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Friendship is Everything (404) Edition
Last Thread: >>81270398

>Please vote in the divegrass pole before it is too late! Don't let (((them))) steal the vote!

Previously on /fvr/:
>This is OP's first thread, will it post right?!
>Amanda Splatts debuted, yet OP refused to mention it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjZ2Hlq6pgY
>Star A. Caimito graced us with an art stream! <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2yHZmWqX-k
>Juwun brings us another episode of Zatsu on the Carride home! https://www.youtube.com/live/ArUhqoFOpAo
>Lulu brings us another hidden kino game, Dragon Valor! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BDE1t6awAU
>Cara might be bisexual? (rrat time)
>Neo, Neo, NEO!!! https://youtu.be/Op_j1oi1LoU
>Nii-Nii, Temp, Sorin, and Salty had a Viscera Cleanup Detail collab! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQV0zUbbKBI
>Traube played Disco Elysium, again, for a solid 7 hours and was rewarded with a jump in CCVs! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVtYDvG-udc
>We have a website now!

>What's this about?
Phase Connect's Pipkin Pippa (and eventually Panko) designed a parody VTuber company with AI-generated art. Some of her fans played along and it outgrew the joke to become an actual indie circle (with Pippa's blessing), using a corpo-style gen structure and AI art as a kickoff point. Some of the talents have reached consistent 3views and a couple of 4views, it is only time for complete FlaVR domination. Some designs were made /here/ by AI wrangling anons.

▼Community Hub & OP Template:

▼FlaVR General Friends
Korean Vtubers >>>/vt//vnug/
Chocolate Chuubas >>>/vt//choc/
Idol Corp >>>/vt//jidf/
Kiki’s Thread >>>/vt/pyon
Brolime has been live with medical study stuff
Get your shit together Flavr, board be zoomin
Great, what happened now?
I dunno but the last thread didn't even reach 65 posts
hi waimi

Go watch my Kinowife
Excellent, the quality content I enjoy.
I wonder who aweirdperson is in brolimes chat
They said they are an alt to someone
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Brolime already ended
Probably horroranon

When are you gonna actually stream?
bro, that doesn't matter, if the thread dies at ass o'clock, meaning 3 am in the morning, it just means people in the USA are asleep. Euros or Filipinos need to keep the thread alive during those hours.
Its me
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Remember this week is a full kinobatman week.
So when are you gonna stream
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Cara may be late for a bit. He had a power outage and his PC is running diagnostics
Juwun had a stream during ded thread hours. Another in the passenger seat, this time about vtubing being anime pro wrestling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArUhqoFOpAo
He wasn't wrong, all we need is storylines and we'd be a one to one copy.
Interesting. Juwun's voice kinda filters me, though. He should do a manly voice for these streams
Fake fan
https://jiggie.fun/ZIxody I'm jigging here, if anyone wanna finish this jig with me lol
Jigging time!
I stopped to drive home from work but you got it
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Five hours, and Kinowife is still playing I'm Batman simulator
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Doe she like other DC Heroe?
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Sorry everyone there was a outage in the area and it did something to my computer. I thought M.2's were safe it seems something was lost, and seems to be stuck in either a diagnosing the eventually 30-40 mins later I see the blue screen for advanced. I've been watching videos on how to fix and each try takes time.
good luck king, computer troubles are the worst
Mand, even if it's just a log file, that's terrifying to see.
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Kinolime just ended after 6 hours
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It took the hand of fucking Zeus to slow Cara Malone down, NOTHING is gonna stop her.
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Thank you everyone! I was in a constant panic turning myself into a little stress ball but from everyone's support I feel a bit better. Still scared but better.

For those that don't know this happened once before to my old PC. And that's what motivated me to keep charging forward ever evolving. I will find a way I will not Lose.

Starting cmd

I am eternally Thankful! Your Cosmic Caramel now Bathing in Entropy ~ Cara Malone
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they are mocking me
they are fucking MOCKING me
this place is enough of a sausage fest can't we at least keep the femboy
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Anon is onto something...
picrel: it's anon scheming
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They only look bigger anon.
Also link to stream here
Then chop off your dick and stream bitch
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keep yourself safe, niga

>Cara might be bisexual? (rrat time)

Ngl I would kabadon the shit out of you
With that little thing?
Sena is showing off her based and redpilled side.
she won
Her head is tilted like that because I'm pulling her hair while fucking her from behind.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcaVx57Tpco Brolime soon
I will UOOOOOOOH at her.
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[Minna news]
Minna Vanilla in Pippa-mama's chat.
Not only that but Pippa even asked if she could react to her streams sometime
Goodnight /fvr/ see you tomorrow!
Against who? If it's all the other graduated FlaVR members she only won by *checks notes* not disappearing off the internet.
Good night friend
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>*checks notes*
four channel dot org
4channel doesn't exist anymore
wow, my heart sure is full tonight
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Started 2 hours ago
Bro was raided by Waimi Wicotta who was having a members only stream.
it got a little crazy in the member stream, regular member stream
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OtsuLime. Brolime ended stream and raided deslar`ris, Capippalist homie.
He was playing Muma Rope, and was ending stream but the raid forced him to stay longer. Now he's playing Buckshot Roulette.
Cmon nigga what happened
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Good morning Mongolia, I'm awake. Street Fighter 1 in an hour.
i can appreciate the curiosity but i wasnt there personally, raimi did a lot of talking about kinda yab topics like a late night special
Good morning!
In my day FlaVR was a company full of women and we liked it that way I tell you what. Nowadays all these dang males are making our children homosexual, you MALES, that aint right. I miss good ol women as it is my God given right as an american I tell you what
Spill the rrat you fags
So during the member only streams Raimi admitted that sometimes she misses Brolime smell when they met. Apparently when the hugged Brolime had an erection but she decided not to say anything out of respect.
Raimi also said that Brolime got drunk and kissed her on the cheek and came all over his pants
God if only
Based Hank
But Babi Technically have women's bodies sooo
LMAO, this dude practicing his writing like it's an assignment
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Take your pills anons
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Ready to go to bed anon?
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I love my husbando
Also I LIVE!!!! and very EEPY!

I found a workaround back end through booting to my Back up then running Diagnostics on the M.2nvme. A System reset to a week back was probably not needed but just to be Sure. Lost alot of Data spent the night re-installing just about everything and having to re label my Drives again. Brain is Fried but still intact, very Eepy but still Alert, Feels weird. Computer health all green except my back up drive which is in caution yellow! And its making Clicking sounds every so often.

I have no Idea what kind of Luck I have, But I'll take it LOL. Well aslong as the pendulum of Luck doesn't split me in half LOL. You have no idea how grateful I am! I spent it a portion of it all knotted up and felt sick, but now feeling better. Still Heading to a Microcenter to buy one of those expensive back up Battery power surge protectors.

With Enough Deviance! Determination! Stamina! Endurance! and good ol Grit! Nothing can Stop me! For I am Mother Fuckin Entropy and I'm Always Positive!

On a Funnier note Feel free to Lewd or Pron the Cara she is quite attractive and I am a Cartoon afterall. ( Technically Anime ) =^_^=
Just know I won't go down without a fight I'm not the Submissive type!
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Live with Street Fighter 1. Giving myself an hour to get to Thailand and 90 minutes to beat Adon and Sagat.

On one hand I wish Raimi was more popular so she could get more clips on her normal streams so I can catalog her yab stuff better.
On the other hand fuck that, they better keep their hands off my rat.
she's been encouraging people that make clips of her, in a youtube night stream she said go sub to this clipper he makes good shit
that guy has been making clips of raimi and other flavr for a good bit
and he never clipped anything to yab from her so its fine
speaking of the newer clip is doing pretty okay
I like the 2 short watchers in the comments that don't understand what she's saying lmao
Nayvell never did those streams huh....
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she forgot her lan cable and then got stuck at the place that she is residing at. i just hope shes been practicing for her karaoke
Thailand bump
Very cute but hot
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>Cara might be bisexual? (rrat time)

What did OP mean by this?
OP likes making rrats at times
Time to quit the bottle
Fuck you I only drink the finest boxed wine.
It's a good place for surgery.
She has a slight mumbke at times. But it's cute to me.
Not yet, but she will!
I'm back from my ban, how's it going guys?
Doing good, you touch grass?
not really
Pretty good
Wait. You were streaming at 4 am? What?
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I woke up at 3:30am. Roughly the same time I get up for work.
You poor bastard.
I heard she used her thicc cheesy thighs to do it too
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Fun fact.

Owing to the 90's anime OVA inspiration, I was originally gonna be totally androgynous. But frankly, some of the early renders looked really good and had boob's, and I was like... alright.
I don't like androgynous, we already have Juwun
I like androgynous, we need more Juwun
No, Juwuns enough.
Based Hank
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Kinolime is still playing batman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UWQm_c4Onc
kek wtf did you get banned for?
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I forgot that it's a full week of Batman. She started 2 hours ago. She goes for 4 hours at least.
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Streaming Witcher Wednesdays
ItO_Oni collab at 8pm est
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Thank you for the Lime, friend.
I'm gonna cut my penis then fuck the lime
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Nothing can stop Cara
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Well, shit, could you explain it to me?
i Was out getting ribs
to eat them i need a Bib
rip to the cows that died so i could Live
probably shitposting in pcg
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To anyone who has access to the discord, it should be pretty obvious who my PL is. I said that at my debut.

However, you just attempted to dox me. Enjoy your vacation dipshit.
Can you please stop fucking self posting
Well he just tried to doxx one of the talents
>Jumps right into Amanda's channel the moment it's made
>Posts before Amanda can.
>Then admits she hasn't watched any of her streams.
>Bitch has only streamed three times.
Nicola is the best. Get mogged Amanda you dumb cunt.
Amanda is starting to piss me off with how they are acting
Only 3 streams and acting full of themselves and the none stop self posting
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Four streams. I streamed Street Fighter 1 this morning.
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Autism wont help you here.
Autism is what got me here
So what are we all deflecting from now?
why am i alive, what am i doing on this earth
Now this is the schizo posting I like
Again with the samefagging. Is this horrorfag?
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Why would horror anon dox a fellow flavr before streaming
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Some anons need to stop being so negative. Dont let hate consume you. We are all here cause of FlaVR. Support the talent! Hate the audience!
Wouldn't be the first time
>Support the talent! Hate the audience!
LOL, LMAO even
It's a joke dear anon! I hope my intention was not misinterpreted Im such a klutz! Anyway, lets be friendly!

I love FlaVR!
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Kinolime reached the 5th hour of Batman Arkham City. She's been doing between 5 and 6 hours.
thank you melody anon
Okay you're weird enough to get a pass, nevermind :)
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I love my kinowife!
I'm not weird! You're weird!
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This post is brought to you by Niicola
Niico Nii Niico Nii! Taste the cola!
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Collab ItO_Oni At 8pm EST
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Oh, this is part 2. I thought you had already done this
They did but the stream died and they did it off stream and then the vod was lost
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Your two-time Marbles On Stream champion
I love you Niicola!
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Divegrass poll. Do it, if you haven't, or I'll shoot
Amanda why you gotta be rude to my husband Niicola? :(
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I'd ask what the fuck you're talking about but you're obviously delusional. Niicola is the reason I decided to be a png-singer instead of a png-tuber
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Kinolime just ended her stream after 6 hours and 30 minutes.
This is kino. I'd like to see Ito more bubbly like this!
Loligae is happier with friends!
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Sawa will stream in one hour, more Higurashi
Watch Kyuuuniii with me on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/kyuuuniii?sr=a
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Raimi stop watching the fox and stream >:C
this stream was moved to tomorrow
I like the VN streams.
I hate kids in chats: They are so annoying with their constant backseating, weird "are you dating". "is that your real voice?", demanding vtubers to play what they want, etc.
They NEED to grift and soak up the drama
Goodnight /fvr/ see you tomorrow!
What Drama? Does fox have Drama?
What drama?
I love you anon
This is just the most recent one, but yes. She loves the drama just like those 2 do.
Bro...this is the wrong fox, we are talking about Kyuuuni you dumb fuck.
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LOL... I was also confused...
Whats the rrat on bro and raimi liking drama? They seem fine
It's not that "they like drama", it's just that if Selen is fired from Nijisanji, they will make a few comments about it, maybe joke about it a bit. Same with everything that happens in the vtuber space; small vtubers tend to comment on happenings more often than bigger vtubers because they are small, 2-view, and won't really have an impact outside their 50 viewers or so.
same reason why old people like to talk about the current state of society, its cuz they're old
vtubers talking about vtubing drama filters me hard
i wonder if local musicians talk about celebrity musician drama like this
Oh yeah.
Posting rrats on here to start fake drama.
Posting "hate" about themselves, and then samefagging.
Making streams with the intention of riling up their "antis". (Inflammatory titles, artwork and topics)
Raimi's talked about it during her Twitch streams and so has he. She even said he had a "problem" with doing it, but he doesnt do it anymore.
Either way, all they accomplished was alienating a chunk of the wider flavr community and making people dislike them. Now that they don't come here as often so it' s slowly getting better, but they still hold a disdain for people who know but arent their simps.
That's why they used to have what they called "filtering streams"; they were attempting to cull everyone who wasn't a diehard simp, and would endlessly whiteknight for them.
Yeah they do
You're on to something anon
Raimi has said she has reached out to other flavr people and they are all chill with each other just busy
Can we stop with this weird everyone hates each other rrat
everybody does it because... well, who cares, they are small that only their small communities will notice... They containment break, and rratpost on stream like it's nothing... I don't like it but it happens
The truth is objective, anon. White-knights like you make me want to compile all of my evidence.
i think you got filtered
I think you are just imprinting your own feelings over things. Like take a thumbnail, it's an objective piece of content, however, how you interpret its meaning is different from person to person. To you it's proof of something but maybe to me it's just a funny thumbnail.
>Funny rat plays video game and makes joke about current happening
Whats fact is that brolime and aimi made a lot of the new talents feel unwelcomed thanks to their grifting bullshit.
New chuubas shouldnt have to feel they're not good enough for flavr. That shit killed Rika II for instance.
yeah, it sounds schizo to me
have you asked these new chuubas? or are you just guessing based on how you would feel
Maybe brolime but raimi hasn't done anything mean she talks to the new people all the time in the discord
Your seeing ghosts and demons where there isn't. Calm down.
Thread schizo is back after this anon post
Makes you think
Rika II graduated for that reason. Plus you got people like Amanda trying real hard to "prove themselves" because of this grifting culture and who is or is not a real flavr
Rika are you really that ass mad about being timed out once in her chat?
a culture where you want prove yourself to be a real flavr can come from guilt or pride of the psuedo-corp. i just dont think rika II is on hiatus because he feels that brolime wants him to be more than he is
hello raimi
Goodnight /fvr/!
Did he die?
Sure, retard, that's exactly how you explain them admitting to the behavior I just described.
>trying real hard to "prove themselves"
This sounds, like, good?
Everybody should strive to be the best they can be? How is this a bad thing? If you put in the effort, isn't that nice?
>This sounds, like, good?
Where are you from, California? How is it a good thing that each new talent is held to the standard of a narcissist, and treated like an outcast when they don't meet those standards?
Who has met those standards?
Raimi, who claims she didn't know Brolime prior to streaming, yet I was made aware of her by Brolime a month before she started.
There was no standard for these people when they joined, yet here they are pretending they're the arbiters of who is flavr.
Now, what about Raimi and Lolime talking about pulling up the ladder on others?
Why did she have to stop and assure him that they were safe because it was on Twitch and she doesn't keep the vods?
Really makes you wonder, unless you don't have to because you know better.

Cheers xoxoxo

p.s. A bit odd that they've both been doing Members streams because, and I quote:
I have no idea what that is about. What hands? That tiny bit of text doesn't prove anything... certainly nothing you are claiming.
It makes me think of conspiracy theorists who started connecting the dots on the recent murder attempt, they looked into every detail, the shirt this guy was wearing, the position of the wind, whatever, the shape of the blood droplets, etc... it's cray cray talk
maybe it's time for a rangeban
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this is out of context
its a reply to his new rap draft that is members only
The hands
LMAO... Discord looks complicated...
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I can't think of a witty reply
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Nice ISP bro
Dont care about the schizo posting but cute raimi drawing of trashlime
>be hiromoot
>use a reverse proxy to protect your forum
>ban users via ip range
>your brains too full of rice to realize that now your system believes whatever the user modifies the X-Forwarded-For header to be
>brain-dead scriptkiddies can now circumvent ip bans
It's like he's doing it on purpose

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