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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Blonde haired catboy edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307
VShojo: https://x.com/VShojo/status/1810826269552169224

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Previous Thread: >>81394056
I'd rather not use the obnoxious lesbian thread

So, we've both done pokemon smash or passes quite a while ago, are meaning to revisit, AND have some hot opinions on em? Hey now, I smell something cooking here if you do! Nice to meet ya, still unnamed anon! You got my name, so feel free to reach out if it sounds fun! I'll be around. ^^
y'all niggas gonna make it
I'll take this OP over the lesbo one
I need you faggots to stop making a new thread the moment I make one. Make it earlier or not at all.
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Shut up bitch
I wish I could do a smash or pass since they're fun and easy content but I know I'd get shit for saying I'd smash ralts or gothita or cleffa.
all good! I'm pretty flexible so if there's anything you have in mind just throw it my way!
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Theyll can have a threesome with Iriya and make Pukki watch
can love bloom between a corpo chuuba and an indie..
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How long you can watch this VOD? Can you last until the very end?
Review what you think and let the thread know your feelings and reactions on the stream.
This is awful. Is this what passes for male vtubers here?
Gotta plap the lesbo out of them, keep them on a leash and treat them like dogs
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Haru's playing MORE Super Mario 64!
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He's just a little unhinged alien.
But you're repulsive, anon. No girls like you, especially not lesbians. :D
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Remember newfriends… Schizo bakers making bad faith OPs is another form of toxic positivity. Familiarize yourself with trolling and avoid being baited.
No one gives a shit, Ineda.
There's no way this stays up
I’m not going to watch this because the topic repulses me, but I am proud of Ineda focusing on a niche and being unique. More VTubers need to be doing that. Obviously not copy Ineda’s Loli stuff, but find your niche and make it known.
it should remain up for the shock value alone plus it's not like he actually shared cunny on screen he just discusses the subject, brings a few on to talk with him and reviews polls and feedback from it
We like lolis here, you should adapt to it or leave.
Pedophiles deserve the rope
YouTube terms and services/communtiy guidelines are against many things being presented for solely “shock value.” Notably blood and gore. Never looked into loli stuff specifically, but they are adamant about potential harm to children not being shown.
There are several big loli VTubers on YouTube, including corpos
Are they talking about loli pornography?
NTA, I like lolis but lolicons acting like gooners repulses me, why would you proudly display that you jack off to little girls. I know being loud and in your face is regular vtuber MO but being a gooner front and center on main is just repulsive, not to mention a redflag since you're essentially making it your personality and trying to make it seem acceptable. Being a lolicon is not acceptable by any means, it's a subculture that should keep its head down and understand it's not something that should be palatable to everyone keeping it to yourself is the best you can do, and everyone turning a blind eye to the porn and maybe having a giggle or two to the memes is the best you should hope for.
It’s not about lolis. It’s about potentially sexualizing lolis or misleading minors into watching sexual themes. “Harm” to minors is vague. It depends on how overzealous YouTube gets about it. If anyone is interested, you can read for yourself.
The ones in Vallure are
Here we go again, typical schizo op turning into a schizo thread. I'll see you guys later tonight.
That's a fair stance to take.
I agree wholeheartedly. I sometimes enjoy loli content but fuck ever mentioning that or ever associating with open lolicons (JPs get a pass). Who does this appeal to? Girls aren't going to watch you since a lot find any sex talk grotesque let alone lolis, guys who like loli won't watch you because they like lolis not men who goon to lolis. You also completely nuke any chance of anybody with any sort of following associating with you

If you like loli, keep it to yourself
Every person who's into loli shit that I've known immediately lost interest in it once they had sex with a woman. Curious.
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I'm taking some dumb online quizzes and chatting
Shotacons winning yet again
>women and men who are shotacons
>men who like to self insert as the shota
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Here's some important info for you faggors.

So you want to be a male vtuber? Maybe you already are one, and you're seeing zero growth. If so, this guide may be for you. I can't guarantee that you'll see any growth, any advice is better than no advice.

Don't be a male vtuber. I know you don't want to hear this but it's the truth.

There is objectively not an audience for you in the vtubing sphere. We see this right now with the current hatred for the Holostars for interacting with the new HoloEU talents. The majority of viewers are unicorns. The majority of viewers absolutely hate men with every fiber of their being. There is a reason many viewers were ecstatic when Magni and Vesper were fired from Holostars. It is why there was no announcement unlike with Rushia, who was a beloved Hololive talent.

Normies think vtubers are cringe. They are going to think you're extra cringe. You won't make any inroads with normal streamer culture.

Still undeterred? I admire your bravery. I can respect it. Here are a few pieces of advice I've seen through the years. Many of these are to preserve your mental health more than anything. For males, that is the most important thing.

1. Accept your place in the universe. The majority of viewers are only watching you until their oshi goes live. Enjoy their company until then. Those who would watch a male first are already watching Vox Akuma or Holostars. If you want to try to get an established audience you have to either be a femboy or go hard on appealing to yumejoshi or fujoshi. There's a reason all the corporate males look the same.

2. Don't actively chase or pay attention to numbers, ever. Check occasionally to track your growth, maybe every two weeks, but don't leave the number of viewers or followers visible. That will surely lead to brain worms when compared to any femchuuba.

3. Mind your niche. Overplayed categories have no way to be discovered. Play niche games, especially if you don't like them.

4. Be somewhat parasocial. Unlike the fems, you have to try your hardest to hold on to any viewers you may have. Anyone who willingly chooses to watch you over a woman who is doing the same thing as you should be cherished.

5. Invest in good equipment when possible. 2d or 3d Models over PNGs, audio interfaces over a USB microphone, the works. When a cute girl has a scuffed stream, it's cute and endearing. A fem could have a still PNG on screen and will still have more viewers than you. When it's you, it's cringe and will cause people to !lurk. You don't want that.

6. DO NOT INTERACT WITH WOMEN. If they choose to interact first, respond. Do not approach. You will draw the ire of their community, as they see you as a threat. Along with that, they will almost universally have a bigger following than you. This could hurt you mentally if you have invested more than them. You want to avoid any controversy.

7. Avoid controversy! This goes for everyone, but I've seen so many male vtubers get canceled and ruined over takes and opinions that's called based when it's a woman. Pippa's entire fanbase is built on her being a creature that should have been canceled years ago, but she continues to be more and more popular. Fems are immune to cancel culture. You're not. Be diligent.

8. Stream on Twitch. There is no discoverability on YouTube. If you use YouTube, make edited videos on your interests. Do not store VODs on your main channel. An objective truth is that no one watches VODs.

9. Avoid dead air. Yap constantly. A lady can be quiet for hours and still have viewers. You don't have that luxury. Avoid narrating your actions in game though! Keep track of things to yap about while streaming.

10. Know your limits. More than likely you will never even come close to partner or joining a real vtuber agency. As a male vtuber, you will most likely hit your viewer ceiling at under ten viewers. Try your hardest to break them, but know there just aren't a lot of people who want to watch males.
Question, if I make a weekly thing where I try to become smarter (each episode would end with a test, like a math test for example?) would anyone want to watch that? It would be more of a chill stream, softer with some music behind it. You could treat it as a radio.
I'm not letting you near my balls, sir.
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This would work for a girl

Not for a guy, female viewers don't want to watch you struggle because it's uncool
I'll pretend to be a girl just for those streams alone.
So many failmales here lmao
Let's play a game: am I male or female?
Wow, I probably should quit being a male vtuber!
Male. The logical answer is female, but I’m betting you’re trying to throw us off.
If lolis get normalized then this stupid controversy finally dies. Somene has to talk about it openly or else we'll be forever stuck in this shitty situation
Male babi
I'm the latter
one time I actually shit myself on stream but didn't go to the bathroom or change because I was doing well numbers/chat wise
ria / riacitrx is kind of crazy
>zero sleep in the last 24 hours
>typical celebration stream for an hour or two turns into an impromptu collab with two other high energy girls for the next 3 hours
>its also her very first collab on her channel ever
>5 hours in and she is still maintaining high energy and engagement with chat

this women is not gonna make it because she is too mentally ill to realize she is a great streamer but holy fuck if she could just fix her imposter syndrome she is a great. once she learns how to do some of the fancier production stuff that larger indies do I have no doubt she will be a 4 view.

ive only watched her for two months now but she is my oshi
Lolis will never be normalized because sexual attraction to prepubescent children is not normal
Will it ever get better from here, malebros?
she needs to learn how to stop stumbling over her words all the time, but yeah I agree overall
>collabs with lava
As long as you put the time in, things are looking up
Lol, lmao
Anon, don't lie to yourself
Someone's not paying attention to the world around them
When you think of vtuber duos, who comes to mind? The sort of "you can expect this person to be around if person A is here"
I think of cdawgva/ironmouse, skab/gob, koe/faith, etc.
Is this the meta for numbers? Having a friend you can bounce off eachother for streams?
Oh, so Beryl really is still here.
Is there some sort of biological change in humans which makes prepubescent children fertile or something?
>its also her very first collab on her channel ever
That doesn't seem right.... I could swear she'd had onions and lava over at some point before....
>if she could just fix her imposter syndrome she is a great
that's the ONLY thing stopping her
That’s not Beryl
It only works for couples. Start kissing your homies and both your numbers will rise.
I think she legit has undiagnosed dyslexia so I can't fault her but I agree. How do you even practice that? She is way too zoomer for my old ass.

Oh I think she might have done some random late night streams with both of them but my bed time is 8 pm. Those were mostly just chat and art though I think? This was actual games.
I really wanna do that thing that a favorite Youtuber of mine does where he has his friends over but my friends have no filter
It really is. Her pace of growth is outstanding but in her eyes if she doesn't blow up to 5k+ followers overnight like some other streamers have from here that started after her then she thinks she is a failure and that's just insane to me. She never accepts that as advice either.
I feel like as a viewer I shouldn't be frustrated with that lack of self awareness but it does annoy me sometimes.
cody/ineda/pafu - danger crew
kogo/kyuu - krinklekrew
chibi/shabby/violet - /choc/
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/asp/ies who would benefit from better content / better model
You should! You'll never grow past five viewers!
Double it and give it to the next person
>want to do a handcam stream
>realise i'd have to wear full bodysuit to cover my arms and wrists because im a menhera who used to self harm everywhere until i quite literally ran out of space and self harmed over old scars so my skin is fucked up and mangled
kill me
why is kenny in schizo?
im getting bullied
wtf malphon has such a SEX model what are you on about?
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Do you ever feel sad that your vtuber friend has so many more other friends than you? Do you feel jealous? Afraid of being replaced or forgotten?
Damn right, good post for this
it doesnt even matter
>watching malphon stream
>diaper crew, crinkle crew, kyuu wears diapers, kogo wears diapers
I don't understand if it's a joke or real
Probably. Do you watch any male vtubers?
The three of them are the true krinkle krew, I think it's cute that the end of Gen 6 kinda teamed up and are all hanging out.
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Thoughts on this autist ?
Not really. I'm fully aware of how bad I am at making and keeping friends.
>better model
Workin' on it. Finally starting to get a design realized so whenever I get the money for a vtuber mama I can pass it to them to refine.
Herahera-chan's still around. Huh.
cool concept, but nothing came out of it
it's really embarrassing you made friends with kuromaru the right wing homophobe and transphobe extraordinaire
Takes too long to upload anything. Would still plap.
Jesse what the fuck do you mean better content?
I like my autism hyperfixiation.
Go back.
Gen 6 stays together even if I want to strangle kogo and malphon
Please tell me the diaper shit is a joke...
he's funny and cool duder that likes guns bro, not that deep
its a joke dont worry
It's a joke. Haha.
Never seen any proof of this despite people saying it for over a year as a ritual post whenever he gets mentioned.
yea it just kind of happened, stars aligned i suppose
yeah man its totally a joke (pees a little)
Shut it my skeb for Iriya just got approved
thinking about taking the plunge
thanks /asp/
im slowly finding my footing so hopefully my content will start to improve soon
what's going on big guy?
hopefully you mean off a bridge
lmao no
shania breaking a wine glass with the sheer power of his rectum
drop the vocaroo
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I was forced to see this even when I am not following him so now you do too.
looks like a leathery chocolate pankcake
why won't men send me photos of their pp :(
Did you try not being a ugly fat schizo?
Tell me who you are and I will send you a pp right NOW
if i posted link you wouldn't believe me
>greentexting in discord
be an insane menhera whore after breaking up with a guy that was amazing from what she posted on her tumblr pandering to your fans and calling them your gumpanions and saying all sorts of perverted shit on twitter and when her gumpanions answer with the same energy she blocks all private contact, she is not made for this
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Don’t go sharing it around.
whoever could have predicted this outcome
Who the fuck is removing aspies from the tierlist?
He's right. Don't go posting your tummy if you don't want horny people DMing you.
Forget Minecraft, Gumpai has the real block game. This seems like an overreaction, but I'm not a girl so maybe random dick pics wouldn't phase me the same
This is too vague
Why is it so small?
My IQ is pretty low…
You should see a mechanic about that
A dick pick shouldn't phase anyone. If you're so sensitive you have a breakdown because of one then you shouldn't be on the internet
Why do you have some of the most successful /asp/ies in green? This tierlist makes no sense.
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??? I've never talked to this person before
NTA, but it just means they could still improve. The list is retarded for other reasons
>it's based on shit you made up in your head

Think whatever you want, I just find that mildly ironic.
I told her you are a sexpest and to block you :3
Don't bother, that bitch is an actual schizophrenic.
Hi, it seems you don't know who gumpai is. She's an unmedicated bipolar woman. This should explain any questions you could ever have
I mean, it is a nice tummy
I'd like to be removed actually, just been too busy to track down Jamie on discord.
beautiful princess disorder
Free model for anime dislikers, here you go.
you missed some schizos there
She's a retard

Yes people shouldn't send you their cock and balls but you don't have my sympathy because you instigated it

Everyone involved here is an idiot
>Everyone involved here is an idiot
That seems to be a common /asp/ consensus
that, or that one anon who complains he's "not right-wing enough"
I wish I was a hot girl like gumpai sometimes so my BPD would get me attention and quirk points.
I love when vtubers don't put credits anywhere on their twitter stream info or card so I have no idea who made or rigged their model
Be like Iriya then
I made/rigged it myself and it shows
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VERY fun, lots of love aspies, thank you all for visiting it always means a lot! hugs and kisses!!!!
You aren't her I recognize the model art but not the rigging.
>Better Model would help
I need to finish these commissions so badly first...I'm either gonna make a better PNGtuber or a scuffed L2D model
gumpai insta bans me for red flag vibes, kinda based
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He fell off
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I just upgraded my png a couple weeks ago... I guess I'll get back to the drawing board.
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like a day or something I lost track
>better content and better model would help
its over for this fucking squid
I miss papaya...
No you fucking don't
What do you miss about him? Use your words.
Its been several weeks and I cannot, for the life of me, pick a username/name that I will be content vtubing and making content with

its over even before it began
Barney my oshi.
niggerkiller69 is taken?
whats the most obvious thing about your vtuber character that can be used to name yourself?
as someone who struggled with this, pick a name that you feel comfortable with others calling you and then tack on another name that makes it catching after that. if you look at hololive, they pick a good first name that isnt used often and then a last name that represents the character.
I will take a wife from /asp/, she will bear my children, and we will have a happy loving family together.
I got you, anon :] first off, you need a concept to build your character off of. If you have that, then you can move on to things like names and appearances.
Yes I do
I always advocate this but use https://www.behindthename.com/names/search and under "meaning" search simple keywords related to your character, either their job, color scheme, etc etc, then find something you think sounds cool.
less jokes, more writing please
needs to help me bring meat back
OK papaya
Wait for someone big to get suspended then snipe steal their name. Take their oshi marks too since those can't be copyrighted.
do it in real life
>tranny voice
It's over before it even begins for me
goonstick :3
palm raping my goon stick!!!
Just voice train?
But I want to vtube now not in a year when I have a perfect voice (assuming that's even achieveable)
it's okay if you're a real girl people will love you anyways
Then just VTube then. Are you trying to use a male or female model?
Do what I did
VTube while you voice train to work out the kinks, then quit once your voice is approaching good, then redebut as someone else a few months later.

Thread has the memory of a goldfish anyway.
They meant Tren. ESL obviously
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Me and who?..
I'll never have what they have it's over
me too :3c
I have a kiss emote but it's not like that....ooouuuggggggghhhh j want that kind
Happy for them but I really feel like a third wheel whenever I go to either of their streams and the other is there.
me too. you get used to it
How did you voice train?
She is right, posting pictures of yourself on Twitter is not an invitation for dickpics. I also block every single dickpic I get, if you don't want to be blocked don't be a sexpest.
Flirt with one of them in front of the other
I sent her the dick pic and I'm here to say she was literally begging for it. She posted her hot tummy on twitter for me to see and it made me hard so why wouldn't I show her what she does to me? I'm going to do a tribute for her next.
You want one too?
catbox it please
You might be surprised to learn how often this happens in both of their chats, I watch both of them and it seems like both of them are constantly being hit on by their own chats
How bad is it?
Like this https://www.twitch.tv/lexivt
maybe like this https://www.twitch.tv/makofukasame

or post vocaroo
You ever get a crush on one of your viewers or vtuber friends and when you see them in your chat you start getting nervous and sperging out? How do you deal with being watched by someone you find adorable and absolute sex?
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Barack Obama
she dumped a committed boyfriend to be a gfe whore anon, do you really think she thought this through?
I stalked them and then DMed them after
Funny looking ;)
I sound as fake as fwofie and coco
One of my fans I know is a cute girl because she uses her IRL photo as her picture

I have a hard time keeping my dick in my pants because she's so sweet
you should fuck her
why does this excite me so?
I'm usually in reasonably good control of myself, but I find that I start giggling when certain folks show up. The reaction is stronger for the ones I least expect to see around, with some special exceptions. I usually settle back down not too long afterward, don't want anyone to think that i'm losing my marbles.
Both of those voices mog mine, my tranny voice is worse than I even thought.
God I wish I could use him like an onahole
>is fine
sounds like someone hasnt kept up with me at all
name him, sis!
I want to murder every vagueposter in the most painful way possible.
One of my viewers did this but she is 15
i want people to cum to my design first and come to my streams second. next month ill save up my skeb fund.
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>better content
Such as?
I don't know if my vtuber friend is flirting with me for jokes or for real
what's the problem?
my biggest tip is finding something in your range thats comfortable but on your higher end at first if newer to voice training / work! :3
I'm more well behaved than THE ACTUAL SCHIZOS (maybe not on twitter) I just talk how words come out in my head
me too. i just act like an oblivious harem protag, if they like me like that theyll just have to say it plainly.
Are your a girl? If you’re a girl they’re probably flirting with you for real.
I'd love to be better at streaming/content creation, but I'm borderline creatively sterile and have almost no life experience. What do I do to fix this?
What type of content do you like to watch yourself? Just copy other successful people that are doing what you like.
Observe, plan, execute.
Actually being an oblivious harem protagonist makes you ungroomable. Unless you are a woman.
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you know the dick pic wasnt that bad but i wish you'd warn me because I was with my dad at the movie theaters and he gave me a huge scolding that i shouldnt be looking at dicks in public because i might get registered as a sex offender, we did get ice cream though. also i think cum tributes are ok but im thinking of a nsfw gumpai hashtag still. hope this finds you well.
Sorry gumpai, but you know you gotta prove it's you. If you please vacaroo something that would be nice. The crabs are all over you again.
I am a girl but my friend is another girl. She said she is tired of how men treat her and wants to marry me but I can't tell if she is exaggerating or serious
all gumpai.....

weird list but i'll pretend that it's actually well made

i'm not sure about new model/png doing anything numbers wise, since i know the reception for my current one is good already, and honestly i don't see my simple design looking that much better as a live2dmodel, lol. we'll see.

content wise, i'd love to do cooking streams! and handcam stuff as well, like building gunpla or lego sets! i am very limited by not having my own space and living with family, which is why i only play videogames for the stream at the moment. though, i'm enjoying only gaming as content, and it's doing well, so, yay~
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wait a second...

I'll take that as a compliment.
I miss her
>nsfw gumpai hashtag
I thought you already decided on #GumCreampai
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I don't know how to do the cool dark mode.
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On mobile
Tap settings at the top and it's under miscellaneous

On desktop it should be on the bottom right to change the theme to tomorrow
Bottom of website when on non mobile Version
Change from youtsuba b to tomorrow
You're welcome
Probably both, but i might be hard on myself
icefox sometimes does godot streams so far?
crane has done some Vrchat stuff on discord I think
Mako isn't a troon though
I love you gumpy!
You want to be a vtuber because of the fame and money. I want to be a vtuber because I want to use my fame and and money to leverage myself into grooming smaller vtubers. You and I are not the same.
We're the same in that we will both be equally successful in our goals. Read: Not
How often should I stream to not burn out my repeat viewers? I have a few viewers that like me, just not watch me every day kind of like me. I don’t want to drive them away by streaming way too much.
>your name
>chinese translation of your name
>japanese reading of chinese kanji
take regular breaks and aim for a minimum of 3 streams a week and a maximum of 5 streams a week.
Omoni Oboeru is a pretty cool name.
You'll find someone else to replace me
Name him sis
Karaoke practice. Plz gib feedback.
can you not tell that you aren't singing the right pitches and are badly out of tune?
Nta but what the fuck is the difference between pitch and tune?

Throw in things like harmony, melody, beat and rythm while you're at it
no. I won't.
for funny feeling I do know that because its all chords and I have nothing to follow
for ikanaide I think I'm close because the vocals follow the guitar pattern quite closely
Your voice sounds like you're begging to suck my cock
What lyrics are you using for Ikanaide? Who's translations I mean. It's a bit harder because you're going for a slower pace than the original
I imagine a women with penis envy typed this pose.
Lizz Robinet lyrics
While using this background track
that was obvious
tuning is intonation, how accurately on pitch you are, and you are often badly out of tune, pitch is the actual note you are singing, and many times you are just not singing the right note at all
tranny cock...
yeah autumns
would kiss it from the tip to the base
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would it be career suicide to trauma dump on stream and reveal honest personal details about your mental health or is that the fucking meta
its small
>Lizz Robinet lyrics
I find that these lyrics are much more wordy.. anyways, you are out of tune and the pitches you aren't hitting. For Ikanaide, I always recommend people to use JubyPhonic's lyrics cause it's easier on the tongue. I also feel that you run out of air fast trying to push that vibrato in your voice. Breath control is really important when doing karaoke or singing in general. Covers like on youtube that aren't just one takes, they have the blessing of doing line-by-line recording.

I'd work on breath control and keeping to the tune and pitch. You have kind of unstable vocals methinks.

No one will ever love me like you did (lie)
Will this be more immersive for streaming Victoria 3
are you a girl? yes
are you a man? no
men need to show strength
women get retards trying to protect and "fix" them from the other side of the world when they show any sign of mental illness
>its small
That's perfect
ainslie, I just wanted to tell you I don't hate you but I had to stop watching you because I would constantly imagine us having sex, thats also why I left your discord
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Watch these funny men
>12 subs
i know this is a shilling thread but fuck off with your greentext adventures faggot
I'm not watching that.
I only sex with people strong enough to beat me and make me surrender
actual question how much for a pic
Vocaroo requests? Nothing crude.
enough $$ for a lifetime supply of mcdonalds nuggies (sorry but no, i vtube for a reason silly :3)
Can you tell me I did a good job and you believe I'll do a good job tomorrow too
I like this /asp/ie too much for someone I barely know
Name him, sis!
Hi Rissucchi/Yami/Kaorin, when are you going to return to twitch to try, fail and end suffering with the predictions in Holocure?
I think a Vtuber I watch is in love with me and I don't know how to react when they openly flirt with me when I visit their stream
2010 called they want their containment breaching slop back
A person from a group of people i had a fight with visited my stream and im pretty sure its because they start to realise how shitty that group's "leader" actually is
I think I loved him at some point
I have a good job and only became a chuuba because I'm lonely.
Sure thing :]
same, as much as I like working from home it has completely destroyed my mind to the point where I start to enjoy pointeless video meetings just because I'm finally going to see people and talk to people
If it works for Fuza it can work for you!
Not anymore?
I think I'm finally free from you.
Give me Gumpai tummy. I need it in my life.
Pittie tummy is also acceptable.
I meant to write Pukki but I am sure Pittie also showed tummy one time too.
I don't know
She did and she was chubby
Sometimes I wish some of the other responses to these posts were for me, but I know that's probably not healthy nor accurate.
His fault or your fault?
well what was it that you loved about him? and what changed?
The person you least expect
i miss her even though she streamed today
Neither. It was never meant to be in the first place.
name cool /asp/ie for cool doodle or something
Nova (novanekovt for those who don't know)
you :3c
Must broke
Ria it was her birthday
Ramnor (me)
Thats kinda sad
i’m not very good at making connections but i like seeing what everyone is up to each and every day :]
I know this feel very well, sometimes I wonder how or why I started to have feelings for him and how much I wish I didn't have them, sometimes I wonder if I can even recover our friendship but whatever, you live you learn
>well what was it that you loved about him?
He filled the missing pieces that I needed in my life.
>what changed?
Reality. >>81448458

Sometimes people show up in our lives at the right time and it just happens.
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This was Minori. She passed away from cancer a few days ago.

I feel compelled to share this with everyone. She doesn't deserve to be forgotten.

Then do. Your endeavour is a good one and i dont think she will be
Same, it doesnt even feel good to pretend just pathetic
that is harsh, but i get ya. keep your chin up and keep loving regardless of the situation
maybe not towards them but towards yourself, to others, to the world and everything it has to offer <3
Sad. I found her the same way some others here did when she was posted some time ago and her songs were lovely.
Be sure to appreciate all the fun vtubers you enjoy.
>letting cancer end your vtubing career
gn asp, thread is kill
Goodnight friend
why does my right nipple hurt a lot but not my left one
because I sucked on it while you were asleep
haha, look at this loser sucking on boy nipples
your nipples are next

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