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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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is 23 too old to start being a vtuber? i wanted to start at 19 but couldn't due to money reasons
Most vtubers are fucking cakes and hags
you should wait 7 more years to get to prime vtuber age
It's never too late.
Unironically better to live life and get experiences, you dont want to become like all those indies that recycle the same 10 stories because they havent lived life at all
every cool vtuber i know is in their 30s or approaching it
It'll probably be difficult to start out at first since you won't attract any discord groomers if you're too old but don't give up.
Male or female?
anon, we like women over the age of 30.
are you a woman
what ages do discord groomers like? ...should i even ask?
there's literally a 39 year old hag in the socks agency (she said it on her debut stream, it's not an agedoxx)
Then just be a flesh streamer, dude.
Kys troon
why though? i wanna be a vchoober
>is 23 too old to start being a vtuber
come back in 7 years
It's all about the voice acting.
If you can pull off a cute, retarded voice convincingly then age doesn't matter.
This, but also you need to be entertaining. Looks don't matter in vtubing, but that only means that you can't coast on that (unlike twitch thots) and competition is much fiercer.
There are many ways to be entertaining though. Being "cute" qualifies, but a surprising amount of people aren't comfortable in that role. Being funny is really good, but sincerity can also get you there (as long as you avoid uncomfortable topics)
Voice is important though, no question about it.
Relatedly, are there any actual hag vtubers out there? Not the meme hag age but talking like 60+?
80% of Vtubers are 25+
viewers need to feel like your eggs are drying up. you're too young.
Not at all. Some Holos are pushing 40.
23 is way too young
Most Holo JPs are 25+ anon, a lot even are 30+
only if you are a virgin
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Vtubing is a milleanil/early zoomer thing.
my oshi started at 38
but more importantly,
life experiences
be entertaining
At 23 you think you're an adult and old and wish you were in highschool still. Then when you're 28 you think what a foolish kid you were. Then at 33 you realized you didn't know anything at 28. Then at 43 AAAAAAAAAAAAA KILL ME END MY SUFFERING
Isn't virtual obaachan someone's grandma?
Discord groomers obviously want a retarded girl they can groom. Hags have at least some common sense, so they can see through some bullshit. Just know that if a dude is spamming you with donations, begging you to open a discord and constantly demands to be made a mod then you're fucked. He will never leave unless you're blunt and if you're blunt he'll take it personally and make it his mission to destroy your career.
My 68-year old mother still thinks of me as a child at 36.
Then I go online and get called a grandpa by zoomers. I guess it's all relative.
The trick is to groom the groomers into becoming stable paypigs. Lead them on until they either quit or get with the program.
>common sense
>90% of hags are chicks who spent a lot of time getting groomed in their 20s and now usually have one prime-groomer and can't be groomed by lesser groomers
>that's so much better
Your post might as well be "30yo men only like 20yo girls because 20yo girls are easily impressed by your american express card and your honda accord".

Virtual Obaachan is a dude. The character itself has a grandson though.
It's too young
the question isn't "are you too old?" the question is "are you rich enough to commit?" do you have the stability to reasonably be able to have a consistent schedule or have a setup that's able to stream or make videos properly
It's not worth it
what if you just want to skip the streaming part and just go straight to being groomed?
If you're a woman go for it.
If you're a troon or a man, don't bother. You'll fail and feel like shit and quit before achieving anything when you're a 1view after a year
I can groom you, for your own safety.
most vtubers are 30+
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I didn't start until 26 with no prior online exerience, and I ended up doing just fine. If anything breaking into this industry in the 25-35 range is alot easier If you're not going through corpo route, just gotta have some passion for it.
T. low 4view on twitch
It's too fucking late in general. The bubble popped and there's too much competition. I'd keep your expectations real low.
the age of 30 is in hot demand
even 50+, if you look at how popular the holomoms are
As long as your voice sounds young, who cares?
Yes a prime groomer is usually called a husband. If they don't have one of those by that age then there is some obvious and blatant defect with them. So at that point the broken girl goes on the hunt for a loser man. Where are the loser men? Vtuber communities.
of course not. if anything, 23 is still too young. all the best chuubas live in Hag Country, baby!
Go to another girl's discord, find her photo section and post a pic of yourself. You don't have to dox yourself but as long as you have a cute body you'll start getting DMs. From there, proceed as you will.
should've been me
If you want to do it for fun then no. If your end goal is to be famous and make a career out of it, then you're 3 years too late.
> 23
Oooh look at the baby wanting to stream :')
The real answer is that you should only do it as a hobby initially, with how saturated the market currently is, it will be worse in 1-2 years time when you might finally gain some traction. The advantage however is that you have 5-6 years of successful vtubers to learn from.
It's never too old. At least that's what my oshi told me
i know a tiny JP indie that just turned 59
No theres still time. Many started older than that.
>Asking if 23 is too old to start being a vtuber
>While posting a hag in the OP
You know the answer yourself, anonchama
Older and wiser is better for vtubers since it doesn't matter what you look like and if you're smart you won't let people find out. As long as your voice is still good.
Is 31 too old to watch vtubers?
I'm 37 and my answer is yes
some hags started with 30 and are still doing it 5 years later.
if im cute funny and sincere do i get a pat on the head
You get cock on your cunny
Just like
Do it
A lot of vtubers either are 30 or are soon to be 30 so It's never too late to become one. Good luck soldier, maybe we will bump into eachother by accident.
Hey Lucy start streaming better content, whore, oh and lower your volume

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