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BAU BAU Edition

Previous Thread >>81400715

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel
>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template
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where are all the raffians
someone explain the pantsu incident
my boner is going crazy
Playing vidya
Newissa likes to be naked, Mococo is embarrased, Newissa told her she should take it off.
How am I supposed to submit something for FWMCmorning when nothing outside is interesting?
Just send shit anyway
They're always happy that you're thinking about them, and they literally can't know you're thinking about them 24/7 unless you post something. FWMC Morning walks are a good excuse to start
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I want to at least find something neat.
no stream for 24 hours means thread is garbage
Nothing nothing nothing? No nearby parks you can go to? No abandoned facility you can use for a Pero Sighting? They're just happy to know their walk corner is giving you an excuse to go on a walk, or to share your day with them if walks were always a part of it. Maybe it won't be interesting enough to feature, but if you just want to connect with them, I'm sure you can find something interesting enough.
The area I'm in has fuck all
Fuwawa's finally on ball duty tonight for the first time ever! MOCOCOOOOOOO YEAH!!
i’m sure brazil has SOMETHING worth seeing
If I was in Brazil I would kill myself
Find a good view for a sunrise, take a picture, done.
just fucking post a minecraft screenshot and place pero in the arms of a zombie. easy as (cream)pie
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They don't miss us at all, do they...?
Kill yourself, slit your throat right now
They miss me
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they are too busy having fun with their friends, try doing that sometime
They are having the time of their lives while I cry myself to sleep...
Yeah, I'm glad, it's so much nicer seeing them have fun than being straddled by schizos and walking on eggshells
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I don't have any friends, and I'm too old to make new ones...
It's 2PM
new job is killing me i want to go back on unemployment
They don't. And thanks to the vacations they'll realize that they have more fun when they are not streaming, so get ready for a new no schedule/no streams arc. This shouldn't be a surprise, it happened to literally all of the holoEN girls.
Can I have your job
can’t send fuwawa money if you’re unemployed
Just build up a nestegg of money then quit like i did. Or marry a woman with a lot of money and a caretaker fetish
why did mococo allow fuwawa to be raped by newissa bros
I made Mococo take her panties off while I had sex with Fuwawa to show her dripping wet pussy
because fuwawa does it herself so often that she likes to switch things up every once and awhile to keep herself entertained
5 and i kill myself
>get ready for a new no schedule/no streams arc. This shouldn't be a surprise, it happened to literally all of the holoEN girls
This. I told you several times that FWMC would eventually end up like the rest of HoloEN, it was just a matter of time, but no one here wanted to believe it. It's just how it goes... some stop streaming because of homework, others because they lose interest in streaming and others because they lose their motivation, but eventually they all stop streaming regularly.
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Not today!
This. they've specifically said it makes them feel closer to the Ruffians so just go for a walk already and share a picture. there's not many people that do it
The Schedule posted here it's still the one from last week.
Koyori still releases schedules nearly 3 years later. FUCK OFF
bau bau...
they don't and I'm glad they finally realized it. This might push them to stop worrying about catering to schizos so much and just do what they want when they want. Better now when they have big momentum on their idol dreams
when did Koyori join holoEN?
Baused and real
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I wish I was fuwawas pantsu so I could experience her pissing herself with laughter as nerissa tickled her
didn't they say her floofies fell out during the tickling?
Fuwawa has control over her body
the fuck is fuwa alter?
they aren't very EN-like
why is nerissa taller
because it fits my self-imagined reality of Nerissa being the top while having sex with Fuwawa
watch tweets
But she is a hag and lost control of her bladder years ago, thats why moco chan has to change her everyday
funny because they are I'm holoEN and almost exclusively interact with EN members when they do collab despite living on Japan
but fuwawa is the rapist
>dangerous fuwawa smell
>dangerous mococo smell
which one is more danjerus
I see you were the anti all along Ame
Only for Mococo
will they ever talk with her on stream outside a big collab? They say they discord message her all the time with tech questions surely they have a relationship
Mococo's sweat has a unique smell
My princess...
And tjat relationship is just as an IT person, not that ame cares about fuwamoco or advent for that matter
They clearly care about ame a great deal and have mentioned how much she's helped them. Plus they called into her BD stream and they've raided her a few times.
They definitely like each other a lot
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They don't need the Ruffians for emotional support anymore, they have real friends for that now. We're just an afterthought to them now.
You haven't worked in IT if you don't hate every person who comes to you with every dumb and basic requests. And you know FWMC are prime for those.
>15 minute talk just to conclude they had to restart PC
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>They clearly care about ame a great deal
Since when did they ever talk about her? Is it because the two are in love with Bubba? It must be, that dog has some rizz or something.
Dog sex
I mean they are all dogs
Typical white women
I dunno man. The one time I try and get a nice photo of something somewhat interesting there's like 10 other submissions, half with merch which will probably always get picked over just a picture of scenery
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Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 351: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. No new cards for Anki, I'm just maintaining core 2.3k deck. For immersion I've watched one episode of an anime.
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kill yourselves niggers
weird raid
>Since when did they ever talk about her?
Unironically watch streams. They've mentioned her a few times and literally called in at one point.
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Extra fluffy and fuzzy
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My cunny still hurst
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It's just the truth. And no one is going to kill themselves because of text on a screen.
does Moco-chan realize how much NTR energy radiates from some of these tweets when she makes them vague and with zero context?
>someone just told me to take my underwear off...
>I have a snuggle partner and its NOT fuwawa..
Some replies being confused makes it even funnier
>NTR energy
See you tomorrow, the trannies are back
biboo amplified the ntr vibes during the actual space
fuck biboo
the trannies never leave in your mindbroken head
really really weird raid.
where is the other anti discord that actually watches them to know nobody is gonna fall for this shit?
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American Ruffians, the merch is starting to ship out! We might wait longer than the JP bros but at least we get the USA exclusive merch. What did you get in your PMAG? Mine had armor piercing incendiary rounds, hand loaded by Fuwawa. Thanks Fuwawa!
You genuinely just want to be cucked
I'm from a discord also I'm a tranny also I'm from a different discord that fights against the first discord

all of this is totally real and I'm not a retarded schizo getting trolled by a few bored shitposters
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I'm trying
bau bau, satan
Get more content at least
stop having periods
>at least we get the USA exclusive merch
If only
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We loved them... why have they forsaken us...
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>USA exclusive merch
Are you joking...? this isn't funny.
they will NEVER play a fromslop game except C&C, darkcel. Get over it already.
yeah mine
Cookie and Cream is fromslop? Nice
Those fetuses inside their wombs? Me
>he doesn't know
Me and Me
I love you FUWAMOCO-chan!
Bro did you not receive your PMAG? I'd contact the Cover office if you didn't.
To be fair it's only the free US states, if you live in Commiefornia or New York, magazine restrictions probably cucked you out of it.
disgusting. am I the only one that didn't buy multiple limiteds? Why are these folks openly bragging about scalping?
I'm in those wombs
saplings are melting down...
Saplings and Ruffians are the same
what did green woman do now?
I hope the people saying they're gonna complain about people being able to buy multiple limited sets are actually going to do it if the anniversary shit is the same.
Serves them right desu.
Cute puppies~
I will but I'll try to buy 3 of each first to brag about reselling it on tags to push things along. I'll thank them for thinking of entrepreneurs like me with the 3 each limit.
There is nothing wrong with scalping
Do women actually say "my cunny"?
cope poorfag
I'm going to scalp you because there's nothing wrong with it
small puppies...little puppies...beautiful puppies...sexy puppies...
I didn't
I don't buy merch
You don't even have enough energy to get up from your desk chair
Hatred for faggots like you is all the motivation I need
I dont know, but its incredibly cute to imagine two hags referring to their own vaginas as "cunnies" lmao
keep crying poorbro
Gura said "Mike Honey" a few times
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I should have realized sooner; They are just enternainers... they don't miss us, and they don't actually love us. The entertainment schizo was right. They have private lives and we are not and will never be a part of them. Once the stream ends we stop being important to them.
Our walls of love? our positive comments? all the time spend together in the streams? they don't mean anything when compared to the fun they have off stream. I wanted to feel needed, I wanted them to depended on us, I wanted to make them happy, but I can't. Maybe if I understood this sooner I wouldn't feel this pain...
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You should use that motivation to find a better paying job
Warm puppies, soft puppies, little ball of fuzz. Sleepy puppies, happy puppies, bau bau bau.
You finally got it, the now you can start enjoying them from a healthy distance and allow them to enjoy themselves, which makes for better content.
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i am the only true gosling here, and the only one who truly loves them.
if you werent happy about the twitter space, then you are transgender and possibly of african descent.
I made this post
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Stop it... they don't love you. Just stop, you still have time to change the way you see them, don't end up like me...
Holy based
>i am the only true gosling here
Baused, but I actually made this post
t. king of the goslings
You're nothing more than a subscriber number and paycheck to them. Stop creating fantasies that will only hurt them. Enjoy them as entertainment the same as you would a TV show. It starts and ends both the go live and you shouldn't think it will ever be more than that because it won't.
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I love them, and I miss them
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Took you long enough
You can enter the realm of gachi, but you have to accept that it's never going to be reciprocated in the same way. Care about them and love them and be happy about indirectly making them happy
Slant-wawa my beloved
Fuwamario could be crunchier!!
it's okay to love them as long as you never expect any of it to be reciprocated. cause it won't
But they do
they said it, so it's true.
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Baused. They love me and I love them. It's as simple as that!!
Nor they should
One of my favorite artists. Every piece of art is so adorable and perfectly encapsulates them
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>If your wife can have fun with her friends then she doesn't love you
they don't love you and if you don't give them money they won't even remember your name
Same, they're really great
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>he's still going
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What set gachikoischizo off so badly?
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Cute is always better than sexy. I can imagine sexy easily, and while I can still imagine cute, you can get a lot more personal style in cute.
If everything they said was true then they'd miss us more than we miss them, right? they said so. But I clearly miss them a lot more than they are missing us. They are having fun without even thinking about us, while I cry myself to sleep every non-stream day because of how much I miss them.
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I stared into her eyes in this image for 20 minutes today, we need a lot more porn or sexy images of them with faces like this and direct eye contact
If you don't believe them, then you should leave. Simple as that.
They will never find anyone because they already have each other.
You cry yourself to sleep because you're a little bitch. I miss them more than you miss them too. What are you gonna do about it? Cut yourself?
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Baused and true
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I'm just saying it as it is.
Did they sound needy or sad that they couldn't spend more time with the ruffians during the space? Because to me it sounded like they were having the time of their lives without us.
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Every time they get done doing something fun they think "I can't wait to tell the ruffians about this"
Why are texans like this?
>Because to me it sounded like they were having the time of their lives without us.
What is wrong with that? I want them to friends in hololive to depend on and have fun with.
It's not a competition between us, I'm just saying that the ruffians definitely miss them more than they miss us. This is a fact.
Did you miss the fact that everyone but them (and Biboo) were ready to sleep/already asleep but FWMC wanted to do the space for us anyways?
They are on vacation, they didn't need to do it at all but they did because unlike your favorite over at Nijisanji FWMC are among the few who genuinely care about and love their fans
Proof? You being a little bitch isn't proof.
I love them...
It is literally, figuratively, physically, mentally, impossible for a man to be cucked by a woman.
me on the left
Twitter likes say otherwise
you're going to make the femwuffian angry...
Why is it okay for Nerissa to say she isn't wearing underwear but when I say it in chat I get banned
>for us
Was it really for us though? I didn't feel like it was. They could have referred to us as "Adventrix" or another one of the girls could have hosted the space and nothing would change in that twitter space.
Oh nooooo what's she gonna do, cut herself?
not that femwuffian, the jealous one(there's multiple femruffians)
Any woman watching vtubers has cut herself before.
Twins who don't drift appart in their early teens usually struggle finding partners so yeah
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A majority of people are retarded faggots. I am right and they are wrong.
>Was it really for us though?
It definitely wasn't for you. It for was for Ruffians who love them (me).
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Did you wish Icomochi a HBD?
Yes it is. I cry myself to sleep because of how much I miss them, and they are having fun and didn't sound sad at all. It's not that big of a deal, but we definetly miss them a lot more.
No, too many replies, she's too popular.
Can you take sleeping pills and never wake up? Thanks!
Not to mention there's a bunch of toxic behaviors that they reinforce and encourage so they never really developed past that. Still love them though.
The very fact they addressed us as Ruffians and not Adventrix despite all of Advent being there is further proof of how much they love us
stop replying to the ban evading cuck already retards. he literally just got banned for cuckposting and came right back
No, you cry yourself to sleep because you're a little bitch, a spoiled whiny faggot. They work their asses off sunday to sunday to be able to share lots of fun times with you, while you sit on your fat ass shitposting on a mongolian basket weaving forum and masturbating to gay porn. How are your actions proving that you miss them more? You don't do shit, they do their best to keep the relationship going with lots of exciting things, you just whine.
You're not a man, you're... fat.
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>"Do you see that ruined castle over there? Legend claims it was once home to a great kingdom, ruled by twin princesses. They say the sisters were guarded by the fiercest of knights and beloved by their subjects to the point of madness."
>"One day, the princesses journeyed to a faraway land but never returned. Without their rulers, the kingdom quickly fell into ruin."
>"Their names have been lost to time. Some say it's best to let the sleeping dogs lie. Now come, let's hurry on, this place is said to be haunted by the still-waiting ghosts of the anonymous dead."
Me on the right
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I liked and retweeted the post
They are wealthy now and fast on the track to no longer caring about their fans. The suisei and gura route is a lock hope you enjoyed the times where they still were dependent on your support.
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FWMC would be dissapointed in you...
>Why is it okay for Neriss-
It isn't
>I'm just saying that the ruffians definitely miss them more than they miss us
We know this isn't true because you're on here going anti, slandering them calling them liars. You don't miss them at all the only thing you miss is getting attention
>the only thing you miss is getting attention
that's also true for FUWAMOCO though, they miss attention and money. that's it.
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Collab when?
I will accept that if it means getting rid of a shitposter.
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They said that they wanted to spend more time with us... I want to trust them... They will come back to us, eventually, and we'll have our comfy streams back.
kys bau bau
No but I'll take the contraceptives and let you do me
oh shit im building that in minecraft (lie)
Holly fuck, her tail is FAT
Italian cat. I hope she starts feeding FUWAMOCO so they get nice and comfortably chunky
That's not true. I miss them, I really do. I just want them to do comfy solo streams, I don't even need to SC or chat, I just want them to have fun with us.
but they have nothing in common
every italian hag is fat, it's law.
They both have tails and ears
why would someone be a streamer if they didn't enjoy attention from fans? that's the entire point
Every person who claims they miss fwmc more goes menhera
That story... why does it sound so... familiar? I feel like we've been living it since they moved to japan...
wow so they stream a little less, boo hoo
Yes... they hate us...
When are they gonna upload this last space to their membership so I can listen to it directly from their hands?
Did they read chat during the twitter space?
Mococo did, twice for me.
Mococo did a lot
masturbating to naked Mococo and then exploding when she read my message started my day off on the right paw
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I can't stop crying...
shut the FUCK up, Cryan
cumming all over a femwuffians flat chest
Now that I look at it, I guess I should expect them to upload the twitter space to members in 4-6 days.
It would be weird to lock content with other advent girls behind their membership though
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I really miss the comfy mengen streams... When are they going to do the next one? It's already been more than a month since the last one, right?
Wouldn't be the first time they did something differently than almost everyone else in EN.
post "I missed you, over"
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maybe this will help
Pay up deadbraps.
Close enough
please post more very cute soundposts from both of them
she doesn't like people talking like that stop being a fucking creep
femruffian chuchu
hi femwuffian
I won't forget that countdown, femwuffian.
PayGODS, we're so back
Making Moco-chan kiss my butthole and then farting!
I still masturbate to your countdown once a week at least, so goddamn hot it drives me wild
What is that?
I wanted Shiori to appear at the twitter space. It’s bullshit that she wasn’t there… Fucking sleeping bullshit! All of Advent should have been fucking around!
spending hundreds of dollars so they read my good morning posts!!!!
If someone in my family ever finds my twitter account I'll probably sell everything I own, move to a different state, change my name, and start a new life.
kek what the fuck why is it such a massive button on every post? Time to pay up so they see all of my gosling walls
You can now pay elon to promote your posts lmaoo
ESLGODS are usually the only person in their families who can read english, so we tend to be safe.
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sounds like you have more problems than just listening to vtubers
kiss your shiori
>implying she will be any worse than the last two
Kek we're fucked either way. I'm just enjoying the show from my cozy bau bau bunker
Oh that's fucking perfect, now the paypigs will get even more likes than before...
Good, stop caring.
why do you care so much about likes
I'm going to make sure every post i make is pumped to their for you page. I will treat every tweet as a superchat. Unfortunately they don't even get the money from it
I have to hear "why aren't you as successful as X family member" from multiple family members every single holiday get together so I would rather oshihen my family than deal with a worse version of that.
Wuffians if it's okay we'd like to start reading some of your Twitter chats
>a bug person
sorry for your rots
I would oshihen to my grave
Not even close
If you were inside the body of their manager for a day. What would you do?
give them more homework
i want to die
Probably stare at my naked hag body for a bit
Jerk off.
There there.
Ask them to go to dinner on my dime after a sweaty day of dancing and insist that Moco-chan sit next to me in the booth at the restaurant. I'd tell them they couldn't go home first because I had something important to do in the morning and it'd be pretty late at night so they'd agree to go without showering.
baused smellGOD
>inside the body of their manager
force them to sleep for more than 4 hours that they seem to usually get, also hold their hands through buying household necessities, fluffing also getting them to eat a more varied diet, which seems to already be happening a bit
fuck their brains out.
women can't fuck other women
explain what happened on the twitter space
also their new manager is a male which is why they refuse to talk about hugging them
Tell them that a ruffian's merch got lost in shipping so they make a card with a sweet message on it and have it shipped to me.
>which is why they refuse to talk about hugging them
they have a new manager lil bro
your reading reps...
your stream reps...
The post you replied too literally says new manager in it
Go grocery shopping for them and buy them actual real food. You will get healthy, our puppies depend on it! I don't mind them being autists like me and their mothers, but at least let them have strong bodies.
That makes no sense, they call her a she. If they'd lie about this, why not lie about that too?
suzu was a woman. Their new mane-chan is also a woman(confirmed by them numerous times)
They refused to hug suzu due to being sweaty. They never said anything about nuSuzu.
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HOEH?! What is even hot about it…
you wouldnt get it
I can't describe it well but the teasing tone, the anticipation the sexy as fluff voice
I miss when koahri would post early art here I miss her drawing FUWAMOCO...
The fact you don't know what makes it hot just made it 3x hotter to me
wish she'd get the hair pins and tails right
she oshihenned
wish you would shut the heck up
she got her follow she has no incentive to ever draw them again unless someone pays her for it
I wish Fuwawa would give us a countdown…
we've got her forcing Mococo to count down from 3 but i need a lot longer than that
She already did but nobody remembers it besides me for some reason.
he probably wants a slow sensual countdown, which isnt gonna happen outside of mengen asmr
I had a dream last night… They were gone, a notice. A black screen that marked the beginning of the end… One day it will all be over… Memories that will be gone once the body ceases to exist. Merch that will clutter what once was a room filled with giggles and laughter… I will enjoy them while I can… Until it all comes to an end…
femwuffian. . .
I don't think it will happen at all
that's the ??? stream. the final ending screen as you hear both of then burst into tears as the final song plays
Imagine them playing Ark and awkwardly ignoring the fact that their character literally farts and shits, which will lead to them never playing it again
Whatever happened to koahrischizo? Has he oshihenned too?
promise already leaked it'll be a 2nd Advent cover song
He's probably still here but nobody has talked about her in a while so he hasn't been set off. Speaking of, how is her poll doing this month? I expect FUWAMOCO to be very low and Raora to be winning everything
I want that part 2 of Mococo in bed
FUWAMOCO does the same thing tho. It is crude for sure but even they have to accept such a thing if they wish to play ARK!
>Raora to be winning everything
Raora doesnt have to win any of the polls for Koahri to draw her kek She's been pretty much exclusively drawing her since she debuted
>FUWAMOCO does the same thing tho.
But they can easily pretend they don't. Can't do that with Ark
Hopefully the whores oshihenning to artists finally understand that their words are vapid and artists don't care about the chuubas.
I really liked how soft and adorable looking she drew fwmc, too bad she basically oshihened
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Chat, what should I play?
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I want this artist to draw FUWAMOCO someday... Genuinely incredible artwork and he basically already drew Mococo here...
Crimson Tears
>Gets the follow
>Leaces for Raora a week after
if attention is all they wanted what else can they get
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anybody else write a letter and then end up not sending it out of embarrassment of what you wrote?
Do you think they miss us calling them princesses as often as we did?
i still call them princesses, and they've read it out a few times. They miss it...
Rondo duo
I write it, stamp it, and send it all in a day so I dont have time to think about it
I'm not sending it because even I can't read it the very next day kek
Saying my handwriting is atrocious is an understatement
I'm gonna try to start doing it again. I still think they're princesses but it feels weird to do it now for some reason.
>but it feels weird to do it now for some reason.
Because everyone stopped for some reason, so you probably feel weird doing it yourself.
I think Anki picked up that I'm having a really bad time with Core2k so they turned down my card reviews from 100 per day to 50 kek
I fuckilng hate anki it's too hard
Yeah I guess that's true. I have no idea why everyone stopped though, it was like everyone decided to not do it anymore in a single day.
just send it out, after seeing all the other handwritings from anons here who say it's bad I bet yours is readable
this is what I need to start doing, thinking about what I wrote is no good
we had a big break of being able to chat together which then meant a gap in mind from when they were last called that and now everyone is feeling shy about it
All "Core" Anki decks are based on newspapers from early 90s and sometimes additionally sorted in a way that makes learning harder. The format of the cards also tends to be WCC instead of a more efficient TSC. Ankidrone Starter Pack is made from a COMPLETELY different corpus ー everyday words used commonly in Japan. You should get Ankidrone Starter Pack.
>I have no idea why everyone stopped though, it was like everyone decided to not do it anymore in a single day.
Everything comes and goes in waves kek plus we've had a bunch of breaks and stuff as well
Could be it just ran its course, like once someone knows how you feel reiterating it every single day becomes kinda boring. Could have been long enough to start it back up for a little bit though.
Was playing it earlier actually, kek. Finished Chapter 9. Playing a 2hu fangame now.
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Writing it? Sure. It was difficult writing it in cursive. But I sent it anyways. Felt better after it went its way overseas. They did mention they got letters recently but I'm wondering how far back in date they got and if they got mine.
I wanted to for a while, but I can never write anything that I'm not immediately embarassed about. Also I reread it and realize my feelings come off a little too strong lmao
Good luck! be sure to read the /jp/ guide at tatsumoto.neocities.org.
Oh, I already have one from Jlab for TSC, but sometimes they focused on grammar too much so I feel I can take another that's purely focused on vocab
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>>81423661 (me)
Was also meant for >>81422989
It's nice to dote on them. We got the SMW endurance run coming up soon. We do save a princess after all.
Wasn't sending money through twitter a feature they implemented a while ago?
It was like donations but I don't know if you could attach messages or things to it
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This gave me an SC idea but I'm poor...
I don't think the repetition of saying it was a problem considering ruffians repeat themselves a lot but it's probably because calling vtubers princesses in a public setting is a little embarrassing
Maybe, never bothered me, I said it once or twice on twitter and they liked it, plus they're all about being yourself even if it is embarrassing. I dunno why people stopped, its not a huge deal really.
link me the source image so I can fap
>they're all about being yourself even if it is embarrassing
Maybe some ruffians need a reminder of this.
I feel a bit less awkward about calling them princesses again now though so I'll do it next time it's appropriate.
anon this is a bot post, reps ruffian has been dead for a long time
bau bau
/baubau/ has gotten satan so many times nobody cares anymore
this but fuwawa please
We're full of satans, explains a lot of the posts I see on here, I've been away for months at a time and every single time I come back I see the same doomer and anti posts that were here when I left, so either antis never get tired or bored or Ruffians are fucked in the head.
>sometimes they focused on grammar too much
NTA but yeah i stay away from grammar decks myself and just use anki for vocab
for grammar i just use TaeKim + BunPro
I need new headphones...
b̸̡̎a̷͔̓u̴͙͑ ̵̥̾b̸̍a̴͕͌ú̷̱
No THIS but Fuwawa please.
>antis never get tired or Ruffians are fucked in the head.
it's both, but instead of Ruffians being fucked in the head they are actually just retarded and bite bait forever, so the antis keep coming back even a year later.
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This but Mococo please.
Some of these are most likely from actual ruffians or at least retarded goslings that have no confidence or trust in them. But I don't disagree with anything else you said.
while playing eroge together...
Actually would improve the scenario. Agreed.
this but FUWAMOCO
This but *Mococo
>or at least retarded goslings that have no confidence or trust in them
Most actual goslings left this place long ago, or goslingpost into the void like me
We deserve it after the mid maidkini art I need FuwaMoco going AT it goddamit.
Guess that makes sense. The janny crackdown on porn got rid of gorillas before I left so doesn't really shock me.
What the fuck Sesshomaru
>do this with Fuwawa
>"thank you wuffian~"
where are they...
I can hear this and fuck my COCK
I had a similar dream once, really wish I could tell them.
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Same, been having dreams like that for a few weeks, Although Mococo getting disgusted over it might break me even If Fuwawa loves it lmao
Artists move on because it's a thing of popularity and newness. The people who want FuwaMoco art are entrenched already and gave her their follow/interaction on twitter. She may still find them fun, but it turns out sitting in one place and constantly trying to appeal to the same group over and over means you'll never go anywhere.
Perfectly understandable, the scummy part is the "BUT I LOVE THEM SO MUCH DON'T THEY KNOW THAT WHERE IS MY FOLLOW? D:"
Nobody has an obligation to give a shit, just don't pretend to. Houkisei didn't even post his Huge W follow, there is no pretense that he gives a shit, he's just drawing the thing that won the poll. He'll drop them as soon as he can.
You know just because she takes what I assume is her 'career' in a different direction and caters to new and popular doesn't mean she doesn't hate FuwaMoco. She could easily keep up on some streams and enjoy them from time to time. You're acting as if she HATES them now.
No I'm not. There isn't just love and hate in the world. I'm not saying Houkisei hates them either.
Raora is a time bomb and we all now this shit, cover is retarded
So who's to say that she doesn't love them just because she started to draw others? That's what I mean, just because she was happy shy got followed by them doesn't mean she could or is still able to make it to every stream or that she should exclusively draw them.
wrong thread go anti her in her general
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last for fuwawa eating a big ol buritto
Never have I wanted to be a piece of cloth more than seeing this.
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next week
mococo farts
if only
God she's so fucking cute I can't.
You know if we're on page 11, you can guarantee being last by posting the next thread immediately after your "LAST FOR ____" post
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"Fuwa Koko"... in the coffee!
yeah but I'm too lazy for that
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Mococo farts.

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