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2view whore behaviour
that's pretty trashy for a monetization stream.
Also, 100 picked randomly is kinda scummy.
>already doing the Riro Ron Maneuver
GRIM how do I get in?
Ngl it’s better than if she chose the top 100 donators
She should just pick the first 100 people to donate. First come, first serve.
And then she does the Yuko Maneuver by riding them on stream.
She's going to be the supa queen of EN. Already seen a few ruffian paypigs oshihen and switch to her.
I've been up for like 20 hours so forgive me if thats making me retarded, but I have absolutely no idea what the fuck she's saying here.
Blue chattini? I've only watched her play ER what does that mean
>Also, 100 picked randomly is kinda scummy.
You read '100 picked randomly', I read 'excluding people who akasupa for $2.17USD equivalent in rwandan blood-rupees'
That still favors certain people over others. Randomness is fair.
blue chattini spaghettini
Seething 2views or antis?
>anon figures out they do it for money and not for fun
Good job!
So no one is gonna point out how Mori, Kiara and Mumei have done this?
neither, was just farming for (you)s. Thank you, anon
Seething 2view i guess, global and global2.0 doesn't have any problem.
Well, no? You think OP has ever watched streams? He spends all his time on twitter and youtube clips trying to find new catalog bait
No real people care about this
For a monetization stream? Good luck to her, but this doesn't appeal to me at all
beggars mad that ERB won't top the superchats and CGDCT wins again
The way they did it was better, since they rewarded everyone who sent an akasupa within a short time period, while Roara is running a paid lottery (which violates Youtube ToS).
Okay then do it, pussy
you sisters really are the worst
Sister be here thinking she knows YT better than the managers of Hololive
holy based
now show me the terms and conditions with an image
Prove that "if you send me an aka I might do something for you, we'll see" breaks the TOS

Keep in mind this is different from "anyone sending an akasupa might win one 4090 which I'll send out" or something.
ah yes the great resell value of
>drawing of a chattino with the channel name attached
least retarded sister
Aaaaaand, step right up here, step right up! Don't be shy, nobody likes a bashful shitposter! Move it!
Card wins, card loses, card wins, card loses, eyes fixed on the cards anon, don't get distracted!
So, who's to blame?
Eh I don't think it's that bad but not a great choice for first monetization stream. Something more wholesome like Biboo's emote drawing would be better
>[You are not allowed to]...run contests on or through the Service that do not comply with YouTube’s contest policies and guidelines;
>Your contest must be free of charge to enter

There isn't really any ambiguity here. You can't require money to enter a contest without going through a ton of licensing and legal hoops (that is why contests always say "no purchase necessary"). It doesn't matter if the 'prize' has monetary value. Unlike the person who first responded to me, I don't actually want to see Roara reported; I would rather she just not do this at all or do it in a legal way (time limited but everyone gets rewarded)
Okay just in case anyone is wondering, no it's not against TOS.
The 1 superchat rule. She is not saying for each superchat you, 1 viewer, send you get more chances which means it doesn't incentivize to spend more than 1 time. She is clear that everyone who sends 1 has an equal shot at being picked.
So yeah >>80150906 A manager or someone within cover made sure to go over her rules to comply with TOS.
>he doesn't know that everyone who pulls the troublesome priest card gets shot
Homobeggar hands typed this.
They are saying it's a paid lottery which is against Youtube ToS.
There's no prize if you don't hand anything out. It's not about whether it has monetary value, a prize means that you're given something.
nigga there's no prize
anon do you know what is a contest?
>2view whore behaviour
yeah, everyone seething at Raora's succes lol
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hololive needs a straight up findom vtuber. rushia was already pretty close
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>Raora does something fun to both incentivize donations (on the stream literally dedicated to grabbing money) and give back to donators
>/vt/ seethes
You guys are stupid. It was well-known prior to debut that we needed to be wary of Raora. She's cute and seiso but that's not who she actually is. I'm not criticizing her, I'm reminding you that there is a layer to her which she isn't open about. Kind of wild that after Justice did their first streams this was all buried, lmao
>She is clear that everyone who sends 1 has an equal shot at being picked.
That's the definition of lottery, retard
That's not true. Lotteries allow you to buy as many entries as you want
range ban sea and you'll see the difference.
1 entry per person doesn't make a paid lottery legal. Youtube ToS states contests must be free of charge to enter. Cover management is absolutely not looking out for their talents when it comes to US laws, otherwise the talents wouldn't be constantly violating the FTC regulations on disclosure of sponsored content.
Correct. Paid lotteries are against Youtube ToS. This is a paid lottery. You must pay to enter. There is no free method of entry. If there was a free method of entry that had equal chance of winning to a paid entry then it would be legal. Is that clear enough?
The prize is the chattini that she draws for you, as explained in her contest rules:
>I will draw a maximum of 100 original blue Chattini for viewers who donate one red superchat on my monetization stream.
A 'prize' does not need to be physical goods. It can be a service, or art, or anything else offered as a reward.
>there is a layer to her which she isn't open about
What the fuck are you talking about

t. have known Raora for years
Homobeggar are you scared that the red whore won’t get any Supppas?
>Sisters are so desperate for a Niji W that they're now resorting to directly attacking Hololive talents
And then they say they're not the harassers.
See these moral grandstanders will never understand JUST HOW DEGENERATE SOME PEOPLE ARE. There are people fapping and edging to the thought of Rora controlling their coom schedules based on hom much they donate.
it's not a lottery, and you are an idiot
Honestly this seems Nijisisters more than beggars, unicorn. They will always hate her for their evil reasons.
its so over for ERB and homobeggar sisters LMAO
>Honestly this seems Nijisisters more than beggars
lmao ERB is basically a place for nijisisters and homobeggar to start their stupid war agains holo "idol" yeah not just unicorn, basically the entire culture of holo.
>a process or thing whose success or outcome is governed by chance.
Anons in this thread desperately trying to redefine "lottery", "contest" and "prize" because they have no real argument and the Youtube ToS I linked leaves no room for interpretation. Apply the "reasonable person" standard when thinking about these things. Would a reasonable person describe an event in which you have to pay money to enter and then have a random chance of winning a reward, count as a lottery? Yes, they would.
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you want to completely empty the entire niji thread? because when you rangeban sea, the entire niji thread will be empty
Don't threaten me with an utopia.
more like the entire rogue gallery. Sisters, beggars, /lig/gers, phasekeks etc.
It's definitely not a lottery.
Don't you have better things to worry about Ren?
>A person has secrets that they aren't obligated to share with randoms online
If a somebody superchats a vtuber and gets rewarded with a "thank you," can that be considered a contest?
What if a vtuber receives too many superchats that she could only randomly select some of them for reading, is that considered a lottery?
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and that's a good thing
they can do their circlejerking somewhere else
Well technically its not until she passes 100 akasupas but after that she will draw 100 random winners. And while I dont care, you know people will be pissed if they "lose".
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sex with Italian women
send the catbox pussy
Stop calling for raid. /vt/ is not your personal army.
Retards that want to appear in the next epic Reacting to 4chan posts video
Sisters never change.
technically, it's a contest
That is an interesting question, but I think how it is presented makes all the difference. If someone who normally never reads superchats said "everyone donate now, and I will read out 10 random superchats" then perhaps that would be a contest. But if a person normally reads superchats and just happens to miss some, I don't think that would be a problem.
I tried watching her, multiple times, but she seriously feels like an indie fan of Hololive who somehow broke into the office and everyone just let her stay. This just further shows that.
So every time someone thanks only part of the people who send superchats instead of all of them it's actually a contest, I see. Time to report some channels
Her manager and Cover approved this, sister.
Desu I hate it when vtubers interact with their donations at all beyond a thank you and MAYBE reading it. Incentivising people to donate is the most whorish shit.
This is why I don't like subathon and sleepathon that Twitch whores always do.
So true sister. Maybe Hexxy Wexxy can learn from this and do #Cut4Hex2. Whoever bleeds out the fastest wins a kiss from him!
There are cute ways to bait akasupas. I think Raora's issue is that she's making a lottery out of it and everytime a youtuber says "names picked" randomly, there's really no verification they actually do.
so she's a cat
>Raora's issue is that she's making a lottery
lottery is illegal?
Why do I get the feeling that all these anti Justice threads are being made by Advent tourists?
Take your meds.

Heavily regulated basically everywhere.
Just like the rest of hololive then.
then she quits in the middle of the stream because of management, leaving 70% of the donors hanging, essentially scamming them. no refunds btw, you heckin chud
>Heavily regulated basically everywhere
you didn't answer my question
Because you're bored and use stirring up shit as a form of entertainment.
That's Raora? Wow, dropped.
no, it's not. not sure what that faggot is trying to pull
Ah ok thanks
How much have you donated?
/baubau/ already hate a melty about this. They numberfagged her monetization because they're afraid she's going to be the new supa queen in EN. And to be fair, they're right to be worried. A lot of ruffian on X have already oshihened. Justice really did debut at the worst time for Fuwamoco, with them being so busy with the Japan move and cancelling streams left and right. This is going to kill their income.
I'm not the one spamming anti Justice threads.
i mean, i'm cool with that kek
What the fuck, a Hololive talent should be gracious about her position, not doing petty monetization tactics that some struggling 2view indie uses. You have enough money to pay for your life, you don't need to do that shit, that's just insulting
fuwamoco got giga greedy and overplayed their hand. it's kind of understandable in their case though so i can't hold it against them
Serves them right, they neglected their audience for the sake of idolshit and sucking off management.
Also fuck their emotional manipulation with shit like watching Hachi before that, you are an entertainer not my pet.
I've never donated or bought a membership, unicorn-chan.
Why are beggars the biggest Holoantis???
You know what? Fair.
>poorfag seething that people who support the entertainer are getting rewarded
just throwing shit to the wall and see what sticks huh?
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I'm a former ruffian converted to chattino. Season 2 has been awful. Besides the blatant favoritism and number fagging, they hardly even feel like they want to stream unless it's a vertical stream to farm subs. Raora reminds me of Season 1 FUWAMOCO before they let everything get to their heads.
You still stink from here, sister. How's the cutting for Hex going?
What the heck does this mean? Is she offering some reward for akasupas? What is it? What's a name tag and what's a "blue" Chattini?
wtf are you on about anon?
baubau didn’t have any melty about Raora’s monetization strat only the sisters
But sadly the mods won't range ban themselves like that
Yeah I figured, it's always the retards that don't support streamers that try the hardest to police how they should run their stream.
normal italian behaviour
just stick to the formula of pretending to be shocked you are receiving so much money and cry a little bit
no need to milk your fans from the start
fake outrage
>/vt/ doing proper criticism of a blue dorito vtuber for once
I'm in shock, but I guess it's because she's from a homoshill gen.
Does she owe the yakuza money or something?
$2.17 sounds like a deal i should try it.
sure, sister.
Seeing a disgusting amount of ARS, blocking everyone using it. Garbage people.
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so... what now with the 2view whore behaviour?
So now that the stream is over, how many red SCs were there?
Nigger mentality
Put me in the screencap
things that never happened
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Thanks for the simp bux, bitches!
Why doesn't she just draw another picture for each 100 chattinis?
Le clean slate
Is going to be dominated by Ars
Why not both
idk i see people hold literal lotteries on youtube all the time too, they even call them lotteries, and have infinite ticket purchasing for more chances, so if theres a rule against it, its not enforced. off the top of my head youtube Athenewins ran one back in the day, and more recently vtuber shiki miyoshino ran one. so no it gas not been punished over 15 years ago, and not recently either
they dont even do similar content, what are you on
Most of holoEN and its fans dont really understand or embrace idol culture. But the sisters and homos are ACTIVELY trying to attack and destroy it.
I will never understand what motivates retards to infiltrate a hobby only to completely destroy a core aspect of it.
Punk used to be anti-conformist. You had punks running around with swastikas just because it pissed of the normies. Now, after undesirables infiltrated the hobby, you are no longer allowed to piss off people. You have to be pro-troon and pro-faggot and anti-fascist.
doing an exclusive aka supa raffle while doing nothing else for the whole stream was a terrible idea. there were less than 300 akas even, she could have sketched them all and give the top 10 whales a bigger chattino or something. What bugs me the most is she literally did nothing on stream, she didn't draw anything and just zoomed in on the WIP for 30mins. And the WIP already had chattinos, so it feels less personal knowing she's going to just tag you to one she already drew.
Skippa Skippa
she's basically selling art commissions for supas, that's what artists do.
What bothers me is I know she had the potential to earn even more SCs, but her former twitch brain got the best of her and did a subathon-like dynamic. I guess people who didn't have enough money to akasupa straight up gave up on donating. Just look how many oranges CC got in comparison to RR. Didn't help that the Chattini were already sketched
Is there even that big of an overlap in their audiences other than like, funny voices.
Stop being poor.

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