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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Phase does not deserve to be considered one of the big three. It is the corpo equivalent of a shitpost. The level of vtuber discourse on all platforms is brought down by them and their fans.
Good thread. How long until PJ deletes this?
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Would you look at that
Trash fighting other trash
Isn't your house flooded Ricardo?
she's fucking dead
People almost died thanks to Anycolor's actions. Did that happen with Phase?
not their fault some attention whore had a melty
People “almost died” because of their pathetic mental fortitude. Adults don’t try to kill themselves because coworkers a little mean to you
Aren't they literally not? Doesn't VShojo beat them in numbers?
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She will return and this pointless war between trash will end
I'll take a hundred annoying phasefags than genuinely malicious foids like >>81432967
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If Nijisanji didn't throw away their reputation then all the other corpos wouldn't have seen such a big increase
qrd on the flood thing?
Typhoon hit the Philippines
Sorry, I don't think you can be part of the big three, two, or just be considered at all if you have no hopes of ever growing your brand outside a tiny country off the coast of China.
>but China
Chinese fans don't count, bugmen have no souls.
Well, then we take vshojo as the third part? Think about that. I like Henya, but we don't want them being part of the trinity.
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Post tits
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nah niji even lost it's spot as the under-bridge troll
phase is great
These threads are always funny because everyone else is so many levels below hololive they're not worth discussing
Did you know that people who have attempted suicide have extremely high odds of going on to finish the job?
Just because people are realizing phasefags falseflag and shit up the board the most it doesn't mean you're suddenly going to be seen as good now, nijisis.
Phase, cover, and vshojo. Niji is no longer viable globally
>viable globally
>no longer viable globally
neither are phase and v"2guys"shojo though
Phase is literally just "/pol/ rabbit and her orbiters". They aren't even viable in EN.
Niji doesn't either.
Nice bait, though.
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There never was and never will be a "Big Three"
Only the Four Kings with one true Queen, everyone else is just a bunch of maggots butchering their legacy and destroying the vtubing scene. They can boast their bigger numbers, but they left no legacy, only destruction and trash. None respected history, disgusting.
>None respected history, disgusting.
should every popular vtuber be replaced with a chink VA to respect Ai's legacy?
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apples and oranges, it's viable in it's Cover-dependent niche, the one it took from niji
if we talk strictly about Japanese vtuber scene, there clearly is a "big three" and it's Holo, Niji and VSPO
hey boomer im sorry your whores are long dead but fuck off
Muh digital horse races
Hololive doesn't have any overlap with /pol/shit
vshojo isnt a corpo just a prominent group of vtubers
Fair point, but I'm more interested about potential growth.
>Phase number 3
>When VSPO and Vshojo exist
Even fucking ISEGYE and Neoporte get better numbers than Phase. PhaseJP doesn't even break 300 CCV on a regular day. The only member who does ran away to EN to leech the EN audience.
where did this meme about phase and vshojo having global presence come from
what the fuck is a vspo
for a while VShojo was employing two of the top ex-holoJP, including the (still) highest SC'd vtuber of all time
>vshojo isnt a corpo
Seek medicine.
not to defend anyone but ultimately the one who chooses to end (or attempt to) end their own lives is the person themselves.
how does that equate global presence when they were both neutered
Both phase and Niji are trash.
Mythic at this point is unironically bigger than Phase. Filian alone solos the entire corpo. Wasn't Phase's max viewership ever 7k?
Imagine committing suicide over a music video instead of waiting a day.
tryhard gamer fps shit "vtubers", they leech off tourneys
vspo is worse than phase since they push esport slops to the scene
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mythic isn't a vtuber corpo retard
think what you want to believe. all this mess started because one woman had a tantrum so there's no innocent sides.
neither is vshojo
wow your post is really mean, I'm gonna go kill myself. I guess that makes you responsible for my death
are you being stupid on purpose?
>VSPO is worse than Phase
lol, lmao
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Nijiniggers be like
i'm not taking any sides, genius.
both sides did wrong.
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>implying i'll shake hands with nijiniggers
Dont touch me.
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No one wants to shake hands with cocksuckers
Damn nijisanji is gonna kill themselves again
Womp womp
Leeching dramatubers and bloodsports faggots is the lowest you can possibly go
Correct. Now don't dilly dally
Nice brackets retard
I don't think OP should be considered heterosexual as he clearly sucks massive cocks.
i didn't mean any malice by it if that's what your brainworms are telling you, Einstein.
or did you want me to rephrase it to "to try to"?
What year are you living in, pippa disallows politics in her streams now and all those viewers fled to kirsche
lmao deflecting to the phase boogyeman once again
>She doesn't say Nazi shit in public anymore
Did you reply to the wrong person?
Kirsche literally gets more viewers than Pippa now because Pippa tripled down on no politics, she banned people in chat for posting about the assassination attempt, the only people watching Pippa now are all the regular vtuber fans
/pol/fags are not regular vtuber fans
yeah because she found out it has consequences
Pippa is on record praising BLM and other left leaning policies, she said she has been around too much extremism and wants to get away from that part of the internet

Do none of you watch streams?
She already showed who she is, trying to backpedal and put on a mask doesn't work when you start your career mask off.
They all literally went to kirsche, when they both stream at the same time pippa has less than 3k CCV and kirsche has more than 3k CCV when pippa used to average 5-6k CCV
The no politics shit actually worked, dramafags left
The whole camelot situation was retarded, im glad fishman stopped the rekieta stream from happening, all these political streamers are retards
This entire industry is fueled by dumb women doing dumb women things, are you retarded?
>They all literally went to kirsche
maybe if you say it more times it will become reality!
Oh you're so full of shit. Keep seething, sister.
So she's a grifter that just spouts whatever shit she thinks will get her the most money, got it
Pippa never had 5-6k you retard, stop lying
Anon that's every woman, literally every woman
The entire indie twitch vtuber scene is plagued with this shit, camila came out recently to do the same shit as pippa and denounce her past self as retarded

Single women + social media is a cancer, but every non-drama vtuber is being carefully managed by their BF, its a rough life
Anon, Nozomi Kasuga has moved on, even if Upd8 actually does bring back Kizuna Ai, it won't be the same.
Anon her peak was in the 7's?
Now i know you fags don't watch streams, im arguing with retards that dont watch streams and argue about strawmans they've concocted that aren't even relevant in this year
discussion of holo-niji becomes pol vs pol, thanks for this garbage thread op
it's inevitable, phasepagpags want a piece of that relevance but they can't deny their nature
There’s no argument, you’re just lying about her numbers
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Factually wrong
not a good look
One stream does mean average
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I happened to save these when it was rare for her to hit these viewership milestones, afterwards 5k was regular for her until she cut out drama faggotry
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She never left, only resigned from an advisory role in the company. She WILL return and shut up these Holo vs Niji garbage throwing contest.
Lying on the internet? Who would of thought
She'll never be free of sin after inviting the Kiwifags into her fanbase
okay grandpa keep inhaling copium, surely it will get you somewhere
ESLs pagpags on 4chan? Who would have thought
>Pippa never had 5-6k you retard, stop lying
>oh wait she DID have that, but she wasn't averaging it!
I stopped cataloging it because it was a regular thing, her police react streams almost always got 5k viewers, you're flat wrong

I get it, you don't like her, but making up things in your head when you admittedly don't watch her is silly, how would you know her average this past year
Why do you think Filian has been collabing with her so much? You really think Filian isn't chasing numbers?
look, anon, i've been きずなー since 2017. in no way is she in the same playing field or level as holoniji. the content she puts out just doesn't appeal to fans of the current zeitgeist.
>duh everyone I don’t like is esl
Nice overly used insult, how original
Phase is failing in JP and the only actual JP Vshoujo left. Where is globally?
Kirsche absorbed them all, it's why Pippa's CCV got cut in half these last few months and Kirsche's grew by that exact amount
Pippa is hardline banning it from her community and it was mandated by phase management as well after the camelot incident
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That's because the current vtubing meta is just flat out wrong and cancerous. Streaming for long hours was a mistake, Live2D was a mistake.
The only way to save vtubing is to reverse the course of history and make sure Nijisanji never existed. Or if we kill Nijisanji first, they take priority for destroying the old scene. Hololive can wait for its turn. Western "vtuber" corpos like Phase are ticking time bombs, they will explode on their own.
they don't have the numbers to be considered "big" in any way at all
cute larp anon
>regular thing
counterpoint: everyone /here/ has living oshi unlike (You)
Hololive is experiencing Nintendo's dominance in the 80s and early to mid 90s. They're the ones paving the path. Niji, Phase and Shojo are like Phillips, Sega, Hudson trying to get a slice. But only a major corporation like Sony or what not can compete with Hololive as a brand at this point.
There is not big three, there's big holo.
Niji is Sony - started out strong but losing relevance due to self sabotage.
kek true, I still don't understand how they squandered Salome so hard
Niji is Sega precisely for those reasons. Sony is a major corporation that was leading the electronics market and then decided to invest in gaming. There isn't something like that yet on vtubing. But it'll happen.
>Aifags memory holing the fact their downfall was self inflicted
You mean sega
I thought the comparison was regarding consoles only.
Serious question: why do you give a shit? Like, really. Why are you wasting so much of your limited time on this earth getting triggered by the sub counts of vtubers you don't even watch?
From what I heard, her explosive growth/success led to jealousy from the rabid fujo fans of the top boys, and worse yet, her coworkers themselves, one of which straight up told her to be mindful of her place. So she got sabotaged by everyone due to tall poppy syndrome.
kek typical of niji
kek I like that no ones even gonna pretend that Pippa isn't the only semi-relevant member of phase
VSPO beats both
then it's even more sega because sega's issue was to accelerate pumping out a new console with a 3 year average.
>"console" war thread turned into an actual console war
Never heard of them.
True. VSPO definitely buys more bots than Phase.
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The fight for second is now Phase vs Vshojo
Mouse does better numbers than any HoloEN
VSPO leech on ecelebs and esports scene
They are not vtubers at heart, just tryhard "gamers" pretending to be vtubers
anonchama everyone leeches off FPS tourneys and e-celebs
There is no I(ronmouse) in Team.

Nothing you say can revive NijiEN's prospects in the west. The war is over. Dokibird and the anti-NijiEN faction won.
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Only when her clique raids her with 5k+ a pop, which is every day. Let's look at the numbers pre-raid though...
Man, NijiEN isn't even in the top 4 EN vtuber corpos anymore.
I wanna know what kind of mind thinks "the big three" are Holo, Niji, and Phase and not Holo, VShojo, and Niji
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/#/ here. There is no battle. It is abundantly clear.
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Happy to see Mika doing well. She was always more Twitch coded.
do they do well or are they just there to be in the kill feed?
I don't watch fps slops, doesnt matter anyway
Everyone in esport is talentless retard
>Phase does not deserve to be considered one of the big three.
They literally aren't EN tard
Vspo cuties are still miles away those who
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They sure are.
Just look how fast those 6k real people are chatting
I see they finally got enough water out of their huts to start posting again
Nijisanji EN is losing to 3 view shitters
>but Kazuh-
Nobody cares about NijiJP talents outside of /jp/.
Nobody cares about Phase outside of /vt/
We're both right.

There is no big 3, it's just Hololive.
holos seething because tenma covered shanti better than suisei
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I wonder who made this thread
Based and maturepilled.
Posting about non-holos on /vt/ should be a bannable offense. It's basically shitposting
People who doesn't speak english and arent from /jp/
The top 3 in en are holo vshojo and phase.
In the en market Niji is nowhere near top 3 post-selen. They are 5th behind mythic/indie.
In the kaigai market as a whole they are like no.6, being outdone by aka virtual.
(Me) Oof i mean people who doesnt speak japanese.
If you just look at watch hours, ccv, money make probs some corpo in china makes more than vspo. But I don't care about china and I won't care about vspo in the same vein. I don't speak the fucking language.
kirsche our sin eater and everything else eater
Lol honestly sums us up.

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