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VSMP is a whitelisted Minecraft server for VTubers hosted by PixelLink.

The server uses a custom modpack with the full mod list found here:

>Official Link

>Member List & Schedules

>Stream Playlist

>Thread Template

>VSMP Host Agency
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/

>VSMP Affiliates
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
EIEN: >>>/vt//eien/
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
PRISM: >>>/vt//ppg+/
V4Mirai: >>>/vt//v4m/
V-Dere: >>>/vt//vdere/
Specialite: >>>/vt//corpo/
Sheeptubers: >>>/vt//wool/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/
VReverie Extended: >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended: >>>/vt//tsunx/

Previous thread: >>80110801
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I love these two
vsmp power couple
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Anchorpost for streams
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Anchorpost for clips and timestamps
New to clipping. What's the best way to download just the relevant parts of streams? So far I've just been using OBS to record the parts I intend to clip
Hiyo scuff
Use yt-dlp
you can use the download-sections switch like:
.\yt-dlp --download-sections "*01:23:45-01:24:45" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=videoid
Hiyo is adorable
What about Twitch?
yt-dlp works for twitch too! And twitter spaces
I've been using yt-dlp for downloading unarchived karaokes for months now, I didn't know you could do this
Other tips:
-Watching a stream and thinking "this will be unarchived for sure" but already 1 hour in?
Use the --live-from-start switch to download from the start.
Member's stream? Use --cookies-from-browser firefox or chrome to grab your cookies, assuming you are a member.
Unironically really helpful, thanks anon
server status?
Hiyo is still doing zatsu because this is her return after a 1 week hiatus
i love yappers
VSMP streams are the only time i wish they'd get in game earlier and yap while gaming instead
>thinking "this will be unarchived for sure"
>twitter spaces
i have never been so thankful >>80207846
Hiyo joined the server
Just her and Mozzu in the server
>>80208584 thanks brother in blocks
Hiyori is cute
Hiyo stopping wildfires again
I got time to kill, give me some of the best POVs from the past 24 hours
I've been watching Furi's VOD for a few hours now and I'm having a good time I'm a block game autist so you might not enjoy the VOD the same way that I do
I'm not a block autist, but I enjoy Furi's girlfailure vibes
i am autism, i enjoy furi noises i dont ever look at the screen
Cute red women
>every stream you get a couple people asking if they can join the server
is this a thing minecraft people do? just invite randos on and give them TNT?
how old and retarded would you expect someone asking such a question to be?
genuinely asking i dont usually watch block game streams
Servers with fans are pretty common. Pillow has one and Cyon has one.
Hiyo asked Yuno in chat if she likes MC and Yuno said that she doesn't like sandbox games
Furi challenges an iron golem
I wanted to edit it a bit more like adding subtitles and stuff but my shitty laptop is on life support so I had to settle with just zoom ins
that's fine anon I personally hate subtitles on english clips anyway

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