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>homos have their own fucking private 3d studio in the US now
Tell me more about how they don't get special treatment
Didn't he build his like Ame supposedly did for hers
Thats a good thing, don't let those failures even breathe the same air as the girls.
They are the future, its smart to invest now.
Anon, Altare built it himself, it's a small ass studio. You are sounding like a pure schizo.
Did he build it?
I thought he just rented out a small studio
>special treatment
it's called having initiative and drive instead of being a lazy female
There's no special treatment about a wage.
He rented some office space and arranged everything to make it into a 3D studio.
He built it himself dumbass
Dumbass, studio Ame came first
Ame used to frequently put on VRchat collabs before HoloEN started constantly fighting with management.
Yeah, dude also bought all the 3D equipment and furnishings. OP is just a lying faggot.
He is too poor for that, he is probably just using Ame-Studio and they are scared to say it.
I refuse to believe all these responses parroting each other for some reason.
Instead, I will use my schizo powers to believe that Ame and blue homo are living together.
You guys should better yourselves.
And remember this was paid by the girls sweats and tears
The kids in your neighborhood should beat you to death with hammers
Relax sister. Why so defensive
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I'm sorry your oshi doesn't love you enough to invest in a personal 3d studio anon, it must be hard to live with this knowledge...
But it is a private 3D studio in the US. Where's the lie?
You’ve never rented an office space before let alone one in a first world country. Most of if not all of the girls wouldn’t even have the cash on hand for that
Are you retarded?
Proof next thread?
>Renting a place needs billions
So you are homeless right now?
Oh so it's a literal SEAfag seething about shit he doesn't know shit about. Bro you don't even know anything about the girls either get the fuck out.
we intentionally keep him poor so it's easier to control him
I hate rrats
He "bought" the equipment with a salary that he doesn't earn 1/100th off the backs of hololive girls
how is building your own "special treatment"?
>inb4 evil brown immigrant
Yep, confirmed. The simpsons did it btw so maybe check that Bart episode.
>next script >>81412649
What did the usual suspects do this time? I refuse to believe that the equivalent of moving out broke somebody like this
numberniggas can't into numbers
big news!
I thought the reason people hated homos was because they stole resources away from the actual members of Hololive?
fucking kek
If nobody watches them then how do we know they have a studio to themselves?
Altiare built it himself, without cover support you faggot.
Ame spent all her money on a fucking zoo in her house. Ame studio was all bullshit.
>Rented out a studio
>Bought the furnishings and 3D equipment
>Set everything up
Depending on how long the contract for the studio lease is, this is a really cool project. If it were leased for a single day though then it's probably a waste of money.
It's a permanent thing. He plans to have the other boys use it in the future for small 3d events, some MV recordings, and whatever dumb shit people can get up to in 3d
He open invited other stars to come and has spare mocap suits so this is presumably pretty long term
I dunno how many takers he'll actually have though since a decent chunk of the roster are flips/mexican/aussie
Dude, you do realize that you can rent a $1.5k/month apartment and turn it into a mini-studio, right? Heck, you can rent an entire house for like $5k/month.
We're not talking about the billion yen studio that Cover built, but a home rig here.
Must have either been a pretty sweet deal or homos make more money than I thought. Good on him for using it for reinvestment purposes.
It should be pretty obvious. Almost all of the homos are either high 3-views or low 4-views. That's well past the point where you are a successful streamer in your own right.
Even very low-performing Holos like Roboco has at least an upper-middle class salary (by US standards even), going by all the impulse purchases she can make. There's no reason to assume that the Homos aren't living pretty well with their performance.
Just because they aren't hitting 5 view territory like the top 10 HoloJP or high 4 view territory like many of EN doesn't mean that they aren't profitable and making good money. Don't let /#/ convince you that you need 5k or 10k CCV or something to make great money.
Women can't into handling property or putting business expenses on their taxes
I love Hololive but the girls are dumb as bricks and can't even count coin change
I mean yeah obviously but enough to rent out a 2-3k/month apartment for a large amount of time whilst affording all the extra equipment like cameras and mocaps. That's quite the investment. It's not covers billion dollar studio but if I were to lowball a guess, this would be around 40-50k once all costs and a 12 month prepayment on the lease are done.
Office space in the west is dirt cheap right now post COVID. A lot of companies moved to a work from home model, so now a lot of office spaces are sitting empty.
There are legitimate estimates from people who actually built home studios putting the overall cost at less than 10k for general equipment. Mocap suits are around $2k each retail, so maybe around $30k with that and everything added together on the high end. Cheaper if he rented the mocap or found a special deal for them.
I've known middle and upper-middle class people who financed mancave renovations that cost much more than this. Assuming that Altare doesn't have a family and kids to feed (that takes a large chunk out of your salary) he should be able to finance a project like this with his salary. He will probably have to save a bit and not have other large expenditures over his two years at cover, but he should be able to manage it.
Also, keep in mind that this is just assuming the standard for his position as a corpo streamer. He might have had other windfalls that we don't know about, like, say, an inheritance or buying bitcoin in 2016.
> He will probably have to save a bit and not have other large expenditures over his two years at cover

funny, but you're kinda bang on. He said he had already saved for 2 years for this (so since debut)
Hakka is about to get a room to live there.
Wait this fucker lives in the US? Figured he was in South Korea or Canada.
>>81407347 I am utterly perplexed by this hatred towards the Stars. The have done nothing but exist, but ever since they were announced there has been constant warfare against them. Does it take roots in the stigma towards males in a female-led industry? That's baffling, because they have every right to be there to entertain as the girls.

Why is it that they debuted to almost no excitement, became intimidated, and had to have Yagoo as their manager until they could become stable? Because niggers like you trying your best to say absolute heinous shit and harass them off. Yagoo personally sat down with Miyabi in the beginning, and you ride his cock on everything else, but how dare he have a dream for a male idol group?

You cunts have harassed your own oshis into not associating with them which is funny for all the cum you waste on their fan art and streams. You love them so much you don't want the Stars near them, and therefore you have practically gaslit them into hating the Stars too. When they are the only thing keeping you from killing yourself. You creatures are fucking retarded cromagnons.

Also, have you not seen the absolute incredible performances with both Stars and Holo? The group music videos, the beautiful choreography with Susei, Astel, and Izuru. You are legitimately dehumanizing them at every turn. They have worked very hard just as much as the girls and endured just as shit if not more than the girls.

They aren't even that different. They're goofy ass boys that have a good time together and entertain. Find your pick amongst the personalities like you do with Hololive. You can't though because you are so vehemently driven to hate them for no founded reason. Cover has the resources to manage them and the girls, yet you scapegoat with that excuse. Lando joined Stars as Magni, but do I see people hating his main channel even though everyone knows? No. He's a great creator but as soon as he gets near your oshi it's a fucking shitshow. Kill yourselves please.
Why are 3rd worlders so fucking retarded?
Is this a copy pasta?
lol I rent a small house for around $2k a month just to use as an office and play area. it's pretty easy
>saves his own money for years to build his own studio at home. Unicorns mald and seethe.
>while the cdgct whores they worship only stream these days when they need more funds so they can continue to travel the world as they complain about the prices of renting a studio.
Is like retards driving gas guzzling diesel pick up trucks and complaining about gas prices being high all over again.
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You really need to get off the board, man. The kind of unironic schizos you're replying to basically live off (You)s. Waste too much energy/get too invested in trying to reason with them and you'll end up becoming a schizo yourself.
That's pretty slick.
Good luck to him and the boys. Maybe his thing could be adapted for the others, or be used as a model for the others to try to replicate.
Most EN Sarts (active and retired) are from US, only 1 Australia, Central America, and 2 Filipinos, the rest are American
>>81432352 No, I just want to pick the brains of a genuine dysfunction retard. These Star harassers are the stupidest fucking niggers I have ever seen that waste their lives filled with vehement anger towards the Stars who haven't done anything wrong.
It's a reddit post, homobeggars are too lazy to watch streams, let alone write their own original comments
I could see some of the boys, girls or doki coming down to use it or hang out.
For smaller projects it could totally work and free up studio time for the bigger shit in japan, and if they're using that then the loud schizos can stop sperging out about "omg they get to use the studio once for every 12 girl recordings they're fucking leeches."
>>81432948 SO is this whole Stars hate a huge circlejerk here or something? I can't imagine investing time in that. The schizos here just cannot be humans I refuse to believe people can unironically lower themselves to such a pathetic, miserable degree.

I appreciate your concern though bro. I won't let the schizos indoctrinate and brainwash me.
They actually stream so of course they get stuff for streaming.
Pretty much.
The reality is that they're just not popular, for whatever reason.
I'd like to say that there's just no audience for them in the west, but Shoto exists, and he's still going strong despite NijiEN collapsing.
Oh hey, contract schizo I see you're still being a fucking retard as always.
Realistically there's nothing preventing other Stars members from helping finance whatever if it is a shared thing between them. Not that a small office space and equipment is that expensive and is a rather solid investment. Would rather have Cover US get off their asses and do this for both branches though.
>use same 3d studio as girls
>"people" bitch
>get their own 3d studio
>"people" bitch
gee who would've fucking thought.
If this is an alternative for them to using the actual 3D studio in Japan then this is based. Don't even mind that the girls subsidized it if it keeps those sex pests away from them.
Very nice of ame to rent her studio to her bf and his friends
I don’t hate the stars as long as they stay in their own lane
>>81434002 Genuinely curious as to why you still don't want them to associate with the girls. As I said, they have done great performances together in the past, but it's so hard to do it without backlash.
ah, a delusional beggar
When you look at any of their live chats 95% of it is members and there's always a handful of people who gift 20 and 50 prechat and during.

Even if they don't have the CCV the girls do, they have enough dedicated fans that are willing to drop a lot of cash on them. Jurard has at least 3-4 people on his $500 member tier.
>>81434359 Just say you had an ice pick shoved into your eye socket already. Hope your fucking stoned.
because co-ed content is trash, if their performances are so “great” they shouldn’t need to the girls to prop them up
>ARS memberships

This must be your kryptonite, right?
thanks for continuing to prove the point, this is why nobody wants you or your trash near the girls
Not really since every girl I watch doesn’t interact with stars, and the only reason the dude is in this performance is because Susei let him be
i am outraged
>>81434780 And yet they did an incredible performance with great choreography and vocals. You literally are coping so hard. The Stars are talented, but the stigma holds them back from being popular. You literally overlook their talent and chemistry when it comes to doing performances on stage with Hololive.
>You literally are coping so hard.
>The Stars are talented, but the stigma holds them back from being popular.
whatever you say homobeggar-chama
If they're so great why don't their twitter fans watch streams huh buddy
>the only reason the dude is in this performance is because Susei let him be
anon that's how collabs work.
>>81435094 Don't ask me. I tune in, but can't speak for the others.
Don’t be obtuse monkey, the fact is if suisei didn’t want them up there with her they wouldn’t be. It doesn’t work the other way around.
>>81435254 Okay this is the worst bait I have seen. Susei wanted them, they were up there. She showed their chemistry as a Holopro unit. I bit the bait. There.
My point is that the stars are replaceable, suisei is not. I’m sorry if that upsets you
delusional 3rd worlder
>the dude
Alright anon now tell us which are the two women.
If they didn't want Suisei there, she wouldn't be there. If they didn't want to be there, they wouldn't be there.
A collaboration requires both sides to be willing to collaborate.
Unless you're trying to imply that Suisei kidnapped them for whatever reason.
>If they didn't want Suisei there, she wouldn't be there.
lol, lmao
>Unless you're trying to imply that Suisei kidnapped them for whatever reason.
Suisei threw them a bone, that’s it.
Malebros we won
pretty easy to save when you never have to incur expenses.
Reminder that Axel's group covers were all covered
also 3+months stay at japan for vanguard & armis with business class flights
all funded by the girls' hard work!
Axel paid for his covers himself
I highly doubt it, the only Holo Altare even interacts with anymore is Kobo
Meanwhile my oshi had to pay out of pocket for her original song, wonder why people don’t like stars!
even in his last stream he was complaining how covers he put a lot of money in got canceled recently
>business class flights
you're as delusional as that newfag writing copy pasta level paragraphs in a catalog bait thread. Armis also stayed barely a week in Japan for holo expo
love to see it
holochuds seething again
nice try but I'm not giving him a view
that sucks. Hope he can get them through eventually.
That murder song thing was really cool.
Ask for proof, make an excuse not to see it
>"t-the girls will come! I just know they will!"
mindbroken, assblasted and brown
sad T_T
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The "I want to do my own thing and that doesn't include everybody" idea must sound insane for you, huh?
Beggars are so cringe.
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Why are you posting this? This is not what you are asking or want by any metric. What you want is forced bullshit just so your axe wound gets a little less painful and not everyone is a freak, like you.
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Keep crying then about why they're not getting 3D studio time, I guess.
Maybe they'll make their own no boys allowed studio.
Bettel said on stream during his flight to Japan he was in the middle seat of the row and the two beside him didn't show up so he had the row to himself and could lie down. Business class must be tight that he could spread across like that!
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The girls should consult with Ame then.
Weird retort. Definitely a sapling!
He built it himself. Why can't someone in EN besides Ame even attempt this? Oh right. They don't care.
He saved up for two years. I'm sure he made enough in two years
>He saved up
cover* saved up from hololive money
Most of the non lazy girls moved to Japan so have no need for it. But I'm sure it will help the homos who don't usually get as much 3D opportunities. As for Altare he could become the faggot version of filian which is at least interesting. Wish Ame hadn't given up on everything and she did a better version of her studio. But alas
found the broke seanigger
Deeply curious how Altare could even afford this. The holostars boys make a lot more money than I expected, apparently.
flips, actually. One of jurard's paypigs, Coddiwomple, is still also one of Millie's paypigs to this day.
Pretty sure most of those who moved to japan are canadians (fuwamoco) because Canada is going to shit under their authoritarian rule. In Millie's recent breaking bad membership watchalong, she revealed that she's considering moving to Japan but didn't specify any reason aside from saying her city is going bad.
As a Canadian the only problem I can see streamers having it's more like the cost of living here is atrocious, the housing market is shit, and the yen to cad exchange is weak. They're corpo streamers working for Japanese companies they're not facing the same troubles as the average Canadian working class.

It's cheap to live in Japan and Fuwamoco is probably making bank anyway, if they can get their own place and it's close to management, might as well while they can.
I was honestly hoping it'd be case of that paypig diverting all their Millie funds to the dino, shame.
all the talents make more from one stream than you do on a 2 week paycheck broke boy
Browns are the kings of irony, how about going back to the Philippines? Why even consider going to shit in one more place?
I assume the trend between their cliques is being in Japan = easy and more opportunities.
however, in nijisanji that is not how things work. They need japan residency + being in the right group + top dog + riku's approval + yacht access.
Considering all that, I think it's safe to guess hers is but one more in a sea of pity baits. No pun intended.
>ame makes her own studio
>"wowsers! le creatividad!!! xd!!!"
>altare makes his own studio
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You know you don't have to rent out the entire building, right?
Why are your posts so easy to identify
i think you have schizophrenia
Didn't magni already have a studio space?
I don't get what is being accomplished
I also don't get what ame allegedly accomplished
Most vtuber income is merch. Girls tend to buy way more merch than guys, so proportionally per fan, they probably make more than the girls do

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