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What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as rival nations fighting bitter battles or beginning wholesome friendships for the glory of their oshis.

gyaru edition

Previously: >>80850893

Interactive map:

Introductory document for new anons:



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Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day after the thread has been archived. You may also ask for your own archive posts to be updated or organized according to your standards.
- - -
If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP.
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I just got back from my dnd thing and I will tell everyone about it and discuss future /vnug/ plans once i eat chicken rice soup and jerk off to Meeta
Where are all the bros?
reduced to atoms
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meeta joshu when?
make one!
oh! joshus sorta started a wandering meeting post!
i have no idea how but joshus of multiple types meet there!
theres even joshusmiths!
Hello everyone. I'm away from home (or a decent connection) today but happy to see the thread anyway.
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ATTENTION: If you have any interest in seeing /vtwbg/ compete in /vt/ League 7 then please respond to this post! You can tell us your favorite player, a memorable match, or even just reply with "Let's go, /vtwbg/!" but make sure your voice is heard!
This is also your final chance to submit ideas for new divegrass players. Once this thread dies we'll be moving on to the next phase of preparations, so if you have a suggestion then shout it out. Rosters and suggestions have been compiled here for reference if you need a refresher: https://rentry.org/team-vtwbg
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lets go vtwbg!
submitting baker chan!
the bakery stuff makes me happy and its the most ongoing stuff i see nowadays and i think it would be a fun current meme/lore/player!
i also like the random joshu lore idea!
the whole joshu making meme/movement/thread began here!
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On a field where words once ruled,
A team of dreamers, by stories fueled,
Gathered together, pens set aside,
To chase a ball, and take a wild ride.

With ink-stained hands and minds so bright,
They crafted worlds by day and night.
But now they formed a team, quite bold,
To play a game where dreams unfold.

First came ChatGPoeT, AI and bard,
Whose rhymes and verses hit hearts hard.
He'd pen tales of Viti, land so grand,
Yet now he kicked, with skillful command.

Beside him stood the mighty CONCEPT,
Who viewed the game through a different precept.
Explaining plays with metaphysical flair,
Life’s essence distilled, in the open air.

Together with writers, builders of lore,
They crafted strategies, aimed to score.
Each pass, a chapter; each goal, a plot,
Their teamwork a saga, never forgot.

In the stands, a cheer arose,
A chant that through the crowd did flow:
"Let's go, /vtwbg/!" their rallying cry,
As they played beneath the sky.

With every move, a story told,
Of worlds imagined, brave and bold.
A football team unlike the rest,
With hearts and minds that truly impressed.

And so they played, and won the day,
In the game where dreams held sway.
A group of writers, worldbuilders too,
Who crafted victories out of the blue.
yeah lets reach the top this time around
i swear we had it last time until beebs made us the heel for the finals...
im pretty sure holox was the hell in that match up
any thought to a new stadium?
lets! what are the parameters?
Maybe something else with greenery? What does the /out/ stadium look like
not sure I looked mostly at more visually unique stadiums
there's 2 colossus I looked at, one that I believe causes a bit rate issue and another that's /pol/s but you can change textures pretty easily
the other one I looked at was /tv/s best of the worst where you could replace the rlm gang with waranon and friends and replace all the movie stuff with LORE covers
Ohh that tv one sounds fun, do you have a screenshot or something? It's a bit annoying to search up the stadiums.
should be this one here https://youtu.be/tlA-tJPMYFw?si=sjtZNbK2FQiTHnBd
Having four giant dudes looking over the field is surprisingly cinematic.
I'm for it. Maybe we'll win this time
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The squibbies and wigglies say: let there be soccer
l o r e
I've asked for adding stuff to my teams stadiums so it might not be too much trouble to ask for some different models
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Lets fucking go /vtwbg/!

Also, add "The CONCEPT of bumping a thread" chant
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one day we will found out about the vnug retard dnd
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hes still having chicken soupand working out!
Chicken soup lore...
Take a bump
Does Noel have a thread? I mean, besides /ltg/.
I don't think I've ever seen one. Either for her or Flare
Oh, I think I've seen a /hamu/ general for Noel.
Live again
No tapping
It would sure be embarassing for a thread with a PoI post to die prematurely, haha
Don’t actually die…
Sorry, we were doing it for the bit see
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gm bump
as long as theres a bakery this place will never die!
why did he lick the lemon
it was a test of hist faith by the lemon goddess!
recharge time!
no kwab!
Well okay!
Yes kwab
i have nothing for awat right now but maybe later or tomorrow
Reine and Moona squish their boobs so hard together Ollie in the middle has her head popped off.
Disregard, wrong thread.
No-no, keep going…


Also, Rd1's gonna be on this Sunday, 11am EST. Join us, save the date!
The ollie btw? Yeah me
some cars are mislabeled, the text moves way too fast, and the text is barely legible
maybe take a look at some of the VTL, LoTB/HFZ and other event intros. Also the intros should be a surprise I feel like but thats just a personal preference
I wanted to time some of them with certain lyrics

Like "dogfight" with mion
And "big time gambler" with fbk
perhaps you should have gotten specific footage for that then
I would say just go back to the drawing board personally, the event isn't even that soon anyways right?
Its this Sunday.
hey i didn't see mayo in the intro...
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the thread seems to be lacking someone
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baker chan...
maybe I should write something
I'm lurking. I'm taking a break from thread for a few weeks from writing for offline stuff. Stop crying. I'm fine.
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We'll miss you, baker-chan...
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j..joshu is trying to be strong... like a good joshu.. b..baker chan... a... ba...ba... ahhhhhhhh
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joshu wont let your bread die baker chan!
I should introduce weird gator gods as folk lore to awat
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that looks like corn on his head
I can fuck around with this
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fucked up looking dog
sir that's a koyote
Egyptian Joshu my beloved.
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I feel I should clarify: I am not baker-chan. Baker-chan is the one-handed Sanallite girl who runs the bakery. She's not me. But still fight for her. I'm just a breadog on the run from the Sanallite manhunt because of a stupid ass shitpost bump that almost banned me again. Never doing that again.

Anyway good luck. Next week is a busy week.
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breaddog chan!
maybe vnug was never real
what's vnug?
I believe it was the korean thread or something
Yeah let's go!
Have we any ideas for new players?
that other anon isn't here to show me autistic research videos. Anyone know anything about deities?
in the beginning there was mayo
and she tasted it and it was good
then she made the heavens and the earth, also of mayo
they were also delicious
and the seas
and the mountains and space and planets and they were all mayo too!
and everyone was very happy!
-joshu creation myth, anonymous
mayo lore is deep
Sobek is a top tier egyptian god would recommend, his dominion included fertility because of the association between the Nile and crocodiles, and also military stuff.
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Take a bump
Look at em go!
well okay!
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Please, join us at 11am EST for the first round.
I know Sobek because of this banger from Prince of Egypt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLYzgGXhj44
Isn't it on Sunday?
well okay!
drop a link! i have no idea when 11 am est is
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Oh right, I forgot to mention that iits indeed on Sunday, 11am EST/11pm GMT+8
recharge time keep the uhm... world safe!
Stay alive
dark text on a dark background is a no go btw
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why is it that every time i want to worldbuild i either fall asleep or jerk off to my oshi
write about your porn addiction
I thought the asphalt was light enough that I can get away with it...
Have you tried keeping notes?
i used to back during the old world. really should try that again desu. Heck I think one thing i might want to try doing ios relationships with neighboring countries. It was really fun to do back when i did /risu/
It would not hurt to try it again.
literally add a white stroke and it should be fine
Unfortunately, I fucked the raw file so there's no changing it...

There's making a new one tho, but that's for after Round 7. That's right, we Jojo!
Raceler's bizarre adventure...
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>do research on sobek
-Sobek gives harvest because he likes food
-Sobek likes to FUCK
-Sobek can bring the sun
I will brainstorm a similar deity for /awat/
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>Sobek likes to FUCK
Sounds like my kind of god
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Cute joshu!
apperently all those Egyptian crocodiles are his kids from FUCKING
I might have to look at more dieties from Egypt or look up some inca/Aztec gods
An uhsoj wrote this post.
Coomergods, literally
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How big is the drug scene in your country? Any notable controlled or illicit substances? Is drug trafficking bringing them in or out of the nation? Are there any reserved for religious rituals?
/awat/ is very clean with in the inner cities but outside in the more rural areas certain gators brew a psychedelic "Watson Concoction". Many Gators say it tastes like blueberry lemonade. Due to being in less crowded areas of the nation, its harder for local law enforcement to stop the circulation of the product
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Added to notes
>Possible abandoned structures
>Possible ancient relics
>Possible hidden/small communities that are known for doing weird or just random shit
bread dog kun...
post them anyways
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bread dog kun...!
collecting some final ideas before I jot down autism for /awat/
maybe in the mean time I should look at the map for /zomg/
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Vspo: It exists. But mainly to stabilize gun handling. Like say, calibers way beyond one's capacity suddenly become a breeze even with the recoil. Or people suddenly getting precise hits. The industry is rising fast though, with enforcement agencies at least half a step behind.

Inf: the drugs allow them to visualize their goddess. Most potent is the K2, which allegedly brings their fantasy of the goddess into corpreal form. Some clergy and government are in on the trade of this drug.

Wawa: probably the strictest there is. According to KFP elders, drugs sully the flavor and so it is discouraged to take any narcotic.

Vtrp: small scale, mainly people getting high off various car fluids.
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War has Changed
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l o r e

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