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>hated by /vt/ for no reason
It's Shiori all over again
I was right about shiori, I am right about her too. They're both beautiful and cute.
I eat pasta with ketchup all the time.
that's the best part
I see, we can change OP's greentext then
>hated by /vt/ because they are a bunch of homosexuals
What race do you have to be to hate a raspy Italian aunt hag voice?
Only by Nijisisters and Phasecucks.
Which means there's no human being that hates her
don't compare Raora with that whore
This. Italian hags sounds like a feverish dream to me
Raora has talent. Shiori is a useless bitch.
SEA, as per usual when someone has a shitty opinion
Voice sucks, hololive should get another italian but this time she should be cute.
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Two more weeks
>her voice is bad
This board is full of homosexuals
Always remember anon, nobody who hates either ever has any response as to why the hate them that isn't just "whore" with no other context or straight up out of context quotes/misquotes.
Also notice how they always come out during SEA hours
Eh, when I first heard her voice, I felt the same. Her voice has grown on me but I completely understand the sentiment. Raspy voices aren't for everyone.
/vt/ has some shit tastes then
I love her.
She hates being compared to that whore devil. She has talent but is associated with dead leeches that taunt her, making her seem like a waste of talent. It’s really annoying. I wouldn’t care enough to forgive her past.
The only thing I criticize her for is not cucking Irys by having her intro be
"Ciaora, it's Raora"
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Seethe. They've already been on a date in Japan and likely had sex.
this should have been /thread
>Two more
Tumor indeed, the one you have in your brain.
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Replace ERB with a Brit that isn't a whore for cock.
Replace Raora with an Italian who doesn't sound like a 40 year old chainsmoker.
Keep GG and CC because they are literally perfect. In fact they should have sex and their children should be an entire new generation of HoloEN.
yes with me
More like hated by seething 2views lmao
You sound like one of those obnoxious diamond dogs posters
This theatre performance is weird, erbcucks.
>Brit that isn't a whore
Lol. Lmao
Capo Miyo is cute
There are two in EIEN that aren't whores.
>acts like a 1view
you cannot say there is “no reason” behind the hate
ERB getting wetter than the Philippines currently is whenever she hears Bettel talk deflection thread
>acts like a 1view
Genuinely, what do you mean by this? Raora is one of the hardest working ENs, is actively making friends with her EN senpais and turns up to all the events and group collabs.
Heh, she is but she leans into the Italian gimmick too much. Panko would be a better pick. She's also a loli and I'm fucking craving one at this point.
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>Panko would be a better pick
Do not reply, anon, they call anything 1view/2view behavior at this point just to stir shit
She read a comment from someone without a membership? 2view behavior
She chose to play a game she found interesting instead of a game from the list of 4 games everyone is playing at that moment? 2view behavior
She maintains a high CCV while doing the above mentioned? Believe it or not, 2view behavior
Chattini! Skippa Skippa Scratcha Scratcha
By /vt/ you mean KFPfags right?
Cute voice, great singer, cares about VTubing, knows what she's doing. Yes, Panko would be a perfect pick.
Why would KFP hate Raora? Kiara adores her for Raora went out of her way to help her out and cooked Kiara an Italian meal.
>numberfags on stream
>sorry dumping in collabs when there’s issues on her side
>relies heavily on chat for content
She is literally a nepo artist hire
nta but panko is one of my favorite chuubas outside of holo and i think she's underrated as hell
Delusional cope
it's just the usual jealous 2view shitters and malding Nijitroons. Happens with literally any slightly succesful Holos, even worse if they are CGDCT. Even completely inoffensive Holos like Biboo and Fauna manage to get daily bait threads.
See >>81399420
Do not (you) me again, thanks.
Overall unprofessional.
I don't know what hololive was thinking when they hired her, there were hundreds of better options everywhere.
Such as you sis, right?
I wish it was bait lol
Justice has been a fucking disappointment since day 1 and it's only getting worse
>both tend to start conversations with "you know, chat, in Europe..."
>one is the new hot trend, the other is not
>both are criticized for their annoying voice, but one is clearly worse than the other
Truly a mystery anon
Proof next thread?
Because just the other day some numbermonkeys proclaiming to be KFPs went on /hlgg/ to shit on Raora and her numbers, saying she was "leeching off Kiara".
It was SEA hours though so it might just have been the subhuman part of Kiara's fanbase or even a falseflag discord raid.
Justice seems like a success to me. Even ERB has a following outside of /vt/.
Keep coping I guess
call me crazy but as someone from Florida she sounds like every other fat latino girl here, albeit a lot cuter
It's what happens when you grow up in the shithole that is central italy
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>It was SEA hours though so it might just have been the subhuman part of Kiara's fanbase or even a falseflag discord raid.
Friendly reminder
Panko is from central Italy too and she sounds adorable, explain
Schizo thinks the hate is nijitroons and board shitters LMAO. I can smell the copium leaking out
Raora is the last living Etruscan.
nah /lig/gers are just seething at her success
True, but you can’t deny she is one of the weakest hires so far. The funny part is a weak holo is still way more successful than an indie whore.
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>hated by /vt/
And other funny things false flaggers say
she's the 2nd best performer of her gen
>you can't deny
Of course I can. She's entertaining, has cute mannerisms, unique appeal and is a talented artist.
>Kilia isnt a whore
But I don't like GG, I would only keep CC
Hating one of the strongest supporting hires ever makes you look retarded
>phasecuck bait thread
AIEEEEE, they still seething about yesterday yab.
I bet it's a fucking American who posted this. They can't stand anything other than basic valley girl American.
How do you benefit from creating the image that she's hated, op?
Human race
No one dislikes Raora
I don't like her voice, sorry. I'm here for idols, not supports
hang yourself
I imagine it's the same old tale of
>haha hololive is flopping, watch phase connect instead!
>phasecucks thread

Let it be known that this entire situation isn't just one unlucky fuck up that just happened unexpectedly.
Let it be known that We knew that this was going to happen at some point and that it was unavoidable.
Let it be know that nijis were always shitters, which is why We hated them, and that this was bound to happen because of it.
Let it be known that mixed collabs inevitably lead to an erosion of the values that a vtuber should hold, and that it is a sign of a decadent management policy.

But, above all:
Let it be known that We, true vtuber fans, were right all along, that the only vtubers worth anything are from hololive, and that unityfags were wrong all along. That We have seen and foresaw the rot of nijisanji and male EN vtubers 3 years before it happened and that We were called schizos for it all along.
Let it be known that We stayed steadfast regardless of it, and now We were yet again proven correct.
Yagoo is the only man I trust to pro-approve my oshis.
I cooka da pizza
Yep looks like it. Happened with Shiori too
>Watch Lia instead
The truth is that they fear losing their fans because their chuubas are not good enough.
>mentions Phase vermin
And the mask slips off. Go back to Kiwifarms and go back to slurping off Gator and that fake lawyer guy.
Her voice is terrible and no amount of cope will change that.
Why are you gay.
Her voice is golden and no amount of American will change that.
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>Replace Raora with an Italian who doesn't sound like a 40 year old chainsmoker.
Shut your whorish mouth or I'll shut it for you. Shes perfect. PERFECT!
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>Vague poster
At least you admit you're a schizo retard.
>don't compare a whore with a whore
do you see how stupid you sound?
>even though
But that's the main reason not to support her
>Phasecuck mask off
How is Dizzy doing btw?
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You should shut me up with a kiss, faggino.
Her voice is perfect
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You're not Raora so I'm going to have to refuse. GG is fine too, but you're not her either.
thank you for confirming its all true janny!
Raora is from the south of Italy
That's not how it works retard.
That's exactly how it works actually. Thanks again Janny!
That's not how it works phase chimp.
Cope harder
So what percentage of her is North African?
Then explain why do I get banned when I post an image of a generic asian party hooker? Or when I post a fubuki cosplayer? Without context of course.
she's also frequently afk during collabs
chattini should grow some skin, a little criticism isn't the end of the world
As much as any Italian 200%
Shit taste.
I know at least 3 people (one aussie and two americans) that complain that she's too ESL
keep outing yourselves, pig nose exposed
many such cases. jealousy on the behalf of the "talents" i suppose
cull and exterminate all phasenigs
kill all BrownVTM shitters
>loud during collabs
>attention whoring
>can't stop telling how happy she is that she got in
>hardcore weeb
>been bullied
She's Kiara of her gen
Most SEA men have higher voices than most white women, hence why they're angry/intimidated.
One thing's for sure, Chattini are the most touchy fanbase. Literally can't say anything that's not 100% positive without them sperging out.
I would be more confident in my oshi, why do you care what people say if you believe she is perfect?
>doormat anon just lets everyone talk shit and rrats about their oshi
>flirts with niji males and homos
>for no reason
>hey your oshi is talentless and lazy
>fuck off
>lmao spergs cant take criticism
is basically how you dumbasses sound so far
Literally every time I've seen someone say they don't like her voice, that anon instantly gets piled upon.
Face it, you faggots are too touchy about your oshi sounding like a chain-smoking 40 year-old tranny.
Anon, how is it so hard to understand that not liking her voice makes you a homosexual.
Face it, you faggots like men.
PS she's not my oshi ;^)
You literally proved his point.
They proved each other point.
back then: nijisisters!!
now: phasefags!!
lol holofags
It's shiori but raora actually turned over a new leaf instead of remaining a whore
>numbermonkeys proclaiming to be KFPs went on /hlgg/
As if KFP aren't amongst the worst fanbase in this board. Constantly falseflagging to stir shit and prop up Kiara, while denouncing anyone who calls them or their oshi out as "eggs". Trying the Jews of vtubing.
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3view ERB deflection thread
I don't hate her, but I also don't really find her entertaining, so I don't watch her. I love Shiori, tho.
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>shiori hated for no reason
I'm tired of this narrative. None of these bitches are getting as hated here as Shiori was. There were 3 to 4 daily splits cause of the raids and schizos. At least 5 bait threads everyday full of posts, pl spam everywhere, mods not doing shit, btvm going full retard, Shiori's past boss going full retard too. Justice girls can barely held their own generals. Fuck off and go enjoy your girls
>no reason
She embarrassed the homopusher ERB by having higher ccv and superchats
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they can fuck off, then
more for me!
>1 aussie
>2 muricans
latino or some evil brown variant
get help
my reaction to >>81396267
Phasefag here, love the italian hag, hope she collabs with Panko someday, nijiniggers deserve what they get every time they try to falseflag. Remember you deserve it when it happens
she's pretty good anon, i wish she wasn't stuck in phase
Okay, but /vt/ doesn't hate the pink I-tey cat at all.
Every single person who hates her voice is a homosexual
Phasefags always find a way to insert their cancer into the equation, even if totally nonsensical
we hate ERB and her circlejerk of homos. We love this panther and Shiori has been redeemed long ago
sorry, but I'm a white man from Europe and I can't stand her voice
I like Marine, her songs are cool.
Morons don't even know what nepotism means. Just because she was already in the vtuber sphere doesn't make her a nepo. In the month she's been in she's already done more art streams then Sana did the entire time she was active.
it's great to watch women from different countries, theyre a bit different and fun in their own way
I hate garlic knots

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