host the panels are just tables, chairs and mics and maybe a projector. Usually the Main One does have screens, and shit like that. The Novo was equipped by the own organizers to have a screen (the XR Stage) to held concerts, which most likely Gunrun was informed that they could have a big ass screen, with good audio for the crowd, which is why he went crazy with 4 panels. But they later find out that they didn't allow recording, which fucked everything up
fuck you, this just started happening last year
>I have no idea if they have ever talked outside of GTA though
They do. He mentioned that they took an autism test together.
>Can't afford a new model since 2021
? buy merch, tourist
yes? she's probably on disability for obvious reasons
Vshojo paid for that
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Vell did some emote updates, nice work
You are up there in Roxxy tier for mouse mods
I mean, probably. Java is the world's most populous island and 56% of indonesia's population lives there.
$300 is a fuckton of money for something that does nothing but sit on a shelf unless you're making bank, and in canadian dollars it's $400
>Can't afford a new model since 2021
When did she say that
korone proves that barely knowing english works for the en audience as long as you’re entertaining
I saw Kson's friend Stream yesterday and they actually use speech to English auto translate. It was cool to see subtitle like Zen's Stream.
holy copium
>Moonmoon created a meme where his character worshiped Geega in character
I just realized that may have sounded kind of confusing. I mean his character worshiped Geega as her vtuber self, not Geega's RP character. Geega made Vshojo cannon in their GTARP world and Moonmoon picked up on it and created the "Geega my goddess" meme out of that.
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She got a new model in 2022 actually. She has the V1 as seen here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbmPS9bQ-CY the V2 as seen here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evGARzaNbxo and then her VShojo model with the cleavage here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGZmV10Zlw

Also the gremolin and Haruchu and a 3D model based on her V2
honestly shes a good streamer, some people call her “japanese filian” because shes hyperactive when given a 3d model can speak some english and very entertaining her only problem is shes a 2view and a legit turbo kson simp that she sometimes cancel her streams to simp for kson lol
Yes unlike the Filipino Frank
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When was her last model or even new outfit? Even Hime got a new one.
Yah but if you buy merch or sub Haru can afford nice things. Support the moose.
Guranteed soon. Once Sushi gets in she'll get Mei in.
Is this real? Kinda happy that she put in the effort
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what merch
Finally we will have Filian at home
why would mei and sushi be in at all? what do they do what makes them special?
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we need to recruit chinami sensei shes basically japanese veibae but has waaay more antis than vei lmao
>filian at home

yeah i have a retarded younger sister i take care of
Her fans wrote the Tanabata wishes and she wrote them out to hang them on her tree. So two of her fans wrote wishes about VShojo.
depends, for based reasons or is she just a bitch?
Her Stream have Speech to English Subtitle too
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I know your game you can't fool me
i want to see haruka as a hamtaro hamster
Mei is funny and Sushi is cute.
she's lit a drama news tuber, there's nothing based about here. she feeds on being an anti
what a waste well at least they can color the hair green and repurpose it to sell as the original rindo models
this whore spends all her money on her mom and gacha
who paid for it anyways I was under the impression it was out of pocket from highgai
And together they will be a duo powerhouse in VShojo.
ive always hated her model, this is a good thing in my eyes
Foster use to get emotes from him to put on monkes but got lazy now
Maybe she just... doesn't want one?
Not getting a new model doesn't mean you can't afford one
dumb fuck just stream il give you a quick 20 right now im sure others will too 300 should be quick for her
Just ignore the spammer. He does this every thread.
I think its also on his mods but I think the one who used to add emotes doesn't join streams that much anymore
Sushi is a talented artist and a natural yapper

She has ambitions and brings a type of content focus to the table that VShojo presently lacks
shes more like a japanese female nux
oh gross
>it was out of pocket from highgai
No, it was Vshojo's money. But it's also very likely Haruka paid them back.
sushi would be in without any application en or jp branch because mouse herself will vouch for her but I dont think she wants to join…. YET
shes kinda busy with her artist career
holy shit can you shut the fuck up already. every fucking thread you spam /in/ this /in/ that. how about you put a fork /in/ a toaster.
Did you see her stream the day applications opened? She literally said it would be a dream come true

Also joining VShojo wouldn't get in the way of her growth as an artist. If anything, it would help.

Ironmouse needs to go back to her catholic hispanic roots and play Blasphemous on stream.
I hope they talk some sense into her that she doesn't need to focus on vshojo to be a part of it, look at hime. she can do art as a primary and vshojo as a secondary, that's kind of the ideal anyway as not having continuous expected income is normal as a freelance artist and is a bit nervewracking
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>Sushi can't be a member, she wants to be a mangaka
100% this. We should be talking about Silver instead.
I'm guessing no rat stream tonight? been busy at AX all day I'm tired
she's been on saiiren's stream
I see. I am praying for her too
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She's been hanging out with Saiiren on and off. Currently AFK I'm pretty sure but Saiiren's just looking at her while yapping to chat.
I would have agreed with you before the jp application tweet. Now you're just being a thread shitter.
>The Novo... didn't allow recording
Why do you keep telling people this. The actual venue itself allows allows livestreams / live tv. It's either the production company or AX that is saying no
ya moon has a streamer discord and geega is in it
The most important question is does she have a boyfriend like Vei?
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why does pic remind me of ironmouse?
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because connor?
Unironically yes.
well if thats true then shes the biggest candidate shes basically a sure “nepo” hire. hope gunrun gets more than just one jp tho
The thing is that any time she streams would be "VShojo" activity, and she's already streaming consistently (unless she has to crunch some art)

Everything would basically be the same in that sense, and she'd have more resources and opportunities afforded to her if she ever needs them
Like being able to actually hire a rigger for her new model instead of making Daisy do it
it's one thing that filian overlooked this since it makes sense cause she's a retard.
it's another that mythic just completely overlooked it.
what a great choice the leavers made kek
ok lets talk about something else then like fucking the filian drama spam flooding catalog and overflowing here
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>because mouse herself will vouch for her
no she literally fucks more japanese vtubers than kson hell she even cucked matsuri with hoshikawa
this literally caused hololive matsuri to have a meltdown spiral for a year
How will Filian's drama effect Silver?
the universe does not revolve around silverwho
how do you overlook not owning your IP?
sorry snuffy but silver isnt here to veto sushi unlike what happened with you
Mei talked her into applying.
>exactly 1 minute apart
thieves and plagiarists never think about who things belong to. that's why they're thieves and plagiarists.
She is a money saver person. Like that time when she bought Civ without the DLC and got scolded by Zen saying why she never bought the bundle
gives mythic a bad rep and how they are unable to protect filian
which is who silver works for
all me
Mythic Unity. Share the pain
Everything revolves around Silver. She's more important than Ironwho.
In what world would Meicha be in?
This one. Two more weeks. Trust the plan.
My Wolf wife is Sinder. Silverwho?
Who was worse, Nina squatters or the guy spamming Mei every thread?
Silver squatters and the guy spamming Silver every thread.
nina as it nina saotome? wtf she do? I dont see nina posts /here/ at all
There's rarely and Mei posts. Just the one anon who ships Sushi and Mei, and the trannyschizo from /lig/.
hate snuffy thank God she's out
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>you now realize this also affects nyanners
fuck she just cant get a break can she
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Mousefags who won't leave based silverchads alone.
silver got that fat she's got gravitational pull?
its just one guy self replying to himself
Ari / heavenly beggars are the most annoying currently
God forbid some retard talks about a + once a thread anon. It's not like this is VSJ+
fat??? nah she injects silicone on her fake prostitute behind the dumpster $5 slut tits
Ari doesn't need beggars because she ends up in half the collabs anyway
I like the SushiMei posters. They are cute.
>posting pink hamster
fucking grim
Silver isnt a plus shes a minus
meh consequences of her actions, she wanted to be with her clique
At least Ari, Heavenly, Sushi and Mei are actual pluses that join collabs and don't ignore the company like a petty child
actual leeches with no personalities are always free
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Sex with SushiMei posters
nononono please dont
Weird, why hasn't Silver joined a collab then?
lol too true. I hate his wolf wife.
Who is the most to least leechy from the plusses?
>join collabs
so boring they meed to leech to stay relevant except for sushi and Mei they can actually be entertaining
There's at least 2 of us that ship Sushi and Mei. I know because there's someone agreeing with me when i say it lmao.
nah they cool
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I interpret this as GEEGA is ok for me having a small weiner.
Mousefags literally falseflagging as themselves.
From most to least
----------Power Gap-------------
nah they shit
There any panels tomorrow or was today the last one? I really want that art alley IRL to happen and I assume that if there's no panels tomorrow then Highgai can do it.
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>Everyone else
This is unironically true.
Please lord above. Just bring Aethel back and kick all of these shitty pluses out.
Unlikely Aethel would join after Nyanners left.
Let's bring his best friend Tectone too then
90% with this, sushi was aethals friend from 10 view days
Who said join. I said +
no more otk/lsf crowd for a year, then the application will be considered
Why are you only listing those 4?
It's this one.
>bring Aethel back
>and kick all of these shitty pluses out.
Aethel is too much of a bro to do that.
I miss Nyan but her being /out/ means we don't have to deal with Tectone anymore so I've decided that I'm okay with her being gone.

Anyway new thread
>unironic plus sperg
Ah fair. I'd love to see Aethel and Nyan come back more, especially with mouse.
>Nina squatters
You mean the one Nina .webm today and never any other time?
Mei literally had to be convinced by her chat to DM mouse something yesterday I don't think she's a leech anon.
Everyone who isn't already in is a leech
You just roll in from stupid town?

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