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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Vtubers (female) being good at games is unattractive
>woah sick 360 no scope brooooo woeee youre like a dude except even the worst pro level guy would destroy you
Learn how to cook or something. Do a cooking stream
He's right.
men are better at cooking too
It's a good thing most of them aren't then.
But it’s cuter when vtubers (female) do it
Skill issue
>except even the worst pro level guy would destroy you
And they would do the same to you. Are you an ape, can you only comprehend extremes?
Kys pekofrog poster
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Hololive is obviously exempt
Learn to cook
I disagree
I already can. Learn to post worth a damn.
not really, men look better in naked apron
I’m probably in the minority but I don’t like watching chuubas that aren’t at least average at games, I can’t watch someone die in the same place over and over for like 4 hours.
Minato Aqua is both cuter and better at games than you and your oshi
Sweaty streamers in general aren't very entertaining. They usually have the charisma of a dish towel.
It's not like I find it attractive or impressive or anything like that, but when someone outright sucks at a game it can take forever for them to progress through it or they might become so distraught they drop it. Their own personal interest in the game is a variable, too, but I've watched a lot of streams for games I love that just went fucking nowhere because the streamer couldn't get the hang of it.

Off the top of my head, I was excited to see Luna play THPS because anons had mentioned she played it before and those are legitimately fun games (you don't have to care about skateboarding at all, they're actual video games) but Luna never even left the tutorial area. She just rolled around, going up and down ramps, and I think occasionally she hit an ollie or something. I swear to fucking God, she could do that in real life. THPS is a game where you go flying through a city at 40 MPH grinding along the rooftops of buildings and chaining moves together to create huge combos, but she looked like an actual real life skateboarder for the entire stream and it was fucking boring.

Same thing when a girl plays a fighting game or FPS I like. I don't give a fuck about grinding MMR or tournaments or anything like that, I had absolutely zero interest in Aqua's descent into depression thanks to apelegs, but even when they play a casual shooter do you want them to spend half the time respawning? It's just not fun to watch and it's not fun to watch them not have fun, especially if it's a game you like.
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i'm sorry 3d first person perspectives make you motion sick, ma'am
Botan clearly shits on your argument Pekofrogchama
>Can't even beat OoT
I have a question for vt.
Is Zen good at games or bad?
Le tranny
I wish
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Being an adult male nowadays and actually having your whole personality be 'whoaaaa i haaate women bros women amirite fellas?? haha meming about how bad women are is just as funny as the first time as I heard it over twenty years ago lmao women = bad LOLLL' is cringe as fuck tbdesu
if you are not some oldfag millenial or boomer saying shit like this it means you are literally an absolutely retarded faggot just repeating things like this to try to fit in with the ebin and cool 4channel people who are all fucking losers who wasted their youths with their own autistic retardation when you could be making something out of it and not being such a spaz

there's no excuse for being an actual zoomer type person and repeating this tired 'women amitite???' demotivational psyop shit, it's old and passe and there are clearly women chuubas that disprove claims like this instantly such as Korone
zoomers are so fucking over this whole 'seething about our own personal failures way into our adulthood and asspatting ourselves with 'well at least we aren't wammenz' shit that millenials on this site do and I'm tired of seeing this on this board/site in general, it's fucking embarrasing to be quite frank desu

git gud yourself and stop whining faggot and there's nothing special or challenging about bideo games you fucking dork ass loser
Fuck you pekofrog poster.
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you're cringe, that gave way to "WAMEN" a long time ago. it's terrifying that we live in active gynocracy that does nothing but talk about women, elect women and let women get away with every crime. yeah, there's going to be some fucking pushback on watching women, among other DEI hires, stumble through what could have been our lives. no, i'm relegated to not ever mattering because if i did the wrong kind of person would matter, we made all fucking better by changing who the losing team is.

and then you come in here while we try to enjoy what tiny bit of women our brain will still allow us to assimilate and tell us what to think and do. here's an idea, you ready, player one? kys. jump your cringe ass in front of a bus. i long for a world where women are as secure as korone, not horrible monsterous replacements for men brimming with dangerous levels of insecurity at every moment, the state and the school and the church and whatever else at their back. kys 4 real bro.
post tits roastie
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>3DPD women in my local culture/city/country suck in a general sense therefore I will shit on the unrelated chuubas I watch (which I'm supposedly watching to have fun) for being women constantly and will resign myself to being bitter and reassuring myself everyday with 'h-heh women amirite' asspats as I 'ironically' enjoy the women I watch in a detached disingenous way instead of allowing myself to be happy and improving
thanks for proving my point about how fucking sad people like you are
you're literally on the same level as troons that think they can act like cunts to "cisgender" people just because their unrelated parents called them a faggot for putting a dress on or blacks who whine about whitey all day just because some cracker a hundred years ago owned their ancestor. You're no different to women who act like bitter spiteful cunts who treat any man they come across like the devil just because they had a shitty chad bf one time when they were 16.
It's actually people like you who stew in your own damage and can't help sperging about it that should kys instead of infesting places like this where we just wanna talk about the cute 2D girls we like with it.
I.. I don’t know what to say….
No one is reading any of this but you just keep posting
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no u
also kys for that retarded image selection
Femanon is just having a bit of a meltdown
women amirite?
Never played Apex in my life, but I guarantee you if I put in half the hours into that game that she did I'd be twice as good.
Watching women suck at video games gets unbelievably boring. They should stick to yapping streams if they can't play well enough
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to be fair Twisty is pretty good at League, the only game she actually claims to be good at
the difference is most anons dont pretend to be pro level players the way some idiot streamer girls do *cough*doki*cough*
I dont mind them tryharding if they can keep up the banter, but most people go silent when they focus, which doesnt make for entertaining streams
What rank and role is she?
This just makes me think of the absolute pain that was watching Kronii and Kiara's Diablo 2 collab. Kiara actually tried and halfway knew what was going on, but Kronii was so utterly dogshit and so bored that it pissed me off and I couldn't even sit through it the whole way. I was so hyped to watch that, D2 has always been one of my all time favorites, but they ruined it. Kronii mostly.
I dont remember offhand, not a LoL player myself so most of her yapping goes over my head. She did say she used to place decently on the global leaderboards or something, and she talks a mile a minute about all the characters and items and builds and minutia like only an autist sperging about their favorite hobby can do.
What is this supposed to mean?
that anon probably doesnt know either
Well you made me find her op.gg and she’s silver with a 35% win rate.
is that with her newly created Twisty streaming account? She did some grinding streams and said she'd never catch up with her main account she'd been playing for years, but obviously you can't use that one.
men are better at quite literally everything so your point is rather moot. the only thing women do that men can't do better is give birth
Anon, I’m sure she was plat or even a little higher with a midlaner or adc duoing with her, but no good player has a negative win rate after 40 games. I literally used to boost accounts for a living
You are a way bigger faggot than the doomer zoomers m8
OP is making a dumb argument to just say that sweaty compfag LoL/Valorant/Apex vtubers are fucking boring and that's a completely valid opinion to have
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fucking frog poster
Plenty of vtubers do cooking streams. It's weirdly common

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