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She droped games because of your mean comments...
Would she drop her clothes if I made mean comments about them?
Droped? Is that like groped? Can she grope me while I make mean comments?
What an insecure dummy.
One of the best ways to have an entertaining game stream is showing people you're enjoying the game, so she should just not care about the negative comments and play the game in a way that she enjoys and haves fun with it. Most people, when they see you're having a good time, they'll also be having a good time as well. Positive vibes are infectious.
Look at Kaela's streams playing that Bacon kusoge. She was having fun with it and so her chat sees that and has fun watching her have fun with it as well.
Negative vibes from chat is also infectious towards a streamer, Both affects the other.
But now we're getting kino OSRS streams
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I've watched my oshi make the same mistake for 45 minutes. There's a reason she blows us up at the end of the stream.
So if I make mean comments about her fat, ugly sisters they'll fuck off too?
God, I hate women so much. Go lick Kiara's pussy you pathetic lesbian.
it's their fault for being affected by 1 negative comment in a thousand.
If a handful of comments upset you that much despite the sea of praise, you really shouldn't be a streamer.
Nah I believe her. When she was streaming VII Rebirth and trying to enjoy the sights, the chat were getting mad that she was taking her time and wanted her to move and do stuff. Then when she was doing her first overworld battle the chat were angry with her because she wasn't doing skills when she was still trying to understand what to do. They were calling her "stupid as fuck", "use skills what the hell" and "why are you so slow".

That was her first battle and she had to stop for a few minutes before moving on and then she stopped playing because the chat wouldn't stop at all.
>try to have bantz with your chat
>can't handle it
lol, western women
If you watched her streams before, she is clearly not into gaming, she gets bored like 30min into games, thats why you see the a huge disparity when she finds some games she likes and she does 10 hous streams
>no more runescape streams
This is a strict win.

The only types of people who watch MMO streams are backseaters, people who browse by the top streamers just to get mad, people who wanna interact with the streamer and people who will watch them do an 8 hour stream of nothing but silence and a jpeg. There is not nor has there ever been a good MMO stream.
nothing in your post disproves that she's an insecure dummy
she didn't prioritize enjoying the game her way and got multi-guy'd
Please don't go back to RuneScape if you have paypigs power level your prayer and other skills to 99. Play an iron man and enjoy the game or at least attempt to have a goal of doing raids if you're being power leveled
cool, next goal is to get to her swear less
cool, next goal is to get to her swear more
fpbp, we need to know the answer.
Is that why she streams paywallslop now
woman moment
yeah, she is a delicate flower that comes off as "onee-san" type because of her rough speech. I think she should just call out whenever something rubs her wrong in chat. "Stupid idiot? I don't like it, please stop." That's literally it.
Some people don't enjoy it. If you do then no issues. She's moved on and enjoys doing other stuff.
She literally does this already. You know how many time she told vfaction to fuck off and go play the game himself if he keeps complaining while backseating
ban him, she gets one-guyed?
That is the first cope excuse you resort to when you just don't like playing a game but don't want to admit it. Also is a cope excuse for shitting on your loyal audience that you don't like.
No, most often it is greys. However, vfaction is not a grey but a notorious serial-offender who she uses to also tell the grey crowd to fuck-off
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Why is she such a pussy? Mori streamed 100 hours of rdr2 over the course of like 12 parts displaying complete ass gameplay with absolutely zero improvement from her first stream (still didn't understand how dead eye worked even at the end) all while being backseated to hell and still ended up loving the game
Backseaters should eat bans.
Chuubas should learn to ignore them or just look at chat less during those games.
>drops games from rude comments
quickly, everybody start being a shitty backseating prick in her OSRS streams!
But my oshi loves getting backseated and even admitted that she probably wouldn’t have cleared most games (as fast as she did) w/o backseaters…
Mori’s kinda learned to filter out backseaters to a select few chatters. It helps her chats generally slower though and there’s just less gray chatters. I don’t know how fast nerissa’s chat is but a bunch of random grays and faggots would get annoying fast. Also she was playing runescape and shit that attracts mega autists.
Mori at least gits gud and has beaten legitimately hard games even just brute forcing them
Were people expecting Nerissa to be the menhera of Advent?
It's cute how vulnerable she can be, but she's also quite the troublesome woman.
Mori has already filtered her audience so only the most pathetic doxbeats are left. She doesn't care about ccv either
Fair, I was talking about times where there's a problem.
>Were people expecting Nerissa to be the menhera of Advent?
In a weird way, yes. The onee-san begin the crazy of a group is quite the thing sometimes.
Her chats hate her or something?
Nigga she went out of her way to NO MALES despite info hazard pointing towards acknowledgement of nijimales and holostars EN. No shit she's going to drop games if people say mean shit.

I was expecting her to be the "Unity" one that made everyone seethe but she went out the gate hard trying to not step on any toes.
>chat stopped her from playing VII Rebirth
I consider this a win
I'm not trying to be mean but she's really not cut out to be a streamer. She doesn't like gaming, especially gaming on stream. She's not comfortable with karaoke. I think she might actually be in danger of graduating within a year or so
Nah it's typical of any story type game unless you stomp it immediately like the ID girls. It kinda is a little bit Nerissa's fault for not immediately banning those people.
> They were calling her "stupid as fuck", "use skills what the hell" and "why are you so slow".
Ok, holy fuck, this is anti level. Did you exaggerate or are jailbirds a bunch of psycho?
Go check it out if you want to. It's easy to find since there area only two videos of her playing the game. A lot of backseaters are mad she takes her time for some reason.
why does this bitch love to complain so much
We need to try this.
Advent fans are terrible people, more news next time
So just permaban them? I dont see the problem
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Aradia pls join Holo!
the problem with Nerissa is the same problem most other vtubers have. Most of them never played video games before they started streaming. That's why their game choices suck dick, always pick flavor of the month trash and they suck at every game they play. Like there is nothing wrong with watching someone who sucks at video games but then there is Nerissa. She struggles even at the most basic and braindead stuff to the point it becomes irritating. You start questioning if the bitch is doing it on purpose. This is why I don't watch her anymore. She sucks at video games. Her horny game is trash. Never says anything interesting. She is not witty or funny either.
Cover will continue to hire hikki girls with no skills, no gaming skills or life experience and you will like it
I always wonder what female hikkis do in the west, do they all just scroll on tiktok for 16 hours a day
why can't she do member only chat or play in member only streams? she mentioned not being able to in the clip but why the hell not?

at least put the chat to members only
Wattpad/AO3 and twitter stanning.
Think she was also exhausted during that stream so all the backseating made it worse
Many game perms only allow monetization of the content so long as it is freely available, and prohibit putting the gameplay behind a paywall. So very few games are streamable to members-only which is why those streams tend to be chatting/karaoke/watchalongs. You are correct that she could set chat to members-only, but maybe she doesn't want to exclude people. Really she just needs to be more ban-happy, like other anons are saying.
She's right, but she's gotta push through it. Or not idk she's fine. I think Miko is a pro at dealing with this. You've got to approach this audience like a kindergarten teacher unfortunately.
So? Just filter out those piece of shit, it's not hard.
>b-but the CCV...
I can assure you there is a large number of people who stop watching exactly because the start being obnoxious.
her clips are unfunny garbage
This is partially why Shiori hides her gamer skill.
It's to not set expectations and have retards shit up your chat.
I don't think she has ever talked about having some other well-paying career she balances with hololive. As long as the pay is good she's not quitting.
Some people are thin skinned and insecure. Why is that so bad? Why say "this other streamer can deal with it so why can't she?" Not everyone is the same. Who knows that unfortunate life experiences someone has gone through? Did you know Nerissa had an extremely traumatic nightmare as a child that still haunts her to this day?
based on her clips, her entire personality is pregnancy
>Some people are thin skinned and insecure.
Why on earth would they become a streamer then?
Sounds like wife material to me.
Some people have really severe anxiety. Should they never leave the house? Or get a job? Drive a car? Spend time friends and family? Just stay inside all day and never do anything? Its also possible that she wanted to overcome her insecurities but shes obviously struggling.
Who could possibly care about Nerissa not continuing a game on stream? You're really that invested in Nerissa playing Final Fantasy or whatever? What autistic faggots!
(But of course it's just an arbitrary excuse to make an anti thread)
Chat reflects the streamer and any entertainer that bans people from heckling them is just going to get high off their own farts.
Tough it out bird lady.
I remember in like the first month, Nerissa raged about her chat spamming BAUBAU. So yeah, pretty much instant menhera red flag. Also, I thought her first GOI stream was really impressive Imagine my surprise to find out she had been training off-stream for hours to prepare for it. Does she not understand the point of games like that?
Not everyone can be a ray of sunshine like Biboo who can deal with soulsfags and MHfags in her chat always with a smile in her face
Must the twitchfags crossover fanbase she cultivated. Fuwamoco are absolute retards at any game they play but their fans are very kind and supportive regardless, so to have your own fanbase attack you is twitchfag levels of autism.
To be fair I don't think Biboo can do anything other than smile.
That GOI stream gaslit some Jailbirds into thinking she was good at games. Then, she played RE:VIllage and chat couldn't spot sperging about her being bad.
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>They were calling her "stupid as fuck", "use skills what the hell" and "why are you so slow"
I fear for Gigi, girl is cultivating this exact same type of mindset in her fanbase. I know she does it for the bit but still dear God woman, tune down the self-deprecation.
Not every stream has a chat talking shit and disrespecting their streamer.
The difference is that Gigi's gaming skill floor is miles above every other holo (and me). Even when she doesn't give a shit and is just mindlessly chatting, she still plays games well enough. So she'll never be frustrating for the average person to watch.
In other words he gives more money than you ever will so she cares about him.
Only the FWMC unicorns, the rest are fine.
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Nerissa's actually scared of the shippers, because she's definitely going to choose Tifa over Aerith and the Aerithfags are more rabid than actual nijisisters
>and still ended up loving the game
Because Mori's a NPC she loved the game before she even played a minute of it. All she needed was to see the mainstream love for it and Moist Critical call it ''life changing for anyone over 25 years old''
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Yeah but it's not about how good she is playing games, its about how the lowest common denominator in the chat loves to beat death horses, and those same retards will absolutely call Gigs all kind of names when she is not joking or at the minimum "error" like getting creeped in minecraft thinking they are being funny.
>My oshi's life is so spoiled her biggest trauma was something that came to her in a dream
come on senpai
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I'm gonna predict the future: one day she is gonna tell her fans to stop calling her stupid, and then they are going to get all uppity and the board will once again be painted orange for days just because fuck asking a fanbase to behave like functional human beings
Is this thread full of antis or are Nerissa's fans just assholes?
PTSD from nightmares is a real thing and I pity anyone that struggles with this. Also I will afford you the same compassion I afford Nerissa. For you to be so lacking in empathy I suspect something went wrong in your life as well. Best of luck that you get that sorted out anon.
god I hate that faggot and his reddit takes
Antis. Jailbirds already know she sucks at games, it’s part of her charm
antis obviously
im glad they've contained themselves in this thread
On my opinion, you should just let whatever streamer do their own thing on games unless they ask for help or advice.
Them discovering things on their own and finging their own way of having fun increases the chances of them playing the game more.
Which is obviously a good thing if you both like the streamer and the game they are playing.
Anyone who doesn't understand that is simply a R E T A R D.
Biggest offenders are fighting games tards who have been playing the same shit for 10 years and then dissing a streamer when they aren't good at the game on their first time playing.
Yes, I'm seething fuckers made my oshi insecure enough to stop playing my favorite fighter on her first stream.
I have watched someone not being able to progress in the Sonic murder detective game for 6 hours. At she didn't even finish the game, by the end of it, she was around where most would have taken like 20 minutes.
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>discovering things on their own and finding their own way of having fun
which is exactly why I watch others play games
I don't understand why so many people backseat the strimmer. If you wanna play the game go play the fuckin game. It is unironically very entertaining watching a retard fumble around a game you know well, and finally figure it out on their own.
>my favorite fighter
which game anon
the autists know not what they do
they're the reason the genre remains niche outside of a few popular titles
Rdr2 was beatiful but super boring movie wanna be. Rdr1 was actually a good game
Was it Street Fighter? Tekken? Or something like Granblue Versus Rising or Melty Blood?

Backseating tourists putting down streamers for being new at a game is some pathetic ass shit. Actual faggotry just be glad your streamer is trying your game instead of being an assbaby when they don't play your way.

Shoot backseaters on sight they don't deserve rights.
Kof XI
Expecting graduation. Risa never felt like a liver since day one plus she is to sensitive. Remember on her third stream she got one guyed by someone that didn't like how much she cussed.
I wonder who could be behind this post
I watched her for about 6-7 months before dropping her and a lot of the stuff she's saying is mostly self-inflicted or completely made up. She's got that streamer brain where 1000s of people will be saying positive things but she'll focus in on the one negative comment and make it seem like tons of people were saying it. Not to mention she'd literally go out looking for people shitting on her on random clip videos on other channels then bring it up like it was an issue on her own channel to her own viewers.
A lot of it is in her head and she just can't seem to get over it. Part of me thinks it's also just an excuse to drop games since she'll play stuff she likes like BG3 or Stardew Valley very poorly yet won't drop them, but other stuff she'll just drop by using this as a pretense.
Why was this deleted?
sometimes anons get banned in another thread and all their posts are deleted
who knows
skippa skippa
Multiple posts in multiple catalog threads suddenly got deleted, not sure what he was doing but the mods didn't like it.
Sounds like she can't interact with her chat and needs a legion of yesman, very much like her oshii.
Are her mods sleeping or something?
This but also she should moderate her chat a bit more, they have to learn to respect her.
I wish nyfco would come back so you faggots would go there instead
I'm sad that her chat basically ruined RE for her and now the odds of her playing the other games is zilch. Sure RE8 was rough but she got to the end of the third area so she was getting better. It sucks she's basically the queen of getting one guy'd in EN.
Most of the girls don't have mods.
Did Kronii ban that fucker so now he's bothering Rissa? I was wondering why I haven't seen him around, recently.
Pretty sure it's just her cop-out for playing low interest games or difficult games
I remember Kiara said much the same shit when she would struggle on games
Most chuubas aren't IRyS
She ragequit her pre-holo persona, because she can't handle streaming. Her talents are singing and voice acting, but she doesn't really do either on stream.

Bae is a non-gamer who worked hard and has become watchable. Nerissa could do the same if she had the same drive.
Both, JailBirds aren't a good fanbase and that's on Nerissa, unfortunately.
>Her talents are singing and voice acting
>but she doesn't really do either on stream
Insecurity. I hope she can figure it out eventually.
Based, we need to see those curves.
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>clipping members stream
Hololive's mods are generally other talents so they don't really do anything. On rare occasions there are mods (probably staff) who will ban those who go way too far.
jrpgs are ass for streaming anyway
Typical case of a woman who coasted through life with everyone treating her like she's amazing and can do no wrong. Now she can't take criticism and plays like shit. Instead of trying to understand where the criticism is coming from and improving herself to play the game better, she just decides to quit playing the game and whines about the comments calling her an idiot. Seen this many times before.
Nerissa looks and sounds like someone that can take the bantz but she really can't, she wants to be praised for anything she does but self sabatoges when the opposite happens. Jailbirds you got a big ol menhera on you hands, treat her with kiddy gloves and give it time.
Zeta dropped Hollow Knight 2 years ago because I sent a hateful SC on how bad she was lol
>Typical case of a woman who coasted through life with everyone treating her like she's amazing and can do no wrong.
Watch streams. Actually just watch clips.
When I saw how bad she was at re I knew she doesn’t have it for most video games. And then I see her getting fed free mats on RuneScape. Like there’s nothing wrong with that but along with terraria it basically showed me she’s the type to have 2-3 games she likes and while she’ll give others a shot, most will be dropped and only 1-2 games will filter into her collection if it’s basically a clone of her originals.
Yeah, what I find frustrating is not being bad at a game, but the complete lack of "gaming literacy".
>I always wonder what female hikkis do in the west
They seethe on imageboards, play pokemon, play otome games, masturbate, and watch anime.
Truth is you can't win with Nerissa as a jailbird. All of her issues start and end with her own neuroticism. She desperately needs a "handler' to manager her various aspects of her career because she will just keep making lots of basic mistakes that make her life as a streamer harder.
Is this some deflection thread???
Spergs are angry that Nerissa won't take their abuse then antis decided to hop in the thread to spew random bullshit.
sounds like your projecting
Damn I need a hikki girl now
I think they intentionally hire a non-gamer for the gen because they expect her to appeal to a like-minded non-gamer crowd. I dropped Nerissa immediately because it was clear her gaming streams will suck but apparently a lot of other people had no issue with that. I've sort of realized a while ago that I shouldn't expect every new member of a gen to appeal to me since that goes against their whole hiring strategy where they don't want the fanbases to overlap too much.
>Paid to do basically nothing
I hate women so much, stupid whiny bitch.
Just get good, shut them up.
Its rather impressive how all those women just don't learn anything, they have absolutely no gaming sense.
Choco has been playing Apex since the game launched, she's still awful at it, I've been watching Amiya since Tsunderia still existed, she's an avid retro player and she's ass at every single retro game she plays, you'd think after enough you would learn, but no, they're just as bad as the first day they picked up a controller.
Nobody's leaving Hololive unless forced to, the money is to damn good.
Everything is a deflection thread if you numbermonkey hard enough
Men drop games because they're bored of them simple as

Women drop games because someone told them to go left instead of right
Moris been streaming longer and is immune to criticism at this point or removed the antis.
The tldr is that they're bad at predicting stuff, really, and will never be able to get better without a different mindset. I don't care if they're bad though.
Yeah I don't believe this.
Pebbles stay winning
There are like an order of magnitude less of them per capita than japan.
This is one reason phase does so well with its picks because all the girls are pretty autistic and therefore have very male brains preformatted to have male interests including for video games.
Fish Man's autism is his greatest asset in assessing potential talent.
I don't think he is at all. I think he's just true to his ears and to his dick.
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Because he's lying, I saw that stream, she was constantly complaning about the combat, she just wanted to listen to the story and lust after Sephiroth.
I feel like old MMOs should be the best streaming game since they're basically a better Minecraft. You can play while talking to chat the entire time, just grinding all the different types of progress.

But old MMOs died before streaming, so the hypothetical in my head might just be wrong. If chat devolved into metagaming faggotry it would be awful. I think it would work on something like a vtuber only private server, though, maybe.
How is that any different than hikki girls from anywhere else?
Because that shit is multiple times more popular in japan by default.
For now it is, but I got a friend who's a school teacher, and he's constantly telling that me that the kids, especially the girls, are becoming more and more like this every passing year
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Worse than that.
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How can they be in precalculus but not now arithmetic? Are these students, uh...you know..."urban"?
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No child left behind destroyed american education. Kids can't be failed anymore they just push them through the system, so yeah you can be in precalc but not know anything. And since a lot of concepts build on themselves, once you miss the initial steps you end up failing to understand anything.
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No the black kids turn out even worse.
People will rage at you but these are facts
i like nerissa but she is a whiny baby
rissa is such a baby. At first glance she's an oneesan type but she's really a baby like miko or luna
rare based redditor. still fake and gay though.
Yes, if you can filter the orbiters out.

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