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nothing against holo, i just used the first thing i saw, but, holy FUCK, dont you guys get tired of Minecraft? every single vtuber streams minecraft, why cant they stream retro games like Korone does? yes, im desperate for variety and im not talking about "le random 2 hour long xd game" i want full on classic vidya playthroughs, why is this so hard to find???
Japanese autistic permissions bullshit. Deal with it.
Absolutely not. It's the best yapping game, the best collabing game and ocassionally the best game for bringing out creativity in your oshi.
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Now you understand what 2Dhaters, Kizuners, and Lunafams have been warning about for years
Yet no one listens
i dont buy it. Korone has been playing a lot of retro games and Cecilia just started a Minish Cap play through, its definitely possible, they just dont care about vidya at all.
solo minecraft blows
multiplayer minecraft is fine
modded multiplayer minecraft is fantastic because the gameplay is so varied but holo is stuck with vanilla, suck for them
>dont you guys get tired of having sex and cumming?
are you retarded
EN has very limited game permission requests now because a homo requested like 200 games and clogged the queue so of course the japs punish both HololiveEN and HomostarsEN with like 10 game requests per month (or was it week?)
>a homo requested like 200 games and clogged the queue
Was it Axel?
We've seen it time after time again at this point. It gets boring and the creativity well runs dry. I love Gigi but I couldn't imagine anything more dull than watching her in Minecraft because I've seen countless vtubers and other streamers play it. Even the big Pekora ran event got a bit dull with how long it dragged on outside of the very specific event moments.
the bara homo that barely plays games
Would rather watch Minecraft than fucking Ark
And for anyone asking for proofs that he asked for that much
Minecraft is vtuber Arrakis.
>not the hecking block game, NOOOOOOOO
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gonna leave this here too
imho it is 100% homos she was talking about
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and also this
The blocks must flow...
fuck off tourists.
Minecraft is good actually compared to other shit they play at least. I think of all games all 4 of them have played so far only Crazy Taxi was better than Minecraft.
>bumpin this
Fucking Kronii, stop necrobumping...
Jests aside, there’s 150% a bad actor in the EN side management that is actively stymying the girls, and I doubt it comes from the top.
Saying this after vsmp? Really? Everyone fucking plays minecraft. It's far from the only game they play too it's very rare now.
I would rather watch a girl play one game a thousand times than a girl that play a thousands game once.
it's pretty high up considering nothing has changed for months and homos get to yab all they want with no repercussions
>asks the games himself so the girls can play it
Actually based homo. I kneel.
it was so fun seeing the jp homos go out and and basically disown the red homo that got terminated and then contrast that to Yagoos well wishes
Today's audience aren't patient enough for skit vids Kizunatroon
I don’t know what that red fag did, but he was thrown under the bus by his associates so quickly.
No they didn't. Stop reading catalogue threads.
hologra exists
yagoo and management feel like the biggest hololive antis sometimes, it's amazing the hololive girls got to where they are in spite of the higher-ups' efforts
no one watches hologra
the last hologra has 500k views
>dont you guys get tired of Minecraft?
Blatant lie.
I think the beginning of the journey is pretty exciting. Like with FWMC recently as they've been exploring the world, crafting basic tools and building a small farm. After they get automatic farms, mob farms, powerful ench. weapons and so on it gets really stale, there's no sense of challenge anymore and nothing to really overcome.
If you like Minecraft streams then you're autistic. No exceptions.
And what if I like Terraria streams?
Starting to think that maybe the homos are unironically tard wrangling the fuck out of their manager. Maybe the girls should do it too.
Considering they have to request perms twice (once for JP and once for EN) it makes sense that Shinri requested a bunch of games. Kronii does the same thing, by the way.
minish cap...
solo minecraft is ok if they have a fucking goal and the right mood is set, but it's rare. there's nothing worse than a stream where they start and say they don't know what to do.
i don't think I've watched any minecraft since like 2012
the chuubas filter themselves
Have any of them gotten bored of Minecraft?
Is Bae really the only one? Because sge only plays during big events
No way all of them have the exact same opinion of it.
honestly, some of the best promise and myth moments were from their minecraft collabs. when they were isolated from the other servers and had no advanced farms or people who give them any resources they want.
>clogged the queue
You don't actually believe the fax machine meme, right? It's a fucking email. They can get through 200 perms requests in a day. If management is really punishing the girls because "the homo requested too much boo hoo", this is a flaw of management, not the homo himself. Stop excusing the people actually harming the girls to fight your boogeyman.
What the fuck is wrong with the homos? why cant they talk like normal fucking people ffs
Mumei is bored of it

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