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NePoLaBo thread

A girl who came from another world in order to become an idol. She loves singing and dancing, and drawing. She is training hard every day to become someone loved by many.

A circus performer who joined hololive in hopes of becoming the ringmaster of the VTuber world. She enjoys wowing audiences with acrobatics, and she lives by the words, "When you've decided you're gonna do something, follow through!" Her natural charm glosses over her occasional mess-ups. Her sworn nemesis is 低気圧

"Konlamydesu!" Hololive 5th Generation's blue rep, Yukihama Lamy! The daughter of a noble family from a distant, snowy land. She decided to leave her home, along with her companion Daifuku, after hololive's streams full of fun and color touched her heart. Her serious personality belies her naive, sheltered nature.

Contrary to her sporty appearance, she's a white lion who prefers lazing around. Despite her typically hands-off attitude, once she has made up her mind she will always follow through to the end. Her favorite phrase is "Wealth isn't measured with money." Born in a rough neighborhood, she's a bit of a gaming addict. She's the type to set aside powerful heals even at the end game.

Previous thread: >>81109720
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drinking polka water
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post wife
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Cute wife.
post thighs
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I feel like I should be concerned for danchou in this image...
Tomari-mama's newest book and merch set up for pre-order.
Do Zain dream of electric Polkas?
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lamy is dying again...
Can I get a note version of it? I presume she wants back in ARK but server is over already
Just saying her voice died
Oh... wait she used a voice stream to say her voice was gone? Lamy you should have just posted a text post!
well she did, but we have no yukimin here so nobody posted it
Oh yeah today's Thursday
I just don't do the Twitter thing...
Ark ark ark
But before that, PoLegend!!!!!

wamy is a druggie
Babasciba my beloved
Polka doesn't have any friends...
polka is fucking dead...
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Fake news
Encounter with tribe leader subaru
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Kanata plz
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Whose voice am I hearing that sounds like Botan
>polka between choco and azki
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page 10 hate
>50% or more twitter replies are now pajeetbots
nice platform Emong.
Actually that's all me
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I hope she is well...
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coffee date with lionwife
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The Omaruza hive mind at it again
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Botan back soon!
Nene rests well in our dreams!
Lamy... Please follow the server rules!
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wamychat SOON
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Lamy was having tech troubles but she just double-checked her set-up and saw it was working again. She's making this chat stream member's only and creating an Animal Crossing frame.
and here we go
Seems like Lamy will be taking a break for about a week or so in September
Earlier Wamy briefly mentioned Nenechi and once again iterated that she has been in contact and that there is no cause for alarm.
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PolkARKing but no stream
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Lamy has been spotted too.
Think they'll both be around Kanatan a lot, not sure though
Lamy is on Azki's stream right now.
Holy sexo
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Polka's musk
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Expensive tastes
ドルチェ&ガッバーナ ザ・ワン ザ・オンリーワン オードパルファム

TOPPU NOTO: Citrus, violet
MIDARU NOTO: coffee, jasmine
LASUTO NOTO: vanilla, patchouli

you are now aware of polka smell
I have to wonder how much of this board is AI generated.... and I slept through another Lamy stream.

The pain is real
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We are all AI now
Goddamn my dolljoints kink man...
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I was away for a whole week, but I'm back now, and glad to be home. I brought my Polka friends with u with me to keep me company. I left her in the hotel room during the day, on the desk. One of the days, the maids left a little mint chocolate in her lap.
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Have I ever mentioned how much I love these four women? How much I think about them every day? How it brings tears to my eyes when I think about how far they've come? How I want to support them, protect their smiles, and do everything in my power to ensure they're happy?
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Cute loli foxes
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Time to get rabies
Soon! (Tomorrow)
cute feet
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Oh Izutsu is just 24
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need nene
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Beware of closets. Lamy may be lurking
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