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This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy. You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxZVzygb0QjJ6hksAEYzCbLCegxsjhui97BB73qzPvU7GgJv6fXdAPmmIv6Qt9H5d5Fzg/exec

"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>81169675
(Where we discussed orca tails, marking, size difference in both senses of the word, and porn review Iroha)

/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/
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Story Anchor
Moom 'em if you got 'em
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Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!
Story recap. There were four stories posted last thread:

Foxen >>81171140
Tags: Wedgie, Shirakami Fubuki, Kurokami Fubuki

Sunday Morning >>81200023
Tags: Cecilia Immergreen, SFW, fluff

Fucking Clock >>81257717
Tags: Ouro Kronii, wedgie, smut, NSFW

A White December, Chapter Five >>81281200
Tags: military, Sora, Cecilia, Botan, Suisei, AZKi, other chuubas
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doing the bassist until the entire room stinks
What if your oshi found your fanfiction about her?
I'd be terribly flattered.
No matter how much she hates it, the image of her character getting raped will probably be burned into the retina of her eyes
Please step on my emomumei
I won't step on her.
Mumei pulling a Nene and asking you to abuse her?
then breaking character and going in a rant about how you are not being forceful enough or how you should be more cruel
I feel like Mumei would prefer to watch as you dominate another girl, egging you on and assisting you while talking down to the sub and teasing her. But if you build her confidence and trust, she might admit that what she really wants is being dominated herself.
Like the Laplus prompt where she watches her bf destroy the rest of HoloX with his big cock that she's afraid of.
Ah yes, Nanashi Mumei: Assistant Slavetrainer
>*chews potato chips* “fuck ‘er harder” *crunch munch*
That's breeding fetish Watame.
>"WHY arent you fucking her harder? you HAVE the dick, you decide HOW hard she wants it! whatthe fuck! what's even the point? do you feel good at that speed? well go faster! pick a speed and stick to it dammit why-"
>Hard cut to Mumei twitching, cum leaking, after you had enough of her backseating
Lubricating Ceci's joints with my manjuice.
You would not believe how hard I got reading that
Anon that's specifically prohibited in the maintenance manual
I'm still obsessed with the Promise band idea, sorry.
The setup I imagine is that they're a punk-pop band that emerged from the wreckage of the punk-rock band Council with their hit single Bubblegum Promise(or something, i just thought it was a good name for a shitty 200s song). You're a manager/stagehand/security guy on their latest tour that ends up intimately involved with all 5 of them over time.

Reticent, taciturn bass player. Dresses like a librarian in her off time, doesn't like being recognized. Lines about how she's busy with college and the band isn't her whole life. hee only one where I'm not completely clear on where the sex jumps in, which sucks because she's meant to be the first one.
Mumei's close friend in the band, on keyboard. Mumei brings her in because of her voyeurism fetish, which Fauna is a bit weirded out by but willing to engage in. Rather clingy and awkward despite her outward cockiness and motherly demeanor. She spends a lot of time trying to take care of her bandmates, but they're not huge fans of her vegan desserts.
Lead vocals, known airhead. She was brought in to the band by the record company after her career as a solo singer/songwriter stalled out. Keeps making you awkward with inneundo you *think* is unintentional? Once she realizes you're involved with the first two, decides to take you for herself, something about being previously vetted raising your evaluation in her eyes. Huge tease, constantly getting you to take her on expensive dates while threatening to expose your relationship with Mumei and Fauna. Chapter ends with (You) being blueballed after she very nearly gives you road head.
Previous lead vocalist, now on guitar. Huge complex about that, sad about her friend(Sana is obliquely referenced as being 'gone', everybody gives different reasons for comedic purposes), jealous that IRyS 'stole' her position. This leads to her wanting to 'steal' you from her in return, but she doesn't have the guts. So she gets drunk and attempts to seduce you, but ends up throwing up on you and breaking down in tears. You clean her up and take her to bed, at which point she grabs you and starts crying about not being good enough. Cute emotional moment where you cuddle and bang.
The drummer, only one left at this point, you try to hang out around her because being around all of the other band members is awkward for various reasons. Outwardly completely uninterested in you and men in general, something something narcissism bit. You end up running into her at the gym, obviously a bit pent up since you're no longer having regular sex with 3 girls. She 'takes pity' on you and offers paizuri, which you refuse, causing her to become upset. Something something 'no emotional connection', somethign something she takes it upon herself to prove supremacy by getting to bust inside her.
>Final chapter
The general idea for an ending would be to have a big fight where your relationship with all five is revealed and then have different min-endings for each girl plus a harem ending, but that sounds like way too much work. Not sure where to go here.
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I'd simply be amazed that they found, and impressed that they even decided to read it all. I wonder what she would think.
Immediate ceremonial suicide with CHAnon being the one to cut off my head after I stab myself.
mmm i feel like the idea has a lot of holes
First of all, if its a punk-rock band they would go with something edgier/more stupid for the song name so it would be something like "No more rules" or something like that. Then when they become promise they release "One More" (Promise) or some dumb emo thing

Second is the tone of the prompt? is this a drama about a shitty band full of shitty people? or is it more comedic?.

Personally, if this is a dramatic fuckfest, i would go with
>Sana left the band out to dry for a relationship/wasnt fully commited
>As a result of this, the band bans relationships (because they are serious about this). Hires you as a manager and Fauna is learning the keyboard since before she was just playing other shit
>Fast forward a year and while the band and the tour is going fine, its pretty clear everyone is on edge.
>Relationships are banned but no one said anything about casual flicks. Fuck Mumei/Fauna/Irys first
>from there the situation escalates as you jump from bed to bed triying to hide the fact you are a manwhore
then the ending comes, where turns out everyone was liying,

Or if its more lighthearted make it so you get drunk and fuck one of them, and then it becomes a bunch of toomfoolery as you end up sleeping with the 5 girls and juggling the ridiculuous scenarios that come with all five girls thinking they are the one you are secretly dating
Your oshi is stuck halfway through the wall. Do as you wish, for better or worse.
I get her out and spend the day fixing the fall. It'll need a fresh coat of paint when it's done too.
>First of all, if its a punk-rock band they would go with something edgier/more stupid for the song name
the setup is that while Council was a punk-rock band, the introduction of IRyS has caused them to lean much more pop—whether through executive mandate or just her own style as frontwoman—which caused/causes some friction within the band.
>Second is the tone of the prompt? is this a drama about a shitty band full of shitty people? or is it more comedic?
I'm not really very good at *super* serious stuff, but I don't want to be really lighthearted either, because the emotional moments i came up with in my brain while trying to fall asleep were pretty good I think. The building stress of trying to avoid the 'secrets' getting out seems like a good way to build tension through to the finale where everything explodes and you have to figure out how to get the girls back together for their final show.
All the narcissists are lead guitarists or singers and the self-proclaimed "leader" of the band- usually the musical equivalent of the idea guy. Skill varies from painfully mediocre to the best you've ever seen, usually the former. Ego is enough to match the rest of the band
No way Kronii would "settle" for being the drummer
I begin eating her legs.
The genre is actually brutal manko plapping metal
Sana should have been the drummer that died/vanished ala a drummer for Spinal Tap.
But she's still alive and she appears as a mysterious stranger in the final chapter that motivates you in a gas station restroom to come back and make this all work. Then when you come back she dissappears like a ghost.
I want to brave Fauna's dark forest dungeon. Survive all the perilous plants and beasts that lurk within. Solve her riddles and puzzles. Face her down in a no holds barred fight to free the forest from her corruption. I would seduce her into missing a killshot on me.
i wanna brave her green forest if you know what i mean
walking on friend when she's airing her fox muff is a nice concept.
dont even need to go into smellchad i mean smellfag territory and just make it about her getting embarassed
I wanna put my penis in her vagina, if you understand what I'm saying.
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I haven't written anything with Flare for quite a while. I always feel like I'll do her a disservice in trying to capture her even though I know the most about her in relation to any other chuuba apart from Sora. I'm not sure what it is, there's just a block.
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i dont care what the laws of physics have to say.
Im gonna impregnate this ghost
Never let your dreams stay dreams. I'm rooting for you, anon. Go bust in that ghost.
I think I caught the gist of what you were insinuating. Noted. I'll include a scene with braving her forest, with the ultimate end of having my penis full hilt in her vagina.
Sounds good, but you've got to address the real question: Does she shave?
Im willing to reach an agreement and say she's well trimmed.
However if the hairless ones want to object i demand extra sweat
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She doesn't because she's actually a fully furry kemono in disguise.
Refuse to lose!
Fubuki’s unkempt stubble!
Fubuki has a beard?
the lesbian equivalent maybe
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Your JK daughter brings home her classmate and best friend Sakamata Chloe. One eye contact is enough: you're ready to go on a savage manko plapping rampage and you know that she wants it too. And that's the beginning of the days of you fucking your daughter's friend behind her back and you enjoying some fresh JK manko in your ossan days.
I feel like I've seen this exact prompt before a few times
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I've made a few JK/JD Sakamata prompts, but there's varying degrees of difference in the situation each time. Ones that I can recall:
ok, I thought I was going crazy fort a second
What if JK Sakamata but in a fantasy/isekai world?
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Imagine being Sakamata's classmate in a mage school, your life would be in constant danger
What if she was an actual orca that could speak?
The government would probably take her away and study her
Like ALF
then its up to anon to free Chloe
I guess it would make sense if she was a JK in that scenario because if she's a fully grown orca she's way too large to do
Can't they like, be related / sister's in fanfiction though?
Of course, that's not a big leap. People write basically unrelated chuubas as sisters if it's for the plot.
Back on this concept. Still struggling with a reason to kickstart the whole sex stuff. The easy road is to make it transactional(Mumei initiates in order to get (You)r support with changing the band's direction) but that feels kinda skeevy and I don't like it.
What if you were a good friend that basically worked as their manager in your free time? You'd mediate when they argue and organize when they forgot to do so, so they're all grateful and the band is mainly united in its appreciation for you.
Bigboo love!
i mean, alcohol and tension is a good way if you really dont want to slip in some drugs in your sex and rock n roll
aside from that it can just be two people attracted to each other and flirting, you dont need a justification for that. Make it so you think its a casual fling and mumei wants something a bit deeper
I feel a bit uncomfortable going into drugs because I'm actually a huge square and the closest i've come to anything resembling drugs is taking a sip of wine one time(but at least writing drunks is easy).
I guess the problem I'm really running in to is one of characterization, like >>81390408 implied. I had the concept of a fairly professional manager, but that doesn't really work with the concept I have planned, so I need to rework that.

Thanks for the advice though!
well keep in mind that this is, at the end of the day, a story about a probable fivesome with creative musicians that might or not be struggling. that's a bunch of alcohol and/or drugs. The manager can be pretty much rance and it would make sense, and from my point of view at least, rock managers are the sleazy party guys
If you still want to keep drugs in your holster as an emergency pull, just do what hollywood and the japanese do: make shit up.
As long as your magic pill/smoking thingy doesnt magically adress the plot, you can pretty much say "yeah no this makes you dumb and horny" and no one here will go "well actually that's factually incorrect"
You could go the route of a manager who is admired for his professionalism, solving conflicts Salomonically and keeping calm even when people shout across the room (even at him, undeservedly).
Until one day, you break down during a meeting. You found out that your gf (probably a noname OC) just used you and fucked another guy instead, so you're both blueballed and heartbroken. The negative emotions cause you to be less hopeful about the band as well, which motivates the girls to lay aside their grievances and work together.
But your faith in your desirability is shaken as well, so the girls feel like you need and deserve a new partner - and they feel like they owe you something for your support...
Actually… I like that a lot. And as a bonus it plays into my fetish of women being the romantic pursuer.
>fetish of women being the romantic pursuer
We need more fics with this concept
This, but without taking it to "yandere" extremes. Way too often the girl actively pursuing the guy ends up being written as being obsessed with him to an unhealthy degree
I can dig a yandere type here and there, but there's a dearth of stories with women actively pursuing that are a somewhat "normal" relationship.
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im more of a "extremely needy girl that wraps you around her finger archetype"
>even knowing Biboo is manipulating you with her cuteness you can't help but spoil the crap out of her
Biboo is so fucking sexy
I guess you mean in shounen/seinen because there's plenty of that in shoujo/josei manga. There's a dearth of it in shounen/seinen because it's an incredibly boring premise for anything longer than a one-shot if the story is told from a male POV.
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how come that every time pubic hair comes out there is not mention of the canonical hairy manko?
manko sounds extremely degenerate, which is why i think Irys should whisper it on my ear when she's inviting me to have sex
Kousexy Biboobs...
Anyone else ever have that creeping urge to write a long ass romance series just so you can give it a sad ending?
sometimes, but then again, I often feel too bad to commit to the bad ending and have a surprise happy ending to cap it off.
How hairy? And does it extend to the armpits?
No. I like happy endings because I am a good person
>how hairy
the girls commented on it during the onsen trip
yeah no
Here Anon, lay I Nakiri's knickers upon your breast,
let them lay there until the mountain falls,
and may they bring good fortune to all your folk that dwell hereafter.

In your tomb Anon, lay I your sword Onirist,
never was it wielded by a mightier hand.

Did you see Nakiri's knickers?

They were like a heart, with a thousand stripes,
They shone like silver in the fire,
like water in the sun,
like snow under the stars,
like rain upon the Moon!
Is this following a particular poetic convention or is it freeform?
No because then it feels like you've gotten too invested into the story only to then get blueballed by a sad ending.
Its perfectly acceptable as long as its done properly. But I'm not certain there's been a fic that has a sad ending done properly.
This might be heretical, but I always felt like long stories are best with multiple alternate endings. That way everyone can feel like the hours they spent reading and thinking about the story were worth it.
The most I'd be able to do myself would be in a mini series or long one-shot. Anything I invest multiple months writing can't also be something that blueballs me, the writer, when it comes to ending it.
The lyrics are from a Summoning song which uses samples taken from a radio adaptation of Lord of the Rings (allegedly, sounds more like the Hobbit to me, but it's been like 20 years since I read the books)
Aren't stories with 'multiple alternate endings' like really difficult to write?
Cheers to the guy who made "Fucking Clock". You added a new fetish to my smorgasbord of fucked up kinks. You wrote Kronii hatefucking very well, my guy.

Didnt know wedgies can be that erotic after seeing too many shit drawings of it on pixiv.
>multiple alternate endings
>somehow involves time travel or fate (in the supernatural sense)
>different love interests depending on the timeline
Inject that shit into my veins
Makes sense, given that you named the sword Onirist in a mix of Japanese and Sindarin - but I feel like "Oni-cleaver" should be the name for something else...
Apart from that, I can only recommend (re)reading The Hobbit. Only takes 5-7 hours and it's still a lovely fairy-tale adventure.
I first thought about naming it the manko-cleaver but I decided to exercise a little bit of self-restraint
I don't think so, as long as you have character choices and events whose outcome isn't incredibly obvious. It just takes longer, and is very uncommon traditionally.
But that also sounds like a name for your cock, and not your sword. It just feels weird to give your sword a name about killing the species your wife belongs to.
It's a sword that was created with a fragment of the soul of your dick
So Ayame sucked the soul out of my dick and then emptied her mouth over the blade as it was forged? I guess it's oni tradition.
Only a fragment! She can't have your dick be a soulless husk incapable of pleasing an oni!
are you ever gonna write ayame or are you gonna keep using the thread like a discord hub?
Why not both?
Thank you, man
>literally have any lengthy discussion.
>one anon decides to cry about it for some reason
Why couldn't you fall in love with that lovely village girl living down the road? Your mother and I will always support you, but couldn't it have been a human girl? Even a Kitsune would be better than an Oni.....
there is no prompt or story with this guy, he always writes "wowie ayame spanking xd my oni wife" and then he rps with someone for a while.
sorry that i dont enjoy shitty threads like you
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What are you working on around these parts, anon?
Never done that, that there's purely a product of your deranged mind
yes, and a retard crying about how he can't brain police everyone is a real seal of quality.
I'd want to try writing something and posting it here, but it feels like there is a minimum skill ceiling for even posting here.
a meta short fic that o wanted to make for fun that I'll be posting within the next few minutes once I tie this ending up
Just do it. If it sucks, it sucks, pick a few points of feedback, don't take it personally, and do your best to address them. The only sure way to improve is to write over and over and over again.
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Nah, you got what it takes. You might get a good amount of feedback on what you can do better, but as long as you are receptive to it and do your best, you'll be just fine. We all gotta start somewhere.
You mean a skill floor? There isn't, what's important is your willingness to accept feedback and improve. And that you don't shill your work too much, but everyone decent knows that.
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bad news! i might have lost an entire month of my life because my fucking stupid motherfucker of a profesor is not mailing me the materials and assigments i need to enter the exam!

Good news! we might be back for some writing!
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I think you'll find that anons are very supportive of new writers who have good attitudes. You might run into an asshole or two because this is still 4chan, but you can ignore them and focus on proper critique.
You can't become good at something if you're not first somewhat bad at something.
Our standards are actually quite low
All you need to post on /wg/ is to write about a chuuba and reply to the anchor.
Even I started out just chucking out low-effort hornyposts, but if you enjoy what you're doing and you want to improve, you'll always be welcome.
Speak for yourself, we are the modern Library of Alexandria, and my fics have been translated into other languages.
Well, translated into one language, but it still counts.
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Fox Tail: Open For Business


Taga: NSFW, Short, Meta, Shirokami Fubuki,

This idea has been living in my head rent free so I decided to do a quick jot down of an introductory type thing.
i hope you're doing alright none the less Brat anon
Kinda comfy. Just noticed a minor spelling mistake.
>I really shouldn't be complaining when it's hard for you to find rolls.
>Fubuki suddenly remembers that Roberu has trouble finding the bread rolls due to a rare medical condition

Very cute concept that deserves its low rent in your head. I hope to see more on it someday if it decides to stick around and what interactions or stories the chuubas who show up will have.
Nigga the biggest producer of content ib this thread this year has been a wedgie fetishist
But that's actually a good writer.
Who would be good candidates for a fic like that?
Fox tail: Open? More like BLOWN OPEN

Cool, short little fic, but Roberu's name is not Ruberu.
Half brother, don’t think too much about it
Anyone. With that premise I feel it's more important to focus on Anon; make him the kind of person that a holo you pick would genuinely respect and look up to. For Suisei it could be a musician/music industry figure who is a master at his craft, or maybe that's a bit too boring and obvious? Anyway, you get the point.
I'm fighting the urge to write a short and wholly self-serving Botan ass-plapping story based on this https://files.catbox.moe/aw269w.jpg while being busy as shit at work. I don't know if reason can win that fight right now.
life is life. what can you do except write.
Fun lil moment. Maybe ease up the dialogue? right now it feels a bit stilted so try and use nicknames or cut the instances of "hey X"
This guy always draws the assholes looking like they've been ran through like a train for the past five years on the daily. But that one of Bijou fingering her own was pretty hot.
Ahoy, Outlander.
I do agree, he is quite competent. I only mean to ease the newbies fears. For me, writing alongside degenrates is easier, because even if you're doubtful of your work, when you look over to the desk next to you and see the fucker drawing inflation porno, it's a bit of a release, isn't it?
You’re releasing to inflation porn? Kinky bitch.
Nerissa's desire to get married lends itself to this concept pretty easily.
I just put out 6 pages without even really meaning too. I had one scene in mind for the next chapter of White December and it sort of stumbled into a bunch of other things in the process.

Also working on the second half. I think it's going to be pretty good once it gets there.
Only way to improve is to get down and dirty. Your first fic may suck but see it as the first of many steps. A bad review isn't the end of the world. A bad story isn't the end of the world. This is a hobby that takes time and patience to get good at
Dumb opinion but I personally think both Suisei and Kanata have excellent taste in clothing attire.
lord have mercy, the things i'd do to that posterior would make mother mary weep
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luv me EN marine
I can't believe Nerissa is a rapist. She's so getting the shit kicked out of her.
Imagine how terrible it would be if she raped you haha
I'm getting the impression that the porn shoot is simultaneously a metaphor for the director writing a smutfic and actual on-going work at the same time, which is a really neat concept.
I think the bar scene needs expansion and a 'point' to it, but you said it was an introductory thing so fair enough.
One thing I can't forgive, though... I was lured in by the siren call of "NSFW, Shirakami Fubuki" but there was barely enough smut to pop a stiffy over, much less rub one out. God damn it.
i will do so with my dick
Reminds me of the Usami-chan/Kumakichi-kun skits in Gag Manga Biyori
That would be terrible. My pride would be decimated if I allowed myself to get raped.
Every tenth member of your pack would be executed?
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That trope where a girl is a massive slut but nobody believes you but with Laplus.
Her being an absolute semen demon in the most literal sense of the word to the point that when you finally fuck her she sucks you off until you cum and you have to physically remove her from your dick because she's sucking your soul out
Worse, I would have to become a stay at home dad for the children Nerissa would have forced my seed out of me to create. I would hate her, but I wouldn't let any children of mine grow up without their dad.
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Don't be shy, anon, let us know.
That's really melancholic. Hope he gets to take the knickers into the afterlife
The fruition of Aqua's master plan...
You mean it's not every chuuba's master plan to be happily married to their ideal anon?
Nerissa being so desperate to have a husband and kids that she goes feral and rapes (You) in order to get what she wants
Totally wouldn't want that to happen to me, haha...
Aieee I want to live!
Someone should write a wedgie story
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You don't understand, pulled a fast one on me. She pretended to be ditzy and cute when in reality, she's not nearly that ditzy and much more cute! She tricked me into buying her snacks, playing video games with her, and holding hands! One time I got a chocolate parfait and Aqua took a bite after me because she "loves chocolate" but in truth she prefers strawberries! Her Machevlian schemes know no bounds...
BOY do I have a series for you!
Suisei watching in bemusement as she watches Aqua work her middle grade level manipulations and Anon being shocked at her devious and scheming mind
Someone other than the wedgie guy should write a wedgie story
Fubuki's sweaty fox manko...
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How would she do it? Try and overpower you with her demon powers? Aggressively come on until you agree to have sex? Attempt to confess her feelings, sperg out and in a fit of extreme embarrassment, rape you until you shut up?
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The classic stick and box trap. The box has a cold beer underneath it, but if you go for it you'll knock out the stick supporting the box and lock yourself in.
How do you write sex despite never touching a woman in your life much less actual sex.

If i take write what you know to heart, I'll only write handjobs
Reading smut is sometimes better than actual on hands experience. There are some ideas and such you can get from the actual act, but just reading what good smut is out there is more than enough to equip you with what you need to write some sex yourself.
Other than here, is there other place to find good smut?
Depends on your taste in genres. The romance fantasy genre has a TON of published smut that just doesn't waste time going into it, but I've still yet to glance at any pages that hold up to some of the works we got here, and I can also say with confidence that my own smut is a tier above it. You'll definitely get quantity if you just search for "spicy" book recommendations.
For tastes that lean towards the side normies find abhorrent? Noncon and the like.
unironically read fiction aimed at woman lmao.
boys have doujins, girl have young adult novels
Romance fantasy is that in spades. Most female authors in the writing sphere right now in there like to cope by tittering on whats called dubcon or "dubious consent", but it's basically a lot of pseudo rape and actual rape happening to other characters or off screen. >>81438161 knows it too. Fiction aimed at women has a ton of this stuff for some reason, which as far as I know so far, it's because it's really easy to just cut to the smut using noncon-lite without actually building up the relationship and story proper.
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>Suisei and Towa having to play matchmaker for two dinguses
bratanon can you make a version of lost and found but with towa? like one of those shitty LN spinoffs
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This is 4chan, anon. It's OK to say a significant amount of women have rape fantasies and that's why it's so pervasive in fiction aimed at them.
I wing it and use purple prose to fill in the gaps
TBF both men and women love the idealized version of the struggle snuggle. The one where both parties kinda like it or where they can avoid the bad stuff.

For example, the shitty RE:Monster manga sure loves the main character being on the right, so he doesnt rape. he just throws females in places where he can pump them full of gas that makes them horny so then they ask and its not rape (tm).
Play erogames. The truly fucked up shit can only be understood when it's being guided by your own hands.
i dont think ive ever completed a virgin run in any game. as soon as i get a chance the female mc becomes a cock magnet, specially in acerola games where i get statboosts for making them cumrags
thank you for giving it a gander despite its flaws. this will probably just be something I drop here and there when I get stuck on my WIPs
sorry, anon, I didn't mean to deceive you.
Having a Hellfire-esque meltdown over the lust you feel for the slutty chuuba you manage
Didnt realize the world is filled with cowards.
Do VNs count
Depends, eroge are probably better since they mix plot and smut like how some series do, but excuse plot degenerate nukige are probably more bang for time when it comes to getting pure smut.
Sounds like you're overanalyzing it. Sex is pretty much what you'd expect it to be, you're just ramming someone's flesh hole with your dick. It's not like you enter some magical dimension with spirits and fairies – although, if you want, you can depict it that way.
>If i take write what you know to heart, I'll only write handjobs
Don't worry about it, just write what you fantasize about. I don't really get why people here suffer from performance anxiety so much. For me personally it's just all about transforming my anime protagonist daydream into written form.
>If i take write what you know to heart
Don't, it's shit advice generally. You start with writing what you want.
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Strong claims. What do you consider the best smut in the archive?
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>Your top three chuubas
>Your favourite fics of them from the archive

Iroha: Fractured Night, Salvaged Night
Towa: There Are Days That Last Forever
Lamy: Lape Ramy
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Eromanga is full of deep philosophical insights on sex
I read this as "eurogames" and got confused. What kind of boardgames are you playing?
Quads wasted on this
>Nerissa is your partner in chem lab
>Text her to ask about the homework
>She sends you this
What now? I just want to know if we have to finish section 3 today....
I am thinking on writing a fic bout doing cruel (sexual) things to Kronii. Thing is, I dont know what other cruel things to do to her other than raping her and maybe electroshock therapy whilst fucking her (Or just tazing her on the womb like Rerape 2). Just general Ryona-Rape.

Maybe Petplay would be suitable, but it aint cruel if she is into that.
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Hard to say. I'll list three I've enjoyed the most and end up going back to every so often.

>To be 17 Again
The first time Mio and Anon have sex. Not only emotionally powerful and hot, but it captures that willingness by the man to taken across the threshold by his woman. The later bathroom scene was also really hot. I also have post scene twitches when the back scratches are mentioned.
>My Girlfriend Polka
Everything about it just hits the right boxes; the buildup, the atmosphere, the Polka, her cushion that gets pushed, the awkwardness of a couple's first sexual encounter. You could call the smut itself formulaic, but late teenagers tend to operate that way, and it brings a degree of nostalgia into it.
>HF Marine's victory
Again, the buildup goes a long way for me, and the pure sexual eruption that occurs here makes it a really good read. The power reversal is also a powerful drug, and the post sex talk is really cute followed by the cleaning afterward.

Can't really tell how my own stuff compares, but I at least know it's gotten a few people's jollys off besides my own.
My wife Aqua with my sister-wife Suisei

What the hell is that?
Gun nuts of the thread, I could use your know how for my fic. If you'd be so kind to give me a run down of rifle basics, I'd be very grateful. Obviously I'm checking google but nothing beats a first hand account
Sure, do you have a specific gun in mind?
What do you want to know? General operation, like reloading, using the safety, aiming? Basic tactics such as suppressive fire?
It's 2024 and you're not fucking your (biologically related) sister?
the 1898 krag specifically. But more just general things like aiming and general operation. Things that I might not really run across when skimming google.
Watch the first 10 minutes of this and you should have a pretty good idea. Beside the magazine and one round top off, it's a pretty standard bolt action..

>Maybe Petplay would be suitable, but it aint cruel if she is into that.
It's actually the most cruel if she hates herself for enjoying it from you.
As for other cruel things, you can always steal BDSM practices for the noncon territory.
Anon sabotages Pekora's longest domino wall topple Guinness World Record attempt she spent ages preparing all on her own
I have an idea for you https://files.catbox.moe/lu09tr.png
Thanks mate
Honestly, im contemplating having her watch some sort of mumei snuffsex, but thats the sort of stuff that is wayy beyond stuff that could just be a simple oneshot.
Clock-breaking. Grabbing a hold of her clock hat and using it as a handle for blowjobs. Getting one of the clock hands broken when you fuck too hard.
Make it fuck up her time powers for some reason if you want to give it soke depower fantasy themes.
Honestly I am torn with choosing between Kronii the Time God and Kronii the human being.
That's too evil
Rise up.
>Best smut.
Plowise, maybe.
In terms of pure smut, no.
What is like "pure smut" in your opinion then, man?
The scenes are super short and not very descriptive, even with the whole emotionality thrown in between, but credit where its due, that blowjob scene is one of the best we have in the archive.
What that anon meant is that the smut in that fic doesn't deserve to be considered the best. He's not talking about a concept of "pure smut" whatever that may be.
I can give you that. While the scenes were shorter, the emotional aspect adds a lot of oomph to them, at least to me, which might be more indicative of what is satisfying smut to me. I think it does certain things well and still deserves a light shone on it if someone wanted to take a look at some smut to learn from.

I did say originally it's hard to say what could be considered the best, as this is just one anon's opinion who has a preference for fluffy love making. The scenes I mentioned no doubt left an impression on me, and that alone I think makes them notable.
>I'm so fucking horny for this woman!
Slop. Garbage, reused. Go watch porn like a neanderthal.
>I love this woman so much she MAKES me horny!
Groundbreaking, avant-garde, the bare requirement for a quality piece.
Pekora is utterly broken, she's crying her eyes out and can't even stand. Someone else goes to check the problem and they come back holding a domino tile with a piece of cloth and a disgusted look on their face. That person can't hold their anger and blurts out that the tile is covered in cum. Pekora looks at the tile in utter disbelief for a moment and then vomits. The information slowly trickles to the audience who were already heartbroken at the sight of their proud little rabbit seeing all her hard work go down the drain. Now they were ready to put the culprit's head on a spike. Meanwhile, Anon was starting to realize that even though he had a feud with Pekora and his loss streak had been getting quite embarrassing, this prank might've been a bit of an overkill.
No dying
Mococo, who barely received attention due to everyone going for her sister, does everything to keep yours only for herself after you showed her some affection.
Personally I'd eat out Mococo's ass after covering her in hickies.
Marry Fuwawa
Rape Perroccino
Kill Mococo
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>open wip
>words dont magically print themselves
what the fuck? i was scammed
Story with a Looney Tunes kind of atmosphere where the running gag is that Pekora always ends up getting raped
>Open WIP
>I actually have to actually write it instead of just thinking up cool one liners and loose scenes.
This is fucking HORSESHIT.
Tell me about it, really wish I could draw sometimes.
Future Kronii traveling back in time to ensure you can't pull out of Present Kronii and you blow a load right in her womb
Stressed out of my mind and would really like some comfort fics. Anyone would do, even not obvious mommy types like Fauna. Hell, Cecilia's cold hard puppet thigh pillow, her cool puppet fingers gently running through my hair sounds really tempting in this summer heat.
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I say we fucking riot. Our stories should just project from our minds onto the paper in perfect prose and pacing.
> writers discovering Gnostic ideas from butthurt
There's a couple very short Celcilia fics posted recently, that might be what you're looking for. It might also be easier to know what you have read from the archive already before trying to rec anything fluffy to heal your heart.
Hey, be glad AI isn't anywhere close to replacing us yet.
i'm an ayame spanking enjoyer and i don't know what you're talking about. i think you made up a guy to get mad at.
As far as smutt stories go, probably never will either. Silicone valley is obsessed with making sure you don't even so much as mention nipples in your AI chats
I get my wife Shiori to write it for me
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>open WIP
>your lack of sleep catches up to you and you can't form proper words to match the scene in your head
literally me right now. I just had the perfect idea for an upcoming scene but my brain is so fatigued from the massive amount of exercise I did that I can't make the words fit together properly.
Sorry brratbro that only works on a Kiara wip.
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Bullying Aqua by sending her pictures like pic related with the message 'This is where you live lol' except for some reason she thinks you're flirting with her
I came up with an idea while I was trying to fall asleep after listening to edgy music, please tell me if it's too much:
(You) come home from a tour in The War, having been divorced in absentia after your wife cheated on you, living alone and depressed. Then your former babysitter(my mind supplied Nerissa because the thread was talking about her last night) arrives at her family home next door, and attempts to engage with you along the lines of your old relationship (in which you, as a small child, stated confidently that you'd marry her if you were both single at a certain age). The tragic aspects of a relationship like that being tested by uncaring time spoke to me, I dunno.
That was a roller coaster of a read lol
>Aqua stands in front of her mirror and does a twirl
>Me...? Moderl?
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>At last, I got it
>It was nothing more than a HollowFantasy
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Anon would NEVER say this
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Hahaha! Live!
When AA gets back to HF I really fucking want to see that stupid attempt at a title drop happen eventually. It's so dumb it loops back around to hilarity.
i love dumb title drops so much holy shit
I just thought of one and I'll need to remember to use it.
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we always bounce that soul eater/chuubas as weapons idea but never with Laplus as the main one.
Like she's actually the sealed demonlord sword or something but she also drinks your pepsi and tells you to buy her vbucks
Have anon cum inside Kronii while she tries to stop him. She's forced to rewind time to get his sperm out which brings him back to peak horny. Anon once again fucks her and cums inside forcing her to keep rewinding time. After countless cycles of non-stop fucking she gives up and lets anon impregnate her.
>sealed demonlord sword
Oh come on. She literally has two horns front and center.
She's obviously a demonic bident (Two pronged spear) .
It lets her two horns be the prongs, has associations with the underworld by way of Hades, and can let you play with the chuuni arrogance thing by having her be in a set with a Shion (Witch's Broom/Spear) and Gura (Trident)
Eh dont see it. i do agree that the horns should be prominent so i can see them as dual blades because dual blades kakkoi
With Unshackled Laplus taking over and momentarily fusing you two into a killing machine.
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>posting music
Following this line of thought it would be funny if Mr.Koro was kind of a joke character until her scene and this rips
because she's the "strong as fuck but fucking around" kind of mentor
that pic really gives "oldboy hallway" vibes. As in, a scene where Korone destroys a small army of jobbers by herself
>Like she's actually the sealed demonlord sword or something but she also drinks your pepsi and tells you to buy her vbucks
There's an Anya doujin with this premise.
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Surviving out there, hot stuff?
Honestly if you're not going for the Bident/Dark Lord's Staff thing for Laplus I don't think dual blades really work since it doesn't really convey that same aura of being used by some overlord.
At that point you might as well go for the basic bitch protagonist option. A bastard sword with shackles that mostly look normal outside of her horns appearing as an oversized crossguard... That when she gets unsealed into her 2m tall demon dommy mommy form becomes an oversized ultra greatsword sword fit for a demon lord.
i missed it when Azki was a yandere
she’s mellowed out in her old age (20+)
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Cute love confession from your childhood friend Gigi followed by intense lovemaking
>Bad route ending versus Coco
Can I bully her a bit first?
Regular Laplus should be a little dagger
more like we have a decent flow of fics lately, so she calmed down.
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Shiori finds you
No, because much like Anya, the hair is what becomes the sword. Her sealed clothes are what makes the handle.
Fubuki: Petting Your Fox
Koyori: Match-Made
Lamy: The Warmest Elfnog
I guess her hair is large relatively to most people's hair, but I'd still prefer a small weapon for her.
She should upgrade progressively with each shackle unlocked like she's kiss-shot. Starting from a shackled dagger with a purple crossguard, to a short sword with a slightly horned shape to the handle, to the bastard sword with her horns as guards, until her final ultra great demon sword form.
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why not balrog from dmc? some kind of armor suit to fight mano a mano
That would also work, but it feels a bit weird to wear her.
maybe some comedy bits with her?
>Transformation ends/starts
>she's hugging your back and you are naked/hanging from your neck
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man i miss dumb ecchi shit like that. Make it so everytime a big battle ends both leads are naked and there's a big "poyoyoin" and a comically loud slap
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She's hugging me from the front, and we're both naked.
Kiara is such a retarded stacy slut I want to plow her so bad holy shit.
Ruffling some feathers part two when?
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dont rely on his lust and write your own chicken sex
>Kiara says something really dumb while acting smugly confident
>Have to resist the urge to fuck her on the spot in the middle of the living room
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Towa accidentally seducing you when she was initially trying to get you together with Aqua
Is it bad that I kinda want this but played completely straight? Maybe something like Bayonetta with all the provocative poses and cool shots…
Made me think of this:

It would also be cute to throw Suisei in there eventually when the maid duties are simply too much for Aqua alone. She's all business and perfectionism, but will sometimes let her guard down around Aqua and your kids, showing a softer and dorky side of her.
What's a fic that you've written or read that never got that much traction but that you still really like?
For me, it's What Comes Around Goes Around. Had a lot of fun writing the scenes of Pikafluff.
Unrelated, but imagine Suisei in her prim and proper maid outfit, but she's heavily pregnant
This isn't about Suisei's family, it's about Towa's.
>out-chuuniing laplus
Reminds me of Valkyrie Drive, if anything.
Caught by a giant Shiori....
I hope all the anons I beta read for are working on their WIPs...
Imagine getting a Vtuber pregnant
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Hell of a thing that'd be
Preggo Lap...
Pregnant Lappu on a Yoga ball shares the silhouette of a snowman
Surprised we still haven't got many fics to do with pregnancy
I feel like a proper treatment of it all would require a series. HoloJourneys will probably feature pregnancy in a year or two
I mean HJ is probably gonna cover every genre/trope or whatever given enough time
I have something outlined, just need the time to write it
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That is the end goal. Those thoughts of raising a happy family made of all different races and mixes won't just be a pipe dream.
Will the first pregnancy be an accident? Or will it be a race? Who knows?

Only the ones I like.
I feel like pregnancy is one of those topics that really only has so much variation. Based on women I've talked to, the majority of the pregnancy is actually quite dull with the exciting bits being at the beginning and towards the end. A series that's a bunch of vignettes about chuubas finding out they're pregnant and delivering the news would be cute though
I can bake in about an hour if no one else does
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Finally, my coffee shop zombie apocalypse high school AU will be realized
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May I request a Laplus thread?

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