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Bakatare Circus!
/fbk/ + /nui/ + /角巻わため/ + /pol/

>Youtube channels
Fubuki: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdn5BQ06XqgXoAxIhbqw5Rg
Flare: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvInZx9h3jC2JzsIzoOebWg
Watame: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqm3BQLlJfvkTsX_hvm0UmA
Polka: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK9V2B22uJYu3N7eR_BT9QA

Fubuki: https://twitter.com/shirakamifubuki
Flare: https://twitter.com/shiranuiflare
Watame: https://twitter.com/tsunomakiwatame
Polka: https://twitter.com/omarupolka

>Music playlists
Fubuki: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7LdRPp7xCkOwyOEKkE5YNC1_pGCTU2Id
Flare: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBoFNGFmekcMIhlW5Z-umsS3VPnQx7tI8
Watame originals: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iBK39rTWRAs_G93pnUW3K-7
Watame covers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iAP2AdGLOHthUhAJTrEXqGb
Girigiri Warukunai Watame: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ34fLWik_iASrR26p_41rirqp8GkPAr_
Watame Sololive Blu-ray: https://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/HOXB-10005
Polka originals: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWGY2acU-ZeTOrh2XBRzA02UzTR-pWDlG
Polka covers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWGY2acU-ZeTnH4EvPHYEcqCUx145dDUP


Previous Thread: >>74689609
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I love and miss my cute and sexy sheep wife
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I love Fubuki!
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I love my Friend with benefits!
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I fucking love fubuki
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Why won't she share..
What happened to /fbk/?
Did it die again?
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She's not the only one who won't share.
oh hi fwens
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Yep, it's hard to keep JP-only holomen threads on this EN board, especially with those new EN debuts. I think /fbk/ have only 3-5 people left? And we all sleep at the same time, so the thread often dies while we sleep...
They are all sexy and cute hags.
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Last Watame thread hit the bump limit, just no one's made a thread for it since then.
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watame general doesn't bake when there are no watame streams
sheep is gone until saturday
though i will be posting watame images here since i miss watame
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What's happening here?
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watame love! i was so worried!
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we are making posts pertaining to bakatare circus and its members, shirakami fubuki, shiranui flare, tsunomaki watame, and omaru polka
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More Bakatare Circus!
No way...
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god I wish that was me
She misses us.. (mostly me)
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friendly wandering by koyote page 10 bump!
recharging soon so i cant help further
good luck!
Thanks Josh!
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I saw it...
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Sex with Sukonbus
This is a thread to decide which one is better suited to be my wife.
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i think i misplaced a recent~ish image of watame in a swimsuit with T H I C C hips. it was like this one, can you help me?
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This one?
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yeah thanks! amazing watabutt
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>no tail
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I need sex with a sheep, fox, fennec and elven woman
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also know as Sheep Elf foX Omarun
i would like to marry any and/or all of these women
why did they sing the hag anthem?
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Very Sheepog
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My pov
Who threw water on my wife?
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New Legend of Polka up
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obscenely large sheep udders
I miss her so much...
Tomorrow Watamate. Possibly even a morning stream.
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I hope we get more collabs when Wilds drops.
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Rejoice ye Watamate!
my beloved sheep... finally...
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What do you want me to do about a thread? I can bake like 2 hours before but I'll be going to sleep pretty much as soon as she's finished.
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yes i miss my sheep
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Slutka my beloved
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a c̶a̶t̶ fox is fine too
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I don't trust that fennec with a scooter
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nice sideboob
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Bakatare Circus!
that was such a nice live
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