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RxRxR: https://youtu.be/7WXVFl-N6-o
PAKU PAKU SEIBAI: https://youtu.be/zAFA8SCKpXk
Colour MV: https://youtu.be/u9alGJE9ZXA
EIEN MV: https://youtu.be/xGgKKwc-jWg
LOS LOS LOS: https://youtu.be/oCOGTtxq24k



>Free chat/Vspacer chat:

>Merch (Limited)
PC Case: https://hyte.com/store/hakos-baelz-y60-case-deskpad-bundle/
Official: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q= "Talent_ハコス・ベールズ"
Geek Jack: https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/hakos-baelz
Promise swag: https://www.omocat-shop.com/collections/omocat-x-hololive-en

>Bae's Twitter

>Art Tags
Danbooru: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=hakos_baelz
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/ハコス・ベールズ/artworks

>Getting Started
Bae Guide: https://rentry.org/s9fnh
Streams Guide: https://rentry.org/pfzyc
Twitter Spaces: https://rentry.org/hs7p4
Season Box Arts: https://files.catbox.moe/lsrvff.png
Rat entered the server.
Thanks for za bread!
What has she been up to so far?
>Rat entered the server.
Anyhting after that? Not seeing or hearing her in the streams.
Don't know if she appeared on streams, she's probably just prepping.
She was most likely just checking to make sure she can access the server
Thanks for the bread
New short
what a powerful roar
She’s going to be especially caffeinated tonight
this wont be a problem, im positive
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Rrat Love
>My first priority is to find Towa-sama
First mission is to find Towa kek
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Now THIS has crackship potential
I just need Aqua and my schizo prediction will come true
Darn it, I thought she was streaming this yesterday.
Of course my day off has is an offline day...
Bae the controls are right there...
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Imagine bae sucking on Lamy's tiddies and diying of alcohol poisoning
why is gamma in the keyboard settings?
ark is not a game known for its fantastic design elements.

hell, i dont know what its even known aside from shitty dino
extra hag laugh that was.
Her laugh gets super haggy when she’s tired
i genuinely do not recognize this voice
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*powerstances u*
>If you want to know what the fuck they're saying you have to have 30 streams chats open.
Maybe Bae should pay someone to translate her streams for her.
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its time
maybe you should learn nihongo
I'll learn it when Ame and Gura learns it.
well you have time lemao
I'm guessing she needs to install app locale japanese
Honestly I’ve picked up a few skills because of this rat already, it’s about time I bite the bullet…
There's a Global Font Pack that she needs to install
it's probably a windows issue
im surprised how this game looks exactly the same as it looked in 2020.
they havent changed shit
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Bae please.
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rat putting all her points in weight
i dont wanna sound like im insulting chocosen but you have to be genuinely retarded to find this barebones alpha game fun without a huge group of friends
She’s a porter for Towa
i hate websites, why the fuck is this link
a bait and switch to that tiny size
That's the thumbnail, you have to click "See full size image" to get the actual image: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dungeon-ni-deai-o-motomeru/images/6/6b/Lili_Season_2.png/revision/latest?cb=20190628052216
it's not if you click the link and don't rely on the embed
i completely forgot choco was addicted to this game in a level that rivaled aki
Choco gets addicted to random stuff and goes hard at it
Wow I have never seen this engram menu in any other game.
choco should get addicted to sex with me
It’s crazy how other games don’t even change the color or feel, it’s exactly the same
and i dont think ARK is even the og either. The game is RGG studio levels of reused assets
unreal engine was a mistake
I’m not surprised at all
Wonder who did it first though, it’s a pretty simple concept
Oh it's gonna be Palworld all over again where Bae wants to make level 500 stuff when she's way lower than that and she doesn't want to gather, level up and learn things in order.
Unfortunately the likeliest outcome of this kind of format, 8 days is a short time to actually learn a game + rapidly levelling up doesn’t help
that's why i dont play survival games.
i dont want to spend 40 hours unlocking garbage, give me the fun thing now
Ah the mmo level boost target.
i tried like 5 levels of the free FFXIV trial and i told my friend that if he ever recommended me a game like that i would stop listening to him for the rest of his life.
i despise busywork in games
rat, your orienteering that you did in high school camps....
I wouldn't consider gradually learning how the game works so you stop being a burden on everyone in your party at max level to be busywork...
whatever you say dude, enjoy picking up wood for an npc for 40 hours to unlock the stone that gives stats to unlock gear or something.
imma just play a city builder or a shooter and have fun instead of wasting time
Bae is taking custody of Towa's children...
at least in arpgs you kill the monsters to get the gear to kill more monsters to get the gear to...
I knew this would happen one day…
The next step is 1mil a year alimony
Man i had some hope that this would be a lot of caveman stuff and girls banding into small tribes but isnt kinda boring when they are all in one spot and just trade stuff?
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>where the interactions?
There's a dino who's name is incredibly similar to hakotaro and Bae keeps thinking Lamy is calling out to her as a result
>am i allowed to take these
isnt the point of being in this small town to just use the resources? why wouldnt you be allowe to use it?
I was getting confused too
some people get really autistic about they stuff they mined so its better to ask for it.
When i play minecraft i purposely steal stuff from a friend because he gets clearly ticked off
Yeah the name is aquataro which from a distance sounds dangerously close
What the fuck kek
How did that happen? did it die and get launched off or did it just fly away?
It flew away
Apparently they just do that
Definitely keep attacking dinos right next to a lake they can flee into instead of literally anywhere else.
Is it lag? sometimes she's aiming straight on the center of their hitboxes and it doesn't hit
Ark is janky as fuck a lot of the time so it’s believable
She learnin'
What do the bolas do? stun the enemy in place to secure the kill?
Yep, only works up to a certain size
>That moment when Towa-sama helped Bae in 1 second when chat couldn't in 10 minutes
Towa gets her
How come Palworld is more polished than this turd
Years of iteration, you can steal what works
Once Palworld has 10 years of updates it might look like this.
The fight against Balloonboy was kino
I’m certain she’ll come back and beat him another night
It’s personal now after he ate her pants
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pants are definitely not needed
if the game worked properly she would have killed it
It has like 5000 hp and she was doing about 9 a hit
She could ask senpai for mats but she wants to learn the game on her own it seems which is fine
Bae PLEASE team up with someone else because this is so fucking boring
maybe next time she can help Raora, who cant nihongo jouzu
This poor ptera is just drifting in and out of a drugged haze
That ptera has endured so much undeserved abuse and it didn't hurt nobody
she should name it IRyS cause she sits on it
She’s successfully tamed it! Now for a saddle
She got her first mount very fast and it's a flying mount too
the one thing that works well in ark is the proximity chat.
Fucking kek
Ppdon… had a hard life
This stream is weirdly hilarious because of her comedic failures
The funny part is that they keep happening one after another
It’s a chain of error after error, it’s honestly impressive
Balloon boy is the highlight so far
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i...i think i miss palworld
Palworld is the far better game desu
It was definitely better put together, I’ll give it that
yeah if she was "capable" this stream would be dogshit.
but since she's fucking up so much this is actually fun
don't worry, she won't play much.
In general any time Bae gets bullied is a good time
I have fond memories of long dog
bad boy
bae is a terrible dominatrix!
I want Bae to call me a bad boy
Kek, that was such good timing too
>Big cat is mauling her
>Turns the table on him and literally rapes him to death
That was hot
I feel like survival games are at their most interesting when you have enough stuff for death to matter and when you’re still weak enough for things to threaten you
Most endgames have you become an unkillable god
Bae is a weird case of an introvert with an extrovert mentality but still an introvert
Her character is so fucking intimidating looking kek
Built like a brick shithouse
the thing is that the survival crafting all lifts from minecraft, where the difficulty is non existant and survival mechanics are there just to give you minor trouble. These games are more about the endless busywork and power fantasy rather than "surviving"
Dont starve is a better survival experience because the base building shit is nonexistant
Wow she got lucky there
if she zenlosses i pray she doesnt hop on again
Bae refusing to prepare and do things in order bites her in her ass?
to be fair, not many things can prepare you for a T-rex hell bent on killing you
Danchou to the rescue
Her body is getting camped kek
Just got here
Bless this fat tittied nun
a few hours of nothing, bae bumbling around, then getting killed, ferried there by dancho and now killed again
Bae is retarded.
Bae has stumbled from accident to accident, fought and lost against a balloon, drugged and kidnapped a pteradon, tried and failed to tame a RBG dino and just died to a T rex before dying to a pack of birds
So she's probably not gonna play much
ill never understand her autism regarding asking for help in these situations
She’s stubborn
have you not watched her much? she's always been shy in these huge things
Noel just vomited an entire Amazon shipping hub at her
I don’t think she’s failed to go “ewww” to the shitting mechanic
Why is that a thing anyway, is there any benefit
very dramatic day
You use it for fertilizer when growing
Feces can be used as fertilizer, didn't ya know
You can build "Farms" to grow berries and other stuff and you use the shit as fertilizer
survival games always have farming mechanics and farming requires fertilizers and shit is used as fertilizer
Looks like the other nights will be around this length too besides the finale
Also why is Choco a small Lebanese child
Has she gone more than 5 minutes without suffering some sort of predicament? lmao
Even with her successful taming of Ppdon, that had things going wrong and her not having what she needed halfway through
Bae is tom cruise in that one movie
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rate the ark of noah, which im pretty sure didnt had dinos but oh well
>Rinne Tensei
Bae suffers: the stream/10
Had some genuinely funny moments, I had more fun than I thought I would
BAE LOVE… a lot/10
PPDon survived/10
May Bae have more luck tomorrow kek
3 hours of white noise, 1 hour of fun (fucking up, interacting, getting rescued)
not bad, but hopefully she'll do more socializing next stream
Lmao Bae
the only reason i tune in for these is the interactions and she barely did that/10
I don't particularly care for these events and a whole upcoming week of this is gonna be disappointing if it's as nothing as 90% of this stream was / 10
That was some shittytiming lmao
G'night rrat
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Nocturne stream when?
fine stream but isnt rust/palworld/10

Bae needs to link up with another newbie so she can actually do stuff without being molested by dinos, but she doesnt want to bother senpai
Cawadoody later
Is this one good? I hear the campaign is not a remaster of the original MW
Hopefully she links up with kyalli tomorrow
Raora and Kyalli should be joining soon
No it's a complete reboot of the franchise, the story is different
all i know is that my brother played it and uninstalled a few weeks later to reinstall fornite
I think ARK needs a bunch of EN ARK beginners.
shut the fuck up Mukiroze
hot concept but
Raids is new and I want to say Kyalli has never played either
Hopefully they join up
Is thos the CoD where Price punches you down the stairs and recites a poem about Makarov knowing (you)?
unless theyve remade the entirety of cod4's story im not sure i remember that scene
That was the 3rd part of the original one iirc
cod4 was the one with the ac130 mission where you blew up dudes in a field right
I think most of them have had a section with that since then but yeah that's the one everyone remembers.

here is your dominatrix for the night
Bae in that part is like those villains in a hentai that end up killing the person they were fucking because they got too rough
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Man just seeing this makes me wonder how many thousands of copies of this game have been bought by people thinking it's a remake of Cod 4
It's going to be a funny first 10 minutes of the stream when she realizes her mistake
Her Ina, Kronii, and Shiori somehow sounded the closest
Especially after doing a 175gb download when the original is like 8gb.
What mistake? She knows nothing about CoD, she pressed the fire button 2 times when she was but a wee child. It's a miracle she even remembers the franchise name.
She thinks she bought COD4, not a completely different game with the same name
Said who? Like just think for a second bro...
She did in the description >>81405781 unless you think she's referring to a game that came out 5 years ago with that.
Yes Call of Duty is the first game she touched in general, she never even alluded to which of the titles in the series it was. Or are you perhaps suggesting that playing CoD4, as a literal baby, it left such a huge impact on her that many years later she wanted to replay only to have a rude awakening when she realizes that it's not the same game but a different one?

She just wanted to play a shooty game, she remembered she played CoD as a child and she bought one of the recent ones that she saw had positive reviews. It's really not that deep.
It's not serious or anything, I just do think she wanted to play "That COD game she played as a kid", she just doesn't realize this is a different game
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>A poem by Captain Price
Soap trusted you.
And I thought I could too.
So why the bloody hell
Does Makarov know you?

Sex is happening
okay so when im banging on her door and yelling for manko its harassment but when ina does it its flirting? we truly live in a society
Inner is cool and you aren't
what will her favorite gun be
>not beating the game with the default gun
>switching guns is for noobs
so the pistol? kek
Bae should get a flash kick
Hey if this was Halo 1 she'd be in luck
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i wanna go see the skibidi toilet movie with Bae
i feel like bae is even out of touch with that meme
bae soon
One good thing about the cod series is that they are very linear so she won't get lost
I haven't played this one though so I don't know if that still holds up true but I remember the original modern warfare trilogy being very straightforward in directions
>Wuuuhhhh crawl through Russian forest.
>Wuuuhhhhhhhhhh go on a snowmobile.
>Wuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh shoot on a bridge.
>Wuuuuhhhhhh drop drones in the darkness.
Bae only just learned about skibidi like 5 days ago, she brought it up earlier last week
eh all CoD campaigns are the same really.
people mwf2 as the best one but that's the one most of us played as kids.
Makes me miss Medal of Honor, which had actual setpieces instead of "have gun will shoot"
MW2 is great but I enjoyed BO/BO2 a lot as well
is medal of honor that starts you with just ammo and you have to run from cover to cover while there's machinegun fire on D-day? that was the shit
Bae screaming in terror as she’s thrown into Normandy sounds pretty fun
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no that's actually the first call of duty and its stalingrand. terrific game.
Medal of honor was also fun though
Then there's the WAW campaign which is as gritty as it gets when it comes to ww2 games
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i honestly cant wait for ubisoft to die. i want my inmersive shooters i can play alone again, since im not good at multiplayer ones.

Hell just make a series where im john soldierman or jane Soldiergirl and let me shoot the evilman john and his council of evil dictators. I dont need anything else except cool setpieces
Speaking of, the most realistic immersive shooter I've ever played was Operation Flashpoint : Dragon Rising
It was very janky and kinda hard but I had a lot of fun
I fucking love WAW, it is one of the most underrated shooters ever, it did not skimp on the gore and gibbing
Who could have seen this coming
She said it's like 200gb there's no way it's not the new one
to be fair we didnt think she actually meant the one she wanted to play
Jesus Christ chat being retarded as always.
I love when different games use the exact same title
Told you, Bae doesn't even know which COD she played
She meant reliving in the broader sense
Did anyone actually think she meant the exact same game
lol at her gamertag
Someone people said that she got the Modern Warfares confused
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love my dumb rat wife, shes so silly
>no x at the end
Would have fit right in for the original MWs kek
that's the point
One has shinier graphics and i guess the guy who did the voice for ghost in 2007?
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reminder that this is a deliberate tactic not only so your poor grandma has the wrong game for christmas ,but it also predates on both nostalgia and new players by putting the newest game on your face and dangling microtansactions on your face while actively deprecating older games so they dont make less money
Fuck Activision!
at least play regular bae...
She did?
>ghost in 2007
There was no Ghost in 2007, zoomer-kun.
I posted that before she picked it
Oh it's this Cowadoody. The one I saw IRyS play for a bit that has a strong Iranian woman who takes no guff in it.
This nigga here cares about shitty CoD lore
The story of the OG trilogy is a million times better.
Hopefully Bae follows a similar path through the games
I will never forgive dumbshit lawsuits and corpo bullshit for all these fake made up cod names. Killing people in Poopinsky with my falafel 342 rifle
That’s not the real Fuwawa is it kek
No, all of advent and Mori are at an onsen right now.
I find it funny that cod could make a lot more money by simply putting a normal woman operator but they feel like their meathead audience wont settle for anything except the omega sigma female.
Put a cute peppy gunner in there and half the playerbase will fold like a house of cards
I recognize Yuri Lowenthal's voice kek
Ever since spider-man I've been hearing his voice in so many things lmao
Him and Matt mercer are everywhere in the game world
Never forget that time Yuri voiced a Tales MC and the english dub crew had to call and apologize that they couldn't bring him in for the next game too because the new MC's name was literally Yuri Lowell
i wub bae
And then they got Troy Baker for him lmao
Add patrick seitz to the list
Bae "all I see is a target" Hakos
A friend once told me that "Cod is the most divorced guy franchise ever" and now i see it kek.
someone count how many civilians bae kills
Vision is based on movement
she's an oozora police deputy. those civilians were reaching for their guns and she feared for her life
ah, female cops
I'm pretty sure bootleg Al-Queda has killed more...

I'm prrrretty sure...
>acorn drops
>Bae empties a magazine on its general direction
>burger cops
>domes a civilian
>shoots the hostages
Immediately Spetsnaz sends her an application.
Bae would be a great Fuze player in Siege
i love how americacore this franchise is. feels like im visiting texas
Agreed. Siege used to be fun. Then it got weird. Probably around the time they introduced a non-binary fag to the mix.
i dont think a fag has anything to do with balancing anon
I think Siege's problems go deeper than that but go off
We totally won't regret helping these dudes after the 90's, no sir.
Who is worse, Bae or IRyS?
This film is dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fighters of Afghanistan
Bae has been pretty dumb but IRyS... IRys shot Cpl Dunn no less than 30 times in her playthrough of MW2
Well I rather not bore the entire thread with their constant balancing issues while ignoring a lot of the operators that need buffs/overhauls. Having the fag join the mix is just icing on the shit cake the developers have done.
IRyS spent longer on the door kek, it was like 4 deaths to the guards before she figured out the brick
>They took our helicopters?
Afghanistan, 2021 [colorized]
sometimes i forget that frost is a woman because there's barely any lines.
i think you care a bit too much about it but eh
>bae avoids looking at the hanging
I wonder if she could stomach Spec Ops: The Line. I remember i actually thought that was like gears of war and shit
I feel like Bae would not understand it
I forgot how much I don't like the weird edgyness of this game, intro to mw2007 was better fr fr no diff
She's a scaredy rat, so the White Phosphorus scene would probably make her quit
I mean, the second mission of MW2 has you gun down an airport of civilians for shock value
specs ops is massively overhyped desu.
the game was like "oh nyo you dropped white phosphorus on civilians" and i was like "oh bummer"
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Just joined, qrd?
Women wise in Siege, I care more about IQ being useless when she was my main and years gone by and she still hasn't had any major changes.
fair, my problem is with that odd sort of self righteousness this game has about itself, not like it matters, its an old ass game now, but still
Bae has reached some sort of civilian kill high score!
for me the entire franchise is so hilariously edgy in a weird way.
Like im seeing the perfect war movie for my uncle richard
It’s one of those weird contradictions about war games where if you try to moralize about it you still have to you know, make it a game, which are meant to be fun
God her lack of game sense can be infuriating
baetyan... has no fps gamer instinct...
man i hate that call of duty man is the only useful dumbass in existance.
if i had unlimited money i would make a game where you follow a squad of 5 that have different mission objectives depending on their specialization and loadout
That would require proper writing and establishing a team with personalities you care about
baes outfit is so cute and cool
She's starting to discern between friend and foe!
and level designt that isnt "guys come from the north! shoot them behind his cover!"
swat 4 and maybe republic commando
>explosives guy that yells BOOYAH or some shit
>stoic cover ops guy/woman
>no nonsense gunner
>The rookie (TM)
it doesnt even need good writing, it needs the bare minimum effort and that doesnt make us win a gazillion dollars
man she loves warcrimes
this game looks terribly easy
Build up that team camaraderie and then hit the player with a character death or fakeout if you don’t care for that, have them really feel it since you don’t have access to that character anymore in game play too
CoD is marketed to 14y/o boys and 30y/o old farts.
The games are meant to be this easy so you feel cool
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she's shooting first and asking questions later which makes her an excellent member of the army
imagine she flashbangs the baby lmao
Bae's yume googles work all day long huh
Chris Hemsworth over here rocking the handlebar mustache
The military is not the police they are way more disciplined than your dumbass memes
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is bae retarded
You know the answer
Am i old or is this game obscenely loud? like i get its a battlefield but its way too fucking loud
you are old
It's very loud
now you get why every CoD kid screams into his headset
Rat funny
It’s been like this all the time. It’s to simulate a real battlefield like autists say although I have no fucking idea if it’s like this in real life or not.
>bang bang bang

>bang bang bang

never change baetyan
She made that soo much more fucking difficult than it had to be
oh my sweet baby she is so dumb
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[Bae News] She's gonna start acting like an airsoft larper
not gonna lie this campaign looks really fun.
what were people bitching about?
rose colored glasses and nostalgia cloud a lot of peoples judgement about the remake
simple as
I think it’s because there was no shock and awe. Also most of the people sperging out was because they played the original when they were kids and have grown attached to it.
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IRyS in chat, cute
When is she going to jar and throw her piss
Idk we'll have to pray Miori gaslights her to do it one day.
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>jar and throw her piss
Bae enjoys airstrikes a bit too much methinks
i find it really cute that bae shoots at the scripted takeovers because she wants to save her squadmates
It's kinda unsatisfying when you shoot an enemy and it does nothing
more like she sees something moving and inmediatly caps it kek
Case in point just then kek
man this sniping section is really cool what the hell
if this game didnt had the shitty multiplayer i would buy it
It seems pretty cool, sniper setpieces are rad
kinda speaks of how poisoned the brand is.
it HAS to be the multiplayer, it HAS to be the modern warfare name. Nothing cool or original it has can ever see the light of day because the meathead fanbase just wants the multiplayer and the same story beats
god i wish that was me
Multiplayer in general killed campaigns
im surprised at how decent the female soldier is.
People blew my eardrums screaming that she was "feminist propaganda" but so far all she does is say "good shoot" and standard military stuff
strong minded woman = feminist in their eyes
bae is gonna masturbate to her Alex X Farah fantasies!
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war criminal cosplayer reacts to real war
Once kids are involved it becomes real to her
>"why are they diying? why dont they just use magic and oogle at boys?"
>baby stealth section
based honestly
>"I have a screwdriver, what does this do?"
>immediately checks power outlet
Really getting into the role.
It’s reminding of the Sherry section of RE2
truly she is chaos, the end of infants
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she keeps FUJIN UP this stealth section
baba you absolute jobber

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