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What's her appeal?
She doesn't have appeal, she isn't a banana
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She's my cute fujo wife
She's funny
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shoving your face in her spats like a watermelon eating contest
Same appeal Bae has.
I don't know what it is, but she has it.
who cares, she mogs all of phase by the simple fact of not being a whore
>weird voice
>da fista
oh boy its the phase schizo. everyone say hi.
good one Carlos
Based, especially after the dizzy yab kek
She's the far end of the EN Kusogaki spectrum

Princess <----> All-Rounder <-----> Tomboy
Biboo Gura Gigi

Once you understand that you understand Gigi. And also Gura and Biboo
Unironically the smartest HoloEN member
Kusogaki and spats
She is the better Bae, active, creative and actually chaotic!
I used to watch Bae a lot back in the day before her homocollab arc.
She takes a long time to pick up speed while streaming, very small battery and loses interest quickly.
I don't care to much about the singing or dancing part, I want a good entertainer and Gigi is better for that.
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this, her appearance kusogaki schtick hides it from casual watchers, but she's one of those cerebral chuubas where their brain works in overdrive trying to find comedic angles to literally anything in order to make the stream enjoyable to her fans. As a sapling, I think she's way closer to Fauna than anyone else in EN, which is certainly ironic. It helps that she's a very likeable person and she's filled to the brim with passion for nerd culture.
Not a high bar desu
Sex with CC
Bae X Shiori in kusogaki form. Lots of yapping.
Nothing like Bae. Gigi is Orange Ame
Only idiots wouldn't pick up on how clever she is. Good collab partners are always smart people because they not only understand wordplay and jokes but also social cues. Gigi is easily the best collab partner in EN.
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She's Pagliacci
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This guy gets it. Gremlin persona is very enjoyable and fun, not annoying, because she knows exactly what she's doing, she can make it work and makes it look natural. And I'm not saying she's putting on some kind of completely fabricated act, she's most likely actually a lot like that in normal life, but pushing this character to such extreme, playing it up so much, finding every opportunity to make a joke, an actually funny joke, that takes effort and a head full of wrinkly stuff.
Add to that her lore video and a couple very dark jokes she made in passing. Dumb hyper gremlin is a shell, and I'm almost scared to think what's hiding inside that shell.
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Very cute and entertaining. Also, it makes any collab instantly better.
Is she a loli?
underdog, savior complex, hipster (even though she already won the lottery)
This and spats
And cute, don't forget that part. She's cute and funny.
And no panties under her spats.
I dunno, she has yet to out IT ame
She is way better than Millie or Enna who are the closest comparable streamers. A bit yabe but wouldn't sperg out like the livers do. She's great.
She is smart enough to know that Amogus is shit content
not as cuckcoded as mille and enna either kek
Height. 153cm (5'0")
Way too tall, she might as well be a 2m tall black man.
The appeal is wanting to make her shut up by plugging her mouth up with my cock
boy that was uncomfortable
She's hilarious
Gigi love
fuck you OP
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I very much like the insecure class clown vibes, and want to comfort her
stinky fujo (good)
Gigi makes me hehe
She's got brat energy.
I'm kinda baffled because I wasn't sure of her design on debut but she has a really nice face. Something about the combination of the twin colors with the pink eyes and the SLIGHTNESS of a cat smile just work out perfectly despite my reception of it being supposedly generic. She's got a pretty face.
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Stinky lil' fujo brat sex.
There's a discussion to be had about "smart" vs "skilled" vs "knowledgeable" etc., but I think that "gigi is the smartest" is true for a lot of interpretations of "the smartest"
>I'm almost scared to think what's hiding inside that shell
She said on stream that she once spent 3k yen at a crane game to make sure a guy couldn't win a gacha plush for his gf. If that and her collabs don't show you the appeal, she probably isn't for you.
give it to me straight, is she actually funny or is she just Biboo all over again?.
bratty cunny
She's like if Biboo didn't commit so hard to the zoomer and Gen a memes. Also not nearly as into the baby shit. She basically just does the cough, and that's as baby as she gets.
She sounds like doki and shiori
From the limited time they interacted publicly in the crab game collab, I feel like them collabing will be some top-tier content.
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She will pick up a trendy phrase and repeat it ad nauseam until the next, but she is not into zoomer comedy. viewers tend to pick them up and start to speak her language
I get Bae from before she dropped the voice. Can't wait for gigi to do the same.
Asian vocal cord genes
She's high energy and gives me a chance to watch something zany in the afternoon when I'm having lunch.. Sucks she gets overlapped by two green women and Ina which hurts her numbers, but she has the more exciting content I want to see.
Speaks most currently because Ina is STILL doing Elden Ring and will either do a draw or zatsu stream to break it up. CC has silly streams messing with her model but I don't care for all her game choices. Fauna is either doing 3D or Witcher 3.
All those are fine for background noise, but I want to actively watch gremlin antics.

Biggest problem is how overdesigned her hood is, it's much better with it off, which she has done more often. Gura had the same issue before Gura started having the hood off and had outfits that focused on hair style. I hope things changes when GG gets her first outfit.
I fear a future GG outfit where she incorporates a pacifier. You just know it'll be a mix of "I'm silent, focus mode" and "Gremurins, I'm the babyyyyyy" and start doing more of the baby coughs and maybe make more of a voice out of it.
I love GG, she does weird shit I enjoy that can filter her fans and tourists especially, but that might be enough to break me for a while.
i really hope this is a situation where she can get it removed entirely, like laplus because people are already yearning for her with just a simple shirt or tank top
She's funny in collabs with Cecilia because they're so diametrically opposed. Gigi is forwards and open with the yabs while Cecilia tries to resist but ultimately fails and can only facepalm. Entertaining dynamic.
Sweaty smelly spats
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I like her personality, she’s hyperactive and energetic and I like that. I would watch bae if she was less obsessed with homo cock, but since bae is cock obsessed, gigi fills that role well for me
phase girls don't sound like trannies, happy with my whores
99% of the time a vtuber is described as a "gremlin" I usually hate them, but gigi is actually watchable.
non existent
>pippa, tenma and panko exist
RUMAO even
I can understand Pippa and Tenma, they don't have the best voices even if they definitely don't sound like trannies, but Panko? She has one of the cutest voices in vtubing, get your ears checked
Don't make fun of him anon, it's not like phasekeks watch phase in the first place.
nobody in holoEN or phase sounds like a tranny, not sure what he's even taking about.
panko?? how is that a tranny sounding voice? are you gay?
Bro, you might be delusional. She's an ESL man voice.
>She's an ESL man voice
the ESL phase schizo is back at it again
ESL chama?
>She(ha)'s an ESL man voice
Immediately outed. BVTM defence force aren't sending their best...to this holo anti thread that they're suddenly all in? Huh, weird.
If Panko sounds like a male, ERB is unicorn friendly, you're schizoing a bit too much here kek
She cute
you're not supposed to point that part out anon
>>81424873 (me)
I'm gay!
Phasecuck...you're already the laughing stock of the board, you don't need to pretend trannys are "cute" too kek
I'm genuinely confused, are you having a stroke?
Did they just out themselves? Guess the Dizzy yab got them deflecting to holoanti posting
bratty gremlin little sister.
I know this is bait but it's so low tier that it automatically becomes funny
>be cover
>hire a selen killer
>niji kills selen all by itself even before you debut your selenbuster 5000
Her appeal is forcing you to make this same thread everytime she streams.

Her appeal is seeing you cry when people enjoy her
She has a specific gameset that many people in EN wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole. Add in that she is a bit of a spastic goof sometimes, generally is high energy, and her humor is very specifically something that isn't in EN right now. You can like it or not, but she does offer something a little different and people will settle into her streams in the near future.
This post was enough to let the phasecucks drop their mask in mass. Good job I guess.
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I'm so obsessed with her...
need biboo gigi cecilia shiori 4-way collab
people keep saying she's the next gfe chuuba, is this a pys-op?
How are people this ok with fujos in Holo?? It’s literally becoming niji and no one gives a shit
I want to smell her shoes
There are different types of fujos. On one hand, we got IRyS and GG, and on the other, we got cut4hex.
Nobody cares about her preferences, as long as its not her entire personality
GG is nothing like anyone in Niji. She doesn't collab with males, she does sex jokes here and there but doesn't talk explicitly about it and she actually cares about her fans.
Good question
How have you not realized this with vtubing yet?
90% of the vtubing is getting attracted to the model and then doing mental gymnastics to excuse all of the things about the voice actress that you find unattractive
The other 10% is calling out people that don't do this as schizos
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>underage Gremlin gf
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anon, didnt your mom ever teach you not to argue with schizos?
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Credit goes to Ceci for collabing so much with her and exposing me to Gigi. I wouldn't have given her much of a chance otherwise and now I look forward to her whenever she is announced to join in
IRyS needs a stinky fujo friend too
da wose :3
I mean one person I follow really likes Gigi and they were a teamate.
This but now I watch Gigi more than Cece
She's discount Bae.
I think you mean she's bae if bae was actually good
Nothing at all. The hololive seal of quality is no more, anyone can get in now. What a flop of a gen
Clara is better than like half of ENs including Gigi don't kid yourself. Holo contrarians would be creaming themselves if she was in Holo but she's not so they cope.
Gremlin energy. Every stream is vastly improved by having at least one gremlin-type in it.
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She is unironically the most creative member of Justice and possibly the smartest too. Forget ERB. Gigi is the real leader if she wants to be. Her brain is also working overtime constantly to keep everyone entertained and find funny schticks. During her taxi stream the impromptu club ASMR into "You're now millions in debt" gimmick was genuinely high effort and some funny shit. There's such a high energy around her whenever she streams.
She also seems to be a genuine nerd too and all in on it. I caught her letting slip tiny little LOTR references during one of the OW streams for one which was pretty cool. She absolutely deserves to be here and I think she's somewhat underrated and the real winner of this gen.
Fauna and Ina might be a bit smarter but yes. Gigi is obviously really smart, IQ and EQ
>Biggest problem is how overdesigned her hood is
Agreed. When she took off the hood all I could think is "wtf she is cute" but its impossible to overlook when its on (and even moreso when you can see the fans).
God I just want her to sit on me with that petite ass and cute spats. It's like the brattier ver of gura mixed with Bae's hair. My 2 fucking oshi's
You want her SO bad...
Yes, I do
Best holoEN hire ever and I say this unironically.
>fujo but not NDF sister deranged
she aight in my book
How old is she?
Didn't you post this last night?
she is for the girls sorry
Enna but not in Nji.
And slightly less of bitch.
holy kek is that pl shit?
Nevermind, found the clip. Meh.
Would be something if it supported other evidence but alone it's a nothing burger.
Being Ceci's finger blaster
I mean she did the "I FUCK HARD" thing on her first week, this is not surprising.
Unironically the hottest HoloEN member
this too
>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Gigi streams
theres always been fujos in holo
this but unironically

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