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Previous Thread: >>80136893
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Sex with Koa!
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Sweaty sex with Poko
Fuyo masturbating on stream tomorrow
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Stinky Coni butt
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Lala is cute
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I love Momo
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fuyo has become my favorite artist
Lala's smile needs to be protected...
Lala is a good girl.
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fuyo makes me happy <3
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Twenty-three headpats for Enya!
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Night Jam
Her stuff always has so much soul, I love it
Growing Lala up to be a great Tanabata tree!
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looks like roca broke her leg
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Being Roca is suffering
These are the consequences of the offcollab
She can't catch a break...
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>trying out their health-care
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Roca when someone tells you to break a leg you're not.... ahh nevermind....
This is scary
No... Roca...
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I want to sniff Coni's feet
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How can such a tiny girl have so much bad luck
I wish misfortune never would befall Roca. She doesn't deserve it. She deserves happiness and health
Who's going to pay for this? What's shown in the picture is like $50.000 USD already.
Whoever did this to Roca of course. If there was ever a time for jewman to use his lawyers, now would be it.
LMFAO time for another donothon
Now Momo won't be the only one with medical debt
>this was part of Aviel's master plan
>$5M in damages
>Idol keeps 40%
I knew I should have gone to AX, I could have prevented all of Roca's bad luck...
Not Aviel. He disabled the idol credit cards.
It was fun while it lasted.
I thought momo had student debt which is why she went to korea for cheaper medical
someone put a curse on roca
At least Roca is doing well enough to joke about it. That makes me happy
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out of all places, gringoland is the last place where you should break a leg.
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They’re going to have to put her down like an injured horse
If you're a true Jamstone, you will give Roca an aka Streamlabs when she comes back. This is her biggest moment of need. Your oshi needs you.
If you're a true Jamstone, you will buy Roca's amputated leg for the total cost of the operation.
>you will buy Roca's amputated leg
And then do what with it? Cook it, eat it so you'll feel closer to your oshi?

Trust the plan, guys
Kind of ominous to post this right as Roca posts about breaking her fucking leg but okay
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I pray for Roca's recovery.
When is endless coming back btw?
Based Roca, breaking her leg to create unity and make Coni stay.
Some next week some next month some never
Wait for another part to be removed so I can slowly build my own Roca
Preserve it with resin and put it on a shrine
Giving Roca a foot massage so she heals faster
What if Coni pushed her down a flight of stairs and caused Roca to break a leg?
Cut a leg off and replace it with Roca's leg
>Kai got sick
>Roca lost all her things and broke leg
>Poko can't use her card
>Momo only appeared for a moment and nobody heard from her ever again
Coni is going to kill them all the moment Encore leaves.
Juna said the 17th
Momo at the bottom at the stairs
Poor Momo
Pretty fucking evil of her to use the meet up as an opportunity to kill off her competition.
sorry she doesn't like footfags
t.a heartbroken footfag
This sounds like some kind of curse
Lumi of Idol Corp. She became the one she swore to destroy...
These girls never leave the house, trouble is to be expected whenever they do.
Does she outright hate footfags, or just dislike the fetish?
It's dangerous your there
don't worry they are still girls, they'll look back fondly on the drama of the trip. Bitches don't like peaceful.
>Name is literally Rock
Jamstones, is your oshi made of pumice stone or something?
The Red Offcollab. No one will respect House Confetti after this.
She's precious but brittle gem
I'm not a regular viewer, but several times I've been watching and foot stuff's been brought up she treated it with disdain. She definitely likes to joke about farting and pooping more kek
the mozzumites send their regards
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>Endless looking for Momo rn
Oh, so that's why one of her boots was 1 inch taller than the other?
Right to left
Coni, Roca, Poko
Kai as the baby
How do you think she fucked her leg?
Things got kinda wild in the lesbian orgy.
>poorfag larping
high heels and then stairs
I wonder if they got too rowdy drinking or it was a legit accident
>Roca tried to jump of the airbnb roof into a pool and missed
Endless was playing twister
Poko fell on Roca's leg
Only Coni, Momo and Kai had a threesome
Weren't they all drinking?
So they went out on a girls night out and a drunken Coni thought it would be "funny" to push her genmate into oncoming traffic...
Anon please My lovely Poko would have reduced Roca's bones to dust if that happened.
I think she just means healthcare. She said she's still paying off her debt from past hospital visit.
Does anyone know how dutch healthcare works in the US? Is this gonna be covered or is she fucked?
Fuck the kikes that run American healthcare.
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coni's white ass..... uoh.....
god, she's perfect
i have some advice i want to send Roca on how to handle this situation but i'd rather idol management didn't see it. do you think she still checks her PL maro?
whatever jew plan you got rigged up, im sure they've thought about it
it's not gonna be covered by Dutch healthcare. if she's very well-prepared she has her own travel insurance; or idol might have provided it for her (lmao). more likely she'll be on the hook for the whole bill, but since it happened on a company trip Aviel would be confirmed actually worse than Riku if the company didn't cover at least half of it.
is coni's butthole also white
Isn't it a normal thing?
It’s deliciously brown
she was smart to post a photo of it so quickly
It's okay Coni, I forgive you just because you're white and a girl.
she's in california, a heavily asian state to begin with and she's surrounded by who knows how many asians
looks like yuko had a lot of fun...
Do American Asians eat with chopsticks too? their parents teach them that?
I'd imagine the 1st generation ones do. Or at the very least they'd eat more food that gives them the opportunity to learn
she keeps winning
Most other burgers I know, even the not asian ones, eat asian food with chopsticks. I'm white and I do too and not for weeb reasons. It's just the utensil you use for it. It's not uncommon for people to not know how though, so every asian restaurant here gives out forks too.
I bet you eat pizza and tacos with knife and fork
Vtubers going to cons was a mistake
nah I be slobberin on that shit
I got my 'hello' from poko, fuck you.
Thinking about it seriously, eating a taco with a fork and knife isn't too far out there, it'd be like a pancake with toppings
Your hello is not worth 2/3 weeks of no content
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yes it is
fuck you
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at that point though you just have one of these.
God, I want to fuck Ruby.
nta but I eat pizza with a fork and knife, its much less messy when you have a beard and mustache
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How the hell are you able to grow a beard with that much estrogen in your system?
i bet you eat ribs with a fork and knife too
diaper correction
i can almost see her panties
you say that now, but when you have to rinse your beard in a sink and use half a roll of papertowels to dry it everytime you eat something messy you find ways to save yourself the trouble
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What an interesting group of creatures sitting behind her..
Tacos don't get soggy.
Why did Koa disable her maros... I wanted to send my daily support to her.
>Rin is back
>Fuyo is back
>Everyone else is having a fun time hanging out together
Are we back? Will Coni decide not to graduate after all?
>fun time
Yeah Roxy's having a great time
daily? Koa maro has been disable two days ago
and well she has been received hate so she close them temporally that's all
>daily support
slowfaggot she closed them days ago
>argy niggers did not tire of harassing her
> she has been receiving hate
That's just your everyday experience streaming for spics
I'm only complaining now because I thought she would return it after a few days.
lo siento aun sigo aprendiendo el idioma onion
i need some reassurance please
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there there anon
she's busy maybe she forgot about it
you'll be ok roca, stay strong
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Meica passed her Japanese proficiency test. Does that mean she can get permanent residence there?
She has an entire room of cute girls pampering her, she's in heaven
The bill and her lost luggage are gonna pamper her real good
Do some of you retards think Roca didn't have an insurance?
Reminder that Lala loves Mexico
do Europeans even get health insurance, do they need it?
Rin spent a considerable portion of her coming back stream talking how she can't talk about "the incidents".
Fuyo will probably do something similar and have been vagueposting on different outlets while she was on break or strike or whatever the hell is happening.
Coni can graduate today or stay forever i don't give a shit.
For traveling yeah it's common sense.
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thanks for the reminder to watch rin's vod
is it different than travel insurance airlines tack on when you're buying your ticket?
Tear-jerking performance
Juna alluded to the fact that she was sad she wasn't going to get a 3d model anytime soon. She's been talking about things that put her in a bad mood for weeks now, which tanked her motivation to stream. If I had to take a guess, Aviel mismanaged idol's finances and had to deny Esekai in particular some promised rewards. Remember, they didn't even get funds for a proper anniversary stream back then.
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12 hours
Aviel split too hard in the direction of expansion rather than internal growth. Instead of helping improve quality of the corp and already debuted talents he's been grabbing people and throwing shit at the wall hoping it sticks netting a Gura killer.
And though the damage that's done is clearly seen and has bit him on the ass multiple times he's too stubborn to back up and pave the road he's haphazardly put together.
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I havent checked twitter or anything in awhile and I just now saw that Roca fucked her leg up. Just how wild is this offcollab orgy getting?!
You'll be ogey
Oh yeah, you can clearly see that he tried to spam gens with no regard for the actual talents. Meanwhile Mirai talents that debuted 3 months ago already got their 3d models, which is fucking nuts.
It's okay Koa. I'll rub your belly and call you a good girl.
I can't wait for Menace to start streaming full time.
what summoned them today
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Momo will come back too right?
You know about that thing that happens where suddenly everything starts to look up right after a bad time?
Everyone who's happy and coming back sent their graduation letters and now have a reason to stream again which is, to give the best they have before it's over
You did find and say hi to your oshi right?
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Frick you faggots lets be positive for once, is that too much to ask
two more weeks!
Yes, but then she raped me
>lets be positive for once
That might be too much to ask I'll be satisfied with no spooky scary vagueposts
are you fucking stupid? do you know how long we've been playing this game? patience has limits
E-sekai is saved
Endless is saved
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I agree, let's be positive guys! The future is looking bright!
What about Eternals?
Change oshis.
who is this lady?
Which one was better: the offkai arc or AX?
Bruh, they get told stories of American healthcare costs like it's the fucking boogeyman. If you travel to the US and don't get a health insurance package tacked on then you're retarded.
I meant in general. I also asked >>80202200
Ironically enough, yes
I went to Offkai but not AX so I think Offkai was better
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Goodnight jewbros. Hope you have sweet dreams of your oshi.
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A mimir!!!
>all these clueless replies
Do you retards even watch Roca? lmao
Ni ni get good rest. Sweet dreams, niggies
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I want to take care of Roca as she ages and becomes more vulnerable. I want to carry her when she is unable to walk. Be patient and repeat myself when she starts losing her hearing. Help her read things as she loses her eyesight. I want to help her and make her happy every day
wholesome thoughts
>Why did Koa disable her maros
What?! What the fuck happened now
Reminder that just because some talents are returning to streaming activities doesnt mean there's not a trash fire happening behind the curtains. Until it is put out, treat everything as smoke and mirrors and never forget the talents are sitting on a powder keg that has embers circling around
Never forget your oshi has fertile eggs inside her that has my sperm circling them
Jamstones claim they love Roca so much and want to marry her and everything but dont even know about her health issues. Grim.
>so much going on
is this bitch for real?
its an inside job, aviel is going to sue whichever establishment she broke it at in order to recoup some losses and keep the company afloat
I just want to meet the bee loli already. Aviel please reveal her
>Roca is Samuel L. Jackson in Unbreakable
>Will Coni decide not to graduate after all?
she already made the commitment on her PL discord lmfao, unless she just goes "lol sorry nevermind".
I doubt anything changed
I hope Roca calls me a motherfucker when we have children
>throwing shit at the wall hoping it sticks netting a Gura killer
wasnt yuko the gura killer?
>he thinks wildfyre is still happening
oh no..
reply to this post if you're a member of idolEN3
reminder that all vaguepoters be them insidehers jewbros tourists or talents can choke on my cock
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i love my wife junny
Holy fuck I never noticed that Enya looks a bit like Iroha
sprained ankle? torn ligament? doubt it's a fracture with that kind of brace.
literally just tripped, didn't even fall. she's so fragile...
being roga is suffering...
>vtuber makes post on social media that garners both shock and sympathy response
>multitudes of people, including many mostly unfamiliar to the girl, express confusion, condolences, and well wishes
Congratulations, son. You're learning how social media works.
Lisa burning her hair
rocky breaking her leg is a red herring and potentially marks the steep downfall of idolcorp
brace yourselves for lots of inactivity and the inevitable buyout that won't work out for idol and brave
>guys please stop being happy about things getting better, let's doompost some more
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General is filled with cucks and antis. Not sure why you're surprised.
Good night, jewbros
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what if Lumi broke Roca's leg
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>Lumi placed a lemon right under Roca's foot when nobody was paying attention so she'd slip and fall
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>girls menhera and cranky
>go to AX
>get plapped by goku and jojo cosplayers every night
>everything is ogey now
really goes to show that dick fixes women.
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Roca broke her leg because she's fat.
Endless offcollab streams when
Phase general is 2 blocks down saar
I'm waiting for the Juna/Kai oil wrestling g stream
Hopefully soon now that AX is over
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Nikki's schedule
What if they all go home without streaming? Did the donothon explicitly say they had to stream their? Is it an off collab if no one streams it?
this video made me smilodon :D
They streamed Lisa's birthday already. Meetups like this usually mean very few streams even in other corpos.
>VSMP collab
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>42 minutes since last post
>the girls are all busy hanging out with each other
>/jidf/ slows to a crawl
I swear Coni made up like 30% of the posts in here
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Let me guess, when Roca went to the ER, they have her opioids for the pain? I can see where this is going.
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quick, have any ritualposts dropped off in the last few days?
The anon who wants to breastfeed and change all the girls diapers hasn’t posted
She posted yesterday
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Sex in the water
Yes, but not today
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Korean woman trust?
Korean woman thrust?
Can Juna be trusted?
I don't think you can out-jew them.
Also taiga is collabing with the red and green loli, that woman better treat her nice!
Momo's juicy Korean cunny
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Is momo chilling with endless right now or?
I would hope she's eepin
She's getting bullied.
She's getting molested.
By me
How did Roca break her leg?
Pretzel position gone wrong.
She has weak bones and she tripped...
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Whats her condition?
What's her condition?
It was never specified, but you can see the consequences.
Not strictly a ritualpost, but the carnie who posted her with a party hat disappeared.
Why wouldn't you trust Juna
She's too cute
what if she wants to rape my little hole?
Endless/Encore offcollab right now
How is ruby's membership asmrs, I like her latest public one
So far they're similar to the public ones. There are not many of them yet.
She's supposed to do a separate one where she only talks in EN (and other in ES) but that hasn't happened yet.
This is only my speculation but from what she said on stream it sounds like osteopetrosis
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Thanks for actually answering, I'll get it once it's not obvious that it's me
That sounds rough
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Poko sat on her
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>doesn't tweet or get tweeted about
Momo is a mysterious girl.
Is Momo even real? What if one of the other girls did a cutesy voice to roleplay as a second chuuba?
That means she was streaming on Pomf too...
Momo does not stream on Pomf
Whatever you say Mei-mo
We know. It was other girl who's been playing role of Momo all along. But who?
Talk about my filthy pedocock again "momo"
2 hours left
But 'Momo' does
what is about to happen?
She's back
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Fuyo should stream on Pomf again
oh right nice
Nikki will open a mystery box.
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How long do you intend to pretend that girl is Momo
Vtubers are virtual.
It's a funny and harmless rrat
Every time Momo sees pomfposting she postpones streams for 2 weeks
Edging mastery
This was a fun stream.
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Just eat more cheesecake lol.
Will Momo come back once the offcollab is over?
chubby little girls
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