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This thread is to discuss /vt/‘s very own Kiki.


>Who is Kiki?
Kiyomi Pyon-Pyon, or Kiki for short is an adorable autistic Aussie chuuba. She's a wicked bright, and super sweet girl with a passion for animals and her champyons!

>/pyon/craft server

>Channel/Socials/Merch Links

>Danboorus, Aggie, & /i/ thread (Art/Fan Content)
Previous Aggies: https://pyon.website/pools/1

>The RABBITY Way! (MV)

>Download A Comfy Morning with Kiki! (alarm)

>Kiki’s ASMR collection

>/pyon/ Cytube (Community Watchalongs):

>Kiki Notifications RSS feed w/ instructions

>Misc. Rabbalabs links (timestamp tagger, VOD search, /pyon/ archive)

>Kiki AI LoRA for Stable Diffusion
[PonyXL] https://files.catbox.moe/2la9jp.zip
[SDXL] https://files.catbox.moe/7vkvqw.zip

>Champy Creative Corner
Champy Creations playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuUil1VBO4o7PpCUPwTKvj_4l7UBE8toP
Kiki’s World Tour: https://youtu.be/prMQWPfJpWs
A Day w/ Kiki: https://youtu.be/KY-2XziO8s8
Music (Kikikore etc): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuUil1VBO4o5iNrFvZm8eMQGtj9xnacjM
Kiki Ambient Album: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18C-GvhOs5uG90xx4Et-yIF2QJHSUV0Eg/view
Animations: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuUil1VBO4o4TyrbqW87D2aygzbUMLMVs
Kiki Koikatsu Archive: https://mega.nz/folder/Bx4XXYTb#o7L7D5bg4XverGHQ03upkQ
Kiki Noises Sound Effects Library: https://mega.nz/folder/JidiWaTS#PIVLCz1zvVcCJNytbUaWiw
Kikinese: https://files.catbox.moe/yv1xre.pdf
Kiki Doom 2 WAD: https://files.catbox.moe/pd9lr9.zip
/pyon/ Worms game: https://mega.nz/folder/46VjwSRS#DihAVX2GfbOvMiY0X_1nEA
Kiki RPG demo: https://kikirpg.itch.io/kiki-rpg (pass: debtdiskdeath)
Super Champ Bros (SMB rom hack): https://files.catbox.moe/0tbbps.zip

>Recent Stream Highlights

>Clip channels

>Emergency Gosling Resources

>Related places
>>>/vt//freak/ >>>/vt//vrt/ >>>/vt//vrg/
>>>/vt//fvr/ >>>/vt//uoh/

>Last thread
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I want to massage Kiki's flat chest
Kiki Love!
sunny side up edition
bit tricky that, like massaging a plank of wood or a concrete slab.
more like massaging a blanket laying on a bed
Look at how flat she is. It's so sexy.
why does he have long hair?
so I'm listening to this twitter space and it goes from ouch my posture to house tour to acupuncture then rapidly devolves to "you're all crazy not me" and then uhhh
well, it's not a series of topics I would have expected.
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( \ _ / )
( ' ^ ω ^ )))
((( つ’ ヽ、
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giggles is my cum rug
I wanna throw her around like a football!
nani? can't even see the page number now
it was 5. the site has been a bit fucky lately, yesterday it didn't let me post certain pics (constant connection error) but let me post others
seems fucky
>connection error
>have to refresh the page to see new posts
we are so back to 00s
hope it goes away soon because it's really irking me
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better dust this old boy off
works fine for me, git gud scrubs
Pyoncraft server seems like it's having some issues, I'm getting random disconnects and there's at least one person who seems unable to log in/load the game. Might need a restart?
havent been on since the stream, but has the block connection improved?
What's block connection? Like when you mine a block and it doesn't disappear?
Yeah that always improves when there aren't like 40 people online. It's basically instant all the time, I only ever see it during streams because of the number of people (I assume).
also it gets better further away from spawn
Sounds like a mischievous champ sneaking in and running amuck.
yeah, me
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why you little...
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extra chunky
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literally me
i love that she doesnt want kids. because i too also dont want kids for the same reason that she doesnt. plus we would have more time to enjoy each other and i would have more money to spend on her
i'd like to be a dad and i think i'd be decent at it. it's the wife part i'm more against
huh? i dont get the second part
wait she doesn't want children? this saddens me
idk where he got that idea. she had baby fever some years ago she said.
didn't she say she wants to raise a child or something? Or at least she likes the thought of raising a child. I think she said something like that a couple of months ago
she literally just talked about this a couple streams back. people change. every woman "wants kids"
>it's the wife part i'm more against
this? i'd rather spend time, money and effort on my child than my wife. seems more fulfilling, but hypothetically since i have none
then adopt a child. there are plenty that need a home.
she HATES children
lol lmao even go try to adopt a kid as a single male good luck have fun
nta but adoption is a rigorous procedure, if you're not in a stable relationship you don't get a kid.
oh, you're a healthy, capable, responsible adult male with a steady income and a comfortable home with space to spare? Sorry, you can't be trusted. Next!

oh, you're a degenerate faggot married to another degenerate faggot with easily-found online social media accounts that absolutely scream 'I WANT TO RAPE CHILDREN WITH MY FAGGOT 'HUSBAND'?" and you both do all sorts of drugs and have gay sex parties in your home all the time? Perfect! How many children would you like?

American adoption agencies in a nutshell these days.
kiki's egg is so cute...
going to the liver store, want me to bring anything?
nod liver...
I dont want liver
it must be a rotten liver kind of day again…
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Something other than liver, onegai
liver pls
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I got a wireless ME network going for 528 blocks or so around spawn, feel free to grab a wireless terminal from here if you want to access the community stash from wherever in that area. (You can upgrade it to a wireless crafting terminal pretty easily if you wish with a crafting table and calculation processor, I'll dump a bunch of those in the community network in a bit to make that easier for those that want to) Just left click the monitor to pull one out
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this is a good wordball
that minecraft champy? me
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i love when this happens
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this is no longer a suggestion
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wordball knows what it's doing
You can just treat it like a massive shared backpack that will only work a 500-ish block radius of spawn (I could extend the area outward if needed a bit) if you like
I get the concept. it's the details and execution.
i don't really hang out around spawn much, but i might use it to put stuff in to donate instead

just in general what are some things that can't just be mass produced and are actually worth exploring or mining for?
I popped off
maybe artifacts and trinkets since you cant make them
we still need to find the puff…
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The range is actually reasonably large, I just tested it from out on the oil rig for example and it's still accessible from there. It looks like you can go out about this far before it stops working, though I can also build extenders if needed.
that should cover just about all of rabbitville
Yeah, if any champs want me to come out to your base and install an extension for you just let me know in-game too it shouldn't be difficult to do
>"you've done with the installation?"
>"wow, it looks so good... but..."
>"I have no cash to pay you... maybe there is another way I could get even with you"
no thanks champ, I am not into porn casting
Also useful mob drops like those blaze rods.
Will I have to sit around waiting for six hours during your appointment service window for you to show up?
yeah nah my closest base is still further than that, but that IS impressive
I hope you're feeling better today, rabba. Have fun tonight! Goodnight, Kiki. Goodnight, Champs.
feeling a bit too tired today, going to bed now
goo night everybunny
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Mimimi incoming (not the usual concernchamp)
I apologize in advance.
It's not the best idea to move during Acupuncture, from what was said previous thread, and from what I've read here.
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yeah i feel like if there is any purpose to it, then it is in being very precise in what is stabbed, and when i've seen videos of it the clients were always perfectly still
no worries gigi, hope you feel better soon
from what i understand kiki likes a degree of pain but considering how precise you are meant to be with acupressure n that rattling around during the event could be dangerous
you don't think the acupuncture is causing this do you? like that it's infected her or made her really sick??
well no i don't, but i am now thinking that she's wasting precious nutrients on plugging holes and fighting the low-level infection. perhaps it's negligible though
omg you people are like broken records repeating the same garbage that freshman college student argue over. shut up about it already
someone brought up a topic, then people talk about it if they're interested. so bring up another topic if you don't like it rather than getting pissed off and in turn pissing off others
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Concernchamping should be a bannable offense.
with our janny... be careful what you wish for
we gonna watch something in cy instead?
Kiki once again postpones stream specifically for me

Thank you for not streaming today. Dead tired and would have missed it. Get better kiki
it's not the same guy as in /vrt/ or /vrg/ is it?
all you're doing is repeating the same thing she asked you to stop talking about a day ago. i understand the concern but it doesn't help
It just becomes a bit much when it's a topic Kiki has already seemed annoyed by and new people keep chiming in every few hours to keep it going in an endless cycle
especially when all the anti posting is just as scientifically invalid as the procedure they are trying to invalidate
Clearly their parents were murdered by an acupuncturist.
the point is telling me that doesn't help as much as just telling me what are we watching in cytube or what you did in minecraft or how much you love kiki. being considerate to kiki is good, and being considerate to champs is good too.
no that would be beside the point. that would mean you want us to talk about it just better
I think there's some value in helping champs realize when they are being inconsiderate, since many of them likely don't realize it
actually their acupuncturist was a grandma whore, who stole their GF
>talk about it, just better
but you cant. there is no valid evidence. gg
oh god what have I done
you knew before you posted
imagine Kiki sleeping. now imagine holding that sleeping Kiki in your arms.
imagine shaking her awake
>shake Kiki
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hope you get to feeling better babe. it sucks being sick. there really isnt much you can do about it. eat, drink, sleep, and medicine. i wish i was there to help you while you are stuck in bed. i loev you sweetheart. stay warm and rest well! mwah~
what are the options?
looks like nothing, i'm not the host and don't have anything in mind on youtube or whatever
Nini Kiki, nini /pyon/, sleep humble
everytime i hear or see the word doodoo my brain thinks someone is refering to myself, curse my childhood nickname
haha doodoo boy
better doodoo than poopoo
just to be clear i wasn't being mean it's a meme format in /pyon/ by now started by "haha sewerboy". perhaps some newer champs may not know
it wasn't a nickname per se, but one particular guy kept trying to bully me and called me "smelly"
Haha smelly boy smelly boy!
STOP you're hurting him
no worries i can see its just banting i cant read anything in a mean tone so i may just be dumb, >bully calls you smelly
>ok dr. schnozz phd in smells
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kiki would never want a champ to lay his hands on another champ in anger
Champ Unity
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guess i'll go to bed early too, then. hope kiki feels better. nini pyon
I just thought of kiki when she said "yippeee" in a really high voice and my whole day became happy
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dont let the bed bugs bite
night champ
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gunai fren
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you had your feet up to make more room for me hiffin your puff under there
you mean your feet could actually reach the pedals?
Damn, that is a crazy dream
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i have had this same dream a 3 times in life. at first i am driving in my car. next to me is a person. i dont know who it is and every time i look to see it was just a shadow. when i turn back to look at the road there is a flash of light as if a car just drove into me. next thing i know im at a circus. running around in a state of panic looking for the shadow. i dont even know why im looking i just know i needed to find it. racing from stand to stand, from tent to tent i search in a frenzy. finally things switch when i walk into this one tent that looks different than the rest. again i am met with a flash of light. this time as if someone shined a spotlight in my face. when the light dissipates i find myself in a ferris wheel upside down of all things. and its not like i felt like i was upside down. it was the opposite where i felt like i was looking up when looking down. like gravity was towards the sky instead of the ground. and while looking i saw it. the shadow. it was standing there waving at me. panic sets in again when it turns around and starts walking away. i crawl out of the ferris wheel and attempt to jump down. when i jump though i discover that my feeling was correct. i start falling towards the sky. faster and faster towards the moon. it starts to do a alice in wonderland effect when she falling down the rabbit hole. the stars in the night sky start to wrap around me like a funnel and the moon starts to shrink as if i will be falling forever. when i finally land its back in the tent i attempted to walk into. then layout and atmosphere feels like that of jabba's palace. i gather myself and look up to see the shadow sitting there looking at me. it leans foward. close enough for me to see my reflection. at first i see myself. i look down to see my arms and legs. i look again into the reflection. this time i see a shadow and when i go to look down all i see is black. thats when i wake up
i read that as hambo
yes. i think you should. they look really good and would even better on your shelf. plus everyone deserve to treat themselves every now and then
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you would do better to link the post goober
i thought everyone hated the humanized ponies, or at least that's the sentiment i remember from a decade ago...
these ones look really great though, you should buy them
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Throne em
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got back from a long day at work. thanks for delaying the stream of me specifically kiki wife. love you, mwah~ <3
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wagie cage time
its good to know any nearly any minute of the day there is a champ out there somewhere suffering in a wage cage
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we all wage for kiki. us wagies keep this boat afloat
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fast food wagie giggles....
can I has cheezburger?
I would put champickle juice in kikis burgor and she would like it
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good morning, little man is such a fluffy fellow
goo morn
>Kiki will never be real
why live
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have a humble frothy cuppa
Those Kotobukiya figures are pretty nice looking, not gonna lie. It's been a looooooong time since I last bought a PVC figure.
>you go into burger king at 1 a.m and see kiki.
>she melancholily takes your order not really paying attention to you
>you come back furious that she got your order wrong.
>I ordered a cunny with my fries WHERE IS IT!?!
>kiki silently panics and hyperventilates
>kiki doesn't know what to do or say she just freezes and tries to apologize to you
>you will have to do
>she remembers what her boss told her
>the customer is always right kiki, do as you are told
>kiki agrees in a panic and goes with you
>kiki gets taken to the back of the burger king parking lot by you and taken again and again in every hole for hours as correction for messing up your order.
you had a three-for-one cunny coupon
Same. That fluttershy though T . T
Goo morning
ONLY KIKI please, don't talk about how much you like other girls here.
ummmm I would like some snuggles and shoulder bites please
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rabbits are factually 98% air, its how they can fly so well
cute wahoo babby...
you dont think tha snoopy shirt is real..
dont say that..
cute rab
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well.. her fingers and her samurai sword are real
they turned mario into a dog...
imagined an "always has been.jpg" with prairie dog astronauts
>that spoiler
you ruined the ending..
man dude that's wild
there was alot of details that were omitted because i cant exactly remember them. some details are liek the song that was playing in the car or what the different stands were when i approached them. i onow one was the duck game they play at festivals. if i ever have the dream again i will try to remember to write it all down
you are the shadow dot dot dot
i once dreamt kiki was sick in bed, bald from chemo or something. so i did what anyone would do in that situation, hid and secretly sniffed her cunte
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nini all this dream talk is making me a bit scared to sleep now N A I L S
nightramples stay away and grant this champoo a nini
I've been having dreams about something
it won't leave my mind, like my gut is telling me to go a head and get on with my dream and just do it
but it's stupid, it doesn't make sense practically or financially and it would be so much work, just so much work
the crystal treatment was successful!
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i can't stop singing this song in my head ever since the last karaoke when someone wanted kiki to sing it
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he's so cool
unlike this chumpy
gone to do irl shit i was supposed to do yesterday, and of course it's even worse now and will take longer... laters pyon
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goodnight kiki n champs, just chose one of the easier ones tonight with clothing i didnt have to edit
nini zuz
i was looking into making a little dance gif based of a popular(?) little thing but maybe tomorrow
a comic was revealed to me in a dream that i started doodling but my skills really weren't up to par i couldn't draw a rifle for the life of me so i'll just describe it panel by panel
>distant perspective of kiki is aiming a sniper rifle at a champ from far away
>POV from kiki's rifle scope, what she was aiming at was a champy strawman decoy
>distant perspective of champy aiming a sniper rifle at the sniping kiki
>POV from champy's rifle scope aimed at her bumbum
>distant perspective of littleman aiming a sniper rifle at the sniping champy
>closeup of littleman's -w- face with one eye on the scope
>same image as previous but with a muzzle flash
aeyyyy dot kill me
this is a secret to make sure you whisper it, but kiki sprung a leek
shes gonna flood the whole village
sometimes when I am shidding and browsing shorts I get those videos of the IT guy vs HR department, you might know them
and one of my coworkers just asked to use jira task tracker
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flying fluff
this was kiki during the twitter space stream btw
especially during the minecraft porn section
and when she farted
Can you actually dream of a smell? Finding it hard to remember if that ever happened to me.
why does she look like denpa
Lol lmao hi denpa
i miss you so much babe! its been like 2 whole days. i hope you got good rest and you are feeling better. love chu~
thats my carrot
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legends say that she is flexible enough to taste herself
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I've come to the realization that half my exhaustion is simply from staying up too late trying to catch a bit of Kiki's streams. I've been going to bed earlier lately and have had infinitely more energy this past week now, and don't feel as down and depressed as usual. The downside is that I have to forgo streams entirely, unless she's doing one earlier than usual.
I don't really know what to do. I already barely get to watch Kiki as-is. I hate the idea of having to go back to only ever watching VODs again.
Since she doesnt follow DST in winter her streams will be 2h earlier for you. That's the best I got. Sleep is indeed very important.
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health > basically everything else
Yeah I can't wait to go back to that schedule
You are literally me, except I've made peace with the fact that I'm a permanent VoD champ. I know it's not what Kiki really wants to hear because she likes seeing live ccv, but that's just how it is. As a joke God put the girl I love in Australia, 10,000 miles away.
>I know it's not what Kiki really wants to hear because she likes seeing live ccv
I leave her streams running even if I'm not there to watch. I know it doesn't really matter but I like to think it counts a little.
Above all Kiki wants you to be healthy, just like she is trying her best to be healthy, she wants VOD champs to be as healthy as they can.
I'm not worried about Kiki being disappointed or sad or whatever. I think she knows at this point I'm not going anywhere and she understands not all Champs can be here all the time.
I'm sure she'd be happy knowing I'm actively bettering my health and fitness, too.
I just know she's been very self-conscious lately because of all the kiwifarms shit and has been asking almost every stream if people still love her, and I know she notices if people aren't around anymore. I just want her to know it doesn't have anything to do with that stuff and I haven't left her or stopped loving her or anything. I just physically can't be present for live stream.
I really don't believe for a minute that that dumb shit impacted her viewer count whatsoever.
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>tfw you will never reverse that dress
i do it for her...
as long as you leave a comment with love
I've been a bit neglectful in leaving comments under the videos lately. I always leave one after watching live, but I'm overwhelmed with the amount of backlogged VODs already waiting for me. I can't keep up.
im too scared to leave a real comment on past vods
jambieeeees :-D
Jampy dayo
where is that vocaroo
Champa coming home in an hour, dayo
dont forget to eat champ
thanks, I'm about to.
dont eat me..
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ooo-oh schnappi schnoo
be home in 20 mins
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have some thingies to attend to later in the morning, so going nini
have fun rabbas and love you gigi
how did you kno? or WE ARE SO BACK literally
i knew from the start
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can confirm
yeah, weird posts, though first might be about >>81480258
i fell for it btw, im still shitting myself
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me in half an hour
home. need to nap for 2 hours x_x
nini. you can probably do 3-4
erm, what the cecotrope
don't eat the poo...
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home. need to fap for 2 hours ToT
this goes in the book of grudges
kiki always likes to see champy's comments no matter how old the video is or how late the comment is. just comment, it makes kiki feel happy.
t. new champ
I know, but I don't comment on one until I've finished watching it first.
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Give your rab lots of love!
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more like poopeepoo amirite
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ma gawd
the humble rabbit pirouette witnessed only once every 400000 years...
bumbum ToT
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shes doing laps!
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thats me in her arms
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PSA: If you're going to make an artist tag on the booru (First Booru), please format it this way, artist:artistname
I've tried every way I know to turn a recent artist tag opcode from a general tag to an artist tag, and nothing has worked.
Hopefully the booru owner can fix this soon.
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that's one big honkytonk badonkadonk
the booru owner has been away for months that's why we tried to move booru
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Then who has been approving posts?
he learned that kick from kiki, u kno
the owner, for some reason people keep saying hes disappeared
some champs with perms still can approve posts. The owner has been gone for a while this isn't some conspiracy lol
do not hold your rabbit like this, just let them schnazz, let them schnazz
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nah, he's still around. just seems like he doesn't have the time to focus much on the booru besides approving posts and deleting anything lewd.
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what else is there to say really
I am not the booru owner. Do you have any questions for me?
These are champs with permissions. Not the owner
thanks for your service
the idea of swapping over every single image with that tag fills me with dread
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i dont know why you are trying to argue this
does kiki know about koinu graduation/happy Birthday messages?
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>deleting anything lewd
Not even deleting them. Everything not rated General is hidden, including a bunch of safe posts from way back that were indiscriminately marked Sensitive by default.
The booru erroneously tells the user, if they manage find a non general rated image, that they have Safe Mode turned on, when they haven't, and to turn it off in order to view the image.
I've asked the owner a few times to either fix this or go back and change the rating of some of the earlier sensitive images to safe and nothing has been done.
You're welcome, it's either do this or wait for the planets to align.
I knew from the beginning that "The owner left /pyon/" was a rrat, I messaged him around that time using the booru message system and got a response.
I wish I had an encyclopedic knowledge of Kiki soundbytes for a cooging idea.
Pretty sure I got a notification or two that she's streamed since then.
Can we just use the new booru if sjw images arent even being shown. Its bad for archiving
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freudian slip
he means her last stream before graduation, not the graduation announcement. which is tonight
bum bum shake
What about the ai ones, what do I do with those?
new booru sucks. not the idea, but the version of booru you are using
kiki featured in her new music video cover
I grouped everything up under one handle because I liked seeing number go up
So long as it's tagged as AI, it can coexist with the handle, IMO
I was planning to tweak it more to be more in line with the old one but just haven't had the time, if there's some other one that's better you can recommend I might consider migrating though.
speaking of ai stuff, I tried to upload the "nutting in my wife" and marked it as questionable or something and it disappeared.
is that intended behaviour?
Good night Kiki, good night /pyon/
If I'm completely honest, I'm kinda attached to the old one, despite its flaws.
I've uploaded heaps of images on it (1000+).
Yes, but actually no.
The provider of the server that the owner uses to host the /pyon/ booru seems to disallow nsfw content.
If we all had our way, the first booru would still be allowed to have nsfw images on it.
your good. can you use danbooru or gelbooru source code? i think there are a few others. where did you find that one?
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quite 'umble. hope the best for her on her next journey.
I think I ran into issues getting danbooru working in ARM64, some of the dependencies had issues and I'd have had to rebuild each container individually or something and it seemed like a pain so I just decided to look for something else
nini champ
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btw is there any good website where I could upload my AI stuff? I was thinking of using Pixiv but that doesn't allow uncensored genitals. Will Pixiv ban me if I post a link to the uncensored image in the description?
Oh, also, certain tags can trip the rating system too, like if you add the tag Nude and mark the post as Safe, it'll automatically rate itself something above safe, and thus disappear.
It made me want to scream.
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aieeeeeeeeeeee time to scram!
sankaku takes ai slop, there is even some kiki koikatsu on there too
baraag.net or booru.allthefallen.moe
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Unfortunately it does.
The only successful workaround I've seen is posting a censored version on pixiv, and putting in the description a link to a discord server, where the owner of the server will DM you a link to a MEGA folder full of their uncensored works. i-icky, but it works
just use atf
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dont get your speedo in a bunch breads baking
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o hai
It would be specifically only Kiki AI pics so I don't want to upload it to a random booru or forum. A dedicated kiki ai pixiv account would be nice but I don't want to censor them. I might upload them to MEGA. I just want to have them publicly online somewhere.
do a mega then
this. then i dont have to download each individually
ye mega works fine 20gb free is a lot
MEGA will nuke your account for hosting this
no it wont
then make another
I mean the mega link in OP has been up for a long time and it has a bunch of koikatsu lewds
i know plenty of mega links being passed around /h/ etc that didn't get nuked in years

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