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So, where do you get your juice?

>Latest & Upcoming
Outer Wilds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_jZumY0M8o
Schedule: https://x.com/gigimurin/status/1815227820223980027
Tanabata Date Voice Pack 2024: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_tanabatadatevoice2024

>Recent Stream
Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQ4Ls9dbC2I

Hitomania Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmT_cEfOTJE
ABOVE BELOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilLEj-SCCn8

Lore Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qllhhLELbP4
Collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j89Phi0oom8
Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15aufXwBIKw
Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF4g-50fLz8

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_gigimurin
Xitter: https://x.com/gigimurin
Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/collections/gigimurin

Arts: #rkggk https://x.com/hashtag/rkggk
Live: #LFGIGI https://x.com/hashtag/LFGIGI

OP Template: https://rentry.org/gigger
Previous: >>81342969
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Is she aware that she isn't going to finish OW today?
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I love Gigi!
No, but she said she doesn't mind finishing 2 games next week.
And that’s fine, I wonder what games she will pick next, she has mentioned Fallout more than once recently
Yeah, she mentioned she'll probably finish OW and Cwab next week:
During the start of the stream yesterday she seemed to think she wasn't going to finish today and was making plans to finish both OW and cwab next week.
i want her to play deepwoken and get fucking slaughtered by all the gooners who play roblox
That Grem is fucking dead! Popo killed him!!
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I love love love Gigi.
I want her to okay Ghost of Tsushima on keyboard and mouse like me
>Sony game
Not going to happen unfortunately
You are all wrong she need to play Yakuza and ship Kazumaji/Minedai. Perfect game for her.
Meant play, I really need more sleep
You'd think the japs would have an easier time with their fellow japs
Dude, not even Sony's own vtuber corpo had perms to play Sony games. They're retarded.
Sony probably see them as a rival company, even if they are not in the same business and this is free publicity for Sony, well, companies are weird like that
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>Ina and Gigi streaming at the exact same time
I'd like to see Gigi play Cruelty Squad, seems like it's up her alley
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Gi muriiiiinnn!
Gi murin grem, can’t wait for Gigi latter
Sony has eggs on the Niji basket
They're not even doing good games anyway so why even bother at this point
Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom is the best stream she did bar none
Love it when she goes full LA CREATIVIDAD
I've played it a little bit and liked it but saw some people saying it has some good amount of political commentary, same as DE. That's a big no-no for Hololive. A shame as they'd both fit her well, a chaotic super-violent game and a choices matter game.
Is she likely to finish OW this next stream?
From what the Grems familiar with the game have said, it's very unlikely, maybe the next one if all goes well
Ah yeah that makes sense. Shame
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So the usual question, is this to big?
Her ass? No it's just the right size for her frame.
Gigi booty...
The tail is actually kinda small. And attached to the wrong spot.
She did mention that she wanted a character sheet where we could see more detail on the tail and how is it attached, hopefully her mama will deliver eventually
Way too thicc, Gigi isn't built like that.
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Gigi's thighs aren't that big. She has pencil thin legs.
3D model will save us! Like it did with Kronii
Most of the girls models are pretty stick-like to be fair. I like to imagine Gigi has a pudgy little butt and more defined thighs, albeit not too thick.
Yeah, I think in the only other art we have from her mama, her legs look less stick like, but the legs aren’t really the focus of it, hopefully we will get more eventually
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Gigi thighs.
gigi's thigh gap is my nest and home
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i'm going to make the standees kith
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Nice, merch is always a great way to support the girls, also GG and CC will both have their first birthday this year, poor Gigi she will have to be the first Justice girl to organize a Holobirthday
When is her birthday?
Oct 18th
Gigi Birthday is on October 18, followed by Cecilia on November 11, then for the next year is ERB on April 25 and finally Raora on May 11
I just realized her -1 INT on her debut is actually a stack overflow
This is why she's surprisingly cerebral
I have a scary rratto for you gremurins...
>Gigi is unashamedly fujoshi
>the Sandalphon fangirling
>dodged question of her hololive oshi
Her oshi is a holostar and she's waiting for the right moment to drop the news.
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Is Popo the Kakapo
I'll entertain your bait by just saying that she loves shipping characters like Sandy but mentioned that she is not into shipping Hololive talents because "they are real people". So she likely has no interest in the Stars, everything she told us up until know implies she likes fictional anime boys, not "real" ones.
A fat fuck that deserves to become extinct
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Since it's all the rage right now, would you want Gigi to play Elden Ring? Or any of the older Souls games? I'd like her to play 2 personally.
No desu, I'm over saturated with souls games from all the other members streaming it. I prefer her to try other games.
I wouldn’t mind it, but Elden ring was played a lot recently by other Holos, there is not that much hype for it right now, maybe in year or something when it will have some sort of nostalgia factor, for other souls, I think I got my fix with the Cwab game for now, if she wanted to play one of them, fine for me, but can’t say I would be hype for it right now
Only if she hasn't played it before and it's all new to her.
Elden Ring is a no for me but a DS2 playthrough would be fun since no other Holomem has played it on stream.
I want her to lock in and play sekiro, elden slop would be fun if they ever get seemless coop perms
I was just thinking that I don't recall any playing 2. It's always 1 and I think 3 but never the middle child game for some reason.
This, in which case she should start with DaS1
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noel played it and got filtered by the smelter demon and bae is planning on playing it because chat said it is awful and she's a contrarian
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Gigi if she was actually a loli
Would be believable if she didn’t say that she finds irl ships weird
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another day for love the cute gremlin
She finished ds3 and has played ER a bit. From the way she talked about them it doesn't seem like she's not too interested in streaming those any time soon.
>not too
I think CC said something similar about playing it because people keep telling her it's bad. Personally I would like GG to play more open world survival games with CC and the rest of justice!
Loli GG running around the neighborhood, climbing trees, rolling in mud. She sees a grasshopper on the ground and picks it up to get a closer look, but it starts flapping around and panicking and she starts freaking out a bit so she reflexively eats it. It's kinda gross.
That grasshopper? Me.
Gigi cute!
GG and CC's kid...
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Silly anon, that’s just Gigi from the lore video
I wonder have they mention the specific reasons for their chess piece? ERB as the Queen and Raora as the bishop make sense with the whole God eyes thing, CC is usually the “Tank” in their lore talks but I guess the Rook is actually more of a speedster in the end and Gigi is no Knight look wise, also who would win in a chess match?
No comment on the rest but Gigi said she practiced chess for a little, I think she said 30 hours or something, so probably her unironically
it would end with CC thinking she's winning hard and then getting mated suddenly
I now want a hololive chees tournament.
I wonder if they already played something like that in their time in Japan, Gigi did try to explain Mah jong to CC didn’t she? Same for TFT, now that I think about that, has CC try to explain or get GG to try one of her hobbies?
all fromsoft and soulslike games need to be banished to the netherworld and never played again on stream
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>mating GG
yeah, me
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narrow hips ToT
Gigi cute!
2 Hours to go!
I'm dying....the only cure is... the dorky gremlin.... but the stream is in 2 hours... go on without me bros, save yourselves...
That Grem squeezed between her thighs? Me.
Grem... if only there was something I could do...
the true proof that she is /here/
Is almost time! I look forward to her awakening!
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I wonder, was there any other community acting like that back then? Because I do remember we were acting like that
Many holo communities act like that. I think it originated from Saplings with the "I miss Fauna uuuuu." I don't think that is a particularly /here/ thing
yeah saplings were openly like this in chat/fancords and the meme spread here after
Gremlin awake
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Yellow Gremlin standing by.
Gigi awake!
Gi night Grems, I am simply too weak to stay awake for Gigi stream. So I ask that you have double the fun for me!
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Gi night grem, the VOD will be there for you when you wake up
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Gigi love!!
What's wrong with Gremurins? That's what we are called, abbreviated to Grems.
>knowing my grems are now all living with each other due to reasons I can’t disclose
What did she mean by this? Is she referencing something I missed?
All the grems had to sell their houses and move in together to pay for their drinking debt...
grems together strong
We are called grems and gremurins is the hashtag plus shipname. Gigi has never referred to us using the latter.
Anon missed the fun on the club yesterday
>You guys are called grems.
Why did you ignore the rest of what she said?
Yeah, I checked it out live for a few minutes between leaving work and driving home, and it looked like a lot of fun.
>you guys are called grems
>and I am gigi murin
>and you are {X}
>combine our names
>we are {Y} together
I hear "grem murin" for X and "grem murins" for Y. I think she may have misspoke X and meant to say "grem" but jumped the gun and said non-plural Y there. And I think Y shouldn't be plural too. Though if X is correct, it almost sounded like "grem murin" is a first name and last name.
>>81413854 (me)
Another piece of this is that the hashtag is #gremurins, plural, confusing things further.
The simplest answer is that we are "gremurins" but everyone including her literally 100% of the time says "grems" as shorthand, but the fact that she has never once called us "gremurins" outside of this one potentially-ambiguous moment makes it possible that "grems" is the full correct name.
Of course, if she has called us "gremurins" any time other than this one moment, then of course that's the full name.
>>81413993 (me)
>"of course" twice in the last sentence
There's nothing to analyze. It's clear cut that the official fan name is Gremurin, and she's explaining how she came to that. By simply adding her last name to Grem. It's even written there for "fans," fans being plural and the plural for Gremurin is Gremurins. It's just shortened to Grem(s) to make it easier to say.
My oshi (CC) is not streaming today, so I am watching my wife's friend GG stream.
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Gigi will do great today!
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I am now full of life!
grem x grem...
Grems but there's only one bed ah ah ah
GG is CC's wife, not just friend
Gigi x Biboo fanfic...
Mmm that was quite an interesting way of talking about tomorrow collab, maybe I’m going schizo but sounded like they have an idea and if it doesn’t work, they will just play the zombie game
that idea? sex with me
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I love Gigi too much, grems...
That makes sense. There's no way they don't actually know what they want to do this close to the collab, but maybe they don't know if it will work
This has happened plenty of times after HoloEN (both gendahs) debuted and the talents usually tell the audience what they were going to play. I will be fine with 7 Days if the game they wanted to play falls through and my grem ass will pray that they can play what they wanted to later.
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does this count?
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Only if you are really desperate
I like this gremlin, she's kinda fun
Only way fans will be satisfied with the ending of the zombie game is if they have sex on stream.
So do I, I also likes that she tries to understand the game lore and read all the little things she can find, I like the way she plays games
Good idea CC
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Her autism is endearing. She really seems to like games with deeper lore.
I couldn't figure this one out either
Yeah it's a little confusing.
note on the ground says that the rock disappeared when they were in the dark. no light means you are no longer an active observer, hence allowing you to become quantum along with the rock until you become an active observer again.
i don't think i ever found this
i really ought to play this game again sometime
She's so smart grems, I feel like an idiot now
daily reminder:
Their own fault for making it borderline ERP at times
same. that's our gigi. i would have gotten bored and given up
I love them all.
I did not know that launching the scout sets off the fish. You learn something new every time you see someone play this game.
>>81416678 (me)
She can't tell left from right. I rescind this post
Gigi moment
Poor Esker. Forever forgotten.
She hasn't been to the moon yet!?
That was my first stop.
Yep I think this is her first time on the moon
Cute Gigi. Almost everyone who played visited the moon first but she left it to be one of the last.
That marshmallow was for me
Gigi is feeding me!
When she says "yippie", it pleases me.
....Wanna spoon, grems?
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my body is a machine that turns charred food into awful shits
Is me! I’m Quantum moon-chan, Gigi misses me!
You want her SO bad...
Quantum moon-chan got Gigi killed...
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I did or didn't make this post at the same time
How long until Gigi will finally check out the explosion that she sees at the beginning of every loop?
Probably once she finally goes back to Giant's Deep for quantum stuff
I smile every time she uses the WHS. I still have PTSD about it
Cute Gigi distress screams
>proceeds to break every bone in their body
she is very cute when she's screaming in terror and frustration
Okay I think she might be genuinely bad at platforming
I think you might be on to something
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gigi should play more platformers
gigi should step on me instead
This! Only with practice will she get good at it
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she almost solved the quantum moon by accident right then, if only she wasn't drifting without her ship
i love that screenshot
CC will marry Quantum moon-chan!
That plug? Me on tail duty
Gigi is plugin “something” in!!
Ahoge stream yippee
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my true oshi
>Taking notes
Very cute.
Gigi is taking notes!! I love her!
hood off!
The hood is off. We are so back
>hood off

It's time....

To game..................
Gigi and Quantum Moon-chan are so obsessed with each other... GGCC bros, I think it's over
the hood stays off during sex
She wants her so bad.
Reminder that if GG dies, CC will have to marry Quantum Moon-chan
The final AmeSame participant list is everyone from EN except Shiori, Ina, IRyS, ERB
She needs to start appreciating WHS.
The Gura blacklist...
I still find ERB skipping on this to be hilarious. She could have done the Holostar collab and joined right after. And yet...
Kind of weird ERB is not attending, these big events are really good exposure for newcomers
If she cared about her momentum (which seems unlikely given her awful schedule this early after debut) she'd 100% join. Instead she chooses not to attend.
Ina and IRyS are understandable in a way I can't explain. But I thought for sure Shiori would want to go because of Ame.
that sucks i would've enjoyed the extra autism
That silly fish didn’t knew what hit it
Shiori was busy. IRyS thought she was busy but found out too late she wasn't
This happened a while ago, but fuck I loved it when she said DONT GO WHERE I CANT FOLLOW to the quantum moon, casually dropping one of the most kino LOTR lines
>Shiori was busy
Oh fuck, right. They have the 3D. I don't know why I forgot about that crucial information.
she is so close to figuring it out
Fuck you spoiler chat cunts
Woah gigi almost did it by accident
She seems to be doing a good job avoiding/completely filtering them out though.
Oh she finally found the orbital cannon, nice
we just have to refer to left and right as larboard and starboard and she'll get it
I don't understand what's going on anymore. QRD?
GG Gigi.
Is quantum science! I Ain't Gotta Explain Shit!
What exactly are you confused at?
(All from current Gigi knowledge)
She is on the orbital cannon floating above Giant's Deep, which was designed to fire one probe to the Eye of the universe when they finally found it. For (currently) unknown reasons, the cannon was decommissioned and never fired in the time of the Nomai. Despite that, we see it firing and breaking apart at the start of every time loop for an also currently unknown reason.
That explanation works, thanks.
The probe actually fires in a random direction at the start of each loop and some funny stuff can happen if you're lucky enough.
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holy shit, imagine if that happened on your first loop
I want to match velocities with Gigi, if you get what I mean.
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Sweaty Gigi~
Oh wow I can hear the fan
I can't hear it. Probably because I have two fans of my own going.
was this an incest anime like oreimo?
licking the sweat off gigi's pits to protect her shirt!
i should sleep now i've been up for like 20 hours and only napped for 4ish
good night grems
jesus. yeah get some rest grem, see you next time
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Gigi sounds like a boy sometimes.
boys make the best girls
But is a really cute boy
That was actually really chad.
>Goes up the crystal
>Accidentally looks away from crystal
>Actually fell just to moonwalk up the wall instead
>backseating pajeet retard gets banned
God is good. One day we'll get proper mods.
Hey, saplings.
what did he say? i missed it
I feel like the post is self explanatory.
Literally just constant backseating for like 15 minutes and telling people to stop talking to him/none of their business when they told him to stop
Okay, how did that fish spot her?
aaah, thanks. sounds like a prick, good riddance
She moved, Fish will hunt you if you go above 1 Speed (as indicated on the 3 axis display in your ship)
turbo based, guys like him pave the way for guys like me to become groomer mods.
Has gg said what her members content will be yet, grems?
he's right behind me isn't he...
No, I don't remember her saying anything about that yet, besides maybe watchalongs
We will find out soon enough, I just want to stop being gray and to have Gigi emotes
To note, this specific section is the reason why the devs highly recommend a controller because you can slowly tilt the stick as needed.
I want to eat a giant piece of salmon roe
Pornographic ASMR
Alright, thanks bros
If only…
If Gigi did this, what would it even be like?
ngl i've barely paid attention to these outer wilds streams and i legit have no clue whats going on. is she near done or?
GG tellling you she's the perfect housewife.
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Depends, she can maybe figure it out quickly or not.
But she has not solved one of the three main parts that she needs.
She is currently at the place you go when you have all the pieces you need to complete the game. However, she does not have the information to do anything with it.
She'll be done by next stream. Maybe
Hurry Gigi!
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I might be too deep into my love for Gigi, grems...
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Just coming by to steal some images. Your oshi is very cute and I really want her to have offcollab sex with my oshi.
thanks otomo bro. i like that comic
If I was a bone I'd be breaking so good rn
Holy shit her comedic luck in insane
A Hololive oshi can't be a Holostar because Stars aren't in Hololive.
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Popo should shag my head
Oh no
She'll protect us guys, don't worry.
I'm exercising restraint by not telling that one guy in chat to kill himself
>Gigi has shit hand writing
>I have shit handwriting
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Gigi is rarted. There. I said it.
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The fact that this is true.
I like that this actually has some English letters in there but you can barely tell.
This is how I got into the black hole forge too. Gigi is just like me...
I didn't know you could get to the forge like that. Seems like she was pretty close
Well she did her best
Gravity there is really iffy, I remember the first time I was there when jump a bit, I ended up falling into the black hole
One more loop bro just one more loop bro just-
i can't remember if she ever noticed how brittle hollow works yet with the pieces falling off
A lot of people seem to completely miss it.
I don't believe she has noticed
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i love it when gigi complains about her bones
Can confirm. I never noticed all the stuff flying out through the black hole
I tried to get up the quantum tower just like this too...
Sorry Gigi the devs actually accounted for this one. No ship allowed.
representation of my peen trying to fit in her tight hole
It's actually possible to jump down from the surface, slingshot yourself around the black home and use the extra momentum to fly up inside here.
Who needs a ship when you have a black hole that can launch you
I thought she was going to get lucky there for a minute.
What? It's over?
Should've been over 8 minutes ago.
Nothing ever happens
gigi gone...
It honestly takes too long for the tower to fall through the black hole. Almost nobody sticks around long enough to realize it happens, and there aren't enough hints pointing you to use your scout on it and monitor the integrity
I'm glad she's playing this and not me. I hate these types of puzzle games
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She has sit there watching the integrity go to 0%, she just didn't bother with the step of imagining where the tower went after cracking, somehow.
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I miss Gigi...
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Chat message from the end of stream you might have missed
Cute gremlin
la creatividad
i miss gigi....
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I can't wait to see what game the collab is tomorrow
Pornographic ASMR
they'll be playing meet n fuck kingdom 2: the recummining
Offcollab sex, the first one to cum loses
Replayed the game to do the DLC around when Gigi started, that was definitely something I forgot the trick to since the first time I played.
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Gigi Cute! Love Gigi!
My fellow Grems, I have an announcement to make. I love Gigi!
it literally happened to me by accident. the tower had already fallen, and i didn't realize, then i slipped trying to get to the observatory and saw a big-ass tower out in space. it honestly felt unintended, not figuring it out first, to the point that i kept looking for a way to get up there without the black hole.
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Me and my wife
Gigi's "NOOOOOOoooo" screams are so cute.
Gigi cute

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