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Demon Dumpy Edition

Live Concert:

Song Covers Playlist:


▼ Talents ==========================
>Generation EONIA
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Generation novamore
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Generation Hanamizuki
【Kaya Nishikino 錦野楓夜】

【Ran Tsukiha 月蝶蘭】

【Yuno Hanaki 華鬼結望】

>Generation Ephemira
【Hiyori Mokami 桃神日和】

【Kohaku Yumekui 夢喰己白】

【Lethe Bonapuchi レッテボナプチ】

【Meimi Majokko 魔女っ子めいみ】

【Navina Nova ナビナ・ノバ】

【Tomoe Carmine トモエ・カーマイン】
▼kawaii Friends
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
Pixelink >>>/vt//pxl/
Athy - https://twitter.com/owlthy
Reina's pet crustacean Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami

Previous Thread: >>81388907
Nano was a good hire
you're a good egg Nanoposter
what happened to the Meimi love poster and the Kohaku posters? The yippee poster?
Meimi CUTE
they all died and I consumed their souls
whoa this thread is worse than usual
Lethe minecraft
I am in love with Isla-sama
sisters don't like good girls.
Imagine how loud her braps must be
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I need to slap Shee's ass live on stream
Nano's has had ENOUGH
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Nene is a whore and caused the gen3 walkout
Playing and having fun with the girls who not only tanked kawaii's reputation and caused discord generation 4, but also legitimately betrayed our girls(especially reina) is in bad taste. Watching reina sob actually sad tears on screen because of those traitors was painful, fuck them and fuck the kawaii girls who agreed to this colab, should have never happened.
bad larp, we don't care about reina and love gen3
kawaii friend auwi is live btw
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Sentimentally, I agree. Realpolitik, kawaii can't be hermits forever because that only hurts us. It isn't Ephemira's feud to fight.
bad larp, we don’t care about gen3 and love reina
Reina is gonna claim vdere gen 2 as her wives
I am going blue this year, which girl will now be my girlfriend if I troon it up on stream?
uh oh it’s the asian vdere fag who showed up in Nene’s animenyc stream.
no one is making you watch the stream. just ignore it and tomorrow it will be forgotten
What do we expect from Sora (Kingdom Heart)??
She (he??) sounds like a menehra manager of kawaii
Lethe is live.
my ESL queen
Better Lethe link
Nene is a good girl
>>Hiyori Mokami befriends Twisty Amanozako
>>They bond over league of legends
>>plays LOL together
>>Hiyori invites Kohaku to play with them
>>plays LOL behind the scenes with Twisty and femboy fag
>>Kohaku creams playing with femboy
twisty is the way to aster hopcons
Thirsty for Charzu
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Guys? Shee is live
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the real secret, anon, is that 90% of ritualposts are done by 2 people, and if one of them disappears so do most ritualposts
I love Isla-sama I really do
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>July 27 - August 24
Production Kawaii Meet and Greets
[Zoom] https://kawaiisummermgz2024.peatix.com/
[VRChat] https://kawaiisummermgv2024.peatix.com/
>July 28
Reina Sun 3D Solo Live Concert
>July 30
Reina Sun Birthday
>August 9
Kohaku Yumekui Birthday

Production kawaii recruiting clippers
Nene Amano Extra Merch
Fan Submissions requested for music video (Due by Aug 15)
>No one linked Shee
Genuinely shameful
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I wrote this big spiel about confusing dates with JST vs NA timezones to your post, thinking about Nene setting her 12 hour stream early to be able to raid into Reina's concert but it seems Nene was the one who go mixed up.
9amEST - 9PM EST 7/27

9pm EST 7/28

which means Nene may have to move the time on her ASMR stream on the 28th
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this art is even lewder than what Nene usually commissions
Does she still update her members drive? The full res has to be shared somewhere
Very, very behind on it and she knows. Talked about it recently. She will, eventually but it is not a priority.
This looks interesting
has Lua done something like this before?
I wonder if it will be like the stream Nene did
which was a comfy time but I thought hampered slightly by ultimately being a fundraiser stream.
Adding png to a folder is A LOT of work. Been talking and being behind for months.
Adding hundreds of PNGs is tedious work and I would rather it be spent on things like new songs
It would take 1 hour. And most of that time would be waiting for the files to upload which she could be doing anything else.
>She will, eventually but it is not a priority.
She said to give up on it. I don’t believe she plans on updating it, ever.
Literally zero reason to update it. No one is going to unmember so there is no point.
por qué?
damn thats a phat ass. does it have a name?
Reina Sun. She has a 3D solo live in a few days and has consistently been praised for the best ass in kawaii, which is a competitive field.
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Favorite Nano songs?
i see. thank you. ima check her out later.
it is the biggest latina dumpy in vtubing
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why can't Shee into killing Metroids?
why cant metroid crawl
kawaii art archive MEGA
you don't have these for NSFW
Anon, your eyes...
Paw Patrol
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Meanwhile, in an alternate timeline...
>but also legitimately betrayed our girls(especially reina) is in bad taste. Watching reina sob actually sad tears on screen because of those traitors was painful
Yeah I felt so bad for Reina, the heart and soul of kawaii that is also a male collaber and embarrassed herself for reaching out to Ren Zotto for a collab (a niji EN male on top of everything that is wrong with that).
Talentless hack that needed 3 years to come off even remotely competent as a streamer and not always had tech issues or having to get up from the stream and be gone for like 20 minutes (she still does this btw).
I couldn't give, LESS than zero shits about Reina to be honest.
Miryu has been out of the company for about a year? And she promoted the shit out of herself. I literally see her everywhere. If she stayed in kawaii she would be still sitting on 80 average ccv and her chat would be the same 5 mexican fags from kawaiis fagcord.
I'd leave too. KAwaii management doesnt do shit. They just throw girls behind an avatar and go "figure it out!", like most small corpos do to be fair. They want short term profit and not to invest into someone that might or might not blow up in the next 2-3 years.
Goose just looks like a 2.0 of the whorse. They are too similar. Same with Sava.
I unmembered her over her art folder not being updated.
Honest question. Who did more reputation damage to kawaii, gen 3 for walking out, or Nami openly associating herself with Elira at the peak of Doki situation?
Peony’s model also resembles her old one
These girls are turbo grifters. Nene has been mailing it in with her content for like a year now and has been lagging with a lot of her stuff. This is someone that totally doesn't have anything going on on the side, but dedicated 90% of her time to vtubing.
Yeah it takes so much preparetion to do yet another ER butt run. She literally needs to plan MONTHS in advance for that and do intense physical and mental training.
No one even remembers Nami and Elira are friends
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Floodwaters must have receded. Good to know you're alright buddy. I'm going to sleep. Hold down the fort.
This island picture was pretty.
Brainless simps inflated these girls sense of value and importance. I bet she gauges on what to do and how to do it based on how much money she gets.
So even though she still has a lot of members and patreon brainlets, the money slowed down in general so she thinks like "yeah, I'm not doing X anymore" even though it was initially promised.
I hope Nene ends up having to work a real job some day because most of her life was just living on easy mode and grifting like a whore that she is.
>Has nothing to offer
>"LOL guys, look at my ass!"
Literal human trash.
i wonder what mental illness causes someone to hang around a community based on something they don't like, for months
hahaha lol lmao
years, actually
I like Isla, Charzu, Koha and Tomoe. Charzu especially always tries to keep her word and give people value for money. Isla is also a very good girl and not a scummy scammer.
You can try to pass this off as "he is probably the threadshitter" but not only one person has issues with something in kawaii.
it has to be some kind of autism of borderline personality disorder
One more seiso thing Nene could do for ASMR that she doesn't: ear cupping. Either a deep pressure onto the ear or an actual cup over the mic's equivalent of the earhole or a mix of both to give that feeling of closing the ears and the interesting isolated sound a cup around your ears makes.
She should hit all the branches of old school ASMR triggers.
Shee you take in more damage trying to dodge everything than killing everything in that room lol
Fucking newfag
Nene worked more real jobs than the whole Vdere combined lmao
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Still no explanation for minecraft vod going poof but Lethe is seemingly okay and has a new addiction
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Well I think she is swell
>newfag out of nowhere
>mentions vdere out of nowhere when im talking about nene
I heard her talking about her "real" jobs and it was mostly being an office worker while looking for side gigs like shooting commercials, doing photo shoots, etc.
Lethe should play Anomaly Collapse if she likes roguelikes.
For some reason, whenever I see an icon of that game on my desktop, I think its Kohaku. (my icons are very small).
>Being an office worker isn't a real job
Charzu where's my burger...
Physically? No. Mentally and spiritually surviving through the miasma of all those people's dull eyes that you work with? Yeah, maybe.
>another cloudtomo has gone rogue
too tired to shoop a "second plane has hit the tower" pic right now. I humbly request some sloppa with that vibe.
Whoever does, make sure to add Nene's big ass grin smile looking down from the clouds like the spirit in the sky.
Nene bragging about living life on easy mode actually made me hate her. Her crying during the donothon about how this "job" is perfect for her made me roll my eyes so fucking hard while I was at my electrician job listening on audio only.
I worked an office job and the only bad thing I can say about it is that my head used to hurt a lot from staring at a fucking monitor all day. I'll take a physical job over that shit any day.
Pictured here: I'm having sex with my oshi and wife, Nene Amano. My cloud sperm will make it to her angel egg
ok Pawtners which Metroid Prime is your favorite?
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Built for
Ok which Metroid Prime's discord PL friend is this?
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You got baby making money my guy?
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Yeah bro I know what you mean. All she's doing is Elden Ring its not like she just organized a sponsorship deal with SakuraCo and she's going to do a handcam and just got back from Japan and just has convention appearances and is working on her next outfit and is recording hours upon hours of ASMR and learning new songs and dealing with spoiled cloudtomos and sexpests and getting new art every other week and going to management meetings and preparing the upcoming concerts.
All she's doing is another ER buttrun there's no excuse for her to not add images to a file that most members aren't even checking.
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She isn't even doing the butt run. That's how up to date on watching streams he is.
She talks about all her old jobs all the time. She literally told us stories from one of them earlier today in the last stream
The first one. I've played it probably played it 30 times. Only played the other 2 once I like them but i just have the 'tism for that 1st game.
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I love agency vtuber (virtual YouTuber) Ms. Lua Asuka of Production kawaii Generation 2 (novamore)


Latest covers:


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With Shee's general metroid skills I do not think she will be able to defeat Metroid prime with her current health and missiles.
Shee finds a way
Shee isn't too bad. She may not get it first try, but she's smart enough to eventually do it.
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If you're some phase/idol fag who wants to watch your oshi's chat fly by and never get read, then fuck off. NotMiryu still doesn't have that anyway. Leeching doesn't equal talent.
That's funny, she did all that herself? Yet somehow if she was still in the company, she couldn't have done all that herself? It's also a pretty bold thing to assume considering she was with them for like, what, 2 months? 3? And it has been like a year and a half since then, so obviously she hasn't grown and learned over that much longer period of time, oh heavens no, it was Kawaii holding her back.
But you are right about IdolEN, they just want short term profit.
>who wants to watch your oshi's chat fly by and never get read
So kawaii fans really DO NOT want their girls to grow just because of 10-ish chat attention whores that want to get read? That is really sad.
Btw I'm not an idol or a phase fag but I chatted in streams with their numbers and even more (2-3k ccv) and got my messages read without even having the intention to attention whore for it. I just kinda post whatever comes to mind and sometimes chuubas catch my comment and find it amusing or whatever.
They rely on these girls to prop up their mental stability and don't give a shit if they succeed or not, please understand.
>it was Kawaii holding her back
According to v-dere fags and Sava herself, she is constantly running around, networking and looking for ways to promote their group. Hence many con appearances vs kawaii's one per year, and hence their gen 2 will have several already known vtubers, while we got a discord nepo hire gen, and then ephemira on top of it, that already fell to a low 2view status.
>According to v-dere fags and Sava herself
You got any real news?
I dont think they can grow big anyways. The quality of kawaiis talent is just abysmal. I can see people like Nene, Hiyori, Shee and arguably Nami and Meimi improving and being able to hold onto a larger audience (yeah I know that people meme on Meimi a lot but she is a good yapper and can be very entertaining), but the rest comes off like they just started vtubing yesterday. I will never understand people hyping up Isla and Charzu as one of the "go-to" girls in kawaii when their streams are MISERABLY boring 90% of the time.
Well I mean, they really did go to several cons individually and had various notable collabs, and Miryu was featured on twitchs front page. What did kawaii do except go to yet another con that did absolutely nothing for them?
Where is the metric showing that you gained something from it? Vdere girls gained numbers over time. Where are kawaii's numbers? Oh, thats right, the most important thing to you is just jacking up those patreon prices.
It's almost like a giant meteor hit right in the middle of something.....
the problem with kawaii and vtubing in general is that this gig is not sustainable unless you are a huge streamer. so girls dont give a shit and put in next to no effort and dont care if they will grow or not.
>hence their gen 2 will have several already known vtubers, while we got a discord nepo hire gen
You say this like vdere gen 2 isn't just gonna be la traidora anaranjada's friends that she got to pull a vdere so she can nepo hire them.
She is busy going to parties and enjoying random black dudes in the great state of New York
>except go to yet another con that did absolutely nothing for them
Koha has 4-5 new names in chat that discovered her from hyper japan, and I've seen them for multiple streams now. That's a crazy conversion rate considering the 1 hour exposure time.
I'm sure it's similar for other girls too but I've been watching less kawaii recently
vdere still doesn't have a thread btw.
Charzu puts in a good bit of effort until her anxiety and low self esteem hit. Or her day job
The guy who was in the booth across from them has been in several of their streams now too. There are a lot of new faces.
i only watch my oshi in kawaii
did i miss something recently? what is up with the nigga butt hurt over kawaii?
They can't channel their rage inward, take it out on themself, and grow into a stronger person. So they hoop post.
V-dere fags hate us cuz they ain't us. They're watching Elia, her friends, and Nijimales from the chair in the corner, while our girls will never let us down.
I am mad at this thumbnail. The cards are completely unplayable.
>Names are just their names when 99% legendary creatures are formatted Name, title.
>No mana cost or color indicator
>No supertypes when they should both be Legendary creatures or planeswalkers
> Creature types do not use the race and class formatting that most humanoid creatures use.
>Witch is a retired creature type but wizards of the coast was gay for doing this so that mistake is good
>How it is written Shee is a dog for her creature type when she should be a human.
>Flavor text is not centered and italics weren't used
>power and toughness are not in frame so I can't judge that.
Overall 1/10 custom mtg cards.
Which one? There's the mindbroken cuckposter and the verbose bitch.
Thumbnail im mad at.
I'm back and now Shee can't beat THE Metroid Prime
Vdere won
The audacity of Nene thinking she can be a VA is shocking. Yet another subpar sounding whore that makes great anime or VN sound like a nickelodeons kid show.
mindbroken heh
>Yet another subpar sounding whore that makes great anime or VN sound like a nickelodeons kid show.
So just like every other VA then?
Darn if I was able to watch this stream I would have liked to
I don't think Shee is beating Metroid Prime
We literally have one that is amazing and I bought a dubbed version of her anime just because of her. And I almost never watched EN dubbed garbage.
I don't think you are an electrician, you sound like a bitch. Why even watch Nene if you're like this
Metroid Prime is going to make Shee curse
Remember when Meimi said at the start that she is always looking into things behind the scenes on how to get our girls to incline (or at least ephemira girls). Little algo tricks and whatnot? Yeah, for someone starting off with tarot readings and struggling to incline to even 100 ccv without raids no matter what she throws at the audience...is pretty hilarious.
Meimi, whatever you do, do not give advice to other talents on what to do.
shouldn't you be watching Elia, anti-kun?
NotMiryu is cancer, I'm sick of seeing her in every bloody /corpo/ collab
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ms. asuka :DDD
Shee did it no one tell her that MP2 is harder
I know you niggers cant even keep your general alive, but can you get the vdere shit in corpo or something
letti is getting showered in pity donos again right now, kawaiifags can't handle the mogging
Meimi owes me a hatjob
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Zoo. Soon.
I love Nami's laugh
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MY wife
I can help you with that sun screen Lua
hoop kongs
pitybaiting won
lua old lol
Now I wanna see the full quote. The sexxest what?
male anituber
If yuno yuno...
One of the new bongs in chat from Hyper Japan, the one that was working at the booth across from the kawaii one, is a future homo sex pest btw. He's in Lua's chat asking how much she's drinking, if she's getting tipsy after 1 glass, etc and earlier in the stream he said he's commissioning a vtuber model of his own next year.
Lua is gfe
he will join Akane and the Cuckdom as a streamer
something something something hoop kings
lua doomscrolls she's just like me fr
lua is for bbc units not hoop kangs
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>keeps your oshi up all night
nothing parsonell kid
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Yeah, my Baby Boy Chinchin
why they alaways try for one with boyfriends?
Nice, no competition for me then.
the legendary ran-through of hyperjapan was a good egg
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Real porn does nothing for me anymore. Even my favorite porn star Vina Sky does next to nothing for my bonerino.
send another cuck maro heh
Oh look, thread retard thinks he is talking to another one of his discord arch enemies heh.
I dont think I sent a maro to anyone but Charzu and they were both nice.
Keep being mindbroken you subhuman heh.
Lua is going to helicopter food in my mouth see you later virgins
cuck melty heh
Im going to send a maro to charzu detailing everything I want to do to her
her japanese is pretty shit huh
charzu likes to hear her neighbors fucking
>lua posts
>cuckling posts
we are so back
cucklings enjoy bbc units
I don't feel like watching charzu anymore, is it me or is it her?
luv me druktuber Lua Asuka
I like her better when she poorshames or is racist towards others
yeah big bird cocks
charzu fell off and became a boring whore
one thing that comes to mind, i like her better when she makes a fool of herself or makes shit up on the spot, it seems like she's going for that cute deredere angle more these days, I already have a little sister for that, I don't need her to fill that void.
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I'm very interested in watching Charzu since the outfit because her game picks are more to my taste and her energy levels have been higher.
She's said it herself that even for your oshi there's no obligation in her opinion to watch if you aren't feeling it. Take a break my guy if your heart says so. Perhaps send a respectful marrow.
I can't catch charzu live anymore cuz of time, watch her for me bro.
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ben... you finally improved yourself...
I still like watching Charzu.
you're not ben
I am.
yeah right, Ben should be working at a construction site right now, can't fool me nigga.
Charzu is better than ever now, but you wouldnt know that because that is the time when you pass out and have your 2-3 hours of sleep per day, and then come back to shitposting.
I am waiting until the YMCA opens so I can take a shower and then I am heading to my grueling 14 hour work day at the construction site.
You live in this board all day heh. Rope is always an option. Your life is not worth living heh.
Remember, your life is garbage and it will NEVER get better. This is it for you.
based ben found a real job after months of being a homeless loser picking up cans and returning shopping carts
Yeah but that stuff is true for pretty much everyone. Doesn't mean you can't have a little beauty in it.
uh oh meimi melty
It's backbreaking work but it's honest work
Nah I think whoever lives a fairly normal life has it way better than this idiot. He is quite literally on the board 24/7 with small breaks. Dogshit life not worth living. He should rope and livestream it. I just wanna see his fat body swing from side to side and giggle.
meimi focus on saving your failing channel and close the tab
Yuno has the best wiggles and giggles combo and it's not even close
shut the fuck up megiddo we are liveposting ben
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I find it bad manners to have someone else's PFP (Minto) and mention Hiyo in your name all while watching Rua a different channel, like just make an alt account bro
I know, I wasn't talking to you :)
shut the fuck up zipzap
we are entering dead hours once again
shill your kawaii friend (verification not required) so i can slay these dead hours
Same. I joined kawaii 2 years ago and after a while changed my name and my pfp because it had Botan and SSRB in it. It is literally like advertising another girl in other chats.
I concur. I think he may have dropped the church of yapping thing because I saw a comment on some kawaii that just read ghost of mint but youtube is slow to roll out name changes.
>is literally like advertising another girl in other chats.
Thoughts on oshi marks?
Most people have no idea who's oshi mark your default icon is, unless your oshi is turbo popular.
nta but oshi marks aren't blatant advertising so they're fine, won't catch me with any though cause i think they're cringe as hell
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minto is kawaii friend, bucko
uh oh melty and reina hate blogging like a tumblrina
Watch EYEs of Mars. It's a so-bad-it's-good anime movie.
One of the cringiest trends ever were those "Sora's apostle, first of the twelve" names, including talents PFP + oshi marks. I am not a violent person but those people deserve to be beaten with shovels.
>Inb4 "its probably some kid
They need to learn too!
Kawaii management doesn’t do shit? Nigga they just went to hyperjapan london and look how many people flocked in their booths and performed on the main stage.
Meimi had 18 ccv after 20 minutes
Gen3 walkout obviously
>Furi hooked Nene up with Wotaku for her orisong
>they got her the premium and expensive vocal coach you can hear her gushing about in a recent vod
They have faults but management is doing things
Yeah well Meimi.
Hiyo, nano and tomoe were popular as fuck.
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meimi is the kaya of ephemira
not to be anti or whatever but it's all with nenes money from freshly squeezed free range organic cloudtomos, without nenes income there is no project kawaii. Thats why I bend the knee for queen nene, she's not my oshi but my lazy ass oshi would not exist without her.
meimi is the hmz of ephemira
I will shit on management whenever I can (gen 3 wasnt on management outside of screening, you cant screen women 100% anyways) but I will also defend them when they do good.
They've been doing alright besides fucking up charzus ads that they should foot the bill for, other than that it seems like big things are in the works and they have pushed a bunch of free concerts down the pipeline
She's the whole package. Never change, Lua
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I will make a twitch account and follow Nano's FAT TITS
Bro she spent $700 billion dollars on audio equipment, she isn't funding kawaii.
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oy vey
did she lose weight?
yes she did, Kaolin is a snack
>big things are in the works
This is a hook to keep you around. Literally one of the oldest tricks in the entertainment business. Just keep telling to mindless drones that something big soon and how excited they should be for it. And then that "big" thing can be something like "Yuno is announcing her patreon". Its like woooooooooow, how amazing. This changes everything!
>project kawaii
average cloudtomo kawaii "fan"
happy merchant kaolin shapiro, she wants my shekels
God damnit she is so cute. I want to eat her pussy FURIOUSLY!!!
yeah I'm just ego searching kawaii girls so what
found a rabid hiyo in the wild
vdere will win at VEXPO
>ego searching kawaii girls
You might wanna look up the meaning of "ego"
are you gaslighting me?
he is meimi the flop of ephemira
This was my favorite 589 moment at the con
>ego searching kawaii girls
you don’t know what this means, do you?
In loving memory of Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez (1950 - 1962)
Can you learn how to timestamp videos without us having to copy the link you fucking pickle kisser?

cute aster hopcon
sounds like a personal problem. works on my machine.
Derenged Belgian cloudtomo heh.
Her work became extremely busy last year and she's only just now starting to get slow days again. She also had solo live prep for most of that time so I think after being in the grinder for that long, a good work life balance became very important to her. So even though she isn't as busy as before (at least for now), she no longer seems willing to stream longer (which for her is over 3 hours - most of her streams are under that and of those many are closer to 90 min) at the expense of something she has to do irl, even if that thing is just watching anime or scrolling down Instagram (she often talks about shows she's been watching so it's definitely something she's making time for here and there).
She recently moved her streams a couple hours earlier but still streams for the same amount of time as when she went live at 10 pm JST (she often had to get up early so it was reasonable for her to want to end at midnight). In fact almost half of her streams since she moved them earlier didn't even make it to the 2 hour mark. To be fair she has been getting sick a lot, but not all of the sub 2 hour streams were cut short due to her feeling unwell, some of them she just ended because she was done and wanted to go do something else.
It would be difficult to classify her as a particularly strong streamer (the Masheene has arguably warped our definition of that anyway), but I wouldn't call her a weak one either. She's very reliable, mostly on time - she no longer starts every single stream on the dot like she used to but if she's late it's usually only by a few minutes. Delays of an hour or 2 do happen but are infrequent. Actual cancellations are very rare. The streams themselves range from fine to good. Some of them are "other monitor" material but those are nice in their own way if you got stuff to do.
She does have a vacation coming up so time will tell if that helps, but ironically she'll be busy in the days leading up to it because she has a lot of recording and other stuff to finish before she goes on that break.
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wyd when isla gives you this look
dox her
I become shirgler
Timezones keep me from regularly watching Lua but I have never come away dissatisfied. Her concert had a shorter runtime than I expected but it was great and Endless Summer has been an ear worm.
Lua good.
Give her a tiny individual wrapped twix bar because she's only 1 ft tall.
Am Reina *snort*
Nene RPlay.Live streams when
Isla's homemade bentos.....
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She'll do dedicated kiss streams on twitch and upload the videos. Nene's kisses aren't going anywhere. Our angel will give us our kisses no matter what.
>Tokyo Treat stream
People love 'em and pay for them and they are helping keep Nene solvent but I hope they become more of a rarity for variety's sake. Kisses mixed with other triggers is my preference. More RP and different techniques would be my ASMR requests of Nene.
I got into Nene because of kisses
someone on /vt/ made a thread about that 10 thousand kisses stream
That's great but there is a broad tapestry of things to enjoy about Nene anon
Like her left boob and her right boob
Don't forget her perfect ass and feet
sex btw
With braces drool dripping into the rice while shes making it.
nene is a whore and will graduate after a tokyo treat induced meltdown like orangecat
Good point but consider this. My tongue up Lua's asshole up until it hits those bitter receptors.
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Forgot image
gonna steal meimi's hat
You guys can fight over Lua, Nene, Isla, and Meimi all you want. I'm going to have an endurance fuckathon with Charzu. catch you losers later!
I'm going to have a hate deep-throat-a-ton with Kaya. And I WILL use barsoap in front of her!
Nami starts in 25 minerinos.

you will flop
charzu doesn't fuck hoop kangs
I'm the one not hoop kang in the thread though
Thanks for the update Lua. Very detailed.
hoop KONG?
whitebois lost
White men watch daughterwife Peony.
Or or hear me out, I have a better idea. Stick your tongue out and I’ll cut it then shove it deep in your ass
surely you ment to say whore shit right lol
Nami is so autistic
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>i just kidnapped a man
Ah, nami and sim autism
kekedrojis lmoa
Shut the fuck up Nami
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cuddly baby tapirs!
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we love hoop kongs here, bucko
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Based tunnel city enjoyer Nami
is it true that autists love tunnels
show me a good tunnel and i will be very curious were it leads and want to explore its mysteries
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it's unreal how cute she is today. 11/10 cuteness.
kekedroji lamo
kaya is the reina of hmz
Purple (formerly blue) whore, Yura, will be in Japan for a whole month. I hope she will find time to get an off collab with Lua when she is there. I kinda miss her collab with Nene and Lua.
Kaya's doctor is an anti
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she will be too busy with kekson fuckboys

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