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Albino Edition

>Current and upcoming streams

>This week's full schedules

>July Patreon Script Schedules

>Transparent head cutouts

[Gen 1: Indulge]
>Azura Dulait - Fertility Goddess
>Icey Snowpaws - Feral Polar Bear
>Immy Bisou - Hex Maniac
>Mercy Modiste - Dorky Yandere
>Shibi Cottonbum - Your Ever-Demanding Mistress
>Stronny Cuttles - Hypnotic Cuttlefish

>VAllure Links

>Unarchived/Deleted VOD Archive

>Greentext Archive

[FAQ for Tourists]
>What is VAllure?
The first EN A(dult)Vtuber Corpo.
Yes, this is the whorpo and they are focusing on adult audio like ASMR or JOI.
>Where will the content be?
YouTube - Kino SFW streams. Expect some spice and kayfabe but nothing TOS-breaking. Expect 3 streams per week at minimum.
Patreon - Lewd audios. $5/month per talent, 4 audios per month. Sub to whoever you like.
Fansly - Cost/content Up to the discretion of the girls, most have expressed interest, starts August 1st
>Is there a Discord Server?
Yes, Notification only. No interaction with any of the girls. Check VAllure Links.
No, they won't be joining any fan servers.
>Most importantly, are any of the talents in a relationship?
Yes, all of them, with me.

>VAllure Friends!
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
Yume+ and other small corpos: >>>/vt//corpo/
More of Azura and Shibi's friends: >>>/vt/choc/

Previous thread >>81365745
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
i want the one i can't have
and it's driving me mad
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life and I love her a lot!
Man I thought I'd be happier once Madam Shibi came home, I've head unpleasant experienced with traveling, even vomited in an Egyptian temple but nothing comes close to my dying wife
I'd let Shibi flash me any day!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Lyra if you're /here/ post masturbation audio on Twitter.
for me, it's mercy modiste
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Immy kinda cute
Immy kinda wife
Immy kinda looks
Like the love of my life!
oh hell yeah waking up to an immy audio and beating my morning wood. immy sure does know how to take care of her big brother.
Where. Patreon?
why did you steal Kilia's ritualpost
Lyra if you are /here/ post a hand drawn flip book video of Icey dabbing while a Boing 737 flies overhead while having minor technical difficulties. Denpa if you are /here/ post a video of your perfect fat titties and maybe masturbating. Icey if you are /here/ I love you and I hope you are feeling better this morning.
Can you interpret the implications of Icey's "going outside" without sounding like a cuckold?
Yes. Hanging out with all of her IRL friends. Going on a nice walk. Taking time away to meditate and go to therapy. Drawing pictures. Just generally doing something healthier than sitting on her bed drinking and scrolling twitter 26 hours straight.
Or meeting the man of her dreams and starting their lives together.
From now on we're not letting Shibi on another plane ever again. Or a boat, for that matter.
Really, she should just stay home.
>start lifting
>get more sleep
>sadness goes away
It was that easy...?
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yeah it's not a meme turns out, i was surprised too
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I Love Icey Snowpaws! Snowbearie brothers stay strong! Also don't bite the fucking bait or talk about /here/ on twitter, you fucking retards (affectionate)
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I love Shibi and I miss Shibi and it's good thing there's only 8 more hours till I get to hear her again.
I don't think she has any IRL friends. Did she have any in the PL?
Oh dude it gets better wait for the endorphin high when people start recognizing you at the gym and/or start asking for tips. Life changing moments right there.
Our mummeh in VAllure, horny be her name. Her kingdom cum, her will be done, on YouTube as it is on Patreon. Give us this day our daily nut, and forgive us our cringe, as we forgive those who cringe at us. And lead us not into celibacy, but instead deliver us into temptation.

anon she can have IRL friends without posting about them
As a positive snowbearie how do you think this is going to play out? I'm keeping faith brother, but I can feel the worms stirring the soil.
That's temporary though. I've been lifting for 9 years and trust me, it doesn't fix all of your life problems.
well yeah, you're supposed to use the energy and ego boost from the lifts to fix your life
Amen brother
Laying in bed after waking up and just thinking about immy.
I already complained about my trip last thread, but man. I'm out here in the deepest of forests, doing various things but all I can think about is Immy. Refreshing her socials even though she's asleep. Still feeling bad that I missed her stream. I'm completely wrapped around her fingers and cute little toes.
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goood morning vaggots, i love my little sister so fucking much you wouldn't believe it. i hope she wakes up to good news!
Record a video of you cuming on a tree. It'll make her wet as fuck
Don't tell madam
but i keep fucking gooning multiple times a day to femdom ASMR and porn
she has fucked my brain up in some way
You were not allowed to cum, you whore.
Nothing has changed, brother. She just need some time away from things because of the pressure getting to her. She wants to please everyone, but that's not possible for her as just one person. Everything she does gets criticism from /here/ and makes her feel like nothing she's doing is right. Trust your oshi, she's not gonna leave us high and dry.
Morning anon. I hope she gets that good news too.
Let’s make immy proud of us today.
i know..
I've had my sex drive x5'd, I'm too weak.. I hope she'll forgive me eventually
I'm thinking about doing a week of tributes for Immy. Dedicating every orgasm to her for a week, getting horny for her, edging so that tribute isn't pathetic as well as challenging myself to be a bit creative so that it is more than just 7 of the same tributes
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>Let’s make immy proud of us today.
you bet your sweet ass i will try my darndest. i am 2 days gosling-free!
I desperately want to counter-point but I know it's my own brain worms and it would probably do harm if she saw it here, so I'll try to live with them for now. Thanks.
Imagine waking up and seeing immy looking up at you all cute while she’s hugging you under the covers.
Imagine laying on your back with immy sleeping cuddled up on top of you. You’re ever so gently petting her head and holding her and she drooling a little bit on your chest.
Welp, i finally went and done it. I sent mummeh a maro with my body in it. I hope she likes it, i think im pretty close to the body type she likes
Imagine slipping inside Immy while she's on top of you cuddled up to keep your cock warm while you go to sleep
stop bros, I'm getting sad and horny in public...
Imagine waking up on your day off with immy and she’s holding onto you in her sleep but you have to get up so you carefully move to get up. As soon as you slide the last bit of your arm out of her grip you hear her mumble sleepily “Don’t go yet. Just five more minutes… please.” As she pats the bed where you were just laying, her eyes still closed.
So you slowly lay back down and wrap her back up in your arms and squeeze her close. As you rest your eyes and listen to her soft breathing you hear her say that she loves you and you whisper back that you love her too.
her getting that fucked up makes me think she has not only a inner ear equilibrium disorder but something neurological going that she should get checked for so she can get meds to treat it she might have ataxia and or dysarthria
but im no doctor by any means so this can also just be ignored
why didn't you tell me risa everfrost came back as a whore I have been drowning my sorrows in captain morgan when I could have been watching my oshi
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Immy is the best lil' sis in the world!!! Do it for her!!!
>Imagine you had a very rough day at work and you get home and say hey to immy when she greets you at the door. >So done with the day you barely interact and talk with her going to change out of your work clothes and take a shower
>After showering you go to your bedroom to find immy waiting for you, laying on the bed.
>”Come here anon” she says, motioning you to get onto the bed and cuddle with her.
>Crawling into bed she guides you so you’re laying down with her cradling your head by her chest.
>She pulls you close and you hear her steady heartbeat and her rhythmic breathing while she runs her hands through your hair.
>”Dont say anything pookie, you had a bad day huh? Just let me take care of
you now. Ok?”
>”Good boy, you’re a good boy you know. You worked so hard today and I’m proud of you for being strong for me.” She says before she leans down and places a gentle kiss on your head.
>You drift to sleep relaxed and soothed by your loves tender care and you tell you love her before sleep finally overtakes you.
I want to fuck Immy from behind and force her face into the bed until she passes out. Then as I'm cumming I'll use her hair to pull her slutty body into me as I fill her womb up. Love you lil sis!
why does this have flesh posting in my vtuber thread do our sacred rules mean nothing to you
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i would commit heinous and very much inhumane war crimes just so that her cute little toes are protected and cherished by me, preferably in my mouth
What do you think her toejam tastes like?
Good point, sorry I'm just retarded, I'll get it fixed
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Imagine immy just sitting on your dick and holding it inside her while your playing video games and she’s sitting on your lap doomscrolling through her phone!
bros i love Stronny so much I cant wait to hear her voice and her adorable little mannerisms i want to hug and hold her in my arms i want her to giggle when she teases me i want her to make a silly little joke that makes her laugh her cute laugh
I made this post...but when?
>Stronny wants me to cuck her with another woman
>I want Stronny to cuck me with another woman
Well this is awkward, though if she finds another woman that's also into dad bodies like herself everyone can win.
You specifically crafted this post to hit me where it hurts the most.
Do kegels a few times and watch her shiver
Alright, anon, be honest now. Who did you just murder, record and upload their dying words of?
If that's someone dying I wanna go like that too.
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me btw
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Wip, thoughts? Image recommendations for empty spots?
put the one where she says pwease
that ones cute as fuck
Add the other two personas, gotta show off all aspect of girlfailure broshi.
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I'm a big fan of this image
fuck musk and fuck xitter
Shibony and Shibethany? or Shibba And Shibi the White? The Muppet there are too many now!

How could I forget this one!
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i like this one
I like that stupid smile all the harelots have : >
shibony and shibethany. you already have one of the muppet.
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christ above
Okay I have a shibethany image saved, gotta hunt a good Shibony one, Shibi I know you're reading this add the rest of your damn tags to your twitter already!
shibi is not a loli
she is not
she is a big girl
much taller than me
stronger too
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me on the right, yawning because im tired from spending all day in immys cleavage
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very very pretty and cute madam
Me on the left, exhausted after a day of licking Immy's feet.
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Okay Turns way more image that I should have added, But here take this I'll fuck with it more later.
If I could I would eat out Shibi all fucking day. I'd make Madam cum repeatedly until she couldn't take anymore. Then we'd have loving sex, I'd get abit ahead of myself and pound into her womb. This would lead to Madam riding me and pound my cock as I repeatedly cum inside her begging her to slow down. After I've deposited liters of cum inside Shibis cute womb we'd cuddle to sleep and Shibi would stroke my hair while calling me a good boy
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With the things posted here, it is a good thing Immy doesn't have a dog
how can a womb be cute
you can tell from the womb bump
I'm off screen stuck between her butt cheeks.
Everything about her is cute Anon. Have you seen her???
Bottom right:
Stop leaking icey's past life >:(
Thanks for telling me who it was retard I thought it was the other one
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I know I'm supposed to be strong but I miss my bear daughter very much.
Good morning Immy!
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its okay ojisan, she'll be back before you know it
what kind of rrat is this? i'm watching a VOD and this risa's voice sounds nothing like icey's
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choco thighs on the mind.........
some retard who can't do his reps trying to cunningham's law people
Hot Chocolate
I thought it was a Riifu Evergreen joke. Can't believe there is a real vtuber named Risa Everfrost
nta but I just watched a vod of both and they sound the exact same desu
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Good Mercy Morning!
say it back
wtf you cant just dox my wife like that
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good mommeh morning!
why is the chat for immys upcoming stream set to members only? (im not talking about the free chat)
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>baiting to get usernames
who the fuck is jimmy???
why are you so paranoid and distrustful? does it hurt to be like that?
(Me), I'm Jimmy
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unironically me
nah not really
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good icey morning! i miss her
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Last image I promise:
oh wait i just got it. jimmy. immy. it's immy with an extra j.
schizo rrat
immy rustles my slimmy jimmies when she plays with my mimmy
Throne update:
Icey's iPad Pro is 7% funded
can't she buy it herself?
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the daughters grow a percentage stronger
i wonder who icey is doing right now. i miss her so much
Having discord sex with IC
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it's hard but i can be patient for her
Oh we're so back
I need to hear lesbian sex in VAllure
but my wife is not a lesbian
maybe look again after gen 4 launches
If two of the girls get off with each other my knees and cock will shatter
The closest thus far is in this collab:
i get that theyre not lesbian, and i dont expect them to meet up IRL and have sex, i just want them to record an audio like that
I expect them to meet up IRL and have sex
Yeah, with me
I made this post
>no icey
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It was more annoying then I though it would be to make it transparent
Sure, anything else at least provide an image that isn't super annoying to crop out the background
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Ahem - this is my girlfriend Icey Snowpaws. She is the love of my life and I love to see her laugh and smile. Thank you for reading have a nice day.
they should do this more
Pretty good
>brain worms were acting up this morning
>shibi sent out her morning tweets
>harem showing their love in the thread
>brain worms disappear
I love Shibi so much and you too vaggots
You probably don't care and it's reddit but if you do , there are modern ways to get rid of backgrounds. See for example: https://old.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/1dwkwrx/i_made_a_free_background_remover_webapp_using_6/
I think you’re pretty cool too my fellow /vag/ina.
Fuck off yuritard. The girls are for us, not for each other.
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I'll keep it in mind, I just went in with fuzzy then pixel by pixel what didnt get taken out why theres that damn thin outline around a few and ai tends to just take to much out from past tries
/vag/ open paint and draw your VAllure oshi right now.
Would you rather have Immy clean basedsauce or iced coffee off your balls?
This fucking website, I swear.
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I think anon means cum
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Can someone give me a screenshot of a white background pretty please
My oshi is dying...
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do you like it? pls respond
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I can't because I'm travelling but heres something even more shit. I didn't want her to not be represented.
mercy should be a loli, they all should be lolis
Fuck I forgot the pretty ribbons in her hair. kms.
You should be a loli.
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I tried twice, got frustrated and quit. I can never make hair look right.
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This is really fucking good
you got the muppet, shibetanny, the emo one, the dorky, the cute, the madam, goddamn anon you nailed it
Good Mercy morning!!
>ojisans are posting again
/vag/ is healing, our bear is gonna get better, the future is bright! vallure love <3
I like Azura and I wish more people would give her a chance.
Cute Shibi!
Cute imouto drawings!
Cute Icey!
It doesn't need to be perfect, it needs to be drawn by (You)
part of me agrees, but another part of me is glad we're small but have way less schizos
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wild card
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i dont feel so good...
i need mommeh, bros...
Cute abstract art of Kouhai!
Cute mummeh! I miss her...
Cute Shibony! Shibrony?
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icey would normally be streaming rn
Cute goat Mommy milkers!
I have no idea how to draw hair without it looking like a bucket over the head.
Stay strong, she will come back to us and its all going to be better.
I slept for 12 hours, no Immy stream, im going to miss the Shibi stream, but atleast i feel pretty okay mentally and physically! How are y'all doing?
it's fine until it isn't https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31urKojMxZU
You are going to miss Madam Shibi's stream but not for the reason you were thinking, in fact all of us are going to miss it:
I don't know who that is
Still teared up anyway
nta but she was a holo cn member and this was when that entire branch was shut down.
Damn! Im both glad and sad, for Shibi and the Harem. Hang in there Brothers.
Anyway, to answer your question, I feel miserable, as you can probably tell.
My oshi is so healthy she could be a presidential candidate
I hope you feel better man, even if its not today, or tonight, i hope you can get some relief.
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Drawing is hard.
Evil lmao
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Where is the stream?
I'm gonna stick my tongue in your teeth gap Immy
I love how retarded (cute) she looks. can you add a text bubble so she's saying
that's my kanker sister
no way this was done in paint you cheating bastard
mummeh asleep
let mummeh sleep
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Just for you
You’re right. It was done in my iPhones markup thing
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Mummeh back!
anon didn't call my art cute... he hates it
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I can’t spell like immy either…>>81406089
Which one was yours?
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it's beautiful
Have fun guys!
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She hasn't actually showed up. It's over.
nvm she loves us! :D
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>singing the viva pinata intro song as she goes live
Thank you!
Cute retarded (affectionate) imouto!
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icey and i are connected through our pain
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not as much pain as (Me)
for me, it's the sand village
I just hope she feels better soon i hate seeing that shes in so much discomfort from travel
Nature sucks!
I don't think anything in the world should ever be green!
lol ok i laughed at this
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Mercy could pass the Chūnin Exams
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I thought these were her actual legs for a second
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That’s an automatic tweet right?
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I don't even know how you play this game anymore since GFWL is dead for years. Is she actually playing on a 360?
whats the blue thing shes holding
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yeah me
We should do these kinds of thread events every once in a while, they're fun.
I like your style
Cute mummeh and me!
It's on gamepass and you can stream it to PC I think.
Did she delete the tweet? Why?
She dont wanna show her skinny hot tanned legs fo anyone else beside me
I made this post
who is lillith
[Stronny news]
Sex on stream
>>81407096 (Me)
My meds aren't working but it's important I tell you all that I typed this
she's a woman, she's always deleting tweets
what if a reefling ever gets into vtubing? she'll hate us because then it would be male interaction.
she needs to condition us to never do that for our own protection
but...what if an existing vtuber becomes a reefling?
Lillith is her old name, when she first started making asmr. Now stop looking through your sister's pl account pinpal.
But she left the three about the dress up?
I just don’t understand.
it's a beautiful name. i hate it.
its the name of the woman who got cucked by Eve
She deletes tweets at random. Don't think too hard about it.
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doin me best
>daily pinpal brainworm threadshitting
Cute Kouhai!
My bad anon I just wanted to share a silly thought
I just want to let you all know that i am not schizoing as i will be leaving to therapy soon.
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>Stronny viva pinata
I'm back like no time has passed at all
whats stopping you from doing this for your oshi?
tell me what your therapist says so i can use their advice instead of going to therapy myself
really scraping the bottom of the barrel lmao
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This is the most back we've ever been.
I wonder what her thoughts are on buying things from her pl’s throne
She really is retarded (affectionate)...
Also an endurance stream!
what do you mean..? i dont understand because immy uses tiktok, are you saying she is the bottom of the barrel?
what do you think retard
I mean, i try to do that anyway (when i encourage anons) but i can only really tel you what pertains to me.
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I'm not desperate enough for attention
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I think we had this exact vegan conversation too kek
Thats so fucking cute and wholesome. Im so glad Mommeh and the Reeflings made it. i've been thinking about sending a maro to Stronny thanking her for Immy, thoughts?
[Mummeh news] She's gonna Collab with her shorts editor. (She's a small vtuber btw
She loves those kinds of maros! But remember to also send a maro to Immy telling her how much you love her
She said she loves those Maros, so go for it.
Does she have a PL?
why did she turn on surprise gifts if she didn't want people to buy things for her?
The model looks so fucking cute!
she's just being coy anon. it's a vtuber thing.
am i insane or does the audio pop at the start of this soundpost
Because she does want people to buy things for her
Thank you for letting me know!
>send a maro to Immy telling her how much you love her
I have sent multiple!
it does, probably a jank cut
it does...
Man Stronny makes it hard not to love her
this was the funniest thing, i think about it sometimes and start laughing out loud.
Looks like my cut was a little sloppy and I didn't realize it last night. I'll fix it soontm
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do you fw with this
wet onions...
its a good day.
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No i fw this
She gets so cute when it's a childhood game she loves
dont bother, the thing that connects me to my kouhai is extreme autism, so i have done it for you
Denpa is grooming my little sister on discord it's so over...
Lolibaba train conductor mousegirl confirmed for Gen 2
i want these two needy small-bodied brats to do dual naizuri on my penis
Is that why she got the black dildo?
I love trains
>i have things to do
>keep telling myself I'm gonna leave in 30 seconds
>stronny keeps dropping heartwarming kino that keeps me hooked
I'm going to be here for the next eight hours aren't I?
>Loli train
If denpa fucks immy than logically thinking I just need to fuck denpa to stay on top in the relationship.
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Thank you senpai
>please let me play the game cutscenes
imagine if she streamed Max Payne 3 KEK
I am 100 percent behind this decision
Have you save up for the anniversary?
>nonstop talking for entire audio vod.
Well that was a waste of 5 bucks.
i just realized i dont have a proper mercy dancing webm handy so this will have to do
>this fucking energetic at 5AM
Sometimes I forget about her timezone. That's incredible. The power of autism.
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Yes, you will be
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shibi delayed stream till tomorrow....
>reading the knotting one
she can't help herself
>Azura grows big that she becomes big streamer
>You type comments but chat goes too fast and she isn't able to read your comment like before
>You stop commenting but still lurk on her streams
>She wonders where (you) are since you aren't in chat like before
>She sees your comment and is happy that you've stuck around for so long
>Insert timestamp of Azura's stream【We were here】 I'm horrible at puzzle games w/ Stronny (3:39:35 to 3:40:36)
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high level soundpost, i actually went and checked
Stronny is so damn cute today
I miss immy
I'm so easy for her
oh come on at least post a link
I literally spent the last entire year torn with myself debating whether I could follow Stronny or go to another girl. Watching this stream was a mistake because I am going to agonize forever now. Stronny is so good, cute, and fucking wholesome. AIEEEE
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so uh, if tobs isnt here ill put something in the oven at 101 degrees celsius
it's already in the oven
>couldnt make the stream cause work
ah okay, ty tobs
I wanna put a bun in Immy’s oven.
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she said it's gonna be an endurance stream today, you'll still have time to catch her probably!
you need at least 180 to properly bake the bread
You'll just get a brick at 101
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its a joke...because 10 can be read as じ and 1 can be read as ひ...and じひ means mercy
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that is an extremely esoteric joke
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For me, it's 7638
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I was going to post this earlier but something came up
Stronny would absolutely appreciate the story of RDR 2 and the movie A Silent Voice with how much she talks about forgiveness and redemption.
Did she play RDR 1?
Thanks for the bake tobs baker!
She hasn't, but there shouldn't be any issue starting with 2.
thx tobs
Thanks Tobs baker.
Thank you tobs baker!
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Quit Vchubing, make a new account.

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