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>Previous Stream:【Powerwash Simulator】Off With The Grime

>Previous Stream:【Members Only】Movie Watchalong: Her

#ourokronii (General)
#krotime (Streams)
#kronillust (Art)
#kroniijokes (Memes)
#OKTK (Fanbase tag)
#krossets (Assets)
#kroniirotic (Unofficial Tag for NSFW Art)

>Handy links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@OuroKronii/featured
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ourokronii
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ourokronii_holoen
Free Chat Room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnAY-x9AtNk
Debut VoD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3oVrq94mGM

【Original Song MV】Daydream - Ouro Kronii: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W749jRBg-4&feature=youtu.be
Kronii's Original Song 「Daydream」: https://cover.lnk.to/Daydream
【Original Song MV】Rise -【hololive English -Council- Original Song】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHibTDJlTJw
【Original Song MV】 Our Promise【hololive English -Promise- Original Song】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcVyYmVOi1U
Kronii's Latest Cover Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQbmiAo6_qU
Kronii's Zatsudan BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dP7cdf-EgI
Kronii's 2nd Zatsudan BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SC9Qzs7VVI
Kronii's Game BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE3yq2GQQmk
Kronii's Member BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QUt_6oM9jI&feature=youtu.be
Kronii's Birthday BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TXGPOaYp30&feature=youtu.be
Kronii's Anniversary BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2OoITXJfAI&feature=youtu.be

>Current Schedule:

>If you can't do timezones, consult the following:

>Previous Thread:

>Current Bond Level: 7.0

>Fanfic Listing:

>Kronii's Streams, Collabs, Music, and Merch List:

Remember to report and ignore schizos and Londoners. KRONII LOVE!
>Also report any Leaks or Defamation against Kronii to Cover using this link
Why does this thread exist?
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I adore Kronii
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>Get a load of this faggot Gura

Fuck off
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Kronii love
Opinions on the format?
Is it just for her longest streams?
No. Doing all her solo streams. In the process of doing her gaming streams, both short and long. Still thinking on how to do the non gaming streams and oneshots
I like it
Gym right
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Sooooo she's not streaming today?
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What makes you think she can't go to the gym then start stream right after getting back home
That there's like 1 and a half hours before her late stream start time
>She can't stream even later
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I guess kronies just hate getting streams
Why does Daaku get a cute reply?
Well, it is what is it
Letting kronies vote leads to the worst option literally every single time. Reminder we were going to be BIRDS until 1 fucking guy told her to do it again.
See every supa poll:
>Should I read the supas? I'm like not that tired. Y'know what I'll poll
>"Noooo don't read the supas even though there's only like 46 of them :("
>Okay kroyasumi!
The problem with that vote was lack of run offs because the clock vote was split allowing birds to win.
Miku boxing bros...
Which is doubly retarded that it got split, considering the original options were "humanoid clock" and "chibi clock" and "humanoid" won but in the end we just ended up using both anyways - the chibi one far far more in fact to the point that the humanoid version is just an occasional sighting in fanart
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At least post the sched...
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Excuse me, IRyStocrats by far are the best at voting for the worst fucking things, thank you very much.
Kronii lied again.
You still get good streams out of them though
What an unfortunate thumbnail
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Yoooo Daaku cameo! She really loves the guy
This shit ain't starting on time lol
>Uses a thumbnail that has Daaku's selfinsert
Kek. Fucking told you.
Told me what
I always vote no to supas, is it that bad?
His supa is going to be hilarious tho
I'm not sure what outcome is more pathetic, the fancord orbiters sucking up to an artist by resorting to this behavior, or the monkey artist whose supas are worth pennies on the dollar is actually doing this himself like he has any remote chance.
is not that deep, enjoy kronii ignore everything else
You seething about it actively making the thread worse for everyone else who already moved on
Kronii good
>Forgetting the 3rd and most obvious option: bored shitposters who want to make you seethe
Cringe npc
Gotta agree with this
Looking forward to all the Daaku namedrops and reference this stream
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so eepy
He's done a lot of official cover work lately so i guess he could be in deep dms with some of them at this point
doesn't matter tho he's just a artist publicly so
Good night weakronie
better ship than kromei.

https://files.catbox.moe/45uxox.png (kronii approved btw)
how close is she to finish this game?
Like the way she approves of idol culture?
Seeing how the stream is labeled as END, you can probably figure she's finishing it within a few hours tonight.
Hey guys, the gigantic lesbian is totally fucking a male artist on twitter.

I'm also a Kronie, trust me bros.
So one more stream after this
>attempts to make fun of falseflags
>ends up doing an even bigger falseflag
Let me guess you think she's a tranny too
And a third-world one at that.

Having actual moderators would be nice for dipshits like the stupid fucker posting on cooldown about it.
>Janny deleted a post earlier
Monkey paw curls
Dont worry, he will make a catalog thread soon. He won’t be able to resist
I'm sorry are you implying she isn't a lesbian?
Can't fucking stand Daaku. The way he acts towards Kronii makes me think he plans on raping her or murdering her so he can wear her skin.
you're too late he's already made contact
So another Rice, I guess she likes that type
Yeah, and I'm genuinely concerned for Kronii's safety.
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This is all a distraction from the resurrection of KroFauMei in two days
It's called SNOT retard
who would win in a fight Rice or Daaku, no prep, no weapons
>are my fans autistic?
>no prep
Rice is always prepared.
Late in 3 minutes.
Kronii will ignore them both in favor of someone else
Odds of double stream on Friday?
>Streaming twice in one day without being contractually bound to do so
It's time to imagine the post-gym smell
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oh no shes miserable
She did it once with the CtW/Spanish Duolingo far as I remember. Twice if you count the impromptu Mario cart collab with Ela and some other girls but honestly it’s seriously unlikely
TIME FAMILY HATE (except Time Dad, blessed be His name)
Her sanity is fraying…
I unironically hate Timemom. Hated her since she started the whole "Kronii's morbidly obese because she's not anorexic" shit; Now that I know she wanted to abort Kronii, I hope she fucking dies.
Karaoke maybe
What the actual fuck are you on about? Not wanting more kids is not the same as wanting an abortion, you twat.
>Kronies have to build their schedules around Kronii's schedule
>Kronii has to build her schedule around her family's schedules
She gained (1) pound
Kronii was pretty clearly phrasing it as her mom wanting to abort her.
Ringfit > Karaoke
Hard disagree
That wasn't what she was saying at all.
Either way, Kronii's mom is a total cunt.
Nah, I want to hear Kronii'a old style of singing with all the improvements she's made since then
Ok nails like that are hot as fuck
I want those nails
We get it Kronii, you have to fingerblast IRyS/Kroma/maybe Kaela on the trip
Go back to drawing fat fetish art Vapchan
>Wearing gloves
>Blue outfit
She's going to do an IRL stream in full Kronii cosplay in Japan mark my words
Please yes
Kronii is such a good driver
Stay afraid. They ARE out to get you
so how much longer till the end of this game?
2 more missions after this one is done
Aw that was cute
Maybe 1 hour
This will go down in history as one of her most forgettable series
the first ones were great
but this game is longer than it needs to be.
I asked
I'll remember this one for Hang behind me~ at least. I've been clearing some of my indie backlog recently and keep finding games I watched her play and completely forgot, like Opus Echo of Starsong.
I mean fuck imagine if she didn't do all her offstream grinding session
>>81438721 (me)
I even watched Ina play Opus too, it was just that forgettable
I would have loved to have watched her just grind
Some of us want decent streams
To each their own
>Kronii plays indie games
>do nothing but bitch about her game taste
She shoulda grinded on stream with us and made it a zatsu-like
Damn car flew kek
Lol her car went all Kerbal Space Program
When did I mention indie as an issue lol
Tell me someone will webm that.
>Suddenly Spanish
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>a little bit more glowie
Reading nothing but Nerrev
This stickman took a dip in a radioactive pool
What of it?
Did your mother keep her bedroom door open when she brought home a new john for you to grow up into such a fucking whiner like this
Give her something worth to read for once anon
Some good Kronii noises
She can see the appeal
Bruce Lee looking car
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>Dragon-lookin' car
She’s so proud of her car
Why does she treat Random Clipper so differently?
>Why is she being nice to a tertiary PR guy?
I wonder
She liked his letter a lot, when are you writing yours?
Why can't you just kill yourself already?
I'll kill myself when she starts appreciating all kronies equally like she claims she does
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Look at her go
>complain about Kronii not doing something
>actively refuses to bring it to her attention if he actually cared
Stupid malding fuckwit.
But enough about (You)
Bro only comes here to mald
>carry at least half of them yourself
sudden mpreg
Still looting lmao
Well that was very anticlimactic and unsatisfying
Another game done
This was just a worse Oxenfree
meh ending
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"Feed me a carrot, mongrel."
Lord Bunny Gilgamesh is hell of a name
Which failed third world shit hole communist state are you from
Kek she really wants to max the car out
Now she's only reading Black Knight
What a night for threadshitters
Who is her least favorite kronie and why is it (you)?
She's losing it...
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>a lot
Watch her be disappointed with the end result
It's all about the journey
Not bad actually
>Guy trauma dumping that his cat died
>Fucklong random hash tags
>Shilling other streams
A lot of fucking weird gray fags tonight
Glad I have chat closed then
30 more minutes for the perfect picture
women be like
Next stream she will be using "kino" unironically, and we WILL watch Citizen Kane
I wonder if she can share these in a community post or something
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Good evening Kronies.
Fuck off
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rape kronies
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Try it
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Sure you do, buddy
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What is character limit?
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Hello, Red Thing.
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the jps and daaku should leave forever
JPronies won.
If you still don't know any Japanese from being a weeb before Hololive, you should leave.
The new subway
>He enjoys the stream being derailed for minutes on end in a way that never happens with normal English-speaking kronies while she ignores everything else
The cuck chair is over there
Why can't you use a Kronii-related picture?
Mixed onsen with Kronii
>just know Japanese from subtitles
this is a meme
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Kronii is afraid of this
>fucking tattoos nigger
Sling bikinis count as one pieces right?
Bikinikeks BTFO
One piece bros thriving
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He's on the job
Haha she said PP!
Ringfit bros how do we cope for another year
At least one more solo stream this week, nice
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Do yourself a favor and run as fast as you can into oncoming traffic
To kill yourself, faggot, obviously.
We won...
I think you're just upset that you clicked on my spoiler and saw something you didn't like
he's from a shithole, the car would probably just explode before it actually hit him
glad it's over
this got way more fun to watch after playing the game myself/10
Tobias love/10
Kronii LOVE!/10
Liked the game but the ending was eh/10
Radio needs more music variety/10
Don't look in post chat
agreed, ending was a huge letdown
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kronies being obsessed with namefags make the thread a shithole :(
Who do you think she was responding to
She was responding to me obviously.
I just hide posts I don't care to see. Makes it a bit better
I don't care, sorry
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Ignored and blocked
Then don't ask, loser
You can unironically do this if you're Korean
Who was it? Nerrev?
You might have to hang behind/10
Hang behind me/10
The song was talking about the car all along/10

All in all is was kind of dull, but the bantz made it worth it.
your mom
Archive Anon here, just a few things
- Pacific Drive moved from the Short Series into the Long Series category. As such, I moved it to its proper place and created a playlist to go along with it. Label has been changed to complete.
- Total stream time is exactly 19:00:48
so she played offline for 12 hours, fun fact
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thanks archive anon, doin the lords work
I can empathize with Kronii as far as dealing with family who likes to make nebulous plans around the weekend time but doesn't commit to anything until the last minute which makes it hard for me to do the same as well.
Much more than 12, play time wouldn't include starting zatsus or supa reading
savefile play time also doesn't include any pause time
I can't math...
Yeah, I did briefly think about doing just the gameplay but simply doing vod length was more manageable for me and I didn’t want to hate what I was doing lol
Don't worry about it man.
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I miss Boros
Boros will always be in our heart
Almost over with July and still no sign of her orisong or even gura's for that matter
Fucks those retards doing
it's one faggot, he doesn't interact in chat and he also seethe in his shitcord
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TimeRyS love!
Kronies are dead
Rice isn't rapey like Daaku, just really, really awkward.
You were right.
We love the JPs.
Rise, bro 骨
Don't die...
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Rise bro
Looking at the thread, it looks like a forgottable stream. Well, to the weekend vod watching list it goes. Any news of next streams?
Stream was ok, but the ending of the game blows.

She talked about wanting to do a Karaoke but is worried about not knowing enough new songs and talked about maybe a workout stream.

She did mention wanting to do at least one more stream before traveling, but her family being around is preventing her from making concrete plans.
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Karaoke would be fun. Workout are generally meh, except the Miku one that allows for some zatsu
Is he? https://youtu.be/sRqlQgOnQaA
Box Miku could be fun
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I want the workout stream for the cute noises
>gets one of hours of death metal grunts and insults
You're not wrong, but that one bit where she was out of breath and saying "I hate you" was hot as hell, especially at the end of it when she starts whispering it
if I had a going into hololive machine I would fondle Kronii
Retarded clip name. Kronii merely did the "would you love me if I was a worm" common woman moment rebranded into Holo-friendly cat form, nothing "the worst" about it. The only outlier is that most women got it out of their systems months ago and switched to the "man vs bear" bullshit.
Hear me out, Kronii doing a Miku karaoke.
And EN has perms for Miku boxing too.
But currently only the SEA version has English, the American release is in September.
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>Miku karaoke
>Which is basically doing a jp karaoke
Good luck man, I've been asking for 2 years
There was the karaoke relay where she only sang JP songs and I got her to sing Cutie Honey, was short though
If you want to hear it, enjoy

Good for you!
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Clipbait shit.

>Actually clipped the part of Kronii saying not to draw her fucking animals
Only Kronii can now break this cycle by doing the simple act of 'nothing'.
why does the clipfag have a butt
because he's an ass
Why are you implying the worm version is somehow non-stream-friendly when she's done it plenty.
I get you hate Nerrev but there are more valid things to hate on him for.
I don't see what's wrong with clipping Kronii specifically telling people NOT to turn something into a bit. The actual shitty outcome would be if they DIDN'T include that part and then retard clipwatchers do exactly what she wanted to avoid and turn it into a bit.
This faggot draws futa snakecock krofaumeishit on his little secret account while ventposting /here/ lol, he has no high ground to stand on
>I don't know that people tend to do the opposite of what is requested of them.
>This faggot draws futa
It's retarded because a "clip" is usually considered to be something small and digestible in comparison to a stream and the twat ripped out almost 20 minutes for a "clip."
Very odd statement when all subway jokes and fanart virtually disappeared overnight after she finally did the simple act of telling them to stop it. The subway shit and the cat shit are not similar situations at all, in fact they are opposites.
With subway, Kronii let that shit stew for over a year unattended, and so when she finally said "hey fucking stop it" you had all the clipwatching retards built up from over the past year coming out of the woodwork going "WHATTTT?? BUT YOU LOVE SUBWAY!! :((("
This on the other hand is what she SHOULD have done in that exact situation to begin with, by being proactive and preventative and killing any potential bit in its cradle by just telling people "don't"
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I see jealous people
To be fair that is the condensed version when she was on that shit for like over an hour.
It was kind of annoying.
Well, she has JP nikkis regulars now, maybe it's the time
That tangents going places kinda justifies it. But I agree that clips should be bite size, not resume a stream.
She's always had a few here and there, it's just sad that almost every single time it comes up in a supa it's from an dumbass who ran their shit through GoogleTL like Rice or that dude from HK more recently.
>Forgetting the part where Kronii went full retard and started fighting clipwatchers bringing more attention to it.
She should have called it out years ago, but just let her statement stand instead of being a retard and fighting clip watchers like she did during the homo arc.
I hate to tell you this but that's a different artist
No, it is the very same.
Now that Pacific Drive is hanging behind us, Crazy Taxi when?
>Time limits
LOL, never
She has the same amount, she just has an increasingly obvious preference toward them over the past few months.
No it's not you braindead piss monley
Very much isn't
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>Minor spelling mistake
That's literally sleepinsheepin or whoever's art
Game is not really punishing
>Wants to eradicate SEA
>Extremely ESL post
SEAfag spotted
Why do I get the feeling your head would explode if you ever watched a Kiara or IRyS stream if Kronii responding to the occasional JP comment is enough to set you off like a whiney child
>It's Progressively Get Worse
I take it his shit mud hut wasn't hit by the flooding, a shame.
It's not you fucking retard. You could not begin to guess who made this.
Do you need to be racist every time? You can prove your points without being a retard.
>seafag crying le racism
They at least self translate everything to, you know, their main audience instead of isolating and ignoring them for minutes on end. Would probably be nice.
The fact that Kronii doesn't translate the massive JP supas is annoying as fuck.
Why do you retards entertain the JP schizo, faggot think 5 minutes out of a 6 hours stream is "preferential treatment" kek go back to shit up /baubau/ you schizo retard
She's probably just running them through Google Translate to get the general gist because she's not as fluent as those two, and >>81464182 doesn't watch Kiara and IRyS if they think they actually self-translate all the time, that's is just emphatically wrong.
I miss TimeCat...
We barely knew anything about TimeCat. You have AM and PM now.
She doesn't though, she reads them on the spot without delay.
>crying about her reading occasional JP SCs out of hours of streaming in English
what kind of mental retardation is this
What we had was little... yet so much...
Kronies are karens
cringe ass faggot retard
Please god send 3 more typhoons to the Philippines i beg. With a side of tsunami for good measure.
Even if she's google translating them then that's just an even greater reason. If the message is getting translated to English then just explain it to your English viewers.
She isn't google translating them though, but still if she is able to read and understand the meaning of the message then she is also able to relay that meaning to her chat and there's no reason why she shouldn't.
Why are kronies so mean...
>when you're so desperate to have stuff to complain about you grasp at fucking nothing
Aren't you tired of being a disgusting SEAretard?
>Missing the obvious wordplay potential of "SEAtard"
>anon starts shitting on a clipfag
>suddenly faggot having a melty over nothing
Damn almost like most of the world is ESL you retarded piss monkey, doesn't mean we all eat food made from street garbage.
Then ask her to do that going forward then if it bothers you so much then, I don't think it's that much of an unreasonable ask in that case.
Very unfortunate.
Maybe. I fully anticipate her going
>Nooooo I can't do that I'm not that good I can't translate teehee
Or maybe you could stop shitting yourself over 5 minutes of Japanese, just a thought.
But then you'd surely starve with nothing to eat
Go to bed RC
>present a solution to your issue
>"No she would totally say she's not going to do that, it's not worth the effort"
You're just looking for an excuse to have a perpetual tantrum then.
Right let me ask her for monthly karaoke too, I'll even do you a big solid and ask her to blow you
Asking her to give a rough TL of the JP supas she reads is nowhere equivalent to asking for monthly karaoke.
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Despite everything in the thread
Kronii good
Well, it's not Kronii's fault that the thread is shit, schizos are going to schizo
Is she streaming today

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