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3D Fever Night Sexo

Schedule: https://x.com/takanashikiara/status/1815701303164620971

Last stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9_VahId1zc
Next stream: 20:00 CEST/ 2 PM EST/ 03:00 JST

Buy the Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/takanashikiara_bd2024

2nd Hololive English Concert, Breaking Dimensions, @ Kings Theatre Brooklyn, August 24-25th

Hololive Stage World Tour, New York, Jakarta, Singapore, Atlanta, Kuala Lampur. Future information to be announced, but New York will be in AnimeNYC, same time as Breaking Dimensions.

OffKai Archive:

HoloFes performances:
https://files.catbox.moe/sq23fb.webm solo - CHIMERA
https://files.catbox.moe/g0gtww.webm Chloe/Kiara- WILDCARD
https://files.catbox.moe/64jbvr.webm Kobo/Kiara - Hero For a Day
https://files.catbox.moe/ww5jok.webm Seishun Archive group - Seishun Archive

Check out Kiwawa's end of year live!:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LNv7CzFJgc
Encore (members only):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kntCuR3T6Po


STREAM HER ALBUM:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urcfm3INYVo&list=OLAK5uy_lv1JlMsabUlWH11GLfHBWkYAfuEfGuYLY
ADDITIONAL STREAMING LINKS:https://cover.lnk.to/PointofView

Stream Sleep Talking MV:https://youtu.be/1SUXKcFX_WY
Stream Retrospective MV:https://youtu.be/oKfKokIKqZw
Stream The Great Wanderer MV:https://youtu.be/H_Q8hB7v6qw
Stream Love Rush MV:https://youtu.be/cuUcvVI3S20
Stream Pineapple MV:https://youtu.be/WuvtwRYkOU0
Stream Hero For a Day:https://youtu.be/2yduox5pYH0
Stream Fire N Ice:https://youtu.be/yV83laHeOj4
Stream Korean DO U:https://youtu.be/AviJuDMEmEc
Stream Holotori Dance:https://youtu.be/BcO9bZavHRg

Stream ReUnion:https://youtu.be/4ytZJoWR2mI
Stream MindCraft:https://youtu.be/OQuGEpICY2o
Stream Kyoufuu Ooru Bakku:https://youtu.be/VyzR-J17RB

New to Kiara? Try some of these streams:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsAbCDORf2yR6sqaL8KOhTpAvi4GxyewC

Art source: https://x.com/kongarisalmon/status/1815920876556279937

Previous thread: >>81327576
sexy wawa
Downloaded it already. I wanted to play it but I didn't have the time, so it's for tonight instead.
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I Love Kiara
5 kids with wawa
Was hoping for an affiliate link but bought it.
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can they actually track purchases with that or just how many people clicked on the link?
I think they can tell what you do on the page you get linked to
Anything past that probably not, so they can tell you can clicked on the link to Steam but not that you bought it.,
Not even 10 posts in and you're all objectifying your so called, oshi. What if Kiara were here right now? Do you think she enjoys the thought of all of you holding her down and having your way with her on the cold bathroom tiles until they became warm?
You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Kiara isn't your sexual fantasy.
these are hard times
She is fine with specifically me doing it
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Wawa feet
You could download it already? Did you bought it on console by chance?
I'm fine with it but I hope she isn't having tech trouble
Monogatari soon
Why is she even asking it like that? Just say that you're rescheduling holy fuck. She is just as pathetic as her viewers.
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>vague posting shedule changes
We have permission, touristdachi
Silly anon, her degree in women is not theoretical, it's practical. She has said so!
She probrably has a pdf
love the way she pronounces theoretical
Where do I go to get this degree?
Wawa soon
there are grad programs in literally every state.
They don't have the women's studies I was hoping for
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Gonna be a last minute reservation
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So we're watching Oni and Koimonogatari today, right?
Uuuuuuuh Stream doko?
how much more monogatari...
Strap in pal
Stuck on the toilet rn. Someone please tell Wawa to delay for 10 more minutes.
I really want to watch kiara but I can't force myself to watch empty streams these days.
Also watchalongs specifically are really bad for radio anyways so that is out of the question..
FASTEST loading screen ever
I'm sorry bros
You tell me you aren't glad to have traded actual member stream for low effort watchalong ?
>suddenly remembered a stream was happening today
>open youtube and sure enough, Kiara already streaming
>started 2 minutes ago
I'm so insync with her
>changes day
>delays even then
Well I might not be able to watch the entire thing today. I wonder wtf happened to make her change shit so suddenly. Thank god I like these new few episodes.
Damn it I got distracted and forgot to pause for the intro
She doesn't owe kfp any excuses, she is the fucking streamer she does what the fuck she wants. she told us though because she can't help it.
Kill yourself.
Oh I missed it but whatever.
Also Kiara hates that kind of attitude.
Nta but she didn't actually say it yet (unless I'm deaf) but I think I can infer what it is
Can someone explain the italian joke
>Also Kiara hates that kind of attitude.
and I hate it that she does.
Good thing she's the streamer and you're not.
she got fucked and feels tired now...
Yea it's what I thought
after Shinobu is kissed that's what she retorts in japanese. she asks if he's italian
She got fucked by the hair salon
I got that but I'm wondering what italians have to do with it. Do they kiss little girls?
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This arc is a bunch of yap
I thought it was the live2d...
Anon dot dot dot
>Reine calli Subaru fashion hybrid
How many women does this series have
iirc 1 more
I can't unsee her as shuba x mori
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But I like the loli snail
Are we Yakuza?
No, KFP is a legitimate business. Now stop asking questions I need to put this condom full of cocaine in your ass.
I hate JP arcs so much as a EU...
At least I got CC now to hold me over.
>can you get me a closeup of my butt
why do you feel the need to CC-post here?
As PST I'm glad I don't have to wake up at 7am every other day. I get your pain though but she's doing important stuff for the concert/her 3D/god I hope she's in other girls 3Ds too/mystery projects we don't know about yet
So how is she using the 3D model? I thought she wasn't allowed to use alternative models that look too close to the original?
Same way Ame does
The hagness... it's closing in
Smol dose of Kiarium
But I am sated
Great stream
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I want some cola
just enough to hold Kiara's attention
Not enough
Sometimes when watching a VoD, I like to close one eye and put my pointer finger above her head and pat it. Especially when she's being overly cute or down on herself.
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I feel sad now.
3d sex stream tomorrow
Who was your favorite old /wawa/ schizo? 'Shoe shopping!', 'STOP RESTARTING YOUR SONGS', or maybe 'STOP PICKING UP YOUR CATS AND PUTTING THEM ON THE MIC'?
Questions for KFP: what would you like to watch her play or do for member streams once the monogatari watchalongs are over and what's your opinion on weekly member streams or her member streams in general?
Hi jenma
I can't keep up with so many large watchalongs. I love anime watchalongs, but it's just too much. I'm sure there'll be a time where I'll come back and watch the VoD when I feel like watching more of monogatari series.
As for what she could do, I'd like to see something cute like drawing, or maybe another song creation stream. Something lighthearted that she isn't amazing at but would like to try and wouldn't mind doing it with us because she doesn't have to be full-on 'entertainer' mode.
Classic movies, chatting, fall guys.
I'd be happy with 3 member streams and sometimes it feels they take a slot from more important streams but I appreciate the effort
Abzu to rekindle her desire to get a diving license.
>what would I like
Drawing, she can do it in her own pace, with only her members watching her and it's something that she wants to do after Monogatari ends too. I don't care much for her playing a game in members only streams and even less for the neckbeards urging her to watch movies she won't like.
>members strategy
I like it, her membership is the best bang for your buck in the branch but it's not like some secret club that would alienate some people, just more Wawa if you want more Wawa. Making members only content extra special is the battle pass of content creation: it milks existing fans and won't generate new ones. As it stands, she wants more fans rather than more money, so how she does things now is better than the alternative.
Also the wallpapers are cute and sometimes a bit ecchi so one always has to be on their toes when the new one drops.
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I should play the new EDF. Only one I ever played was 3(?) for the xbox 360. Do they all play the same? Beat levels for chances at new weapons, pewpew the alien space monsters?
Either viewer participation (I would kill for MMO with Wawa), crafty streams (drawing, ironbeads etc.) or return of snackbox review. Watchalongs only if Kiara and Kiara only chooses movies, without input of KFP
One member stream a week + wallpaper + emotes for a buck is amazing deal.
It's kinda unreal how spoiled we are.
On the other side, I have my FuwaMoco membership where they doompost/cry once a month about people being sad and repost twitter spaces they don't let record on twitter for some reason.
Yeah, it was on the PlayStation store last night.
Love any and all Takanashi Kiara shilling by games.
Yeah. PS5 version with 24h early access.
Is it coming to steam? I might actually buy it then.
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Yes. Number 1 in Japan...
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Viewer participation and craft streams are the most "premium" members content I feel.
I like watchalongs, but they're mostly nice because parasocial, so there can only be so many or it's not special anymore and not every show or movie is worth watching together.
And that's coming from someone who's really enjoying the monogatari series. I would, for example, enjoy an ATLA watchalong in the same way, but I couldn't do John Wick 5: Electric Boogaloo 2.5 Featuring T-Pain on Drums, I just don't really watch many movies.
Hoping for an "In Bruges" watchalong one day though.
nonstop intimate tangents for 4 hours while doing whatever the fuck in the background i dont care
Oh shit I just realized that you can only get Wawa if you preorder.
Fuck, I've got like 8 hours to decide to commit the money to a middling game I had fun with 3 installments ago. Same gameplay as it's always been, right?
With Wawa you don't need to hurry, you just need to buy it before Christmas Eve
Wawa order is good for like 3 months
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Sexy chicken times with sexy chicken girl.
Wait really? Why does it list her under the preorder bonus then on steam?
On steam it is not as pre-order bonus but as early purchase bonus which is different
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My wife, very cute and so orange it should be illegal.
Hi kiara I love you
innovative streams like the crafting are always the best but I would like at least one single stream of mass effect, maybe with mamatori
Jenma pls tell her to stop with this monogatari crap and never do a watchalong of as series that will take up more than 2 watchalong streams. Actually, tone down the watchalongs in general, and never watchalong members two times in a row. I really like movies but it's very bad content, especially for new members which she could have gotten in the time period she did the monogatari streams (from 1block and football).
Weekly member streams is the bare minimum considering how low effort they are since they are mostly watchalongs/yapping. Btw I am not saying this in a bad way, I actually prefer that over general content that could be on the channel. Besides, members stream days acting as a "chill days" is really important considering her schedule.
shut up bitch
dildo riding streams Hana Macchia style
fuck you.
"gatari Season 2 episode 14-21" streams for months in a row are terrible considering her little sub sprout and is genuine critisism towards her member content. A new member (perhaps gifted one) won't member again if they couldn't keep up with any of your member streams for the whole month.
>A new member (perhaps gifted one) won't member again
I member members whom I'm parasocial for and want to support. There's a very small number of them.
I treat it like a patreon or a kofi with a recurring donation set up. Members I'm not parasocial about I greyname.
Do people actually member for the exclusive streams?
I don't know, I doubt my arguments holds for people that are /here/, I am mostly refering to normie tourists that get gifted and check the member streams out of curiosity.
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Chickensalad should use me for food.
Honestly I have no idea rjght now
I would say yap or watch things she's never seen
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Parasocial finks of Kiara's cute butt
Urge to smack rising
I actually really like membership watchalongs. Especially with anime and then discussing it with her afterwards. It’s comfty and reminds me of watching seasonal anime when I was younger and I love experiencing something my Wawa loves/loved with her.
I might never be able to watch Kiara live again. I'm literally in tears right now, i'm not joking
This thread has the habit of begging for something then crying about it when it finally happens. Just do what you want, Wawa.
Do you want to talk about it? She'll literally stream tomorrow, not so many hours from now.
You’ll get over it and will learn to appreciate it when she does.
t. Asian KFP who got obsessed with her when she lived in JST and now is mainly a VOD chad because timezones.
Been mostly VoD gang for her entire career. CST here. When I get home from work she'll sometimes still be streaming if she started pretty late or is on for 4+ hours.
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Same. I still haven’t gotten over her making fun of my roundness by threatening to push me and letting me roll forever in her last Fallout stream.
Back when I was first watching Kiara I wasnt a member for like a couple months (before ever coming here and before gifted memberships) member streams were kinda the motivation for me to member for a more intimate non public stream. Tho now I would say I member the people I like and want to support, but moreso keep watching and the member streams kinda being worth it. Use to member fauna but I kinda stopped watching her so unmembered, also membered irys but I didn't like her member streams, felt it was all talking about anime, but that was a short membership. Now it's just Kiara and fuwamoco and an indie I try an watch.
Nice. For me, I still catch the first few hours of her streams because she starts at late to midnight JST then I pass out some time during it.
I know and I won't be able to watch and the same goes the next day and the other
I suddenly got a job at some really awkward hours (i didn't even know that)
Kiara is the only thing that has kept me going through the last few years, and I don't know how to cope with this
Not in the office, no earbuds?
I don't really like to go that route but we can't watch wawa forever and (you) moving on through progressing in life in general is the best way to start balancing your life and start watching kiara in heathy amounts. Sometime, if not now, this will happen.
It might not seem so but change is almost always good even if the conditions worsen. You don't need to cope with this, you go ahead and just cry it out or whatever it doesn't matter, change is hard. Just keep in your mind that this whole thing is for the better.
You may have to be vod gang. Maybe your new Job might allow you to listen to podcasts or streams.
Congrats on the new job though.
my cellphone has to be locked in a separate room
Jesus Christ.
Damn, what kind of job?
Elon why did I not get a notification for this
She slaps me and then gives ne a like
Is this grooming
how do you guys even get the drive to watch vods? When I miss something I just get sad and can't even muster the will to click on the video
It's just a podcast dude, and one with a cute girl in it.
You would not have survived 2020 Kiara starting at midnight EST
Missing out on the live aspect sucks, but werbear timestamps help
Smoothie you little shit
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Nocturnalwawa cute
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why does she constantly eat dinner at nigh like past midnight did she ever talk about it? It's late to even call it a supper at this point, also a little unhealthy but i don't remember her ever explaining why she can't eat before stream is it stress or what
No, just her messed up sleep schedule in general. Wakes up around noon, so its all shifted
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Soundpost pls
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>playing EDF
>watching Fallout VOD
I'll take my daily dose of orange woman right into my veins.
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>Kiara takes your grenade slot
fat fuck taking up my carry weight
It's all the quasos and Austrian desserts.
Great ant bait though.
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Chimkin grenade
What are his effects
A little question to KFP:

Would you rape Kiwawa if it was guaranteed that you can get away with the deed with no police involvement or other consequences? But there is a catch she would commit suicide one day later would you still do it?
afair she never directly said it but her tiny stomach can not hold enough food for that
we had streams where she ate beforehand/at the start of the stream, went on for a few hours and ran out of steam towards the tail end of the stream
it is basically physically impossible for her to eat enough in one go to be able to stream for a few hours, sleep for a few hours and not wake up sluggish and light-headed from hunger the next day
>Would you rape Kiwawa
no? like wtf
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I'm gonna rape you instead anon
No, I want safe and sane rough consensual sex with Wawa
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My 3rd playtthrough of EDF6 begins tomorrow.
Ill take wawa as far as I can but shes an early game item, so it gets shredded in later levels.
Id rather suffer and burn in the most horrific jail known to man than ever do something that would lead to someone's suicide, much less my oshi.
Can we switch it so one of the other ENs kills themselves?
who would you switched Kiara with?
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love wawa
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Threadly reminder
fuck off, mumei
Rape is a weak man's passion. It means he's not attractive enough physically/personalitywise to gain consent. It's not a fantasy one should chase, or else he's admitting that he's a subhuman degenerate and instead he should switch the a to an o.
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Sexy times with Wawa
Kiara is not sexy so therefore impossible.
Are you gay?
You're supposed to prove me wrong with posting sexy pictures of wawa you retard.
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Then ask for a proof retard
I swear this word has lost any meaning with how often she says that
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Chiara rabu
Based and thank you
hololive girls are like cute whores but I don't see kiara that way. I actually love her, like I think most anons here. Even if she didn't commit suicide after I wouldn't want to rape her.
What I really want is to do consensual non-consensual with her since I have figured she'd like it.
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cute wawa
no Wawa is for being sweet and cute together
I don't know what this is referencing
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Me on the bottom.
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I just can't believe the Germans have memes and they don't involve operating heavy machinery or the logistics of storing agricultural products during sex.
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Literally me
Wawa soon
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You've heard of boobs in the thumbnail, now get ready for:
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The things I would do to that ass...
Can't she get herself some bites or snacks...?
Booty on my face
I wish Kiara didn't lean so hard on the coombait as of recent. What happened to the Kiara that was "prude" and scared of being seen naked in front of others, or the Kiara that wouldn't even say the word "sex"? She's coombaiting so much these days that I'm seeing people start to treat her as a sex-crazed slut like they did in the bottom left days, even see people starting to use the "bottom left" meme again.
It gives her numbers and attention
What's the correlation between people making really faggy posts like this and unnecessarily putting them in spoilers?
I don't like the fan model that she's probably going to be using since it has completely different proportions compared to her live 2D and 3D model. And why is she trying to bait people into the stream by labeling it as if it was an official 3D reveal?
Can the spoiler retard stop being a retard?
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>since it has completely different proportions compared to her live 2D and 3D model
I guess I can see that. Smaller hips, smaller thighs, and a smaller body overall, but bigger boobs. Also Koikatsu model, so it has some random boots and fishnets instead of the unique shoes and pink leggings. Doubt it really matters though since it's only a fan model, only autists will care about the different proportions in that regard.
That's not koikatsu
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Anon, why would you think it's that version when you can clearly see her shiny pink ass? Not KK either. She'll get fishnets offically around her anniversary with the skirt
A bunch of edf voice lines
ass on the pictoglass?
holy shit my diiiiiick
she does it for us, because the truth is that kiara is totally /here/ and knows that this split can only stop doomposting when cooming to her body
>doom and coom
I think I found a song suitable to her
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Looks close enough to me desu
is it possible to have small hips but a huge ass IRL?
But WHY did they put hay in there?
Would she even be allowed to use a koikatsu model at all?
Probably would need a model made from scratch
I think he's basing it entirely off of >>81458740 which is apparently the same model just not completely finished(?). But the Fever night outfit did nerf Kiara's hip and thigh size.
idk remember how excited she was last year about virgin-killer sweater making a comeback, she actually started tangenting about gravure for a moment and then you remember how she actually knows about it wawa was never never anti-coombait, she toned it down mostly due to redditors getting annoying with their stale "memes".
Kiara's prudeness with her own body and her model are two different situations
Remember last year when she said she was gonna go for a sexier image? It’s working, despite the memes, her sexy content is creating a lot of buzz. I’m not really a fan of it either but that’s the way it goes sometimes. Not like she’s pulling a full Okayu on us.
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I accepted those fluffy fatfucks in my heart. Their purrs don't hurt me anymore.
t. catschizo
I blame it all on Dokomi. It all started after that.
Wawa soon
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should have buffed her boobs and butt
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Miku is gonna kick her ass
I'm gonna lick her ass
Based papa
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Oh, yeah. She started preparing 10 minutes before the stream. Enjoy the delay.
lately she has been really irresponsible to her streaming times etc.
Ehh she was worse last year I'd say. There even used to be a schizo here about it
Yeah well I'm talking about these days specifically. It's probably just that he got off her normal routine but still the 30 minutes delay today is too much considering she rescheduled the stream a whole day after.
Was she just having unprotected sex all day again? It's 8 PM holy shit, probably didn't eat her dinner either Austria should ban der pille if it turns their women into gigasluts.
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eh, I'm happy since I can get food now but ofc ideally no delays would be perfect
7 minute countdown until start!
Last year there were bigger problems
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Thought she was gonna make it a shorts stream, works for me though
She's moving!
let's hope her ass is as meaty as her fingers
Beeg mouf
I'm gonna masturbate so much today holy shit
How does this woman consistently get the most dick draining outfits?
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the way she is postured means she is also sticking her ass out right now
Better rigged than her at home official one.
holy shit i'm going to fucking nosebleed to death
She knows what people want.
the kiarass...
it is real
this is highly erotic
HOLY FUCK THANKS GOD... Good thing I didn't die...
Holy kiara, this is nsfw
I really want to watch this Kiara and Roboco to kiss in 3d
this isn't boxing, this is sexy dancing...
those boobs have their own low-grav mode
Holy shit that ass.
i need to impregnate Kiara
Sex with Kiara
Wawa sex
I joke around when I hop on threads and say I'll jerk off to streams, but I'm dead serious this time. Jeezus fucking christ.
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Wawa stop you're scaring me
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OH MY FUCKIG DOG IM GONNA CUMMMMM AAAAHHHHHAHHIASgdcl<aiujgfc dsal,ku.z nvsgefrtanbß0p98n 7fhtvw24er57gzboiu245fgtf5koqb3i4örnu zrbp2g1iv45uztnbgesw5ibuk, stjvfznl9op3n2gf59b 7uvr4pbhzn pl9iöngbrtds he56btn23z´4g6o5u 7
jesus christ the ass jiggles
I know right?!? And she's a fuckin prude!
imagine the smell
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I don't even wanna write anything anymore I just want to focus every single millisecond, every braincell on her
God I need her to stand straight and then bend over from the hips to try and touch the ground.
So kobo would just randomly start twerking? WTF is wrong with this brat?
By the way, what's the status of her collab with Gosegu?
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mori cant handle this
This is unironically more almond activating than porn.
Holy mother
go white girl go
tourist here, I want to eat this birds ass
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>le takakmori ass eating
how about you follow this advice >>81472199 and just enjoy watching the stream or kys
koikatsu porn when?
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good lord what i would give for a sniff
Kiara is saving lifes
the spandex traps in the smell, are you sure you can handle it?
I can handle it (I cant)
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This stream is great
I can easily take her in a fight if this is as good as she fights. Her form is all wrong and punches are weak.
You'd be too distracted by her massive tits and your blood will flow all into your dick, preventing you from punching hard enough
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tsk my one weakness
Was she always this THICC???
I wish the face and mouth had been rigged a little better, but otherwise a pretty impressive fan-made model
no, she literally had a flat ass, but when you are anime you can be whatever you want
good lord
It is fan-made?
It is better than the offical.
her final form...
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sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex
if this doesnt become the standard for Hololive 3D models in the future I will be dissapointed
Where's the porn????
Anons... I might not survive this stream...
holy boobs
Hope someone is archiving, cause I feel like yt is gonna pull this stream any second now
I can't fap
Yeah I'm gonna need to save this VOD immediately afterwards
Come on raora
Draw some sex art of wawa
I know you want to
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>the boob rigging
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Kind of miss pre-2024 Kiara. Don't know what happened, but she went full in on coombaiting this year. What happened to the Kiara that was too much of a prude visit and bathe in public onsens without covering herself up and wouldn't even say the word "sex"?
i need to rape Kiara
I am done trying to control my lust
Her ass and thighs and hips are too perfect AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
She's going to remove her pants too right?
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You tried this earlier. Kiara with her model has always been sexo positive. Irl onsen is a way different scenario. Here's 2021 Kiara twerking as soon as she got smol 3d. Now start jerking
She would get live banned if she did that
>she takes the top off
god dammit I can't do another so soon I'm getting old ffs
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plap plap plap plaaaap
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I am masturbating to this
Thank you Kiara for making this a thing
This might be post nut blues, but I'm sad she still hasn't used her normal 3D since the face was upgraded...
i cant handle this model
out of shape wawa... the architects are winning...
imagine the smell
oh fuck I thought she got banned or something for a second kek
Fapping to Kiara while she was dancing World's nd Dancehall is my proudest anime fap,
women don't get hotter than this
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do you think she knows we are all fapping to her?
plap plap plap plap pap lap plap PLAP!!!!!!
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I can't take it anymore, KFP...
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My god
ofc, shes a woman shes knows, also no fanbase has more coomers than the KFP
She want to schlick herself rn, so of course she knows and understands
imagine the new porn
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Dibs on getting to lick her suit after she's done.
Country girl wawa...
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dear god
>there's actually nipple bumps
dear lord
Baker onegai
Please have mercy on an old chicken...
Straddling the uncertain line between shading and edge of areola.
They knew what they were doing.
I also just noticed that you can see her nipples poking out
I can't believe that actually modeled the nipples too
>she catches you staring
she out sexoed marine
>double handjob gesture
What is happening?!
>Still hasn't put the top on yet
This vod is going to get nuked...
oh god you are right
You fucks better be archiving
she's flying too close to the sun...
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>1 hour
The fan art coming from this stream is going to ruin my life
this legit looks like a scene from eroge
>$6000 gloves
>can't hold on for an hour
I was too busy fapping then washing my hands. I've started the archiving but I hope one of you started earlier.
Just use the --live-from-start command to start saving from the beginning of the stream.
I am, but if manespoilsport is watching nukage may occur before I can finish.
Your oshi is cute and has some nice wawas
who is manespoilsport?

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