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Previous >>81419244
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

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Faumei love
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>Mori had gay sex with advent
>Fauna raps
What does it mean
I’m not sure how anyone can question Gura's sexuality when we saw her get soaking wet in real time during an off-collab. Nothing has ever gotten Gura as flustered as this moment did. She went dead silent for like 5 seconds and couldn't even look at Kiara properly.
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nin nin it's over de gozaru
>Fauna immediately hits 42k views after it’s over
Because YouTube removed the bots during the stream; the cull is anti-bot.
10/10 reference
Green woman haters in shambles when Fauna shows idols CAN write their own songs, in under two hours no less. Did she get help from saplings? Sure, but it doesn't take away from her being directly involved in the writing process.
Waiting for Ennacuck to tell me how his oshi did anything similar.
>enters the numbers thread
>Xhe retard still not banned
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>suki kira sisters are raiding holoan
Based Sister?
SIP SIP SIP from both mouths
Bae's going to pew pew in 10 minutes.
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don't drink the cull-aid, kids
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Bae incline.
Delete this
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>i can post top 1 tally too and compare it with your "culled" numbers
Yes, and with what do you intend to compare those numbers with, you dumb faggot?
The examples I'm posting are all part of a streak of streams with a stable ccv which got all suddenly culled by about 30% during the same period of time.
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I haven't played a cod since MW3. Are any of them any good?
Holy kill yourself retard, you're worse than he is
Doesn't this mean saplings collabed with Fauna?
>Pekora and Miko can get their usual 25k+ easily
>Subaru and Aqua can get their usual 15k+ easily
I'm not seeing any evidence of a cull.
It's just saplingkeks coping
Stop engaging with the retard please. The "samples" he used are
>Low for miko
>Extremely low for pekora outfit
I don't know, I don't play FPS. I thought this game is just a remake of the original or something.
I agree anyone giving the fag any attention is just as bad, if not worse.
it's just a gigacope, don't think too hard about it
Point me towards which streams that, before the cull started, netted her 15k only.
Same one IRyS played or no?
I accept your concession
>usual numbers
>during a buff event
>you're worse than he is
Dont act like you're different person now ennacuck
She directly said that it was a Sapling collaboration. Ft. Saplings will be in the title
>omg guys! this stream#32525 of this really really buffed game(sarcasm btw) is getting less numbers!! #cull2024 is #real!?
totally sane cull believer
Uh oh pagpagstrocuck meltdown
Same one I think.
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>Our schizo are converging.
Reboot MW1 is really good, reboot MW2 is okay, reboot MW3 is genuinely the worst COD ever
>Gura collabed with chumbuds
>Fauna collabed with saplings
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It should've been me
Site still works. They're really trying to push the kakage thing as a yab.
A reminder that homoniggers and nijiniggers are subhumans.
>Posts 1 data point
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Yeah, she herself said just that on stream
Which means Fauna now officially has the most male collab partners in all of Hololive, the total being somewhere in the thousands
Sapkeks will, of course, defend this
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400k!? Doryaaaaaaa
posting receipts is never futile
>mint 20k
So there's no cull, it's just EN cope because EN reclined.
lmao twitter sisters getting angry at Mints daki, it's always the same bunch, it's all girl power with these idiots until the girls like to be a little lewd.
Now you're pasting and samefagging. sad
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Not to take anything away from Fauna, but she's not even the first EN to do that
I will watch her on vrabi
Enjoy getting baited the rest of the thread king, surely the one schizo who bots everything and thinks there isn't a cull will suddenly agree with you
Black Ops 3 was legit good, story-wise.
Deadbeats kek
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That Shiori short doing abnormally well
Am i normal if these kind of tweets make me very happy?
underperforming isn't a cull
True. It's a fact that HoloEN is a dead branch filled with dead subs. Their falling sales show it too
>Black Ops 3 was legit good, story-wise.
train go boom
>Art by deyui
Holy sex choice
proofs of seethe?
Uh huh, don't look up who made the chants in Gura's cover of lolikami
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>makes the queen of Vshojo kneel to her song dance challenge
HoloEN will never fall from the top
That's the literal definition of a cull in numbers context.
You watch vtubers anon.
Based /u/chad

kek I've got no problems with 'getting baited', it's just an excuse to post actual receipts
Are you sure it's not just the same ones that hated her since her Pomu days?
We like Ironmouse here, the OG of EN vtubing.
One day we will learn to ignore xer
not everything is cull you dishonest rat
What daki? At least show me what they're seething about.
>Concedes mousey kneels to hololive
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They just reclined. No cull. Enough coping
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>Pagpagcord Raid
Oh yeah I forgot, must be holiday in pagpagland because of such disaster,
Congrats on surviving, bummer I guess
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Always wonder why you omit phase...
btw currently having their "actually, I'm GFE" moment lol

Booty shorts clears it
Why is it always a competition with you?
Yeah but that anon is talking about ennacuck
Underperformance is a result of declining interest. Have you ever considered that people just lost interest in Hololive? I mean these days Indies do way more interesting content. It shows in their growing numbers. It's no wonder everyone is leaving sterilized corporate Vtuber
I appreciate the proof
I'm just saying we don't really need Fauna to show us it can be done.
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>cull is real because pic related ccv should be multiplied by 2.75
>also niji kekshien should be 400k+ or something
This is how your brain works.
Vtubing is dying
>Phase outside of Pippa is unable to reach 1k without raids
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Holy shit beggar are so retarded kek
>"actually, I'm GFE"
damage control after dizzy's slip?
It's a shitpost, you retard.
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Most things are worse though, and noticeably worse. Koshien is doing worse. Pego is doing worse. Marine's numbers are in the pits.
Aqua just reclined anon. People stopped caring about her after her long breaks and shitty 3d lives which didn't show any improvement. Her Chinese fanbase also abandoned her.
There's a reason why we don't say Aqua is 1st army anymore.
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Remember when spamming was bad
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Why does hololyzer, vstats and youtube all show different ccv for ERB second stream
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>least obvious samefag
Oh. You're just bored. That's weird. When I get bored I dont pick fights on 4chan but hey. You do you. Lol
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Oh, you're Chinese. That explains do much.
Good luck.
Shut the fuck up stop engaging Pakistani subhuman you retard
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different api ping rates
What is this from?
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Sovl. Gura will not be invited to the sleep party.
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>Comparing Sora with the blue fag
Lmao holy shit, did sora debut to 40K people? You gotta wonder If this people doesn't have brain at all, nevermind dropped on the head as a baby
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You like CGDCT anon
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>mint 20k
Bots. Some get through YouTube and some don’t. Fauna jumped to 41k after her stream was over, but didn’t count for the stream itself. Thank you anti-bot cull
Wow. What a retarded arguement
ever think that maybe vtubers are just slowly losing viewers due to disinterest?
all your samples came from 1 fucking month
I would just like to say I'm bamboozled that a clip of Bae holding Kronii's hand is closing in on 1 million faster than her sub count. We gotta step it up and get there before the year ends
Marine reclined since she barely streams anymore and her music just keeps getting worse. Pekora is being overlapped by Koshien now so of course her numbers would be lower.
Last botted reddit post "We are so back"
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I bet Mori would say guh the first time you put it in her butt.
Reminder, nacho had to be reminded about gura's birthday by her chat
It wasn’t entirely a serious post
Do they think they are convincing any neutral parties to like them by doing this?
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never noticed before that shiori's shorts kinda get some decent views
In a thread with ennacuck multidevice drifting, you manage to be the dumbest person. Congrats faunaschizo.
> posted 8 hours ago
> edited 3 hours ago
He came 5 hours later to edit his argument? Wtf
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Fuwawa got buffed again... she's gonna be a Noel-sized cow by the time of their casual outfits.
Oh, that sounds like a shitshow.
>60 minutes in
>13k ccv
I thought EN viewers smashes those like buttons?
me on the left
So these are just Chinese gaming chairs they're putting another cover on and reselling right?
>Overlapped by koshien
Lmao so its the nijicucks + ennacucks spamming ITT, your bargain bin chuba will always be 3view even no matter how much you spam retardation in /#/ kek
Licking the pink hole of Mori's abundant ass can't be healthy for Iron Mouse with such a pathetic immune system.
classic kuroshaka
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Gura ruined every family gathering by not attending.
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This guy's not the sharpest knife in the kitchen.
Why is Koshien doing worse?
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Ikomochi-mama is following in Gaou-papa's footsteps, but only for Fuwawa
Funniest part is that Kanataso's chatters are also mostly green
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Nacho doesn't deserve her shit art to have become as iconic as it is.
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comusta /#/ bros
thats all the flip i know
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wait, wtf why did she look like this? Fugly
>cull fags thinks that true ccv is at least 2.75x of what is being displayed
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Bae got the wrong Modern Warfare.
Bae is confused by the amount of games titled CoD:MW
Have you seen just how much she spills on her kimono, she's already there.
On a side not, man it must feel good as fuck to be a holo mama, strike gold once and you're in for life, just do comiket book twice a year and you're done, plus you're instantly going to have smaller corpos and indies asking for models as well. I remember a while ago Kakage talking about how big artist have "fads" o specific things artists chase after, how it used to be design a servant for FGO and now it was design a vtuber for Hololive.... and then he got Lui as a daughter
Hahaha, I can't he's not even being a homobeggar in a good faith with those arguments, does he realize he's wording his words like an anti kek. Jezas I'm glad I wake up at Dec 2022, I almost become a fully fledged beggar if it wasnt for Vanguard (Tempuke) debutting
>green text
It's not bad when she removes the makeup, which she can toggle off, but yeah.
Welcome to the thread. Enjoy your stay i guess. Also you're a faggot.
It's the makeup
Okayu... she's been retweeting nacho art since long before gura came to be.
reminds me of this old one when we ate the
>b-but EN viewers chat and like more
Why the fuck did they remake the game and give it the same title....but change the plot? Wtf? Give it a new name them.
what a retard kek
I didn’t think it would be taken seriously: >>81428812
It's the weird stuff on her face. Once she takes it off and the coat it's without a doubt her cutest outfit
its called a reboot anon
The only holo model that pulls of Make up is slight slip gloss on Botan and the eye shadow on Raora, outside of that it always looks weird, Choco's casual model being the absolute worse
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what's the name of this pairing?
Why would indies share the pie they grew themselves with a corporate leech like the shark?
>and then he got Lui as a daughter
He was incredibly disappointed at one point because Cover baited him. He and Parsley designed a vtuber model each for Cover, but the designs ended up just being used as part of an advert for hololive EN auditions, but did not become holoEN members actual models.
Whilst I like Chloe's model better than that one from Parsley, I prefer Kakage's first one over Lui's
Probably, idk about that one.
The bit I checked was calling out shondofags and that she's always checking on her viewers one by one.
Ok this time Pippa got the waiting room verification also her graph is funky.
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They should have sex
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So at present
HoloJP cull adjustment = x2.75
HoloEN cull adjustment = x4.5
HoloID cull adjustment = x5.0
Niji cull adjustment = 0 because bots aren't culled
Sounds about right
I find it always endearing and cute when vtubers and their mamas have a close relationship

I know, every year I light a candle for Parsley Chunnin tanuki ojousama.... we could have had it all, a Salome to call our own, before Salome even was a thing
All this proves is that they need to release their own keyboards so their viewers can finally chat. They just lack keyboards then you'll see.
Jungle book
No one cares about your eceleb accessory that only puts on makeup so she can flirt with SF6 pros.
I really like these two together. I'm sorry, Faumei.
Is the ccvid getting worse? Shina's koshien used to hit >50k so its like 50% cull.
Isn't that Vspo Arya chick better than Doki? What appeal does she even have anymore?
Man, I just read that thread. What a shitshow.
>that top reply comment chain
Is that what anon was talking about earlier about some dude having a meltdown and deleting his reddit? Man, some people aren't built for social media (or social anything, really).
What art? All she does is date JP e-celebs now.
That's a good one
Its so fake we all know Shiori loves Nerissa and Biboo more
How's Laptop short doin?
EN is the only one getting culled.
how come Fauna gets the same chat speed with 8k CCV as a 20k CCV Pekora stream?
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Same, even when they have "papas" it's neat that their main artists have their back, theres used to be a period where it seems like a lot of artists were backing down away from Hololive, around the Chink shit, biggest one being Nari eventually straight up abandoning Suisei. But now a days it's rare, even if some like Oshio don't actually draw the outfits anymore
More like we know it's fake because Fauna has no real friends in Hololive.
Bots don't suffer culling, nijisanji just ran out of money
Shina reclined and nobody cares about her now
Niji turned the Portuguese off so the Koshien numbers got hit by a double whammy of cull + no Iberians
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The same reason Biboo had more chat interaction than Miko
I don't like Botan either, but her design is probably the best in Hololive, even if her main appeal for me is "We have Sakuya Shirase at home"
is this proof that EN cull is real!?
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>Holy shit beggar are so retarded
She wasn't a streamer previously.
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It wasn’t just live streams, and they weren’t in the top 10. Here is a current live top 10.
I think? It was a Holostar fan that deleted their past comments and was larping as a unicorn posting doxx but got called out by posters in the thread. It was all so bizarre
>mint 22k
and beggars think she want to join phase, holoen or vshojo
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No. One. Cares. Talk about your esports whore somewhere else if you're not going to bring up numbers.
She said at the very start of the stream that she was pretty sure it was a bug. It's definitely some dickhead botting her.
Shiina is too close to Hololive so when YouTube started punishing Holobots they accidentally culled Shiina's channel.
My love I'm waiting for you Chu
Some fake ass Fuwawa sent Bae a friend request. In CoD.
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Mwah! Chu~
sabling gets me every time
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>from 22k to 5k in less than 10 seconds
who the fuck botted mint?????
so the cull is about 300%?
So true nijisisters
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh dear god. They must be joking
Bots already died? So he ordered about 2 hours like usual
Another proof that cull is real.
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Money finished.
homobeggar attacks sora to butter up worthless homos.
>Bae at 4k has the same chat speed as a 18k Miko stream
Maybe we should reconsider what qualifies for first army. CCV for holoEN is clearly faked by Youtube to keep them down.
Someone post the graph please
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They should collab, or sleep together, I'm fine with either.
Both is good to
How curious
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>thread back to shit
the flood was negligible huh
Ironic, considering how Sora keeps getting trotted out to save da bois...
It was really sweet of Shaka to show up to her anniversary. I didn't even know he knew her
A new low for ennaschizo, I hope God smites your SEA ass.
>lost 20k out of nowhere
>nijisister levels of retardation
all we need now is a negabot song so beggars start believing that too
I agree. Members like bae and kiara should be considered 1st army. Their chat speed is as fast as 1st army
>holoan thread
>PCucks out of nowhere
every time
how do you get vstat dark mode?
Until vtubers I didn't realize there were so many esl around because everyone always understood jokes and sarcasm from my perspective
Definitive numbers tier list:

HoloEN > HoloID > HoloJP > NijiEN > NijiJP

HoloEN > HoloID > NijiEN > HoloJP > NijiJP

Unarchived karaoke
HoloEN > HoloID > NijiEN > HoloJP > NijiJP

Archived karaoke
HoloEN > HoloID > NijiEN > HoloJP > NijiJP

HoloJP > HoloEN > HoloID > NijiJP > NijiEN

Unculled CCV
HoloEN > HoloID > HoloJP > NijiEN > NijiJP

VOD views
HoloEN > HoloJP > HoloID > NijiJP > NijiEN

Unculled VOD views
HoloEN > HoloID > HoloJP > NijiEN > NijiJP

Song views
HoloEN > NijiEN > HoloID > NijiJP > HoloJP

HoloEN > HoloJP > HoloID > NijiJP > NijiEN

Sub growth
HoloID > HoloEN > HoloJP > NijiJP > NijiEN

Unculled sub growth
HoloEN > HoloID > NijiEN > HoloJP > NijiJP

HoloEN > HoloID > HoloJP > NijiEN > NijiJP

Poll engagement
HoloID > HoloEN > NijiEN > HoloJP > NijiJP

Unique chatters
HoloEN > NijiEN > HoloID > HoloJP > NijiJP

Chat speed
HoloEN > HoloID > NijiEN > HoloJP > NijiJP

HoloEN > HoloJP > NijiJP > NijiEN > HoloID

Superchats + streamlabs
HoloID > HoloEN > NijiEN > HoloJP > NijiJP

Merch sales
HoloEN > HoloJP > HoloID > NijiEN > NijiJP

Live event attendance
HoloEN > HoloJP > HoloID > NijiJP > NijiEN

Ad strength
HoloEN > HoloJP > HoloID > NijiJP > NijiEN

Reminder that NijiJP is by far the loser in most metrics
That's a lot of Shaka Jumpscare? I thought Mint no likey male collab?
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Thought Advent karaoke was today :(
>wake up from nap
>realized it wasn't a nap and it was like 5 hours of sleep
>missed Fauna's stream
>It was a fucking rap stream
>She actually made a rap in that stream
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what shorts?
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why did nijisanji do it?
Ok so bae is getting her usual overlapped numbers so is there a cull or not???
Kek. God tier bait and they bit en masse. Fucking chihuahuas
Aren't they still at the onsen?
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Dark mode extension.
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Why not?
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What the actual fuck is the problem with male vtubers, why do they feel the need to act like sex pests
When will this faggot get doxxed
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Why I keep getting phase in my recommendation? What did phasecucks do to my recommendation? I never click on phase before
Is Shiori tweeting at Fauna from the onsen?
What's the big plan here? Getting hated by Mint's fanbase too?
>no sorry message
that's fucked up
Enna schizo is euro tho
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I thought the PFP was a woman wearing a hijab
You deserved it, you knew it wasn't FST yet.
Stop taking naps
EN is getting giga culled
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Why is a nijihomo replying to a unicorn pandering chuuba?
Apparently she didn't go
I meant ennacuck
That's how you know he only did it because of the exposure of her ban, if a niji or even a homo showed up in shadow's chat they would get public unicorn hate with Shadow laughing
Mostly came from ERB, unironically high amount of false flagging phasecucks in between
The real yab is that he's replying to a lolicon pandering chuuba. That won't sit well with the sisters...
jwu holy mint gold?
just going off of waiting room it should probably be closer to Mikubox pre-raid, especially since she doesn't have much overlap
Niji and homoEN crowd encourages them to BREAK DA WALLS DOWN and show up everywhere and anywhere they know they're not wanted, on purpose of course.
Shiori did go, she just wasn't in that Twitter space
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Wouldn't they also get nijisister hate due to acknowledging loli stuff?
I want to see what Mint's fans are saying on twitter, but Mint is just bad SEO, searching "mint" will yield hundreds of tweets per minute that is not related to Mint vtuber.
Fauna Gold!
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How can she get away with this?
>people still doubt that Dino Gura literally printed money
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Who has the best smile in HoloEN?
I am an actual Pakistani, so stop being racist you fat pig.
Looks like a lot of people are just buying the whole set since the non-Gura numbers are all closer than usual.
Yeah me raping her
They literally said in the space that she woke them up
Me :D
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It's so obvious I don't even know why last samurais try to deny it
If the others follow through, it has the potential to be a kino arc
i already unsub her, but it still shows up
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At this point male vtubers went from annoying dudes who were a little attention starved to MGTOW assholes who are mostly just out to directly annoy or inconvenience women, because for once in their life men don't have the upside in a single field in life. There's nothing that bothers more a male vtuber that a woman who isn't willing to ruin her career for him
Because in the end, the only men who try to give vtubing an avatar (outside of those who use female models, a % are other types of weird) are those who clouldn't make it as fleshies or no cam streamers, meaning, the lowest of the low when it comes to men, the type that don't have a single salvageable attitude, you're far more likely to find a "woman hating incel" among male vtuber than among the "chuds" the unityards claim to rally against
those wet sip noises was pretty close to rape
Aqua crew are eating good this year when it comes to cute Aqua related merch
so is karaoke still happening or what
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if mint was 4k why is this like this
I like Jurard except when he is with Ollie, she brings the worst side of him.
Unsub won't clear algorithm cache, you need to clear video history including streams related to her name, did work for me when I got a ton of nijiclip on 2022
Meh, it always like this: Fauna tries to set up and arc but nobody follows.
Her split seems to think that the rest of advent is just covering for her
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>karaoke vs story mode gameplay slop
Numbers are still culled even if the 20k bots aren't effected
Trying to farm some good guy points shadow is being talked about a lot because of her birthday ban, sadly for him this is not a Jurard situation since her fanbase is just unicorns
Cull = "I don't know what the people that subscribed to my channel want to watch"
Sorry jutard, no amount of post will help you from getting terminated
What's the total stock for these again is there a chance they sell out soon? want to bundle these with my order of advent anniversary/3D debut merch
Both really, unicorn pandering and lolicon pandering. I guess their principles go out the window when they see clout up for grabs.
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why did phase do it?
>JP users don't chat and don't like cope
Both streams have 14k likes despite the difference in CCV, btw
I can buy that, weird that everyone else has been on call or at least tweeted about it but she remains sadly, probably couldn't / didn't feel comfortable going and will show up later for the karaoke but they still wanted to give the impression to everyone that it was a whole advent trip
The 4k is the culled numbers, in case you forgot there's still a cull going on.
Trust in Biboo and RR
Said that I would do it, so I did it
Tried my own version of Fauna's Rap
damn phase is just tempus connect at this point
jwu mint gold?
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And that's why Advent still feels like old hololive
Happy birthday Dark Reader, I know I have never tried you but just so you know I appreciate your existence.
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Remember to stay hydrated anons except for you pag pags since you already have enough of flood water.
Sure nigga
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900k ez
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1 - Youtube tr0ns got their job back and hate hololive
2 - Chinese employees hate hololive
I don't think it's INHERENTLY a red flag in and of itself, but the community is definitely filled to the fucking brim with those types.
I really do think it's possible for there to be ones who aren't just straight sex pests, and I'm sure there are in the 1view scene that people just don't know. But it doesn't help that the people who get fame tend to be quick to abuse it.
it's just plappa, hime and lia bringing everyone down
just like how erb, bae, and mori are
my shondo, my poor poor shondo…
>likes cope
Try at least comparing similar content if you want to be taken seriously
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big cull going on. this is her stream from yesterday that topped out at 2.7k ccv
>What's the total stock for these again is there a chance they sell out soon?
think Kiara had 4400? and Gura had like 11k? Others in between
So you should be good
Watching any hololive eng channel brings up phase in your recs. I only watched a couple of fauna streams on my mainly jp indy watch account and keep get phase/ other small company vtubers in recs now
Try not being such a cocksucking last samurai
They are going to have a karaoke date with me in Japan :)
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The only good thing that came from ReFlop
I'm of the opinion that any time anyone ever posts a picture with some fisheye lens edit it's almost guaranteed to be one of our usual faggots trying to falseflag a fanbase war, anyone else think that's a fair assessment
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If it happens it would make more sense to me that cover decided to not renovate his contract, meaning "graduation" but without a good bye stream, just like last year
>kanata is a sub 4k shitter
IM and Mori song will beat this
I am from Philippines too…
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good shit
There's for sure a small bunch that are just autistic anime nerds or people from the forum days who never liked the whole switch to "your real identity should also be your online identity" that happened in mid to late 2010s, part of those are also the ones using female models but it has to be like such a small percentage of the population that they barely count as an exception, and those types are very much not in the corpo space
Left one looks dumb
Pretty Jurard is graduating after fulfilling his one year, it will be a secret termination from all the atrocities and bad mouthing he has done
Go Anon Go
I watch both branches, I just don't delude myself into thinking there's some plot against one of them
I've stopped buying merch because I have nowhere to store it :(
Have you heard of the wonders of storage lockers
Niji fans are like VSPO fans they don't have keyboards
Hajime and Kanade are cool... Raden is also cool even if she's not CGDCT, at least she didn't talk shit about her audience like Ririka
You should NEVER be a male vtuber, the idea is flawed since male has more advantage with fleshstreaming. Jynsxi the R6 streamer rise to fame was because he act like Speed clone but reacting to gameplay instead of video. People didn't tune because you are a handsome guy, they watch your stream because your act is entertaining.
Rent a locker, or build a storage room in your land.
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cute, Choco and Noel are too kind
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Do you have Advent merch number?
>t. newfag who wasn't here in 2020 when EN had their numbers slashed in half while JP were practically untouched
>t. newfag who wasn't here in 2022 when CCVID was fixed but only for JP
The average guy that becomes a vtuber is the type of dude that blames his looks for not having a perfect life surrounded by girls, so imagine their meltdown when they actually get a perfect model and still don't get "protagonists" attention
>lock them away in the dark never to be seen again
that's messed up
good on you anon
I will never understand why Kiara tried to go for the cute angle for three years instead of leaning straight for the sexy
Cosplayers too often go overboard with the eyes.
>at least she didn't talk shit about her audience like Ririka
what stream was this? I always heard about it but never watched it
I mean, this is just a summary of that one red homo
Cum on the blue one
>euro hours
I still don't understand why Ririka would do that, oh well, one membership less to worry about
Some merch deserves that fate.
They know what they did.
Some slip through the cracks.
happened to me many years ago with figurines. i got a storage locker in the end. hopefully it won't end up on one of those tv shows in the future
They’re Japanese anon, they were born with those eyes
jwu mint 20k wtf
no you didn't and you'd know already if you did
Drinking stream after she mentioned joining VCRGTA, there's fully translated transcripts on the archives, not sure if it's still up
Add justice members?
Because they hate their slanted eyes even though I think they look beautiful that way.
Drunk + Nip Women moment.
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Micro-corpo love!
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kill yourself fag this aint /uuu/
Which Shuba for this feeling?
jwu Moot made a vtuber board wtf
she was doing drunk bantz and felt bad about it later
(still did some homo streams though)
>mint 20k
someone is having a melty huh
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but if you close your eyes
Are these the legendary Finana numbers?
Moot... he...
Build a torture dungeon in your basement and store your merch there
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thanks I'll check it out
This line-up stumps me. I don't know 70% of them.
It feels so bad being EN fan. YT keeps on shadowbanning and culling holoEN's number.
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post shiorin face
Anon, moot told us he fucking hates us and left on his last stream
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GG is a 3k streamer before raids, which is fine.
it was either the alcohol and the stress pushing her to the point where she just went mask off, probably thinking that VCR GTA was going to be her big break and she would incline from there into a Towa-Botan like holo that didn't need gachis to thrive
Or if you want to look at her in a more positive light. Management stressing the fuck out of her due to DEV IS "failing to meet expectations" the pressure from the backlash she was already getting, and being in too deep to back down, that just lead her to say things she didn't mean, in an attempt to have the upper hand over the people who were talking badly about her.
Did she respond?
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>in 2020
I've seen this timeloop more than enough times
They do
>pressure causing a woman to lash out
I've seen it so many times before that I'm inclined to believe that one
At this point, I have no clue why twisty submit her audition to NijiEN
Why is there a blatant Korone rip off there
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Justice Acrylics for good measure.
Because she knew deep down HoloEN would reject her
nip comments to this are in one of two camps
>oh god which one do I get
>oh god this is too expensive/I don't have room for it
So, fauna Cripple Gold today or IRyS gold?
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Mint takes the cripple gold and IRyS or Fauna take the "unbotted gold" later on when the anon updates the chart, I'm sure. How it tends to go.
Hey Shiki is an original dog vtuber, she isn't a ripoff
Mint gold, Irys silver.
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He's not talking about Shiki.
What's Mint's graph look like?
>regLoss didn't do as well as expected
I still can't believe Cover threw them under the bus
Should give it to phase today tbdesu, their body count beats any of the unculled CCV's today
Towa and Botan are failures, Towa only keeps her channel afloat because she's attractive enough to men and managed to leech her way into Startend, Botan on the other hand is spiralled well into irrelevance and out of the holobox, when was the last time she even collabed with a holo? She's not even participating in the big Ark event because of muh esports and none of the esports players even like her because she's ugly lmao
Oh, speaking of ReGloss, are they gonna get their 3Ds or what? Is that still something they have to worry about?
add mori and kronii they've earns it
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Yeah no neither of them are failures, actually
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They areeee
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HoloEN shouldn't be her one and only goal, its basically a very low chance lottery to get in for any 2/3view that auditioned Which made me dissapointed on how ERB treat her schedule rn jeez. She could've tried V4Mirai? Phase? Idol? PixelLink? there's a lot of them and it would be the same number too.
Looks normal to me
She was 100% botted, even Mint herself said so. But Bots don't disqualify chubas from the tally and I don't think there's any stream set to break 30k, specially with this cull, so it's EN Gold for Mint, Global gold for Peko new, or maybe Niji? I think one of the captains has a Koshien stream today
>EN consistently culled
>JP with a range of number changes
Literally just proof that JP wasn't culled, it's just differences in content from one month to the next. If there was an actual cull the drop would be more consistent like it was with Myth
reminded me of a sister quote where they're saying holostars is better because of slower chat
Japanese rrat is regloss p gave her the advice to join vcr and the unicorn shit and they're responsible for every bad decision those girls make. I'm inclined to believe it because the fact they have a shadow producer is weird. It's like omega was never actually fired and he became regloss' producer now they're fucking up another group.
She wouldn't unless she was in the middle of an extremely bad manic phase in which case she might tell him to kill himself for being a male vtuber
When did you take a photo of my bedhair anon?
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You're fucking delusional, She's upper second army and doing better than all non-gura ENs
After kanae pathetic performance yesterday I think it's Peko gold again.
>reclining CCV isn't a failure
>reclining subs isn't a failure
>reclining SCs, views, merch sales and sponsorships isn't a failure
Define failure then
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wat de dog doin
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Thanks anon
Mococo is strong
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I've stopped buying merch because I don't get bullied anymore :(
>upper second army
>half the numbers there aren't even 10k
Fauna does way better than this and she's culled.
>fail upwards
holy dead EN numbers
How to revive interest in english vtubing this is just grim no cap
Pippa kinda fell off
how much longer is the cull going to last? this is getting old
Even without the bots, she was on her way to getting gold anyways, the trajectory in the beginning was quite clear that she cleared 5k easily naturally. It shouldn't be surprising she got it as a big indie when it's her anniversary and nothing special was going on with anyone else.
Lol lmao ahahaha
I said way back when that Towa puts a wrench in the general thread narrative that "male collabs = bad numbers" but I don't think I've seen someone get mindbroken by her in the thread like this before
I'm pinning my hopes on Ludwig's return
As long as that pajeet fuck wants, so get used to this.
He's just mad that Towa has a much bigger dick and can get girls.
>e trajectory in the beginning was quite clear that she cleared 5k easily naturally.
Bugger off, Fauna got 7.8k at the end there's no fucking way that Mint cleared that.
>more samples
>less consistency
Also the reason why Myth's cull is slightly higher is because most JPs were offset by the incline they usually see in december.
Stop coping, actual numbers never supported the 'only EN got hit' narrative.
Towa gets her numbers back by doing good works in the holobox and all that jazz.
She's like a Catholic who masturbates on the regular because they know that going to Confessional will help them cleanse their sins
She would have probs getting around 10k max, she has a pretty big mind share but her numbers are still worse than Pomu's at her best, she's just well known and has an extremly vocal fanbase, and 10k+ doesn't sound that far off for Irys shorts karaoke unarchived around EN prime time
I miss KINOlive.....
This song performed amazingly well for IRyS. Puts to rest the narrative that nobody wants to listen to her music. Let's fucking go.
It's not a bug, it's a feature.
Yeah her 1k before the bots kicked in, clearly can read a lot from that
Yet more reason to want to kill the concept of Omega so hard that the name is wiped from history, holy fuck I HATE THAT FAGGOT SO MUCH FOR WHAT HE DID TO HER
Why do these culls never affect Niji? Why is it always Hololive. Almost makes you believe that Niji has an insider at youtube that is doing this on purpose.
>It's not a bug, it's a feature.
It’s not being fixed, it is the fix.
Raora planning to go back to Italy
Raora is so boring
I knoa why its a cull, all the people decided Gura is cute
Hardships bring growth, I like to think that even if it was a hard period of her she came out a better vtuber from it, she very clearly realizes just how bad it was and is thankful for how it is currently
I think Raora is the only one from Justice i like but its mainly cus of how much of a holofag she is.
Towa = good
La+ , Ayame = bad
IRyS is slowly washing away the stink of Omega's shitty music off of her.
What chu gonna do bout it?
shes so fake though
Raora's mom sounds borderline senile. This woman is OLD
Based, Japan is bad for foreigners
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this is true
nobody wanted to listen to xis music. IRYS GOOD
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kino values incoming, open your rectum large and wide
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Does mogoyan secretly have a cock? Why Fuwawa obsessed with her?
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So why did Raora draw Iofi, no one gives a fuck
I understand that hardships do build up a stronger person and all. I get that. If it were just that I wouldn't hold so strong of a grudge.
But he HURT HER. PHYSICALLY! I can't forgive a man who does that to a woman, especially when it was as bad as that. She still has those fucking nodules. She'll probably have them for life, even. He fucking put a permanent pain in her body. It's disgusting, what he did to her through callousness and retarded management.
I couldn't stop myself if I ever met that fucker, at this point.
You don't know how Youtube culls work, newfag. They target holoEN audiences and shadowban them, preventing them from being counted in the CCV.
Holos should have it a little hard, at least for a brief period of time. If everything goes right for them they come out like Laplus who think's she's entitled for everything and that everyone who doesn't like her is a serial killer
That's why everyone should be locked up in Australia for two years, it gave us the only good Holo brat
Remember that Project Hope refused to make an Eurobeat song for IRyS because Omega thought Eurobeat is not popular.
Being a holofag should be the minimum requirement for recruiters to look for candidates. Idk how tf the red one got in
>new company values
>open the book
>it's the same company values as before but with a dinky little artstyle
Why are corporations like this
I trust Kiara when she says she is a holofag, kiara would out her instantly if she was a faker
I would trade homos for tranny managers
approval from art master
Irys karaoke today?
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HoloEN passing raids around today
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It almost feels like he was demoted from his position in EN (Kiara: some people are no longer working with us), then he got transfered to Japan with the mission (and his second chance) to make Re:gloss a success, then when it didn't do as well as expected a sub goal was put in place that he needed to fulfill which this retard passed to Re:gloss members and then they made it public leading to more backlash PLUS homostars crashing and going even lower by the day finally lead to him getting terminated without a white document tweet from the official channel and the only way we know he is officially gone is through a ouija skit between Kiara and Shiori.
It almost feels like something like that happened but it could be just wrong.
take your meds and slow the fanfic. hardships and cover don't go hand in hand since 2021. They are farting gold ever since.
Unless your east coast then yes, its today
>questioning Jap-sama's decision
>art master
SOVL master more like
Holy leech doesn't this whore hate unicorn shit lol
You're kidding but Tower for all kind of FPSslop and VCR, she always integrated with CGDCT including event and just small stream, she fit in with her banter perfectly as if she's naturally in the group with whoever Holo she's collab with.
Made me sad how mask off Ayame truly are, love FPSslop but have a dogshit skill, yet persistently avoiding Holo Collab.
Dunno? A retarded newbie is my impression of her.
>A retarded newbie
She's been in the company for three years
they should've given lo-fi a more suitable theme instead of a painter
Reminder that despite the misinfo passed around in this place and elsewhere, Regloss did NOT know about the sub goal until they revealed it on stream, and while they might call it a personal goal now it was a goal passed down to them from their management.
It's even worse this whore dunked on Rushia(Shondo's oshi) for "muh parasocial" shit.
She loves drama.
All of IRyS' songs being flops is quite the overstatement. Sure a lot of her songs didn't gain massive traction but Ceseura of Despair was a hit, Here Comes Hope was a hit, Berserker was a hit (even if it didn't get an MV, everybody loves it), and Gravity was a hit. She has also had 3 covers that have done pretty well too (Identity, Idol, and Internet Overdose). Her music does just fine.
Her solo numbers are mediocre, that's why she spams collabs these days, same as Aki.
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To hoodwink retarded investors.
Towa = good
La+, Ayame, Botan= bad
Fixed that for you
what if youtube never unculls vtubers because of botters
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towa collabs vs towa solo streams
He has continued to allow ERB's bullshit so he's on fraud watch
idk ive seen plent of Towa 3-4k streams with rando male fps streamers. Its true that she flawlessly integrates back into holobox but its mainly cus she trys just as hard with Holobox stuff.
Mori hate, Ayame, La+, Matsuri, AKi , etc hate all come from the fact that they seem to try harder with outside stuff. This is definitely not true with Towa.
She's just looking for attention as always. That tweet has 64k likes and 2.2m views so of course that dramawhore wants to be part of it.
lol she got 15k solo just before the cull
Erb is the test to keep showing Yagoo how homocollabs = bad stil.
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>conveniently ignoring the row right under it
Meh, doesnt felt like that to me, she's to dumb with this "Stream affect short" things botching her brand for what, over a years now?
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As schizo as it sounds, I'm SURE that by the time the announcement were made all the arrangements for the 3Ds were already done, the plan months before was to announce their 3Ds there and debut at a later date like Advent, but it was management that was reprimanded for their failure to meet goals, and instead of locking the fuck in and doing their job they chose to pass down their responsibilities to the girls
Thats IRyS tier tho
>guerilla apex stream that still pulled 10k
>old rhythm game
>niche puzzle/mystery game
what is your point here
why is the guy brown
Homostars must be destroyed.
DEI artsyle
My point was made 2 posts ago you imbecile.
>jp doesn't like
>towa gets likes close to or above max ccv in 2 hour long streams
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Some ERB Rrat
It still feels kinda strangeeeeeeeeeeee Advent got 3D first before Regloss
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wait a minute but brown is different than nigger
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>even clip numbers are down
Another proof that "cull" isn't real and just tourists losing interest in vtubers at least for the month of July.
Anon... Advent debuted first
Half of Towa's viewers are saviorfag flips/mutts.
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Sorry bro, can't upset my DEI neighbors
That you skipped over the solo apex stream that got 9.6k?
twitter is treating DEI as the nword now.
Why are you in 2020 still?
the fuck
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>people stopped watching vtubers across all corpos and indies at the exact same time
yeah alright nigga pack it in
Worldwide Towa
Water got to your brain from the flood or something? Advent debut first anon.
so erb is trying to pressure them to include males. she's evil.
solid tweet
To be fair most people who use that word in normal conversation are 100% using it as a replacement for "Black People"
Here: >>81433504
>Raora actually starts drawing
>Numbers go down
Chattinos really only like her when she's yapping?
This is so dumb not gonna lie how did people upvote this
Towa still is on the good side of people because her interest for FPS comes from a place of genuine appreciation, she does straight up likes the games, and has a very deep interest on them, she stuck with it despite not collabing with males at the start. She's not like LA+ or Aki who just jumped on the train to stick close to people with big numbers, Towa could be stuck alone playing OW2 with Mumei and she would do it gladly
Plus her outside activities have never taken priority over Hololive for her, she still grinds her ass off for 3D lives, Sololives, Covers, takes out every girl to shop around town, organizes events. She's just a nice solid pillar, probably mostly because when thing went to shit for her the girls stood by her, there's several girls like Noel, Matsuri, Gen 4 who during the yab fallout took her out to eat, kept collabing, some of her weirder collabs come from that period because it was girls who she usually wouldn't merge well with who still insisted on collabing with her so she didn't feel left out of Hololive, she understands what makes Hololive strong and doesn't strive to undermine it, nor does she put pressure on others to be like her, not does she expect them to. Not CGDCT but still a girl with a good heart that strongly cares about Hololive, unlike most of the FPS/ESPORTS Holos
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Gigi raid
well..... it's not wrong
>Bae: 5,000 CCV
>raids into Raora
>Raora gains 4,000 CCV
Fucking 80% raid retention my ass man
Yeah, but Advent is an EN gen, and post Covid Gens all JP holos have gotten their 3Ds before the 7 months mark, EVEN THE FUCKING FAILURES SUPREME UPROAR GOT THEIR 3DS BEFORE
They probably thought she was ending.
That was actually the 3800 Gigi raid not a Bae raid
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Cod is at 1.5 million after 3 years with a whole ass animated MV
It's being racist in some way it's just you know, people who wanna be racist shopping for a new word that they can use without sounding racist or turning off normalfags.
Used to be "Woke." Used to be "SJW." Words that had meaning, and were used by more normal people having more normal arguments, but got taken and used to death by the crazies, then they moved onto the next relevant word to take it over, too. Shame how that happens, but that's language for ya.
tldr Towa good
I don't follow her but from everything I can see apex is buff content for her because she regularly hangs out with apex male streamers and they watch her apex streams now too. That's why you can clearly see her solo "normal" game streams are mid. Congrats on her being a male accessory I guess, she's done well to actually get those fans watching her albeit only for the content relating to those male streamers (fps shit), probably in anticipation of their next collab.
Near 100% viewer transfer.
Fuck me I misread it then, holy shit a FUCKING 100% RAID RETENTION YOUTUBE
Subaru has mentioned a couple times that she's bugged Towa about FPS games and esports tournaments. Towa told her she shouldn't get involved in that kind of thing.
interesting... I need to update my racism knowledge database
>Faggot left his wife and kids
>Faggot trans reveal
>Faggot was grooming minor boys
Same thing happened to CC
i can see it
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The MV version is the short version of the song. Those never do that well.
MV that's only 2mins. CoD is actually at 2.1 million
Just so you know, they're burning through the "DEI" one way faster than usual because of the stuff in America right now, so you should shop around for a new filler word before it becomes the new hotness. Be on the bleeding edge if you're gonna be there anyways, right?
Yeah that's a good point, maybe they just wanted to make stuff in order
literally never listened to a single IRyS song except Delight.
This is boring man, you're being so desperate and cock addled.
>Apex guerrilla collab with 3 holos = 10.3k
>Solo Apex stream = 9.6k
>Ranked Apex collab with 2 nobody girls outside hololive = 9.8k
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I know it's
but like, what the fuck are these Zs bro
It looks like a Z is trying to be born but had to struggle to even exist, what the fuck
how come Ina with generic anime glasses is more popular than Ame pumpkin?
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Here is the CC one
I don't know how your takeaway from all those posts was that, and not the fact that Towa's solo game success is basically dependent on Apex or FOTM. You contradict yourself saying that they're all looking for those male collabs when earlier you can see how terrible OW2 did for her, playing with those male accessories that apparently everyone wants to see.
Ina streams
You just continue to prove my point by only citing apex streams kek.
What, its just usual stock numbers
too much effort, not enough time
I'll just wait for containment breaker from other boards to share their knowledge here
Berserker is good and its on the same EP bitch
Ina is like the #2 best merch mover in EN bro
Reminded of papa franku. Nice rape
Of course, you simply ignored the solo streams that don't fit with you retardation.
>Recline this
>Recline that
Real fact: Youtube is reclining
this but twitch
Ina is more popular than Ame
>Anonymous 07/24/24(Wed)19:42:54 No.814348
they need to let go already
>1 (one) singular song that blew up during the anime boom
Why are you acting like OW2 and apex are the same game with the same people playing it? Obviously the apex ecelebs are more popular than the OW2 ones.
Has anyone done a shorts stream since the cull started?
Kek. I applaud the effort anon. Good shit
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It's FWMC now
Her OW2 team literally had Shaka on it, you legitimately can't get more popular male streamer than that besides like Daruma. Your logic doesn't make sense.
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it was a cover, not an original
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Current top 10
nahhh ennacuck has crossed the line if the faggot start botting non-holos, he seriously needs to be stopped
Just pop out a titty and you're golden
Jesus Christ girl how did you fuck up opening a bottle that badly come on
You're the one ignoring solo streams by failing to cite any in your cherry picked attempt to make her look good, because you know that most of her streams these days is fps, collabs or fotm/buff content, and the few which do not fall into any of these categories have mid numbers since her non-tourist audience is small.
wow i hate everyone on this list
solid raora numbers. maybe Justice won’t flop after all
Fun fact, that's the first time Shaka has won a tournament.
Just around a 94% raid transfer, at least it's not the highest we've seen recently
If you ever find him, no one in /#/ will mind
vspoEN not trying to leech to Vshojo or something?
JWU, why is Pippa leeching off Bettel?
>this buff content doesn't count
>collabing with someone 100% GUARANTEES you get all their fans
lmao you should apply to cover and teach yagoo how to get the homostars to properly take hololive popularity from all the leech collabs, clearly they must be doing something wrong since they're still unpopular
He botted a few outfit reveals like Scarle and Aia and the Tempus 3 premiers before. It's not new.
I hate everyone.

Also Kiara and Ina streaming same rate now.
Gura Ame never stream.

Mori still best workaholic
IM not ready to dethrone Ina since she been doing it close to 4 yrs now while Ruffians still starved for merch at this point.
The SCP Foundation?
Flipbro, it's called "buff" content precisely because it's not normal.
PekoMiko Christmas this year. You heard it here first anon.
why is mamma in this timeslot? did she gave up already...
She stopped watching Holostars when Vesper got terminated
>A real songpost
>not an AI this time
Dare I say SOVL?
>Mori still best workaholic
no use being a workaholic if i don't enjoy watching her
>botnigger botted mint
I don't even like her, but fuck off you retarded nigger.
Multi timeslot streaming.
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You're in the wrong thread.
???? NTA but I felt like I lost my brain reading your chain reply, you sure you're not on spectrum?
>Aia has more EN golds than Pippa.
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Fauna and IRyS are streaming today, had to bot someone
Simulating the Koyoverse
Pretty sure this thread knows what buff content is, unlike your homo shilling brown ass.
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He botted some random stream to fuck her graduation over (or her debut, forget which) so he owes her one anyway. Better than just botting FWMC for the 60th time. A bit of variety.
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I'd rather he die, actually
You're the one that was posting about males lol. Projection much?
Those are literally the most popular phases though
Of course you couldn't understand it because you're genuinely retarded to the point of suggesting that Shaka on her team guarantees she's going to get high viewers somehow. Do you also think ERB is going to turn all the homos into 4views?
How cheap are ads on this site? The Tea v Coffee debate was days ago
I typed this
I literally said the opposite in all of these arguments, that leeching is actually ineffective. She should get more numbers if anon's male accessory argument is true in OW2, but it isn't. She gets good numbers in Apex solo, collab, or whatever else. It's literally entire dependent on the content and not your cock-addled brain, which is the entire point I've been making.
Really cheap
Bae has awful game sense
Shiina and Tenma and Lumi and the like are all more popular than Lia and ESPECIALLY Hime
Says a fan of one of the biggest male collabers in the company. Frankly, the fact that you don't even know what buff content is/means was enough to invalidate your posts. Go back to your discord, tourist.
Based malechuuba
That's the retard's argument.
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Based Tower
????? Damn you're a literal retard lmao, You managed to wrote a whole chain reply while being this illiterate.
How cute.
If that happens I'll sell my liver to buy you a car
>Mint anniversary 22k
>IRyS anniversary 16k
What happened to IRyS?
People aren't wrong that those who specialize in stream highlights these days are very shit at it or a shell of their former selves.
Seeing Shiori not only bring back peak highlights but seemingly be the best at it is admirable.
keep your autistic hatred of irys contained to hololive ennacuck,
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It's not wholly ineffective, it just has a low success rate. It obviously can work sometimes which is why people bother doing it.

I tried pinpointing the moment her apex streams started to significantly incline and I believe I found it - starting from this collab with 2 males lol. Looks like the fans of those two decided to stay with her unlike most others. Simple as.
She has a good shorts editor. Most of the other girls dont even fucking try. I mean how fucking hard is it to hire someone to clip their streams and condense it into a short?
Old-era chuuba is very different indeed
>So many holo members streaming today and he chose to bot Mint
To bear fair are those shorts editors her friends
Why bother though? Has it really helped Shiori's subs in any meaningful way?
Jesas christ the intelligence of the people in this thread. That's rpr and a translator you circled.
Have you not been reading this thread? His angle is now
Yes? her subs are higher than Biboo's
Brace yourself
Euro hours are coming
Lmao he's pointing to her first RPR stream kek, this is embarrassing lmao
Lmao, you did not seriously link rpr as big name streamers as if their fanbase went on to her, they're extremely smaller to the point that rpr is literally the definition of a leech. That stream did well cause of the whole basis of rpr being a kenzoku, not anything else.
Because they're good and fun? does everything need to bring monetary value, sometimes people just want to be silly, isn't Marine on the record saying her big projects never pay for themselves and she just does it for creative fulfillment
Fuck off sister
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You're right, I had another look and the incline started from collabs with this blue hat guy, who is an apex streamer.
They've been higher since debut
loki drew that on stream
for some reason japs think a tan makes you black
I always forget she has the same mama as Shion
>holo vs Holo
ok sis
So you're asking why don't people randomly spend money on something that doesn't really have a return? I think you answered yourself.
Alright newfag, do you know how rare Culture Crosspolination Sankyu polpol were rare especially since RPR before Tempiss debut are hyped everywhere to collab with her? You didnt fit in truly
That blue hat guy is Mondo, and he's still smaller than Towa. You're really only making yourself seem more retarded.
Japanese people think tan = okinawan
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nta, but you been saying that since debut
cold take raora is really damn boring
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Good news anons /#/ has been banned
I swear to god this said 11 EST earlier. This is like the third time she's done that and then moved it back an hour.
If her average apex ccv at that point was 6k and then went up to 9k, then she had a lesser amount (3k) added onto it, which fulfills both claims of him being smaller and also his fans following her (only for apex). Not rocket science.
God damn. The easiest fucking thing and you fail it twice.
nelson mango
Funny how La+ most likely applied to Hololive because she wanted to make it big instead of following what fit her likes best (vspo) but now there's several girls in VSPO who're bigger than her
I know shiori has lots of creative ideas for when she gets her 3D so depending on how that pans out it's not impossible that she might catch up to biboo one day
Kek, I almost got a secondhand embarrassment, keep it going anon
Holy shit, we died?
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how did he die anon.
You HAHAHAHA you could've just point her stream with Daruma lmao, but you choose Mondo of all stream
Morgan Freeman died?
Literally who?
im the ultimate unicorn
if a girl has her FATHER on stream im dropping her
when i say no males on stream i mean no males on stream
Rin is better
From what I can see, that's where her numbers started to consistently go up. I'm not saying those collabs were solely responsible for her apex numbers doubling, retard.
>Kronii going out and getting pedi's by herself now
Feminization's arc is real........
Illya was better
So are Towa's solo numbers bad or not
Should the saber in the question be judged only based on her appearances on the OG fate or do the appearances on other games should be taking into account ? Because Saber becomes so much better whenever she's not with Shirou

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