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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Damn Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 7/23:
1: https://twitch.tv/vedal987 (3,886)
2: https://twitch.tv/Shylily (3,623)
3: https://twitch.tv/Sinder (3,270)
4: https://twitch.tv/camila (2,541)
5: https://twitch.tv/Buffpup (2,478)
6: https://twitch.tv/Kenji (2,297) *Tie
6: https://twitch.tv/CottontailVA (2,267) *Tie
8: https://twitch.tv/nymphelia (2,124)
9: https://twitch.tv/OliviaMonroe (2,049)
10: https://twitch.tv/SquChan (1,784)

1: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (5,988) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (4,124) *Chinese
3: https://twitch.tv/Kamito_JP (3,974) *Japanese

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
A corpo that doesn't own talents IPs and has, at most, a single member with greater than 1000 CCV is still allowed to be discussed here until it has surpassed this threshold.

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
July 23rd - Fallenshadow
July 24th - Yuniiho & Shxtou
August 5th - Shylily
August 6th - Tob
August 8th - Kitanya

>OC material for the OP

https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>81409304
I love my wife
damn wtf why are these numbers so low
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bnuuy cnuuy
Ryona Rabbit live with Portal2 collab with DruillaKuma
I am going to marry Olivia Monroe
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Good evening lig I blub my oshi and her friends!
Lyra fly down to NYC and wax Beri on stream send post
I'd love to Kabedon her, she's probably scream.
you FOOL
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Womp womp?
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How long Beri yaps before starting a gaem?
I love Lucy Pyre!
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https://www.twitch.tv/gmart He be doing that valheim with insane moddage
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Love my wolf wife
vtubing is dead (i killed it)
an hour
vtubing ends NOW
no filian to make it look like people watch indies
1 to 2 hours, but she has gone longer than that before. depends on what game she's scheduled to play and if she gets carried away talking about something
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Love my nerdy ass dog
Sigrid and Bird look different now, don't they?
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she is blue right now
Matara is gonna kill Beri
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Lig G. Erman checking in again.

This is the FINAL ROUND of polling, the best of the best have been selected to represent lig kind and now (You) must vote for your champions. Who will win? Who will lose? You Decide!

Para makes me uncontrollably horny
Puta gordita
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>Archive Links:

- Complete Nyanners (Post Vtuber Debut) VOD and karaoke clip archive [Starting at 2020-07-17 and running until 2024-xx-xx]: https://rentry.org/Nyanners_Vod_Archive

- Complete Hime Hajime [Starting at 2021-01-31 and running until 2024-XX-XX] and Bubivt Vod Archive: https://rentry.org/Hime_Bubi_Archive

- Directory of random Indie Vod archives and links to official vod channels: https://rentry.org/Indie_Vod_Archives_lig


>Other things that may be of use:

- Twitch/YouTube Live Stream Vod Archival Guide: https://rentry.org/Vod_Archival_Guide

- Links for the 4chan (#/vt/ and #recanon) IRC channels: https://rentry.org/IRC_Stuff
it’s over.
Hell yeah
If you poke a deep enough hole into fat people, would the fat leak out or is it somehow connected to the rest of the body?
Beri is gushing about Mint Fantome again
Imagine shattering her nose with the stomp of a steel boot
You'd probably just cum
Have you ever seen that white gristle on the edges of a steak or porkchop? Thats fat
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im so happy she’s finally playing disco it took way too long
wanna hug a fat bitch
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where is my filian..
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Hello /lig/!
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>twittertards think Callie left the VOD where her neighbor got murdered up
>catalogtards trying to find out where she lives and asking why she would care since it doesn't affect her
is this a reference or something i dont get it
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coqui hi!
i pushed her down the stairs
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*incoherent mumbling*
She calls her Oolong Tea "water" so when the waitress brought it to her she said "is this water?" before realizing what she said.
Isn't that just fatty meat?
why are you looking at the catalog
what a dork
God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
Twitter is the SEA of websites.
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Doxfags really can't control themselves can they?
I saw that thread. /vt/ holds a bunch of psychopaths lol
>trying to find out where she lives
surely that's against the board rules
Saw layna is talking with her community in her discord. Does anyone know what she talking about(i’m busy right now and can’t join in)?
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para miwa shondo cunny jets transformer man face rtx kiki savehymn saru midget pussy nino beri rooftop koreans filian mako hags australia
Why does she call her oolong tea water though? What does she call water?
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To type "ducks" in the search box and come here
I love Miia
>What does she call water?
Oolong tea
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>Druilla having microphone issues before stream
>Now Para is having vtube studio or osb issues
Theyre cursed!
You devil. Now I'm going to have an ear worm of this for the next 30 minutes
We should give them the vod and let them go crazy
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Good morning saar
in detail explain your reasoning why
just set up a filter to highlight and pin lig in the catalog
What does she mean by narrating the whole game?
i think its loosely connected but you can suck it out
I think its just the portal colors
Fat tissue isn't liquid
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I will have sex to vtuber
not before i do nyeheheh
Anyone have that image of Bat dreaming about SEA getting rangebanned?
mint stop trying to get free oral
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Beri is back and all is right in the world
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loli beri kami kourin~
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tiny bnuuy getting height mogged on her own stream
whenever posters make the posts like this I get really mad and jealous but also horny so I want to fuck the para posters too so that its even
I had that same thought too. Of course I don't blame Callie for being open about it, streaming and talking about it is therapeutic for her and it's just another unfortunate event delaying the stable living environment and stream schedule that she really wants. But the thought "This is a very identifying story" popped into my head more than once while watching the stream. It doesn't surprise me that people more autistic than myself would try to follow that thread, not even out of malice necessarily, but out of curiosity, or as some kind of challenge
im gonna slap this thing right on the skull
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after consensual marriage with that vtuber, right?
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are they planning their return to liggerdom?
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Filian is a wonderful person who is worthy of love and support
>girls do not kiss at sleepovers
is kunai a former ligger too?
She's worthy of a spanking until she pees not much else.
good morning i hate my bug wife jupiter actias
>if I was a guy I'd be tapping nuts and whatever else guys do
>huh wait you aren't supposed to do that?
>well girls slap other girls asses, well not my friends cause I told them not to. well it did happen once but I told them not to do that
Classic Beri
nope lmao
they don't know what it's like being the little brother of a girl having a sleepover
Didn't Kunai say she's going on indefinite hiatus
Yeah it worries me. I’m happy she’s moving out of there soon at least.
para is boring
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Smelly, autistic, dumb femcel who is basically going to school for no reason as she focuses more on her drawing and streaming. Meanwhile she lives with her weeb father, I'm guessing protective mother, and brother that sounds like a mega Chad playing TF2 and going to culinary school instead of computer science like miiers.
I enjoy her weird little zoomer streams where she talks about her childhood watching Minecraft youtubers who later on turned out to be pieces of shit which has now sparked an interest in lolcows for her like Daniel Larson, but she doesn't force it on you or talk about the latest lolcow news or anything like that, she just brings it up occasionally and shows little documentaries people have made of them.
Shes like the sister I never had in a way. I like showing her nostalgia and seeing her reaction, but I also enjoy seeing what she considers nostalgia since I never even heard of most of the stuff she likes.
I hope that was detailed enough for you.
Aloo Coqui
harukakaribu sounds unbelievably white and fat
[ Beri News ]
She has opened Civ 6.
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when i was in school me and the boys used slap each other's asses to mess with one another, it's normal

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she taunts me psychically until im a blubbering mess and then doesnt stream
low 3view but i don't think anyone talked about her
that sure is one of the tweets of all time
Why is Layna so abusable?
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I'm already married to her!
that's kinda gay bro
i am NOT clicking that
abused by exs
So cute!
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I know she’s like 24, but a lot of the time tanyers reads in the same age bracket as the older Barbies. Especially when you compare her to other zoomer streamers
not it wasn't it was a funny joke because being gay is weird and therefore funny
well get it on already, her last few eggs arent gonna fertilize themselves
>Para went digging through Druillas twitter account for art to use
>Got jumpscared by Druillas fat titties
>Starts asking her what she ate to get them so big
sexo art
sounds kinda gay to me
just play the video game already
>wanting to settle down is abuse
We really are in the modern times
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well it permanently rewired my brain so yeah, so do i
Vtubing is finished
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Lima India Niner Awake and awaiting orders
what a useless account
im gonna slap the late birthday girl on the bum
your orders are to gob right now
What's the most precious thing /lig/ would sacrifice if it meant Bao nsfw rtx?
i want to lunge at nino not violently or aggressively but just to startle her a little
I kinda don't want any, she should just keep sexualizing her model
1 Spaghetti
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Almost 3m views now, are you ready for her 6 view return?
i will now do both
Will the bnuuy blend in a blendtec blender?
Take me fucking back bro.
too far
Twitter views are worthless the moment you remember just interacting with the tweet count as a view
very organic
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Dark Souls 3 after yapping.
Sure but even scanning the other ban posts her post's engagement is massive. I don't really use Twitter seriously so idk how the algo really works, I know someone said likes is more important metric.
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oooh like Bug at videgames haha
twitter drama frogs do not watch streams.
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two million nine hundred ninety-seven thousand cunny enjoyers
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"Does the water hurt me"
>jumps in
do not diddle the fish
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jesus christ i didnt think they made that much
>Girl_DM's GOMAD experiment
Shondo and Milky
Grape got 50k likes on 5+ of her 3D teaser videos and saw 0 impact from it at all
Twitter is only useful as a public fan art forum and for people like me who hate having to join 40 discords just to know when streams are
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Can you make this crustier and add more Chromatic Aberration?
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Need Milky to take hormones to induce lactation so she can leak milk on stream
yarnham ass image
I imagine this is how leaky womper gets if he doesn't masturbate for a week.
Raping Layna's pink little pussy
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If twitter numbers correlated to twitch numbers someone around Oli's size would have 1/10th of Shondo's viewers, but they're the same
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i love fat bitches so much my liggers
Why would anyone like it? It was bullshit.
Now show followers gained
apples to oranges comparison, shondo is a vtweeter and oli is botting
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Bao, Mint Fantome, and Milky Queen are performing at a concert at VeXpo
This is irrefutable evidence that Oli owes me sex.
the chinese spy chuuba evokes in me a kind of happiness similar to Olivia Monroe.
Did the botter run out of money
this isn't even a fat bitch anymore this is just a blob
These people shouldn't own pets
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womp womp
why are you so fucking obsessed
These people? That's a cow
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Don't fucking reply to me with your schizo bullshit again
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I miss them already.
cant we all just get along
all of olivias viewers are kids who don't know how to make twitch accounts so they cant follow
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Brown bear
Never heard of a barn cat?
love the barbies
simple as
You're supposed to say "black woman racemixing"
good thing none of those are pets
Need Milky to give me a rimjob
Connective tissue(silverskin), fat is bright yellow
How is that being obsessed you retard
double retard
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me under the tale after they kick off their shoes, inhaling their combined footscent
She's not even black, it's just a pleasant tan
oh yeah well double dog retard
>not a rimzuri
erm actually shes an ursus americanus (black bear) so shes as black as they come
oh YEAH!? WELL, you're a triple scoop retard with idiot on top
Shut up chikadee china the chinese chicken
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Nemu schedule, looks like she's streaming five days a week now instead of three
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*shoots you*
consider this: Miwa cunny
we don't talk about nemu because she's not related to para
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Kind of insane how many more gigs Mint is getting now
I miss Nina, kitanya, and oli
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I like how Char puts her reflection on the screen
This will be a tiktok trend in 5 years because it looks cute
why is she all bloody
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Nyaru live making takoyaki
dumb bear sitting so close to the tv
does she go super fast like in those street food vendor videos?
anon please some giga ass shots I am on my knees
I Love Lucy
how's she liking factorio
We're getting unusual liggers
shes managed to play for 3 hours without turning on the paint
me and char
this anon gets it
You live in a bubble. They reason cats domesticated themselves was so they could eat the rodents in our granaries.
autism catwoman my beloved
i do not miss feemsh
has char been dino autisming
how much cellulite do you want on that giga ass
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sometimes I wonder what it'd be like if vtubers went more with a pic related style set up instead of the forward facing model next to game screen one
wait what happened now?
erm does this bear realize her shirt is transparent and i can see her boobies
Shondo got banned for "sexualization" of her own model apparently. Nobody knows who is responsible or what the core violation was.
A lot of chuubas with 3D models could do this but no one does it....
Shondo got tricked into saying the 14 words
I like the whole collection of her sloppa some anon posted the other day
i can also see her boobies
it's a waste of screen space
you're a waste of screen space
nta but I want normal sized huge ass with medium cellulite
please add my order to the other guy's if you're already gening Silver
can you gen several from very huge but still round and plump like Bittercream ones and then some that are cellulite ones where you have to put on a miner hat to reach the anus please?
now give her a dick
there's a few, but lig doesn't talk about them
>Charlotte wants a big dog
I thought that was a white woman thing
She wants it because she's scared of everything
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playing with fire
she's mentally mostly a child and doesn't see them in that way
ass clapping?
she probably has a mask on
anon it's an every woman thing look at Bao
she likes werewolves its different
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choccy shake
autists are all man/womanchildren deep down
is this an euphemism for diarrhea
you cropped it out what the fuck
rainhoe soft serve
I've seen some chuubas put on a walking video and then chat while pretending to walk around with chat following behind them. Layna did it once and I think she got the idea from Callie
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no it is a statement of triumph you disgusting creature
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I forgot I could just convert the mp4 I had to a webm instead of screencapping it so have it
doesn't take up more than most vtubers already do. just needs a much better setup than most have access to.
I would consider soft serve different from diarrhea
this thread is a lot better when you filter out all the freakfag liveposts
stop using my shit screencap nigger
your fault for attaching an image of lucy where it looks like she's taking a shit
Kitchen status: mapped
I want to hold the cone...
didnt realize paraschizo was awake this early
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>doesn't take up more than most vtubers already do
you're either blind or watching shit chuubas
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Why don't you suck my balls
Is he? I have his multi reply spam filtered
gobbed so many times to scat eating art where the shit is drawn like soft serve ice cream and it really makes everything hotter
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those are cute and somewhat simple to make since they just play a walking animation alongside the video. I also like when they bind animations to ingame controls, but I think I've only seen tanya and lyra do that.
He isn't, dunno why he would say that
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I hope he's okay
arent pitbulls and rottweilers and stuff bred to be psychotically aggressive to the point of suicide and ignoring self preservation instincts
I shall accept your proposition
this model was so fucking sex
Not really
When are we getting a pitbull ligger that will just snap one day and tear Shondo in half?
Rottweilers are based and a great breed. Pitbulls are the [REDACTED] of the dog world. If your oshi likes pitbulls you need to get another oshi.
what if your oshi owned a pug
But my oshi isn't a fag
Did this happen recently or is it the reason she moved?
what if your oshi owned a plug
Rottweilers are herding and guard dogs its in their instincts to act aggressively to anything outside of their pack/flock. Because of their size they can be more aggressive herders tackling animals that dont respond to smaller herding dogs "eye" herding.
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I'm judging you.
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what if your oshi

was a pug
hes the guy who manually complains about /freak/ unprompted and unleashes a bot if theres too much of what he dislikes
The murder was just the other day
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I'd pull it out while she was doing the dishes in her naked apron
what if your oshi owned a slug
pet owner skill issue, lmao
it happened a few days ago but the knocking episode and the fact that shit like that can happen are the main reasons she's moving
thats bull terriers and mastiffs, those ones were bred for dog fighting so theyll fight even with a ton of broken bones for no reason
No I mean he isn't awake (or at least doesn't post)
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So how is Beri doing?
Any chuubas that are racist, but in the old imperialist racism kind of way, not the modern racism kind of way?
That would make her even better
For that I plap twice
Man, looking at Numi's Subathon goals it's kind of wild how she respects her audience more than Sinder. Like, out of these goals I can only count maybe one or two that are things I think Numi would already do on her own and the album is the only thing on here that is something her fans can then buy for money later, which isn't even necessary because she also just posts all the songs from her albums on Youtube for free. I'd also argue an album is way more effort for her than a statue.
Not as good as the new one, but it was pretty good.
hi numi
I kiss Bat twice
>Taking a hiatus
>for a week
why are women like this
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my teas gone cold and I'm wondering why...
yes, don't trust posts like >>81419726 that will say "look at my velvet hippo he so cute couldn't hurt a fly" only to become local news not long after
post the clip of her farting
Numi kisses up to Sinder way too much for that to be me.
we don't watch her sorry
how do i stop my oshi from guerillaing and get her to stay on schedule
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im here eating a sponebob ice cream waiting for my lyly
Alice Sawyer likes pitbulls
None unfortunately
I don't know how Civ campaigns usually go but she seems to be doing well? I'm enjoying the stream at least
Only show up and donate during the schedule you want her in. Your Oshi will notice.
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Complain about it here in a way that she'll find when egosearching
Stop watching
complain to her boyfriend in DMs
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The toddlerification of maggotchamps is disgusting
If women were in charge of society, they would have bred Yocci's favorite breed
imagine the diapers...
these are the kinds of posts he usually makes manually.
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oh isnt that the cuck chuuba
can you give it a binky
That's good, I'm pretty nooby to Civ but I think science victories are pretty safe to get
Okay, I dip in and out of here so it's hard to tell what's actually going on sometimes.
please do this
imagine tob wearing a diaper and spinning her dreidel haha
You're being schizo, I've posted like that before
Your post would have been good if only you didnt post tobs.
I clicked it, he's pretty cute ngl
is there actually a spongebob ice cream or do you mean one of those awesome soft popsicle things with the gumball eyes
I was going to say this
Oh those. They usually come right before his spam but I don't know if those are him
Yeah thats him, he can't resist blogging when he has nothing to justify a sperg out
>only one person can dislike para shills
holy shit you exist? i couldn't imagine bothering to go look at posts that people refuse to even link. that's already schizo territory, there's never anything worth seeing.
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popsicle and they dont have gumballs anymore
anon he makes those exact posts every day
Isn't that the one who cucked a guy
>and they dont have gumballs anymore
oh well fuck them entirely then. cheap assholes don't deserve my money.
stop diaperposting its changing me
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>they dont have gumballs anymore
WHAT? Chewing the half frozen gumball eyes was the best part after finishing the ice cream.
I think more chuubas should make animations like that random weird furry guy's that got posted the other day
Very weird posts
>posts that people refuse to even link
replying directly to a sperg causes a lot of annoying spam, better this way
i would stick the beri one up my ass i think
you bother to go around ctrl+f'ing random shit just to see what someone is talking about? couldn't imagine.
that's a small pussy
Another weird post, please stop
Pink thing looks tastiest
I love fat women
weird posting is the weirdest type of posting
I almost forgot to hate Layna today
Licking the Nino one like I would lick her large brown anus.
I want to stick my tongue into icechromu's mouth
the butt is exit only
I'm just not sure what you want from me and your posts make me uncomfortable, that's why
agreed, fat girls should have big thick plump pussies
incredibly gay post
well it's opposite day bitch give me that ass
but where does the rape go then?
and the scatposts dont? my man
I am going to kiss icecream Beri so hard
Okay how would the antennas work
the exit is when I'm finished
I wasn't in that conversation
scat is hot
obese hog
Hm, yes, I suppose you're right. I'm hungry now
You were so close
cherry, lime, and blue raspberry are the flavors they use in most mass produced ice pops. Go wild

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