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Realistically, what would make Kiara graduate?
doxx her and try to poison her breakfast
she would never graduate, it's hololive or the streets for her at this point
Kill her
>he doesn't know about her rm
(you) should make 10000 threads like this, maybe then
>he doesn't know
>someone close to her like Ame, Ina or Reine falls out with management
>they get axed without any real graduation like Coco or Sana had
>Kiara joins the chain reaction of EN and IDs close to them who leave as well in unity
>joins them in Wave 1 of a new western VTuber group
That would be the only scenario really
ame and kiara are close?
no more korean shit
She gets Nerissa pregnant.
ancient kfp delusions, they think kiara is close with everyone she one sidedly pesters
>Realistically, what would make Kiara graduate?
the FULL HOMOFICATION and NIJIFICATION of Hololive. Kiara is one of the last remaining stalwart bastions of CGDCT in Hololive. If the Bois were successfully integrated together with the girls in one UNIFIED COED branch, that would force her and a few others like Gura and FuwaMoco out.
her finally getting to marry a sweet indo peafowl and live happy with her in Austria
Graduate from life or from vtubing?
She's a phoenix, retards.
Some management fuck up.
Not you, that's for sure
OP necrobumps yet again
>Realistically, what would make Kiara graduate
Nuclear war in Europe.
NATO defense pact gets activated at the same time as Taiwan invasion with war breaking out in southeast asi
Literally nothing, she knows it's the only thing in her life she can be successful at and she's not dumb enough to throw it out the window
if shes in nijisanji
A terminal disease making her want to quit working and enjoy life for what is left of her life.
She's still young. She could find something else
What? For one of the jp girls to finally snap on her after kiara says too much about something.
Kiara is a well known homobeggar. Pretending to be a lesbian for a japanese paycheck
At age 30 (or close to)? I mean sure, i guess there are uglier camwhores out there with an audience. But unless she has other marketable talents outside of being a mega weeb, i think she's closer to that rushia in a walmart uniform (or lidl, in her case) than anything else.
Coco graduated when I shared with her one of my most precious memories.
Not sure if Kiara is the same type to dine n dash, but you never know.
ogey homobeggar
Listening to the wrong people
Realistically? Jenma getting fired, which will never happen
If Rushia can land work being the way she is, Kiara is far from hopeless.
Rushia is a cute Japanese girl gfe pro. Of course she can get work
Doubling down is always a choice, yes. Not the best one, but better than nothing i suppose.
Can she embrace hagdom though, or would she become just another roastie?
Shitty management. Why is this even a question when we already know the answer straight from her mouth?
She's a narcissist so she won't do either
Being realistic there's two scenarios that would see kiara likely walk away from hololive. the first is entirely realistic but not happening as far as we know, the other less so but also possible.
>projects unable to go forward because management
>ultimately decides to quit having done everything there is to do in holo and wanting to try and do something fresh
and the less likely but entirely possible
>massive internal culture shift causes holostars to be forcibly integrated
>massive internal kfp civil war erupts
>kiara quits in frustration and takes her biggest paypigs with her
realistically what'll happen is kiara will get bored at some point and when the nest egg is fat enough she'll bail. when will that be? only she knows.
anything's possible long term though. things look fine right now but who knows what'll happen if yagoo decides to move on and cover becomes run by investors.
My dick, if she continues to wear the gym fit
does he know?
That depends if you know her roomate or not
She's very rich. I don't think any of the myth girls need to work ever again.
If I asked her to she would. I won't, but she'd proudly listen to me
Yes. Kiara wasn't going to join the spelling bee, but Ame personally asked her to join.
>The street
She brought her house cash, she's never hitting the street. She could coast for the rest of her life
If it was viable, she’d adapt. Remember when she was thinking of having Roberu on Holotalk when he was getting memed, but never mentioned it again when that fizzled out? She’s a grifter, not a true cgdct bastion.
You mean she used to? Not never. Don’t bother warning someone ignorant like you. You don’t know how depressed she was before. Do your research.
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Thanks for using self restraint.
Her narcissism. She just might be delusional enough to believe she'd stay relevant without Hololive.
nice necrobump OP, get a life
She actually wants to graduate, but then she remembers that YOU exist and her being in Hololive makes YOU seethe.
That's why she hasn't yet.
Bow if you killed yourself, she would have no longer a reason to still be in Hololive
If she finds herself in a cage match against the rock and John Cena
Do you know? You can thanks phase kiwiniggersfor a certain dox pic
>implying I knew her as Kiara first
try again.
KFP is flooding her RM events as well, if you know you know. She only needs to pick out a rich KFP cuk if shit hits the fan.
>doxx her
You're many years too late for that.
nothing, if she drops ccv even moreso she would probably just stop streaming like the others
Multiple HoloEN graduations where they decide to create a new vtuber company would be the best option. Hololive might have a lot of influence with other Japanese companies but they have few connections in the western market. A lot of methods they use to hinder competition in Japan wouldn't have much effect in other countries.
Not allowing her to collab with Vshojo and Nijisanji members
Kiara is as unsinkable as the Tirpitz, you will need a nuclear yab to get rid of her.
Even if COVER collapses they will have to kick her out of the building.
She will most likely die while streaming.

She's an Austrian with artistic inclinations and a mission, and you know how notoriously difficult it is to get rid of those.

I personally love Kiara and wish her a long and prosperous career.
I can't even think of any possible yabs Kiara could make that would do her lasting damage. No, the resident schizo replying to himself "about 30 times" doesn't count.
>I don't think any of the myth girls need to work ever again.
Never underestimate a woman's ability to make stupid financial decisions.
But what if they got replaced by Jerma instead?
Me impregnating her
shes a lesbian dumbass
but the tirpitz sank in like 11 minutes... after being hit by 3 5-ton bombs
but that doesn't stop him from impregnating her?
Good grades
why would she fuck a dude if she likes girls?
There is actually a real answer to this and it's even a very simple one.
Her cats die. That is literally all that is needed.
Enough 2 dollar supa insults.
Hololive is too cushy for her to quit before Hololive or Myth itself goes down, but even if she did, she's already set. She's established as a personality. Disregarding a complete destruction of her public image, there's an audience for her in anything outside holo, even if smaller
Hololive closes down
Ignoring the schizo sperging out in the thread, she'll graduate when she'll feel like keeping up with Hololive is not worth it. Some possibilities:
>Jenma leaves the company and the person taking her place leaves a lot to be desired
>Cover downsizes on the events and 3D opportunities
>Cover pulls a Niji and besmirches its own name
>someone opens a public 3D studio to be rented by vtubers, making corpos less enticing through that
As it was already stated, she already thought about whether it's worth staying or not, back when a lot of questions came up regarding future 3D opportunities. She owns a house, has invested her money and she could easily take a salary cut since at her level half of it goes to income taxes anyways. She has an out through her RM and her paypigs are already hooked over there as well. She has friends and fans all across the vtuber industry, she could easily commission a model and do collabs with them. Finally, she has her own 3D solution that can at least produce recorded content. It's all up to Cover providing useful to her or not.
>Kiara is a homobegger
>doesn't want to collab with them
>bummer I guess when 2 graduated
IDK anon, the only thing people have on her is she replied to them on twitter when they wished her well and said it's fine to support them as well to her fans.
If anything she's polite at the most.
Dude she's almost on par with Calli and Gura for how obviously who her past life is
>actually attend her classes
>do homeworks
>pass exams
>be there for the ceremony to pick up her diploma
She's not rich. None of them are. They're well off and with decade or so of proper management and investing they could become minorly wealthy but they'll never be truly rich. Quitting or being fired would disrupt all of that.
my chamas in /vt/, your well formulated replies containing actual effort are wasted on the willfully blind. see:

and it's not like the other threads haven't had reasonable replies. not that op ever read those either . .
Whatever, I'm not gonna boycott discussions on this board because someone is throwing a shitfit.
Try to understand it; you need to analyze and think critically. While it may not be difficult to comprehend, avoiding the issue by pretending not to understand English is not acceptable.
because she has no say in the matter
>all by 1 person
If this was any other board he would be rangebanned on his first week
I know this is bait and this asshole faggot of an OP drops this bait thread everyday but the answer was already provided by Kiara herself - Management. She considered graduation last year because Management was constantly giving her the runaround. Jap came in and Jenma was promoted and now she keeps a firm leash on management these days.
Realistically speaking, what would make anon stop making these stupido threads?
Gura is different as we only have 1 unconfirmed photo while the other 2 livestream IRL

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