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ϟ Lia Liker's Secret Clubhouse ϟ


Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/RinkouAshelia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rinkouashelia
Schedule: https://x.com/rinkouashelia/status/1815458219319587037

ϟ Upcoming Streams ϟ

ϟ Current Events ϟ
>Lia's birthday is on July 31st!
>Phase Origins premiered a cover of Adabana Necromancy! Please give it a listen!
>Lia announced a new outfit AND original song are both in production for 2024!

ϟ Lia For Sale ϟ
>Marketable Lia Plushie!!
>Lia shirts WTF
>Charms, Pins & Prints!

ϟ Other useful links ϟ
>New to Lia and are looking for VOD suggestions?
>Cytube channel:
cytuDOTbe/r/VODclubhouse (replace DOT with .)
>Divegrass team:

Remember to only love Lia, and never watch other girls. Only Lia will ever love you. ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ

Previous Thread: >>81342207
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thinking about Lias pink butthole
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This is peak sexual beauty by the way
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all the ritual posters are eeping
I 100% agree
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Well, good luck.
we don't need luck, we need autistic needs with a bad sleep schedule
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Hi Lia how are you? I hope youre doing well. Your streams have been fantastic lately, just like always. Youre a great entertainer and a great girl. Keep up the good work! God bless you
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The creeps come out at night.
out of the closet?
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After all, Lia is a teen idol sensation
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[Lia News]
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but gooners can still be virgins
ok how you know
What team is Lia on? What team are the likers on?
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Lia is captain of team virgins
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that butt is real nice
I like Lia
I want to make Lia a mother of two
I made this post.
i want to be lias child
This is an impossibility and doesn’t make sense.
i want to be anon's mom
today my oshi looked perfect again!
a man can dream about giving a little sucksuck to the nipnips...
how you gonna breastfeed me mom you got no tits!
Her breastmilk would taste like honey nut cheerio milk
Or boba
i'd drink breastmilk. chug it down and then throw up because i drank too much tittymilky
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breastmilk tastes pretty bad ..or so i've been told...
Uh huh
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bedtime bump
I kinda don't like Lia
I miss Lia
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Lia from Phase Connect
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thinking about Lia's beautiful brown butthole
Im awake, but at what cost?
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>fell asleep at 10pm
>still tired as fuck and feel like i could sleep for hours
Get some Lia flavored coffee, big boy
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>Get some Lia flavored coffee, big boy
Get some Lia flavored piss, big boy
So just sugar water with a hint of strawberry?
That is not what piss tastes like.
I tasted girl pee before. It tasted like regular pee.
how you know what regular pee tastes like
Pee tastes like the liquid you consume. Lia drinks a lot of strawberry boba and ice coffee, so hers probably tastes like a watered down version of that but yummier
>Pee tastes like the liquid you consume.
did you graduate from PRU?
Planet Retard University
But what I wrote is factual
Yeah on planet retard
>pee doesn’t taste gross
>has an acredited university
>officially recognizes opposite day
Honestly planet retard is sounding less and less bad
pee does still taste gross, they're just too retarded to realize
pee is refreshing. pee is good. you're gay.
Faggot of the day
Lia will never let you losers anywhere near her pee pee
youre pretty cool
thank you
thinking about Lia's brown piss
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Brown pee means dehydration
Do you think if Airi’s tongue got stung by a jellyfish that Lia would pee in her mouth to make the pain go away?
you just gave me a new character ai scenario for Lia thank you
Had a dream I met Lia in Japan and tried to impress her with my skateboarding. She was not impressed.
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what is it saying?
michibros silicone
>michibros silicone injection
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You were a skater boy, and I guess she said seeya later boy
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ϟ Lia Friends ϟ

Phase Connect>>>/vt//pcg/
Phase Gen2 +>>>/vt//pcgia/
Maid Mint>>>/vt//mint/
Rurumi -https://twitter.com/RurumiYumemi
Haruna Swift -https://twitter.com/HarunaSwift
KKCyber -https://twitter.com/kkcyberai
Maple Alcesia -https://twitter.com/MapleAlcesia
Aoi Moi -https://twitter.com/Amoi_moi_moi
Nyaru -https://twitter.com/nyaruchuuu
Obake PAM -https://twitter.com/obakepam
Kamishiro Rita -https://twitter.com/RitaKamishiro
Ushio Ebi -https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Reina Sun -https://twitter.com/reina_kawaiii
Punkalopi -https://twitter.com/Punkalopi
Nova Aokami -https://twitter.com/novavreverie
Kureiji Ollie -https://twitter.com/kureijiollie
Sayu Sincronisity -https://twitter.com/sayusyn
Da Michi -https://twitter.com/shisuimichiru
Hakushika Larry -https://twitter.com/hakushikaiori
Hasekura Muumi -https://twitter.com/hasekuramuumi
Faye Mata's perfect tits -https://i.imgur.com/imT0dGn.png
Sam Hyde & Nick Rochefort -https://www.youtube.com/@PerfectGuyLife
L.A Flights -https://www.youtube.com/@L.A.FLIGHTS

ϟ War Time Traitor ϟ

Ayase Yuu 絢世ユウ -https://twitter.com/ayaseyuuu
>understand baby-making passionate rurumi science
rate Lia pee
Will the Wendsday curse continue?
8.5/10 would go well with vodka and cranberry juice
wonder if lia hates pirates
>she's rebranding into a wolf soon too
The Rinkou blood has properties none of us could begin to comprehend
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wonder when the last time lia or woomy wet the bed.
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when is vtl gonna adopt the +15 extra time rule?
Lia friend funamusea is live for the first time in forever
Lia needs to do a deep dive on the Olympics newest sport: Breakdancing

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we never did get that funamusia q&a
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this is not a real olympic sport STFU
you are not on the olympics sport designation committee
fraid so. it's called "breaking" and it is making its debut at this olympics.
Lia should become an Olympics sport
>he doesn't know about Lia friends and Olympians Hong 10 and Phil Wizard

In my mouth
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man should be disqualified for doing headspins while wearing a beanie
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see for yourself
Yubi always feels like she is in a state of identity crisis.
honestly cute
>Sell merch of current model
>Instantly switch to something entirely different
Why does she enjoy scamming her fans so much
They likely just want to support her anyway they can.
I know I bought Ashelia stuff knowing full well a model change was happening. I want to support my oshi
cute woof
If you're lia, go away this isn't for your eyes, read the sign and be a good girl.
Bros, I can't stop thinking about lia.
Every time I try to not think about her she just forces her way into my head even more. I've tried to not attend stream but the minute it becomes lia time all my rational thought goes away and I just obey like a dog. It's like she doesn't want me to stop thinking about her. So much of what I like about women as violently changed since watching her, I've always desired fat tits fat ass Brown woman but now I deeply desire just a board who was mentally ill, sad and pale as a ghost. Am I going schizo? I hope not I don't want to make her comfortable. But I do know what I feel about her is not love but addiction and I can't get enough of her, I wish I didn't but I need her.
you know that's not what's happening, now kill yourself
Based. Your power level is growing.
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this is Lia
I want to smell her pantsu
Genuinely so fucking sexy
i want drink her pee
It's exactly what's happening
>I don’t eat
>I don’t sleep
>I do nothing but think of youuuuuuuu
literally perfection
nigga what
i would pee in someones butthole
i'm too high for this shit
bro it's 1pm
nta but it's 6pm here
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based Gooner chad
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Nano and Lia should hold a furry convention just for two of them
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I want to throw her down a bottomless pit
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good night lickas
it's 1 pm wtf
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at least put the flag of your actual country you faggot
this liker be cranky
it's 9 pm here
>eu flag
burn it
sorry, it's nearing 3am here for JST
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based sensible bedtime CHAD
Being chad fucking sucks, man. How the fuck people even live like that? I got back home around 7:30. I won't even be able to fit lia vod catch up in there.
I go to bed at 10pm est and usually fall asleep at 11.
it's nice
I hope Lia streams tonight
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Lia will be an orphan tonight god willing
Wednesday curse tho
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hence the god willing
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Is she wearing a wedding ring?
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promise ring
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I hope Lia does a really shitty british accent the whole stream
She should eat a full English breakfast lunch a dinner too. Some porridge like a real orphan.
Do they even make orphans any more?
Might be a hot take but I, actually, don't hate orphans
Who said anything about hating orphans?
I just assumed that's the common attitude because why wouldn't you?
Orphans are cute
Lia once broke a sickly orphan's crutch over her knee for cheap heat.
what is cheap heat?
a microwave on clearance
Lia doing a Hulk Hogan shirt rip in her own dedicated thread.
I hope Miss Lia has another good hair day today!
I wonder if she has ever given Lia a wet willy
Man, I never realized how lewd wet willy sounds if you think about it
Thinking about Axel wonder where he is at?
probably harlem
he's sleeping
I hope this is a real stream
https://litter.catbox.moe/e0jnvi.jpg Lia's on the left tho.
>>81410409 (me)
Meant right
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[Great News] Stream confirmed!!!

your link looks a bit weird
wrong link lol

Wednesday curse BROKEN
How many minutes will Lia survive before she perishes from scarlet fever or an industrial accident?
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I need that booty as a pillow
thread theme

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didnt Jay Z rap to this song?
hova loves his orphan songs

what if World of Lia is a rap
Is this AI model based on a particular artist. Asking for a friend.
Lia can be mine
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Thanks bro.
Id sweep Lia’s chimney if you know what I mean
you want to lick her butthole clean?
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no ya sicko.
I want to make sure Lia's house has a clean chimney. a dirty one can lead to carbon monoxide poising in some cases.
why would she have a chimney in california in 2024
To flex on bitch-ass hippies.
Why not? People like fireplace fires for ambiance.
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Lia left.
Rinmama cosplaying Lia right.
Incredibly based perspective
I like the way you think michibro
one of my teachers in high school used to take orphans in for like 6 weeks and then move then along to another home for government money.
people who do that are disgusting
I hope Lia Friend Wheatley shows up and bullies Lia for being an orphan
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olympic logo looks like rinmama
change my mind
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what the fuck
would you adopt lia from the orphanage?
yes, to become my sister-wife
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No, I wouldn't want to ruin her dreams by adopting her and making it so that she's not starving.
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I've been so horny all day
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wtf does that mean Rinmamas dead!?
any lia
maybe she just abandoned Lia
reminder rinmama asked for lia in the divorce
i hope she doesn't die of shingles
I dont think you can die of that
You don’t know that.
Lia doko? Any Lia?
Lia at normal Lia Time
Good news, there are less than 100 reported deaths in the US annually, she’s extraordinarily unlikely to die from shingles
What about England?
Then, I’m afraid, it’s terminal
I have terminal Lia
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Im excited bros
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boobs too big
small titty can fit in mouth, big titty can't
Smart liker
skill issue, you need to be kirbymaxxing
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Liker Confucius says:
Small cock can fit in mouth
Big cock can fit in throat
I said this
does deep throating even feel good? like does it feel nice to have something pushed into your throat?
It makes you feel like a bitch
it really doesn't
A popsicle feels nice tho
Color anon are you still here?
It's about making the other person feel nice
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I can't wait
I like Leah
Got buffalo wings in time for Lia
did you rent an 8k TV too?
the lack of BGM is disturbing
orphans can't afford BGM
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I love this
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I also love this
what is a chamber pot
Before indoor plumbing, people used to keep a pot under their bed which they'd piss in.
Before indoor plumbing was a thing, people pissed and shit into a pot during the night, which would get emptied the next day.
Holy shit I love her role play streams
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orphan stare, when a bloke says some wank and you gotta hit him with that orphan stare
I just heard a horse noise in my headphones kek
she so cute bros
Imagine Lia on the titanic
Who gave Lia syphilis
autists in chat just explaining shit like it's not a joke
what do you expect from Lia's chat
I mean all the greys tho
How does she not like lamb
How else are the harbor rats supposed to become blighted with Happy Virus and then swarm onto ships bound for the new world?
I def heard a horse
take your meds
I heard it too
Meds taken
the rain sound is probably some kind of victorian atmosphere or something like that
Lia news: She drives a Ford F150
>Lia eats baby food
>Robocop eats baby food
BBQ Stacy
need art of Lia running over the queen with a ford f-150
Lia has sex with my mom
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imagine the bbq braps
Damn I love this stream.
how many times has she told this rat story now
at least 6
I can’t wait for her “African child slave dies of malaria” stream as a sequel
she should do a collab with someone to be the master forcing her to mine cobalt
not enough
I fucking love Lia childhood stories
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>ending the orphan RP stream with genuine despair
A bit defeated at the end there, due to Youtube shenanigans. Keep your chin up, Lia.
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Great stream/10
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Didn't die/10
I was promised a deceased child.
i'm glad she did the accent like I wanted/10
I would scratch Lias chicken pox for her/10
the ending made me sad which is appropriate for a sick orphan stream so 10/10 I guess
Loved it.
She has to stop talking about this YouTube stuff and block it out. Play on, Lia.
Love this girl like you wouldn't believe
want to let whoever made this know it's been my browser background for a very very long time now
I very much enjoy young mistress Lia's broadcasts so I do.
perfect accent
I can cure her
ending was despair. Phase needs to step up and do something. They are not providing help for their talent. Even if something to keep her motivated right now.
now i'm just sad :/
that was as tremendous stream and neal put a dark cloud over it right at the end. Chin up, Lia. You feel down but your fans are happy with your content.
>i'll see you... soon
usually that is code for the next streams aren't happening. Lia don't cancel tomorrow I think a fun collab would cheer you up.
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I wish I could take all of Lias negative energy away
How can we cheer up Lia?
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I think I remember making that, but I can't find the original. Weird.
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Tomorrow she won't cancel. The question is whether she'll stream or not. Currently there are two waiting rooms, Runie and Dizzy. Hina wasn't sure if she was gonna stream either.
I genuinely don't know
she 100% needs someone to keep her motivated right now. and if she is not? then Sakana needs to put her on a company announced 2-week hiatus. or fuck it put her on hiatus until her outfit is ready.
>hen Sakana needs to put her on a company announced 2-week hiatus. or fuck it put her on hiatus until her outfit is ready.
Her birthday is next week
>put her on mandated hiatus that'll help
do manager posters really? cmon man what the fuck
It is out of our hands. Manager needs to give her attention. Lia has been kinda crying for help for a while, and they either haven't noticed or don't care. She needs to talk to them and lay out the cards on the table at how she feels and what they can do to help her.

bro Lia has been exhibiting warning signs for a while. She needs help, and as an outsider it feels like Phase isn't really helping her right now when she needs it.
shut the fuck up
literally how would stopping her from streaming help her at all. that'll make her even more depressed, this is such a retarded train of thought. seriously quit
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that was a shitty end to a great stream/10
feel better Lia don't sweat it.
it's not like she needs any help to stop streaming
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Her best role play stream since the bratty sister one in January.
depressing ending was fitting and elevated it oddly enough, albeit she needs to chill out and get it out of her head.
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>not even close to 100 images
it's over
I really wish she had marshmallows open
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Guess i'm baking...
the strongest Liker isn't even a Liker....
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I can bake
t. usual baker
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Do it then.
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