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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Is it me, or does she not care about EN at all?
OP is a megafaggot superAIDS retard
Settle down schizo, where's your calming anal probe
>thinks 1.0 is ugly
this gay thinks autoimmunity means he's immune from getting HIV
There are perhaps ten total fags that kerp using her 1.0 in posts simply to cry about “how she was back then”, even though she’s the exact same person.
what does this have to do with the thread
She’s a submissive fujo. Please understand, she’s ok coasting
IRyS and Kronii literally traded themes for their birthday lives and talents rarely do that even in Hololive. She cares a lot more for her gen than you seem to realize.
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Only if you look at the streams where she's playing Splatoon and Lethal Company with Flare and other select JP. Do I raise question that this year, she streamed We Were Here with Kronii and HoloEarth with Bae once respectively? Maybe, but she knows nippon language and if she wants to connect with JP more, good on her.

But since she still consistently streams at (late) evening hours for NA, and still has weirdo interests/topics to share, I don't look much into it.
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IRyS was a nepo hire. she never was a full fledged vtuber before joining hololive. No body knows who she is or when she came from. Never helped to the vtubing community not even a shout out. Doesn't care about EN and is a big nip brown noser. Never collabs outside of hololive or use or notoriety for giving back.
She is the reason why people hate hololive as company that make total talentless unknown on the same level as hardworking big indies.
Cool, that's one example!
Now let's see a second.
impressive how almost everything you said is wrong
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2nd: going out with Bae and Mori multiple times, at least there's 1 or 2 per month between them since Bae moved to Japan
3rd: not only going out with her gen when they are in Japan, she also went to dates with Nerissa, Shiori and Biboo, and she was invited to one of their 3D debuts
And picrel, the members she likes collabing with the most. Now end your life and keep bumping your thread like a retard for 3 days
post pits
pakischizo attacks once more
It's pretty clear she wishes she was in the JP branch or that she could just stream with JP regularly. It's really telling that during certain collabs she needs to be repeatedly reminded that she's EN and should be at least explaining certain things for her main audience.
They're all burned out they don't give a shit anymore they're on autopilot for the money. and the new gen feels very twitch whores like.
Speaking your second language is very fun and rewarding.
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She streams at fucking 12 o'clock midnight during US PRIME TIME. Of course she doesn't care for EN. Most EN fans have probably forgotten about her by now, outside of the random collab like the one >>81432374 posted.
She doesn't even care holoJP, I'm sure you all noticed that she didn't join the Ark server
>sololive concert
Too big of a challenge
If she's at the spelling bee then she cares. If not... Well there's your answer
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RIP US IRyStocrats
>She streams at fucking 12 o'clock midnight during US PRIME TIME.
Anon this is an oxymoron.
Only the west coast viewers matter, apparently.
She is for the Japanese. Anybody else watching her at 12 am in the fucking morning living in Eastern US is a fucking cuck plain simple. Most of us are at sleep at 10-11 because we have to get up the next day me in particularly I get up everyday at 5 am in the morning if were to stay up to catch her streams I'd be sacrificing sleep and I choose my rest over a fictional virtual anime girl any day of the week.
I’m able to catch each stream, git gud. Fuck both coasts, by the way.
The actual best choice for that worthless whore's future; grabbing the fews crumbs her JP senpais give her.
Enna’s graduation will be a testament to your failure.
I mean why would anyone care about burgers if they can help it lmao, she's right in streaming for JP if she's able to it's 100% the correct play
>t.unemployed bum on ssd
i miss IRyS 1.0
voice actresses that change models are different people.
There is zero difference between 1.0 IRyS and 2.0 IRyS, aside from appearances.
>zero difference
That's not true. Anyone who actually watched IRyS could tell how much she fucking hated the 1.0 look for numerous reasons and that disdain would often times bleed into her streams. Go back and watch the 2.0 debut. She's practically glowing with elation and her attitude after that point was noticeably different.
1.0 IRyS was only pretty as long as she didn't turn her head.
The contours and coloring just looks uncanny as shit. Like, maybe 1.0 could have been reworked to look like a 1.5, but something tells me for 1.0 to work, it's gotta be 3D at all times.
I see the appeal, but you can't deny it had it's objective design flaws.
>Holo vs Holo
seething EST

many such cases
West coasties WILL be destroyed first
>No body knows who she is or when she came from.
Anon one of her PL's covers has roughly the same amount of views as Amelia Watson's entire fucking youtube account.
In your dreams Cletus
I don't care about EN either, she's the hololive for me.
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>Everyone west of Joshua Tree is a hillbilly
See, this is why everyone hates Californians. I'm a coastal elite.
Except IRyS wasn't hired as a vtuber, she was hired as a vsinger, and I guarantee she had the best singing resume of any applicant
which makes what happened with Project Hope all the more tragic
>half of EN streams are past 11pm
>JP streams are too early
thread is just ESTfags crying. imagine living on the worst timezone
Not even the worst, in NA maybe
West Coast Best Coast BABY
I'd be seething pretty hard too if I was EST and had to miss IRyS. She already finishes at 3AM sometimes for me..on a work day. I always stay up for her though.
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>europe, africa and the east coast of the US join together in a communist negro nightmare
>capitalist Empire of the Rim crushes them, all fake fancy things destroyed forever
>humans become individually amazing and the class wars are forgotten as it ceases to be a relevant concept
we all know europe done did it just get it over with
She only cares about Splatoon, Kaworu, and her brown elf wife.
This might legitimately be one of the most brain-dead things ever posted on /vt/
Nah, she is clearly more confident and outgoing now. She has hot girl confidence now.
Total west coast death
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i'm positive the japs view the world as pacific ocean shaped, it's kind of their thing
yeah because the official song is not on youtube and people thought her video is the official one.

Her singing is shit and no one would have noticed her if not that. ERB should have taken the Vsinger spot not this bitch
EN streams at fucking US time instead of the time in England
EN confirmed not caring about the EN audience, only caters to the US audience except for the hero and rebel IRyS
Alright, perhaps I should have accounted for autism. There is no tangible declination in her attitude nor major negative manneristic swing, the two elements most bemoaned by 1.0 enthusiasts as a reason “she’s changed”.
Also, I like tiddies
Good. No one should care about ugly britbongs AND bongland also gave us the worst EN mem to date
I know you’re trolling, so I’ll just answer in-kind.
*cums in your hair*
Go back and watch your homostars
I think IRyS should have sex with the rest of Promise
Just you
remember to stream Carbonated Love!
Amerifags don't know how good they have it. As a European, 90% of HoloEN is forgotten to me because I can never fucking watch them and hate VODs. I will always be grateful to Ina however for her stream times and have recently fallen in love with Gigi so now I feel like I'm finally getting just a tiny drip-taste of what the yanks have had for years.
Sea niggers who don't work shitting on people that do
Did Ennacuck post this or some other seething dumbass?
No one does
Nepohire but wasn't a vtuber? How is that a nepohire if she didn't have a fan base?
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Open a dictionary and look up nepotism
Most of JP is currently playing Ark. Irys is not. Focus on the EN playing Ark in JP hours.
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I cannot express it enough. She is fucking amazing. Memberstream watchalong or zatsu? how about both in one. You don't get that from any other holemem She watches a movie and is invested in it and then *gasp* she talks to the chat for hours instead of ending the stream.

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