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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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What is the ugliest VTuber model you have ever seen?
An egg PNG.
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Kiara, not only is it ugly as fuck but the lore and gadgets are retarded too
kirsche's has to be up there
That one black dramatuber who made his model intentionally ugly a few weeks ago. He had chains and piercings coming out of everywhere, as well as terrible clashing colors and terrible rigging.
Probably some NijiJP gimmick design, they have a bunch of em.
Coomers would unironically consider the slenderman hot if he got large enough boobs.
Your mom
whatever this overdesigned and ugly thing is
So far you're well in the lead, Anon.
Yeah that's the winner nothing beats that.
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Only the legs are bad. Other than that, Kronii has a good model. Her face in particular is adorable with her tiny fangs.
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Holy shit it’s Lil Uzi Vert
That one troon who harassed Pika and later cried about getting banned for streaming naked and drawing really gross porn on twitch.
Look at this model. Look at it. Look at it and think: "What a well-adjusted black gentleman!"
You literally can't.
the absolute nigrosity
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rent free
the black splatoon looking thing that was trying to stir shit up for mori
Your mom
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not bad for eldritch horror
biblically accurate Nyana
It’s called a opinion you retard
>people on xitter defended this trash model and persecuted the chuubas who called it ugly
>Rejected her cunny model because she didn't get clipped by cooksie saying cum
>Makes a coomerbaiting one
>Loses audience and still hasn't gotten clipped saying cum
>goes back to cunny
It was a good model imo, just a bad idea to rebrand. If a new vtuber used that model I bet it would've been recieved a lot better.
Ok. you win.

This is just cute. Fuck off.
If you split all those details across 4 different toggles, and cycled through them every now and then, it would actually work.
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looking at this abomination while eating was a mistake
this makes those 1view shitty homestuck-like models looks amazing in comparision
This is better than Ike’s new model—the one with the hand. Still, the worst ones are poorly done 3D models, like >>81352481 and >>81355753
your mom
I don't even think >>81355753 is poorly done.
I think it's a terrible idea, but on a technical level I think it's well done?
Wish I had taken screenshots back then, but couple of years ago there were many youtube ads of a vtuber group who all looked like they were from a how to draw manga book from 2005. I remember a green haired girl with a dinosaur hoodie getting pushed a lot, probably in attempt to ride on Gura's booming popularity at the time. They all looked ugly as sin but they bought several ads. Ugliest was cyborg butch with short pink hair. I went to check the group's webpage, it was very bare bones. They were hiring staff and people to draw them assets, with notice that you don't even have to be adult to apply. Just send them freeform application email with your full name, address, phone number and photo of id card. Half-assed explanation was given at the end that the united states of america requires employers to have these in order to do a contract. But here's the thing, all of the girls' channels were from India. Maybe some scam call center wanted to switch the business model a little but couldn't resist the temptation of identity theft. Shameless.
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I don't see what's wrong with Fauna, Rio, Irys 2.0, Miyabi and Anya. Kronii's default one also looks okay since the clothes hide how horrific the anatomy is.
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The main issue with Kronii is that the legs are too thin.
Her 3D model with thick thighs and big ass looks great.
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Yuko's 3D model was extraordinarily low effort
This one takes the cake...
they all look like they are wearing a mask. It's really really bad and archaic way of rigging. Cover keeps it that way to maintain the anime aesthetic. It's done by choice not by mediocrity. and it's bad.
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No one asked
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Holy shit this looks they tried to translate a vr chat model to 2d in the worst way possible
I am terrified of one of my models ever ending up in a thread like this.
I was going to complain that no one posted vox's dog shit model but this is on another level
No, thats her best model
I can't decide which is worse between these two. What even the fuck
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Jesus lord fucking Christ what is THAT?
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just go to yt, search for vtuber, filter by live and sort by viewers. scroll to the bottom. i found 3 abominations already right now.
Still can't believe this is real
lol...le forbidden knowledge, am i right??
Hitting the crack pipe before sending in the outfit commission details.
All AZKi's are 11/10. Non-negotiable.
The original concept with the cat mouth is even worse
/asp/ always has terribly bad models
You guys need to try harder
Millie easily. Pagpag prostitute is so fat her chins fuck up her mouth tracking.
Her model is as bland and talentless as she is
This is a terrible take; the model itself is great, it has an incredibly cute face. It's just a shame it was wasted on her.
How is this bad? It has a clear theme, color scheme, and it isn't overdesigned. Maybe the face looks a bit wonky but that's it.
What was her name again?
Some time ago some anon mentioned Cuphead bosses when describing this retarded trend, and I cannot unsee it anymore
That's just a dumb concept, but the model itself isn't nearly as bad as the ones you quoted
Was gonna post this one.
Jesus fucking christ, we have a winner.
I think it was Slut Fakeidol
Kronii single-handedly made me stop liking hair vents
all the black indies I've seen have made their models ugly as shit
Every single male model, they either look like twinks or try hard fags
holy fuck
missing Fubuki 1.0 a.k.a. the shovel chin
One of these two for sure
Are there any that are deviantart autism level? Like a scan of a hand drawn sonichu for a pngtuber?

Looks like the equivalent of corporate Memphis globohomo art for vtubing

Looks like a fucking sleep paralysis demon holy shit
Never got the appeal of kronii's design in general.
She looks like a character from a penny budget hentai, proportions so fucked up that it's not hot.
where did you even find that lmao
My fucking sides!
Iirc it was a day model, cause idol doesn't have enough money to get their talents new outfits
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You'd think that one would be more popular here with all the bladerunnerfags
Druilla Kuma could actually go places if she lost her ugly ass model

Good chuuba, but goddamn she has bad vtuber artist taste (although models included)
Looks better than most
Nyaru or whatever her name is?
This wins the thread.
I don't even care if it's "ironically ugly". It's so profoundly awful that I don't think you can topple it.
There's that one ligger(?) vtuber that looks like a spongebob character was a leather daddy with huge purple lips. I can't remember the name but it's such a fucking ugly model and he was also involved with the mythic drama, if someone can help me out here.
And the arms. And the proportions. And the comically oversize tits. And the stupid vents.
But other than that it's perfect.
white whore with an annoying voice, next
I miss Woozie
Some of them are even /here/: >>81355486
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People call this guy ugly on the boards all the time
Sex with my CLAMP wife!
That's just a One Piece villain
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How does this happen.
How can you be an artist and go "yeah, this looks good enough, here you go"
Is that a fucking cameltoe facing forward?
That one looks pretty good for what it's going for.
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This ugly fuck!
People always hated Irys' model but I never understood why. I mean it had a different style that looked more western, but I don’t think it looks bad necessarily
her videos on vtuber designs are also kinda meh
thats just funny i want her to mecha tenga my duck
>And the stupid vents
sorry, no faggots allowed
Oh good god, who would take advice from someone whose model looks like a genetic aberration.
what the fuck is that abomination?
this is one of the worst things i've ever seen on this board thank you for cursing my eyes
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My fucking god. This beats that nigger one by a landslide.
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Probably the one used by that chick that was giving advice on good VTuber designs.
Advice givers always have the worst designs and setup.
It's literally just a classic self-help grift, the blind leading the blind for profit. Just like when people make channels with videos about how to get more video views.
Major pickme, pivoted to defending lolis and picking fights on twitter to win brownie points
Every single actual black vtuber model I’ve seen is hideous, you’ll notice when they complain about shit like Genshin recently and then post their own takes of what black characters should look like they are also fucking hideous. They can’t comprehend that most people want to look at shit that is nice to look at.
This doesn't look too terrible.
It's mediocre but that's about it.
Lose the nose and it'd be perfectly fine, I think.
The nose is the centrepiece of the face.
It needs to look right, or have a diminutive design so you focus on the eyes/mouth (this is why minimalist anime noses, or low detail Kemonomimi work).
I understand it's meant to be a bat nose but it's ugly, big and the bright colour brings way too much attention to it.
I think Kiara’s design in general is fine, but I don’t like any of her actual outfits.
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Gave it a quick test with a very basic line nose.
This looks perfectly fine to me.
we have our winners
It's still ugly but at least it's not hideously jarring.
Only bad part of this was the weird leathery texturing on some of her skin
The snake dreads are cool but that's it
Close tie between >>81359750 and >>81377970
Those are just anime dark. They have no negro traits.
Anon that's a literal monkey.
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At that point you might as well include this one
They're all black girls with black models
what ever this shit is https://x.com/PafuPafuVT/status/1799604878878343482/photo/1 she also fleshposted on twitter once and turns out it's an obese woman
Before I get called a chink, the ugliest VTuber model I've seen is Kson's default model with the 'shit-eating grin'.
This was a great model, you grudge retard
>she also fleshposted on twitter once and turns out it's an obese woman
sauce or fake and gay
NTA but try to be less desperate, not everything is a ruse, but most things are not that great.
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Arguably yeah, I remember this one over her new one
holy boobers
>pure sex top half
>fetishistic bottom half
Saa is sexy but those hips are too much
It was her attitude that did her in. She specifically stated the rebrand was because this was her life at stake and that having a tits out model would have her swimming in bits and subs, reprimanding her fanbase for asking her not to. Managers exist for stupid women like this.
I think it's meant to be abs, but yeah I had the same "WTF IS WRONG WITH HER PUSSY" reaction.
if this was supposed to be a transgender model than the artist captured it pretty well.
wat is this one of those funny foreigner manipulations?
How fucking blind do you have to be to think that a hyper proportioned bottom half like this is in any way remotely attractive or appealing?
This is exactly the thing I was thinking of. Someone paid money and had it specifically created to replace another older, (slightly) less hideous model.
There's a bunch of people who draw inflation fetish and furry art with exactly that style, so there's for sure people out there that are into it, disguising as it looks to anyone normal. Wade through the "western" tag on any hentai site and you're gonna see shit like this.
>a opinion
no, that's her actual horrific looking model
>She looks like a character from a penny budget hentai
Have you ever heard of Fate/Extra CCC
Pants down and get on all fours so I can fist you after going thru all her garbage posts
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what the FUCK is with those nails
Not "ugliest" per se but Polka's housewife outfit is the biggest downgrade I've ever seen.
Her new model is pretty good tho, but yeah her older model looked 2003 barbie movie bad
I went to her twitter and it was a self-drawn model. She's also into dolls which would explain the fucked up jaw and she also upgraded to a new one, also seems to be drawn by herself and it's less horrific but still ugly.
Just go to twitch and sort vtuber tag in descending view order
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It is an upgrade, and that's just about all the praise I can give it.
Don't you mean ascending? You'd want the low views first to find shitty models.
Over designed sure but at least it's cute and not really ugly
says a lot about you if you think that's what it looks like, it never looks like that outside of the manually posed wiki image which you chingchongs constantly use for bait threads
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Glad she got a new model because that shit looked like pic related
New winner
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Are you really calling this sex icon ugly?
Meh, when you said obese I was expecting FoodieBeauty level.
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plenty of sexo models out there
Is she actually like that or is that just speculation
Kirsche has too many followers for her model to be that fugly
Check out Sara Nagare and Serina Maiko, they are the gold standard for dark skinned vtuber models, in my opinion.
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Blinged up trucks are fairly common around the world.
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This one is just funny to me for some reason
Meant to quote >>81393284
>Biggest Vtuber company in the world.
>Hires some of the worst artists and riggers
I hate her face so much. Ugliest Vtuber face by far. 2.0 is hideous too
"without rhyme or reason", anon.
And the vast majority of those that belong to "those demographics", the "ghetto aesthetic" kind are ugly af too
The slenderman proportions are a bit weird, but wtf is wrong with the shading? Did the artist do this in 1 day? What are those shorts???
a lot of corpo male vtuber models are horrible. I looked at a few in motion and it's so bad, like how some hentai artists amateur-ly live2D their art but it's all warped and disfigured
It looks worse in movement
I'm here to end this thread
look Tomar it's you
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Unikeks look like this!?
Haha surely this is a meme account mocking fa-
>It's real
Every day I support a nuclear war more.
You need to see the rigging
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Found the women/gays.
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This fucking thread, man
This is horrifying and yet I can't help but want to fuck it
That one overdesigned rocket one that only shows up for space launches. She looks like an arts and crafts department threw up on her.
The cyberpunk style is fairly good and is better than most Hololive outfits.
>no one posted IRyS old model
GoblinRyS was bad but it at least grew on me over time.
Thread/ Thread/ Thread/
That looks good tho.
Yeah that was my point, if we're counting models that only have dark skin but zero negro traits then there are a lot that look good.
But models that are clearly depicting negros? Good luck finding one that looks decent.
my only pet peeve is her legs (below knees) are too short for that hip/butr
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This is what 44,000 Colombian pesos can get you these days...huh
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Not all blacks are Floyd-tier orcs. Look at the east Africans, they tend to have narrow noses and jaws. You really just need the lips to look plump. The Boondocks or Michiko&Hatchin do a good job at anime-black
Idc if she's "le heckin based!!!" Her model is so fucking ugly that she needs to kill herself.
the peanut guy
Sana brown
Of course it's a mentally ill tranny.
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came here to post fat coni thinking i'd win instantly but then I saw this shit
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Her ugly 3d model with its shitty jerky tracking was enough to filter me.
I'd post her myself, but after looking at the thread, it didn't feel right. The worst of the worst makes her model look good.
This is definitely overdesigned but I could see most of this being okay if you got rid of some of the details. Considering all the eyes and the wings I figure shes trying to be a biblically accurate angel design or something, but I think if you ditched all the eyes and creepy shit and went for a colourful catgirl design this would actually be cute.
Well yeah, thats why I shared it.
What was his name again
That's a weird version of Pippa
Holy, this thread. As someone who mostly watch corpos I didn't know you guys had it this bad in the wild.
Yeah there are 1 and 2 views with worse models, but I'd say she's got the worst model of any remotely significant vtuber.
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Is what she normally looks like
Nigga is friends with proven pedos from the Melee community and beat up her ex-gf. Proof that as long as you're a clown on the internet, people will pay attention to you.
>Lose the nose and it'd be perfectly fine, I think.
She actually has that nose so people wont sexualizer
this is the future that homobeggars want for hololive. do not let it happen!
time to bleach my eyes for witnessing some of this fucked up models
is this some fucked up fetish im unaware of?
you know its bad when she inclined to the moon the moment she got a redesign
tbf its intentionally ugly
still looks ass
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Do not open
my blood pressure rose and i almost shat myself
sad skin yoshi
Mission accomplished, I feel revolted just at a glance.
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This or fivish tiktok Chinese science
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after witnessing the abominations /here/, this is not the ugliest itt. but for what it went from to what it became it killed off my viewership. the design downgrade was too much
And here I thought Chibi going cross-eyed was a huge downgrade, this is a travesty.
>no it'll go right to your thighs
>and then you'll blow up
Early spongebob is like comedy at it's asbosule peak kek
No screencap but ot was a trans pastel skeleton voiced by a guy
I hate how it could've worked but they went for a second life meets wikihow art style
fuck you clear is cute
imagine the braps
it'd be like an oil drum
doesn't look that bad, just slightly derpy
Anything from ironlung
needs a futa bulge
You could insert fnaf jumpscare sound and I can guarantee you it will scare me even more.
Nta without watching or listening to them i would presume that's the fictional anime brown race
I think we gotta draw a line at dramatubers =/= vtubers as they're not even really streamers, they're commentators using live rigs.
Similar reason i dont consider nux a vtuber.
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>vtuber = streamer
fine, ill take her. shes mine now since you all hate her design
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really? after everything you've seen in the thread, somehow this is bad? are you fucking gay
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Salvageable with a better artist redrawing it.

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